B physics BaBar/PEP-II Belle/KEK-B CDF & D0/Tevatron LHCb, ATLAS & CMS/LHC Super B Factory/??? ALL RESULTS ARE PRELIMINARY UNLESS PUBLISHED Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 1 Apologies Due to shortness of time, I will cover only a selection of B physics, and skip entirely many other important results D physics: mixing & rare decays Spectroscopy: observations & interpretations of new states τ physics: new limits on lepton flavour violation ISR physics, γγ physics, spin physics, ... Theoretical developments For details see review talks at (ongoing) FPCP http://fpcp2006.triumf.ca/agenda.php Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 2 The (SM) physics Electroweak symmetry breaking Higgs field acquires vacuum expectation value diagonalization of quark mass matrix charged current → flavour mixing (CKM) no tree-level flavour changing neutral currents (GIM) CKM matrix (3 mixing angles & 1 phase) responsible for all quark mixing & CP violation phenomena Most of SM free parameters are in flavour sector Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 3 CKM matrix Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 4 Unitarity Triangle Convenient method to illustrate (dis-)agreement of observables with CKM prediction Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 5 All measurements must agree KM Prediction Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 Im α γ J/2 β Re Picture by A.Hoecker 6 Overconstraining the UT Test SM via multiple redundant measurements of UT parameters 3 angles ((β,α,γ) = (φ1,φ2,φ3)) & 2 sides (Ru & Rt) β : TDCPV in B0 → J/ψ KS, B0 → φKS, many others 0 α : TDCPV in B → hh' (h,h' = π/ρ/...) γ : DCPV in B → hh' (h,h' = π/K/...); DCPV in B → DK; TDCPV in B0 → D*π; and more Ru : rates & spectra in B → Xulν; rates of B+ → l+ν Rt : mixing (Δmd/Δms); rates of B → ργ, ... Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 7 Direct CP Violation B B A A Direct CP violation if f f A ≠1 A ∣∣ Requires A =∑ A i =∑ ∣ A i∣ e i i≥2 Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 i i i i i ≠ j i ≠ j 8 Time Dependent CP Violation 0 0 B = p ∣ B 〉 q ∣ B 〉 ∣ L〉 ∣BL 〉 =p∣B0 〉 −q∣B0 〉 2 B 0 B 0 A 2 ∣p∣ ∣q∣ =1 m =m B H −m B L = B H − BL A f = ± f = f CP q ≠1 (cf. εK) CP violation in mixing if p q A ≠1 Time-dependent CP violation if ℑ p A (interference between mixing and decay) ∣∣ Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 9 Asymmetric B Factory Concept PCP t , q tag = Direct CP violation −∣t∣/ B e 1± q tag SCP sin m t −CCP cos m t 4 B SJ / K S q A =ℑ = −CP sin 2 = sin 2 pA Formulation assumes negligible ΔΓ & CPT conservation Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 10 Asymmetric B Factories PEPII at SLAC 9.0 GeV e- on 3.1 GeV e+ Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 KEKB at KEK 8.0 GeV e- on 3.5 GeV e+ 11 B factory Luminosities 0.5 ab-1 PEP-II : Total 330.2 fb-1 ~220 x 106 BB pairs KEK-B : Total 563.3 fb-1 TODAYS RESULTS Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 ~385 x 106 BB pairs 12 Luminosity trends 34 2 L > 10 /cm /s Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 13 BaBar Detector 1.5 T solenoid DIRC (PID) 144 quartz bars 11000 PMs e­ (9 GeV) Instrumented Flux Return iron / RPCs (muon / neutral hadrons) 2/6 replaced by LST in 2004 Rest of replacement in 2006 Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 EMC 6580 CsI(Tl) crystals e+ (3.1 GeV) Drift Chamber 40 stereo layers Silicon Vertex Tracker 5 layers, double sided strips 14 Belle Detector SC solenoid 1.5T CsI(Tl) 16X0 Aerogel Cherenkov cnt. n=1.015~1.030 3.5 GeV e+ TOF counter 8 GeV e− Central Drift Chamber small cell +He/C2H6 Si vtx. det. - 3 lyr. DSSD - 4 lyr. since summer 2003 Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 µ / KL detection 14/15 lyr. RPC+Fe 15 The Golden Mode BaBar PRL 94, 161803 (2005) Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 BELLE-CONF-0569 16 Compilation of Results Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 17 Constraint from β Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 18 Other modes for β B0 → J/ψ K* time-dependent angular analysis determine sign of cos(2β) B0 → D(*)+D(*)-KS time-dependent (amplitude) analysis determine sign of cos(2β) (eventually) B0 → J/ψ π0, D(*)+D(*)- TDCPV β(b → ccd) = β(b → ccs) ? B0 → Dπ0, etc. time-dependent amplitude analysis β(b → cud) = β(b → ccs) ? with D → KSπ+π-, determine sign of cos(2β) B0 → φKS, etc. time-dependent analysis β(b → sqq) = β(b → ccs) ? more later ... Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 19 Other modes for β B0 → J/ψ K* time-dependent angular analysis r determine sign of cos(2β) a aB 0 (*)+ (*)B B → D D KS time-dependent (amplitude) analysis m o r f s t determine sign of cos(2β) (eventually) resul W E B0 → J/ψ π0, D(*)+D(*)- TDCPV N β(b → ccd) = β(b → ccs) ? lle e B 0 0 B → Dπ , etc. time-dependent amplitude analysis rom f s t l u β(b → cud) = β(b → ccs) ? s e r + W with D → KSπ π , determine sign of cos(2β) NE B0 → φKS, etc. time-dependent analysis β(b → sqq) = β(b → ccs) ? more later ... Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 20 Measurement of α B0 → π+πboth tree and penguin contributions large possible DCPV & S ≠−sin 2 isospin ⇒ Grossman-Quinn type bounds S − − − [ −sin 2 ] 0 0 0 B B max y ary c n ss a p ce e r c ne s i d lts e u s m e So d r e t da p U Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 21 Measurement of α B0 → π+π-π0 decays mainly via intermediate ρ resonances time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis ⇒ separate penguin from tree contribution B0 → ρ+ρalmost 100% longitudinal polarization (CP even) small penguin contribution S ≃−sin 2 accuracy on α still limited by (lack of) knowledge of B0 → ρ0ρ0 and B+ → ρ+ρ0 Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 − 22 Measurement of α B0 → π+π-π0 decays mainly via intermediate ρ resonances time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis ⇒ separate penguin from tree contribution B0 → ρ+ρalmost 100% longitudinal polarization (CP even) small penguin contribution S ≃−sin 2 r accuracy on α still limited by (lack of) aknowledge B Ba 0 0 0 + + 0 of B → ρ ρ and B → ρ ρ rom f s Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 W NE − ult s re 23 Constraint on α α = (99+13-8)° Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 24 DCPV in B decay γ is the relative weak phase between tree and penguin amplitudes in charmless B decays 0 + DCPV in, eg., B → K π sensitive to γ hadronic uncertainties ⇔ (only) model-dependent constraints BaBar ACP(K-π+) = (-11.5 ± 1.8)% (HFAG) PRL 93 (2004) 131801 Belle BELLE-CONF-0523 Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 CDF result not shown here – will be competitive soon 25 DCPV in 3 body B decay Dalitz analysis → measure hadronic parameters + + + Search for DCPV in B → K π π Belle, hep-ex/0512066 mππ (GeV/c2) Clear asymmetry in the ρ region Dalitz analysis → enhanced sensitivity to CPV ACP(ρK+) = (30 ± 11 ± 2 +11-4)% 3.9σ significance first evidence for CPV in any charged particle! Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 BaBar result not shown here 26 CP violation in the B system ● Time-dependent CP violation – Observed (>5σ) ● – Evidence (>3σ) ● ● D*+π- [D*+D-, K+K-K0, f0KS] (BaBar,Belle combined) Direct CP violation – Observed (>5σ) ● – K+π- (BaBar,Belle combined) Evidence (>3σ) ● ● J/ψ K0 (BaBar,Belle); π+π- (Belle); η'K0 (BaBar,Belle combined) π+π- (Belle); ρ-K+ (Belle); ρ+π- (BaBar, Belle combined) Kaon system: π+π-, π0π0, π+μ-ν, π+e-ν, π+π-e+e-, ε'/ε Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 27 Clean measurement of γ ● ● A theoretically clean measurement of γ can be made using B → DK decays Reconstruct neutral D mesons in states accessible to both flavour eigenstates B − D0 K − b c u s – – – – B− D0 K − b u c s relative weak phase is γ (strong phase δ) relative magnitude is rB various different B & D decays utilized rom f ts l + u current most accurate: D→KSπ π res Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 lle e B W NE 28 B ±→ DK* ± ± *K D → B ± ± DK B→ ± Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 B ±→ DK* ± BABA R-CONF-05/018 K± * D B→ ± +15 −18 φ3 = (53 Warning: Different scale IN P REPARATION ± DK B→ ± Belle BaBar γ = (67 ± 28 ± 13 ± 11)° ± 3 ± 9)° Fit results: (x±,y±) = (Re(rBei(δ±γ)),Im(rBei(δ±γ))) 29 Constraint on γ γ = (65 ± 20)° Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 30 Measurement of Ru ● Require measurement of |Vub| ● both experimentally and theoretically challenging Two main approaches: inclusive & exclusive B → Xulν Different theoretical treatment – Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 31 Alternative approach to |Vub| ● decay constant ⇔ lattice QCD Leptonic decays: B l l = Signal + background GFmB m 8 2 l m 2 l 2 B 2 1− m f B2∣ V ub∣2 W NE rom f s t l u s e r + lle e B + Evidence for B →τ ν Background B→τν Signal Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 hep-ex/0604018 21.2 +6.7-5.7 signal events (4.2σ) [cf. CLEO-c D+→μ+ν; BaBar Ds+→μ+ν] 32 Measurement of Rt ● In principle, Δmd measures Rt – large theoretical uncertainty – can be controlled in the ratio Δmd/Δms 2 V m f B md B B B td = ms m B f 2B BB V ts d d d s s s 2 ∣ ∣ rom f s W E N Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 D0 t l u res 33 All UT Constraints Different statistical approaches Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 34 Beyond the UT ● Now have measurements of all three angles and two sides of UT – highly constraining values of β and Ru ● – ● slight tension between these constraints interpretation of this & other possible NP hints obscured by hadronic uncertainties Beyond overconstraining the UT, ∃ numerous additional possible NP signatures in B physics loop diagrams (FCNCs) probe very high mass scales through virtual particles Historically, extremely successful for both NP discovery and quantification Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 – 35 The FCNC Matrix From G.Isidori, via O.Schneider Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 36 The FCNC Matrix From G.Isidori, via O.Schneider Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 kaon physics 37 FCNC Matrix phenomenology ● Generic NP can effect each loop independently – particular models ⇔ correlations also with other observables (eg. τ LFV, CPV, EDMs, ...) probing for new physics in the flavour sector ↕NP discovery ↕ probing the flavour sector of the new physics ● Flavour physics is essential to understand NP at the TeV scale (or higher) Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 38 Key measurements ● ΔF = 2 : Δms, ACP(Bs → J/ψ φ), εBd, εBs ● gluon penguin ACP(Bs → φφ), ACP(Bd → φKS), etc. ● γ penguin [Γ, ACP, polarisation] Bs → φγ, Bd → Xsγ, Bd → Xdγ ● Z0 penguin [Γ, AFB, ACP] Bs → φl+l-, Bu,d → K*ll, Bu,d → Xsl+l-, Bu,d → Xdl+l- ● H0 penguin Bs,d → μ+μ-, Bd → τ+τ- Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 39 D0 Δms result untagged tagged hep-ex/0603029 17/ps < Δms < 21/ps assumes Gaussian errors Bd → D-μ+X Bs → Ds-μ+X SIGNIFICANCE Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 40 Δms World Average Results presented as amplitude scans ~2.5σ from zero Future updates (CDF, D0) keenly anticipated Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 (HFAG) Δms > 16.6/ps (95% CL) 41 Measurement of εBd ● Belle (hep-ex/0505017) |q/p|-1 = 0.0005 ± 0.0040 ± 0.0043 ● BaBar (hep-ex/0603053) rom f s |q/p|-1 = -0.0008 ± 0.0027 ± 0.0019 ● D0 (D0note-5042-CONF) W E N lt u s re WARNING: ADMIXTURE OF Bd & Bs “|q/p|-1” = 0.0022 ± 0.0020 ± 0.0014 ar B Ba W E N ts l u res m o r f D0 Challenging control of systematic errors at sub % level Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 42 Measurement of ACP(Bd → φKS), etc. W E N rom f ts l u res ar B Ba SM expectations : ~same as B0 → J/ψ KS Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 ~0 43 (*) + - 90% CL allowed rom f s W E N ar B Ba t l u res Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 Belle hep-ex/0603018 hep-ex/0604007 Studies of Bu,d → K l l 44 + - Measurement of Bs,d → μ μ BR( Bs → μ+μ- ) < 1.0 x 10-7 @95% CL BR( Bd → μ+μ- ) < 3.0 x 10-8 @95% CL SM predictions: O(10-9) & O(10-10) Bd → e+e- limits from BaBar Bd → τ+τ- limits from BaBar rom f s W NE Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 t l u res F CD CDF Public note 8176 45 Probing the FCNC Matrix ● ● Good constraints in some corners, but mostly still only loose bounds on possible NP contributions LHC will provide copious b production – but also copious backgrounds ● ATLAS/CMS can measure SM Bs,d → μ+μ- ● Dedicated experiment necessary for most other modes ⇒ LHCb – Excellent sensitivity for (among others): Δms, ACP(Bs → J/ψ φ), Bs → φγ, Bu,d → K*γ, Bs → φl+l-, Bu,d → K*ll, γ(Bs → DsK), γ(Bu,d → DK), ... Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 46 LHCb Detector Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 47 Motivation for Super B Factory ● How to beat theoretical (hadronic) uncertainties? – – – – Measure ratios, asymmetries, etc. Exploit flavour symmetries (isospin, U-spin, SU(3)) ● these approaches key to LHCb program Avoid hadrons in the final state ● neutrinos ← impossible in hadronic environment ● photons ← difficult in hadronic environment ● charged leptons – e, μ, τ ← e difficult, τ impossible Use inclusive final states ● X , X ← impossible in hadronic environment s d Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 48 Pros and Cons LHCb Super B Factory Huge b cross-section Use “simple” hadronic trigger All b hadrons produced Only Bu & Bd at Υ(4S) (other ECM possible) Large boost Reconstruct “any” decay Measure production vtx Coherent production at Υ(4S) Together, provide complete coverage of B sector Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 49 Super B Factory design Requirements: – – – – – – – Extremely high luminosity 7 2 Low backgrounds 26 l i pr Small beam energy spread ( < Γ(Υ(4S))) A y, r o t a Boost + vertexing r o b a L y Hermiticity r bu s re Timeliness a D Affordability! (construction & operation) Possible designs: – – SuperKEKB “linear” SuperB upgrade of conventional B factory use ILC technology (damping rings, compressor, final focus, SC-cavities(?)) Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 50 T. Browder, FNAL Seminar, 2006 “Unified and Unbiased Attack on New Physics” En erg y tor sec ton Lep mass spectrum interactions fro nti er LHC, ILC New physics ν experiments, gµ–2, µ →eγ, EDM, … ν mass and mixing CPV and LFV Quark sector τ LFV τ CPV flavour mixing CPV phases Super B factory, LHCb, K experiments … Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 51 BACK UP MATERIAL Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 52 Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 53 Belle DK Dalitz Result PRD journal submission in preparation ± *K D → B B ±→ DK* ± ± K± D B→ ± 81±8 events 331±17 events B- B+ Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 B- 54±8 events B+ B- B+ 54 |Vub| from exclusive modes Current best measurement: PRD 72, 051102 (2005) B0 → π- l+ ν B0 → ρ- l+ ν Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 55 |Vub| from exclusive modes Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 Different theoretical approaches |Vub| 56 D0 Δms : Dilution Calibration Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 Increasing dilution Increasing dilution Using Bd→D*±μνX ΔmHFAG = 0.507 ± 0.004 ps-1 57 D0 Δms : Amplitude Scan for Δmd (using Bd→D±μνX) Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 58 D0 Δms : Asymmetry plot Weighted asymmetry Does not represent full statistical power Indication of oscillation clear Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 59 Alternate probe of Rt ● * tb td Access |V V | through b → d penguins – Belle hep-ex/0506079 – hadronization ⇔ theoretical uncertainty cleanest measurement with exclusive modes: B(B0→ρ0γ)/B(B0→K*0γ) Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 60 KEK-B Υ(5S) Engineering Run Bs signals are identified with Mbc and ∆E Bs Ds+ π- Bs Ds*+ π- 9 events in Bs* Bs* 4 events in Bs* Bs* Bs Ds(*)+ ρ- Bs J/ψ φ/η BsBs , Bs*Bs , Bs*Bs* Mbc vs ∆E BsBs, Bs*Bs, Bs*Bs* signals can be separated well - 0.08<∆E<- 0.02 MeV Bs* Bs* 7 events in Bs* Bs* 3 events in Bs* Bs* Clear Bs signals seen in Bs*Bs* region Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 61 KEK-B Υ(5S) Engineering Run Bs → γ γ 0 candidates Exp. BG: 0.5 B(Bsγγ )<0.56x10-4(90% CL) PDG :<1.48x10-4 SM: 0.5-1.0x10- Bs →K+ K- 2 candidates Exp. BG: 0.14 B(BsK+K-)<3.4x10-4(90% CL) PDG :<0.59x10-4 Tim Gershon, IoP Particle Physics 2006 Bs → φ γ 1 candidates Exp. BG: 0.15 B(Bsφγ )<4.1x10-4(90% CL) PDG :<1.2x10-4 62