Agenda Item 8____ FULL COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of North Norfolk District Council held on 6 April 2011 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 6.00 pm. Members Present: Mrs S A Arnold Mr M J M Baker Mr G W Barran Mrs P Bevan Jones Mrs L Brettle Mr B Cabbell Manners Mr R Combe Mr H C Cordeaux Mr N D Dixon Mrs H P Eales Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mrs M Fleming Miss P E Ford Officers in Attendance: 153. Ms V R Gay Mrs A R Green Mr B J Hannah Mr K E Johnson Mr G R Jones Mr H C Lanham Mr J H A Lee Mrs G Lisher Mr J Lisher Mr S Mears Mrs A Moore Mr P W Moore Mrs J Moss Mrs H T Nelson Mr W J Northam Mr J H Perry-Warnes Mr R C Price Mr N P Ripley Mr J D Savory Mr E Seward Mrs M Seward Mr B Smith Mr C Stockton Mrs A C Sweeney Mrs L Walker Mr J A Wyatt The Chief Executive, the Strategic Director – Information, the Strategic Director – Community, the Strategic Director – Environment, the Head of Planning and Building Control and the Financial Services Manager. PRAYERS Led by Revd Paul Neale, Assistant Minister, Cromer Parish Church with St Martin’s. 154. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS The Chairman observed that this was the last meeting of the present Council and expressed her appreciation of the good will with which Members had worked together. She thanked all Councillors who were not standing for re-election and paid tribute to Mr N P Ripley, Mr R Combe, Mrs H T Nelson, Mr H C Cordeaux and Mr C Stockton, listing all the attributes for which they had been valued. At the invitation of the Chairman Councillor Robin Combe, on behalf of the Member Training Development and Support Group, urged Members - whether standing for election or retiring to attend the Orientation Day on 12 May 2011 between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm. Those Members who were standing down would receive an invitation to attend an exit survey. Councillor Combe thanked the Members and officers who had worked on the new Member Induction Programme 2011. Full Council 1 6 April 2011 155. TO RECEIVE DECLARATION OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS The following Member declared interests in the matters listed below: Member(s) Mr C Stockton Minute No. 161 162 156. Item Interest Recommendations from Cabinet 21 March 2011 Prejudicial – is the owner of a business in Happisburgh. The North Norfolk Coastal Pathfinder Revolving Loan Fund and Small Business Grant Fund APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Mr P W High, Mrs B A McGoun and Mrs J Trett, Mr S T Whalley and Mr P Willcox. 157. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on 23 February 2011 were approved as a correct record. Mr H C Lanham expressed concern that a presentation by the Citizen’s Advice Bureau had been included in the minutes. It was explained that this was the custom at North Norfolk District Council to include any Members’ questions on a presentation in the minutes. However this was open to discussion if Members wished to change this procedure. 158. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS An item of urgent business had been received and was presented by the Strategic Director Information. It was urgent because it concerned a change which had come into effect on 1 April 2011. The County Council was now responsible for the issue of bus passes but would only accept applications online or by post. To enable residents to have a greater choice NNDC had negotiated with Norfolk County Council to retain a service at the Cromer and Fakenham offices whereby applicants could have their application forms completed and submitted. It would be necessary to make a small charge of £7 for this service and the schedule of fees and charges would need to be amended accordingly. In reply to a Member’s question, the Strategic Director – Information explained that the option of having the application completed by NNDC would be cheaper for residents because Norfolk County Council would also charge £7, but there would be extra costs for passport photographs and postage. RESOLVED To amend the Schedule of Fees and Charges to include £7 for processing applications for concessionary bus passes. Mr M J M Baker voted against the proposal. 159. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None received. Full Council 2 6 April 2011 160. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY 2 MARCH 2011 MINUTE 85 REVIEW OF SINGLE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE SYSTEM RESOLVED To retain the single Development Control Committee structure comprising approximately 14 members (depending on political balance) with effect from May 2011. 161. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 21 MARCH 2011 MINUTE 131: RENAMING OF DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE AND REVISED ROLE, TITLE AND TERMS OF REFERENCE OF LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK WORKING PARTY RESOLVED That with effect from May 2011 the Development Control Committee be renamed the Development Committee and that the former Local Development Framework Working Party be renamed the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party, that it should be politically balanced but should include the Chair of the Development Committee and the appropriate Planning and/or Planning Policy Portfolio Holder(s), with terms of reference as set out in the report. MINUTE 133: THE NORTH NORFOLK COASTAL PATHFINDER REVOLVING LOAN FUND AND SMALL BUSINESS GRANT FUND See Minute 162 below. 162. THE NORTH NORFOLK COASTAL PATHFINDER REVOLVING LOAN FUND AND SMALL BUSINESS GRANT FUND The Leader read out a note she had previously circulated to Members: “At its meeting on 21 March, the Cabinet resolved to recommend that Council support the principle of the Revolving Loan Fund for coastal businesses, as part of the Coastal Pathfinder programme, subject to further legal and financial advice, and that a supplementary report embracing that advice be submitted to this meeting of Council for approval. Furthermore, Cabinet resolved that the supplementary report should include a recommendation to establish a pathfinder business grant fund to be coordinated by the North Norfolk Business Forum. Officers have met since the Cabinet meeting to determine the most appropriate models through which to introduce the loan and grant funds. Various options exist, including the potential to procure a single provider to administer both schemes with the potential to simplify arrangements, improve impact and reduce management fees. It was also agreed to explore the feasibility of extending the funds in due course to target a wider geographical area still within North Norfolk but extending beyond the coastal zone defined for the pathfinder project. To ensure that we implement the best solution, work is ongoing and it is proposed that the revised report based upon the supplementary information be submitted to the Council meeting in 28 June 2011. In the meantime, the Economic Development Team will consider short-term interventions to support any businesses in the coastal zone following completion of their diagnostic assessments to ensure that they are not disadvantaged in any way pending Council approval of the schemes.” Full Council 3 6 April 2011 THE NORTH NORFOLK COASTAL PATHFINDER REVOLVING LOAN FUND AND SMALL BUSINESS GRANT FUND (Continued) It was RESOLVED to defer the matter to the meeting of Full Council on 28 June 2011. 163. THE REVISED CONSTITUTION At Full Council on 14 December 2010, the Constitution Working Party was given delegated responsibility to complete the Constitution. Apart from the changes agreed at Full Council, and minor amendments and corrections, no further material changes were identified. Therefore, the Constitution Working Party has discharged its obligations in accordance with the decision of Full Council and the New Constitution will take effect from 7th April 2011. It will be published on the Council website, and copies will be given to Members after the election on 5 May 2011. Members approved this and thanked Mrs A Moore and the Members of the Constitution Working Party for all the work they had done on the project. RESOLVED to adopt the Revised Constitution. 164. NEW GOVERNMENT POLICY UPDATE There was nothing of significance to report. 165. TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES a) b) c) d) e) Audit Committee – 7 December 2010 Standards Committee – 8 February 2011 Cabinet – 14 February 2011 Development Control Committee – 17 February 2011 Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 18 February 2011 It was RESOLVED that the above-mentioned minutes be received. 166. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL AND PORTFOLIO HOLDERS The Leader The Leader read out a statement which was proposed to go forward from the Council in support of the Eastern Daily Press campaign for better Broadband. It was RESOLVED to support the campaign. The Deputy Leader A successful Pathfinder Conference had been held in Cromer on 21 and 22 March 2011. Our peers in other local authorities had been impressed by what was being done in North Norfolk. Disappointment was expressed that no one had attended from DEFRA. The Chief Executive was writing to the Minister to convey the Council’s disappointment and it was agreed that the letter should be co-signed by the leaders of both political groups. Full Council 4 6 April 2011 COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL AND PORTFOLIO HOLDERS (Continued) Mr P W Moore Benefits staff had run reports, now available, to identify cases that would be affected by the Local Housing Allowances changes which would come into effect on 11 April 2011. These were the claims which currently had an “excess” in the amount of the Housing Benefit maximum entitlement over the amount of rent for which they were liable (with a weekly restriction of £15). This meant the excess could be as little as 50p per week up to £15 per week more Housing Benefit. 493 cases were on full Housing Benefit and 225 on reduced Housing Benefit. The Benefits Manager, who had previously sent a leaflet to all Local Housing Allowance cases, was considering how to send separate notification to those identified. This would be difficult because each case had different dates from which the change applied and, importantly, the Council didn’t know the new rates in advance. Members who were approached by constituents with Housing Benefit problems should contact the Benefits Manager. Mr G R Jones Mr G R Jones thanked the Chief Executive, Corporate Management Team and all the staff in the services within his portfolio: a) Organisational Development had dealt sensitively and well with the Car Allowances Scheme and re-structuring. b) Media and Communications had maintained standards after re-structuring, winning an award for work done to bring the Government’s attention to the plight of those living in coastal areas, and producing the acclaimed publication “Outlook”. c) Customer Services maintained a high level of customer satisfaction and speed of telephone response. d) ICT continued to provide a high level of support to Members and staff. Mrs P Bevan Jones Mrs P Bevan Jones thanked Members and officers for making her 4 years as a Councillor such a challenging but positive learning experience. She especially thanked the Strategic Directors in her portfolio, Steve Blatch and Nick Baker and their teams for working together for the benefit of the community with Affordable Housing, Disabled Facilities Grants and the Health Strategy. Mr E Seward The Kier Street Services contract had started on 4 April and the transition was going smoothly. New refuse vehicles had been purchased because the old ones were no longer fit for purpose. Officers were thanked for all the work they had done on the contract procurement project. NNDC had been awarded third prize in the Clean Britain Awards. This was a testimony to the Council’s efforts to keep the District clean and tidy. Full Council 5 6 April 2011 167. TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ASKED PURSUANT TO STANDING ORDER No 23 AND OF PORTFOLIO MEMBERS A question had been received from Mr M J M Baker: “Since the Labour government’s succession to power in 1997 there has been a proliferation of middle managers at the council, for example climate change, equality and inclusivity officers, although of course the employed rodent officers were dispensed with. Can Cllr Moore present a list of job titles that are in current use which did not exist in 1996 and a list of job titles that have been dispensed with during the last 12 months as part of the drive to keep the lid on council expenditure? And finally how many staff does the council employ whose gross salaries exceed £35,000 per annum and what proportion of these exceed £50,000 per annum.” Mr P W Moore replied that work was being done on the question but that it was not possible to provide a full answer immediately. A full written reply would be provided to Mr Baker as soon as possible. It would be copied to any Member who requested it. 168. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None received. 169. LIST OF SEALED DOCUMENTS RESOLVED that the list of sealed documents be received. The meeting concluded at 6.45 pm. _________________________________ Chairman Full Council 6 6 April 2011