DATA RECONCILIATION AND INSTRUMENTATION UPGRADE. OVERVIEW AND CHALLENGES FOCAPO 2003. January 12-15, 2003 Miguel Bagajewicz University of Oklahoma OUTLINE • A LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE FROM ACADEMIA AND INDUSTRY HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE AREA OF DATA RECONCILIATION. • HUNDREDS OF ARTICLES AND THREE BOOKS HAVE BEEN WRITTEN. • MORE THAN 5 COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE EXIST. • ALTHOUGH A LITTLE YOUNGER, THE AREA OF INSTRUMENATION UPGRADE IS EQUALLY MATURE • ONE BOOK HAS BEEN WRITTEN OUTLINE • OBSERVABILITY AND REDUNDANCY • DIFFERENT TYPES OF DATA RECONCILIATION - Steady State vs. Dynamic - Linear vs. Nonlinear • GROSS ERRORS - Biased instrumentation, model mismatch and outliers - Detection, identification and size estimation • INSTRUMENTATION UPGRADE • SOME EXISTING CHALLENGES • INDUSTRIAL PRACTICE Simple Process Model of Mass Conservation f2 U1 f4 f1 f8 f6 f3 U2 f5 f1 - f2 - f3 = 0 f2 - f4 = 0 f3 - f5 = 0 f4 + f5 - f6 = 0 f6 - f7 =0 f7 - f8 - f9 = 0 f8 - f10 = 0 f9 - f11 = 0 U3 U4 f10 f7 f9 U5 f11 Material Balance Equations Variable Classification f2 U1 f4 f1 f8 f6 f3 U2 U3 f5 U4 f10 f7 f9 U5 f11 Measured (M) Variables Observable (O) Unmeasured (UM) Unobservable (UO) Variable Classification f2 U1 f4 f1 f8 f6 f3 U2 U3 f5 U4 f10 f7 f9 U5 f11 Redundant (R) Measured (M) Non-redundant (NR) Variables Observable (O) Unmeasured (UM) Unobservable (UO) Conflict among Redundant Variables f2 U1 f4 f1 f8 f6 f3 U2 f5 f1 - f7 =0 f1 – f8 – f11= 0 U3 U4 f10 f7 f9 U5 f11 Material Balance Equations Conflict Resolution ~ ~ Min [ f R − f R+ ] T QR−1 [ f R − f R+ ] Data reconciliation in s.t. its simplest form ~ ER fR = 0 Analytical Solution [ ( ~ f R = I − Q R E RT E R Q R E RT ) −1 ] E R f R+ Precision of Estimates If z = Γx, and the variance of x is Q, then the variance ~ of z is given by: Q = ΓQΓ T [ ( ~ f R = I − QR ERT ER QR ERT ) −1 ] ER f ~ + f NR = f NR ~ ~ ~ f O = CRO f R + C NRO f NR + R ( ~ QR , F = QR , F − QR , F C RT C R QR , F C RT ~ QNR , F = QNR , F ~ Q R ~ T QO = [C RO C SRO ] [C RO C SRO ] Q NR ) −1 C R QR , F Some Practical Difficulties • Variance-Covariance matrix is not Known • Process plants have a usually a large number of Tanks • Plants are not usually at Steady State • How many measurements is enough? Estimation of the VarianceCovariance Matrix. •Direct Approach •Indirect Approach Almasy and Mah (1984), Darouach et al., (1989) and Keller et al (1992) 1 n ~ f R , i = n ∑ f R ,i k k =1 ~ ~ 1 n ~ Cov ~ − f R ,i , f R , j = f f ∑ R ,i k R ,i f R , j k − f R , j n − 1 k =1 ( E R f R+ = r ) ( )( Cov ( r ) = E R QR E RT 1) Obtain r 2) Maximum likelihood estimate QR However, this procedure is not good if outliers are present. Robust estimators have been proposed (Chen et al, 1997) ) Tank Hold Up Measurements Level at t=t0 Level at t=t1 Pseudo-Stream Steady State formulations are used The procedure is based on the following assumptions: ~ ~ Min [ f R − f R+ ] T QR−1 [ f R − f R+ ] a) A normal distribution of measurement errors. b) A single value per variable. c) A “steady-state” system. a) Substantiated by the central limit theorem. b) Also valid for means. c) No plant is truly at “steady-state”. Process oscillations occur. Therefore, it is said that it is valid for a “pseudo-steady state” system” 110 ~ ER fR = 0 110 105 100 95 90 1 110 105 105 100 100 95 95 90 250 Tim e 90 1 Tim e 250 1 Tim e 250 Reconciliation of averages is equal to the average of reconciled values using dynamic data reconciliation (Bagajewicz and Jiang, 2000; Bagajewicz and Gonzales,2001). That is, there is no need to adjust the variance-covariance matrix for process variations. Dynamic Data Reconciliation Linear Case(after cooptation): { } ~ ~ ~ −1 ~ Min ∑ [ f Ri − f Ri+ ]T QRf−1[ f Ri − f Ri+ ] + [VRi − VRi+ ]T QRV [VRi − VRi+ ] ∀i ~ ~ dVR B = Af R dt ~ Cf R = 0 When B=I, the Kalman filter can be used. Dynamic Data Reconciliation { } ~ ~ ~ −1 ~ Min ∑ [ f Ri − f Ri+ ]T QRf−1[ f Ri − f Ri+ ] + [VRi − VRi+ ]T QRV [VRi − VRi+ ] ∀i ~ ~ dV R B = Af R dt ~ Cf R = 0 Difference Approach: Darouach, M. and M. Zasadzinski, 1991, Rollins, D. K. and S. Devanathan, 1993. ( ) ~ ~ ~ B VR ,i − VR ,i = AFR ,i ~ CFR ,i = 0 An algebraic system of equations follows. Integral Approach: Jiang and Bagajewicz, 1997. s f R ≈ ∑ α kR t k k =0 s BR [VR − VR 0 ] = BR ∑ ω t The technique estimates the coefficients of polynomials. k =0 R k +1 k +1 s = AR ∑ α kR t k =0 k + 1 k +1 Nonlinear Data Reconciliation N Min ∑ [ ~ x M (t k ) − z M ,k ]T Q −1 [ ~ x M (t k ) − z M ,k ] k =0 d~ x1 = g1 ( ~ x1 , ~ x2 ) dt g 2 (~ x1 , ~ x2 ) = 0 Applied in practice to steady state models with material, component and energy balances. In the dynamic case, orthogonal collocation was used (Liebmann et al, 1992) or linearization (Ramamurthi et al.,1993) or use of DAE (Albuquerque and Biegler, 1996). Gross Errors Types of Gross Errors 105 104 103 102 101 Biases Leaks (Model departures) True outliers Temperature 100 99 98 97 96 95 1 250 Ti m e 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 0 Tim e 250 Hypothesis Testing Global Test (Detection) γ = r ( E R QR E RT ) −1 r H 0 : µ RT ( E R QR E RT ) µ R = 0 H 1 : µ RT ( E R QR E RT ) µ R ≠ 0 Distributi on : Chi − Squared Nodal Test (Detection and Identification) Z =n N i 1/ 2 ri ( E R QR ERT ) ii H 0 : µ r = 0 H 1 : µ r ≠ 0 Distributi on : Normal Maximum Power versions of this test were also developed. Rollins et al (1996) proposed an intelligent combination of nodes technique Hypothesis Testing Principal Component (Tong and Crowe, 1995) Wr : matrix of eigenvectors of ( E R QR ERT ) Λr : matrix of eigenvalues of ( E R QR ERT ) pr = W T r pr ~ N (0, I ) H 0 : W T µ r = 0 H 1 : W T µ r ≠ 0 Distributi on : Normal Hypothesis Testing Measurement Test Z χLCT ~ fi − fi + = ~ (QR ) ii H 0 : φi − f i = 0 H 1 : φi − f i ≠ 0 Distributi on : Normal This test is inadmissible. Under deterministic conditions it may point to the wrong location. Hypothesis Testing Generalized Likelihood ratio λ = sup ∀i Pr{r H 1 } Pr {r H 0 } H 0 : µ r = 0 H 1 : µ r = bAei Distributi on : Chi − Squared exp{−0.5( r − bAei )T ( E R QE RT ) −1 ( r − bAei )} λ = sup exp{−0.5r T ( E R QE RT ) −1 r} ∀b ,i Leaks can also be tested. Gross Error Detection in Nonlinear Systems + Linearization + Estimates from solving the Nonlinear problem and the usual tests. + Nonlinear GLR (Renganathan and Narasimhan, 1999) OF ( no gross error assumed ) λ = sup i OF (ith gross error assumed ) Multiple Error Detection Serial Elimination Apply recursively the test and eliminate the measurement Serial Compensation Apply recursively the test, determine the size of the gross error and adjust the measurement Serial Collective Compensation Apply recursively the test, determine the sizes of all gross error and adjust the measurements Multiple Error Detection Unbiased Estimation One shot collective information of all possible errors followed by hypothesis testing. Bagajewicz and Jiang, 2000, proposed an MILP strategy based on this. Two distributions approach Assume that gross error have a distribution with larger variance and use maximum likelihood methods (Romagnoli et al., 1981) (Tjoa and Biegler, 1991) (Ragot et al., 1992) Multiscale Bayesian approach. Bakshi et al (2001). EQUIVALENCY THEORY EXACT LOCATION DETERMINATION IS NOT ALWAYS POSSIBLE, REGARDLESS OF THE METHOD USED. MANY SETS OF GROSS ERRORS ARE EQUIVALENT, THAT IS, THEY HAVE THE SAME EFFECT IN DATA RECONCILIATION WHEN THEY ARE COMPENSATED. BASIC EQUIVALENCIES In a single unit a bias in an inlet stream is equivalent to a bias in an output stream. S1 S2 Measurement Case 1 Reconciled data Estimated bias Case 2 Reconciled data Estimated bias S1 4 3 1 4 S2 3 3 4 -1 BASIC EQUIVALENCIES In a single unit a bias in a stream is equivalent to a leak S1 S2 Leak M easurem ent Case1 Reconciled data Estim ated bias/leak Case2 Reconciled data Estim ated bias/leak S1 4 4 S2 3 3 4 4 -1 Leak 1 EQUIVALENCY THEORY S6 S1 S2 S5 S3 S4 For the set Λ={S3, S6} a gross error in one of them can be alternatively placed in the other without change in the result of the reconciliation. We say that this set has Gross Error Cardinality Γ(Λ)=1. ONE GROSS ERROR CAN REPRESENT ALL POSSIBLE GROSS ERRORS IN THE SET. GROSS ERROR DETECTION TWO SUCCESFUL IDENTIFICATIONS: Exact location Equivalent location THIS MEANS THAT THE CONCEPT OF POWER IN LINEAR DATA RECONCILIATION SHOULD BE REVISITED TO INCLUDE EQUIVALENCIES COMMERCIAL CODES Package Nature Offered by IOO (Interactive On-Line Opt.) Academic Louisiana State University (USA) DATACON Commercial Simulation Sciences (USA) SIGMAFINE Commercial OSI (USA) VALI Commercial Belsim (Belgium) ADVISOR Commercial Aspentech (USA) MASSBAL Commercial Hyprotech (Canada) RECONCILER Commercial Resolution Integration Solutions (USA) PRODUCTION BALANCE Commercial Honeywell (USA) RECON Commercial Chemplant Technologies (Czech Republic) While the data reconciliation in all these packages is good, gross error detection has not caught with developments in the last 10 years. Global test and Serial Elimination using the measurement test seem to be the gross error detection and identification of choice. INSTRUMENTATION UPGRADE (The inverse engineering problem) Given Data Reconciliation (or other) monitoring Objectives Obtain: Sensor Locations (number and type) INSTRUMENTATION DESIGN Minimize Cost (Investment + Maintenance) s.t. -Desired precision of estimates -Desired gross error robustness Detectability, Residual Precision, Resilience. -Desired reliability/availability Design of Repairable Networks EXAMPLE: Ammonia Plant Table 3: Optimization results for the simplified ammonia process flowsheet Repair Rate Measured Instrument Variables Precision (%) 5 S8 S6 1 1 S5 6 4 S3 S1 2 S2 2 4 3 20 Precision(%) (S2) (S5) Precision Availability Availability(%) (S1) (S2) (S7) (S5) S4 S7 Cost S1 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 311132 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 33131 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 33133 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 33133 2040.2 1699.8 1683.7 1775.2 0.8067 0.9841 0.9021 1.2893 1.2937 0.9021 0.9283 1.9712 0.9222 1.9928 2.0086 0.9062 1.2313 1.9712 0.9636 1.9963 2.0086 0.9511 1.2313 1.9712 0.9983 1.9963 2.0086 0.9969 There is a minimum in cost as a function of the repair rate. This allows the design of maintenance policies. Upgrade Upgrade consists of any combination of : Adding instrumentation. Replacing instruments. Relocating instruments (thermocouples, sampling places, etc). Upgrade Example Flowmeters 3% Thermocouples 2oF S8 S6 S1 U1 S2 U2 S7 S3 U3 S9 S5 S8 Case σ U∗ 1 4.00 4.00 4.00 2 3 4 5 6 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.40 2.20 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.30 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.40 1 σ U∗ 2 Reallocation and/or addition of thermocouples as well as a purchase of a new flowmeter improve the precision of heat transfer coefficients S4 σ U∗ 3 c Reallocations New Instruments 3.2826 1.9254 2.2168 100 uT1 , 2,T6 - 1.3891 1.3492 2.0587 1.7890 3000 5250 1500 1600 - T2, T6 F4, T2, T6 T6 T6 σU 1 σU 2 1.5148 1.3664 1.8174 1.6827 σU 3 2.1935 2.1125 2.1938 2.2014 uT1 , 2,T2 Latest Trends + Multiobjective Optimization (Narasimhan and Sen, 2001, Sanchez et al, 2000): Pareto optimal solutions (cost vs. precision of estimates are build) + Unconstrained Optimization (Bagajewicz 2002, Bagajewicz and Markowski 2003): Reduce everything to cost, that is find the economic value of precision and accuracy. FAULT DETECTION Given the possible faults, design a sensor network that will detect and differentiate the faults. Bhushan and Rengaswami (2000, 2001) CHALLENGES Academic: Multiple Gross Error Identification Gross Errors for Nonlinear Systems. Multiobjective Methods. Unconstrained Methods Industrial: Dynamic data reconciliation. Gross Error Handling. Sensor Upgrades CONCLUSIONS • Data Reconciliation is an academically mature field. • It is a must when parameter estimation (mainly for on-line optimization) is desired. • Commercial codes are robust but lack of up to date gross error detection/location techniques. • Instrumentation Upgrade methodologies have reach maturity • Industry understands the need for upgrading, but academic efforts have not yet reached commercial status. They will, soon.