, .t. ~ '.... • .,; ~ ':'~' ~ .:. '__ . ~ North Norfolk District Council Register of Members' Interests (Parish Councils) . ... '-; ~ i.. ; Name:~:~.~N.~Q.~, .. ~.~.s...~\:\~.~ .. ,. . !',' 1" ..~ ' .. ... These are the interests which you are required to register with the Authority by section 30 of the Localism Act 2011 ...•• ' .. -' " .-,­ It is a breach of the Code and an offence ta failta ~-': ,._; ;. disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a .new interest at a meeting. . t: ':; ;t;··-. _ .':J' ::'''L You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. . E'!'ployment Notes (a) Please state in full the names of any organisations referred to r.ather than use abbreViations or acronyms. (b) If possible pleese type Your responses. Where thera is no interest, please write "NONE'". @ (d) 'T11ere is no need to register '"sensitive Informalion'" provided lhe Aulhority's Monitoring Officer agrees. "Sensitive informatioo" is Information which, jf made public, could lead to you or a parson· connected to you being SUbjected 10 Yietence or intimidatiDn. Registered Interests Any employment, office, trade, (a) profession or vocation ~~\::~ This IncJudes membel'6hip of other public bodies, company directorships or trusteeships etc but only rt you receive payment or other gain (inclUding elCPenses) in return . r~JORTi='-f~jORFOLKD.C." ! j 23 JUL 20t5 I . 1 POSTAL SERVICES. '-~'''-~~---,_.~-- . )., ~:r '.~ . Sponsors Names of people and organisations who payor t1ave paid or given a financial benefit towards: (i) .:, my appointment witt1 the Authority; or (il) Tt1e expenses I Incur in carrying out my duties far the Authority: '1" -- This does not include 8"Pen.es paid by the AuthonLy but does include peymenl or financial benefit from a Trade Union. ~~Nt tt ~ Shareholdings Names of any company or other body which has a place of business or owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital ·~CN~ . Contracts Contracts with the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse Or partner) ..QL a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, -.Q[ a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director .m: a company or other body in which I (or my spouse or partner) has Ii shareholding as defined above Ust contracts v"hich are for goad.. &Br\1ces at works. 00 not llst cQl1traCUi lNtIicb have been completed. tVorJ ~ Land and Property Address or description of the following: (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. This is1Nide enough to include your houses, nats and moorings. It also indudes land held in trust for you. If necessary, in order to clearly identity your land, a plan should be attached edging it in red. (b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as· defined above. -" 2 1'\1 ~ "tV t:. I North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I nave a licence to occupy for at least a calendar montn, © ~~Nl;. ',--,------,------'---------------, Lobby Groups I am a member of these groups which seek to Influence pUblic opini?n or policy: T~ese inclUde: ·· · pCllilical parties. bodies such as Friends of the earth, Countl)/Sld. A1lis".:e, etc (if applicable) lrade unions TheBe are ncl required by sedion 30 .f VIe Ad b1JI pl.ase respond, The Authority will decide _on th.13~ July ' whether these will rorm part of lhe register. If not the in10nnaticn will be destroyed. I f\JCJntt CiiJbSan-d-,­ I am a m ember of these clubs and societies: Societies Tho!ie are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. Tile Authorily 1M1I decide on the 13~ July tMlelher these wll "'\~S('" <3<. ~n 111+ c. , - 3 form part of the reglsler, if nol the information will be destroyed ./ ~~)NG GIfts and Hospitality 'TiiaVereceiVS;TagHt or hospitality worth £25 or Oller from tile This eection only. appll"'lo gills or hospitality recoi.ed'in (oIICJW'nll persons or bodIes or o~er,organlsatk,"s: your (aPlti;ity 'as Mambo, oi lhe a Authority, You:diJ Mol have to srJectfy;~e:natlJre or val·lie CJ~ the.-gttt ~t h08pltall!y. but you may do sDII~ you 1Msh, . If you'Eire not sura of i the valueofll1eglft'or 1 h~sl;lita,li~Y,i.please .: estimate it. ~~J() li'AlSO' I'Ou.S~o.Uld' ' 'r~gll3ter 8J'1 a,~c~,·. m~lfl. tiC, n :0-of, &ma.II [ I gifts frem the~Game:'l source over· a Bhbrt: p,"nOd .mi,"1t add UIl to £25 or over. I These are not. required; by section 30 or tile Act but please respond. The Autltorily Mil 'decide cintlte13~ July .....,etlter.these v.ill form paf1,o.rthe register. If.'nat the ir,tDrmaticjn will be destroyed ' ;'-:~ ·s D ,Received by the~~lIr..l:IIIilI~~_,,-- --. ~i:~, :·,_~._·~?~~~_~~~~LKDISTRIC:LCOUNCILL 10 A North Norfolk District Council Register of Members' Interests (Parish Councils) . Name 'C(, tLlJ o'v ($ ~(J () Notes i~ " :.. These are the interests which yolo! are required to " register with the Authority by section 30 ofihe LpCalism Act 2011 It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. ' .. ' (a) Pleas~ state in full the nain'es of any organisalieins, referred to rather than use' abbreviaticms or· acronY']l? : (b) Ifpossibteplease 'type your responses. © Where there is no interest, please write "NONE". (d) There is no need , to register "sensitive information" provided the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees. "Sensitive information" is information which, if made public, could lead to you or a person connected to you being subjected to violence or intimidation. ", Registered Interests Employment This includes memberShip of other public bodies, company directorships or trusteeships etc but only if you receive payment or other gain Oncluding"eXpenses) in return. . (a) Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation ' ' ' . Sponsors , .. .' ~ Names of people and organisations who payor have paid or given a financial benefit towards: . ' , (i) • ~ .., • .. \ .. l • :my appointment with:l~e .~utl1ority; or ... •) ': I,' , ... '. , " I. (ii) The expense,s I incur in ,carrying out my , duties for the Authority: 1 This does not include, eXpenses paid by the Authority but does include payment or financial benefit frani a Trade Union. " " 1. Shareholdings .. Nam.es'ofan'y company or other: body .w~ich" " of business or owns land'in the'" , h!'ls.a North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities. with a nominal '. value of more than £25,000 or are lhan"1 % at.,the total issued share capital or of anyone " . class of share capital place '.. '!'J more . ,J _.... ~ . ' . --, ~. ..' I· ~ •• I. .' . ' _1".... '- J ::11.,_,· .: i' - ~: I .. , ,~-:' ._.... : 1 _. ,.:,., ..... ' ..' . '.I' ~ ~ 1 ~~. ; ., t \. • . ,:J ~\' '. ., 'Ii Contracts 1.".'1,'. Contracts with the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner)....QL a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, ...Q[ a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director...Q[ a . . . company qr,oth,er body in which! (or my spouse or partner) has a shareholding as defined above .. : , .f. .' t '.. ~... List contracts which are for goods, services or works. Do not list contracts which have been completed: ,.,' ; " " I.,.f. .1 r' ;-~, • • ~ I • ~ ,'. } I • '. Land and Property This is wide enough to include your houses, flats and moorings. It also incllJdes land held in trust for. you. Address or description of the following : (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or . in' Y"hich there is another beneficial interest. . ':"I/r -~ A:/I;4~;iir-'Sr' ... ,';;:, ' '',('l':':'' A-L,: f'/~;"'~·· .. (.~~ ,. ~ .., IVA2. "2. "2- G ) II .. If necessary; in order to clearly identify your '.Iand, a plan should . be attached edging it in red. , (b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or : company in which I (or my spol:Jse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a ,. c''." shareholding as defined above. ~ 2 -r..... ;".'" : ..:.~ .••. J North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. © ~ Lobby Groups -I am a member of these groups which seek'to influence public opinion or -policy: These include: '. . • ' political parties bodies such as Friends of the, Earth, Countryside Alliance. etc (if applicable) trade unions These are not - required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. • , , · - . ,~ " Clubs and Societies , I am a member of these clubs and societies: , ,,­ , .. 3 . ' . These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The - Authority~1I decide on the 13• JLily whether these will foon part of the register. If not the , information will be . destroyed '. ,I " •• ' .'. . I I>" .... ,.. Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: 1" ". .: I I l':: ;,'. II > : "\ "" I ,~'" "t:bis j>ection only applies to gifts or , hospitality receivediri" your capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. .' If you are not sure of the value of the gifl: or hospitality, please estimate it. ;,' Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of the Ad biJl please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13"' juiy whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be d.estroyed . Signed: Dated: .. " " Received by the;NmthWO't'l'mrnm:'fI'{nrW(;{r.i'l,-,v/Tl'l'i1U""'~II-------' '. ~~t~~~· :::::::: r1' NORTH :..:::..: NORFOLK :: : DISTRICT :.. :.' . : "::":.'::"COUNCIL : :..":: :..".::..: . 1 0 AUG 2015 ' 4 ., ":4 North Norfolk District Council Register of Members' Interests (Parish Councils) Name: t..!.;.!. ?!t:~. ~VJ..l!1. .E{1JJ:t-.. E1tJ(.~ These are the interests which you are required to register with the Authority by section 30 of the Localism Act 2011 It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest withjn 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. ~~lt t~~':~~~.rl\\" SERVICES organiJations·referred-I-------"-'O to rather than use abbreviations or acronyms. (b) If possible please type your responses. © Where there is no interest, please write "NONE". (d) There is no need to register "sensitive information" provided the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees. "Sensitive information" is information which, if made public, could lead to you or a person connected to you being subjected .to violence or intimidation. Registered Interests Employment 5' Ct- F (a) Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation b 112.£ CTD «, WA-L-J'IN ~HIt M ~) T/'(7R... jR A-1) / lV c- Lr D /)} IL ~ e:3TA--T7= This includes membership of other . public bodies, company directorships or trusteeships etc but only if you receive payment or other gain (inclUding expenses) in return. W./h-f' 1f\/01t- A-11 CV"Y'1/PA-f'iy ~ SVf!,S) ([)J/t1LJ £S Sponsors Names of people and organisations who payor have paid or given ,a financial benefit towards: ,(i) my appointment with the Authority; or (ii) The expenses I incur in carrying out my duties for the Authority: 1 This does not include expenses paid by the Authority but does include payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union. Shareholdlngs S'g-t- r Names of any company or other body which has a place of business or owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more Ulan 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital WA-J,)/ N vli~ Ffhe /J1.( f' lTv P PA-I!- T N(Je..{' If i P W kt­ ~ 0fY'r1 jJ Contracts ~y-.[o-{-I- A-I'-i ~5TA-7'£ ·1'j-nf1 Contracts with the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner)...QL a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, or a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director ...Q[ a company or other body in which I (or my spouse or partner) has a shareholding as defined above List contracts which are for goods, services or wor1ts. Do not list contracts whiCh have been completed. !v() ,V-C" Land and Property Address or description of the following : (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. ". W;1-1-- 5 J IVcJ- h /h-'1j I:?S r/f7£" ~-flfrlZ-E ffp ~ lJ C~ (b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. 2 This is wide enough to include your houses, flats and moorings. It also . includes land held in trust for you. If necessary, in order to clearly identify your land, a plan should be attached edging it in red. © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Lobby Groups These include: I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: • • . /h..r" 51l11~ ((... H 0 (I S[1" As 5 til11hL.cn ~ N T If-. E As'vl<'1 (A-.,v,f? A I A 61- fr1\ 17"" ~ vj~/.A..-r" I;:) ' v . IT" M , v L./TI S'{'ous C ~ c:x:..) MCJ'V/6 EX- f/F T~ BlevA-lJ i.-A1V-h ~fS'~ IL-T CtJIV)--c'ie- 'VR-TVl~ political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicab!e) . trade Unions . These are not . required by sectIon 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13th July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. I .· 'pM- / These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will dedde on the 13th July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed 3 . . r Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. Also. you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. These are not required by section' 30 of the Ad but please respond. The Authority will decide 111 on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed . Slgne~: ''''''''''''''''''''' Dated Received by the 1.':"iUUI I Slgne~ • • Dated "VI ._.. ,...,... ~. ,--:' "'N' 'O'RTt;; ;.'p ,i!';;1~ k ~:1; rl!&\fBI§=f ~ r ~ [. r §§Y~e't -, ,,: ,. . , . ' ~ j,. l J:-.:! • : 'r'o', ','; :\·:ftrAAlfCf LU I;J ,. J . .. t . . 4 .• "'--. ,'~ North Norfolk Distdct Council Register of Members' Interests Parish Councils Name: ..~kA.J.NE Notes in ­ 1f~Uth~-~;;;'~;~ ~~v ·1 . I~\ c1\.~.U?P:. ;::: · " . ~rg~nisaiion-; r~f~.rr~d I' • ~_;~ .. ~ •.•.:n........ ~ A ........ .:.. ••;.......... ~~~..;_'.;" ':In _~ ...... _ I acronym,s. ".' . ~_..:..I:..:_ VVI L11 LI It:: M.ULlIVI LY U Y ;,t::\..L1VJ I.- .,",V: VI L1,ltJ. L-V\..OI.I;'J JI ,... r_,...i_+_...",hl" i ..... +"..",...+ ,.,i.. ....,i ..... ')0 ,..1 ..... '1_ ,...1 I I:;~I"'LI:;I OUII:; IIILI:;I I:;"'L VVILI III I ,,"v ..... oy.., VI interest, please write "NONE". +..... I,i ... ,.. LOn.III~ n~\lI int.orQ.~t IIILvl\:i~L 1"')+ "" ClL CI (d) There is no need to reaister "sensitive information" provided the Authority's ' Monitoring Officer' agrees. "Sensitive information" is information Which, if made public, could lead to you or a person connected to you being subjected to vioience or iritimidation. '. ~·y·u~Qti ... ,., IllvvLlJI~. Vrul rr1lIC'+ ro."i~+o.r "nllr in+oro~+C' <":Inri in+o.ro.C"+C' nf \ " ' l l r I v u •• 1\, .";:11,, • '""'~I~L I y v u l .. n :n.'-oJI UI''-AI .. U .,,;:IIL..:JI VI 1 \"lUI spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you Hve ~~ ~ '"'t-',"",U,",:'-' c:!'nnll~c ru· ,...i\,il n~rtnc" VI V I Y I I t-'UI LI I V I .. ...... ~ ...... I,~ . 1 .Kegistered interests . . . '1 l public bodies, F I I 0~~~-~~~~y I I I I I I· I Sponsors ,I II 1 I 1 I I I company V~I\.. 1 \ I... ~, o~~~nisations '~ay ,- ,.1 I I I.' I I . I TA~ U.!thSeO~n~'ty: biut:~ dio~e~s!~.'~: '1 _ n~\lrnpnt nr fi~:;~ri-"llh~~~fiif;~m I Tr~de I !' . ·1 ,.' I I I 1 I II. II I . I 1 Union. ( I II 1 I . I he expenses J Incur In carrymg out my· duties for the Authority: _.' '~'" ' , l'.' (II) I ~ I' , a __. I· I~*~~;:~!~~~~,~~t I ~~;~':r.7~;~~h~r~gain I I I I 1 inNllrl-=* my appointment with the Authority; or _. I , , ! ". I (including expenses) Names ofpeople and ....ho or have paid or given a financial benefit towards: I I! I I in return. 1 I (i) 1 I . -=E'-n-IP--;:--o-Y-T-n-e-n-:"t-'I,---:-,a""7)----"IL---,A:--i-ry-'-e"""i',-'IiJ-:'I'-o-Y-iT-,e-r-,t-,-O"'::ff=-ic-'e-,-'-t-ra-a"":""'e....:..-,------'-·!. ~~~~;~~tpSof ot~er profession or vocation ' . . lie ! 1 office with the Authority or within 28 days of deciaring a IIOW. . © Where there is no It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to ,..,1: __ 1 I (b) If possible 'please type your responses. Act 20'I'j ..... ,..,\J,V..,I:; 0 /.: ~~~~~:~~~~~.~~e These are.the interests which y6'u a're required to I t::\:::I';'LtJl PI,:2.~6~ ~t~tp 1 _ _ 1 "', . I . I ",- .: .' ;':.. . rr'" ' : . ' I'.. . I. ',""'--' ISharehOldl~gS 1Na;e~ Oia,nycompany or oth~r bO~; :iCh , I ",I "'" " · I , 1 I 1 1 '>I'~\:"':"" ..".. !' , ",\,,'. , ·1· "II' "-".', .:,"0" ".,..... , "" .r·.~o .J "t'to.-' . ,.~ . .1 Contracts • ,4 : .'~,:.'···:·-'r.1''' " " .~.\ " . ; ',.;" .::'" I t-'U' "I 1\.... ' , ~ U ,"",VII.t-'U'I} v, ....... ,1\...... llllc::IY~ \VI '1: gr. PCJrt~e~) ~a~ a shareholdirig 'as defined a~6~~ll"" '.~ f I ' I. '·,· . II ' l .• Do ut:'C'1t ,,' ",,, : , I I ... I . I I I I Address or description of the following: I (a) . 1 This is wide enough to include your I. houses, flats and mOQrinos. It glso Premises in the North Norfolk District . . -11~Ov~~~~St:;1: i;~i~~ih:~ b:'~:f;~~\~i:r~~t~~,' · I : ;I~f~ n'~'·e'~C·'~"e~so;s~a.~ry:d';i·nh,eo·ldr'd,.ien . ,- (to 6 IN tfooD' (P-rr7\~'" ,I, 1 I I I· I · I _E&':,'.'-S.·,;".,--a ~ fa'R....e R-o ~ -~.I., .'. ",' ,:I~ ... : ,. V":" n - ..... ~ n-'T' - ",1' • ." .. n n n ~ atta~hed edging it ~;::~~:~!F;'~~~;~;;~~i~r I;"~ a business partner,or directo!"'or has'a ", '.' .' 1 ~ shareholding as defined above. .;. .'J" :' ' . ' , • I I I II '--_-----'-------'---- 1 2 r ..... I" It:ncrl·!!!,•.:r!nYI~dn!!.:hJjfvn·JIII}rl;Dl!r " be ! .. 1 I , . I .-1 1 ", :.,~, ~ I. I \:Iwu;,. 1;~mS;~~::rO~t~:i;r~~~;i~;~~h~~~~t(~r:~yaSpouse :./~~O~P!ct?:,:' '.. I ::II':.""';~:"~ '.:":': . ~~~t .~~n!rac:~ which dlt: lUI II ~~;~n~,~h~c~.L~: ~~ :P~~~:"~'~:f~~~~2~S, ~M' ;;~:~~~~t;~~S' ""II\.. Land and Property "1 ". ·'i'· ""U~IJI,"",~~ ,;.. ,~:,~, t. ·I~'''... · Council's and myself (or spouse or partner).QL a ,. .!~ ';~:'" . l I Contracts with' the North Norfolk District : 1 ' ..1 ..'" .'. ... .... ~:;.'I"~'~' I ':)··,·1 '. ' I .. II"""" I .~. ~ '. i . ~~. ~ ., I .....,. .,... " I'I,· I' I I has a p!ace of business or owl)s iand: irithe ;' "'1 .>North Norfolk District Council's area and in which · I have shares or other S~G4~iljes ~it~ ~,lJolT)inal , ·1·· I value of more tha ll. £~.5,O~Oor arem.or~ than 1,0/0 ".!< ;:·~I 9ql)e tot~1 issued share'capital or'oUmy"One' I"~ l·clCiss of share capital' . '1" _ I' I North Norfolk District Council's area in I©respect of which i have a iicence to occupy for at I ; • • • • • . • ; . - - . 0 . 1........•;. I Itli:l:S1 a I I . 1,;i:lltlIIUi:l1 II IUIIU I. 1, I / I .. I I I P:-,e...-"-e"""'il"-,c.-:1t,-'d7"e-;--­ ,,--::~:-,--u--'u-'i:i-=-I-I--m--------_--:-L.------",,",&---r-------------Ij"""'T=, ,..- I all a ,,,,,",u,,r v, """'L':--U_':""UL""U L-,,-. these gr9!Jps lNhich . seek to influence I ollhlir. nniniim nr I pqli~y:"" • .,. "political parties .~ ;... bOdies such as Friend~ of the . . '. ~~, I .. ' : please respond. The Authority will decide en the 13th Ju!y : I 'A'hether these 'Ni!! I , I",· I'" I I rt:llr1ietor If nnt tho .... ..... information will be destroyed. " .:" " , " J •• ' ,.~ I I I· • • I I I II I I ~._ \" I I form part of the 'I'; ,. I I I ~~q~~~dc ~~c~~~~on I l.l I I Earth, .. · .. Countrys:dc Alliance, etc (if applicable) • tffide unions : These are not II, : -. ;"'1' "',". I ' 1_ _'_". I ~_I __---+-I_ _ ---,,----<' I Clubs and 5 . . I am a memoer of these clubs and societies: I Tnese are not required by section 30 of the Act but . please respond, The, 1, Authority 'Nill' [jecide the 13" July I' wTlEiiher ihese wiii form part of the I' OCletles "I I l ' o n , I I I I 1 ~1' ,·1 destroyed ~~~~~ti;:~~I~~~. I "I - - - - - - ' - - - - _ - - - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - ,_ 3 _ ,1' " i 1\4 , il,,'i~1 'j" : ' .i : "j, ...• . . . . ~'.. ' .I ,'.',.~) I: ".... 1 I\'t ':\ " vi ......:_". f' .,,'. ': .' ";.:. I I I I I Gifts and Hospitality I nave received a Qift or hospitality worth £25 or , Lovedr~'rr; the fo!!o~inf1 persons o~ bodies or I o~~e~ ~~~-anisations: _. I'~\C ..-:,-, ".;" !'. '-' ~::: ~'... ~~. i You do not have tei SPSi;iri the natui6 Oi value of the gift or , hospitaiity but you may do so if you wish. 1· I ". :',1' ,<,>~ I' .. ':':, , , I I '., .~-:~. ,~ II •~ 1 :\ :,.> . ~ I if you arc ilot sure cf <. the value of the gift or hospitaiity. piease , ; estimate it. "'. . , ! .,' -. :!1' ;." ',' . Th!l?;section only , applies to gifts or ~-;uspliailty i~eceiv'ed In your capacity'a's,a; Member of the Authority. .-'.'.' Aiso, you shouid accumulation of small yilis [rulll i.i It: Si:l1II1:: source over a short period which add ~p to £25 or ov.::r. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but , please respond. The II I Aut'iGiit,' will decide on th~ 1 ~th .!u!y whether these will fCiiii part of the register. If not the information will be; II I I~ Received I g;;:~~: I 'Il! j ""·"""" II Sianed D;;ted: I ! .... _.. --_.. _.. -..... bY~heNaf~q';;:II,k:;.!:,.-,li:·st· ;r:i'cU;C.;)l,.·.u:!G;iI.·- - - -.......- - . . , ;+ ~.~. ~!~ . ~?~.~~:~.~~~!RICIC.o.WN..C!~ .. 1oAUG 2815 4 1 I I 1 I I I ~, • 0' , .. '~ " North Norfolk District Council Register of Members' Interests (Parish Councils) These are the interests which you are required to register with the Authority by section. 30 of the Lo'calism Act 2011 It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. ,Registered Interests Employment -trC0fes~ or vocation - ;:>0 f/Y~/L.1 go (l-f) flY, C(J/vO'€-1L Vk-rtJ/L , S () L, e- 7" IL*O rlL "- Sf L p-,.. cMPL.-{7.( Sponsors . ' . my appointment with the Authority; or :.' lV(k © Where there is no interest, please write "NONE". (d) There is no need · to register "sensitive information" provided the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees. ·Sensitive information" is information which. if made public, could lead to you or a person connected to you being subjected to violence or intimidation. ·This includes ·membership of other public bodies. company . directorships or trusteeships etc but only if you receive payment or other gain (including expenses) in return. e-O Names of people and organisations who payor have paid ,or given a financial benefit towards: (i) (b) If possible please type your responses. ........__ J;{/ emplo~ent. office~. ,~ Notes (a) Please state in · full the names of any organisations referred to rather than use abbreviations or • .acronyms. / ..... (ii) The expenses I incur in . duties for the Authority: rrying out my 1 This does not include expenses paid by the Authority but does . indude payment or financial benefit frooi a Trade Union. Shareholdings Names of any cOrflpany or other body which has'a place of business or owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal I value of monHhan £25,000 ora'rE~ more than 1% . ­ of the total issued share capital or of anyone : class of share capital i r_. ~. .' • .:r-, . " ., .• j,' .: .... ", , .:"'; . I' ." ., -'. . . ; , , " " , ,. 1. Contracts Contracts with. th~ North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner)..QL a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, ..Q[ a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director or a ,. company or other body in which i (or my spouse or;partne,r) has a shareholding as'defined above List contracts which are for goods, services or works. Do ' not list contracts which have been completed, ,I; - Land and Property .• , This is wide enough to include your houses, flats and moorings. It also includes land held in trustfo~you. -, Address or description of the following : ,(a) Premises in the North Norfolk District I Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is anotherbeneficiaLinterest.. IJ; W'/.-{d (Iff--, r:V 11.(~ '1. J1. WAU/~ ~~sary,·i~;order ' A,,,, " 0rB if. 'Iv N-f"O.o() -rill't I( ./ land,a to cieJr1y identify your ,/ V ......z.. plan should ' I f· L- l-H (/fl..U.{ r;-...t'(l...M ~kfl-N, 6 X(J...N(; If ~er::~ched edging it A/1l-t..1 () ~ /l...~I\/1't'O V'If..I</Jl,~ . Ie' '(b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a " shareholding as defined above. 2 ' .. T ~ © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. L.obby Groups J am a member of these groups which seek.to influence .public opinion or . policy: ­ ", .­ " These include: I N"J TI TO orE- OP­ • ~. (;(~I) 'Jl,~. CdlIYle{LVIc-( ( #V .Q(J..1.D '+f~' 111dd..,.Pd"UL N H I-( lJ 1 8, ( • ;., 't Clubs and ' Friends of the .Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions C#Ucr-rrese are not required by section . 30 of the Act but please ~espond. The Authority will decide 1h on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. CII-l~c..)1 ~ (fl (.,() (NtrJ ~ L 0.1 (liP . ". l •• ' .'';, I am a member of these clubs and societies: These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The AiJthority Will decide ali the 13'h July . whether these 'will form part of the register, If not the information will-be destroyed Societies , i' 7?7'· ·k ,- political parties bodies such as IcC .. . :.,.f,· .. 3 , "'., .'. :." I hav~ reGeived a gift or hospitality. worth £25 or over from' the following):le'rs6ns or"'bo'clies or other organis'ations: '. ,....; / ' Gifts and Hospitality .. ~ " . , " .' .. " ; '. , , , .. Ai:'"'A":­ : , .' , : I . I', ,. , ' ThiS, sect,ion oply applies to gifts or hospitality received hi . your capacity as a Member of the Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. " : If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. . .. Also. you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. ; : : These are not required by section 30 of the Act bur please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13'" Juiy whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed " • - I , • . d by...... ~ ~ .~... Recelve Signed '. ',' ... ~ ": " . ':, . Signe Dated . '., d~ , . '.' , . i'.: ..~ '; . ~ - .. ..,.."........ _. ,~.~'" J. NORTf:! NQHf.QL~ PI.$.T.FJIQ!QQ ~N.C.I ~ .. ,....... LD_8_te_d._.._.._.. _"_"'--,'._._._--I-\; 1~J-I4A.lIUJI~\L--LJ?mw11Lol...-Il . '_ _ · .._.. _.. '_"._,,__..•_. 4 I "