Agenda Item No____14________ PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT – DELIVERY OF ANNUAL ACTION PLAN 2012/13 QUARTER 1 Summary: Recommendations: Cabinet Member(s) This report covers the performance of the Council against the priorities set out in the Annual Action Plan 2012/13. a) That Cabinet note the current position with the waste and cleansing contract as set out in the briefing note shown at appendix 3. b) That two additional planning assistants be recruited on a temporary basis for a 12 month period pending the outcome of the peer challenge, to be funded from a combination of the HPDG earmarked reserve and the additional revenue from the proposed national fee increase from October 2012. That additional support for planning enforcement is progressed with the Borough Council Kings Lynn & West Norfolk. Ward(s) affected Cllr Keith Johnson All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Sheila Oxtoby, 01263 516000, 1. Introduction 1.1 Annual Action Plan 2012/13. In February 2012 Council approved the Annual Action Plan 2012/13. This first Annual Action Plan, outlines how the priorities in the Corporate Plan will be realised over the 12 months from 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013. 1.2 Performance Management Framework. Council also approved in May 2012 an updated performance Management Framework. This framework ensures that all key activities within the Council are performance managed and where appropriate performance indicators and measures used to assess performance during the year. This report and further quarterly reports on the delivery of the Annual Action Plan 2012/13 are key elements of the Performance Management Framework. 2. Overview and Exceptions 2.1 For each Corporate Plan priority, an assessment of the achievement to date along with any recommended actions to improve performance is summarised below and detailed in appendix 1. 2.2 Jobs and the Local Economy Activities During the first quarter of 2012/13 the Council engaged with a number of businesses and partners regarding potential investment decisions in the District which it is hoped will deliver positive outcomes in the coming months. Whilst a number of these contacts remain commercially sensitive at the present time, examples of where the Council has offered advice and support to developers / investors proposing investment in the district during Qtr 1 include:• • • discussions with Hain Celestial which has recently submitted planning applications for future investment in their facilities at Fakenham which will safeguard existing jobs at the plant and support up to 150 new positions; providing advice to a number of developers which have proposed investment in new retail proposals in the district, which have resulted in proposals for new stores in Holt, North Walsham and Wells; and continuing to work with companies taking forward investment in the offshore wind energy sector including SCIRA and Warwick Energy, the latter of which has recently gained consent to develop the Dudgeon offshore wind proposal off Cromer. On other sites / locations, the authority is trying to unlock sites with long-term infrastructure constraints such as the former General Trailers site at North Walsham and the Tattersett Business Park site in the west of the district. Further the Council has offered advice and support for emerging proposals for the future economic development related investment at the former RAF Coltishall site. Sadly after 10 months of uncertainty regarding the future of the Cromer Crab Company operation, Youngs Seafood announced that the facility would close in July 2012. The Council, through its Learning for Everyone programme, delivered redundancy advice and support to some 70 individuals employed at the factory providing advice and guidance on retraining, accessing new employment etc. The factory premises has recently been advertised for disposal through a Norwich based commercial property agent. The Council is committed to work with regional partners to realise the benefits of Rural Growth Network status for North Norfolk. Despite a considerable amount of support and effort by partners and the New Anglia LEP for the Norfolk and Suffolk were not successful in gaining support through this programme at a national level. We proposed commencing a review of our procurement policies to maximise the opportunities to source goods and services locally during Quarter 1, and supported a North Norfolk public sector procurement workshop at Bodham in April as part of this work We had planned to start a review of all our business regulatory functions to ensure we are focused on local business need during quarter 1. This has not started yet pending implementation of new management arrangements. Indicators and Measures Five businesses accessed loans & grants under the Coastal Pathfinder scheme in quarter 1. These successful applications were for grants applied for in the last two quarters of the previous financial year. This is one short of our target of six. There is currently 1 loan application being considered for further discussion before coming to a final decision. (Indicator J 002) 2.3 Housing and Infrastructure Activities The first of a three part housing strategy was adopted by Council on 25 July 2012 and Members engaged in two workshops to support the development of the strategy. The second part of the housing strategy is due to be considered by Cabinet in September 2012 and a new housing allocations policy due to be considered by Cabinet in December 2012. The monitoring of the strategy will be undertaken by a newly configured Housing and Planning Policy Board and reports to Cabinet but will be first considered by a housing working party which is due to be established. This will ensure greater Member involvement in developing and monitoring the Council’s approach to strategic housing. A schedule of stalled sites has been prepared and the reasons for delay are currently being collated to establish whether there are further interventions or mechanisms by which the Council can bring forward development more quickly. A consultation paper has recently been released by central government titled Renegotiation of Section 106 Planning Obligations which is proposing that local authorities can be asked to formally renegotiate the terms of all planning obligations agreed on or prior to the 6 April 2010, the Council is currently assessing how many sites this would relate to in North Norfolk. Draft development briefs have been prepared on two of the allocated sites in Fakenham and Stalham and have been subject to public consultation. Work will now commence on the remaining two allocated sites at North Walsham and Holt. A £2.4m investment has been secured through the Growing Places Fund to finance the initial infrastructure outlay on the former HL Food development site in North Walsham. Funding was successfully secured to pilot the development of a neighbourhood plan at Holt and this is being lead by Holt Town Council with advice and guidance being provided by the Council’s Planning Policy Manager. A neighbourhood planning seminar was held for all Town and Parish Councils on 25 April 2012 and follow up discussions have been held with 6 parish councils as a consequence. However the Council is currently focusing its resources in supporting the pilot scheme. Consultants have been appointed to undertake infrastructure and viability assessments which will be required as evidence to support the introduction of a Community Infrastructure Levy. Progress is being reported through the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party. Work on reducing the number of empty homes continues. We have introduced processes to ascertain the intentions of owners where their property is identified as an unfurnished second home for Council Tax purposes i.e. likely to be an empty home. An initial letter has been sent to 127 owners for which we have received 42 responses. Failure to respond will result in 2 further letters before enforcement action is considered and a number of these owners have received the second letter and some the third. If a response is received this will be considered and where the property has been wrongly categorised or there has been a change which has not been notified, the Council Tax department is notified with a view to the records being updated. Where the owner has a clear intention to bring the property back into use or where the property is on the market for sale we will flag for review at an appropriate point in the future. Where the owner has no current intentions we will advise of the Council’s wish to bring empty properties back into use and its willingness to take enforcement action. We offer support to owners wishing to sell their properties and have developed the Empty Property Matching Service which was launched in April and has 2 owners registered who have a property to sell and 13 people registered as prospective purchasers of empty homes. We also offer support to owners wishing to rent their property and since launching a service which enables owners to advertise their properties through the Your Choice Your Home scheme, 23 properties have been advertised of which 5 were properties to which the Council has nomination rights as a result of giving an Empty Homes Grant. CPO action has been commenced on 3 properties as a pilot and a report is due to be brought back to cabinet in October 2012. Indicators and Measures 106 households on the housing register have been rehoused in the first quarter of 2012/13. (Indicator H 005) 8 affordable homes were built in this quarter. (Indicator H 007). 2.4 Coast, Countryside and Built Heritage Activities We have undertaken improvement work with the local communities in Sadlers Wood, leading to its success in being awarded the Green Flag. A new play area is also being installed in September. Holt Country Park also achieved a Green Flag status, for the eighth year in succession. Our ongoing work to maintain high quality tourist beaches has led to the retention of all of the District's Blue Flag beaches. Blue Flags have now been awarded at Sheringham, Cromer, Mundesley and Sea Palling beaches. East Runton has also been awarded the Quality Coast Award. These beaches require excellent standards of cleanliness, as well as lifeguard provision and toilet facilities, as well as dog controls in place. Whilst we set a target to achieve zero defaults in our waste contract for cleanliness, this has not been achieved as 13 defaults were issued to the contractor for cleansing related failures in the first quarter. An Improvement Plan is in the process of being agreed with our contractors which will address these issues. A briefing note is shown at appendix 3. There are still some issues with the response times for dealing with flytipping on public land. Again, this issue is being addressed and will be contained within the contract Improvement Plan. Work to complete or review 4 Conservation Area plans, in Cromer, Sheringham, Walsingham and Wells has been delayed due to pressure of commitment to Development Management delaying progress; OS licensing issues for plans are also causing hold ups. A new integrated approach to management of our coast in being developed and the Kelling to Lowestoft Ness Shoreline Management Plan is nearing its final adoption. Funding has been secured (from external sources) to undertake a study to inform the future management options of our coast. Contracts have been procured for the implementation of a major coast protection scheme for Cromer and external funding of £10m is in its final stages of approval. Indicators and Measures There is some sign of improvement in the processing speed of other planning applications. Decisions issued under delegation have exceeded the target of 90%. There is however no sign of improvement in minor applications. The processing times for planning (Indicators C 005 and C 006). applications remains a concern as does the level of planning enforcement activity. A resources paper is available as a background document to support recommendation b. There has been an 11% improvement in quarter 1 moving from 79% in quarter 4 last year to 90% for responding to all fly tipping and all other pollution complaints within 2 working days. The challenging target of 100% is currently not being achieved, (Indicator C 007) 2.5 Localism Activities The Localism agenda has been embraced by the Council. In particular: • • • • support for voluntary and community organisations has been established, community initiatives have been developed in response to identified regeneration needs and community aspirations, funding for community projects is being provided by the Big Society Fund; and; Government funding for the development of a Neighbourhood Plan Pilot Scheme for Holt has been obtained. Various activities are in train to facilitate better dialogue, involvement and communication with North Norfolk’s communities and to help embed the principles of the Big Society within the Council. 2.6 Delivering the Vision Activities The review of management arrangements is ongoing. Appointments have been made to 6 Heads of Service posts. The remaining 2 Heads of Service posts are being advertised at the moment (August 2012). We are on track to achieve projected savings. All high priority audit recommendations have been completed on time and any medium recommendations were followed up as of end of July 2012. Work has not yet started on consulting with the residents through a Place Survey. A project brief will be prepared and submitted to CLT in September 2012. Implementation of the cost saving Revenues and Benefits shared services project is in progress. The North Norfolk data conversion process was achieved by May 2012; significant early performance issues with IT infrastructure has resulted in an Improvement Plan being put in place; strong project management team arrangements are in place. The meeting of the first Joint Committee between BCKLWN and NNDC members held in July 2012; with some decline in levels of performance resulting in increased processing times at present which is being monitored regularly. Indicators and Measures Based on the annual audit plan as at the end of July 2012, 61.5 days had been delivered against the planned 81 days for the same period (target 38%). Additional 2.5 days delivered of extra 14 days agreed. (Indicator V 004) The first quarter figure for working days lost to sickness absence was 1.12. This is an excellent result for the first quarter and compares well to previous years. There were 5 cases of long term sick of which 2 have returned to work. (Indicator V 007) 3. Assessment of Progress of the whole Annual Action Plan 3.1 The analysis of progress on the whole annual action plan is contained in the appendices to this report and includes; 3.1.1 Appendix 1 - Reporting on Progress of activities. A report on the progress of delivering each activity in the Annual Action Plan 2012/13 together with details of any action being taken to deal with any issues. 3.1.2 Appendix 2 – Reporting on Indicators and Measures. A first quarter report (April – June 2012) showing achievement against target for all performance indicators and identifying improvement or worsening performance for all performance measures. Details of any action being taken to deal with any performance issues is also given. 3.1.3 Appendix 3 briefing note 4. Implications and Risks Prompt action to deal with any performance issues identified by this report will reduce the risk to delivery of the Annual Action Plan 2012/13 and the achievement of the priorities in the Corporate Plan 2012-15. The recommendations of this report outline the action being taken to reduce or remove the risk of not delivering the Corporate Plan. 5. Financial Implications and Risks There are financial implications relating to recommendation b. 6. Sustainability There are no sustainability implications of this report. 7. Equality and Diversity There are no equality and diversity implications of this report. 8. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations There are no Section 17 Crime and Disorder implications of this report. Appendix 1 – Reporting on Activities Jobs and the Local Economy What we want to achieve: A district with a thriving economy offering better jobs and prospects for local people What we are doing and how we are achieving it: Activities A) By increasing the number of new businesses and supporting the growth and expansion of existing businesses Page 1 of 36 Activity Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible During the first quarter of 2012/13 the Council engaged with a number of businesses and partners regarding potential investment decisions in the District which it is hoped will deliver positive outcomes in the coming months. AAP - J A 01 - We will support businesses investing in the district through the provision of comprehensive advice about District Council support and signpost to other agencies as appropriate On Track These include; discussions with Hain Celestial which has recently submitted planning applications for future investment in their facilities at Fakenham which will safeguard existing jobs at the plant and support up to 150 new positions; providing advice to a number of developers which have proposed investment in new retail proposals in the district, which have resulted in proposals for new stores in Holt, North Walsham and Wells; and continuing to work with companies taking forward investment in the offshore wind energy sector including SCIRA and Warwick Energy. On other sites / locations, the authority is trying to unlock sites with long-term infrastructure constraints such as the former General Trailers site at North Walsham and the Tattersett Business Park site in the west of the district. Further the Council has offered advice and support for emerging proposals for the future economic development related investment at the former RAF Coltishall site. Page 2 of 36 Steve Blatch Corporate Director Activity AAP - J A 02 - We will work with partners to develop and deliver a programme of business start up support AAP - J A 03 - Working in partnership we will maximise the opportunities for investment in the district through the development of allocated town centre retail sites. AAP - J A 04 - We will seek to maximise the opportunities for the district to benefit from investment in renewable energy developments off the North Norfolk Coast AAP - J A 05 - We will work with regional partners to realise the benefits of Rural Growth Network status for North Norfolk AAP - J A 06 - We will support the North Norfolk Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) in delivering projects from the £2.4 million funding secured for the fishing sector Status On Track On Track On Track Cancelled On Track Progress/ Action Note Report on North Norfolk Enterprise Scheme to be discussed at the September meeting of Cabinet Retail consultants appointed in respect of demand and feasibility for retail in North Walsham Town centre. Development Management and Planning Policy undertaking discussions with developers and landowners in a range of towns in which opportunities exist. Property consultants appointed, initially to establish options and a strategy for interventions in North Walsham which will apply to other locations later, as appropriate Report to Cabinet on Offshore Renewable Energy Sector presented to June meeting of Cabinet. Meeting with Warwick Energy scheduled for September following licence for the Dudgeon Offshore Wind Energy proposal being granted consent in June. Officer Responsible Robin Smith Economic and Tourism Development Manager Robert Young Coast and Community Partnerships Manager Steve Blatch Corporate Director In March 2012 the Government announced the allocation of the funding for Rural Growth Networks. Norfolk was not successful. Steve Blatch Corporate Director The FLAG Board met on three occasions during Q1 and has received 23 expressions of interest for potential projects, 4 projects proposed and endorsed for support by the FLAG board during the quarter seeking grant funds of approx. £100,000 from the FLAG programme are currently awaiting final approval by the Marine Management Organisation. Robin Smith Economic and Tourism Development Manager Page 3 of 36 Activity Status AAP - J A 07 - We will actively pursue all options in order to ensure the future development and operation of an Enterprise Hub for North Norfolk as a platform for improving levels of business start up and enterprise Not Started Progress/ Action Note This activity will be progressed in Q3. Officer Responsible Head of Community & Economic Development B) Improving the job prospects of our residents by developing a skilled and adaptable workforce that is matched to business growth and development Activity AAP - J B 01 - Through the Council's Learning for Everyone (L4E) Team we will provide information, advice and guidance to local people wishing to enter employment or improve their levels of skills and raise aspiration AAP - J B 02 - The L4E team will offer bespoke programmes of advice and support to people faced with redundancy from local companies as and when such events occur AAP - J B 03 - The L4E team will also engage with existing and new employers in the district to understand their future workforce requirements and co-ordinate provision of relevant training courses to secure employment within the district Status On Track On Track On Track Progress/ Action Note In the first quarter of 2012/13 we have engaged with 124 unemployed people. Of these 50 had no qualifications and 12 had degrees. We continue to work with Victory Housing on their bespoke support package. A number of redundancies are affecting the District with Cromer Crab being by far the most significant. Learning 4 Everyone continues to work with the client group and many are finding new work. Courses are being organised to equip individuals with key employability skills. Working with the North Norfolk Business Forum, a report has been written offering a snapshot of current business skills needs. This will inform a training programme for the rest of the 2012/13 year. Page 4 of 36 Officer Responsible John Morgan - Nth Nfk Learning & Skill Project Manager John Morgan - Nth Nfk Learning & Skill Project Manager John Morgan - Nth Nfk Learning & Skill Project Manager Activity AAP - J B 04 - We will explore opportunities to work with local businesses and identify funding to support the provision of apprenticeships and work experience schemes with the aim of increasing the employment opportunities of young people in the district Status On Track Progress/ Action Note Negotiations have started to be involved with the successful bidder for the £3m County Council contract to promote Apprentices. Work is also underway to increase awareness of the standard Apprenticeship offer to the business community. A meeting is scheduled on 19 September with the National Apprenticeship Service to explore apprenticeship opportunities within the Council. Page 5 of 36 Officer Responsible John Morgan - Nth Nfk Learning & Skill Project Manager C) Reduce burdens to business by removing unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy at the local level Activity AAP - J C 01 - We will develop a comprehensive package of support and provide information to simplify the process for businesses looking to invest in North Norfolk AAP - J C 02 - We will ask users of our training, business support and advice services for their feedback and improve future service delivery to meet business needs AAP - J C 03 - We will review our procurement policies to maximise the opportunities to source goods and services locally AAP - J C 04 - We will work with partners to roll out BDUK's £60m Norfolk Broadband Initiative across North Norfolk Status On Track Not Started Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible Support has been provided to a number of developers / investors re proposals being developed in the district (see activity AAP – JA01 above), with the Council’s actions being co-ordinated, key officer contacts being identified so that there is corporate understanding of proposals and timely and good quality advice provided. Further work will be progressed to develop the Council’s web pages to support inward investment in the coming months Steve Blatch Corporate Director This activity will be progressed in Q3 Robin Smith Economic and Tourism Development Manager On Track A 'Local Sourcing' conference was held earlier in the year at Bodham which the Council played a lead role in. A guide to public sector procurement for small and micro businesses has also been produced following the conference. The actual policy changes are to be undertaken later in the year when the Procurement Strategy is updated. Duncan Ellis Procurement Officer Not Started The project is yet to deliver on the ground, but preparatory work and procurement is being progressed by Norfolk County Council involving regular with district Economic Development officers Robin Smith Economic and Tourism Development Manager Page 6 of 36 Activity AAP - J C 05 - We will review all of our business regulatory functions to ensure we are focused on local business need. D) Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible Not Started This work is planned to start in autumn 2012 and the Environmental Health Service is already undertaking this review across the Licensing, Environmental Protection and Commercial Teams. It is anticipated that the regulatory function within Planning will be picked up in the planned Peer Review and other areas, as planned during the autumn. Nick Baker Corporate Director, Steve Blatch Corporate Director Promote a positive image of North Norfolk as a premier visitor destination Activity Status Progress/ Action Note AAP - J D 01 - We will develop and implement new marketing initiatives which use digital and remote technology to promote North Norfolk to visitors and tourists Progressing to plan Various options are still being looked at for further consideration before final decision is made for implementation. Progressing to plan A Cabinet Report is currently being prepared to present the proposed business plan of the new DMO and to recommend the resources and financial support that the Council can offer in the next three years of their operation AAP - J D 02 - We will support and facilitate the establishment of a private sector led Destination Management Organisation (DMO) for the North Norfolk coast and countryside to maintain the profile of the district as a leading tourist destination within the UK boosting levels of employment and income for the district Page 7 of 36 Officer Responsible Jose Socao Economic & Tourism Development Officer Robin Smith Economic and Tourism Development Manager E) Improve access to funding for businesses Activity Status AAP - J E 01 - We will support the roll-out of the Coastal Pathfinder and Fishing Sector Business Loans and Grant Schemes and Not consider the opportunities of extending these programmes across Started a larger area AAP - J E 02 - Working with the North Norfolk Business Forum, other representative local groups, regional partners and financial services companies we will seek to ensure that small and medium sized enterprises have improved access to investment finance to support business growth and development across the district Not Started Progress/ Action Note Review of Coastal Pathfinder loans and grants to be undertaken in Q3 prior to considering options for wider roll out across the district Report to be prepared for consideration by Cabinet in November 2012 outlining proposal for launch from April 2013 Officer Responsible Robin Smith Economic and Tourism Development Manager Robin Smith Economic and Tourism Development Manager Housing and Infrastructure What we want to achieve: Everyone in North Norfolk should have the opportunity to buy or rent a decent home at a price they can afford, in a community where they want to live and work What we are doing and how we are achieving it: Page 8 of 36 Activities A) Engage constructively with landowners and developers of sites allocated for future development to ensure the timely delivery of well-planned new residential developments Activity Status AAP - H A 01 - We will bring forward detailed proposals on allocated sites by better engagement with developers On Track AAP - H A 02 - We will produce development briefs on 4 of the allocated sites On Track AAP - H A 03 - We will seek to increase the number of new homes built of all tenures to 250 On Track Progress/ Action Note Advice is being provided by the Major Applications Team to developers of a number of allocated sites where applications have been received or pre-application consultation has been undertaken / is proposed – including sites at Blakeney; Horning; Roughton Road, Cromer; Stalham; Norwich Road, North Walsham A schedule of stalled sites has been prepared and the reasons for delay in development will be established through a wider review of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). Draft brief prepared for Fakenham site allocation (F01) and subject to public consultation March - May 2012. Reported to PPBHWP 23rd July when approval deferred pending receipt of Transport Impact Assessment and Green Infrastructure Strategy. Draft Brief prepared for Stalham site allocation (ST01) and subject to public consultation July 2012. Reported to PPBHWP 20th August 2012 when delegated authority to approve was granted subject to no adverse comments on Transport Assessment by County Highways. A number of actions in the Housing Strategy (Housing and Infrastructure) adopted by Full Council on 25 July 2012 relate to the achievement of this activity. Page 9 of 36 Officer Responsible Mark Ashwell - Planning Policy & Property Info Manager Mark Ashwell - Planning Policy & Property Info Manager Head of Community & Economic Development, Steve Blatch - Corporate Director B) Introduce more flexibility around the Council’s requirement for affordable housing to ensure the viability of residential developments Activity Status AAP - H B 01 - We will undertake a complete review of our housing strategy to ensure that we take full advantage of opportunities within the Localism Act and are maximising our influence over housing growth. On Track AAP - H B 02 - We will evaluate our approach to viability assessments to maximise development opportunities. On Track Progress/ Action Note The first of a three part Housing Strategy was adopted by Full Council on 25 July 2012. The second and third parts of the strategy are scheduled to be considered by Cabinet in September and October 2012. This forms part of the housing strategy action plan and is due to be completed by December 2012. Officer Responsible Head of Community & Economic Development, Steve Blatch - Corporate Director Sheila Oxtoby - Chief Executive C) Respond to emerging legislation that will empower local communities to promote additional development should they so wish and work with those communities to ensure that they share in the benefits of growth Activity AAP - H C 01 - We will encourage the development of neighbourhood planning by supporting Holt Town Council in a pilot scheme to produce a neighbourhood plan. Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible On Track A draft Project Plan has been discussed with Holt Town Council but as yet there is no local agreement on the potential content and timetable for Plan production. Mark Ashwell - Planning Policy & Property Info Manager Page 10 of 36 Activity AAP - H C 02 - We will encourage further neighbourhood plans to be developed by holding a neighbourhood planning seminar for town and parish councils. Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible Completed Successfully Seminar for Parish Councils held on 25th April 2012; follow up discussions with 6 town / parish councils on process, benefits, and outcomes. Mark Ashwell - Planning Policy & Property Info Manager D) Create a charging framework for infrastructure development to secure the investment required to balance population growth with the provision of high quality local services Activity AAP - H D 01 - We will consult and then obtain agreement on a charging schedule to achieve investment in new infrastructure Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible On Track Consultants appointed to undertake Infrastructure and Viability Assessments which will be required as evidence to support CIL charging schedule which is programmed for consultation in early 2013. Mark Ashwell – Planning Policy & Property Info Manager Page 11 of 36 E) Reduce the number of empty homes in the district Activity AAP - H E 01 - We will undertake and evaluate a pilot Compulsory Purchase Order project to bring long term empty homes back into use Status Progress/ Action Note On Track The CPO process was commenced on 3 properties as part of the pilot. One of the properties was sold and according to Council Tax occupied although the occupation is disputed by a neighbour. Notices have been served by the Planning Department to seek improvement to 2 of the 3 properties and some improvement works have been undertaken although there are ongoing complaints regarding the state of one of the properties. A joint visit has been undertaken on one of the properties by Housing Services and Environmental Health which has resulted in improvement works being commissioned with agreed contributions from neighbours. Action is ongoing to seek occupation of 2 of the 3 properties and consideration of further action in respect of the property that is occupied. A formal review of the actions taken has commenced and will provide learning to inform the development of an ongoing programme of enforcement activity. Page 12 of 36 Officer Responsible Karen Hill Housing Services Manager Activity AAP - H E 02 - We will support owners to bring at least 40 empty homes back into use and provide opportunities to do so through advertising of private rented properties and the Empty Homes matching service. Where owners are reluctant to bring properties back into use, take enforcement action as required. Status Progress/ Action Note Work on reducing empty homes has started. However, the new Revenues and Benefits system has meant that access to data on empty homes is no longer available (this has been discussed with Council Tax and a new report providing information has been requested). Existing data held is now out of date, leading to a hold on progressing work until updated data is available. Work will restart shortly and a new Empty Homes Procedure is being developed as part of the Housing Strategy. Some problems Officer Responsible Nicola Turner Enabling Team Leader Coast, Countryside and Built Heritage What we want to achieve: A district where the beautiful natural environment and built heritage is valued and protected for future generations and where the coastline is defended against erosion wherever practicable. What we are doing and how we are achieving it: Activities A) Maintain the integrity of special landscape designations and balance the development of housing and economic activity with the need to preserve the character and quality of the District’s countryside and built heritage Page 13 of 36 Activity Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible AAP - C A 01 - We will assess and implement requirements for a new Green Flag award at Sadlers Wood, North Walsham and work to retain the Green Flag status of Holt Country Park Completed Successfully Sadler's Wood has successfully been awarded the Green Flag. This is in addition to Holt Country Park which has now been awarded the Green Flag eight years in succession. Karl Read - Leisure & Cultural Services Manager AAP - C A 02 - We will promote the Graham Allen Award and monitor the number of applications received. On Track Judging on 2nd August. AAP - C A 03 - We will complete or review 4 Conservation Area plans, in Cromer, Sheringham, Walsingham and Wells Postponed or delayed Pressure of commitment to Development Management delaying progress; OS licensing issues for plans also causing hold ups. AAP - C A 04 - We will work with other agencies to retain all of the District's Blue Flag beach status Completed Successfully AAP - C A 05 - We will achieve zero defaults in our waste contract for cleanliness Failed AAP - C A 06 - We will ensure all reported fly-tips are responded to within 2 working days Some problems All Blue Flags have now been awarded at Sheringham, Cromer, Mundesley and Sea Palling beaches. East Runton has also been awarded the Quality Coast Award. 13 defaults issued to contractor for cleansing related failures in Q1 2012/13. A contract Improvement Plan is currently being agreed with our contractor and a separate briefing note is was attached to the Sept 2012 cabinet report is report. Action Steve Hems There are still some issues with the response time of the contractor dealing with flytipping on public land. These will also be addressed through the contract Improvement Plan. Page 14 of 36 Philip Godwin Conservation Design & Landscape Manager Philip Godwin Conservation Design & Landscape Manager Karl Read - Leisure & Cultural Services Manager Steve Hems/Barry Brandford Environmental Services Manager Steve Hems - Head of Environmental Health B) Design a more cohesive framework for coastline management Activity Status AAP - C B 01 - We will define the Coastal Zone (ICZM) and agree consultation mechanisms with partners AAP - C B 02 - We will identify specific ICZM projects and identify the means of funding On Track On Track Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible Emerging approach under development and will be recommended to Cabinet in Sept 2012. To be developed and priorities following endorsement of coastal management approach. Robert Young - Coast and Community Partnerships Manager Rob Goodliffe - Coastal Pathfinder Programme Manager C) Continue to defend coastal settlements against erosion wherever practicable Activity AAP - C C 01 - We will commission design works for the Cromer Defence Scheme AAP - C C 02 - We will develop and adopt a prioritised programme for future 'Selected' Coastal Defence Work schemes AAP - C C 03 - We will identify Coastal funding opportunities to support the prioritised programme Status Progress/ Action Note On Track Indicative design completed for submission of Planning and Listed Building Consent applications (14 March 2012). Scheme contractor procurement reported to Cabinet (16 July 2012) and ‘URS’ consultants subsequently procured. Project Appraisal Report (PAR) presented to Environment Agency (27th June) and EA funding expected to be confirmed following planning consent. Brian Farrow Coastal Engineer On Track Cromer to Winterton Management Plan has been commissioned with Environment Agency funding and will assist in identifying funding gaps and work prioritisation. Brian Farrow Coastal Engineer On Track -Cromer to Winterton Management Plan will assist in identifying funding gaps. -Integrated coastal management approach will investigate funding opportunities. Brian Farrow Coastal Engineer Page 15 of 36 Officer Responsible Localism What we want to achieve: To embrace the Government’s localism agenda to empower individuals and communities to take more responsibility for their own futures and to build a stronger civic society What we are doing and how we are achieving it: Activities A) Recognise the important role that Town and Parish Councils have as the democratic embodiment of their communities Activity AAP - L A 01 - We will establish a protocol and put in place the means to respond positively to requests from Town and Parish Councils to take over the running of services within their area/communities to ensure that they share in the benefits of growth AAP - L A 02 - We will establish a regular dialogue with Town and Parish Councils and hold workshops for training and development in particular to encourage wide community participation in the democratic process Status On Track On Track Progress/ Action Note A draft community asset transfer policy has been considered by Cabinet and is now subject to a period of consultation. A process for consideration of community proposals under the Localism ‘Right to Challenge’ are under development and will be signposted on NNDC’s website. Meetings with Town Councils have been set up and workshops with Parish Councils are being arranged. A Community Engagement Framework is being developed and the website is being updated to signpost support and promote participation. Page 16 of 36 Officer Responsible Robert Young - Coast and Community Partnerships Manager Robert Young - Coast and Community Partnerships Manager Activity Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible The work of the North Norfolk Health Improvement Forum has continued with increased partnership working across the health and wellbeing area. From the Forum, the following projects have been developed: AAP - L A 03 - We will work with Town and Parish Councils, local organisations and community and On voluntary groups to improve health and wellbeing Track consistent with the aims of the Health and Wellbeing Board Further work is planned around helping older people to stay warm during winter which will include local community and voluntary groups. We are working with other organisations to amalgamate the Supporting People agenda in North Norfolk, to drive this down to a more local level. The activity referral scheme from GPs to our leisure facilities has been very successful with DC Leisure now having enough work from this for 1FTE An initial meeting has been held with the new North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Further meetings are planned with the CCG and Broadland DC to identify joint working opportunities and health initiatives. Page 17 of 36 Nick Baker Corporate Director, Sonia Shuter - Health Improvement Officer B) Encourage communities to develop their own vision for their future and help them to deliver it Activity AAP - L B 01 - We will encourage the development of neighbourhood plans by taking the Holt Neighbourhood Plan as a model including holding a seminar on neighbourhood planning for town and parish councils (See also action to deliver Housing and Infrastructure) AAP - L B 02 - We will commission work through a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for community planning and for community and voluntary sector capacity building AAP - L B 03 - Subject to guidance, we will assess expressions of interest from voluntary or community groups who wish to take over the running of a service and / or community asset, and complete the initial assessment within six weeks of receiving the request Status Completed Successfully On Track Progress/ Action Note Officers have attended meetings with Holt Town Council to discuss project plan. Seminar for Parish Councils held on 25th April 2012; follow up discussions have taken place with 6 town / parish councils on process, benefits, and outcomes. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) has been developed for ‘Voluntary Norfolk’ to provide support for the voluntary and community sector. The Big Society Fund has been established to assist in the development of community projects that help build community cohesion and develop capacity (see AAP – L C 02) Officer Responsible Mark Ashwell Planning Policy & Property Info Manager Robert Young - Coast and Community Partnerships Manager, Sonia Shuter - Health Improvement Officer Nick Baker - Corporate Director, Sheila Oxtoby - Chief Executive, Steve Blatch Corporate Director Not Started Page 18 of 36 Activity AAP - L B 04 - We will work with the key organisations with an interest in North Walsham to implement the actions and interventions identified through the 'Leadership of Place' project. AAP - L B 05 - We will utilise our resources, statutory powers and influence to realise opportunities for North Walsham town centre AAP - L B 06 - We will respond positively to communities wishing to undertake projects locally Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible Consultants engaged to undertake Retail and Leisure Demand, Feasibility and Capacity Study – due to report October On Track On Track On Track Consultants engaged to provide advice on possible contribution of NNDC’s assets to facilitate investment in North Walsham due to report towards end of year Undertaken investment in resurfacing / lining Mundesley Road and Vicarage Street car parks in North Walsham; provision of new public toilets on Vicarage Street Car Park and development of action plan re No.4 Market Street Expressions of interest for local communities to initiate, develop and manage projects have been received and discussions are on-going (e.g. in relation to assets in Cromer and Fakenham). The Big Society Fund has been established and is supporting the development of local community projects (see AAP – L C 02) Page 19 of 36 Steve Blatch Corporate Director Steve Blatch Corporate Director Nick Baker - Corporate Director, Sheila Oxtoby - Chief Executive, Steve Blatch Corporate Director Activity AAP - L B 07 - We will work with communities to identify the current and future social, economic and environmental needs of their resident population and support them to identify and implement local, innovative and creative solutions AAP - L B 08 - We will draft and consult on a communication and engagement framework C) Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible Progressing to plan Community Engagement Framework currently being developed which will ensure greater proactive engagement with Town and Parish Councils, community groups and local communities to identify needs and issues. Voluntary and Community Sector Support Service Level Agreement will report on issues community groups facing. Multi agency and community workshop taken place in response to issue of rural isolation. Exploring opportunities for joint working with Broadland District Council on the "Grow Your Own Community" initiative Robert Young - Coast and Community Partnerships Manager On Track Community Engagement Framework currently being developed, interested parties will be involved in setting its direction, which will include communications issues and be consulted upon Head of Community & Economic Development, Steve Blatch - Corporate Director Encourage the growth of The Big Society within communities Activity AAP - L C 01 - We will review services and ensure that the Council's activities are not competing inappropriately with or stifling alternative provision Status Not Started Page 20 of 36 Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible This activity is not due to start until later in 2012/13. Nick Baker - Corporate Director, Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive, Steve Blatch - Corporate Director Activity Status AAP - L C 02 - We will launch and monitor a community investment fund, to be known as The Big Society Fund to invest £450,000 in local communities, strengthen civic society, and establish the process for determining priorities for expenditure Progressing to plan AAP - L C 03 - We will ensure that work with statutory, voluntary and community organisations contributes to the aims of the Big Society agenda. On Track Progress/ Action Note Fund launched in April Norfolk Community Foundation is administering the application process and the first round of awards were made in June/July (supporting 17 projects amounting to £139,776). The next round of applications will be determined in September. Through the SLA's developed and the prospectus for the Big Society Fund we are targeting funding and support as appropriate. Officer Responsible Robert Young - Coast and Community Partnerships Manager, Sonia Shuter Health Improvement Officer Robert Young - Coast and Community Partnerships Manager Delivering the Vision What we want to achieve: We will make the Council more efficient so that we can deliver our priorities and offer value for money for local taxpayers What we are doing and how we are achieving it: Page 21 of 36 Activities A) Ensure our governance arrangements are robust and fit for purpose Activity AAP - V A 01 - The Audit Committee will oversee a review programme to ensure that audit coverage reflects the risks facing the Council and produce a revised annual audit plan for 2013/14 onwards AAP - V A 02 - We will set and achieve 100% compliance with deadlines agreed with Internal Audit for recommendations rated as Medium and High Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible On track There is a rolling audit programme agreed for the next 3 years which is regularly reviewed by the Audit Committee. Karen Sly - Head of Financial Services Some problems AAP - V A 03 - We will implement the revised performance management framework Progressing to plan AAP - V A 04 - We will review and update the Council's constitution On track Reminders being sent to all Officers with outstanding recommendations as at the end of July 2012 for action prior to reporting to PRMB on 14 September 2012. 3 further training sessions planned for August including session with CLT. First quarter progress report on delivery of the Annual Action Plan 2012/13 for Cabinet set up in the new Performance and Risk System. This work has already started and has a target date for completion of the end of September 2012. A meeting of the Constitution Working Party was held on 22 August 2012. Page 22 of 36 Karen Sly - Head of Financial Services Helen Thomas - Policy & Performance Management Officer, Julie Cooke - Head of Organisational Development David Johnson – Monitoring Officer B) Ensure that effective communications exist Activity AAP - V B 01 - We will make Outlook cost neutral Status On Track Progress/ Action Note The first issue to contain advertising was the Summer 2012 issue. It attracted a greater amount of advertising than expected for the first issue given the short promotional period and is on track to achieve cost neutrality by March 2013. The income from the first issue was £7,520 against costs of £11,853. The following activities were initiated during the first quarter: - AAP - V B 02 - We will identify the means of optimising media coverage of Council activities and initiatives and place the WEB at the heart of all we do On Track AAP - V B 03 - We will develop a Customer Access Strategy to ensure that the most economic, efficient and accessible forms of contact are in place for all our customers Not Started - Completed an effective recruitment campaign to fill the Communication Editor post and maternity cover for the Web Designer An assessment to understand the extent of data capture within the organisation to establish priorities Created a customer services improvement board. The initial meeting took place in June This activity is not due to start until later in 2012/13. Page 23 of 36 Officer Responsible Peter Battrick Communications Manager Estelle Packham Head of Customer Services Nick Baker Corporate Director C) Delivering strong and proportionate organisational management in the Council Activity Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible AAP - V C 01 - Deliver revised / streamlined management arrangements On track The review of management arrangements is ongoing. Appointments have been made to six Heads of Service posts. The remaining two Heads of Service posts are being advertised at the moment (August 2012). We are on track to achieve projected savings. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive D) Prioritise Services and Functions in line with the wishes of our communities and to deliver our corporate objectives Activity Status AAP - V D 01 - We will prioritise services and redirect resources in line with those priorities by completing fundamental reviews of services that residents have identified as the least important and that the Council does not consider to be a priority. Not Started This activity is not due to start until later in 2012/13. Nick Baker - Corporate Director, Sheila Oxtoby - Chief Executive, Steve Blatch - Corporate Director AAP - V D 02 - We will consult with the residents through a Place Survey. Not Started Need to prepare project brief and submit to CLT in September. Helen Thomas - Policy & Performance Management Officer Page 24 of 36 Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible E) Deliver year-on-year improvements in efficiency Activity AAP - V E 01 - We will support the implementation of the cost saving Revenues and Benefits shared services project Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible Some problems North Norfolk data conversion process achieved May 2012; significant early performance issues with IT infrastructure with Improvement Plan in place; strong project management team arrangements in place; 1st meeting of Joint Committee between BCKLWN and NNDC members held in July 2012; some decline in levels of performance resulting in increased processing times at present which is being monitored regularly. Steve Blatch – Corporate Director Page 25 of 36 Activity Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible Opportunities are being explored/reviewed/initiated in the following areas:AAP - V E 02 - We will identify potential partnership working opportunities and produce business cases On Track Page 26 of 36 Revenues and benefits Building control Planning peer review Options for coastal management Dual use sports centre North Walsham A review of the delivery model for the Tourist Information Centre’s in Wells, Holt and Sheringham has commenced. Discussions have taken place with the relevant Town Councils and other appropriate community groups. Proposals in relation to Sheringham and Wells are currently being considered. Nick Baker – Corporate Director, Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive, Steve Blatch - Corporate Director Activity Status Progress/ Action Note Officer Responsible AAP - V E 03 - We will devise and implement budgets to deliver a zero increase in the District Council's part of the Council Tax charge and ensure spend is contained within budgeted allocations On Track The detail of the 2013/14 budget along with future financial projections will produced during the autumn. The Financial Strategy for 2013/14 to 2015/16 will be produced for member consideration through Cabinet and Scrutiny in October. This will outline at a high level the projected forecast gaps taking into account the latest information available on the new funding regimes. Karen Sly - Head of Financial Services AAP - V E 04 - We will review the reward structures to encourage and reward staff, for finding innovative new ways to deliver higher quality services more efficiently Not Started Work on this activity is due to start in November 2012 Julie Cooke - Head of Organisational Development Page 27 of 36 Delivering the Annual Action Plan 2012/13 Quarterly Performance Management - Quarter 1 Appendix 2 – Reporting on Indicators and Measures Jobs and the Local Economy Indicators Name Reference Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Actual Number of businesses who access loans & grants under the Coastal Pathfinder scheme J 002 (Quarterly Cumulative) 6 5 The number of businesses assisted to retain jobs and/or increase employment each year. J 004 (Quarterly Cumulative) 6 16 Percentage of Loans fund that can be reapplied J 001 (Quarterly) Progress/ Action Note Successful applications were for grants in the last two quarters of this financial year. There is currently 1 loan application being considered for further discussion before coming to a final decision. Ongoing support is being provided to local businesses which have contacted the Economic Development team for assistance. The service includes business advice, training and signposting to other relevant providers. There is a meeting on 3rd September to discuss the whole programme and review this information. This will be reported in quarter 2. 20.0% Page 28 of 36 Measures Name Reference Quarter 1 Actual Number of economically active people assisted into work each year J 014 (Quarterly Cumulative) Rate of take up of new designated employment land J 005 (Annual) Trend/ Direction of Travel Progress/ Action Note We have a new contract to enable us to deliver support to the unemployed - Skills Support for the Unemployed. This will enhance our ability to support these people This measure was previously monitored by the County Council but it would appear that inconsistent baseline figures and methodology have been used. A revised baseline figure has been established as a basis for on-going monitoring. 17 Housing and Infrastructure Indicators Name Reference Number of development briefs produced on allocated sites H 003 (Quarterly Cumulative) Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Actual 2 2 Progress/ Action Note Draft Briefs prepared for sites at Stalham and Fakenham have been subject to public consultation. Page 29 of 36 Measures Name Reference Number of households H 005 from the housing (Quarterly register rehoused Cumulative) Number of affordable homes granted planning permission H 006 (Quarterly Cumulative) Affordable homes built H 007 (Quarterly Cumulative) Estimated worth (£) of investment secured in new infrastructure H 009 (Quarterly Cumulative) Quarter 1 Actual 106 0 8 Trend/ Direction of Travel Progress/ Action Note A request has been made to revise the quarterly target and over all rehoused target for this financial year and bring this in line with last year's figures. In quarter 1, 106 households were housed with a further 8 households who have been offered properties to which they are awaiting tenancy start dates. We propose reporting this figure in future based on the number of affordable houses granted planning permission through the development management committee or under delegation on a quarterly basis together with those approved through the issuing of planning decision notices (this figure may not be the same per quarter dependent on when Section 106 agreements are signed) Completions do not take place uniformly through the year and historically have been backloaded into quarters 3 and 4. Not sure of value of measuring direction of travel on a quarterly basis as this may not be meaningful. Need to agree methodology and point of measuring such investment - i.e. at time of approval, commencement on site; completion of development as for some schemes investment will be delivered over number of years. A briefing paper on this issue will be prepared for discussion with the next quarterly performance report. Page 30 of 36 Coast, Countryside and Built Heritage Indicators Name Reference Delegation of planning decisions C 001 (Quarterly Cumulative) 90% 93.59% Conservation Area plans that have been completed or reviewed C 003 (Quarterly Cumulative) 4 1 Target response time to fly tipping and all other pollution complaints (within 2 working days) C 007 (Quarterly) Number of pollution prosecutions C 011 (Quarterly Cumulative) Quarter 1 Target 100.00% Not applicable Quarter 1 Actual 89.74% 13 Progress/ Action Note Information not available at present. Will be available by September 2012. There were problems experienced with the response time of the contractor dealing with flytipping on public land in part due to the new waste contract changing established methods of working. These were addressed through contract meetings and improvements have been observed. Further monitoring is ongoing and through regular contract meetings further improvements are expected. Within the quarter there were 13 pollution cases which were investigated with a view to potential prosecution. Ten related to fly tipping, two to littering offences and one for failure to produce waste duty of care documentation. One littering case went to court and resulted in a not guilty verdict. Three cases are being progressed through Legal (one with a court date of 18th October). Five other cases resulted in warning letters being sent to those concerned. Page 31 of 36 Name Fixed penalty notices issued Number of rectifications issued to the contractor for cleansing Number of defaults in our waste contract for cleanliness Percentage of planning appeals allowed Reference C 008 (Quarterly Cumulative) Quarter 1 Target Not applicable C 012 (Quarterly) Quarter 1 Actual Progress/ Action Note Issued 4 fixed penalty notices in the quarter of these, 3 were for littering (all of which have been paid) and 1 for failure to produce duty of care documentation (not been paid and referred for prosecution). 4 There were 3 rectifications in relation to the sweeping of roads not being to the required standard. See briefing note. 3 C 009 (Quarterly) 0 13 C 013 (Quarterly) 0 57.1% Processing of MAJOR planning applications (within 17 weeks) C 004 (Monthly Cumulative) 60% 33.33% Processing of MINOR planning applications (within 8 weeks) C 005 (Monthly Cumulative) 72.00% 37.39% 13 defaults issued to contractor for cleansing related failures in Q1 2012/13. A review of performance standards is currently being undertaken. 7 appeal decisions. 3 allowed, 2 part allowed and 2 dismissed. (1 appeal allowed was the Dudgeon cable route application) 3 applications dealt with. Same percentage dealt with for 13 or 17 week period. This reflects the often controversial and complex nature of such applications. Time has to be taken to ensure decisions are sound and negotiations are often entered into to achieve improved outcomes. 115 applications dealt with. The level of performance is a reflection of the resources currently available to deal with the number of applications received. Resources for the Development Management Service currently subject of consideration. LGA Planning Peer Challenge being arranged for Qtr 3. Page 32 of 36 Name Processing of OTHER planning applications Reference C 006 (Monthly Cumulative) Quarter 1 Target 80.00% Quarter 1 Actual 52.86% Progress/ Action Note 210 applications dealt with. The level of performance is a reflection of the resources currently available to deal with the number of applications received. Resources for the Development Management Service currently subject of consideration. LGA Planning Peer Challenge being arranged for Qtr 3. Localism Measures Name Number of grants awarded to local communities from the Big Society Fund Amount of funding investment in community projects (from the Big Society Fund) Reference Quarter 1 Actual L 005 (Quarterly Cumulative) 17 L 006 (Quarterly Cumulative) 139,776 Trend/ Direction of Travel Progress/ Action Note All grants in round 1 (including those awarded by Cabinet on 16 July 2012) Grant applications and awards for first round were within anticipated limits. Need to monitor and take appropriate action to metre out the funding across the year. Delivering the Vision Indicators Page 33 of 36 Name Reference Percentage of (Medium Priority) audit recommendations completed on time V 001 (Quarterly Cumulative) Percentage of (High Priority) audit recommendations completed on time V 002 (Quarterly Cumulative) Percentage of audit days delivered V 004 (Quarterly Cumulative) Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Actual 80.0% 100.0% 38% Progress/ Action Note Reporting of follow ups by Deloittes will not be completed until October 2012. 100% 2012/13 - no high priority recommendations have been raised. Previous Years - All high priority recommendations for previous financial years have been implemented (refer to Audit Committee June 2012 - Status of Agreed Audit Recommendations due to implementation by 31 March 2012) n%202012/NNDC%20Follow%20Up%20Report%20for%20201112%20_06%2006%2012_.pdf Based on the annual plan as at the end of July 61.5 days had been delivered against the planned 81 days for the same period (target 38%). Additional 2.5 days delivered of extra 14 days agreed. 100.0% 29.0% Measures Name Reference Working Days Lost Due to Sickness Absence (Whole Authority) V 007 (Quarterly Cumulative) Quarter 1 Actual Trend/ Direction of Travel Progress/ Action Note This is an excellent result for the first quarter and compares well to previous years. There were 5 cases of long term sick of which 2 have returned to work. 1.12 Page 34 of 36 Name Level of overspend/ (underspend) £/% Level of overspend/ (underspend) £/% by new service groupings Service Group Total Reference V 008 (Quarterly Cumulative) Assets, Coastal Defence & Leisure Community and Economic Development Corporate Services Customer Services V 005 (Quarterly Cumulative) Quarter 1 Actual £ % Progress/ Action Note (134,037) (4.0%) Information on the budget monitoring position will be reported to Cabinet in September for the first four months of the 2012/13 financial year. This will also include an update to the high level savings not yet allocated to services. (84,619) (9.0%) Includes a number of variances including car parking (additional income), vacant posts not yet filled. (15,279) (8.0%) No major variances. 4,666 3.0% No major variances. (53,098) (14.0%) 73,906 41.0% (4,758) (1.0%) Development Management Environmental Health Trend/ Direction of Travel Page 35 of 36 Underspends in relation to vacant posts and income received for the "your choice" work which has not yet been offset by costs. Profiled overspend to date due to a shortfall in income from planning applications. Service remains optimistic that this position will turnaround pending some larger applications anticipated over the coming months. No major variances. Name Service Group Financial Services Organisational Development Savings to be identified Reference Quarter 1 Actual £ % (210,916) (19.0%) 30,913 3,278.0% 125,148 100.0% Trend/ Direction of Travel Progress/ Action Note One-off grant received to assist with the implementation costs of new localised council tax scheme. External audit costs not yet invoiced for 2011/12. Variance largely reflects invoices not yet issued for recovery of costs in relation to elections. See budget monitoring report for detail. Note: Quarter 1 result for overspend/ (underspend) reflects the variance of the actual to the profiled budget (in this case to the end of period 4) Key Improving compared to the same time period last year Static/stable compared to the same time period last year Worsening compared to the same time period last year Page 36 of 36 Appendix 3 Briefing Paper – Performance Management Report Introduction This paper offers some explanation as to the data presented in the Performance Management Report Cleansing Performance Data Target 0 Defaults Actual 13 Defaults The issue of Defaults under the contract between the Council and Kier is at the discretion of the Supervising Officer. These can be issued for two reasons a) Irredeemable Breach (Overflowing Litter Bins) b) Failure to comply with a Rectification (An instruction to remedy a defect in a specified time – sweep a street clean) The information on Rectifications and Defaults for 2012 is shown below The increase shown in Defaults for April and May relate to the failure to maintain standards during Easter and May Bank Holidays in particular, most relating to bins which were found to be overflowing. Officers are working at weekends and Bank Holidays to ensure that standards are monitored. The source of Rectifications is shown below and these indicate a pattern. Reasons for the changes pattern in both terms of Rectifications and Defaults are that as pressure on resources within the Kier contract are applied to a particular service area or where the service requirements increase, such as Bank Holiday, targeted inspection by the council, increased tourism result in some resources being diverted. Diversion of resources can affect the standards achieved positively and negatively. The level of resources applied is a matter for Kier along with their deployment to achieve the outcomes required by the contract. Evidence is shown through Rectifications on Town Centre Cleansing and Pavement Sweeping, inspection and the use of Rectifications was considered necessary early in the year ensure that standards were achieved, similar action was taken in July with regard to public toilet cleaning. The intervention has been effective. Actions Stabilisation of the performance of the contract with clear measurable objectives has been discussed in detail with Kier along, with the reassignment of resources, including changing road sweeper models, has been ongoing and will form part of the Improvement Plan for the year which will be formally presented to Cabinet in October. Conclusion The overall standard achieved under the contract is acceptable when judged as a whole with identifiable areas for improvement in key tasks and at key times (coastal litter bins at weekends and peak tourist season). The achievements for the Olympic Torch Relay show the quality that can be achieved in cleansing and generated positive comments from many quarters.