Agenda Item 17
These documents relate to the Coastal Change Pathfinder Project:
Form TR1 relating to land on the south side of Beach Road, Happisburgh – Transferor is
Lynda Elizabeth East (formerly Rump), Transferee is North Norfolk District Council.
(Purchase of land for new car park at Happisburgh. Transfer deed sealed in escrow
(i.e. in advance of completion). Council is to give personal covenants to seller.)
Form TR1 relating to Sea Lodge, Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norfolk NR12 OPP
(NK181863) – Transferor is Trevor Beeby and Gillian Rose Beeby, Transferee is North
Norfolk District Council.
(Purchase of house for demolition at Beach Road, Happisburgh. Cliff top
Form TR1 relating to Bramcote, Beach Road, Happisburgh NR12 OPP, Transferor is Phyllis
May Tubby, Transferee is North Norfolk District Council.
(Purchase of house for demolition at Beach Road, Happisburgh. Cliff top
Form TR1 relating to Sand Dune, Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norfolk NR12 OPP,
Transferors are Malcolm Sydney Barber and Erica Doris Elaine Barber, Transferor is North
Norfolk District Council.
(Purchase of house for demolition at Beach Road, Happisburgh. Cliff top
enhancement. Sealed in escrow, in advance of completion.)
Section 106 Agreement relating to development of 5 dwellinghouses at land south of Holt
Road, Fakenham between North Norfolk District Council (1), Robin Paul Whitby (2), Denis
Raymond Whitby (3), and C J Yardley on behalf of Fakenham Area Conservation Team (4)
This Section 106 Obligation secures the provision of public open space, a footpath
link and a financial contribution from the developer to the local Area Conservation
Team for future maintenance.
Contract relating to Supply, Delivery, Installation and Maintenance of an Asset Management
Computer System between North Norfolk District Council (1) and Concerto Support Services
Limited (2)
Contract – Waste Collection and Related Services – North Norfolk District Council (1) Kier
Support Services Ltd (2)
Full Council
6 April 2011
Admission Agreement – Norfolk Pension Fund – Norfolk County Council (1), North Norfolk
District Council (2) & Kier Support Services Ltd (3)
(Documents related to the Waste Collection and Related Services Contract)
Contract – North Norfolk District Council (1) Arlingclose (2) – Treasury Advisory Services
(This contract is related to the Treasury Advisory Services Tender. The award was
based on the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) and the successful
contractor was Arlingclose Ltd. The contract price as tendered is £11,500 for 2011/12
and this is subject to an RPI increase each year, initial contract length is 3 years with
the potential to extend for a further year subject to mutual agreement. This is within
the current budget for the service.)
Tree Preservation Order (Cromer) relating to Cromer High School, Norwich Road, Cromer,
NR27 OEX dated 10.2.2011
Tree Preservation Order (Runton), Britons Wood, Sandy Lane, West Runton, Cromer, NR27
9NE dated 10.2.2011
Tree Preservation Order (Beeston Regis) relating to Nuttalls Plantation, Beeston Regis
dated 10.2.2011
Tree Preservation Order (North Walsham) relating to 8 and 6B New Road, North Walsham,
NR28 9DF
Tree Preservation Order (Wells-next-the-sea) relating to Orchard caravan park, Burnt Street,
Wells-next-the-sea, NR23 1HN
Tree Preservation Order (Briston) Briston Lodge, Holt Road, Briston, Melton Constable,
NR24 2HR dated 3.3.2011
Tree Preservation Order (Fakenham) relating to 70 Holt Road, Fakenham NR21 8DY dated
Tree Preservation Order (Fakenham) relating to Oak Cottage, 123 Queens Road, Fakenham
NR21 8BU dated 17.3.2011
Tree Preservation Order (Cromer) relating to The Warren, Cromer, NR27 OPZ dated
Tree Preservation Order (Sculthorpe) relating to the rear of 38 Lancaster Road to 67 Halifax
Crescent, Sculthorpe, Fakenham NR21 7PS dated 17.3.2011
Supplemental Deed relating to current rent arrears relating to Unit 11 and Storage
Compound, Lyngate Industrial Estate, Cornish Way, North Walsham between North Norfolk
District Council (1) and Karen Bush (trading as Drains-R-Us) (2)
(Deed to preserve rent arrears so that the Council’s claim to outstanding rent [to be
paid by agreed instalments by the Tenant] can be enforced [in event of non payment],
notwithstanding completion of the Lease below. Deed completed on 3 March 2011.)
Full Council
6 April 2011
Deed of Variation relating to Unit 15, Lyngate Industrial Estate, Cornish Way, North
Walsham between North Norfolk District Council (1), Phoenix Corporate Management
Limited (2), John Michael Victor Ramage (3)
(Deed of Variation required to be completed before the Lease below [Unit 11] was
finalised. It had been agreed that rights were required to be reserved out of the Lease
on Unit 15 [1 October 2008] & the Deed of Variation was completed on 28.2.2011 to
give effect to this requirement.)
Deed of Agreement between North Norfolk District Council (1) and Trimingham Parish
Council (2) for grant funding.
(This document relates to the Coastal Change Pathfinder Project and is a funding
agreement with Trimingham Parish Council. This is to regulate the payment and use
of a £200,000 grant towards a new village hall.)
Lease relating to Unit 11 and Storage Compound, Lyngate Industrial Estate, Cornish Way,
North Walsham between North Norfolk District Council (1) and Karen Bush (trading as
Drains-R-Us) (2)
(Lease of Unit 11 and Storage Compound completed on 3 March 2011 for a term of 3
years from 3.3.2011.)
Lease relating to Unit 21, Lyngate Industrial Estate, Cornish Way, North Walsham between
North Norfolk District Council (1) and Michael Woolston (2)
(Lease executed in anticipation of final completion of the Lease. The Lease has not
yet been completed. It will be for a term of 3 years from 19.11.2010. Tenant already
occupies under a Tenancy at Will.)
Lease of land at Melbourne Slope, Cromer (to be used as a Children’s Play Area) made
between North Norfolk District Council (1) and Victor William Alfred Gray (2)
(Lease executed in anticipation of final completion of the Lease. The Lease has not
yet been completed. It will be for a term of 6 years from 1.1.2011. Tenant already
occupies under a prior Lease)
Lease relating to Units 3 & 4 Catfield Industrial Estate between North Norfolk District Council
(1) and Heath Whitten (2) (trading as Catfield Motor Services)
(Lease executed in anticipation of final completion of the Lease. The Lease has not
yet been completed. It will be for a term of 3 years from 25.2.2011. Tenant already
occupies under a prior Lease.)
Full Council
6 April 2011