Please Contact: Emma Denny Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516010 14 May 2013 The Annual Full Council meeting of the North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Wednesday 22 May 2013 at 6.00 p.m. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: All Members of the Council Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Corporate Directors: Nick Baker and Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. PRAYERS Led by Reverend Paul Neale, Assistant Minister, Cromer Parish Church with St Martins. 2. OUTGOING CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS To receive the outgoing Chairman’s communications, if any. 3. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN To elect a Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. 4. INCOMING CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS To receive the incoming Chairman’s communications, if any. 5. APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIRMAN To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. 6. TO RECEIVE DECLARATION OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 7. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence, if any. 8. MINUTES (page 1) To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 24 April 2013. 9. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 10. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To consider any questions received from members of the public. 11. REPORT ON THE CABINET The Leader will report to the Council on any appointments and changes to the Membership and portfolio responsibilities of the Cabinet 12. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES, CHAIRMEN AND VICE CHAIRMEN AND SUBSTITUTES AGENDA NOTE: If the Council is to approve alternative arrangements for appointments to a Committee other than those required by law on political balance, it must be without any member voting against them. Council will recall that there is no substitution permitted on Cabinet. Members are also reminded of the need for Committee Members or Substitutes on the Development, Standards and Licensing and Appeals Committees to have undertaken the necessary training. The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee will normally be drawn from the opposition group and the Vice – Chairman from the ruling group. Cabinet Members can not sit or substitute on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Appointments to any vacant seats will be confirmed by the Group Leaders at the meeting. Decision: To recommend Council to appoint Committees, Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen and Substitute Members as outlined below. COMMITTEE CONSERVATIVE(S) Scrutiny Committee Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mrs A Green Mr B Jarvis Mr J H Perry-Warnes Mr R Reynolds Mr N Smith Vacancy Mrs S A Arnold (C) Mrs L Brettle Mrs A Green Mr B Palmer Mr J H Perry-Warnes Mr R Reynolds (VC) Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mr N D Dixon (C) Mr B Jarvis Miss B Palmer Mr R Reynolds Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mrs A Green Mr B Jarvis Miss B Palmer Mr R C Price (C) Mr R Reynolds Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mrs H Cox (VC) Miss B Palmer Mr J D Savory Mr R Stevens Mrs H Cox (C) Development Committee Audit Committee Licensing & Appeals Committee Standards Committee LIBERAL DEMOCRAT(S) Ms V R Gay Mr P Moore Mr E Seward (C) Mr R Smith INDEPENDENT Mrs P GroveJones Mr P High Mrs A Sweeney Mrs V Uprichard Mr J A Wyatt Mr M Baker Mr P Terrington Mrs A Moore Mr D Young Mrs P GroveJones Mr B J Hannah Mr P W High Mrs A Sweeney Mrs L Walker Mr J A Wyatt Mr B J Hannah Mr P Moore (VC) Mr P Williams Mr G Allen Mr R Barr Mr A Bullen Mr M Coates Mrs M Evans Mr H Gupta Joint Staff Consultative Committee JOINT COMMITTEES & PARTNERSHIPS Partnership Committee – Revenues and Benefits Shared Services Norfolk Joint Museums Committee Norfolk Parking Partnership Joint Committee (formerly Civil Parking Enforcement Committee) PATROL Adjudication and Bus Lane Adjudication Joint Committee Police and Crime Panel County Community Safety Partnership Scrutiny Panel Mr A Nash Mrs A Shirley Vacancy Mrs S A Arnold Mr T FitzPatrick (VC) Mr N Smith CONSERVATIVE(S) Mr P W High Mrs B McGoun LIBERAL DEMOCRAT(S) SUBSTITUTES Mr T FitzPatrick Mr W J Northam Mr E Seward (Mrs A Moore) Miss B Palmer Mrs L Brettle Mr R Reynolds Mr R Oliver Mr R Oliver Mr R Shepherd Mr S Ward Mr R Reynolds CHAIRMEN, VICE – CHAIRMEN AND SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS OF COMMITTEES COMMITTEE Scrutiny Committee CHAIRMAN Mr E Seward VICE-CHAIRMAN Vacancy Development Committee Mrs S A Arnold Mr R Reynolds Audit Committee Mr N D Dixon SUBSTITUTE(S) Mr M J M Baker Mrs B A McGoun Mr D Young Mr R Price Mr R Shepherd Mr S Ward Mr G Williams Mr N Lloyd Mrs B McGoun Mr E Seward Mrs L Walker Mr N Smith Mr S Ward Mr N Dixon Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mr R Stevens Mr P Terrington Mr P Williams Ms V R Gay Mr R Shepherd COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Licensing & Mr R C Price Appeals Committee Standards Mrs H Cox Committee VICE-CHAIRMAN Mrs H Cox Joint Staff Consultative Committee Police and Crime Panel Mr P Godwin (staff) Mr T FitzPatrick Mr P W Moore SUBSTITUTE(S) Mr P W High Mrs B A McGoun Mr J A Wyatt Mr R Shepherd Mr N Smith Mr S Ward Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr R Oliver Mr J Punchard 13. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS ON WORKING PARTIES, FORUMS, AND PANELS Decision: To recommend Council to appoint North Norfolk District Council Members on Working Parties, Forums and Panels as outlined below: WORKING PARTY, FORUM, PANEL Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party Member Training, Development & Support Group (Non political Member/Officer Group) (Not Politically Balanced) Coastal Issues Forum (Members with Coastal Wards or Special Responsibility for Coastal Issues) (Not Politically Balanced) No of seats 11 6 23 Constitution Working Party 5 Council Tax Support Working Party 5 CONSERVATIVE Mr B Cabbell Manners C Mr N Dixon Mrs A Green Mr T Ivory Mrs S Arnold VC Miss B Palmer Mr R Oliver Mr J Lee C Mr B Smith Mr J Lee Mr R Price Mr B Smith Mr W Northam Mr J Savory Mr B CabbellManners Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mrs L Brettle Mrs H Thompson Mr B Jarvis Mr A Yiasimi Mrs A M FitchTillett Mrs H Cox C Vacancy Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr W Northam C Mr R Oliver LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Mrs P GroveJones Mr P W High Mr P Williams Mr D Young OTHER Mrs V Uprichard Mr P W High Vacancy Mr D Young Mr B Hannah Mr R Smith Mrs L Walker Mr P Williams Mr P Terrington Ms V R Gay Mrs A M Moore Ms V R Gay Mr D Young Mr M Baker WORKING PARTY, FORUM, PANEL CCTV Working Party No of seats 7 Big Society Fund Grants Panel 7 CONSERVATIVE Mrs L Brettle Mrs A ClaussenReynolds C Mr R Shepherd Mr R Stevens Mr T Ivory Mr B Jarvis Mr R Reynolds Mr S Ward Mr J Lee (sub) LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Mr B Hannah Mr P Moore OTHER Mr M Baker Mrs P GroveJones Mr P High Mr J Wyatt Mrs V Uprichard (sub) CHAIRMEN AND VICE – CHAIRMEN (WHERE APPROPRIATE) WORKING PARTY, FORUM, PANEL Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party CHAIRMAN VICE - CHAIRMAN To be confirmed at the next meeting of the working party Mr S Arnold Member Training, Development & Support Group (Non political Member/Officer Group) (Not Politically Balanced) Mr J Lee Constitution Working Party Mrs H Cox Council Tax Support Working Party Mr W J Northam CCTV Working Party Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Big Society Grants Fund Panel To be confirmed at the first meeting of the panel 14. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO OUTSIDE BODIES (page 7) (Appendix A – page 9) (Appendix B – page 12) Summary: This report requires Members to make nominations and appointments to the Council’s schedule of approved Outside Bodies for the 2013/14 civic year. Recommendations: That the Council appoints Members to the schedule of approved Outside Bodies for the 2013/14 civic year as detailed in Appendix A Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All Emma Denny, Democratic Services Team Leader 01263 516010, 15. TO NOTE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES To note the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees: a) b) c) d) Cabinet – 4 March 2013 Development Committee – 21 March 2013 Development Committee – 11 April 2013 Cabinet – 15 April 2013 16. REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET 17. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS None received 18. OPPOSITION BUSINESS None received 19. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None received 20. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution – if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) _ of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 21. PRIVATE BUSINESS Circulation: All Members of the Council. Members of the Management Team and other appropriate Officers. Press and Public FULL COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of North Norfolk District Council held on 24 April 2013 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 6.00 pm. Members Present: Mr P W Moore (Chairman) Mrs S A Arnold Mrs L Brettle Mr B Cabbell Manners Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr N D Dixon Mrs H Eales Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Mrs A Green Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr T Ivory Mr J Lee Mr N Lloyd Mrs B McGoun Mrs A Moore Mr W J Northam Mr R Oliver Miss B Palmer Mr J Perry-Warnes Mr R Price Mr R Reynolds Mr J Savory Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mr R Smith Mr R Stevens Mrs A Sweeney Mr P Terrington Mrs V Uprichard Mrs L Walker Mr G Williams Mr P Williams Mr R Wright Mr J A Wyatt Mr A Yiasimi Mr D Young Officers in Attendance: The Chief Executive, Corporate Director (Nick Baker), Corporate Director (Steve Blatch), the Monitoring Officer, the Communications Manager and the Democratic Services Team Leader. Also in Attendance: Reverend Christian Heycocks. 137. PRAYERS The Chairman introduced the Reverend Christian Heycocks, Vicar, St Peter’s Parish Church, Sheringham, who led the meeting in prayer. 138. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS The Chairman reported on the following recent engagements; the Justice service at Lynn Minster, the County Hall Community Covenant, Broadland Council’s civic reception at Hellesdon High School, the opening of C.T Bakers in Aylsham and a visit by Cromer Junior School to the Council offices. He thanked Members for attending his recent Chairman’s reception at the Atrium in North Walsham. Mr W Northam commented on the success of the event and commended the children for their excellent behaviour. The Chairman said that the Chairman’s reception had been the first event where the new consort’s jewel had been worn and several people had commented on it. He then reminded Members that the civic service would take place on 15th May at St Nicholas’ Parish Church, North Walsham. Members were informed that Item 15 of the Agenda, a Notice of Motion had been withdrawn. The Leader explained that the decision had been taken as he wished to avoid a debate on the subject. He informed Members that he had sent a letter on behalf of the Council to Baroness Thatcher’s family sending condolences and praising her strong leadership of the country. Full Council 1 1 24 April 2013 139. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS No declarations of interest were made. 140. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Ms V Gay, Mr B Hannah, Mr B Jarvis, Mr J Punchard, Mr E Seward and Mr S Ward. 141. MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of Full Council held on 27 February 2013 were approved as a correct record. 142. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None. 143. PUBLIC QUESTIONS No public questions had been received 144. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 15 APRIL 2013 a) CABINET AGENDA ITEM 10: DISCRETIONARY HOUSING PAYMENTS POLICY Mr W Northam presented the report. He explained that the Discretionary Housing Payments Policy (DHP) was being reviewed due to Government changes to benefits that reduced entitlement and thus increased demand for additional discretionary help through the scheme. The Government had allocated additional funding to the scheme in recognition of this. Mr Northam informed members that the Government provided funding for the scheme up to a certain limit but local authorities were able to spend more than this from their own resources. The Council’s expenditure had never gone above the set limit. He advised that the Council would not be able to use Discretionary Housing Payments to help with council tax liabilities. Mrs B McGoun sought clarification on whether a decision had been made regarding the makeup of the Panel responsible for DHP decisions and whether a member would be included. Mr Northam said that he would check with the Revenues and Benefits Services Manager and respond as soon as possible. Mr G Jones queried whether the County Council would be contributing any additional funds to the scheme as he felt that the money set aside was not sufficient. Mr Northam responded that the Government had increased the funding available to the Council for the scheme. The Chief Executive added that North Norfolk District Council administered the DHP Fund and Norfolk County Council administered the Social Fund. There was a lot of cross-over between the two funds and there was a possibility that they could be combined in the future and administered locally by the district council. Mr Jones replied that there were a lot of people affected by recent council tax changes and it was important that the Council continued to lobby the County Council for additional support. It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr J Perry-Warnes and RESOLVED Full Council 2 2 24 April 2013 That the Discretionary Housing Payments Policy be adopted.. b) ITEM 11: BIG SOCIETY FUND REVIEW AND PROPOSALS Mr T Ivory introduced this item. He said that following discussions with the Vice-Chairman of the Big Society Board, Mr P High, it was proposed that two additional members should be appointed to the Big Society Fund Grants Panel, bringing the total membership to seven plus two substitutes. RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL: 1. That the SLA with NCF be delivered for the remaining period (i.e. administration of outstanding (conditional) grant awards, monitoring of projects awarded funded in the first year and providing reports as appropriate). 2. To set up a Big Society Fund for 2013/14 of £225,000 for applications for grant aid of not more than £15,000 per project, in accordance with the draft prospectus included as Appendix A. 3. To set up an ‘Enabling Fund’ of £225,000 in order to support initiatives developed in partnership with local communities (to help realise opportunities arising from the provisions of the Localism Act and to respond to local needs) or for community projects above £15,000 in value which otherwise meet the provisions set out in the Big Society Fund Prospectus. 4. To establish a ‘Localism Board’ to provide a steer for officers on the development of initiatives supported by the enabling fund noting that decisions on funding for them would be brought back to Cabinet or Council for decision as appropriate (with appropriate local member involvement). 5. That the Big Society Fund should be administered ‘in-house’ by NNDC officers. 6. To approve the terms-of-reference for the ‘Big Society Fund Grants Panel’ set out in Appendix B and delegate any subsequent minor amendments of those to that Panel. 7. To appoint seven members (plus two substitutes), in accordance with the proposed terms of reference, to the new Big Society Fund Grants Panel. 8. To note that minutes of the Big Society Fund Grants Panel will be reported to Cabinet and that an annual report will be produced summarising how resources have been applied and the outcomes achieved. The revised recommendation was moved by Mr Ivory and seconded by Mrs Fitch-Tillett. On being put to the vote, the recommendation was carried. This was then put as the substantive motion (proposed by Mr Ivory and seconded by Mrs Fitch-Tillett) and was again carried. 145. REPORT ON APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE CABINET The Leader informed members that Mr B Cabbell-Manners had been appointed to the Cabinet. He would be Portfolio Holder for Planning and Planning Policy. The Deputy Leader, Mr R Oliver would retain Corporate Assets within his portfolio. Mrs L Walker asked whether an additional cost would be incurred by appointing another Cabinet member. The Chief Executive said that the budget would not be increased as there had traditionally been an underspend. In response to a further question from Mr G Jones as Full Council 3 3 24 April 2013 to whether the appointment was justified, the Leader said that it would enable Cabinet to oversee their portfolios more effectively. 146. APPOINTMENTS It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick and seconded by Mr J Perry-Warnes that the suggested appointments be approved en bloc. RESOLVED a) To appoint Mrs P Grove-Jones, Mr P High, Mr T Ivory, Mr B Jarvis, Mr R Reynolds, Mr S Ward and Mr J Wyatt to the Big Society Fund Grants Panel b) To appoint Mr J Lee and Mrs V Uprichard as substitutes to the Big Society Grants Fund Panel c) To appoint Ms B Palmer to replace Mr B Cabbell-Manners on the Development Committee d) To appoint Mr R Reynolds as Vice-Chairman of the Development Committee e) To appoint Mr R Stevens as a substitute to the Development Committee 147. TO RECEIVE MINUTES OF COMMITTEES The Chairman reminded members that it had been proposed at the meeting of Full Council on 27 February 2013 to discontinue the inclusion of approved committee minutes within the Full Council agenda. The Monitoring Officer had provided advice on the matter and members were now asked to agree to the permanent removal of such minutes from future agendas. RESOLVED 1. 2. To remove copies of approved committee minutes from the Full Council agenda To note that the minutes of the undermentioned committees had been approved. 148. REPORTS FROM CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET Mr T FitzPatrick informed members that he had attended the official opening of Scira’s Operation and Maintenance base at Egmere on Friday 19th April 2013. He said that the creation of 45 long-term jobs should be celebrated. On 18th April, together with the Chief Executive, he had ridden through Holkham park to show the Council’s support for the Pedal Norfolk Festival to be held on 4th to 6th May. Mr Jones asked the Leader to comment on the number of shop closures in North Walsham and the impact of car parking charges on the number of visitors to the town. The Chairman said that as the question did not relate to the item being discussed it would not be allowed. He advised all members that if they wished to raise a general question at Council then they should be submitted 10 working days prior to the meeting so that they could be included on the agenda. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett reported on the following items: the launch event for Equal Lives, formerly the Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People, the first meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board, the inaugural meeting of the North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group (NNCCG) in Aylsham which several members of the public had attended and an event in Hickling organised by Voluntary Norfolk on delivering the health agenda. Full Council 4 4 24 April 2013 Mr J Lee informed Council that the energy switching scheme had been very successful. On average householders joining the scheme would save £111 a year. He thanked the Communications team and the Sustainability Assistant for all their hard work in promoting it and said that he was particularly pleased that householders on pre-paid meters were also eligible to join. He was pleased to inform members that Sheringham Little Theatre had received £66,000 from the County Council’s Community Construction Fund to remodel the café-bar, foyer and box office areas. He concluded by reminding members that a new orchestral series, Orchestras Live would start in Ludham on 12th May. Mr R Wright updated members on Enterprise North Norfolk. He said that by 31 March 2013, 55 enquiries had been received and that several events had been held. The Council were hoping to work with the County Council on the joint delivery of some apprenticeships, it was anticipated that an outline programme would be available by the end of May. Mr Wright then highlighted the recent work done to raise the profile of the renewables sector in the District. In early March the Council had a stand at the East of England Energy Group conference and they had also sponsored a table at the gala dinner. He concluded by informing members that the North Norfolk renewables website was now up and running. 149. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS Mr N Lloyd had submitted the following question: ‘What steps are the Council taking to ensure that its annual grant funding to what was formerly known as the North Norfolk Citizen Advice Bureau based in North Walsham and what has now become the Norfolk CAB is ring-fenced to work in North Norfolk?’ Mr T Ivory, Portfolio Holder for Localism thanked Mr Lloyd for his question. He said that the Council’s annual contribution of £66,715 towards the provision of CAB services in North Norfolk had been allocated in the budget this year. To clarify the purpose of the grant and identify outputs, outcomes and monitoring procedures, a grant agreement had been drawn up for each CAB. This was currently in draft form and would be reviewed by the Council’s Solicitor prior to being circulated to the CABs for consideration. The agreements clearly stated that the grant to each CAB must be specifically allocated and used for the provision of services in the North Norfolk District Council area only. Each agreement identified the specific geographic locations in North Norfolk that each CAB currently operated from and stated that any changes to the delivery of the service was subject to the written agreement of the Council. Mr Lloyd thanked him for his answer. He said that he had raised the question because he had been approached by several volunteers who were disappointed by the recent merger. Mrs S Arnold said that it might be beneficial if the Council publicised the proposed grant agreements so that people could be reassured about the situation. 150. OPPOSITION BUSINESS None received. 151. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None received. The meeting concluded at 6.45 pm. Full Council 5 5 24 April 2013 ___________________________ Chairman Full Council 6 6 24 April 2013 Agenda Item 14 APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO OUTSIDE BODIES Summary: Recommendations: This report requires Members to make nominations and appointments to the Council’s schedule of approved Outside Bodies for the 2013/14 civic year. That the Council appoints Members to the schedule of approved Outside Bodies for the 2013/14 civic year as detailed in Appendix A Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All Emma Denny, Democratic Services Team Leader 01263 516010, 1. Introduction To evaluate the status of the organisations on the lis,t the Member Services Officer sent a questionnaire to Members asking for their input on the following points: a) Confirmation that they were invited to meetings. b) The number of meetings convened and the number attended. c) The value contributed by the organisation to the quality of life in North Norfolk and to the Council’s priorities. d) Whether representatives had received a briefing from an Officer or outgoing Member before attending the first meeting? e) The best method for reporting on the work of the organisation. f) The reason for representing the Council on the organisation, that is, specific interest/knowledge or relevance to Ward. 7 2. Evaluation of results A good response has been received. Members’ comments are reproduced as notes in Appendix B. Members and officers have confirmed that the following organisations are suspended. They have been removed from the list pending confirmation of their status: a) Norfolk Archaeological Services Advisory Committee b) Norfolk Housing Partnership (Norfolk Strategic Housing Board) c) Norfolk Tourism (this is now Visit Norfolk and is an officer group) The Civil Parking Enforcement Committee has now been replaced by the Norfolk Parking Partnership Joint Committee. The latter is now recorded as a joint committee rather than an outside body. The majority of Members considered that reporting on the work of the outside organisations should be through the Members’ Bulletin or to Full Council if the remit of the body was District-wide. 3. Additions to the list Representation on the following organisations has been approved by Full Council in 2012 – 2013: Former RAF Coltishall Community Liaison Group 4. Change of status The following bodies are not true outside bodies. However, they do have member representation and it is important that Democratic Services keeps a record of this. They will therefore be listed separately as a group or organisation requiring member representation. a) North Lodge Park Steering Group b) North Walsham Leadership of Place 5. Clarification Democratic Services will undertake further work to clarify the remit of each outside body, the role of the appointed representative(s) on that body, whether minutes are available and whether the Council contributes funding. A comprehensive list will be published on the Council’s website providing details on each body and a link to their website where possible Members are reminded to notify Democratic Services if they are aware of any changes to any outside bodies.. 8 Appendix A REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES ORGANISATION Active Norfolk NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Miss B Palmer Bacton Gas Terminal Environmental Liaison Committee 4 Broads Authority 1 Broads Internal Drainage Board 8 Citizen’s Advice North Norfolk 2 Community Rail Norfolk 1 Mr T FitzPatrick (Director) Cromer Lawn Tennis & Squash Association 1 Mr R Wright CSG East (Director) 1 Vacancy (to be confirmed at Full Council on 22 May) Former RAF Coltishall Community Liaison Reference Group Happisburgh Lighthouse Trust 2 Mr T FitzPatrick Mr T Ivory Mrs L Walker HMP Bure Liaison Committee 3 Mr T Ivory Mr R Shepherd Mr G Williams Holt & Dereham Citizens Advice Bureau 1 Mr D Young Local Government Association – SIG - Coastal issues 1+ Sub Norfolk Archaeological Services Advisory Committee 1 + 2 Subs Norfolk Arts Forum Executive 1+ 2 Subs Norfolk Coast Partnership 1+2 Subs 1 9 Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr W J Northam Mr R Price Mr B Smith Mr R Stevens Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr B Jarvis Mr W J Northam Mr R Price Mr R Shepherd Mr R Stevens Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr N Smith Ms B Palmer Vacancy Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett (Mr P Terrington) Mr T FitzPatrick (Mrs L Brettle) (Mrs A Green) Mr B Jarvis Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett (Mrs L Brettle) (Mr P Terrington) Appendix A ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES Norfolk Health Overview & Scrutiny 1+Sub Committee (must be a Member of Overview & Scrutiny Committee) MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds (Mr B Jarvis) Norfolk Rail Policy Group Mrs H Cox 1+Sub Norfolk Records Committee 1 Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board 5 Mrs A Green Mr J H Perry-Warnes Miss B Palmer Mr R Shepherd Mr J A Wyatt Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Alliance 1 Mr T FitzPatrick North Norfolk Business Forum (and Tourism Sector Round Table) 1 Mr N Smith North Norfolk Renewables Partnership 1 Mr T FitzPatrick North Norfolk Skills Partnership 1 Mr R Wright North Norfolk Historic Buildings Trust 1 Mrs A Green North Walsham Area Community Transport Association 2 Mr B Smith Mr N Lloyd North Walsham Sports Hall Management Committee 2 Mr N Lloyd Mr G Jones (substitute) Shadow Health and Well Being Board Sheringham Little Theatre Society Board 1 Mrs A Fitch-Tillett 1 Mr R Oliver Sheringham Recreation Ground Liaison Committee 2 Mr R Oliver Mr R Shepherd Southrepps Commons Management Committee 1 Mrs S A Arnold The Wash & North Norfolk Coast Marine Special Area of Conservation Management Group 1 Mr P Terrington Mrs L Brettle (substitute) Wells Harbour Users’ Advisory Committee 1 Mr T FitzPatrick 10 Appendix A ORGANISATION Visit North Norfolk Coast & Countryside (Directors) NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 Wells Maltings Trust 2 MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Vacancies ( to be confirmed at Full Council on 22 May) Mr J D Savory Mr P Terrington Short-term groups focussed on a specific project ORGANISATION North Walsham Leadership of Place NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 North Lodge Park Steering Group 2 MEMBER(S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Mr T Ivory Mr E Seward Mr T Ivory Mr J H A Lee Bodies that are currently inactive, suspended or not commenced operating ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES Fakenham Community Campus Trust (formerly Fakenham Community Centre Management Committee) tbc Norfolk Housing Partnership (Strategic Housing Board) Norfolk Archaeological Services Advisory Committee MEMBER(S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED 1 1 + 2 Subs 11 Mr T Ivory Mr T FitzPatrick (Mrs L Brettle) (Mrs A Green) Appendix B REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES – comments for Full Council 22 May 2012 ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Ms B Palmer: Invited to meetings; attended all meetings; makes a valuable contribution by encouraging people to keep active – essential; received a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; has interest/specific knowledge in this field. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett: Invited to meetings; attended 2 out of 2 meetings; makes a valuable contribution; received a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made to portfolio holder. Mr W Northam: Invited to meetings; attended 2 out of 2 meetings; maintains a valuable link between the terminal operators and our parishes; reports should be made to Full Council as and when necessary; it is in/affects his Ward. Mr B Smith: Invited to meetings; attended 2 out of 2 meetings; does not make a valuable contribution; parish councils send a representative; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin, it is in/affects his Ward. Mr R Stevens: Invited to meetings; attended 15 out of 19 meetings; makes a valuable contribution; received a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made by email message; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in his Ward/affects his Ward. Active Norfolk 1 Ms B Palmer Bacton Gas Terminal Environmental Liaison Committee 4 Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr W J Northam Mr R Price Mr B Smith Broads Authority 1 Mr R Stevens 12 Appendix B ORGANISATION Broads Internal Drainage Board NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 8 MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr B Jarvis Mr R Price Mr W J Northam Mr R Shepherd Mr R Stevens Mr N Smith Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 5 meetings; makes a valuable contribution; received a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made to the portfolio holder; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field. Mrs P Grove-Jones: Invited to meetings; attended 3 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution; no briefing received before attending first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; has specific interest in this field and it is in her Ward. Mr W J Northam: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 4 meetings; as District Council Members, we particularly monitor the financial aspects; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made to Full Council as and when necessary; it is in/affects his Ward. Mr R Shepherd: Invited to meetings; attended 5 out of 5 meetings; land in northern Broads is subject to flood if not pumped, also Dilham Canal problem is being scrutinised – continue; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; copy of minutes /reports should be made to relevant officers and to Full Council – NNDC is concerned with northern Broads and some land only, although flood may result; has an interest/ specific knowledge in this field. Mr N Smith: Attended 3 out of 4 meetings; did not 13 Appendix B ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Citizens Advice North Norfolk 2 Ms B Palmer Civil Parking Enforcement Committee 1 Mr T FitzPatrick Community Rail Norfolk 1 Mr T FitzPatrick (Director) Cromer Lawn Tennis & Squash Association 1 Mr R Wright 14 Notes receive briefing before attending first meeting; minutes published on web; is there to make up the numbers. Mr R Stevens: Invited to meetings; attended 3 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made by email message; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in/affects his Ward. Ms B Palmer: Not invited to meetings; makes a valuable contribution as it helps people but no point in sending a representative as never told of meetings; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in/affects her Ward. Mr T FitzPatrick: Has only just been appointed; Council is required to send representative as part of regulation; reports should be made to Full Council; needs a Cabinet member to be in attendance. Mr T FitzPatrick: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 5 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send representative; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting (new group); reports should be made to Full Council; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field – portfolio holder. Appendix B ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Fakenham Community Centre Management Committee 3 Mr J Punchard Mr R Reynolds Mr S Ward Mr J Punchard: Attended 8 out of 12 meetings; makes a valuable contribution by providing a community provision; received a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made in ways other than at Full Council and in the Members’ Bulletin; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; it is in/affects his Ward. Happisburgh Lighthouse Trust 1 Mrs L Walker Health and Well Being Board (formally Shadow Health and Well Being Board) 1 Mrs A Fitch-Tillett HMP Bure Liaison Committee 3 Mr T Ivory Mr R Shepherd Mr G Williams Mrs L Walker: Attended 1 out of 2 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send representative; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in/affects her Ward. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett: Invited to meetings; attended 3 out of 3 meetings; makes a valuable contribution as we now have responsibility for public health; received briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made to portfolio holder; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in/affects her Ward. Mr R Shepherd: Invited to meetings; attended 3 out of 3 meetings; watching brief on prisoner release which is an expensive problem for police and communities- prison conditions and systems updated – continue; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made to Council/ relevant officers; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field. 15 Appendix B ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES Holt & Dereham Citizens Advice Bureau 1 Local Government Association – SIP- Coastal issues 1+ Sub Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Alliance Norfolk Arts Forum Executive 1 1+ 2 Subs MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Mr D Young Mr D Young: Invited to meetings; attended 6 out of 12 meetings, makes a very valuable contribution as helps to claim appropriate benefits and gives financial advice; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett: Attended 3 out of 4 meetings, makes a valuable contribution; received a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made to Full Council, has an interest/specific knowledge in this field. Mr P Terrington: Invited to meetings – called once at very short notice and could not attend; attended 0 out of 2 meetings – is a substitute member; makes a valuable contribution – very useful; did not receive a briefing; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in/affects his Ward. Mr T FitzPatrick: Invited to meetings; attended 5 out of 6 meetings; Council should continue to send a representative – meets one of the Administration main objectives; received briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made to Full Council; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field. Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett (Mr P Terrington) Mr T FitzPatrick Mr B Jarvis 16 Appendix B ORGANISATION Norfolk Coast Partnership Norfolk Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (must be a Member of Overview & Scrutiny Committee) Norfolk Housing Partnership Norfolk Joint Museums Committee NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 1+2 Subs 1+Sub 1 1+Sub MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett (Mrs L Brettle) (Mr P Terrington) Mrs L Brettle: Attended 2 out of 2 meetings; reports should be made via Cabinet; has an interest in this field and it is in/affects her Ward. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett: Invited to meetings; attended 7 out of 8 meetings, makes a valuable contribution; received a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made to portfolio holder, has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in/affects her Ward – is currently Vice-Chairman of this body. Mr P Terrington: Is a substitute and has not been used this year; is involved in another capacity and body fulfils a very useful function; did not receive a briefing before attending first meeting; copies of minutes should be put in Members’ Room; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in/affects his Ward. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds: Invited to meetings; attended all meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative; reports should and are made to Overview and Scrutiny Committee; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds (Mr B Jarvis) Mr T Ivory Mrs L Brettle 17 Mrs L Brettle: Attended 4 out of 4 meetings; reports should be made via Cabinet; has an interest/specific Appendix B ORGANISATION Norfolk Rail Policy Group NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 1+Sub MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Mrs H Cox Norfolk Records Committee 1 Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board 5 Mrs A Green Mr J H Perry-Warnes Ms B Palmer Mr R Shepherd Mr J A Wyatt 18 Notes knowledge in this field and it is in/affects her Ward. Mrs H Cox: Invited to meetings; attended 3 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution because it directly affects people’s lives; received a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in/affects her Ward. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds: Invited to meetings; attended all but one meeting; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative; reports could be viewed on County Council website; has an interest in this field. Mrs A Green: Attended 3 out of 4 meetings; Council should continue to send a representative; did not receive a briefing before attending first meeting; occasional report should be made if it affects planning; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in/affects her Ward. Ms B Palmer: Invited to meetings; attended 1 meeting since joined; Council should continue to send representative – keeping water standards up in Norfolk; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; is in/affects her Ward. Mr R Shepherd: Invited to meetings; attended 3 out of 4 meetings; farming land drainage and environmental upkeep of rivers benefits hugely especially with DEFRA losing interest – continue; Appendix B ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes reports should be made to Full Council and relevant officers/Cabinet Member; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field. Mr J A Wyatt: Attended 3 out of 4 meetings; Council should continue to send representative; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; has an interest in this field and it is in/affects his Ward. North Lodge Park Steering Group 2 Mr T Ivory Mr J Lee North Norfolk Business Forum (and Tourism Sector Round Table) 1 Mr N Smith North Norfolk Community Transport (formerly North Walsham Area Community Transport Association) 2 Mr N Lloyd Mr B Smith North Norfolk Historic Buildings 1 Mrs A Green 19 Mr N Smith: Attended 3 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; minutes are published on web; has an interest/specific interest in this field. Mr N Lloyd: Invited to meetings; attended 5 out of 6 meetings; Council should continue to send representative – community transport is essential in a rural environment; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made as required to Full Council for budgetary reasons; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; it is in/affects his Ward. Mr B Smith: Invited to meetings; attended 5 out of 6 meetings; makes a valuable contribution; Council should not continue to send a representative – attend to ensure funding; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in/affects his Ward. Mrs A Green: Attended 4 out of 4 meetings; Council Appendix B ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Trust North Norfolk Renewables Partnership 1 Mr T FitzPatrick North Norfolk Skills Partnership 1 Mr R Wright North Walsham Leadership of Place 2 Mr T Ivory Mr E Seward North Walsham Sports Hall Management Committee 2 Mr N Lloyd Mr G Jones (substitute) 20 Notes should continue to send representative – preservation of buildings of historic interest – conservation officer in attendance; reports should be made in Members’ bulletin or other – usually rather confidential; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field. Mr T FitzPatrick: Invited to meetings; attended 5 out of 6 meetings; Council should continue to send representative – inward investment; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made to Cabinet; is in/affects his Ward and portfolio. Mr R Wright – recently appointed (27/02/13) ie after this review took place Mr E Seward: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 5 meetings; this body forms part of NNDC priorities for North Walsham – future is being reviewed; no briefing – n/a as first outside representative on body; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in/affects his Ward. Mr N Lloyd: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 5 meetings; Council should continue to send representative – very important contribution – sport is vital to the wellbeing of out community; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made as required – non-routing meetings have gone to Full Council in 2012; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is Appendix B ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED PATROL Adjudication and Bus Lane Adjudication Joint Committee Sheringham Little Theatre Society Board 1 Mr R Oliver 1 Mr R Oliver Sheringham Sports Association (formerly Sheringham Recreation Ground Liaison Committee) 2 Mr R Oliver Mr R Shepherd Southrepps Commons Management Committee 1 Mrs S A Arnold The Wash & North Norfolk Coast Marine Special Area of Conservation Management 1 Mr P Terrington 21 Notes in/affects his Ward. Mr G Jones Mr R Oliver: Not invited to meetings so far; has not received a briefing; representing Council as portfolio holder. Mr R Oliver: Invited to meetings; attended 3 out of 4 meetings; makes valuable contribution – allows scrutiny of well-funded body; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin’ ; it is in/affects his Ward. Mr R Oliver: Invited to meetings; attended 11 out of 12 meetings; makes a valuable contribution – it runs the recreation area by Splash; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in/affects his Ward. Mr R Shepherd: Invited to meetings; attended 6 out of 8 meetings; grant increase has resulted in sports facilities for community and young in particular; reports should be made to relevant officers/council; it is in/affects his Ward. Mrs S Arnold: Invited to meetings; attended all meetings (10-12); makes very valuable contribution; received briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in/affects her Ward. Mr P Terrington: Invited to meetings; attended 1 out of 2 meetings; makes very important contribution; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; Appendix B ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Group Wells Harbour Users’ Advisory Committee 1 Mr T FitzPatrick Wells Maltings Trust 2 Mr J D Savory Mr P Terrington 22 Notes reports should be put in Members’ Room or given to Members of other relevant coastal wards; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in/affects his Ward; suggest we appoint official substitute - Cllr L Brettle represented him on the meeting he could not attend. Mr T FitzPatrick: Invited to meetings; attended 2 out of 2 meetings; Council should continue to send representative – liaison between Wells Harbour and stakeholders; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; minutes are published by Wells Harbour on their website; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in/affects his Ward. Mr J Savory Mr P Terrington: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of approximately 6 meetings; very important for my Ward (Priory); received briefing before attending first meeting; local interest only – has not reported back; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field and it is in/affects his Ward.