Council 18 July 2013 Please note there are some additional recommendations to be considered at Council on 24th July: AGENDA ITEM 11: ANY RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 13 MAY 2013 MINUTE 9: NEW HOMES BONUS RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL: 1. That the New Homes Bonus is allocated within the base budget from 2014/15 onwards (as detailed at section 4 within the report); 2. That of the unallocated balance of New Homes Bonus (£1,201,097) 50% is transferred to the general reserve and 50% remains earmarked within the New Homes Bonus reserve for the delivery of the Council’s Corporate objectives in respect of housing. AGENDA ITEM 13: ANY RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 17 JULY 2013 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee endorsed the Cabinet recommendations for the following items: ITEM 9: MATERIAL RECYCLING FACILITY ITEM 10: COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY For Item 11: HOUSING INCENTIVES The Committee endorsed the Cabinet recommendations with the exception of Recommendation 2. RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL: That the recommendation: ‘that the incentive scheme set out in part 4 is approved’ should be amended to remove Measure 3: ‘relaxation of Level 3 Sustainable homes construction standards if specified quantities of development are delivered quickly’ Please see page 10 of your Council Agenda for details of the proposed temporary measures.