NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR THE PERIOD 02/12/2015 to 08/12/2015 ALDBOROUGH - PF/15/1720 - Change of use from retail shop to ancillary residential for existing dwelling at Stone House, The Green, Aldborough, Norwich, NR11 7AA for Days Stores; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 618438,334407 BACTON - PF/15/1712 - Erection of grain storage building at Honeytop Farm, The Street, Edingthorpe, North Walsham, NR28 9SU for J H Withers and Son; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 631369,332452 BLAKENEY - PF/15/1737 - Construction of flood defence wall and berm bank at North Granary, The Quay, Blakeney, Holt, NR25 7NF for Dr Hall; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 602568,344063 BRISTON - PF/15/1759 - Erection of single and two-storey extensions to side and rear of dwelling (Revised scheme 15/1037 refers) at 7 Jewel Close, Briston, Melton Constable, NR24 2SH for Mr J Willimott; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 604678,332890 CATFIELD - PF/15/1722 - Erection of replacement dwelling(Revised scheme 14/1689 refers) at Hastings Farm Bungalow, Wood Street, Catfield, Great Yarmouth, NR29 5DF for Mr Lowe; Case Officer: Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 637821,322040 COLBY - PF/15/1728 - Erection of garden room to side of dwelling at Old Mill Farm, Mill Road, Banningham, Norwich, NR11 7DT for Mr Clements; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 622982,328755 CROMER - LA/15/1664 - Internal and external alterations to facilitate conversion of games room to bedroom accommodation at Hotel De Paris, High Street, Cromer, NR27 9HG for Mr S Farrell; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 621924,342300 CROMER - PF/15/1691 - Change of use from retail (A1) to launderette at 9-11 Overstrand Road, Cromer, NR27 0AH for Wash Shack (Launderette); Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 622138,342020 CROMER - PF/15/1724 - Change of use of building to create dwelling at Building to rear of 22-24 Church Street, fronting Surrey Street, Cromer for Panacea PM Ltd; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 622069,342140 ERPINGHAM - PF/15/1660 - Erection of extensions to dwelling and replacement detached garage. at 15 The Street, Calthorpe, Norwich, NR11 7QR for Mr & Mrs Richardson; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 618509,331851 FAKENHAM - PF/15/1758 - Variation of condition 2 of 06/0738 to allow a change to roof design, to vary window positions and size to northern elevation and the insertion of six roof lights at 16 Queens Road, Fakenham, NR21 8DB for Mr W J Rockett; Case Officer: Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 592131,330089 GRESHAM - PF/15/1713 - Change of use of paddock to permit the increase of number of licensed caravan pitches from 5 (CL status) to 10, erection of timber toilet / shower block and new road layout.(Revised scheme 15/1240 refers) at Church Farmhouse, Cromer Road, Lower Gresham, Norwich, NR11 8RF for Church Farm Cottages; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 617152,338420 HANWORTH - PF/15/1611 - Use of land for the siting of marquee to use for private functions (April to October). at Glebe Farm, White Post Road, Hanworth, Norwich, NR11 7HN for Deer's Glade Caravan & Camping Park; Case Officer: Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 621632,334313 HINDRINGHAM - PF/15/1705 - Conversion of one dwelling into two dwellings at 70-72 Wells Road, Hindringham, FAKENHAM, NR21 0PL for Mr N Bristow; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 597811,336039 HORSEY - PF/15/1733 - Demolition of dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling at Warren Farmhouse, Palling Road, Horsey, Great Yarmouth, NR29 4EJ for Mr Hopcroft; Case Officer: Miss C Ketteringham; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 645942,324589 HOVETON - PF/15/1734 - Variation of condition 2 of planning permission ref: 15/1126 to permit revised fenestration, design and roof details at 24 Stalham Road, Hoveton, Norwich, NR12 8DG for Mr & Mrs Muddel; Case Officer: Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 630620,318278 Page 1 of 2 MUNDESLEY - PF/15/1708 - Installation of bay window to front elevation at 7 High Street, Mundesley, Norwich, NR11 8AE for Mr N Cutting; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 631238,336661 MUNDESLEY - PM/15/1771 - Erection of single-storey dwelling and garage at Land at the rear of 61 Cromer Road, Mundesley, NR11 8DA for Mr Dedross; Case Officer: Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission; Reserved Matters; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 630435,337191 NEATISHEAD - PF/15/1707 - Retention of balcony to rear first floor gable and velux windows to north and south roof slopes at Cangate Cottage, Cangate Road, Cangate, Neatishead, Norwich, NR12 8YH for Mr M Claxton; Case Officer: Mr B Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 632889,319901 OVERSTRAND - PO/15/1715 - Variation of Condition 2, 3 and 6 to enable layout, landscaping, appearance and scale to be considered under Reserved Matters submission, remove compliance with Housing Delivery Incentive Scheme of planning permission ref: PO/14/0451 and removal of conditions 19 and 20 of planning permission ref: PO/14/0451 relating to Code for Sustainable Homes and energy efficiency at Land south of Mundesley Road, Overstrand for Hopkins Homes Limited; Case Officer: Mr G Linder; Planning Permission Outline; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 624602,340509 SHERINGHAM - PF/15/1682 - Insertion of larger first floor north facing attic window with obscured glazing at 8 Augusta Court, Sheringham, NR26 8AH for Graham Hayward Ltd; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 616078,343172 SKEYTON - PF/15/1709 - Removal of condition 2 of planning permission ref: SM 11574 to permit full residential occupancy at Manor Lodge, Norwich Road, Skeyton, Norwich, NR10 5AP for Mrs D Haylett; Case Officer: Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 625304,327539 STALHAM - PF/15/1735 - Erection of link extension, first floor extension and conversion of garage to habitable accommodation at May Cottage, Yarmouth Road, The Green, Stalham, Norwich, NR12 9QA for Ms B Jones; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 638294,324670 TATTERSETT - PF/15/1711 - Erection of two-storey extension to side and porch to front of dwelling. at 2A Halifax Crescent, Sculthorpe, Fakenham, NR21 7PS for Mr and Mrs N Sanders; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 584233,332234 THORNAGE - PF/15/1716 - Erection of extension to Hawthorn House with two flats for residents, two bedrooms for support workers and link extension at Thornage Hall, The Street, Thornage, Holt, NR25 7QH for Trustees to Camphill Community; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 604653,336476 THURSFORD - PF/15/1738 - Variation of condition 6 of planning permission ref: 04/0937 to permit residential occupation at Cottage Farm Barns, Walsingham Road, Thursford, NR21 0PB for Mr C Rheinberg; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 597339,334876 TRUNCH - LA/15/1410 - Replacement and alterations to windows at Ivy Farmhouse, Mundesley Road, Trunch, North Walsham, NR28 0QB for Mr S Lock; Case Officer: Miss C Ketteringham; Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 629009,334963 WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/15/1732 - Erection of balcony extension to front of dwelling at 22 Mainsail Yard Freeman Street, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1FD for Mr & Mrs Carr; Case Officer: Mr B Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 591261,343857 WITTON - PF/15/1742 - Erection of single-storey side and front extensions at Foxes Barn, Stonebridge Road, Witton, North Walsham, NR28 9BF for Mr and Mrs G Fitzgerald-Scales; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 634047,331348 Page 2 of 2 NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL TREE WORKS NOTIFICATIONS FOR THE PERIOD 02/12/2015 to 08/12/2015 HIGH KELLING - TW/15/0526 - To prune surface roots to 2 metres on 2 pine trees and remove 2 willow trees at The Pines, 14 Avenue Road, High Kelling, Holt, NR25 6RD for Mr M Evans; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order; OS Grid Ref: 628397,329730 OVERSTRAND - TW/15/0527 - To remove a sorbus, reduce a sycamore by 3-4 metres, clear a prunus from the BT cables and reduce an overhanging branch on an elm tree at 21 High Street, Overstrand, Cromer, NR27 0AB for L Evens; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 604706,344061 NORTH WALSHAM - TW/15/0528 - To crown lift a beech tree to 4.5 metres, reduce the canopy by 4 metres and remove major deadwood. To reduce the sides of an oak tree by 2.5 metres except the property side, reduce the height by 2.5 metres, crown lift to 4.5 metres, clear epicormic growth off the main stem and remove major deadwood. at Oak Lodge, 3 Headley Drive, North Walsham, NR28 9ND for Mr S Corte; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order; OS Grid Ref: 634628,316361 CROMER - TW/15/0529 - To reduce an oak tree to 4 metres and reduce a further oak to 4 metres due to extensive decay at 1 Hanover Court, Overstrand Road, Cromer, NR27 0DH for Mr J Walsh; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order; OS Grid Ref: 630539,336501 BINHAM - TW/15/0530 - To lightly prune back a walnut tree from the footpath and road and reduce a holm oak to balance and restore the centre of gravity at Hill House, Langham Road, Binham, Fakenham, NR21 0DW for Mr A Hundleby; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 628655,331127 BEESTON REGIS - TW/15/0531 - To crown reduce a walnut tree by 50% at Wellsdale Farm, Britons Lane, Beeston Regis, Sheringham, NR26 8TP for Mr P Howell; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order; OS Grid Ref: 614419,341925 THORPE MARKET - TW/15/0532 - To crown reduce a tulip tree by 2 metres and crown lift lower 4 branches. To crown reduce a sycamore by 2 metres at Woodentops, Cromer Road, Thorpe Market, Norwich, NR11 8TW for ; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 601649,331832 OVERSTRAND - TW/15/0533 - To remove a scots pine tree at 16 Cromer Road, Overstrand, Cromer, NR27 0NX for Mr K Fathers; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 604702,344042 HELHOUGHTON - TW/15/0534 - To trim back all hedges and to trim back boughs on an oak tree to the hedge line or possible removal of the oak tree at The Playground, The Street, Helhoughton, NR21 7BX for Helhoughton Parish Council; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 639174,318495 CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - TW/15/0535 - Various tree works as detailed on the application form at The Lodge, The Fairstead, Cley-next-the-Sea, Holt, NR25 7RJ for The Miss H D Knott Will Trust; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 600969,341209 CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - TW/15/0536 - To remove a sycamore and cut back a hedge to approx. 2 - 3 metres at The Allotments, Church Lane, Cley-Next-The-Sea, NR25 7UD for The Miss H D Knott Will Trust; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 635873,317299 SCOTTOW - TW/15/0537 - To remove a birch tree at 177 - 188, 177 Ormesby Road, Badersfield, Scottow, Norwich, NR10 5LB for PREIM Limited; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 625926,335439 BRISTON - TW/15/0538 - To crown lift 5 birch, a holm oak, 2 oak, a beech and a cherry tree. To remove an oak, cherry, 4 rowan, plum, lime, horse chestnut, ash and a beech. To crown lift and low limb weight reduction on a birch tree. at Open space at Bakery Close, Briston, Norfolk, NR24 2PP for Briston Parish Council; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees Subject to a Planning Condition; OS Grid Ref: 601297,339022 HANWORTH - TW/15/0539 - To remove an ash tree and reduce the height of several holly trees at 6 Brewery Yard, Gunton Hall, Gunton Park, Hanworth, Norwich, NR11 7HJ for Mr M Fowler; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 600788,340988 Page 1 of 2 OVERSTRAND - TW/15/0540 - To remove large branches from a eucalyptus tree at Haven Cottage, 13 Cromer Road, Overstrand, Cromer, NR27 0NT for Mr J Stubenbord; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 592246,343019 FIELD DALLING - TW/15/0541 - To remove a scots pine, reduce several scots pine by 2 metres to suitable pruning points, remove a beech, acer and eucalyptus and reduce overhanging branches from a laurel at Saxfield House, Blakeney Short Lane, Saxlingham, Holt, NR25 7JT for Mr Gooding; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 602029,343578 LETHERINGSETT WITH GLANDFORD - TW/15/0542 - To remove a conifer at The Glebe. To remove a limb on an ash tree at Letheringsett Hall. at The Glebe, Church Lane, Letheringsett, Holt, NR25 7YA for R G Carter Farms; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 591966,329365 Page 2 of 2