Council 14 December 2011

14 December 2011
Agenda Item No 23
North Norfolk District Council – Top Management Review. Part 1 of 3
Part 1 of this report presents the case for change to the Council’s top
management structures. Revised arrangements will be financially
sustainable, fit for purpose and designed to deliver our corporate
agenda through to 2015.
The proposals summarised in the
recommendations are part of a package of measures aimed at
bringing greater stability, certainty and confidence to the organisation
during this period of volatility in local government, and will be
introduced in parallel with the updated performance framework being
developed alongside the new corporate plan.
The proposed changes will re-energise the organisation, will
rationalise and simplify current arrangements to provide a better fit
with anticipated demands on corporate and service management, and
will generate savings to secure longer-term financial sustainability.
Council is recommended to approve and/or note the following
Top management review - phase one
Council is asked to approve:
• The reformatting of CMT, ensuring that the team has sufficient
capacity to deliver the corporate agenda, set strategic direction
and meet our core statutory responsibilities. It is proposed that
CMT be rebranded as the Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) and
that its membership be revised to comprise the posts of Chief
Executive and two Corporate Directors, each assuming
responsibility for a cross-cutting organisational theme to be
shaped by the team following the selection process.
Top management review – phase two
Council is asked to note that phase two of the review will comprise the
following actions to be undertaken by CLT in consultation with the
Cabinet. A report detailing the complete revised top management
structure and associated responsibilities will be brought to Council at
the April 2012 meeting.
A comprehensive review of service management structures
14 December 2011
which will reduce the number of direct reports to CLT through a
combination of revised responsibilities, shared or alternative
service solutions and role adjustment. This review will take
place between early January and the end of March, 2012.
A relaunch of SMT and a redefining of its role and purpose to
maximise capability and build capacity
The clarification of our stance on corporate and senior
management joint-working with other councils
The implementation of a phased delivery plan to achieve the
above, linked to the roll out of the new corporate plan for
Cabinet member(s):
Ward(s) affected:
Philip Burton, Chief Executive
01263 516000
Contact Officer, telephone number,
and e-mail:
This report explains the rationale for a review of top management arrangements at North
Norfolk District Council and details the implementation process. It comprises three parts:
Discussion document attached in Appendix 1 setting out the context for the proposed
review of the top management structure and concluding with a set of recommendations
which are presented to Council for approval.
Implementing the review (i)
Implementing the review (ii)
Parts b) and c) are exempt items and follow in part two of the agenda as private business.
The report comes during a very significant period for the Council as we move forward with
the refining and implementation of the Corporate Plan and the various initiatives which will
flow from its adoption, all happening against a backdrop of macro-economic instability and
related uncertainty about the future funding of local government. If we are to ensure that
we are able to continue to deliver quality services to meet the needs and priorities of local
communities, then one of our key roles must be to bring as much stability as we can to the
organisation to give staff confidence about the future robustness and integrity of our
business. Critical to achieving that outcome is securing the best fit, affordable and most
sustainable management structure designed to meet our aspirations through to at least
2015, hence the proposed review of current top management arrangements and the
recommendations to Council set out above.
14 December 2011
Implications and risks
The proposals pose no anticipated implications for the Council in meeting our commitments
to our equalities, community safety and wider sustainability objectives. Potential risks relate
to maintaining the necessary levels of capacity and capability within the senior
management cohort and will be mitigated through the rigor of the restructuring process.
Financial considerations start with the published savings target attributable to senior
management for 2012/2013 of £150,000 which if longer-term affordability is to be achieved
should be regarded as a minimum position to attain not an upper cap. The review certainly
has the scope to deliver the required financial savings and to create a revised staffing cost
balance within the organisation which is reflective of the structures needed to support the
changing corporate agenda.
Conclusions and recommendations
The proposed changes will re-energise the organisation, will rationalise and simplify current
arrangements to provide a better fit with anticipated demands on corporate and service
management, and will generate savings to secure longer-term financial sustainability.
Council is recommended to approve and/or note the following actions:
Top management review - phase one
Council is asked to approve:
• The reformatting of CMT, ensuring that the team has sufficient capacity to deliver the
corporate agenda, set strategic direction and meet our core statutory responsibilities. It
is proposed that CMT be rebranded as the Corporate Leadership Team (CLT) and that
its membership be revised to comprise the posts of Chief Executive and two Corporate
Directors, each assuming responsibility for a cross-cutting organisational theme to be
shaped by the team following the selection process.
Top management review – phase two
Council is asked to note that phase two of the review will comprise the following actions to
be undertaken by CLT in consultation with the Cabinet. A report detailing the complete
revised top management structure and associated responsibilities will be brought to Council
at the April 2012 meeting.
• A comprehensive review of service management structures which will reduce the
number of direct reports to CLT through a combination of revised responsibilities, shared
or alternative service solutions and role adjustment. This review will take
between early January and the end of March, 2012.
• A relaunch of SMT and a redefining of its role and purpose to maximise capability and
build capacity
• The clarification of our stance on corporate and senior management joint-working with
other councils
• The implementation of a phased delivery plan to achieve the above, linked to the roll out
of the new corporate plan for 2011/12-2015.
14 December 2011