19 MARCH 2015 Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present: Councillors Mrs S A Arnold (Chairman) R Reynolds (Vice-Chairman) Mrs L M Brettle Mrs A R Green Mrs P Grove-Jones P W High Miss B Palmer J H Perry-Warnes R Shepherd B Smith Mrs A Sweeney J A Wyatt Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds – substitute for M J M Baker Mrs B McGoun – substitute for Mrs V Uprichard B Cabbell-Manners – Cabinet Member for Planning and Planning Policy Officers Mrs N Baker – Head of Planning Mr R Howe – Planning Legal Manager Mr J Williams – Major Projects Team Leader Mrs N Turner – Housing Team Leader (Strategy) Mrs C Batchelar – Landscape Officer Miss K Witton – Landscape Officer (213) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND DETAILS OF SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M J M Baker and Mrs V Uprichard. Two substitute Members attended the meeting as shown above. The Planning Legal Manager stated that Councillor Baker had sent his apologies for the meeting but was in attendance in his capacity as local Ward Member for Holt. (214) ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS There were no items of urgent business. (215) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Planning Legal Manager stated that the planning applications under consideration at this meeting had been considered on 21 August 2014 and read the list of interests declared at that meeting and requested that Members confirm if they were still relevant. The interest declared by Councillor Baker was not relevant as he would not be speaking as a member of the Committee. He asked if there were any additional interests to be declared. Development Committee 1 19 March 2015 The following interests were declared: Councillor J H Perry-Warnes Personal, non-pecuniary interest as his grandson attended the school. Personal, non-pecuniary interest as he owned a holiday let in Holt. Personal, non-pecuniary interest as she was the co-owner of property in Holt. Knew many people who were attending the meeting. Personal, non-pecuniary interest as she had attended Gresham’s School Personal, non-pecuniary interest as her grandchildren attended the school. Councillor R Reynolds Councillor Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Councillor P W High Councillor Miss B Palmer Councillor Mrs A R Green All Members had received correspondence. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Where appropriate the Planning Officers expanded on the planning applications; updated the meeting on outstanding consultations, letters/petitions received objecting to, or supporting the proposals; referred to any views of local Members and answered Members’ questions. Background papers, including correspondence, petitions, consultation documents, letters of objection and those in support of planning applications were available for inspection at the meeting. Having regard to the above information and the Officers’ report, the Committee reached the decisions as set out below. Applications approved include a standard time limit condition as condition number 1 unless otherwise stated. (216) Planning Application ref: PO/14/0283 - Residential development for a maximum of 126 dwellings; Land South of Cromer Road and East of Grove Lane for Endurance Estate Strategic Land Ltd and Greshams School (‘Site 1’) Planning Application ref: PO/14/0284 - Residential development for a maximum of 19 dwellings; Land South of Cromer Road and West of Grove Lane for Endurance Estates Strategic Land Ltd and Greshams School (‘Site 2’) Planning Application ref: PO/14/0274 - Residential development for a maximum of eight dwellings; Land north of Grove Lane for Endurance Estates Strategic Land Ltd and Greshams School (‘Site 3’) The Head of Planning outlined the background to the applications, which had been considered by the Committee on 21 August 2014 when it was resolved to delegate authority to the Head of Planning to approve the applications in view of the facilitating benefits which would accrue to Gresham’s School, and in turn, to the wider economic benefits to Holt. Following that resolution, issues had been raised in respect of the Appropriate Assessment under the Habitat Regulations 1994, and a pre-action protocol letter had been received in respect of procedural issues and the applications had therefore been brought back before the Committee for further consideration. Development Committee 2 19 March 2015 The Head of Planning stated that no proposals would be sought until all three applications had been presented and debated. Proposals would then be sought on each application in turn. The Major Projects Team Leader referred to the following matters: Progress on matters which had been raised at the previous meeting which was set out in detail in the report, including a proposed Section 106 Agreement which had now been agreed in draft by all parties. The challenge in respect of the Appropriate Assessment and the revised assessment which had been carried out by the Officers. The report submitted by the applicants on the economic benefits of the proposals which expanded on the submission previously put forward. The Major Projects Team Leader stated that all three applications were recommended for refusal as previously. However, if the Committee resolved to approve the applications, they would need to be subject to the formal completion of the Section 106 Agreement, and also subject to the Committee’s agreement, the suggested conditions contained in Appendix 4 to the Officer’s report. The issue for consideration was how much weight should be given to the enabling aspects of the proposals. The proposals represented a departure from the Development Plan in terms of land use and affordable housing provision. He drew attention to the report to the previous meeting which set out the applicant’s case, policy issues and the applicant’s approach to viability. Site 1 (PO/14/0283) The Major Projects Team Leader stated that the only details at this stage related to access to the site. He displayed a plan and photographs of the site. He referred to issues regarding the landscaping buffer and land ownership issues, which were detailed in the Officer’s report. He recommended refusal of this application in accordance with the recommendation contained in the Officer’s report to the meeting on 21 August 2014. In the event of approval, he recommended the imposition of conditions as set out in the draft decision notice appended to the current report, subject to the amendment of condition 3 to relate to the whole extent of the planting area and to the document submitted by the applicants. Public Speakers Mr B Payne (Holt Town Council) Dr I Shepherd, Mr M Burnham, Mr B Whiffen and Mr G Lynn (objectors) Mr D Robb, Mr J Stronach, Mr D Jenkins and Mrs Prior (supporting) Councillor P W High, a local Member, stated that he would comment on all the applications later in the meeting. Councillor M J M Baker, speaking as a local Member, referred to his recollections of Holt as a small town, with a small shopping centre, which catered for a few local people and nearby villages. Since then, the town had developed and the population increased, with many people now living on land he could remember as green field land. Holt now attracted many people. He considered that the town, and the school, had to develop. Schools which were in competition with Gresham’s were investing large sums of money to the detriment of pupil flow into Greshams. The school had many facilities which people could use. He stated that local people needed somewhere to work, and this project would create many job years of work. Jobs for younger people were needed for the town to remain economically viable. Development Committee 3 19 March 2015 Councillor J Perry-Warnes considered that Gresham’s School and Holt needed each other. If the school prospered, Holt would further prosper and the school needed to keep up with other schools in the region. He referred to a supporting speaker’s comment that Gresham’s was a charity and did not look to make a large profit. He stated that the boarding houses could be used outside term time, but needed to be up to standard. A number of permanent jobs would be created. He supported the application. Site 2 (PO/14/0284) The Major Projects Team Leader stated that the only details being sought were access to the site and footpath provision. An illustrative plan had been provided indicating how the site could be developed. He recommended refusal of this application in accordance with the recommendation contained in the Officer’s report to the meeting on 21 August 2014. In the event of approval, he recommended the imposition of conditions as set out in the draft decision notice appended to the current report. Public Speakers Mr B Payne (Holt Town Council) Mr M Burnham and Mr B Whiffen (objecting) Mr D Jenkins, Mr D Robb and Mrs Prior (supporting) Mr P High, a local Member, referred to traffic issues in relation to Grove Lane and schemes which had been put forward by the Highway Authority. Local residents were now being consulted as to what they would like to see and until the responses were received this matter would not be taken further with the Highway Authority. Councillor M J M Baker, speaking as a local Member, considered that traffic would naturally leave via the Old Cromer Road instead of Grove Lane if the access were angled at 45 degrees. A 20mph limit would also help to improve safety for users of Grove Lane. Councillor J Perry-Warnes requested that the school provide an alternative football pitch if the development went ahead. He also considered that traffic should exit the site towards Old Cromer Road. He stated that his points raised in respect of site 1 applied equally to this site. The Chairman stated that one of the speakers had stated that the football pitch would be relocated. In response to a question by Councillor Mrs B McGoun regarding housing density, the Major Projects Team Leader referred to the NPPF requirement to make efficient use of land, which had to be balanced with the character of the area. Recent approved housing schemes had a density of around 30 dwellings per hectare, whereas the current proposal was approximately 12.5 dwellings per hectare. The Major Projects Team Leader referred to draft condition 8 which required a detailed scheme of highway works to be submitted and approved. He stated that this could include measures to discourage traffic from leaving the site along Grove Lane, but this would need to be agreed at a later stage. In respect of a replacement football pitch, the Major Projects Team Leader stated that the applicants had demonstrated that sufficient land was available for a replacement pitch on the School’s existing playing fields and it was considered at the last meeting that an acceptable replacement was available. Development Committee 4 19 March 2015 Site 3 (PO/14/0274) The Major Projects Team Leader stated that no details had been applied for at this stage. Trees on the site were protected by a group Tree Preservation Order but it was accepted that some trees were more important than others. An illustrative plan had been submitted indicating how the site could be developed. The Major Projects Team Leader referred to the Committee’s request for a road link from Grove Lane to Cromer Road. The Officers had used their best endeavours in this respect but the applicants were not willing to provide the link and the Highway Authority did not consider that a link was necessary. The Major Projects Team Leader recommended refusal of this application in accordance with the recommendation contained in the Officer’s report to the meeting on 21 August 2014. In the event of approval, he recommended the imposition of conditions as set out in the draft decision notice appended to the current report. Public Speakers Mr B Payne (Holt Town Council) Mr B Whiffen (objecting) Mr D Jenkins (supporting) Councillor M J M Baker, speaking as a local Member, in reference to a point made by one of the speakers, stated that there were 5 acres of employment land on the opposite side of the Holt Bypass (A148). In his view it was necessary to consider all three applications as a block application and to approve all three so that the sites could be disposed of to provide funding for the School. If permission were given for one or two of the sites it would mean one of the major projects put forward by the School could not go ahead. He considered that there were positive benefits from the provision of affordable housing and Section 106 contributions, including a large contribution towards a new primary school. He considered that the proposals should not be considered in isolation but as part of the overall development of Holt. Councillor B Cabbell Manners, Cabinet Member for Planning and Planning Policy, considered that an important point was that Gresham’s School was also of incredible value and importance to the economy of North Norfolk and of Norfolk as a whole. If anything happened to Gresham’s, not only would Holt suffer, but so would the surrounding towns. The Planning Legal Manager stated that Councillor Cabbell Manners had been allowed to speak with the Chairman’s permission and referred to case law relating to a Cabinet Member addressing a meeting of the Development Committee. Decisions on Applications PO/14/0283, PO/14/0284 and PO/14/0274 Site 1 (PO/14/0283) Councillor P W High referred to comments he had made at the previous meeting and he had found nothing to encourage him to change his view. There had been no increase in uplift. He proposed refusal of this application as recommended. Councillor Mrs B McGoun stated that all three developments were outside the development boundary and contrary to the Development Plan. She expressed concern regarding the low percentage of affordable housing to be provided. She did not consider that the proposals passed the public benefit test. She seconded the proposal for refusal. Development Committee 5 19 March 2015 Councillor R Reynolds referred to the importance of Gresham’s School to the local economy. Holt had grown around the School and would continue to do so if it were allowed to expand and improve its facilities. He stated that the School was the largest employer in the Holt area and loss of revenue to the local economy would be a major concern. He considered that it would be beneficial to Holt and the surrounding area to allow housing on the site. He referred to the Section 106 benefits which had been negotiated. He proposed approval of this application on grounds that the material considerations outweighed the policy objections and requested a recorded vote. The proposal for refusal of this application, proposed by Councillor P W High and seconded by Councillor Mrs B McGoun, was put to the vote and voting was recorded as follows: For the proposal Councillors: Mrs P Grove-Jones P W High Mrs A C Sweeney Mrs B McGoun J A Wyatt (5) Against the proposal Abstentions Mrs S A Arnold Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs L M Brettle Mrs A R Green Miss B Palmer J H Perry-Warnes R Reynolds R Shepherd B Smith (9) The proposal was declared lost. It was proposed by Councillor R Reynolds, seconded by Councillor Mrs A R Green that this application be approved subject to the formal completion of the Section 106 Agreement and the imposition of conditions set out in Appendix 4 to the Officers’ report, subject to the amendment of condition 3 to relate to the whole extent of the planting area and to the document submitted by the applicants. Voting was recorded as follows: For the proposal Councillors: Mrs S A Arnold Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs L M Brettle Mrs A R Green Miss B Palmer J H Perry-Warnes R Reynolds R Shepherd B Smith (9) Development Committee Against the proposal Abstentions Mrs P Grove-Jones P W High Mrs A C Sweeney Mrs B McGoun J A Wyatt (5) 6 19 March 2015 RESOLVED That this application be approved subject to the formal completion of the Section 106 Agreement and the imposition of conditions set out in Appendix 4 to the Officers’ report, subject to the amendment of condition 3 to relate to the whole extent of the planting area and to the document submitted by the applicants. Reasons: The facilitating development through a S106 obligation will secure the delivery of the 6th form block and refurbishment of accommodation, which will enable continuation of Greshams School with the wider economic benefits to Holt of 375 jobs and additional jobs which will be created through the additional facilities which are going to be built, £11m salaries bill, the majority of which would be spent in Holt, with the assessment of economic benefits as listed in Appendix 6 to the report. Site 2 (PO/14/0284) Councillor P W High supported Councillor Baker’s suggestion regarding the access layout in the event of approval. However, he proposed refusal of this application on planning grounds. This was seconded by Councillor Mrs B McGoun. Councillor R Reynolds requested a recorded vote. Voting was recorded as follows: For the proposal Councillors: Mrs P Grove-Jones P W High Mrs A C Sweeney Mrs B McGoun J A Wyatt (5) Against the proposal Abstentions Mrs S A Arnold Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs L M Brettle Mrs A R Green Miss B Palmer J H Perry-Warnes R Reynolds R Shepherd B Smith (9) The proposal was declared lost. It was proposed by Councillor R Reynolds, seconded by Councillor J Perry-Warnes that this application be approved. Councillor R Reynolds requested a recorded vote. Development Committee 7 19 March 2015 Voting was recorded as follows: For the proposal Councillors: Mrs S A Arnold Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs L M Brettle Mrs A R Green Miss B Palmer J H Perry-Warnes R Reynolds R Shepherd B Smith (9) Against the proposal Abstentions Mrs P Grove-Jones P W High Mrs A C Sweeney Mrs B McGoun J A Wyatt (5) RESOLVED That this application be approved subject to the formal completion of the Section 106 Agreement and the imposition of conditions set out in Appendix 4 to the Officers’ report, subject to possible amendment of condition 3 with regard to the access. Reasons: The facilitating development through a S106 obligation will secure the delivery of the 6th form block and refurbishment of accommodation, which will enable continuation of Greshams School with the wider economic benefits to Holt of 375 jobs and additional jobs which will be created through the additional facilities which are going to be built, £11m salaries bill, the majority of which would be spent in Holt, with the assessment of economic benefits as listed in Appendix 6 to the report. Site 3 (PO/14/0274) Councillor P W High considered that there was no problem with development on this site and proposed approval, which was seconded by Councillor R Reynolds. Councillor J Perry-Warnes considered that an exit onto Cromer Road had not been properly considered. The Major Projects Team Leader stated that the applicants would not accept it and the Highway Authority had not objected to the application. If the Committee were to insist on a road link it would require significant amendment to the application which would require readvertisement and reconsultation. Councillor P W High stated that no decision had been made on road improvements and the suggested link could not be considered at this stage. Councillor R Reynolds requested a recorded vote. Development Committee 8 19 March 2015 Voting was recorded as follows: For the proposal Councillors: Mrs S A Arnold Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs L M Brettle Mrs A R Green Mrs P Grove-Jones P W High Miss B Palmer J H Perry-Warnes R Reynolds R Shepherd B Smith (11) Against the proposal Abstentions Mrs B McGoun Mrs A C Sweeney J A Wyatt (1) (2) RESOLVED That this application be approved subject to the formal completion of the Section 106 Agreement and the imposition of conditions set out in Appendix 4 to the Officers’ report. Reasons: The facilitating development through a S106 obligation will secure the delivery of the 6th form block and refurbishment of accommodation, which will enable continuation of Greshams School with the wider economic benefits to Holt of 375 jobs and additional jobs which will be created through the additional facilities which are going to be built, £11m salaries bill, the majority of which would be spent in Holt, with the assessment of economic benefits as listed in Appendix 6 to the report. (217) CHANGES TO THE CONSTITUTION AND SCHEME OF DELEGATION The Committee considered a report outlining the proposed changes to the Constitution with regard to the Development Committee’s Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation with regard to matters delegated to the Head of Planning. The Head of Planning explained that the changes to the terms of reference were relatively minor, with the exception of the changes proposed in respect of applications which the Committee was minded to determine contrary to Officer recommendation, where in the view of the Head of Planning or senior representative present at the meeting, the decision would have major implications for planning policy or be a significant departure from the Development Plan. The Head of Planning outlined the changes which were proposed in respect of the default delegation and the reasons behind the proposed changes. With regard to wind turbines, she considered that the wording of the delegation ran contrary to the Committee’s view that they should all be considered by the Committee. Members expressed concern at the cumulative effect of wind turbine proposals and that they did not always know what was happening in other Wards. The Committee discussed solar energy proposals and what constituted a solar farm. Development Committee 9 19 March 2015 It was agreed that all proposals for wind turbines and ground mounted panels should be considered by the Committee. The Head of Planning suggested that the list of Proper Officer functions be amended as set out in the report. The Chairman invited Dr Ian Shepherd to give his views. He raised a number of issues related to policy drift, replacement buildings in the Countryside, and the treatment of wind turbines and solar energy proposals. The Chairman advised Dr Shepherd to put his concerns in writing. In response to Dr Shepherd’s comments, the Planning Legal Manager considered that the policy in relation to replacement buildings in the Countryside needed consideration with regard to the relationship of the replacement building and the footprint of the original building. In response to a question by Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney regarding Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty designations, the Planning Legal Manager explained that the AONB was one of the most important protective designations, of which there were 30 in the UK. They were given protection by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act. There was a requirement to keep boundaries under review and to have plans for enhancement and improvement. Central Government was responsible for designating them. Councillor R Reynolds stated that proposals such as wind farms could be well outside the AONB but still affect it because of the open nature of the landscape. In response to a question by Councillor B Smith, the Head of Planning stated that the Council’s policy required buildings to be of architectural merit. However, the number of conversions of buildings in the Countryside had increased because new permitted development rights allowed the conversion of buildings of a lower standard. The Local Plan Review would give an opportunity to consider issues and criteria in detail. RESOLVED That the Constitution Working Party be recommended to approve the changes to the Constitution in relation to the terms of reference of the Development Committee and conditional and default delegation to the Head of Planning. The meeting closed at 12.44 pm. Development Committee 10 19 March 2015