Quantum Theory The worst scientific theory of all time Dr Mark J Hadley Dept of Physics Plan • Introduction to QT • Why it is bad • A bad theory of classical Mechanics – Classical probability • Why the quantum world is different – Why QT is a bad response • An alternative to QT Quantum theory • Predictions are intrinsically probabilistic. • A state is represented by a vector, , in a complex Hilbert space. • contains the maximum possible amount of information. • A rule to get probabilities from . • A rule to describe the evolution of . Includes • Quantum mechanics • Quantum Field Theory • String Theory How bad? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Quantum Theory Genesis .. . . Why is it so bad? • Fails to explain Nature – What is an elementary particle • Particle spectrum • Fundamental forces – What is happening in an experiment • Prevents progress (x) • • • • • Gives probability information only. It is not the particle. It does not exist. It requires a new meaning to probability Cannot say what a particle is.. • where it is… • what it is doing. A bad theory of classical mechanics • Throwing a projectile at a target. • (r,) describes the probability of a certain result. • (r,,z,t) describes the evolving wavepacket. • Nothing else can be said about the projectile A dice throw • (n) gives the probability of a particular result. • The throw is governed by classical mechanics. • (n) = 1/6 • Why? (n) 0.25 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0.2 0.15 0.05 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 0.25 2 3 4 5 high 6 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.15 0.3 0.1 0.2 evens 0.05 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 lucky (n)= 1/6 • Not from Newtonian mechanics • Structure Phase space of initial conditions + Deterministic evolution = Space of final conditions • Symmetry • Nothing else Structural Implications Deterministic evolution Phase-space of initial conditions (n) Boolean Logic 1 2 3 4 5 6 Classical Probabilities • Satisfy Boolean Logic • Are a measure of our ignorance of initial conditions. • Can always be represented as Volume integrals. Quantum Theory Probabilities • Do not satisfy Boolean Logic • Are represented by projections of a vector • Are an intrinsic feature of Nature A completely new meaning to probability Classical and Quantum worlds are very, very similar. For a single experiment – Can use classical probabilities • Boolean Logic • Individual trajectories • No complex wave function For incompatible experiments – Cannot construct a single phase-space of initial conditions that gives the observed results. The quantum World is context dependent • QT is one response – It hides the difference • State => Evolution => results – At a cost • A new meaning to probability • No underlying explanation The quantum World is context dependent • Explain it with an existing theory – Sensible • Explain it with a brilliant new theory – Genius • Don’t explain it – Pragmatist • Deny that anything needs explaining – Philosopher The quantum World is context dependent • Explain it with an existing theory – lazy • Explain it with a brilliant new theory – insane • Don’t explain it – loser • Deny that anything needs explaining – bad loser Using an existing theory • Choice between: 1. GR 2. GR 3. GR GR and QT • Can GR explain context dependent effects? – Yes • Will it agree with QT predictions? – Yes it has to Structure + Symmetry & Continuity = all equations of QT Using GR • GR allows a non-trivial causal structure – Measurement apparatus can set additional boundary conditions • Any Geometric theory of spacetime can have the same structure From GR to QT • Can GR get the equations of QT directly? – No (Not yet) – But remember (n)= 1/6 Progress The Logic of Quantum Mechanics Derived From Classical General Relativity Foundations of Physics Letters Vol 10, No.1, (1997) 43-60. • Topology change and context dependence International Journal of Theoretical Physics Vol. 38 (1999) 1481 • Charge and the topology of spacetime Class. Quantum Grav. 16 No 11 (November 1999) 3567-3577 • Spin half in classical general relativity Class. Quantum Grav. 17 No 20 (October 2000) 4187-4194 • The orientability of spacetime Class. Quantum Grav. 19 (August 2002) 4565-4571 The Quantum World • Explain it with an existing theory – GR (sensible) • Explain it with a brilliant new theory – insane • Don’t explain it – loser • Deny that anything needs explaining – Quantum Theory (bad loser)