DRAFT Equality Objectives 2013 The following objectives are linked directly to the Annual Action Plan for 2013/14 and demonstrate the integration of equality into the day to day business of the Council. JOBS AND THE LOCAL ECONOMY What we want to achieve: A district with a thriving economy offering better jobs and prospects for local people. What we are going to do and how we will achieve it a. Working with education providers and business to promote the use of apprenticeships and the work carried out by the Learning for everyone team to seek to reduce the percentage of young unemployed people relative to the overall number of unemployed in the district HOUSING AND INFRASTRUCTURE What we want to achieve: Everyone in north Norfolk should have the opportunity to buy or rent a decent home at a price they can afford, in a community where they want to live and work What we are going to do and how we will achieve it a. Improve opportunities for vulnerable people to access suitable housing and to live independently for longer through implementation of the Disabled Facilities grant b. Through development of more smaller units of social housing and assisted relocation programme to support older people in larger houses to downsize to better suit their needs in response to the welfare reforms and better utilisation of housing stock through release of larger dwellings able to accommodate families c. By developing a number of fully wheelchair accessible social housing units COAST, COUNTRYSIDE AND BUILT HERITAGE What we want to achieve: A district where the beautiful natural environment and built heritage is valued and protected for future generations and where the coastline is defended against erosion wherever practicable What we are going to do and how we will achieve it a. Working with other agencies to retain three of the district’s Blue Flags for the quality of beaches and to achieve Quality Coast Awards. This will promote open spaces and beaches as being inclusive, accessible and low cost resources to be enjoyed by all LOCALISM What we want to achieve: To embrace the Government’s localism agenda to empower individuals and communities to take more responsibility for their own futures and to build a stronger civil society What we are going to do and how we will achieve it a. b. Implementation of Your Voice Support the implementation of ‘Your voice get involved’ (Facebook groups for 13-16 year olds) DELIVERING THE VISION What we want to achieve: We will make the Council more efficient so that we can deliver our priorities and offer value for money for local taxpayers What we are going to do and how we will achieve it a. Continuing to review our services to ensure they meet the needs of the local community and redirect resources in line with those priorities that residents have identified as important b. Through routine use of evidence based Equality Impact Assessments c. Increasing female and elderly participation rates in sports and leisure activities within the district We will monitor and review the following objectives and take appropriate action through partnership working: a. Protect vulnerable people, particularly people vulnerable to domestic abuse through (insert activity) b. Ensure everyone feels valued and respected in their local community through implementation of the Multi Agency Hate Crime Protocol