Possibilties and problems for b → c Dalitz plot analyses at LHCb Tim Gershon University of Warwick, UK 2 March 2010 I 0 → J/ψ h+ h0− Bd,s I 0 → D h+ h0− Bd,s Tim Gershon b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 1/13 Possible physics interests I 0 → J/ψ h+ h0− Bd,s I I I I 0 → D h+ h0− Bd,s I I I Tim Gershon 0 Bd.s → J/ψ π + π − 7→ measure 2β in b → cc̄d decay, measure φs in B → PV b → cc̄s decay, probe π + π − system 0 Bd,s → J/ψ K ± π ∓ 7→ search for BSM DCPV, search for Z + (4430) state, probe K + π − system Bs0 → J/ψ K + K − 7→ measure φs , probe K + K − system 0 Bd,s → D π+ π− 7→ measure 2β in b → cc̄d decay, probe π + π − system 0 Bd,s → D K ± π∓ 7→ measure γ 0 Bd,s → D K +K − 7→ measure γ b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 2/13 Bs0 → J/ψ K + K − I Measurement of φs from Bs0 → J/ψ φ one of LHCb’s highest priorities I Current status of CDF and D0: Tim Gershon b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 3/13 LHCb prospects for Bs0 → J/ψ K + K − ,*2] *+##+" *+ J" Tim Gershon b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 4/13 A possible complication I Tim Gershon Analyses to date have neglected possible contributions from K + K − S-wave under the φ peak 7→ such terms can cause a dilution of the CP violation not essential for first measurements but needed for precision b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 5/13 A possible complication – resolved S-wave contribution can be included model-independently Y. Xie et al., JHEP 0909:074,2009 (arXiv:0908.3627 [hep-ph]) 7→ improves determination of φs (add sensitivity to cos(φs )) similar approach to determination of cos(2β) in Bd0 → J/ψ K π BaBar PRD71:032005,2005 (hep-ex/0411016) (Rad) I 3 2 δ S-δ 0 1 0 -1 -2 -3 1000 I Tim Gershon 1010 1020 1030 1040 K +K invariant mass 1050 (MeV) Improved theoretical description of KK S-wave very useful for comparison b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 6/13 The Z + (4430) I Charged charmonium-like state seen by Belle in Bd0 → ψ 0 K + π − PRL100:142001,2008 (arXiv:0708.1790 [hep-ex]) Events/0.01 GeV 30 20 10 0 3.8 Tim Gershon b → c DP analyses @ LHCb 4.05 4.3 + ι M(π ψ ) (GeV) 4.55 4.8 Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 7/13 The Z + (4430) I Not seen by BaBar in either Bd0 → J/ψ K + π − or ψ 0 K + π − PRD79:112001,2009 (arXiv:0811.0564 [hep-ex]) I Detailed understanding of reflections from K + π − structures necessary – improved theoretical description very helpful - (a) B → J/ψπ K All Kπ- Events -,0 1000 0,+ 500 Events/10 MeV/c2 - (d) B → ψ(2S)π K All Kπ- Events -,0 400 0,+ 200 0 0 (b) 400 * * (e) K (892) + K (1430) * * K (892) + K (1430) 2 2 300 500 200 100 0 (c) 200 200 * K veto (f) * K veto 100 100 0 0 3.5 4 4.5 2 mJ/ψπ- (GeV/c ) Tim Gershon b → c DP analyses @ LHCb 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 mψ(2S)π- (GeV/c2) Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 8/13 Bd0 → J/ψ K + K − and Bs0 → J/ψ π + π − I Tree-level diagrams contain annihilation topologies – highly suppressed I Potential to study final state interactions / rescattering 7→ Bd0 → J/ψ K + K − : (d d̄) → (ss̄) 7→ Bs0 → J/ψ π + π − : (ss̄) → (d d̄) I One interesting example: Bs0 → J/ψ f0 (980) → J/ψ π + π − S. Stone and L. Zhang, PRD79:074024,2009 (arXiv:0812.2832 [hep-ph]), arXiv:0909.5442 [hep-ex] I measure φ in B → PV b → cc̄s decay s I new experimental information to constrain S-waves Tim Gershon b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 9/13 γ from Bd0 → DK ∗0 I. Dunietz, PLB 270 (1991) 75 I Interfering amplitudes in B 0 → DK ∗0 are of comparable size −→ large interference effects sensitive to γ I charge of kaon in K ∗0 → K + π − tags flavour of B c 0 u D b W 0 B u b W 0 s d d B K*0 c s d d D0 K*0 T.G., PRD79 (2009) 051301(R) I Exploit interference with B 0 → D ∗− K + 2 −→ provides reference amplitude in full Dalitz plot analysis I charge of pion in D ∗− → Dπ − tags flavour of D 2 s W B0 Tim Gershon b → c DP analyses @ LHCb u b c d d K+ *- D2 Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 10/13 γ from Bd0 → DK ∗0 T.G. and M. Williams, PRD80 (2009) 092002 I Toy Monte Carlo studies for proof-of-principle I Extension of method to include all D → h+ h0− decays: D → K π (fav), D → K π (sup), D → KK , ππ (CP) I Comparison of γ sensitivity to quasi-two-body (Q2B) analysis Compared to the Q2B analysis, the DP analysis provides: I at least 50% better sensitivity to γ (depends on value of δB as well as DK π Dalitz plot structure) I resolution of ambiguous solutions I much reduced dependence of the sensitivity on δB Tim Gershon b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 11/13 Potential problems in B → DK π Dalitz plot analysis I I Dalitz plot analysis will have model uncertainties 7→ initial studies suggest effect on γ is small, but we are aiming for high precision Modelling of nonresonant amplitudes I I Possible contributing K π, Dπ and DK resonances I I existence of a “dabba” pole? Alternative: model-independent approach T.G. and A. Poluektov, PRD81 (2010) 014025 I I Tim Gershon amplitudes for both b → c and b → u transitions 7→ potentially different Dalitz plot structures double Dalitz plot analysis of B → DK π, D → KS0 π + π − measure effective hadronic parameters in Dalitz plot bins b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 12/13 Summary I Dalitz plot analyses provide exciting physics opportunities for LHCb I I I To exploit fully this potential will need improved theoretical descriptions I I I I Tim Gershon Improve sensitivity to key benchmark measurements Create new possibilities for discovery nonresonant amplitudes structures in ππ, K π, KK , Dπ, DK channels ... and maybe other exotic structures Unprecedented statistics are coming in the next few years 7→ we need to aim for high precision b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 13/13 University of Warwick, UK, September 6-10, 2010 http://ckm2010.warwick.ac.uk Tim Gershon b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 14/13 The end Tim Gershon b → c DP analyses @ LHCb Inaugural meeting of Les NABIS, 02/03/2010 15/13