Agenda Item No____17________ NNDC REVISED CONSTITUTION Summary: The purpose of this report is to submit to Council for approval a revised Constitution Conclusions: The report explains the changes in the Constitution and asks members to consider the revised version for adoption Recommendations: To adopt the revised Constitution appended to the report with effect from 20th December 2012. Cabinet Member(s) All Wards affected All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: David Johnson Interim Monitoring Officer, 01603 222313 1. Introduction I have been instructed by the Constitution Working Party and the Chief Executive Officer to prepare and submit a revised constitution for the Council 1. 1 A new revised constitution document has been sent to all Members. I will be at the meeting of Council on 19 December to answer questions on the revised constitution. 1.2 The changes from the previous constitution comprise and reflect:• • • • 2. . Changes in the law Changes in the internal structure of the Council, titles of postholders etc. Improvements on specific aspects of the previous constitution suggested by the Officer responsible for those specific aspects. Decisions of the Constitution Working party. Legal Status of Constitution In terms of the underlying legal obligation to have a Constitution the law (Section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000) says only that an Authority must include in its Constitution its Code of Conduct, its standing orders and any other document it wishes or which the Secretary of State requires. The Secretary of State has never issued any directions. The contents of a Constitution are therefore reasonably flexible but North Norfolk, as with other Authorities, appropriately includes in the Constitution all such matters relating to structures, processes and other information that the public reasonably require for their dealings with the Council. The Constitution is required to be a publicly available document. 3. Implications and Risks As with all publicly available documents there is a need to keep the Constitution under review and ensure it is updated from time to time. The Monitoring Officer has the power to make minor changes and more significant amendments will be submitted to Council for approval. 4. Financial Implications and Risks No significant financial risks are identified in this report 5. Sustainability No specific implications 6. Equality and Diversity The Constitution reflects the Council’s duty under the Equality Act 2010 to have due regard in carrying out its functions to the elimination of discrimination etc and the promotion of equality. 2. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations No specific implications. David Johnson Interim Monitoring Officer 10 December 2012