Council Please Contact: Emma Denny Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516010 16 June 2014 A meeting of the North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Tuesday 24 June 2014 at 6.00 p.m. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: All Members of the Council Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Corporate Directors: Nick Baker and Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. PRAYER Led by Reverend Anthony Long, Vicar for Scottow and Sloley 2. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS To receive the Chairman’s communications, if any. 3. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 4. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence, if any. 5. MINUTES (attached – page 1) (Minutes Appendix A – p.10) To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21 May 2014. 7. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 8. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To consider any questions received from members of the public. 9. APPOINTMENTS To consider any appointments. 10. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LICENSING AND APPEALS COMMITTEE 7 May 2014 a) AGENDA ITEM 6: LICENSING FEES AND CHARGES POLICY (Licensing and Appeals Committee Agenda 07 May 2014 – p. 26) (Fees & Charges Policy attached p.13) To agree and recommend to Council the proposed fees and charges for the licensing function b) AGENDA ITEM 7: CARAVAN SITE LICENSING FEES (Licensing and Appeals Committee Agenda 07 May 2014 – p. 32) (attached – p.18) That Council adopts the proposed fees for mobile homes licensing c) AGENDA ITEM 8: LICENSING POLICY FOR SEX ESTABLISHMENTS (Licensing and Appeals Committee Agenda 07 May 2014 p. 34) (Policy document - Licensing and Appeals Committee Agenda 07 May 2014 p.37) That Council adopts the Licensing policy for sex establishments 11. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 12 MAY 2014 (Cabinet Agenda 12 May 2014 – p.35) AGENDA ITEM 9: NORTH NORFOLK ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. That the Asset Management Plan be approved as the basis for the strategic framework for asset management at North Norfolk District Council, including implementation of the Action Plan. 2. That a capital budget of £110,000 is approved to continue the improvement works to the Council’s car parks. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 20 MAY 2014 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee endorsed the Cabinet recommendations at their meeting on 20th May 2014. 12. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 09 JUNE 2014 a) AGENDA ITEM 10: 2013/14 OUTTURN REPORT (Cabinet Agenda – 09 June 2014 Page 6) (Appendix A – p. 22) (Appendix B – p.23) (Appendix C – p.50) (Appendix D – p.53) (Appendix E – p.59) That Council approves the following: a) The final accounts position for the general fund revenue account for 2013/14; b) The transfers to and from reserves as detailed within the report (and appendix C) along with the corresponding updates to the 2014/15 budget; c) Transfer the surplus of £119,011 to the general reserve; d) The financing of the 2013/14 capital programme as detailed within the report and at Appendix D; e) The balance on the general reserve of £1,745,452 at 31 March 2014 and forecast balance of £1,496,220 at 31 March 2015; f) The updated capital programme for 2014/15 to 2015/16 and the associated financing of the schemes as outlined within the report and detailed at Appendix E; g) A capital budget of £30,000 for replacement hardware storage as detailed within 7.2 of the report. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 18 JUNE 2014 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will consider the recommendations at their meeting on 18 June 2014 and the Chairman will provide an oral update at the Council meeting. b) AGENDA ITEM 12: DEBT RECOVERY ANNUAL REPORT (Cabinet Agenda – 09 June 2014 Page 68) (Appendix F –p.74) (Appendix G – p.79) (Appendix H – p.81) To approve the annual report giving details of the Council’s write-offs in accordance with the Council’s Debt Write-Off Policy and performance in relation to revenues collection. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 18 JUNE 2014 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will consider the recommendations at their meeting on 18 June 2014 and the Chairman will provide an oral update at the Council meeting. c) AGENDA ITEM 13: TREASURY MANAGEMENT ANNUAL REPORT (Cabinet Agenda – 09 June 2014 Page 84) (Appendix J – p.89) (Appendix K – p.90) (Appendix L – p.91) To approve the Treasury Management Annual Report and Prudential Indicators for 2013/14. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 18 JUNE 2014 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will consider the recommendations at their meeting on 18 June 2014 and the Chairman will provide an oral update at the Council meeting. d) AGENDA ITEM 15: CAR PARKING MANAGEMENT AND PRICING (Cabinet Agenda – 09 June 2014 Page 99) That Council approves the budget implications detailed within Section 6 of the report (attached – p.20) RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 18 JUNE 2014 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will consider the recommendations at their meeting on 18 June 2014 and the Chairman will provide an oral update at the Council meeting. 13. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 18 JUNE 2014 To consider any further recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting of 18 June 2014. (Please note this meeting was held after the Council agenda was published and a hard copy of any recommendations will be provided prior to the meeting) 14. TO RECEIVE THE APPROVED MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES Members are requested to note that the minutes of the undermentioned committees have been approved. Copies of all the minutes are available on the Council’s website or from Democratic Services. a) b) c) d) e) 15. Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 12 February 2014 Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 12 March 2014 Cabinet – 14 April 2014 Development Committee – 17 April 2014 Cabinet – 12 May 2014 REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET To receive reports from the Cabinet or Members of the Cabinet. 16. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS The following question has been submitted by Councillor G Jones: In a recent press release from the North Norfolk Conservative Association, Councillor Rhodri Oliver is quoted as saying that “they” are able to give savings to the hard pressed motorists because “they” got a better settlement for storm relief and “they” wanted to relieve the pressures on the community and visitors. The truth is rather less imaginative and less fanciful. In the February cabinet papers it was reported that the cost of the storm damage would require that £1.5 million to be earmarked from reserves. Subsequently relief was received from two sources of £765,000 and £143,000, with a further potential claim in the pipeline. This will require a further £500,000 of residual cost to be found from reserves in 2014 -2015. So, it is abundantly clear that the Conservatives’, under Councillor Rhodri Oliver’s chairmanship, were clueless about the District Council’s finances or they set out to mislead the public because of the realisation that the next district council election is drawing near. What is the full year cost of the proposed changes to car parking charges and given that for the next two financial years there are massive shortfalls in the revenue budget, how will these changes be funded? 17. OPPOSITION BUSINESS To receive any opposition business. 18. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None received 19. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution – if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) _ of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 20. PRIVATE BUSINESS Circulation: All Members of the Council. Members of the Management Team and other appropriate Officers. Press and Public COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of North Norfolk District Council held on 21 May 2014 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 6.00 pm. Members Present: Mr M Baker Mrs L Brettle Mr B Cabbell Manners Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr N D Dixon Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Ms V Gay Mrs A Green Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr B Hannah Mr P High Mr T Ivory Mr J H A Lee Mr N Lloyd Mrs A Moore Mr P W Moore Mr J H Perry-Warnes Mr R Price Mr J Punchard Mr R Reynolds Mr E Seward Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mr N Smith Mr R Smith Mr R Stevens Mrs A Sweeney Mr P Terrington Mrs V Uprichard Mr S Ward Mr G Williams Mr P Williams Mr J A Wyatt Officers in Attendance: The Chief Executive, The Corporate Director (NB) The Corporate Director (SB), the Monitoring Officer and the Democratic Services Officer (TGS) Also in Attendance: The Press 1. PRAYERS The Chairman introduced the Reverend Libby Dady, Rector at Glaven Valley, who led the meeting in prayer. 2. OUTGOING CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS Mrs L Brettle stated that it had been a privilege to act as Chairman for the year. In a year that would be remembered for the devastating storm surge in December 2013, she stated that local organisation had been excellent as communities had pulled together. She applauded member and officer dedication to charity in her year in office, particularly with regards to her two chosen charities, Glaven Caring and Break. She commended the work of the Big Society Fund, which had provided support at parish and town council level alike. She hoped the fund continued to work as successfully and encouraged further applications from all aspects of the community. She gave her personal thanks to her Vice-Chairman and his wife for their exceptional work. She also gave her thanks to the Democratic Services Team and the PA team for their hard work through the year. She finally thanked her husband, Harvey, for all his support throughout the year, and wished the new Chairman the best of luck for the upcoming year. Council 1 21 May 2014 3. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick and seconded by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett that Mr T Ivory be elected Chairman. There being no other nominations, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Mr T Ivory be elected Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. Mrs L Brettle then vacated the Chair in favour of Mr T Ivory. 4. INCOMING CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS The incoming Chairman thanked members for his nomination, stating he was humbled by the honour. He hoped to do his best to uphold the dignity of the office. He gave his thanks to the outgoing Chairman, stating she was a role model for the position, and he hoped to aspire to her successes. He also gave his thanks to the outgoing Chairman’s husband for supporting Mrs L Brettle, and also gave thanks to the Vice-Chairman and the Vice-Chairman’s wife for their hard work during the year 5. APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIRMAN It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick and seconded by Mr G Williams that Mrs A ClaussenReynolds be appointed Vice Chairman of the Council. There being no other nominations, it was RESOLVED that Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds be appointed Vice Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. 6. TO RECEIVE DECLARATION OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS None 7. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Mrs H Cox, Mrs H Eales, Mrs B McGoun, Mr R Oliver, Miss B Palmer, Mrs L Walker, Mr R Wright and Mr A Yiasimi. 8. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on 30 April 2014 were approved as a correct record. 9. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None 10. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None 11. REPORT ON THE CABINET The Leader, Mr T FitzPatrick said that there would be no changes to the Cabinet or the Portfolio responsibilities at this time. Council 2 21 May 2014 He thanked the outgoing Chairman for her hard work in a particularly difficult year. He expressed his sadness at the outgoing Vice-Chairman not taking up the position of Chairman and thanked him for his exceptional hard work throughout the year. He reminded members that the only Cabinet change during the year was the stepping down of Mr T Ivory, the newly appointed Chairman. He expressed his happiness at Mr T Ivory agreeing to take up the position of Chairman, as well as commenting that he was exceptionally pleased with Mr G Williams’ performance on the Cabinet so far. He also gave particular thanks to his Deputy Leader for his hard work, who supported and challenged him throughout the year. 12. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES, CHAIRMEN AND VICE CHAIRMEN AND SUBSTITUTES The Chairman referred to Chapter 2, section 17.5 of the constitution and expressed his desire that all reports and recommendations from Cabinet, committees, sub-committees and Officers should be deemed to have been duly proposed and seconded when being discussed at Full Council. He expressed that formal proposing in the upcoming council year would be unnecessary. He further explained to members that Cabinet members would leave their replies to the end of a discussion of an item, and reply to member concerns en bloc. The Leader explained that he had a number of slight changes to committee membership, proposing that Mrs L Brettle be removed from Norfolk Joint Museums Committee and Mr G Williams be appointed. Mr G Williams seconded and it was RESOLVED To appoint Committees, Chairmen and Vice Chairmen and Substitutes, as detailed below, for the ensuing year. Council COMMITTEE CONSERVATIVE(S) Scrutiny Committee (politically balanced) Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mrs A Green Mr B Jarvis Mr J H PerryWarnes Mr R Reynolds Mr N Smith (VC) Mr R Shepherd Development Committee (politically balanced) Mrs S A Arnold (C) Mrs L Brettle Mrs A Green Miss B Palmer Mr J H PerryWarnes Mr R Reynolds (VC) Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith 3 LIBERAL DEMOCRAT(S) Ms V R Gay Mrs B McGoun Mr P Moore (C) Mr E Seward INDEPENDENT Mrs P GroveJones Mr P High Mrs A Sweeney Mrs V Uprichard Mr J A Wyatt Mr M Baker Mr P Terrington 21 May 2014 Council Audit Committee (politically balanced) Mr N D Dixon (C) Mr B Jarvis Miss B Palmer (VC) Mr R Reynolds Mrs A Moore Mr D Young Licensing & Appeals Committee Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mrs A Green Mr B Jarvis Miss B Palmer Mr R Price (C) Mr R Reynolds Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mrs H Cox (VC) Mrs P GroveJones Mr B J Hannah Mr P W High Mr P W Moore Mrs A Sweeney Mr J A Wyatt Standards Committee (politically balanced) Miss B Palmer Mr J D Savory Mr R Stevens Mrs H Cox (C) Mr B J Hannah Mr P Moore (VC) Mr P Williams Joint Staff Consultative Committee Mrs S A Arnold Mr T FitzPatrick (VC) Mr N Smith Mr P W High Mrs B McGoun JOINT COMMITTEES & PARTNERSHIPS Partnership Committee – Revenues and Benefits Shared Services Norfolk Joint Museums Committee Norfolk Parking Partnership Joint Committee (now includes the Civil Parking Enforcement Committee) Norfolk Waste Partnership PATROL Adjudication and Bus Lane Adjudication Joint Committee CONSERVATIVE(S) LIBERAL DEMOCRAT(S) SUBSTITUTES Mr T FitzPatrick Mr W J Northam Mr E Seward Miss B Palmer Mrs A Moore Mr G Williams Mr G Allen Mr R Barr Mr A Bullen Mrs M Evans Mr H Gupta Mr A Nash Mrs A Shirley Mr R Reynolds Mr R Oliver Mr T FitzPatrick Mr R Oliver 4 21 May 2014 Police and Crime Panel County Community Safety Partnership Scrutiny Panel Mr R Shepherd Mr R Reynolds Mr R Reynolds Mr S Ward CHAIRMEN, VICE – CHAIRMEN AND SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS OFCOMMITTEES 13. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Scrutiny Mr P W Moore Committee VICE-CHAIRMAN Mr N Smith SUBSTITUTE(S) Mr M J M Baker Mr D Young Miss B Palmer Mr R Price Mr S Ward Mr A Yiasimi Mr N Lloyd Mrs V Uprichard Development Committee Mrs S A Arnold Mr R Reynolds Audit Committee Mr N D Dixon Miss B Palmer Mrs B McGoun Mr E Seward Mrs L Walker Mr N Smith Mr S Ward Mr N Dixon Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mr R Stevens Mr P Terrington Mr P Williams Ms V R Gay Mr R Shepherd COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Licensing & Mr R Price Appeals Committee Standards Mrs H Cox Committee VICE-CHAIRMAN Mrs H Cox Joint Staff Consultative Committee Mr T FitzPatrick Mr S Case (staff) Mr P W Moore SUBSTITUTE(S) Mr P W High Mrs B A McGoun Mr J A Wyatt Mr R Shepherd Mr N Smith Mr S Ward Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr R Oliver APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS ON WORKING PARTIES, FORUMS, AREA AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES The Leader proposed a number of changes to the list as detailed of appointment of members on working parties, forums, area and advisory committees, proposing that Mr T Ivory be removed from the Planning Policy and Built Heritage working party and Mr R Reynolds be Council 5 21 May 2014 appointed, and that Mr R Oliver be removed from the Member Development Group and Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds be appointed. It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett and RESOLVED To appoint Members on Working Parties, Forums, Area and Advisor Committees, as detailed below, for the ensuing year. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS ON WORKING PARTIES, FORUMS, AREA AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES WORKING PARTY, FORUM, PANEL Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party (politically balanced) No of seats 11 Member Development Group (Non political Member/Officer Group) (Not Politically Balanced) Coastal Forum (Members with Coastal Wards or Special Responsibility for Coastal Issues) (Not Politically Balanced) 6 Constitution Working Party (politically balanced) 5 CONSERVATIVE Mr B Cabbell Manners C Mr N Dixon Mrs A Green Mr R Reynolds Mrs S Arnold VC Miss B Palmer Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr B Smith Mr N Smith Mr G Williams C Mrs H Eales Mr J Lee Mr R Price Mr B Smith Mr W Northam Mr J Savory Mr B CabbellManners Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mrs L Brettle Mrs H Cox Mr B Jarvis Mr R Shepherd Mr R Oliver Mrs A M FitchTillett Mrs H Cox C Miss B Palmer LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Mrs P GroveJones Mr P W High Mr P Williams Mr D Young OTHER Mr M Baker Mrs V Uprichard Mr P W High Mr D Young Mr B Hannah Mr R Smith Mrs A Sweeney Mrs L Walker Mr P Williams Mr A Yiasimi Mr P Terrington Mr G Jones Ms V R Gay Mrs A M Moore Mr J Punchard (sub) Council Tax Support Working Party (politically balanced) Council 5 Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr W Northam C Mr R Oliver 6 Ms V R Gay Mr D Young 21 May 2014 WORKING PARTY, FORUM, PANEL Big Society Fund Grants Panel No of seats 7 CONSERVATIVE Mr J Lee C Mr B Jarvis Mr R Reynolds Mr S Ward LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Mrs P GroveJones Mr P High VC Mr J Wyatt Mrs V Uprichard (sub) OTHER CHAIRMEN AND VICE – CHAIRMEN (WHERE APPROPRIATE) 14. WORKING PARTY, FORUM, PANEL Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party CHAIRMAN VICE - CHAIRMAN Mr B Cabbell-Manners Mrs S Arnold Member Development Group (Non political Member/Officer Group) (Not politically Balanced)) Constitution Working Party Mr G Williams Council Tax Support Working Party Big Society Grants Fund Panel Mr W J Northam Mrs H Cox Mr J Lee Mr P High APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO OUTSIDE BODIES The Leader introduced the revised list of members to Outside Bodies. The Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny assented his agreement to the outlined list. The Chairman made an observation that he was no longer the member who attended the North Walsham Leadership of Place group. The Leader agreed this was an error and Mr J Lee should be proposed in his place. Mr M Baker commented that their seemed to be a myriad of bodies which did not seem necessary, particularly as members so rarely received reports from these bodies. Mr P Terrington referred to the motion passed in July 2013 at Full Council, which stated that ‘This Council believes that representation to outside bodies should be more representative of the political composition of the Council it therefore refers the matter to the Constitution Working Party to report back to Council within the current calendar year with their recommendations’. He explained that whilst the Constitution Working Party had discussed this motion he was disappointed that a more representative political composition had not been achieved, and he would be registering his protest vote. The Chairman responded that Mr P Terrington could propose an amendment to the list if he so desired. The Leader further commented that the list of nominations had been discussed at the leaders meeting, and that he believed the Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of the Independent Group had been satisfied with the tabled list, following one amendment to the Wells Maltings Trust. He further explained that some outside bodies had requested representation from the relevant portfolio holder, which may occasionally cause issues. Mr M Baker queried the necessity of portfolio holders being the representatives on outside bodies Council 7 21 May 2014 and requested that a report on outside bodies be produced for members. The Chief Executive replied that a report would be going to Overview and Scrutiny regarding outside body membership, with a review of the requirements of the bodies. The Chairman thanked the Chief Executive for her comments and added that this was reflected in the recommendations of the report. It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by MR J Lee and RESOLVED That the Council appoints Members to the schedule of approved Outside Bodies for the 2014/15 civic year as detailed in Minutes Appendix A. Mr P Terrington and Mr G Jones abstained. 15. RECOMMENDATION FROM CABINET 12 MAY 2014 a) AGENDA ITEM 8: ADOPTION OF EGMERE LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ORDER Mr T FitzPatrick introduced this item in the absence of the Portfolio Holder, Mr R Wright. He said that the Local Development Order would promote a positive environment for inward investment by clustering development and promoting skills amongst local people along the Fakenham/Wells corridor. There had been a lot of consultation with local residents who were supportive of the proposals. He concluded by saying the Council would continue to press for a reduction in the speed limit along the Fakenham/Wells corridor. Mr P W Moore, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirmed that this item had been considered by the Committee at their meeting on 20 May 2014 and that they were fully supportive of the proposals. He requested that the Committee was kept informed of any progress regarding changes to the speed limit. It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mr R Reynolds and RESOLVED That the Egmere Local Development Order be adopted. 16. TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES RESOLVED To note the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) 17. Audit Committee – 10 December 2014 Licensing & Appeals Committee – 13 January 2014 Development Committee – 23 January 2014 Cabinet – 03 February 2014 Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 12 February 2014 Development Committee – 20 February 2014 Cabinet – 03 March 2014 Development Committee – 26 March 2014 REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET Mrs A Fitch-Tillett had two items to bring to the attention of the Council. Firstly, she wished to congratulate the district on achieving four blue flag beaches and one seaside award. She commented that all members should be proud of this achievement, particularly following the Council 8 21 May 2014 storm surge in December 2013 and that members should inform their constituents of this achievement. Secondly, she brought to the attention of members that it was Noise Awareness Week and that staff were promoting this at Sainsbury’s in North Walsham to encourage communication in communities, if members wished to stop by. The Chairman thanked officers for their hard work during the civic year, and looked forward to another successful year at NNDC. 18. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS None received. 19. OPPOSITION BUSINESS None received. 20. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None received. The meeting concluded at 6.40 pm. __________________ Chairman Council 9 21 May 2014 Minutes 21st May 2014 Appendix A REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES ORGANISATION Active Norfolk NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Miss B Palmer Bacton Gas Terminal Environmental Liaison Committee 4 Broads Authority 1 Broads Internal Drainage Board 8 Citizen’s Advice Stakeholder Forum 2 Community Rail Norfolk 1 Mr R Oliver (Director) Cromer Lawn Tennis & Squash Association 3 Mr R Oliver Mrs H Cox Mr T FitzPatrick CSG East 1 Mr R Oliver (Director) Former RAF Coltishall Community Liaison Reference Group 3 Happisburgh Lighthouse Trust 1 Mr R Wright Mr T Ivory Mr G Williams Mrs L Walker Health and Well Being Board 1 Mr J Lee HMP Bure Liaison Committee 3 Mr T Ivory Mr R Shepherd Mr G Williams Holt & Dereham Citizens Advice Bureau Local Government Association – SIG - Coastal issues 1 Mr D Young 1+ Sub Norfolk Arts Forum 1 Norfolk Coast Partnership 1+2 Subs 10 Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr W J Northam Mr R Price Mr B Smith Mr R Stevens Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr W J Northam Mr R Price Mr R Shepherd Mr R Stevens Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr N Smith Mr P Williams Ms B Palmer Ms V Gay Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett (Mr R Shepherd)) Mr B Jarvis Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett (Mrs L Brettle) (Mr R Shepherd) Minutes 21st May 2014 Appendix A ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES Norfolk Health Overview & Scrutiny 1+Sub Committee (must be a Member of Overview & Scrutiny Committee) Norfolk Rail Policy Group 1+Sub MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds (Mr B Jarvis) Mrs H Cox (Mr R Wright) Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Norfolk Records Committee 1 Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board 5 Mrs A Green Mr J H Perry-Warnes Miss B Palmer Mr R Shepherd Mr J A Wyatt Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Alliance 1 Mr R Wright Norse Environmental Waste Services (NEWS) 1 North Norfolk Business Forum (and Tourism Sector Round Table) 1 Mr N Smith North Norfolk Renewables Partnership 1 Mr R Wright North Norfolk Historic Buildings Trust 1 Mrs A Green North Norfolk Community Transport Association 2 Mr B Smith Mr N Lloyd North Walsham Sports Hall Management Committee 2 Mr N Lloyd Sheringham Little Theatre Society Board 2 Mr R Oliver Mr R Stevens Sheringham Recreation Ground Liaison Committee 2 Mr R Oliver Mr R Shepherd Southrepps Commons Management Committee 1 Mrs S A Arnold Visit North Norfolk Coast & Countryside (Directors) The Wash & North Norfolk Coast Marine Special Area of Conservation Management Group Wells Harbour Users’ Advisory Committee 2 Mr R Wright Mr P Williams 1 Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mrs L Brettle (substitute) 1 Mr T FitzPatrick Mr T FitzPatrick (Director) 11 Minutes 21st May 2014 Appendix A ORGANISATION Wells Maltings Trust NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 1 Sub MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Mr P Terrington (Mr J Savory) Short-term groups focussed on a specific project ORGANISATION North Walsham Leadership of Place NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 MEMBER(S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Mr T Ivory Mr E Seward Bodies that have not commenced operating ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES Fakenham Community Campus Trust (formerly Fakenham Community Centre Management Committee) tbc 12 MEMBER(S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Mr J Punchard Agenda Item 10 (a) APPENDIX A NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL Fees and Charges Policy DRAFT 13 Fees and Charges Policy 1. Purpose 1.1 This policy establishes the principles for the charging for services provided by the Licensing Service. It aims to recognise the competing priorities the Council faces when charging residents, businesses and other users for its services. 2. Scope and Application 2.1 This policy covers all services that can attract charges to external customers. 2.2 Regard will be had to this policy when fees and charges are being reviewed. 2.3 This policy does not over ride specific legislation or statutory guidance where it exists. 3. Principles for Setting Charges 3.1 There are four key principles for setting fees and charges 3.11 Achieve full cost recovery The charging arrangements for any service should, where practicable, meet the full cost of providing the service and include arrangements for income collection, in line with the Council’s policies and procedures. The full cost of provision should also include: o A share of central support costs o The cost of the officers involved to include on costs such as pension, national insurance and training o Allow for the effects of inflation o The provision of any necessary equipment, including maintenance and replacement computer programmes o Development and maintenance of policy, procedures and guidance o Management costs specific to the function and more generally o Provision of any legal costs where reasonably incurred o Bad debt provision 3.12 Ensure legal compliance The Council must comply with all legal requirements for setting fees or charges and generating income. Where appropriate, this will override other factors to ensure the Council is not exposed to the risk of legal challenge. 3.13 Meet the ambitions of the corporate plan. Income generation must be balanced against the wider aims of the Council. The fees and charges must be a suitable balance of income generation and impact on the delivery of corporate priorities. Consideration should be given to the following factors Access, affordability and demand should be fully considered; Consistency should be sought with the Council’s policies for Value for Money, Equalities and Customer Access, e.g. 14 Fees and Charges Policy consideration should be given to any disproportionate impact on vulnerable groups and those least able to pay; Where services are provided on a trading basis, charges will be set at the maximum level the market can bear without reducing demand to a point at which the overall financial position of the service offered is weakened; Benchmarking should take place with comparable local authorities. Where charges are identified as being significantly lower than in other comparable authorities, charges should be increased in order to bring them in line. Care should be taken to ensure that comparisons with other authorities are on a like for like basis and any significant reasons for differences in charging are taken into account; Any exemptions and concessions on standard charges should be clearly justified. They should only be provided for services where benefits to the recipient groups are clearly evidenced and are consistent with the Council’s plans and strategies; 3.14 Ensure fairness, be simple to understand and operate Any fee structure should be easy to understand be simple to operate in practice. The fee structure should be designed to have a fair and equitable reflection of costs relative to the level of resource required. Fees and charges should be published and easily accessible. These guiding principles aim to ensure that the fees and charges are set within a framework of value for money where performance, access and equity are considered fully and appropriately and decisions demonstrate a transparent and balanced approach. These principles should ensure that our charging is fairer and clearer while also ensuring that the highest standards of service are provided within available resources. 4. Provision of Services Regulations 4.1 Fees should not be used as an economic deterrent to certain activities or to raise funds. Enforcement costs should not be assimilated with the application fee. 4.2 In order to aid clarity enforcement costs against unauthorised activities will not form part of fee costs. Compliance action against authorised activities will form part of the fee. Compliance and enforcement terms will be defined in this way. 4.3 Ring-fenced accounts or other financial systems will be used to ensure that fees do not cross subsidise different authorisation regimes and any deficits or surpluses are carried forward into subsequent year’s calculations. It would be beneficial to avoid large fee changes and so accounts will be managed to: Ensure they balance over a 3-5 year cycle where possible Carry a working balance to accommodate fluctuations in income or expenditure 4.4 Where any account is in deficit or surplus the appropriate amount of interest may be incorporated into the accounts. 15 Fees and Charges Policy 5. Income Collection and bad debt 5.1 It is vital that the Council receives payment for its service provision. Wherever possible, customers should be required to pay charges in advance of the delivery of services or at the point of delivery to minimise the risk of non-payment and to assist customers to manage their liabilities to the Council. 5.2 To facilitate payment and provide a customer centred service, multiple payment methods should be available to the customer, although e-payments and (where appropriate) setting up of direct debits should be promoted as the preferred method. Payment methods may be restricted where the costs of collection may be disproportionately high compared to the amount collected. 5.3 Where customers fail to pay for fees and charges, they should be made liable for the additional costs of enforcement and collection where possible. Customers must be clearly aware of this additional liability. Where the law allows any licence, permit or similar permission may be revoked or suspended until payment is received and may include historic bad debt. 6. Reviewing and Increasing Charges 6.1 There will be a presumption that charges will be increased annually at least in line with inflation unless a clear case can be made for not doing so. 6.2 The approval or amendment of fees and charges will be in accordance with the Councils constitution, scheme of delegation and financial procedures. 6.3 Where there is no fee for a service which can be charged for, or where current charges represent less than the full cost of providing the service, the reasons should be reconsidered and justified as part of the annual review. 6.4 Where appropriate, service users and other relevant stakeholders should be informed in advance of all proposals to introduce or to amend charges significantly above inflation or where required by statute. Emphasis will be placed on demonstrating that fee and charge levels set represent good value for money, considering the quality of the services provided and charge levels applied in comparable authorities 6.5 Equality impact assessments will be carried out where appropriate 6.6 Clear records of any charging review, including public notices or consultation will be kept in line with the corporate retention policy. 7. New Charges and Trading 7.1 The Local Government Act 2003 allows charges to be made for discretionary services. Charges cannot be made for any services for which there is a duty to provide or where legislation expressly prohibits the charging for discretionary services. This may include charges for new and innovative services. Such services may be provided that benefit residents, businesses and other service users, meet the Council priorities and generate income. 7.2 Trading allows the Council to make a profit but there are some significant restrictions. The finance and legal departments will be consulted regarding ideas on charging for discretionary services 7.3 Careful consideration must be given to the correct coding for VAT. Advice will be sought on this issue for each case. 8.0 Refunds and Cancellation 16 Fees and Charges Policy 8.1 Refunds will be only provided where the administrative process has not been started and will remain at the discretion of the Head of Service of the department: 8.2 Where services have been booked or requested the Council may incur costs should a cancellation occur. It is reasonable for the Council to recover these costs. 9. 0 Works In Default 9.1 The Council may require certain works to be undertaken to remedy a situation, by the service of a legal notice on the owner, occupier or other person considered responsible. In certain circumstances, these works are undertaken by the Council, to remedy such a situation, for which reasonable charges are made. 9.2 The charges would include the actual cost of the works, by a third party if necessary, an appropriate sum for officer time, based on an hourly rate, and the cost of the administration of the charge. 10.0 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) 10.1 There are a number of offences for which the option of a fixed penalty fine exists. The issue of a FPN will not be used as a form of income 10.2 The level of fine to be issued will depend on the wording of the various pieces of legislation. In cases where a range of potential fines exist the Council will set the fine based on: . The severity of the offence The cost of issuing the FPN and collecting the fine Whether the fine should act as a deterrent 10.3 Unless the law specifies how FPN fines are to be spent they will generally be allocated to fund enforcement or promotional campaigns related to the function under which they were issued 17 Agenda Item 10 (b) Licensing and Appeals Committee 7 May 2014 Agenda Item No____8_______ CARAVAN SITE LICENSING FEES Summary: This report updates Members on action in hand and aspects of fee setting in respect of the new law. Conclusions: Recommendations: That Members agree the proposed fees and recommend adoption to Full Council Cabinet member(s): Ward(s) affected: Councillor John Lee All Licensing Committee Chairman Councillor Richard Price Contact Officer, number, and e-mail: telephone Chris Cawley 01263 516252 1. Introduction 1.1. Members received an introductory report on 13 January 2014 outlining the new provisions of the Mobile Homes Act 2013 affecting residential caravan sites 2. Practical implications 2.1. All owners of known residential sites have been written to; with information about the new legislation and asked to complete a questionnaire about the site. 2.2. Officers are developing new procedures for dealing with applications for licences or their transfer in accordance with the new legislative framework. 2.3. The Environmental Health and Planning department Officers are developing a project plan for this work which will need to be included in the Councils business plan for 2014-15 as a priority task 18 Licensing and Appeals Committee 7 May 2014 3. Fees 3.1. Before setting fees for mobile home licensing in accordance with legal requirements the Council must adopt a fees and charging policy. A report on that is detailed elsewhere on the agenda. 3.2. A fee setting framework for mobile homes has been drafted based on these principles. No fees can be charged for holiday caravan sites. 3.3. The proposed fees include an element for officer time in undertaking site surveys and inspection; an element for administration and associated on costs and recharges. 3.4. The proposed fees for 2014/15 are as follows TRANSACTION PROPOSED FEE £ Application fee new site 600 Transfer fee (where change of site owner) 150 Application to vary conditions on existing site 600 Annual fee 600 Annual fee (owner occupied site) 400 3.5. One level of annual fee has been proposed for 2014/15 – irrespective of the size or condition of the site - as each site will need visiting and assessing this year to establish a baseline for future involvement. However, given that certain sites are owned and occupied by family groups (as opposed to being tenanted) then it is envisaged that the Council will have less involvement with such sites and so a discounted annual fee is proposed in respect of these sites. 3.6. The fees will need to reviewed later in the year in the light of feedback from surveys and this will be fed into the fees setting and budget planning process for 2015/16. 3.7. It is expected that sites will be given a risk rating indicating the future inspection frequency needed ( eg low risk – every 3 years; medium – annual ; high risk – more frequent). On that basis, annual fees in future years could be set at different levels for each category reflecting the inspection resources needed. 19 Agenda Item 12 (d) Car Park Management and Pricing – Recommendations to Council 24 June 2014 6. Financial Implications and Risks 6.1 As indicated above the financial impact is made up of a one-off cost of £10,000 for the machine changes and signage along with an ongoing full year impact of £110,000 per annum for the reduction in income (assuming implementation of free parking option between 9:00 am and 9:30 am). 6.2 There may be some reduction in enforcements costs although these are yet to be explored further with KL&WN. 6.3 The current financial projections as reported in February 2014 within the budget report detailed a future funding gap of £239,000 for 2015/16 increasing to £1.3 million in 2016/17. The changes to car parking charges as recommended within this report will increase the funding gap by £110,000 from 2015/16 onwards. 6.4 The full year/ongoing budget impact from 2015/16 onwards will need to be considered as part of the budget process for 2015/16 which will commence later in the year. For the current financial year, assuming an implementation date of 1 October, the financial impact is expected to be in the region of £32,000 including the signage/machine software changes and can be funded from existing budgets and the Asset Management Reserve. 20