Document 12925035

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 11 Number 11 - May 2014
because of its expanded capabilities and its growth
A Novice Approach forInternet"
of User
recent large scale deployments.
Requirements in IPV6 Subnetting
Yashpal 1, Divakar Mani Tripathi 2, Aniruddha Dubey 3
M.Tech Scholar in Computer Science Engineering, from Uttarakhand Technical University, India
Pursuing B.Tech, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, UTU, India
Abstract- Increasing needs of distinct address space makes
the internet protocol version 4 outdated. Latest internet
protocol version6 provides an address space of 340 trillion
trillion trillion which is capable of providing sufficient
service for present era. In this paper i am presenting the
benefits of IPv6 technology and subnetting of
addresses.subnetting feature provides a set of addresses to
the individual hosts connected to the network. Here special
emphasis has been given on 112 subnetting and its benefits
over other subnettings provided in IPV6 technology.
Keywords - Introduction, The Proportion IPv4 / IPv6
addressing and Subnetting, Internet Protocol Version 6,
IPv6 Transition Technologies, DNSv6 / DHCPv6 Support,
In late 1970s an internet protocol version named IPv4 was
developed which shows a capacity of about 4 billion distinct
addresses. But in today's scenario we require much more
addresses than 4 billion. So in order to fulfill the desired need
of current situation of providing more addresses to the
customers one can use a new internet protocol IPV6, an
effective replacement for IPv4.IPv6 (Internet protocol version
6) has an address space of 340 trillion trillion trillion addresses
and is compatible with numerous operating systems and
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the latest revision of the
Internet Protocol (IP), the communications protocol that
provides an identification and location system for computers
on networks and routes traffic across the Internet. IPv6 was
developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to
deal with the long-anticipated problem of IPv4 address
exhaustion. Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is a network
layer protocol that enables data communications over a packet
switched network. Packet switching involves the sending and
receiving of data in packets between two nodes in a network.
The IETF specification for IPv6 is RFC 2460. IPv6 was
intended to replace the widely used Internet Protocol Version
4 (IPv4) that is considered the backbone of the modern
Internet. IPv6 is often referred to as the "next generation
ISSN: 2231-5381
They are both century deployments acknowledged Japan and
Korea 2004, as having the first public deployments of IPv6.
The explosive growth in mobile devices including mobile
phones, notebook computers, and wireless handheld devices
has created a need for additional blocks of IP addresses. IPv4
currently supports a maximum of approximately 4.3 billion
unique IP addresses.
IPv6 supports a theoretical maximum of addresses
(340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 to be
exact!)[6]. Recent advancements in network technology
including Network Address Translation (NAT) have
temporarily lessened the urgency for new IP addresses,
however, recent estimates indicate that IPv4 addresses could
be exhausted as soon as 2012.
The growth of internet with its need for more addresses is a
main factor driving the need for a new version of the Internet
Protocol. Currently there are estimated to be more than 100
million computers connected to the Internet. Well, it’s is not
exactly known when the Internet run out of addresses. In the
future, the number of devices connected to Internet is going to
go up at a greater rate. Many of the devices such as phones,
automobiles will require network connectivity. This rises the
demand for more IP addresses. To overcome different
problems related to the Internet, it was suggested the necessity
to move from version 4 to version 6 of the Internet Protocol.
These are some limitations of IPv4 which force the need of
IPv6 [1],
Insufficient IP address space
b) Address Prefixes allocation
The IPv6 version protocol provided services to “Packet
capture, Pingv6, Telnet, SSH, Name lookup, Route
lookup and Graphical interface (GUI mode)” etc.
d) The Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) to supported
DNSv6 and DHCpv6 are both service able.
The IPv6 version protocol provided to “Packet Capture,
Ping6, Telnet, SSH, Name Lookup, Route Lookup and
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 11 Number 11 - May 2014
Graphical Interface
administrator” etc.
g) The Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) to communication
to “Server to Client & Client to Server” to used Dual
Stack Tunnel service.
Tunnels = 6 in 4, 6 to 4, 6rd and 4 in 6
The Principle benefits of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6):a)
The most important its large address space 128 bit
long (16 bytes). The basic architecture is 64 bits for
the network interface number and 64 bits for the host
interface number.
IPv6 addresses are systematize into three basic types:
Unicast address, Multicast address, and Anycast
The Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) to support are
Stateless and Staefull address configuration.
The better support for quality of service (QoS) and
Denial of Service (DoS) attack.
 Total number of connections or packets
allowed to a particular user.
 Maximum number of packets allowed to a
particular user at a given time.
The IPv6 ICMP /ICMPv6 are provided to both
IPv4/IPv6 Neighbor Cache table stores static and
dynamic Neighbor entries.
 The IPv4 version to view IP address + MAC
 The IPv6 Version to view Link Local
Address + MAC address and Link Local
Address not be changed.
ISSN: 2231-5381
IPv4 Version: - IPv4 version are supports unique addressing
for computers on a network. The networks use the Internet
Protocol version 4 (IPv4) IP addresses four bytes (32 bits) in
length and allows only 4 billion nodes to be identified on the
IPv6 Version: - An Internet Protocol Version 6 address (IPv6
address) is a numerical label that is used to identify a network
interface of a computer or other network node participating in
an IPv6 computer network.IPv6 addresses have a size of 128
bits [5]. An IPv6 address has eight groups of hexadecimal
characters (0-9 and the letters A-F).
One byte = Eight bits (8*16) 128bits
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 11 Number 11 - May 2014
header and address translation between the two address
The three rational choice utilitarian for migration to IPv6 from
the existing network infrastructure: - “Dual-stack network,
Tunneling, and Translation [3].
1) Dual-Stack Network: - Dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 dualstack network: shared or dedicated link is a transition
technology that work in tandem. A dual-stack IPv4 and
IPv6 network, both fully posted in infrastructure, so that
both IPv4 and IPv6 configuration and routing protocols to
address and handle approximation.
SLB = Server Load Balancing (SLB) Advanced Layer
4/Layer 7 Server Load Balancing "Comprehensive
protocol support - ICMP, TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS,
LDAP etc.
DMZ = Demilitarized Zone Traditional DMZs allow
computers behind the firewall to undertake requests
outbound to the DMZ. Computers in the DMZ in turn
respond, forward or reissue requests out to the Internet or
other public network.
2) Tunneling:- Using the tunneling option, organizations
build an overlay network that tunnels one protocol over
the other by encapsulating IPv6 packets within IPv4
packets and IPv4 packets within IPv6 packets. The
advantage of this approach is that the new protocol can
work without disturbing the old protocol, thus providing
connectivity between users of the new protocol.
DNSv6:- Domain Name System (DNS) is the name resolution
protocol for TCP/IP networks, such as the Internet [2]. A DNS
server hosts the information that enables client computers to
resolve memorable, alphanumeric DNS names to the IP
addresses that computers use to communicate with each other.
a) Name resolution needed prior to a TCP/IP
b) A TCP/IP Protocol and a Client/server Application:
c) IPv4 and IPv6; UDP & TCP; port 53
d) Query “lookup in the DNS database”
3) Translation: - Address Family Translation (AFT), or
simply translation, facilitates communication between
IPv6-only and IPv4-only hosts and networks (whether in a
transition, an access, or an edge network) by operative IP
ISSN: 2231-5381
Forward lookup (‘Name IPv6 Address’):A new Resource Record (RR): ‘AAAA’
Reverse lookup (‘IPv6 Address  Name’):PTR RR (pointer) applied to the new reverse tree:
A dedicated tree with nibble (4 bits) boundaries A Request
for Comments (RFC) describes the details of the Domain
System and Protocol (DNS), RFC-1034 / RFC 1035
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 11 Number 11 - May 2014
DHCPv6:- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a
client/server protocol that automatically provides an Internet
Protocol (IP) host with its IP address and other related
configuration information such as the subnet mask and default
gateway. RFCs 2131 and 2132 define DHCP as an Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard based on Bootstrap
Protocol (BOOTP), a protocol with which DHCP shares many
implementation details. DHCP allows hosts to obtain
necessary TCP/IP configuration information from a DHCP
A Request for Comments (RFC) describes the details of the
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) RFC-3315 /
RFC-3319, RFC-3633, RFC-3646, RFC-3736, RFC-5007,
RFC 6221[4].
International Symposium on 25-27 Oct. 2012, ISBN
A. Dhamdhere, M. Luckie, B. Huffaker, k. claffy, A.
Elmokashfi, and E. Aben, "Measuring the Deployment of
IPv6: Topology, Routing and Performance'', in Internet
Measurement Conference (IMC), Nov 2012.
RFC 3633, IPv6 Prefix Options for Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) version 6, O. Troan, R.
Droms, December 2003.
Geoff Huston – An Update on IPv6 Deployment (RIPE
56). Retrieved 2012-01-20
Laura Chappell. Wireshark Network Analysis, Second
Edition. Protocol Analysis Institute, dba Chappell
University, 2012.
IPV6 3RD EDITION Windows 2007/8 and Windows
Server 2008/2012
This document analyzes various architectures for providing
IPv6 services in campus networks. The models discussed are
certainly not the only ways to deploy IPv6 in this
environment, but they provide options that can be leveraged
based on environment, deployment schedule, and targeted
services specifics. The regional registries have acknowledged
that IPv4 address depletion is a reality and encouraged
organizations to start the IPv6 integration process. A key step
in that integration process is acquiring address and
subsequently building a plan to deploy those addresses. This
paper has outlined several approaches to acquiring IPv6
address space and building an addressing plan. The way that
an organization approaches acquiring and deploying IPv6
address space is going to depend on the needs of that
organization, but planning for that process needs to start now.
We would like to thank Asst.Prof. Nikhil Ranjan, MCA
Department IMS Dehradun for his immense support and
guidance. We would also like to thank CSE department JBIT
[1] Importance and Benefits of IPV6 over IPV4 (
International Journal of Scientific and Research
Publications, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012)
[2] IPv4/IPv6 Transition Using DNS64/NAT64 Deployment
Issues, Telecommunications (BIHTEL), 2012 IX
ISSN: 2231-5381
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