- --------_. -- -- __.__ .~~_ . _. __. -_. -----_._--.-----_._- --.------'-_'--~-.----~---~--"""'".~_.-:.,____: __:; '.- """:~:.~..;.:;:_::~.~<_~~ ~--l-. --~-: ----:--..!_.'-'"-""l- ~ ;---- :~- . ._ ----~---.-~--- -- - -~_ ---_~ ~ _ ._. . t~_._ ',-:, . ~ -: .' - - ,,:;<!;~! ~ -~c:~-c '7::- .'- :;:;- -=:-,' " . ~ .....i- L i . -.-~-'- - ~ ----_---... -, 1-.... . . -.- _ - ~. - - - -'- - -- .__,._ - . - - - -------- - - - - ­ ---~-- ... . ~ ..c··=c-,.,:.,·-"'C", ""'''C' '.' ~·n,t,'·:A.'C.c,,'-:'=>"- .-;.'~ -;-~"'"'." ,-:,c.,."OC-:~~;:.1?i.-~; .~"':- .. :~-- _:'.: -:.---:-:- :--:':.­ l;:j-\i·lli,~~q-u,I',.}, ,"'>,~, .- \ • > ._. '!':.,' r' . . '. -'- . '. .' -,:. ',~ . , ~~ • I ,·.~l . . ~,: ..•...,,~ ..:. -r- ~ ;.- Norfh . '," - '. - ~ Noifoll{t)istri,c~t:.CQuncirRegister Members' tnterests..". .,' '".,.,': I,· ;;-""'>; " of N9t~s, . ,t:~ -~" " Name: ~~.t\:T.HC{\.} .. Pf~ {o:~::, '..C':1~yes ~. . '~" r:: These are the interests which you .are-required to register with the Authority by secttonao of the Localism " Act2D11 ' Gifts and Hospitality Thissection only applies to gifts 'or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority, I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or ,other Organisations: " "NONE". (d) There is no need to register "sensitive information" provided the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees. "Sensitive information" is intormatlon which, if made public, could lead to you or a person connected to you being subjected to violence intimidation: or , Reaistered Interests If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. ~OUb' (b) if possible please type your responses. interest, please write You must register your interests and interests of your spouse orcivil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. You do not haveto specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish, : (a) Please state in ' -fullthe 'names ofany orga'ri'isatio~s referred io'rather than'use abbreviations 'or :acrohyins, " " © Where there is no It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. ,', ~:' Employment (a) Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over, rt These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond, The Authority will decide on the 13'h July 'whether these will torrn part of the register. If not the information will be ..destroyed NON£.' ' ,This includes membership of other public bodies, company directorships or trusteeships etc but only if you receive payment or other gain (including expenses) in return. .~. Sponsors Names-of people andorganisations'who'payor have paid or given a financial benefit towards: (i) m~~ppointment with the Authority; or ,-,. 'This''does:nol include expenses paid by the Authority but does include paymentor financial benefit from a Trade Union, t , , .. Signe~ , Dated. ,.-.- , .... "', c,· "'"c'f ' " '.'. ' .. .. '-~- "·,:··NOR \-HNORFOL. UI~." ~. I ',1 Re~~ived,bith~,~O.·rth!NO:~0i~Dist,rict.cKol\Qy~TRICT COUNCIL . ",, -:':. t\jQNE. j, ,The '~~penses lin6Jr'in carfyi~goutmy ,~utiesfodheAuthority: ' ' i , f . " , • -r. (ii)- '­ ' ., ',,', •• , -_:.,..,. ., .... .'. .,..: . .' ',~~~~a~cLE':,:t,;:;7~::~:Ej~~'i61\H,.•. '.' ,:-,.'·""H·~":"",· - ' .--.-, "''''t ,-, .. '~'-; - '''_. :' • ". : ... ~ .·.c··!.... ·•· ~"" ~<: ..... . ~c: ..' • " ~-.. ':. -' ­ .' : • 1 ...... _""­ .. ...- - © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Shareholdings I Names of any company or other body which has a place of business or owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1"/0' of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital N0 IvG lobby Groups f\JOIU~' Contracts Contracts with the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) ~ a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, ...Q.[ a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director...Q.[ a company or other body in which I (or my spouse or partner) has a shareholding as defined above '. , land and Property '.' ,\ List contracts which are for goods, services or works. Do not list contracts which have been completed. I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: These include: • • political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13th July whether these will form part of the register. If not the' information will be destroyed . ~ ~. Na-tJ G e . ' (\JCN\J C; Address or description of the following: (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. If necessary, in order to clearly identify your land, a plan should be attached edging it in red. j" ,\ This is wide enough to include your houses, flats and moorings. It also includes land held in trust for you. NO~£ (b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. Clubs and Societies I am a member of these clubs and societies: These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 JUly whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed '.' - ~-ot-j f-. , , I\lOUc 2 3 :-:";.:;~'7.:--.:::~'-.:'-:-~-_ :...-:. -.-:::.:;..., _'",:~.::- .=-·-':::~:7"'.:::-~=.'::::~--·i:-:-?t :-.-:- ;::::::--;:,=-~-;o;~ _ -.''': . -.-.,; .- ~"--'-<.~'~ .-.•_ • .-. ..., ~-~ -';:~,J>='r;-'~ .~C"'~··= :.,-=~.~ ~=;;~~c_ k~~~~i~~*(?':-::-;-----·_-_·_--- .:-j·-;----'o.-::-:: '.­ " ,~ ,~ ~ '. .... .: " ' --------- - ---'-. -' " ,.' !'iJ-' ~. ,~ •• ,. 'I. ': . , \ •• " '. ' , ,". < .', . "-' - ,. J' " '- .~-< " - -', " '... ' '-North No"rfolkDJstric,(Co'ljncirRegiste~r 'Members' Interests .i . : .,.. ,.'. . . • ',;", N . ~al" arne .. ; 'of' :~, :', ,.,'.;.::. '.:""'" . A· • Notes. .. «6L~J:';,:LylV~'" . , 1..'(80)- Please state in" : '.fLiIl.ih.enames 'of any organisations referred to rather than use . ... abbreviatlonsor These are the Interests which you.ara.requtred to ··~Iacrciriyms.-'. register with the Authority by sectlorrac of the "Localism . , Act 2011 It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your. capacity as a Member of the . Authority. You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or.civil partner or a,person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. Employment tJ\\\ ., !. Sponsors '~~: ' .: ~ ; ···; · · · · · .. '-.' .'-\ . - """! .C.f­ Nafriesof 'people ana organisations' Wh'oljaY' or have paid or given a financial benefit towards: (i) "Tfiis'doesnot include the expenses paid Authority but does include payment or financial benefit from aTrade Union: by ~\l\ .. • ~ < .. ~ ';'" ,The 'expenses I incu;r:fh c~~ry,6:g:bul:m/ :,~ auties··forth~.t\uth<irity: ' '. r " " ' . ' ,,.',' . "."",,', (ii) . ~, ,. ,-' .,' ~~c:1 ~" ...""'" myappointment with the Authority; or '.'-' ,."", ~ (d) There is no need to register "sensitive information" provided the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees, "Sensitive information" is information which, if made.public, could lead to you or a person connected to you being subjected to violence or intimidation. • v-"j This·includes membership of other public bodies, company directorships or trusteeships etc but only if you receive payment or other gain (including expenses) in return. (a) Any employment,office, trade, profession or vocation Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide 1h on the 13 July whether these will form partof the . register. If not the information will be ,"destroyed s: iqn Date .. Reaistered Interests If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. N\~ ,-', :-' ~" : .ro,;o ""r" .-.~<-, N~''!;.r·~· ,~. ' J •• • - . • ,_, __ • - ~"" •.• "=', ' : "'--; "'-" .,-~ .;;.;.' ~; :-" "~ . .--. .: " • '": ~ •. ,' '" :~ -t"- _.. " 'J . '.. ,"- ~,-.:-!," ................... '-:.. .... '-",··I~'>:" . i. -.' ' .. ,,~ '<-.0;: '""~"~<7"'"1·,"'"';"-'" .."-~:::;",::::;," ';:~': .;:,:: •.•':;Z:,4.:~ y~,:~~~}~{~;;~,;·~. :..::.c~;;,.:~,",,.;;;:. :.'/0, < ,.;~:,; ....:.:,..;.:,::~;:;:~ ..::'~-::-~ ::.';..:.'.:;~~~,~:;:.;-::..?"i' ~'<' ",,:~; .•,.>;-,-;..... 1 ,.,·C·.·, ''0', ... " '"' ~!- -'""," ".-~~.:_;' :..:,",~ .. ~~ .,~,- __ ,-","t- ","_._:. -. '<, ~ :,..: .''C''~"'>;''1..;' r/: . ",'. ~ Shareholdings .~ © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Names of any company or other body which has a place of business or owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital t-l14 ~~ Lobby Groups I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: These include: • • political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the infonnation will be destroyed. - Contracts Contracts with the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) ...Q.L a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, ...Q!: a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director ..QI a company or other body in which I (or my spouse or partner) has a shareholding as defined above "'\' ~ Land and Property · List contracts which are for goods, services or works. Do not list contracts which have been completed. ~\~ ~ Address or description of the following: (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. This is wide enough to include your houses, flats and moorings. It also includes land held in trust for you. If necessary, in order to clearly identify your land, a plan should be attached edging it in red. tvt..~ Clubs and Societies I am a member of these clubs and societies: l/V()(} ( ) ( A..rvl1~ (b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information Will be destroyed LtfS.(..\,.jrc.£.. C e.,,-\r~ CL VLL. (':,OW\'? .. , . .' 2 3 -------~---_.~---~ ..... ~ -­ .._. --­ ---­ _:. -t:.'--.;::.;' -­ _._-,-------- - - , - - - - _._.-- .-----­ -­ - ~':-~-:-:'_ ",-.:.~~:'_-.- --'.-'-0­ '-;"'­ .­ .•> __ :---:-=-~---:.:.....:...~_:....,.::_.-_:_:_: --~-- . - .':.-. --:;::-'- .. "-'-'-.• ~. . t· . ,! ~: .: i \ ,I· i ~" "".' ,.' 1 .,: .;.­ I' .~~,. ~> , ',ji ~' >., '. ), ':: . ~ ..,.. .', ,;~.'t. .' - "."!'j:--t; . 'North 'NorfolliDi.slrict, ¢ouljcil'Re'gister of Membeh;' -:' mterests: .r .. ' ." • l " ," ~,. ':;0: •,: '-.' - l.,' ,. -, '.N(it~S_ . ',(a) please'state in .J' >, Name: . ;~~~?~:: ... .r'!\:,<?!,?~ ...:..';: ~."'"'' . 1<fu!1 the ,~a.m.es of any Organisations referred to'raifierihan use abbreviationsor ;acronyi'ils.. , . These are the interests which you-are .requiredto . ., register with the Authority by sectionSn of the Locallsm "(b)lfpo~~i~leplease Act 2011 ' , ., fyp~ your responses. ' It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. Gifts and Hospitality This section only applies to giftsor hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: '~._~/lR- You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a.person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. ~ & Si Dated: -i. . Reaisteredlnterests Employment (S~I&v . ::. 3:;, Narriesof peopleahd6rgariisatidhs who'pa~(or have paid or given a financial benefit towards: Sponsors -: ~ .~ ... -. '(i) ;j.-. t :. '.::. ., ,...•, ':,,':" '..',,' '.'" .................. , '·.'1:"':"" .. : . my appointment with the Authority; or ", This'does,not include expenses paidby the Authority but does include payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union. N'CV\J<. , The expenses lincu?i~ 6artyiAg bu! my dq!iesfoLt_h9::~V!h ..6tit~: .. ,:':_::"~";:::~,':: ·,:;:;:.:·~.t;<,: +~. ','.' '.'" . ,(,,, .- ~ i: - ,,-, 1':.- '-~.-\- -- ...- " . l~: ' i .(ii) I ":_-;;:.:'~' -c~, This includes membership oi other public bodies, company directorships or trusteeships etc but only if you receive payment or other gain (including expenses) in return. (a) Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation 5e-\~ -e..w,~loJeJ) ., :; (d) There is no need to register "sensitive information" provided the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees. "Sensitive information" is information which, if made public, could lead to you or a: person connected to you being subjected to violence intimidation. ;.-, or Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. These are not requiredby section 30 of ihe Act but please respond. The Authority l';;'ill decide on the 13 July. whether these will form part of the register: If not the information will be ..destroyed © Whe're there' is no interest, please write "NONE". ~;. If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. f'"= , J. ," " -'=:".:"'~-:!"'.- z:-: '-:-. -r• .","".,"'." f.. ~~..r . ~. ..~~: ~ . '.",~t\F~~ :~- ;-., >. ' ""' ••• ~. .), -,>"~; •. ~ ~ ~, Shareholdings © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Names of any company or other body which has a place of business or owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital pc~~ \.-~.\,\~ 'Ntr'rVL- \fA. J \ v--....r\ vv-­ e:~~-..J Lobby Groups >~L..Jf~...r;.l I I am a member of These include: these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: 'D t!--v-~~~-.~k5· • • political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the ts" July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. «;«: Contracts Contracts with the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) ...QL a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, ..Q[ a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director ..Q[ a company or other body in which I (or my spouse or partner) has a shareholding as defined above List contracts which are for goods, services or works. Do not list contracts which have been completed. r(:,··nQ....-­ Land and Property Address or description of the following: (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. ~ c,..r\<::­ '-' u-V\ ~CAN""'...... Ot, t ~-"-\c . . . . . . . , C'Oilv"~ ~ c.Ro-o{ d-tbv'~.e'~'J This is wide enough to include your houses, flats and moorings. It also includes land held in trust for you. If necessary, in order 10 clearly identify your land, a plan should be attached edging it in red. Clubs and Societies I am a member of these clubs and societies: ~ These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed jl1.e--. (b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner ordirector or has a shareholding as defined above. ~(!) ...r ':;­ 2 3 - -----------'--------- ----- --_._-- ---. .;:--,-~::.:...-' '.:.:.; ....~.'.-~ - -- - -_.~---------~-------,--,.----.~-_._- -:.,::::-~.-:'1..,-,-=-..--::-:';------:::;:~-.,:....-- ., ..--, :;. ':"""- :-.- - --~'-::;~'.-=---' - -------------------­ _.- ._- .-~' _:~.,,~ .. ~:_- ---- -----------.- - - - - - ..; . . .--- --- -. --- . ; ­ -, ~ . -~--- - -------­ . "",-0:-_- :c_or~.,~.- --.=- \-' Lt V·l/G~\".,,;I,J .-"'-1' . - . '". ~ .. :',- .~; ~ _. -. J ~ I "~' ~ - • "J1.~r77 ~ ,",' - , -t..•.. ' ~, - --- - - -_.- - ".:. '-~'.:' _- , - CC' -,:- --C -~ :---_-- -'.- c, _--. __ Q' "'-.. ' . -.-. .6- - •. -i..... :., ..~ . -"-.. __ .~-,:::------=-,~_-.,...~.;::::- :-~._::: ~ ,~. /... ":$~ ~~~'~ .;':~-~. ":;"­ ':" .: .. ' . ;.:;'. ~ . "North N<irfolki-DrsJrict,'pourfciIJ~egisterof' Members'ln'teresIS; . ~, ~,.,.; '.~ Name: x: _'... ..' . .t~!~.~!f£M ;rQ.I:!N.,~~I..(J.::~ ~' ! . ' It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. .' ... ( t, This section only applies to gifts or hospitaiity received in your capacity as a Member of the Authority. f .NoNE You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a.person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. " ... " :::- -;:'~,~T- .---:-.-J:_'-~:- -::_''"'-;.:;:.,7....:;:.-; ~ ­ .. '.:,... ,., 'II-Not:¢s· ' (a) Please state in , . full the names of any : . . :o'rga~f~~1!O~S ,~eferred to' rather than use 'i!bb'hiviations"or .acronym,S.,l'· These are the interests which you.are.rrequlred.to register with the Authority by sectlonao of theLocalism·· Act 2011 . I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: ;:-.,' _-'--_-" ' .' "­ Gifts and Hospitality -:.c-".,.:------ . ',_7-"--0'00 " . - - - . (b) .if 'possibleph3ase typeyour responses, © Where there is no interest, please write "NONE". (d) There is no need to register "sensitive information" provided the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees. "Sensitive information" is information which, if made. public, could lead to you or a . person connected to you being subjected to vidence or intimidation. ~. ~" ..:.< f "'i" r Reaistered Interests If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. " Employment (a) . Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. These are not required by section 30 of ihe Act but please respond. The Authority wiH decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the . register..If not the information will be .destroyed \y.·.·iD.\·~.·.·.·.·:·.·",·.·.·,·.·.·.·.·" Sign Date '. -,- "'i'.;. -,' - ...... "" ~'." ;',; : RETfR.SO Sponsors ' ..~ ~ . . . ;.-; .. ,;. "-' n;yappointment with the Authority; or (i) "Thts-doesfiot include expenses paid by the Authority but does include payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union. .. NONE .. .: ...•, ,""' ."!' "7-­ .... .. ,".-~J~,'_.,."'--:,~ ' - -.:~.::.. ;-'- Namesofpeople and organisatioh~ whO payor have paid or given a financial benefit towards: . This includes membership of other public bodies, company directorships or trusteeships etc but only if you receive payment or other gain (including expenses) in return. :,,,;;.g,1 . ._~~tL~e.fot~;~i~~r~~~~~:1 i~CU~,ih~~r~~~~::~~t;~.~ .~li· c;'·;.:·_~:.. . ..~' -ve ", ,,' . .,.·1 .•- __ ...,- "".~ 7'• .'~ ":. c Ie',:'" , ' ; ' - r )\101\)"(;- ",­ '. _ ..,.' .. ,.'_ ". ~.- , .. Shareholdings I Names of any company or other body which has a place of business or owns I~rw.in t~F .l . ..t"\~'''' North Norfolk District Council's a~~~rn wnicn I..J·"; I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month .. v;~,~,·:::\·~ NO ~.6­ N6~G Lobby Groups I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: These include: T\--lf NA-iIONIlL \~OS,­ VOLUNTEE~ Contracts Contracts with the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) ..QL a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner, ..Q[ a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director..Q[ a company or other body in which I (or my spouse or partner) has a shareholding as defined above Ag,l:A List contracts which are for goods, services or works. Do not list contracts which have been completed. OF OUT­ £TANO\N~ f'J~TuR~L (j£AlJ/'y (iCTt0N CO[f)M fT1E 1: CONTR\ ~U\OR • • political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions . These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. No.t-Jf: Land and Property Address or description of the following: (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or in which there is another beneficial interest. If necessary, in order to clearly identify your land, a plan should be attached edging it in red. VV liHGRN SANDY Lf\NE W~ST R.\JNTO"J NR<'1 This is wide enough to include your houses, flats and moorings. It also includes land held in trust for you. Clubs and Societies I am a member of these clubs and societies: These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13'h July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed NONf. Cj~t: (b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. NOkfE 2 3 - - ------,-", .--~~-----:=;- ---:--._-'----,-------------- ---_._--------~--_._,~-- :~_:__~7,-._;'.:"~:.-,:: ':"'_:"·-_7_--;:;-::.----:':~o;<-;-.-·.-~__;::_::_~~_"o :-.o~~- ~. ----;-_._--------'--. .-- ""', c--:':j.r~.;'·~7.~-'. -c -". :C-'···-·· " . ! ~. - - , ·c.:;:,:; :'.:~'" f ,' -~~---~ ~"""--=,=,, ._~, - ~ - ---- - -'--- -- - _ . ­ -r-; •• ~ ".,":~ " " , '.0-'-. .•. - . . . . ....:; . ". ~ .. ,.:_-' - ' . -~~ .f'~c', ,·,reP, '-fS,' ~~ ~-Q\lt'~'-:'--~~~-~.:.:. . ~C "'-i. "~~. b " . , -~-= 1. .' ,I \ . ~. ',. ~ , •... ', ...... c -." . : .' , •• : ~r:""":,cf"" ~.- _: • ',' ., " ~ '~: -r-: _.=--:-:.:>!~...:;;:...,.. ....•. "r;:­ s, .~,:!o _._~:::-;-~ .--," '=-,.:-; '--;..._• ....-_:..;:.~. -:::---=-:.:;--~-- ......;.. -.,: . . .t··~ ,-/ .. ­ . !; ~. ~ " '.( , . - .,~;:,,- -. ' . -r-« -_.~. ~, f-_ ; ~ - ;:" , ,;,;~.: ,- ". ~.~< ~!, ',~ -, , '- /....I~':. ... !' ,~' '.:' ~'1 . I • ~ , . Nattfi Nortol kOisfric(.courtci n=le~gi ster of' . tv'Iemb¢'rs' tnterests": _., i .::.....,~~... . ; .:.K~\·""',""" Rou;S;~c~:--",., . Name: •••••••• : ••••••••• ~ •• a 6 • •, " ..... ":,: ••••• ~ ~ • • e o,­ •••• a '1, • • • • • • ".' '''. t, ;(a) .Please.state in . ': . '4~J1'.lh:e ~haines of any , '. :o'rganisations referred ··-to 'rather fhanuse " 'ab6reviaJions 'or ..-. -'acreihYfns. It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a new interest at a meeting. I haVe received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: Thissection only applies to gifts 'or hospitality received in your capacity as a Memberof the Authority. You must register your interests and interests of your spouse or civil partner or a;person with whom you live as a.spouse or civil partner. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. ~O ..' (t:i)'I~ possible please .type your responses. © Where there is no interest, please write "NONE". (d) There is no need to register "sensitive information" provided the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees. "Sensitive information" is . information which, if made public, could lead to you or a person connected to you being subjected to violence intimi(jation. or Reaistered Interests If you are not sure of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. ~~ <. ~t-jot~:s . • d' . 'h' h . ,c, Th ese are the Interests w IC. you,.are :require to: register with the Authority by section30 otthe'Localisrn Act2011 ,,' Gifts and Hospitality , --'.f ," Employment (a) Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation 'D\«€C"~ DR.. Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. KE:\"1"'~ eou~C.£ $:',T€ fv\~,.1,,~e.~er-i"\' ~ E:f2V\ C-~ IS)) \-\, L l~ \vG I C I-f-.J ({c.J-1. (C bPtOl Ay l iJ\ € ({-r 0,) I These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide on the 13' h July . whether these will form part of the . register. If·not the iriformation will be .destroyed rJR- \\ ,This incll,l,de,s membership of other public bodies, company directorships or trusteeships etc but only if you receive payment or other gain (including expenses) in return. ,00 (2{:'r:;. uc ~PL.. r-',_ Sponsors Ncimes -iJf people'and Organisati6r'ls' whb'JSa,/or have paid or given a tinancialbenefittowards: (i) my .appolntrnent with the Authority; or "Thisdoes-not' include expenses paid by the Authority but does include payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union; ,Jo~f Signed Dated: ' .....................•. ; ; .. : .. Q: " 1 . ".', ",:.", ..; ....--:. ~~. 0 : ,,"":;:_ :'. \ (ii)' . ' ; •• .-.-" i - :-"",,,' .. 1-­ ~ - ., ...... '.' The ~xpen'ses i iric~rih c~rf9ih§:'ou}rny '. _"" i e . • o~-.~ < ~ ,-.:l ~..:: c . <. .'~ :­ \. ii l,·. i'.,,· . : ~-':" . "_-""'''0'. .,,­ . .. ' ", _dU.li~?fO,r;Jh~:{~~:!~~~rlty.: .,,'..... :;~:(::~!.~'.', ..:.':../,:.~j", ..., -"-;'.~ - '~."" - '::'" "- '-'I·~.'· '. "ot,..:r.0 :-;- . ',:'i': ,. " c.-~ Shareholdings © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. I Names of any company or other body which has a place of business or owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital / ~C)~~ / Lobby Groups ti O~v Contracts !~#. Contracts with the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) ...QL a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner,...2..!: a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director...2..!: a company or other body in which I (or my spouse or partner) has a shareholding as defined above I am a member of these groups which seek to influence public opinion or policy: These include: • • List contracts which are for goods, services or works. Do not list contracts which have been completed. t: .~ ~O~\J ~ ~O~v Land and Property political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed. Address or description of the following: (a) Premises in the North Norfolk District Council's area which are owned or leased or . in which there is another beneficial interest. \-\' U s; ,t>£ • C.. . uR~ (ZOA c. I\'ilt-J.. 6(Z-rorJ) tJoK>FoLI(. tJ(2q gr 2 This is wide enough to include your houses, flats and moorings. It also includes land held in trust for you. If necessary, in order to clearly identify your land, a plan should be attached edging it in red. Clubs and Societies (b) Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. I am a member of these clubs and societies: n () These are not C LA' It C;. \--1\(2 ~ , r-:> s: 0,0 . ....;.: . 30 required by section of the Act but \.) )L lAG t£ \,-) A L{ Co M /J) ) " \EE please respond. The Authority will decide ~ ~ rJ.. ~ .. on the 13"' July whether these will form part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed J /l JV &­ . . NoNe 2 , 3 . ,. J North Norfolk District Council Register of Mem ber~ 'I nterests ~ Name: ..t:E~e C:-:;"~.~a~ -h£..n-.~{e. . These are the interests which you are required to register with the Authority by section 30 of the Localism Act 2011 It is a breach of the Code and an offence to fail to disclose a registerable' interest within 28 days of taking office with the Authority or within 28 days of declaring a J1~W interest ~! a me.eting. _ _ __ .. --- - ­ . - --~-_. --.~--. ,-~ You must register your interests and interests of your spou$e or civil partner or a person with whom you live as a spouse or civil partner. Notes (a) Please state in full the names of any organisations referred to rather than use abbreviations or acronyms. (b) If possible please type your responses. © Where there is no interest, please write "NONE". (d) There is no need to register "sensitive 'Cinformationg-provided :. c the Authority's Monitoring Officer agrees. "Sensitive information" is information which, if made public, could lead to you or a person connected to you being subjected to violence or intimidation. Registered Interests Employment IIit! .. Nftl . . . ~ ~ i .. l Sponsors I his includes membership of other public bodies, company directorships or trusteeships etc but only if you receive payment or other gain (including expenses) in return. (a) Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation I ',-~ / Names of people and organisations who payor have paid or given a financial benefit towards: (i) my appointment with the Authority; or NIIt i (ii) The expenses I incur in carrying out my duties for the Authority: 't, NlA' ., , '~ This does not include expenses paid by the Authority but does include payment or financial benefit from a Trade Union. Shareholdings Names of any company or other body which has a place of business or owns land in the North Norfolk District Council's area and in which I have shares or other securities with a nominal value of more than £25,000 or are more than 1% of the total issued share capital or of anyone class of share capital / ;, ' .-J'.";• •• Contracts I , I Contracts with the North Norfolk District Council's and myself (or spouse or partner) ...QL a firm in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business pC;lrtner, ..Q!: a company of which I (or my spouse or partner) am a director..Q!: a company or other body in which I (or my spouse - 6r partner)' has a shareholding as defined above ...... ;:; List contracts which are for goods, services or works. Do not list contracts which have been completed,. ~ lA, , I Land and Address or description of the following: This is wide enough Property to include your --- '-;.----(a)'--,Premisesiii-tne'NorthNoff6lR District---- --~O~;r~~g~latl~:i~~: Council's area which are owned or leased or, includes land held in in which there is another beneficial interest. trust for you, nt~ 'D.l.D fbs"r" CoTi'!\&r:=-' If necessary, in order 1ltE" S\eG~T' ~~ L.H ~~ ~OI'~T ow~d~~'+fl~'5~~), ~eJh. COl1A-G'G '"T1't"E',~ A'1'UH~TZ51V CSPe:H:J$(;;) , ,~e...I' 154A (b) . Premises let by the Authority to a firm or company in which I (or my spouse or partner) is a business partner or director or has a shareholding as defined above. 2 to clearly identify your land, a plan should be attached edging it in red, © North Norfolk District Council's area in respect of which I have a licence to occupy for at least a calendar month. Lobby Groups I am a member of These include: -.--~these~groups-whieh -~-_.~' - ------~.- -~~.~----~. ­ seek to influence • political parties bodies such as Friends of the Earth, Countryside Alliance, etc (if applicable) • trade unions These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will form part of the register. If not the. information will be destroyed. • public opinion or policy: -~ Clubs and Societies --; -;;: - -.. - -," ,-. --;-;: . I am a member of these clubs and societies: e.OY"Al- ga'Tlstt L~ION NA110 N ft1.. .~CV1""" NtP~~,liJC W'IILf5L.i l=G,~tJ Jj·O~Tti.' ~~o.eFOuch~ Cl.C8 ~",8~b~~"'&DCrf\:c:-'qjj~ ~b-~' gdty~LCL15~ t. (a~1 NC-+\ ~.r«. \. .'. '\ , 3 . ,,, These are not required by section 30 of the Act but please respond. The Authority will decide th on ihe 13 July whether these will form part of the· register. If not the information will be destroyoo Gifts and Hospitality I have received a gift or hospitality worth £25 or over from the following persons or bodies or other organisations: , This section only applies to gifts or hospitality received in your capacity as a Member of the . Authority. You do not have to specify the nature or value of the gift or hospitality but you may do so if you wish. If you are not su re of the value of the gift or hospitality, please estimate it. Also, you should register an accumulation of small gifts from the same source over a short period which add up to £25 or over. ,I These are not required by section 30 of the Act but pll;lase respond. The Authority will decide th on the 13 July whether these will fonn part of the register. If not the information will be destroyed Sig Dated: ../~1<>.7{/5.'. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : ••••••••••••••• . Signed: .. Dated: .. ,., _-'~-,~~--,,,'f­' )'-nt"'-..---.;.,------J ....... LU';} 4 ..