Agenda item ___4___ Interim Shared Management Arrangements Summary: Following a decision by Great Yarmouth Borough Council to request the secondment, on an interim shared basis, of the Council’s Head of Paid Service and s151 Officer, Council are being asked to consider this request and the terms of the engagement. Options considered: The Council has two options: 1. Agree to an interim shared arrangement for the Head of Paid Service and s151 Officer. 2. Continue to explore shared working as per the previous Council decision, but refuse the request for the interim arrangements. Conclusions: With financial support from the Local Government Association (LGA), Council previously agreed to explore with all Elected Members the possible opportunities and benefits which could accrue through the sharing of management and services with Great Yarmouth Borough Council. Alongside this an outline Business Case should be prepared which would include a more detailed financial analysis of investment needs and the potential savings. The request to second the Head of Paid Service and s151 Officer on an interim basis would allow this work to continue whilst effectively ‘testing’ a shared working environment. Recommendations: 1. To agree to the secondment of the Head of Paid Service and s151 Officer on an interim basis 2. To note that a revised Pay Policy Statement will be submitted to Full Council in November 2015 3. To note that the financial support from the LGA has been received Reasons for Recommendations: To allow the business case for a shared management with Great Yarmouth Borough Council to be progressed with interim management arrangements in place. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Contact Officer, telephone number and email: 1. Introduction At the Council meeting on 23 September 2015, Members considered a paper on the shared service potential between Great Yarmouth Borough Council and North Norfolk District Council. The paper summarised research on shared arrangements in place elsewhere in the country, which suggested that shared Chief Executive and management arrangements can deliver benefits to Councils, particularly where certain criteria are met. With the forecast reductions in central government funding, and the work-streams which the Council has previously agreed to bridge the forecast financial gap, it would be a worthwhile exercise to explore opportunities with Great Yarmouth Borough Council. However it was also agreed that the development of any such proposal will require the input and engagement of all Members, and as such it was agreed to hold Member workshops across both Councils alongside the preparation of a business case which would explore the opportunities, both financial and non-financial, in addition to the risks and challenges this might pose. 2. Background Without re-presenting the arguments for exploring shared opportunities, Members are reminded of the principles which would drive any decision to enter into a strategic shared service with another Council These should be established from the outset alongside a shared set of ambitions, however as a minimum there should be a reasonable expectation, demonstrated in a Business Case that the following would be achieved: - Improved service – either in quality, efficiency or resilience - Maintaining local control over service standards based on customer led local priorities - Maintaining the sovereignty, independence of decision making, setting of Budget and Council Tax, identity, and reputation of the partner Councils - Responding to the financial and organisational challenges facing Local Government and to meet the medium term financial strategy targets of the partners - Developing new ways of working which encourage innovation and organisational efficiency - And, overall that the benefits of change is greater than the transitional costs This will require strong political and managerial leadership, as well as good management capability, project management skills and organisational development focused on cultural change. 3. Request for Interim Shared Arrangements – Secondment of Head of Paid Service and s151 Officer Since the meeting in September, Great Yarmouth Borough Council considered a report which recommended that the Head of Paid Service and s151 Officer from North Norfolk District Council be appointed on an interim shared basis. Whilst such an arrangement would run in tandem to the preparation of the business case, it would not commit either authority to a permanent arrangement. However, it would provide an opportunity for a trial period during which the shared posts can explore both the opportunities and the issues which would need to be addressed through a business case. 4. Implications and Risks The interim arrangements will need to be monitored to ensure that there are no unintended consequences from such shared posts and that neither Council is detrimentally affected. The Head of Paid Service does need to be able to make arrangements as necessary to provide backfill and to procure additional support to mitigate risks and ensure continuity of delivery during the period of the interim arrangement. 5. Financial Implications and Risks A revised pay policy statement will be submitted to Full Council in November 2015 showing any proposed changes to salary for seconded posts along with the secondment agreement for both Councils. Members are reminded that the Councils have also received £25k funding from the LGA to assist with the exploratory work. 6. Sustainability No issues identified. 7. Equality and Diversity No issues identified 8. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations No issues identified