Agenda Item 2__ CABINET Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday 15 October 2012 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00am. Members Present: Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Mr T Ivory Mr K Johnson (Chairman) Mr J Lee Mr W Northam Mr R Oliver Also attending: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Ms V Gay Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr P High Mrs A Moore Mr P W Moore Ms B Palmer Mr R Reynolds Mr E Seward Mr B Smith Mr D Young Officers in Attendance: Also in Attendance: 47. The Chief Executive, the Head of Finance, the Technical Accountant, the Housing Services Manager, the Strategy Team Leader, the Coast and Community Partnerships Manager and the Community Projects Manager. The press LEADER’S COMMUNICATIONS The Leader welcomed Councillor Rhodri Oliver to the Cabinet. 48. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None received 49. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 50. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None received 51. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None received 52. Cabinet DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 1 15 October 2012 None 53. MEMBERS TRAINING DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT GROUP RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Member Training Development and Support Group held on 22nd May 2012 be received subject to the following amendment on page 2, paragraph 7: ‘An article had been put in the Members’ Bulletin regarding a £70.000 fine for a council that had mislaid paper records containing sensitive information’. 54. JOINT STAFF CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE RESOLVED that The minutes of the meeting of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee held on 25 June 2012 be approved. 55. TREASURY MANAGEMENT – INVESTING IN POOLED PROPERTY FUNDS Mr W Northam introduced this item. He explained that Cabinet and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had recommended that further consideration should be given to investing a proportion of the investment portfolio in pooled property funds when appropriate. With interest rates and investment returns likely to remain low for a long period, now was an appropriate time for the Council to consider alternative asset classes for its investments. The Council’s treasury advisors, Arlingclose, suggested that £5m was a suitable initial size of investment for NNDC to make into a property fund. For a deposit of this size, it was not felt to be worth diversifying between two funds and it was proposed that the Council invested with the LAMIT Fund. Depending on the amount available for investment in the future, an additional allocation could be made to property at a later date through the Lime Fund. Options considered: Investment in other types of pooled investment funds has been considered, together with a continuation of the current strategy of only investing in cash orientated investments, but these options do not offer the potential of a higher return for the Council when compared to the pooled property funds. Members discussed the report: a) Mrs A Moore was concerned that £5m amounted to approximately a quarter of the capital fund. The Technical Accountant replied that the money was from core investments and had been there for many years. He added that it needed to be a substantial amount to ensure a decent return. b) Mr P W Moore said that Arlingclose had always advised the Council well in the past. He asked how quickly the money could be accessed if required. Mr W Northam replied that it could withdrawn on a monthly basis. If a large amount was required then it may take longer as a property may need to sold to fund the request. c) Mr D Young sought further information on the reserves that would be established if the investments in LAMIT went ahead. The Technical Accountant explained that as the returns from this type of investment could fluctuate over time it was suggested that reserves were established to smooth out the return to the Cabinet 2 15 October 2012 Revenue Account. Mr W Northam added that security was paramount. The LAMIT had been operating for 30 years and was highly regarded. d) Mr D Young requested that the Council considered investing in the Norfolk Credit Union at a future date. It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr J Lee and RESOLVED That delegated powers be given to the Portfolio Holder for Resources and the Section 151 Officer to invest in the Local Authorities Property Fund (LAMIT) and Aviva Lime Property Fund as appropriate. Reason for the Decision: To diversify the Council’s investments and secure a higher return than existing investments. 56. NORTH NORFOLK HOUSING STRATEGY 2012-2015 (SUPPORTING VULNERABLE PEOPLE TO LIVE INDEPENDENTLY WITHIN THE COMMUNITY) Mr T Ivory introduced this item. He explained that this was the third and final document in the suite of housing strategy documents. It considered how vulnerable people could be supported to live independently within the community and contained a detailed action plan for the period 2012-2015. Options considered: a) To do nothing. The Housing Strategy would be incomplete if this option was taken. b) To complete the document and address the needs of vulnerable people in the District. It was proposed by Mr T Ivory, seconded by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett and RECOMMENDED to Full Council To adopt the North Norfolk Housing Strategy (Supporting Vulnerable People to live independently within the Community) Reasons for the decision: To adopt the final document in a suite of three, which together form the North Norfolk Housing Strategy 2012-15. Each document concentrates on a specific area and has an action plan 57. HOUSING ENFORCEMENT POLICY Mr T Ivory introduced this item. He explained that the Council had not had a Housing Enforcement Policy in place before and the intention was to provide a transparent approach to the action that would be taken to improve poor dwelling conditions across the district. It would form part of a wider strategy aimed at bringing together all the enforcement powers available to the Council and provide a more holistic approach. It was proposed by Mr T Ivory, seconded by Mr R Oliver and Cabinet 3 15 October 2012 RESOLVED to Adopt the Housing Enforcement Policy Reasons for the decision: To provide a transparent approach to improving poor dwelling condition across the District. 58. THE NORTH NORFOLK BIG SOCIETY FUND – SECOND ROUND LARGE GRANT APPLICATIONS Mr T Ivory introduced this item. More applications had been received than previously and it had been necessary to be strict in assessing them against the Fund’s criteria to ensure that funds remained available for eligible and worthwhile projects that might be submitted in future rounds. Five applications requesting funding of over £10,000 were submitted. Of these, one had insufficient information to be considered and two had been deferred pending further work to investigate a sustainable way forward. Two applications had been put forward for consideration by Cabinet. The first project sought to provide a multi-use games area (MUGA) for Erpingham and the second aimed to provide a new National Coastwatch Institute facility at East Runton. Members discussed the report: a) Ms V Gay sought clarification on the application from Erpingham Parish Council. She felt that as it was proposed to pledge up to £10,000 it could have been referred to the North Norfolk Big Society Fund Board. Mr T Ivory explained that whilst the recommendation was for £10,000, the application had been for significantly more funding and that was why it had been referred to Cabinet for a decision. b) Mr P W Moore asked whether the funding for the MUGA was conditional on obtaining match funding or whether Erpringham Parish Council would receive it regardless. Mr T Ivory said that it was contingent on the Parish Council finding the balance and they would only receive the grant once the additional funding was in place. c) Mr W Northam said that he was very pleased that Coastwatch had been awarded a grant. It was proposed by Mr T Ivory, seconded by Mr J Lee and RESOLVED 1. To pledge support from the Big Society Fund up to £10,000 to Erpingham Parish Council, contingent on the balance of funding for the MUGA project being forthcoming from elsewhere 2. That funding of up to £12,000 be provided to National Coastwatch Institution, Mundesley in respect of its proposed East Runton facility. 59. Cabinet NORTH WALSHAM TOWN CENTRE ENHANCEMENT AND SIGNAGE SCHEME 4 15 October 2012 Mr T Ivory introduced this item. He explained that approval was sought for £46,000 partnership funding support from the Council’s Leadership of Place Programme budget to contribute to the Market Place improvements and highway signage scheme that had been initiated by Norfolk County Council and agreed by North Walsham Leadership of Place Steering Group and constituent local organisations. The total cost of the scheme was £96,000 and the County Council had a budget of £50,000 that had been approved by their Cabinet in March 2012. The scheme aimed to improve the physical infrastructure of North Walsham town centre and had been put forward as a partnership initiative to support the various projects aimed at improving the overall economic and community well being of North Walsham. The proposed scheme focused on making improvements to highways, parking and traffic flows in conjunction with signage improvements. It was anticipated that a safer pedestrian environment would be provided as a result of the initiative. The Council were not leading on this project as the County Council had responsibility for highways. Members discussed the report: 1. Mr W Northam said that when he had met with North Walsham Town Council about car parking within the town, they had raised concerns about signage. It was felt that visitors to the town found it difficult to find the car parks and therefore any improvements to signage were to be welcomed. 2. Mr E Seward, Member for North Walsham North and Chairman of the Leadership of Place Project welcomed the proposals. He said that it was a modest scheme aimed at improving public safety and enhancing the appearance of the town centre. He added that there was broad consensual support for the scheme from within the town. 3. Mr P Moore, Member for North Walsham East, supported the scheme. He said that signage throughout the town should be looked at – including shop fronts and that improvements to road and pavement surfaces should also be considered as there were currently several variations throughout the town centre. 4. Mrs V Uprichard, Member for North Walsham East, said that she was concerned that the disabled parking and loading bay in Church Street seemed to have been left out of the proposals. 5. Ms V Gay, Member for North Walsham West, welcomed the improvements but said that it was important to ensure that they were in keeping with the church and the surrounding area. She thanked Mr E Seward for all his hard work – recently and prior to the establishment of the Leadership of Place project. It was proposed by Mr T Ivory, seconded by Mr W Northam and RESOLVED 1. To approve £46,000 funding support from the Council’s Leadership of Place Programme budget, to contribute to the Market Place improvements and highway signage scheme in support of the Leadership of Place Programme. 2. To confirm that conditional to £46,000 being provided as a scheme contribution by NNDC that any overspend on the total cost of this amount is covered by Norfolk County Council from its own budget and that the signage works as part of the overall scheme are completed within the financial year 2012-13. Cabinet 5 15 October 2012 3. That officers within both Conservation and Design and Property sections of the District Council are fully engaged in the detailed design aspects of the schemes with Highway officers working with Norfolk County Council. Reasons for the decision: To improve the existing highways and signage in North Walsham Town Centre, encouraging better usage of the facilities and the provision of a safer pedestrian environment. 60. 4/4a MARKET STREET (AND ADJACENT FORMER PUBLIC CONVENIENCES) NORTH WALSHAM Mr T Ivory explained that the report sought to address the issues relating to the Council’s own landholding at a site in North Walsham town centre and recommended a way forward that would ensure that the derelict building occupying the adjacent site (number 4 and 4a Market Street was improved). Now that the public toilets had been relocated to Vicarage Street, it was possible to bring forward a scheme that did not include the toilet facilities on the site. It was proposed that the Council should, under the auspices of the ‘infrastructure’ theme of the approved Leadership of Place Action Plan take the appropriate steps to facilitate the improvement of the site within a reasonable timescale. Members discussed the proposals: a) Mrs A Fitch-Tillett welcomed the proposals. She said that the site had originally come to the Development Committee seven years ago and it was imperative that action was taken to improve the site. b) Mr E Seward, commented that concerns about the site pre-dated his time as a councillor. Twelve months had been lost over a dispute with the Land Registry over a small strip of land behind the site, delaying any progress further. He said that he welcomed private development initiatives but not if it leads to such a log period of delay and that he supported the Council’s resolve to take action should it be necessary and would support the recommendations. c) Mrs V Uprichard sought clarification on the term ‘a reasonable period of time’. Mr T Ivory said that he felt that had passed already and that if necessary the compulsory purchase order process could commence. The Chief Executive added that six months would be allowed for a developer to submit their proposals then a further 15 months for substantial completion. d) Ms V Gay commented that the site was a source of great concern to the residents of North Walsham. e) Mr P W Moore said that he would prefer tighter timescales. He commented that the planning system required that certification of ownership must be abided by and that this may have been the cause of previous problems and delays. The Leader thanked the Coast and Community Partnerships Manager for his hard work on a very challenging project. It was proposed by Mr T Ivory, seconded by Mr R Oliver and RESOLVED 1) That authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Corporate Assets portfolio holder, to agree the transfer of the Council’s asset (site and building) at the Butchery toilets, North Walsham in accordance with the terms Cabinet 6 15 October 2012 outlined in this report, to the owner of the adjacent site (4/4a Market Street, North Walsham); and 2) That authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Corporate Assets portfolio holder, to acquire the site comprising 4 and 4a Market Street, North Walsham, by private treaty for a sum not exceeding £35,000, or by compulsory means for the sum determined by any confirmed Compulsory Purchase Order (by reference to Cabinet if necessary), should disposal under recommendation 1) not be satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time. Reasons for the decision: To improve a long-term derelict site within North Walsham Town Centre. The Meeting closed at 10.50am _______________ Chairman Cabinet 7 15 October 2012