Agenda Item 4 FULL COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of North Norfolk District Council held on 22 February 2012 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 6.00 pm. Members Present: Mrs S A Arnold Mr M Baker Mrs L Brettle Mr B Cabbell Manners Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr N D Dixon Mrs H Eales Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Ms V Gay Mrs A Green Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr B Hannah Mr P W High Officers in Attendance: Also in Attendance: 107. Mr T Ivory Mr K E Johnson Mr G R Jones Mr J H A Lee Mr N Lloyd Mrs B A McGoun Mrs A Moore Mr P W Moore Mr W J Northam Miss B Palmer Mr S Partridge Mr R Price Mr R Reynolds Mr J D Savory Mr E Seward Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mr N Smith Mr R Smith Mr R Stevens Mr P Terrington Mrs V Uprichard Mrs L Walker Mr S Ward Mr G Williams Mr R Wright Mr J A Wyatt Mr D Young The Chief Executive, the Corporate Directors, the Monitoring Officer, the Organisational Development Manager, the Acting Financial Services Manager, the Democratic Services Team Leader (MMH) and the Democratic Services Officer The press and members of the public. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS Mr J Perry-Warnes was home from hospital and making a good recovery. 108. TO RECEIVE DECLARATION OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS Member(s) Minute No. Item Interest Mr B J Hannah 115, 120(d) Appointment of Members to the Big Society Board Personal and nonprejudicial –is a Member of Norfolk County Council and on the Board of the Upcher Partnership Recommendations from Cabinet 6 February 2012, Item 11 Full Council 1 22 February 2012 Member(s) Minute No. Item Interest Mr G R Jones 115, 120(d) Appointment of Members to the Big Society Board Personal and nonprejudicial –is a Member of Norfolk County Council and on the Board of the Griffon Partnership Recommendations from Cabinet 6 February 2012, Item 11 109. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Mr B Jarvis, Mr R Oliver, Mr J H Perry-Warnes, Mr J Punchard, Mrs A C Sweeney and Mrs H Thompson. 110. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on 14 December 2011 and the extraordinary meeting of the Council held on 11 January 2012 were approved as correct records, after the following drafting amendment: 11 January 2012, Minute 105, Items of Urgent Business: The first item should read: “Ms V R Gay to replace Mr P W High as a substitute on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Mr P W High to replace Ms V R Gay on the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party This matter was urgent because if the changes weren't formalised until the next scheduled meeting of Full Council on 22 February 2012 it would potentially prevent Ms Gay from substituting at 3 meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (25 January, 31 January and 15 February 2012) and Mr High from being a Member of the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party on 20 February 2012. RESOLVED 1. That Ms V R Gay replaces Mr P W High as a substitute on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 2. That Mr P W High replaces Ms V R Gay on the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party.” 111. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None received. 112. PUBLIC QUESTIONS Questions had been received from Mrs G Lisher, Mr S Eastwood and Mr N Lee. The questions concerned car park charges. Mr Lee also presented a petition with 1327 signatures on behalf of North Walsham Chamber of Trade. The Chairman advised that, although the questions would be taken, there would be no right of reply as the subject was not on the agenda. However the views of the speakers would be noted and taken into account. Full Council 2 22 February 2012 113. APPOINTMENTS a) MRS V UPRICHARD TO REPLACE MR S PARTRIDGE ON THE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE RESOLVED To appoint Mrs V Uprichard to replace Mr S Partridge on the Development Committee. b) APPOINTMENT OF MR N SMITH TO REPLACE MR R WRIGHT ON THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE RESOLVED To appoint Mr N Smith to replace Mr R Wright on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. c) TO APPOINT MRS A CLAUSSEN-REYNOLDS TO REPLACE MR R OLIVER ON THE AUDIT COMMITTEE RESOLVED To appoint Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds to replace Mr R Oliver on the Audit Committee. d) TO APPROVE THE APPOINTMENT OF MRS H EALES TO THE SHADOW HEALTH AND WELL BEING BOARD RESOLVED To approve the appointment of Mrs H Eales to the Shadow Health and Well Being Board. e) APPOINTMENT OF MR K E JOHNSON TO THE PATROL ADJUDICATION AND BUS LANE ADJUDICATION JOINT COMMITTEE RESOLVED To appoint Mr K E Johnson to the PATROL Adjudication and Bus Lane Adjudication Committee. f) TO APPOINT MR N SMITH TO A VACANCY ON THE BROADS INTERNAL DRAINAGE BOARD RESOLVED To appoint Mr N Smith to a vacancy on the Broads Internal Drainage Board. 114. PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE – REVENUES AND BENEFITS SHARED SERVICES – APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS AND APPROVAL OF TERMS OF REFERENCE RESOLVED to 1. Appoint Mrs H Eales, Mr W J Northam, Mr E Seward and Mrs A Moore (substitute) to the Partnership Committee – Revenues and Benefits Shared Services and to appoint a Conservative Group substitute at the meeting of Full Council on 18 April 2012. 2. Approve the Terms of Reference. Full Council 3 22 February 2012 115. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE BIG SOCIETY BOARD RESOLVED to appoint Mrs H Eales, Mr P W High, Mr T Ivory, Mr B Jarvis and Mr J A Wyatt to the Big Society Board. 116. COMMUNITY COVENANT The Leader was due to sign the Norfolk Armed Forces Community Covenant at a ceremony at County Hall on 7 March 2012. The Cabinet was looking at ways of taking forward some of the areas identified in the Community Covenant action plan. RESOLVED to endorse the Leader’s signing of the Covenant on behalf of North Norfolk District Council. 117. CONSTITUTION ANNUAL REVIEW In accordance with paragraph 14.1 in chapter 1 of the Constitution, the Council needed to undertake a review at least annually. The review was best undertaken by the Constitution Working Party. RESOLVED that 1. The Constitution Working Party should undertake the annual review of the content and operation of the Constitution and that recommendations arising from the review are scheduled to be reported to Full Council on 18 April 2012. 2. The following Members be appointed: Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett, Ms V R Gay, Mr K E Johnson, Mrs A Moore and Mrs H Thompson. 118. REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT REMUNERATION PANEL The Independent Member Remuneration Panel (IRP) was appointed for a 4 year term with effect from 14 December 2011 and consisted of 3 members: Paddy Seligman, John Wollocombe and Richard Draper. The Chair of the Panel was selected by its members at the start of the meeting where it was agreed that John Wollocombe would be the Chairman. The IRP met on 13 January 2012 to consider the available evidence before making the recommendations being put to the Council and was assisted by the Chief Executive, Corporate Director – Information, and the Democratic Services Team Leader. The Council was required to observe as part of the legislation, the following; ‘before an authority makes or amends a scheme, it shall have regard to the recommendations made in relation to it by an independent remuneration panel’. The findings and recommendations of the Panel were detailed in the report. RESOLVED 1. To adopt a scheme of allowances and amend the Constitution accordingly. 2. That: a) the Basic Allowance should remain at £4,054.88 pa; b) the Scheme should remain index linked to officers’ pay awards; c) the broadband allowance should remain at £180 pa subject to Members agreeing a reduction to reflect the change in market prices since 2008; Full Council 4 22 February 2012 REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT REMUNERATION PANEL (Continued) d) the Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) for the Leader of the Council should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x3 the basic allowance; e) the SRA for Cabinet Members with Portfolio should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x2.33 the basic allowance; f) the SRA for Regulatory Committees of the Council should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x1.67 the basic allowance; g) until the relevant provisions of the Localism Act 2011 come into force, the SRA in respect of the Standards Committee be paid to the non-elected Chairman of that committee less the basic allowance; h) the SRA for the Chairman of the Council should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x1.33 the basic allowance; i) the SRA for the Leader of the main opposition group should remain calculated by way of a multiplier of x1.33 the basic allowance; j) payment of £50 per session (0.5 of a day) should continue to be made to co-opted members of the Standards Committee; k) the carers’ allowance should be set at the national minimum wage for Child Dependants and the national minimum wage plus £3 for Non-Child Dependants, with discretion being delegated to the Chief Executive to increase this amount when individual circumstances justified a higher payment; l) the payment of a carers’ allowance should be confirmed as being extended to attendance at outside bodies and that this should be explicitly stated within the Constitution; m) the existing travelling and subsistence expenses scheme should be maintained, and it should be subject to amendment in accordance with prevailing national agreements; n) the changes proposed by the Panel are not backdated, but should take effect from the beginning of the municipal year, in May 2012; o) Members’ Allowances should remain ineligible for admission to the Norfolk Local Government Scheme; p) the existing arrangements for temporarily stopping the payment of allowances to a Member while suspended from their role are maintained until the relevant provisions of the Localism Act 2011 come into force removing the power to suspend a Member from their role. 119. BUDGET AND COUNCIL TAX SETTING 2012/2013 The report was introduced by the Portfolio Holder, Mr W J Northam. His speech is attached at Minutes Appendix A. The Portfolio Holder added a recommendation, not contained in the report, to allow for a £42,000 virement to be made from within the capital budget from the BPR EDM (Business Process Re-engineering – Electronic Data Management) budget to the Sheringham East promenade public conveniences budget to allow for this scheme to be completed. The Leader seconded the recommendations. She told Council that the Cabinet had established their priorities including regeneration plans for North Walsham, establishing a Big Society Fund, investing in the Pier and tackling issues such as long-term empty properties. Localism was at the heart of the Cabinet’s aims. Full Council 5 22 February 2012 BUDGET AND COUNCIL TAX SETTING 2012/2013 (Continued) The Car Park Charges, which had been the subject of public questions at the beginning of the meeting, had been to Cabinet on 28 November 2011, Overview and Scrutiny on 13 December 2011 and agreed by Full Council on 14 December 2011. A statutory parking order had been published. Any objections would be considered by officers and Cabinet when the statutory period had ended. Cabinet would also be holding further discussion regarding the free car parks. The Leader of the Opposition, Ms V R Gay, said that her Group did not support the proposed budget and would be voting against it, considering the increase in car parking charges to be unnecessary and potentially detrimental to business and tourism. There was no provision in the budget for pay increases for staff, for youth projects or for green business. Mr R Smith also expressed concern that the budget didn’t include any help for young people, especially since Norfolk County Council had severely cut their provision for youth. Mr P W Moore supported Ms Gay. He said that he was pleased that Cabinet would be having further discussion regarding the free car parks and expressed concern that their abolition would mean that workers would use prime town centre car parks and that there would be nowhere for shoppers to park. Mr G R Jones also expressed concern about the impact increased charges could have on residents. Mr M J M Baker said that he was happy that there was no increase in the Council Tax but expressed concern about the effects on business and tourism. Responding to a question from Mr Baker the Leader undertook to ascertain the current amount of Council Tax arrears and the plans for recovery and to report back to him. The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny, Mr E Seward, told the meeting that not all the recommendations before them had been fully supported by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The investment in North Walsham was welcomed but the petition presented by the Chamber of Trade at the beginning of the meeting asking for reconsideration of the car park charges should be taken into account. He welcomed the news that the matter of the free car parks was to be re-discussed. As a local Member, Mr Seward had received representation from the Principal of Paston College who, together with some of the students, would welcome the opportunity to engage with the Council. In response to a question from Mr G R Jones the Acting Financial Services Manager explained that there had been no increase in income from the district element of the Collection Fund assumed for the next 3 years as a result of any increases in the level of new homes. This was however a prudent approach as an increase in new homes would not necessarily result in increased income from the Collection Fund due to various issues such as the transfer of properties from council tax to business rates and the various discount schemes. RESOLVED That having considered the Chief Financial Officer’s report on the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves, the following be approved: a) The General Fund Revenue Budget for 2012/13; b) to allow for a £42,000 virement to be made from within the capital budget from the BPR EDM (Business Process Re-engineering – Electronic Data Management) budget to the Sheringham East promenade public conveniences budget to allow for this scheme to be completed. c) The Policy Framework for the Earmarked Reserves and the Optimum Level of the General Reserve 2012/13 to 2015/16 (Appendix D); Full Council 6 22 February 2012 BUDGET AND COUNCIL TAX SETTING 2012/2013 (Continued) d) The level of the General Reserve maintained at a minimum of £950,000; e) The General and Earmarked Reserves are employed as shown in the Reserves Statement (Appendix C); f) It was NOTED; that at its meeting on 14 December 2011, Full Council calculated the following Council Tax bases for the year 2012/13 in accordance with regulations made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992: a) 41,366 being calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as its Council Tax base for the year; It was further RESOLVED; That members undertake the council tax and statutory calculations set out at section 4, and set the Council Tax for 2012/13: b) PART OF THE COUNCIL PART OF THE COUNCIL COUNCIL'S AREA TAX BASE COUNCIL’S AREA TAX BASE Alby with Thwaite 101.59 Little Barningham 41.70 Aldborough 239.73 Little Snoring 229.47 Antingham 129.06 Ludham 530.95 Ashmanhaugh 70.55 Matlaske 64.05 Aylmerton 197.53 Melton Constable 199.08 Baconsthorpe 90.67 Morston 58.30 Bacton 516.06 Mundesley 1198.52 Barsham 105.49 Neatishead 244.88 Barton Turf 241.32 North Walsham 4270.63 Beckham East/West 122.08 Northrepps 333.34 Beeston Regis 416.00 Overstrand 459.84 Binham 180.36 Paston 88.85 Blakeney 540.22 Plumstead 53.21 Bodham 176.83 Potter Heigham 435.03 Briningham 65.81 Pudding Norton 83.31 Brinton 122.56 Raynham 134.66 Briston 889.03 Roughton 352.39 Brumstead 26.10 Runton 760.81 Catfield 354.27 Ryburgh 243.12 Cley 319.93 Salthouse 123.39 Colby 195.18 Scottow 303.76 Corpusty and Saxthorpe 277.85 Sculthorpe 293.21 Cromer 3127.55 Sea Palling 224.92 Dilham 143.47 Sheringham 3252.42 Dunton 51.95 Sidestrand 49.36 East Ruston 189.82 Skeyton 88.55 Edgefield 185.87 Sloley 91.96 Erpingham 250.61 Smallburgh 193.75 Fakenham 2674.71 Southrepps 324.74 Felbrigg 79.03 Stalham 1142.23 Full Council 7 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA Felmingham Field Dalling Fulmodestone Gimingham Great Snoring Gresham Gunthorpe Hanworth Happisburgh Helhoughton Hempstead Hempton Hickling High Kelling Hindolveston Hindringham Holkham Holt Honing Horning Horsey Hoveton Ingham Ingworth Itteringham Kelling Kettlestone Knapton Langham Lessingham Letheringsett with Glandford COUNCIL TAX BASE PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA 196.07 Stibbard 136.83 Stiffkey 180.52 Stody 163.84 Suffield 84.11 Sustead 171.85 Sutton 139.40 Swafield 97.67 Swanton Abbott 314.97 Swanton Novers 135.17 Tattersett 78.41 Thornage 192.34 Thorpe Market 425.79 Thurning 287.57 Thursford 207.97 Trimingham 236.45 Trunch 94.49 Tunstead 1697.13 Upper Sheringham 126.48 Walcott 618.98 Walsingham 39.15 Warham 808.98 Wells-next-the-Sea 151.75 Westwick 44.83 Weybourne 62.93 Wickmere 91.26 Wighton 93.58 Witton 156.49 Wiveton 196.76 Wood Norton 246.91 Worstead COUNCIL TAX BASE 138.94 128.17 94.47 58.20 91.93 413.02 116.89 151.76 87.74 287.66 96.37 113.42 30.21 108.66 151.60 371.43 274.09 95.81 243.46 379.52 82.46 1107.11 31.81 332.96 61.56 111.39 132.23 88.59 101.01 329.24 123.95 being the amounts calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as the amounts of its Council Tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which special items may relate (parish precepts). 4.6 That the following amounts be now CALCULATED by the Council for the year 2012/13 in accordance with Sections 31A to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and the relevant regulations and directions as follows:a) b) Full Council £63,840,201 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the expenditure items set out in Section 31A(2) (a) to (f) of the Act. £56,556,771 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the income items set out in Section 31A(3) (a) to (d) of the Act. This includes the amount the Council estimates will be transferred in the year from its collection fund to its general fund in accordance with Section 97 (3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 (council tax surplus of £44,675). 8 22 February 2012 c) d) e) f) £7,283,430 being the amount by which the aggregate at (a) above exceeds the aggregate at (b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act, to be its council tax requirement for the year. £176.0729 being the amount at (c) above divided by the amount at 4.5(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year. £1,538,934 being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act. £138.8700 being the amount at (d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at (e) above by the amount at 4.5 (a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates. g) PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA Alby with Thwaite Aldborough Antingham Ashmanhaugh Aylmerton Baconsthorpe Bacton Barsham Barton Turf Beckham East/West Beeston Regis Binham Blakeney Bodham Brinton Briston Catfield Cley Colby Corpusty and Saxthorpe Cromer Dilham East Ruston Edgefield Erpingham Fakenham Felbrigg Felmingham Field Dalling Fulmodestone Gimingham Great Snoring Gresham Full Council BASIC AMOUNT £ PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA 162.4943 159.7267 156.3037 179.9755 171.6498 155.4135 167.9363 156.8811 157.5174 158.5292 170.1200 163.8200 181.4452 174.2146 157.2283 170.6180 165.6857 160.7497 215.7221 172.5572 198.2995 168.7299 154.6744 168.4605 164.8067 191.3654 164.1768 146.5203 160.7950 161.0282 167.8616 180.4821 165.0556 9 Little Barningham Little Snoring Ludham Matlaske Melton Constable Morston Mundesley Neatishead North Walsham Northrepps Overstrand Paston Plumstead Potter Heigham Pudding Norton Raynham Roughton Runton Ryburgh Salthouse Scottow Sculthorpe Sea Palling Sheringham Sidestrand Skeyton Sloley Smallburgh Southrepps Stalham Stibbard Stiffkey Stody BASIC AMOUNT £ 148.4623 167.1961 155.4534 143.5538 189.1010 156.0226 180.6323 162.6244 174.5204 182.2311 171.8597 188.3916 169.8792 166.2244 160.4760 180.4562 167.2476 149.3851 171.7755 165.2092 161.9145 155.9226 185.1620 187.7161 163.1811 151.2923 166.8713 170.8700 174.1289 182.6440 176.2962 177.8806 164.2748 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA BASIC AMOUNT £ Gunthorpe Hanworth Happisburgh Helhoughton Hempstead Hempton Hickling High Kelling Hindolveston Hindringham Holkham Holt Honing Horning Horsey Hoveton Ingham Ingworth Itteringham Kelling Kettlestone Knapton Langham Lessingham Letheringsett with Glandford PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA 151.7824 159.3471 161.6499 168.4623 159.9132 171.1045 158.5416 168.4280 167.2394 162.1307 165.3278 184.9525 154.6827 162.2956 158.0270 191.4003 147.4367 187.7212 168.2677 171.7431 174.1339 166.0282 169.9738 153.0452 155.0055 BASIC AMOUNT £ Suffield Sustead Sutton Swafield Swanton Abbott Swanton Novers Tattersett Thornage Thorpe Market Thursford Trimingham Trunch Tunstead Upper Sheringham Walcott Walsingham Warham Wells-next-the-Sea Weybourne Wickmere Wighton Witton Wiveton Wood Norton Worstead 164.6431 155.1867 155.4309 167.9571 169.1810 170.2126 149.2989 154.4350 174.1371 166.4790 180.6905 182.6198 162.9496 191.0983 171.7296 181.0285 199.5054 200.2911 186.9238 195.7251 170.2911 146.4325 189.1014 160.2342 166.2056 being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 4.6(f) above to the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 4.5(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate. h) PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A £ Alby with Thwaite Aldborough Antingham Ashmanhaugh Aylmerton Baconsthorpe Bacton Barsham Barton Turf Beckham East/West Beeston Regis Full Council 108.32 106.48 104.20 119.98 114.43 103.60 111.95 104.58 105.01 105.68 113.41 B £ 126.38 124.23 121.56 139.98 133.50 120.87 130.61 122.01 122.51 123.30 132.31 C £ D £ 144.43 141.97 138.93 159.97 152.57 138.14 149.27 139.44 140.01 140.91 151.21 10 162.49 159.72 156.30 179.97 171.64 155.41 167.93 156.88 157.51 158.52 170.12 E £ 198.60 195.22 191.03 219.97 209.79 189.94 205.25 191.74 192.52 193.75 207.92 F £ 234.71 230.71 225.77 259.96 247.93 224.48 242.57 226.60 227.52 228.98 245.72 G £ 270.82 266.21 260.50 299.95 286.08 259.02 279.89 261.46 262.52 264.21 283.53 H £ 324.98 319.45 312.60 359.95 343.29 310.82 335.87 313.76 315.03 317.05 340.24 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A £ Binham Blakeney Bodham Brinton Briston Catfield Cley Colby Corpusty and Saxthorpe Cromer Dilham East Ruston Edgefield Erpingham Fakenham Felbrigg Felmingham Field Dalling Fulmodestone Gimingham Great Snoring Gresham Gunthorpe Hanworth Happisburgh Helhoughton Hempstead Hempton Hickling High Kelling Hindolveston Hindringham Holkham Holt Honing Horning Horsey Hoveton Ingham Ingworth Itteringham Kelling Kettlestone Knapton Langham Lessingham Letheringsett with Full Council B £ C £ D £ E £ F £ G £ H £ 109.21 120.96 116.14 104.81 113.74 110.45 107.16 143.81 127.41 141.12 135.50 122.28 132.70 128.86 125.02 167.78 145.61 161.28 154.85 139.75 151.66 147.27 142.88 191.75 163.82 181.44 174.21 157.22 170.61 165.68 160.74 215.72 200.22 221.76 212.92 192.16 208.53 202.50 196.47 263.66 236.62 262.08 251.64 227.10 246.44 239.32 232.19 311.59 273.03 302.40 290.35 262.04 284.36 276.14 267.91 359.53 327.64 362.89 348.42 314.45 341.23 331.37 321.49 431.44 115.03 132.19 112.48 103.11 112.30 109.87 127.57 109.45 97.68 107.19 107.35 111.90 120.32 110.03 101.18 106.23 107.76 112.30 106.60 114.06 105.69 112.28 111.49 108.08 110.21 123.30 103.12 108.19 105.35 127.60 98.29 125.14 112.17 114.49 116.08 110.68 113.31 102.03 103.33 134.21 154.23 131.23 120.30 131.02 128.18 148.83 127.69 113.96 125.06 125.24 130.55 140.37 128.37 118.05 123.93 125.72 131.02 124.37 133.08 123.31 130.99 130.07 126.10 128.58 143.85 120.30 126.22 122.90 148.86 114.67 146.00 130.87 133.57 135.43 129.13 132.20 119.03 120.55 153.38 176.26 149.98 137.48 149.74 146.49 170.10 145.93 130.24 142.92 143.13 149.21 160.42 146.71 134.91 141.64 143.68 149.74 142.14 152.09 140.92 149.71 148.65 144.11 146.95 164.40 137.49 144.26 140.46 170.13 131.05 166.86 149.57 152.66 154.78 147.58 151.08 136.04 137.78 172.55 198.29 168.72 154.67 168.46 164.80 191.36 164.17 146.52 160.79 161.02 167.86 180.48 165.05 151.78 159.34 161.64 168.46 159.91 171.10 158.54 168.42 167.23 162.13 165.32 184.95 154.68 162.29 158.02 191.40 147.43 187.72 168.26 171.74 174.13 166.02 169.97 153.04 155.00 210.90 242.36 206.22 189.04 205.89 201.43 233.89 200.66 179.08 196.52 196.81 205.16 220.58 201.73 185.51 194.75 197.57 205.89 195.44 209.12 193.77 205.85 204.40 198.15 202.06 226.05 189.05 198.36 193.14 233.93 180.20 229.43 205.66 209.90 212.83 202.92 207.74 187.05 189.45 249.24 286.43 243.72 223.41 243.33 238.05 276.41 237.14 211.64 232.25 232.59 242.46 260.69 238.41 219.24 230.16 233.49 243.33 230.98 247.15 229.00 243.28 241.56 234.18 238.80 267.15 223.43 234.42 228.26 276.46 212.96 271.15 243.05 248.07 251.52 239.81 245.51 221.06 223.89 287.59 330.49 281.21 257.79 280.76 274.67 318.94 273.62 244.20 267.99 268.38 279.76 300.80 275.09 252.97 265.57 269.41 280.77 266.52 285.17 264.23 280.71 278.73 270.21 275.54 308.25 257.80 270.49 263.37 319.00 245.72 312.86 280.44 286.23 290.22 276.71 283.28 255.07 258.34 345.11 396.59 337.45 309.34 336.92 329.61 382.73 328.35 293.04 321.59 322.05 335.72 360.96 330.11 303.56 318.69 323.29 336.92 319.82 342.20 317.08 336.85 334.47 324.26 330.65 369.90 309.36 324.59 316.05 382.80 294.87 375.44 336.53 343.48 348.26 332.05 339.94 306.09 310.01 11 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A £ Glandford Little Barningham Little Snoring Ludham Matlaske Melton Constable Morston Mundesley Neatishead North Walsham Northrepps Overstrand Paston Plumstead Potter Heigham Pudding Norton Raynham Roughton Runton Ryburgh Salthouse Scottow Sculthorpe Sea Palling Sheringham Sidestrand Skeyton Sloley Smallburgh Southrepps Stalham Stibbard Stiffkey Stody Suffield Sustead Sutton Swafield Swanton Abbott Swanton Novers Tattersett Thornage Thorpe Market Thursford Trimingham Trunch Tunstead Upper Sheringham Full Council 98.97 111.46 103.63 95.70 126.06 104.01 120.42 108.41 116.34 121.48 114.57 125.59 113.25 110.81 106.98 120.30 111.49 99.59 114.51 110.13 107.94 103.94 123.44 125.14 108.78 100.86 111.24 113.91 116.08 121.76 117.53 118.58 109.51 109.76 103.45 103.62 111.97 112.78 113.47 99.53 102.95 116.09 110.98 120.46 121.74 108.63 127.39 B £ 115.47 130.04 120.90 111.65 147.07 121.35 140.49 126.48 135.73 141.73 133.66 146.52 132.12 129.28 124.81 140.35 130.08 116.18 133.60 128.49 125.93 121.27 144.01 146.00 126.91 117.67 129.78 132.89 135.43 142.05 137.11 138.35 127.76 128.05 120.70 120.89 130.63 131.58 132.38 116.12 120.11 135.43 129.48 140.53 142.03 126.73 148.63 C £ D £ 131.96 148.61 138.18 127.60 168.08 138.68 160.56 144.55 155.12 161.98 152.76 167.45 151.00 147.75 142.64 160.40 148.66 132.78 152.68 146.85 143.92 138.59 164.58 166.85 145.04 134.48 148.33 151.88 154.78 162.35 156.70 158.11 146.02 146.34 137.94 138.16 149.29 150.38 151.30 132.71 137.27 154.78 147.98 160.61 162.32 144.84 169.86 12 148.46 167.19 155.45 143.55 189.10 156.02 180.63 162.62 174.52 182.23 171.85 188.39 169.87 166.22 160.47 180.45 167.24 149.38 171.77 165.20 161.91 155.92 185.16 187.71 163.18 151.29 166.87 170.87 174.12 182.64 176.29 177.88 164.27 164.64 155.18 155.43 167.95 169.18 170.21 149.29 154.43 174.13 166.47 180.69 182.61 162.94 191.09 E £ 181.45 204.35 189.99 175.45 231.12 190.69 220.77 198.76 213.30 222.72 210.05 230.25 207.63 203.16 196.13 220.55 204.41 182.58 209.94 201.92 197.89 190.57 226.30 229.43 199.44 184.91 203.95 208.84 212.82 223.23 215.47 217.40 200.78 201.23 189.67 189.97 205.28 206.77 208.03 182.47 188.75 212.83 203.47 220.84 223.20 199.16 233.56 F £ 214.44 241.50 224.54 207.35 273.14 225.36 260.91 234.90 252.08 263.22 248.24 272.12 245.38 240.10 231.79 260.65 241.57 215.77 248.12 238.63 233.87 225.22 267.45 271.14 235.70 218.53 241.03 246.81 251.51 263.81 254.65 256.93 237.28 237.81 224.15 224.51 242.60 244.37 245.86 215.65 223.07 251.53 240.46 260.99 263.78 235.37 276.03 G £ 247.43 278.66 259.08 239.25 315.16 260.03 301.05 271.04 290.86 303.71 286.43 313.98 283.13 277.04 267.46 300.76 278.74 248.97 286.29 275.34 269.85 259.87 308.60 312.86 271.96 252.15 278.11 284.78 290.21 304.40 293.82 296.46 273.79 274.40 258.64 259.05 279.92 281.96 283.68 248.83 257.39 290.22 277.46 301.15 304.36 271.58 318.49 H £ 296.92 334.39 310.90 287.10 378.20 312.04 361.26 325.24 349.04 364.46 343.71 376.78 339.75 332.44 320.95 360.91 334.49 298.77 343.55 330.41 323.82 311.84 370.32 375.43 326.36 302.58 333.74 341.74 348.25 365.28 352.59 355.76 328.54 329.28 310.37 310.86 335.91 338.36 340.42 298.59 308.87 348.27 332.95 361.38 365.23 325.89 382.19 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A £ Walcott Walsingham Warham Wells-next-the-Sea Weybourne Wickmere Wighton Witton Wiveton Wood Norton Worstead B £ 114.48 120.68 133.00 133.52 124.61 130.48 113.52 97.62 126.06 106.82 110.80 All Other Parts of the Council’s Area C £ 133.56 140.79 155.17 155.78 145.38 152.23 132.44 113.89 147.07 124.62 129.27 D £ 152.64 160.91 177.33 178.03 166.15 173.97 151.36 130.16 168.09 142.43 147.73 171.72 181.02 199.50 200.29 186.92 195.72 170.29 146.43 189.10 160.23 166.20 E £ 209.89 221.25 243.83 244.80 228.46 239.21 208.13 178.97 231.12 195.84 203.14 F £ G £ 248.05 261.48 288.17 289.30 270.00 282.71 245.97 211.51 273.14 231.44 240.07 H £ 286.21 301.71 332.50 333.81 311.53 326.20 283.81 244.05 315.16 267.05 277.00 343.45 362.05 399.01 400.58 373.84 391.45 340.58 292.86 378.20 320.46 332.41 92.58 108.01 123.44 138.87 169.73 200.59 231.45 277.74 being the amounts given by multiplying (as appropriate) the amounts at 4.6(f) or 4.6(g) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands. 4.7 That it be NOTED that for the year 2012/13 the Norfolk County Council and Norfolk Police Authority have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:- VALUATION BANDS Norfolk County Council Norfolk Police Authority 4.8 A £ B £ C £ D £ E £ F £ G £ H £ 763.38 131.28 890.61 153.16 1,017.84 175.04 1,145.07 196.92 1,399.53 240.68 1,653.99 284.44 1,908.45 328.20 2,290.14 393.84 That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 4.6(h) and 4.7 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, HEREBY SETS the following amounts as the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2012/13 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:- PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A £ Alby with Thwaite Aldborough Antingham Full Council B £ C £ D £ E £ F £ G £ H £ 1,002.98 1,170.15 1,337.31 1,504.48 1,838.81 2,173.14 2,507.47 3,008.96 1,001.14 1,168.00 1,334.85 1,501.71 1,835.43 2,169.14 2,502.86 3,003.43 998.86 1,165.33 1,331.81 1,498.29 1,831.24 2,164.20 2,497.15 2,996.58 13 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA Ashmanhaugh Aylmerton Baconsthorpe Bacton Barsham Barton Turf Beckham East/West Beeston Regis Binham Blakeney Bodham Brinton Briston Catfield Cley Colby Corpusty and Saxthorpe Cromer Dilham East Ruston Edgefield Erpingham Fakenham Felbrigg Felmingham Field Dalling Fulmodestone Gimingham Great Snoring Gresham Gunthorpe Hanworth Happisburgh Helhoughton Hempstead Hempton Hickling High Kelling Hindolveston Hindringham Holkham Holt Honing Horning Horsey Hoveton Ingham Full Council VALUATION BANDS A £ B £ C £ 1,014.64 1,009.09 998.26 1,006.61 999.24 999.67 1,183.75 1,177.27 1,164.64 1,174.38 1,165.78 1,166.28 1,352.85 1,345.45 1,331.02 1,342.15 1,332.32 1,332.89 1,000.34 1,008.07 1,003.87 1,015.62 1,010.80 999.47 1,008.40 1,005.11 1,001.82 1,038.47 1,167.07 1,176.08 1,171.18 1,184.89 1,179.27 1,166.05 1,176.47 1,172.63 1,168.79 1,211.55 1,009.69 1,026.85 1,007.14 997.77 1,006.96 1,004.53 1,022.23 1,004.11 992.34 1,001.85 1,002.01 1,006.56 1,014.98 1,004.69 995.84 1,000.89 1,002.42 1,006.96 1,001.26 1,008.72 1,000.35 1,006.94 1,006.15 1,002.74 1,004.87 1,017.96 997.78 1,002.85 1,000.01 1,022.26 992.95 1,177.98 1,198.00 1,175.00 1,164.07 1,174.79 1,171.95 1,192.60 1,171.46 1,157.73 1,168.83 1,169.01 1,174.32 1,184.14 1,172.14 1,161.82 1,167.70 1,169.49 1,174.79 1,168.14 1,176.85 1,167.08 1,174.76 1,173.84 1,169.87 1,172.35 1,187.62 1,164.07 1,169.99 1,166.67 1,192.63 1,158.44 D £ E £ F £ G £ H £ 1,521.96 1,513.63 1,497.40 1,509.92 1,498.87 1,499.50 1,860.18 1,850.00 1,830.15 1,845.46 1,831.95 1,832.73 2,198.39 2,186.36 2,162.91 2,181.00 2,165.03 2,165.95 2,536.60 2,522.73 2,495.67 2,516.54 2,498.11 2,499.17 3,043.93 3,027.27 2,994.80 3,019.85 2,997.74 2,999.01 1,333.79 1,344.09 1,338.49 1,354.16 1,347.73 1,332.63 1,344.54 1,340.15 1,335.76 1,384.63 1,500.51 1,512.11 1,505.81 1,523.43 1,516.20 1,499.21 1,512.60 1,507.67 1,502.73 1,557.71 1,833.96 1,848.13 1,840.43 1,861.97 1,853.13 1,832.37 1,848.74 1,842.71 1,836.68 1,903.87 2,167.41 2,184.15 2,175.05 2,200.51 2,190.07 2,165.53 2,184.87 2,177.75 2,170.62 2,250.02 2,500.86 2,520.18 2,509.68 2,539.05 2,527.00 2,498.69 2,521.01 2,512.79 2,504.56 2,596.18 3,001.03 3,024.22 3,011.62 3,046.87 3,032.40 2,998.43 3,025.21 3,015.35 3,005.47 3,115.42 1,346.26 1,369.14 1,342.86 1,330.36 1,342.62 1,339.37 1,362.98 1,338.81 1,323.12 1,335.80 1,336.01 1,342.09 1,353.30 1,339.59 1,327.79 1,334.52 1,336.56 1,342.62 1,335.02 1,344.97 1,333.80 1,342.59 1,341.53 1,336.99 1,339.83 1,357.28 1,330.37 1,337.14 1,333.34 1,363.01 1,323.93 1,514.54 1,540.28 1,510.71 1,496.66 1,510.45 1,506.79 1,533.35 1,506.16 1,488.51 1,502.78 1,503.01 1,509.85 1,522.47 1,507.04 1,493.77 1,501.33 1,503.63 1,510.45 1,501.90 1,513.09 1,500.53 1,510.41 1,509.22 1,504.12 1,507.31 1,526.94 1,496.67 1,504.28 1,500.01 1,533.39 1,489.42 1,851.11 1,882.57 1,846.43 1,829.25 1,846.10 1,841.64 1,874.10 1,840.87 1,819.29 1,836.73 1,837.02 1,845.37 1,860.79 1,841.94 1,825.72 1,834.96 1,837.78 1,846.10 1,835.65 1,849.33 1,833.98 1,846.06 1,844.61 1,838.36 1,842.27 1,866.26 1,829.26 1,838.57 1,833.35 1,874.14 1,820.41 2,187.67 2,224.86 2,182.15 2,161.84 2,181.76 2,176.48 2,214.84 2,175.57 2,150.07 2,170.68 2,171.02 2,180.89 2,199.12 2,176.84 2,157.67 2,168.59 2,171.92 2,181.76 2,169.41 2,185.58 2,167.43 2,181.71 2,179.99 2,172.61 2,177.23 2,205.58 2,161.86 2,172.85 2,166.69 2,214.89 2,151.39 2,524.24 2,567.14 2,517.86 2,494.44 2,517.41 2,511.32 2,555.59 2,510.27 2,480.85 2,504.64 2,505.03 2,516.41 2,537.45 2,511.74 2,489.62 2,502.22 2,506.06 2,517.42 2,503.17 2,521.82 2,500.88 2,517.36 2,515.38 2,506.86 2,512.19 2,544.90 2,494.45 2,507.14 2,500.02 2,555.65 2,482.37 3,029.09 3,080.57 3,021.43 2,993.32 3,020.90 3,013.59 3,066.71 3,012.33 2,977.02 3,005.57 3,006.03 3,019.70 3,044.94 3,014.09 2,987.54 3,002.67 3,007.27 3,020.90 3,003.80 3,026.18 3,001.06 3,020.83 3,018.45 3,008.24 3,014.63 3,053.88 2,993.34 3,008.57 3,000.03 3,066.78 2,978.85 14 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA Ingworth Itteringham Kelling Kettlestone Knapton Langham Lessingham Letheringsett with Glandford Little Barningham Little Snoring Ludham Matlaske Melton Constable Morston Mundesley Neatishead North Walsham Northrepps Overstrand Paston Plumstead Potter Heigham Pudding Norton Raynham Roughton Runton Ryburgh Salthouse Scottow Sculthorpe Sea Palling Sheringham Sidestrand Skeyton Sloley Smallburgh Southrepps Stalham Stibbard Stiffkey Stody Suffield Sustead Sutton Swafield Swanton Abbott Swanton Novers Tattersett Full Council VALUATION BANDS A £ B £ C £ D £ E £ F £ G £ H £ 1,019.80 1,006.83 1,009.15 1,010.74 1,005.34 1,007.97 996.69 1,189.77 1,174.64 1,177.34 1,179.20 1,172.90 1,175.97 1,162.80 1,359.74 1,342.45 1,345.54 1,347.66 1,340.46 1,343.96 1,328.92 1,529.71 1,510.25 1,513.73 1,516.12 1,508.01 1,511.96 1,495.03 1,869.64 1,845.87 1,850.11 1,853.04 1,843.13 1,847.95 1,827.26 2,209.58 2,181.48 2,186.50 2,189.95 2,178.24 2,183.94 2,159.49 2,549.51 2,517.09 2,522.88 2,526.87 2,513.36 2,519.93 2,491.72 3,059.42 3,020.51 3,027.46 3,032.24 3,016.03 3,023.92 2,990.07 997.99 993.63 1,006.12 998.29 990.36 1,020.72 998.67 1,015.08 1,003.07 1,011.00 1,016.14 1,009.23 1,020.25 1,007.91 1,005.47 1,001.64 1,014.96 1,006.15 994.25 1,009.17 1,004.79 1,002.60 998.60 1,018.10 1,019.80 1,003.44 995.52 1,005.90 1,008.57 1,010.74 1,016.42 1,012.19 1,013.24 1,004.17 1,004.42 998.11 998.28 1,006.63 1,007.44 1,008.13 994.19 1,164.32 1,159.24 1,173.81 1,164.67 1,155.42 1,190.84 1,165.12 1,184.26 1,170.25 1,179.50 1,185.50 1,177.43 1,190.29 1,175.89 1,173.05 1,168.58 1,184.12 1,173.85 1,159.95 1,177.37 1,172.26 1,169.70 1,165.04 1,187.78 1,189.77 1,170.68 1,161.44 1,173.55 1,176.66 1,179.20 1,185.82 1,180.88 1,182.12 1,171.53 1,171.82 1,164.47 1,164.66 1,174.40 1,175.35 1,176.15 1,159.89 1,330.66 1,324.84 1,341.49 1,331.06 1,320.48 1,360.96 1,331.56 1,353.44 1,337.43 1,348.00 1,354.86 1,345.64 1,360.33 1,343.88 1,340.63 1,335.52 1,353.28 1,341.54 1,325.66 1,345.56 1,339.73 1,336.80 1,331.47 1,357.46 1,359.73 1,337.92 1,327.36 1,341.21 1,344.76 1,347.66 1,355.23 1,349.58 1,350.99 1,338.90 1,339.22 1,330.82 1,331.04 1,342.17 1,343.26 1,344.18 1,325.59 1,496.99 1,490.45 1,509.18 1,497.44 1,485.54 1,531.09 1,498.01 1,522.62 1,504.61 1,516.51 1,524.22 1,513.84 1,530.38 1,511.86 1,508.21 1,502.46 1,522.44 1,509.23 1,491.37 1,513.76 1,507.19 1,503.90 1,497.91 1,527.15 1,529.70 1,505.17 1,493.28 1,508.86 1,512.86 1,516.11 1,524.63 1,518.28 1,519.87 1,506.26 1,506.63 1,497.17 1,497.42 1,509.94 1,511.17 1,512.20 1,491.28 1,829.66 1,821.66 1,844.56 1,830.20 1,815.66 1,871.33 1,830.90 1,860.98 1,838.97 1,853.51 1,862.93 1,850.26 1,870.46 1,847.84 1,843.37 1,836.34 1,860.76 1,844.62 1,822.79 1,850.15 1,842.13 1,838.10 1,830.78 1,866.51 1,869.64 1,839.65 1,825.12 1,844.16 1,849.05 1,853.03 1,863.44 1,855.68 1,857.61 1,840.99 1,841.44 1,829.88 1,830.18 1,845.49 1,846.98 1,848.24 1,822.68 2,162.32 2,152.87 2,179.93 2,162.97 2,145.78 2,211.57 2,163.79 2,199.34 2,173.33 2,190.51 2,201.65 2,186.67 2,210.55 2,183.81 2,178.53 2,170.22 2,199.08 2,180.00 2,154.20 2,186.55 2,177.06 2,172.30 2,163.65 2,205.88 2,209.57 2,174.13 2,156.96 2,179.46 2,185.24 2,189.94 2,202.24 2,193.08 2,195.36 2,175.71 2,176.24 2,162.58 2,162.94 2,181.03 2,182.80 2,184.29 2,154.08 2,494.99 2,484.08 2,515.31 2,495.73 2,475.90 2,551.81 2,496.68 2,537.70 2,507.69 2,527.51 2,540.36 2,523.08 2,550.63 2,519.78 2,513.69 2,504.11 2,537.41 2,515.39 2,485.62 2,522.94 2,511.99 2,506.50 2,496.52 2,545.25 2,549.51 2,508.61 2,488.80 2,514.76 2,521.43 2,526.86 2,541.05 2,530.47 2,533.11 2,510.44 2,511.05 2,495.29 2,495.70 2,516.57 2,518.61 2,520.33 2,485.48 2,993.99 2,980.90 3,018.37 2,994.88 2,971.08 3,062.18 2,996.02 3,045.24 3,009.22 3,033.02 3,048.44 3,027.69 3,060.76 3,023.73 3,016.42 3,004.93 3,044.89 3,018.47 2,982.75 3,027.53 3,014.39 3,007.80 2,995.82 3,054.30 3,059.41 3,010.34 2,986.56 3,017.72 3,025.72 3,032.23 3,049.26 3,036.57 3,039.74 3,012.52 3,013.26 2,994.35 2,994.84 3,019.89 3,022.34 3,024.40 2,982.57 15 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA Thornage Thorpe Market Thursford Trimingham Trunch Tunstead Upper Sheringham Walcott Walsingham Warham Wells-next-the-Sea Weybourne Wickmere Wighton Witton Wiveton Wood Norton Worstead All Other Parts of the Council’s Area VALUATION BANDS A £ B £ C £ 997.61 1,010.75 1,005.64 1,015.12 1,016.40 1,003.29 1,022.05 1,009.14 1,015.34 1,027.66 1,028.18 1,019.27 1,025.14 1,008.18 992.28 1,020.72 1,001.48 1,005.46 1,163.88 1,179.20 1,173.25 1,184.30 1,185.80 1,170.50 1,192.40 1,177.33 1,184.56 1,198.94 1,199.55 1,189.15 1,196.00 1,176.21 1,157.66 1,190.84 1,168.39 1,173.04 1,330.15 1,347.66 1,340.86 1,353.49 1,355.20 1,337.72 1,362.74 1,345.52 1,353.79 1,370.21 1,370.91 1,359.03 1,366.85 1,344.24 1,323.04 1,360.97 1,335.31 1,340.61 D £ 1,496.42 1,516.12 1,508.46 1,522.68 1,524.60 1,504.93 1,533.08 1,513.71 1,523.01 1,541.49 1,542.28 1,528.91 1,537.71 1,512.28 1,488.42 1,531.09 1,502.22 1,508.19 E £ F £ G £ H £ 1,828.96 1,853.04 1,843.68 1,861.05 1,863.41 1,839.37 1,873.77 1,850.10 1,861.46 1,884.04 1,885.01 1,868.67 1,879.42 1,848.34 1,819.18 1,871.33 1,836.05 1,843.35 2,161.50 2,189.96 2,178.89 2,199.42 2,202.21 2,173.80 2,214.46 2,186.48 2,199.91 2,226.60 2,227.73 2,208.43 2,221.14 2,184.40 2,149.94 2,211.57 2,169.87 2,178.50 2,494.04 2,526.87 2,514.11 2,537.80 2,541.01 2,508.23 2,555.14 2,522.86 2,538.36 2,569.15 2,570.46 2,548.18 2,562.85 2,520.46 2,480.70 2,551.81 2,503.70 2,513.65 2,992.85 3,032.25 3,016.93 3,045.36 3,049.21 3,009.87 3,066.17 3,027.43 3,046.03 3,082.99 3,084.56 3,057.82 3,075.43 3,024.56 2,976.84 3,062.18 3,004.44 3,016.39 987.24 1,151.78 1,316.32 1,480.86 1,809.94 2,139.02 2,468.10 2,961.72 g) The final demand on the Collection Fund will be; (i) £5,789,171 for District purposes; (ii) £1,538,934 for Parish/Town precepts. 120. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 6 FEBRUARY 2012 a) ITEM 8: TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY STATEMENT AND INVESTMENT STRATEGY 2012/13 TO 2014/15 The preparation of the Strategy Statement was necessary to comply with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s Code of Practice for Treasury Management in Public Services. The Code had been revised in November 2011 and this Strategy Statement incorporated the changes which had been made. The prime objective of the Treasury Management Strategy was to ensure the security of the Council’s investments. RESOLVED (a) The Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy and Prudential Indicators, for 2012/13 to 2014/15, are approved. (b) The revised Treasury Management Policy Statement is approved. b) ITEM 9: 2012/13 BASE BUDGET AND PROJECTIONS FOR 2013/14 TO 2015/16 RESOLVED a) The 2012/13 revenue account budget as outlined at Appendix F and that the surplus of £87,975 be allocated to the Restructuring Proposals reserve; Full Council 16 22 February 2012 RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 6 FEBRUARY 2012 (Continued) b) The demand on the Collection Find will be subject to any amendments as a result of final precepts; (i) £5,789,172 for District purposes; (ii) £1,561,174 (subject to confirmation of one final precept) for Parish/Town precepts; c) The movement on the reserves as detailed at Appendix I; d) The updated Capital Programme and it’s financing for 2011/12 to 2014/15 as detailed at Appendix J and as contained within the report along with the authority to negotiate for the purchase of a new waste vehicle; e) The new capital bids as detailed at Appendix K; f) That Members note the current projections for 2013/14 to 2015/16. c) ITEM 10: CORPORATE PLAN: ANNUAL ACTION PLAN 2012/13 DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION This item had been withdrawn. d) ITEM 11: NORTH NORFOLK BIG SOCIETY FUND – PROPOSED OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK The group had met and made good progress. A bi-annual, rather than an annual, report would be produced. This had been suggested by Ms V R Gay at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 31 January 2012. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee welcomed the opportunity of being involved in agreeing the criteria for applications to the Fund. It was important that there should be a system in place to support community groups so that they had the confidence to source funding for themselves. RESOLVED 1. That Council formally establishes the Fund to be launched on 2 April 2012 and appoints Members to sit on a politically balanced Big Society Board to act as the grant giving panel. 2. That Mrs H Eales, Mr P W High, Mr T Ivory, Mr B Jarvis and Mr J A Wyatt be appointed to the Big Society Board. 3. To require that the annual report will be produced bi-annually summarising how resources have been applied through the Fund and the outcomes achieved. 4. To agree a three month extension to Voluntary Norfolk’s existing contract. 121. PAY POLICY STATEMENT The Pay Policy Statement was required to enable the Council to satisfy the requirements of section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 which required that authorities must prepare a statement for the financial year 2012/13 and for each subsequent financial year. The statement set out current remuneration arrangements and was not a change to existing policies or practices. RESOLVED to approve the pay policy statement for 2012/13 as required by section 38 of the Localism Act 2011. Full Council 17 22 February 2012 122. TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES RESOLVED To receive the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 123. Audit Committee – 13 September 2011 Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 16 November 2011 Cabinet – 28 November 2011 Development Committee – 8 December 2011 Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 13 December 2011 Cabinet – 9 January 2012 Development Committee – 12 January 2012 REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET None. 124. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS None received. 125. OPPOSITION BUSINESS None received. 126. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None received. 127. LIST OF SEALED DOCUMENTS RESOLVED that the list of sealed documents be received. 128. DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, APPLICATION PF/09/1270 The report related to an appeal against refusal of application for planning permission for an underground cable route from Weybourne to Great Ryburgh, to link the proposed Dudgeon Offshore Windfarm to the national transmission network. The permission was one of a number of consents or agreements required for the project. The windfarm was a nationally significant infrastructure project and would be located about 30 kilometres off the North Norfolk coast. The windfarm (turbines) and cable offshore required consents from Government (Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)). To connect to the national transmission network the developers had made 3 applications for planning permission: • Full Council An application to North Norfolk District Council (Reference PF/09/1270) for an underground cable from the landfall to the boundary with Breckland district. That application is the subject of this appeal; 18 22 February 2012 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, APPLICATION PF/09/1270 • • (Continued) An application to Breckland Council (Reference 3PL/2009/1189/F) for an underground cable from the boundary with North Norfolk district to a substation site. Planning permission was granted by a notice of decision dated 11 October 2010; An application to Breckland Council (Reference 3PL/2009/1188/O) for a substation. That application was refused and rejected on appeal. It is currently the subject of an application to the High Court. This legal challenge would be heard on 23 March. If the developer won, the appeal would be remitted to the Secretaries of State for redetermination. The application to NNDC has been considered by the Development Committee several times from July 2010 to January of this year. The application had been consistently recommended for approval by Officers. On 12 January Development Committee considered the application. A proposal to approve was put to the vote and lost by 3 votes to 9. It was then proposed and resolved by 7 votes to 5 that the application be refused. The grounds were: • detrimental impact on the landscape • detrimental impact on the local agricultural economy. A refusal notice was issued and the applicant company had appealed. The Applicant had asked for a public inquiry (quasi-judicial tribunal where evidence is given in written proofs of evidence and subject to cross-examination). The Applicant’s solicitors hoped to have the inquiry commenced in week beginning 1 May 2012. Their estimate was 6 days for the inquiry. Normally in these circumstances, the Council would consider appointing external professional witnesses to support the reasons for refusal. The Planning Officers were unable to do this, having consistently recommended approval of the application. Based on the cost of other appeals it was estimated that this might cost up to £100,000. Counsel had endorsed this as a reasonable estimate. The decision to refuse the application made by the Development Committee was taken after virtually all work on the Budget for 2012/13 had been done so there was no budgetary provision for the appeal. The Development Committee had no budget to defend appeals. The Planning division had a relatively small Budget to pay for external advice (usually legal advice, and retail assessments when there were applications for supermarkets). This was currently overspent. The Council’s own costs might not be the only financial implication. It was open to the appellants to seek an award of costs against the Council on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour if the Council was unable to substantiate its reasons for refusal. This was a potential financial risk, so provision had to be made for a contingent liability. The appellants would instruct a Q.C. for the inquiry and their potential costs were estimated to be not less than the £100,000. Members were reminded that they were making a decision about the financial implications and not discussing the application itself. The Leader said that although the independence of the Development Committee must be respected, Members must also consider the impact on the Council Tax. She proposed that funds should not be made available for the appeal. This was seconded by Mr T FitzPatrick who reserved the right to speak before the end of the debate. Mr E Seward supported the proposal, believing that release of the funds could not be justified as the prospect of success for the Council was unlikely. Mr R Wright said that any decision to go against officer Full Council 19 22 February 2012 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, APPLICATION PF/09/1270 (Continued) recommendations needed to be carefully thought out. Mr T Ivory considered that the appeal would cost more than the officer’s estimate. Mr M J M Baker expressed concern that democracy might be compromised for financial reasons and Mr G R Jones warned of the danger of setting precedents. Mr P Terrington supported the latter speakers and urged that money should be ring-fenced for the appeal. In reply to a question from Mr Baker the Chief Executive said that although money could be taken out of reserves it would have to be replaced at some point in the future. RESOLVED that funds should not be made available for the appeal. Mrs A M Moore and Mr P W Moore abstained from voting. The meeting concluded at 7.50 pm. ____ Chairman Full Council 20 22 February 2012