Record of Executive Decisions taken under Delegated Authority Cabinet meeting date (if applicable) 6th Jan 2015 Updated – March 2016 Authorising Officer / Portfolio Holder Nick Baker Corporate Director Details of decision Reason for decision Date actioned 1) Agrees in principle to the transfer of the TIC and public conveniences, as detailed within the report, to the NNR. 2) Delegates authority to the relevant Corporate Director and s151 Officer, after discussion with the Portfolio holder for Assets, to finalise negotiations and prepare and sign the necessary contractual documents with the NNR regarding the transfer of the services. 3) Recommends to Full Council, as part of the budget setting process: a) provision of a capital budget, to allow the transfer of services to progress, to be funded by capital resources an additional one off revenue budget of £6,150 to cover provision of temporary public convenience facilities and b) signage, to be funded from the Invest to Save Reserve 4) That any additional costs relating to staffing are also met from the Invest to Save Reserve To finalise the proposals received following the tender process. 8 Jan 2015 To provide for the relevant property, financial and service contracts to be developed, thus ensuring security of the Council’s position. To allow for the relevant budgetary decisions to be made regarding the future provision of the services being considered. Record of Executive Decisions taken under Delegated Authority Cabinet meeting date Authorising Officer / Portfolio Holder Nicola Turner Details of decision Reason for decision Date actioned Agreement to waive the Section 157 restriction on 11 Sandy Lane , Fakenham 19 Jan 2015 N/a Duncan Ellis Head of Assets & Leisure Land at adjacent to 20A Weston Terrace, Sheringham N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development Signing of a Legal Agreement between NNDC and operators of Bacton Gas Terminal in relation to the Joint Bacton to Walcott Coastal Study. N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development Adjustment to the terms and conditions of the Coastal Measured Term Contract with Renosteel to enable the purchase of the property by Ms Daniel, Ms Daniel does not meet the terms of the Section 157 Restriction as she has not lived or worked in Norfolk for 3 years immediately preceding the purchase. Power exercised: This is requested in respect of the grant of a Deed of Easement to an adjoining third party ownership for access over District Council land in return for a capital sum. The signing of the legal agreement between NNDC and the Bacton Terminal Operators will enable the delivery of a joint coastal study to develop an approach to be made to national government in order to seek assistance in delivering a unified coastal management approach for the coastal frontage of Bacton Terminal, Bacton and Walcott. Following a recent audit a recommendation from the auditors has been received in relation to the monitoring of this contract. This Delegated Authority has been produced to allow the terms and conditions of N/a Updated – March 2016 05 Feb 2015 09 Feb 2015 09 Feb 2015 Record of Executive Decisions taken under Delegated Authority the contract with Renosteel to be updated to reflect this recommendation and further information has been provided below. N/a 6 Oct 2014 Updated – March 2016 Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development Coast Protection Scheme Overstrand Gabion Repairs 530352 Coast Protection SchemeET4329 Sheringham West Promenade Seawall Stage 5 Following a competitive quotation process, to accept the lowest tender submitted by Renosteel Construction to undertake the design, tender and site supervision for the scheme. Works as described in the contract specification and accompanying drawings for the sum of £586,301.00 Following a competitive quotation process, to accept the lowest tender submitted by Canham Consulting to undertake the design, tender and site supervision for the scheme. Works as described in the scheme brief for the sum of £14,000.00 The construction works are programmed to be completed during 2015/16 financial year. Award of the construction contract in consultation with the Coastal Management portfolio holder. 10 Feb 2015 23 Feb 2015 Record of Executive Decisions taken under Delegated Authority The construction works are programmed to be started during the 2014/15 financial year and completed during 2015/16 financial year. N/a Paul Ingham Countryside & Parks Manager Thwaite Common Grazing 2015 This is requested in order to re-let the temporary grazing rights of the western part of Thwaite Common to the same grazier as 2014 on the same terms rather than advertising and seeking tenders for 2015. N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development Walcott Overtopping Alleviation Scheme The scope of the works is a joint 09 Mar 2015 venture project with NCC Highways and Walcott Parish Council for a surface water drainag e scheme to allow quicker recovery after overtopping. 3rd November 2014 Sheila Oxtoby, Chief Executive Sale of Council Offices to JD Wetherspoon To progress the sale of a council owned building to accommodate the proposals of J D Wetherspoon, enabling the Council to take forward discussions with existing occupiers of the building. N/a Duncan Ellis Head of Assets & Leisure Grant of a new six year excluded lease to a new tenant of Shellfish Seafood Stall, Melbourne Slope, Promenade, Cromer, NR27 Updated – March 2016 02 Mar 2015 27.03.2015 22 Apr 2015 Record of Executive Decisions taken under Delegated Authority Cabinet meeting date Authorising Officer / Portfolio Holder 3 Nov 2014 Details of decision Reason for decision Date actioned Exercise of the option agreement to acquire 4/4a Market Street, North Walsham This property has been a long term eyesore on a prominent site in the centre of North Walsham. 28 Apr 2015 Two years ago, Cabinet approved a range of property related actions in the hope of enabling development, but this development has not been forthcoming. Following enforcement action, the owner demolished the untidy buildings and the site is now hoarded. 2 December 2013 Nick Baker Corporate Director That £2,000 is released from the Enforcement Board Reserve for officers to attend an Enforcement Option Training for Empty Homes arranged to take place on 5 June. 8 June 2015 Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive Taxi Fees - to remove the cost of the test from the application fee charged for a new or renewal in respect of following types of vehicle: N/a Duncan Ellis Head of Assets & Leisure North Walsham Football Club Greens Road Recreation Ground, Greens Road North Walsham Updated – March 2016 The course will provide a good grounding in the broad range of legislation that can be applied to long term empty properties. The training will give delegates a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and how to use the legislation in a tactical way. To enable the effective running of the business as the new contract needed to start before the next available Cabinet meeting. 28 Apr 2014 Grant of a new 14 years 6 months lease to North Walsham Football Club, Greens Road Recreation Ground, Greens Road, North Walsham. 04 Jun 2015 28 Apr 2015 Record of Executive Decisions taken under Delegated Authority Cabinet meeting date N/a N/a Updated – March 2016 Authorising Officer / Portfolio Holder Duncan Ellis, Head of Assets & Leisure Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive Details of decision Reason for decision Date actioned To dispose of 2 x garages adjacent to 10 St Catherine’s Avenue, Catfield and one garage to the rear of 46 Nelson Road, Sheringham both forming parts of adjoining housing developments which were transferred to North Norfolk Housing Trust (Victory Housing Trust) as part of the housing stock transfer of 2006. To authorise settlement on behalf of the Council and signing and initialling of draft Settlement Agreement in respect of the Council's element of the class action bought against local authorities by APPS property search companies in respect of fees paid for property search data. It has subsequently been realised by VHT that these buildings were not, in error, included within the transfer, as other parts were. There was no historic reason as to why this did not take place and so it is agreed that these remaining parts will be transferred to VHT at their cost. 05.06.2015 NNDC is a defendant in proceedings bought by a group of Property Search Companies against 370 local authorities for refunds of fees paid to the Council to access land charges data. All local authorities are represented by a single firm of solicitors.In the litigation bought by one group of Property Search Companies, known as the APPS claim, the Claimants have agreed to settle the Council's element of the Claim on a no admission of liability basis for a figure of £63,987 .25p, although to secure settlement at this sum it is necessary for the Council to return and approve the draft Agreement by 16th June. 10 June 2015 Record of Executive Decisions taken under Delegated Authority Cabinet meeting date N/a Authorising Officer / Portfolio Holder Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive N/a Details of decision Reason for decision Date actioned Happisburgh Rock Realignment Following a competitive tender process, the lowest tender was submitted by Renosteel Construction Ltd. who will undertake the rock realignment works at Happisburgh. All as described in the Bill of Quantities and shown on the Drawings in the sum of £79,650.00 The works are programmed to be completed during 2015/16 financial year. 19.06.2015 Walcott/ Bacton Sea Flooding assessment Following an invitation to submit fee proposals, to accept the lowest tender submitted by MottMacdonald to undertake the Walcott/Bacton Sea Flooding Assessment and Options Appraisa l to an anticipated value of £5,500 + VAT. 19.06.2015 N/a Nicola Turner Cllr John Rest Agreement to waive s157 restriction to enable the purchase of a property in Colby. The agreement to waive the restriction is based upon the specifics of the case. 20.07.2015 N/a Duncan Ellis, Head of Assets & Leisure Grant of a lease renewal for a period of 10 years to the Ladybird pre-school nursery, Sheringham Renewal of lease for land and buildings 29.07.2015 Updated – March 2016 Record of Executive Decisions taken under Delegated Authority Cabinet meeting date Authorising Officer / Portfolio Holder Details of decision Reason for decision Date actioned N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £2500 to Liz@selbrigg Recommendation of BEST Panel 11.09.2015 Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £1500 to Equestaff Recommendation of BEST Panel 11.09.2015 Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £2235 to Finch Garden Design Recommendation of BEST Panel 11.09.2015 Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £1271.25 to Beverley Laura Animal Portraits Recommendation of BEST Panel 11.09.2015 Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development Nicola Turner BEST Grant award of £2500 to Salisbury House Bed & Breakfast Recommendation of BEST Panel 11.09.2015 Agreement to waive s157 restriction on a property to enable the purchase. The agreement to waive the restriction is based upon the specifics of the case. 23.06.2015 Cllr John Rest N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a Updated – March 2016 Record of Executive Decisions taken under Delegated Authority N/a Karen Sly, Head of Finance To approve the award of the insurance contract to Zurich Municipal for a period of 3 years. Procurement undertaken jointly with South Norfolk and Great Yarmouth BC. 18 Sept 2015 N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £2,500 to the Sitting Room Recommendation of BEST Panel 03.11.2015 N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £2,500 to Fakenham Foot Care Recommendation of BEST Panel 03.11.2015 N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £2,500 to ONKK Ltd Recommendation of BEST Panel 03.11.2015 N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £1,500 to Devon Dave’s Hotrod, Classic & Custom Car Restoration Recommendation of BEST Panel 03.11.2015 N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £2,500 to Lauren Drake Recommendation of BEST Panel 03.11.2015 N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £2,500 to Fakenham Foot Care Recommendation of BEST Panel 03.11.2015 Updated – March 2016 Record of Executive Decisions taken under Delegated Authority N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £2,469 to Norfolk Vintage Caravans Recommendation of BEST Panel 03.11.2015 N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £1,479.75 to Juilo’s Café & take Away Recommendation of BEST Panel 03.11.2015 N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development BEST Grant award of £2,500 to Michael Cann Carpenter & Joiner Recommendation of BEST Panel 03.11.2015 N/a Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development Steve Hems Head of Environmental Health BEST Grant award of £2,,500 to G&T Typography Recommendation of BEST Panel 03.11.2015 Changes to waste facilities around the Broads in North Norfolk 04.01.2016 Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To appoint three people to the Independent Remuneration Panel Nick Baker Corporate Director Setting environmental services waste and cleansing service charges for 2016/17 Trafalgar Court Beach Access Remedial Works, Mundesley. Conditional delegation – to reduce costs for waste collection in line with neighbouring authorities To comply with the statutory requirement to appoint an independent panel to review Members allowances Fees and charges as part of the Budget process The acceptance of the lowest tender for the supply of goods or services where the contract price is less 15.02.2015 Council – 18 Nov 2015 Rob Young Head of Economy & Community Development Updated – March 2016 Following a competitive 05.02.2016 01.02.2016 Record of Executive Decisions taken under Delegated Authority Nicola Turner & Cllr John Rest Cabinet, Full Council Published in Members Bulletin, due to expire 6/03/2015. Updated – March 2016 Steve Blatch Corporate Director quotation process, to accept the ·lowest quotation submitted by Renosteel Construction Ltd to undertake work on the coastal cliff slope/base beach area together with work at the top end footpath in the sum of £15,750.00. than £50K subject to subsequent notification to all members. Agreement to allow the owner of 19 Park Road, Warham to use the property as a holiday let from 2 March 2015 up to 24 April 2017. The property is subject to the Section 157 restriction and the letting of the property as a holiday property will not therefore meet the terms of the restriction as the occupiers are unlikely to have any connection to Norfolk as is required by the restriction. Cromer West Promenade Refurbishment works to Art Deco Block, Zig Zag Slope and Turrets The agreement to allow the temporary use of the dwelling has been made on the specific circumstances of the owner of the property. 02.03.2016 The restriction is not being removed and remains on the property. The scope of the works is the 1st phas e of planned reg eneration of Cromer West Promenade 14.03.2016