623300 622000 621000 620500 342800 342800 PROPOSALS MAPS Proposal Map No. 1a of 24 Cromer Sand Und Coas tal Sl ope Shingle Sand Water 27 Mean Low Coastal and Shin gle Slipway Groy ne TB 25 Sand Slope 3954 19 Sand and Shingle Shingle Lifeboat Station Sand & Shin gle Mean High Slope Water 7 Coastal Groyne Caravan Park Def 13 WYNDHAM PARK Sand Sand PC Pavilion & Shingl e Pier Pond Groy ne TB 1 Wr T Sand TCB Tank 60 Coastal Wr T Slope Sand & Shing Shelter Groyne Shelters Car Park LB & Sh ingle le Station BM Bowling Sand Fn tal Slo Gro yne Cot use Ho on ltbea veno la 27 ET 1 6 nsw ick Terra ce Bru 7 Y GANGWA 15 13 16 THE 14 1 a 15 11 1 to 15 3 2 Path ne Foulness 9 1 6 15 14 16 1 LW M A 149 1a Groy 13 9a 9 CAMBRIDGE STREET THE LOKE Doctor's Steps BM 1 to 52 11 BOND THE Groy ne Mu s nt Cresce Churc h 17 TCB 11 15 6 82 83 8 22.34m CR AD OF T 18 RO STREET 19 1 13 W 1 18 Bank 4 6 14 12 20 11 7 DO 6 Club The Shelter Bank House Hagley CE HAN S PLA SM BROO K STRE ET 3 EL AP 8 5 1 M EA BM 2 4 28 10 2 ET ST 4 RE TCB A 149 12 3 19.6m 6 1 6 CH 33 12 8.03m ST REE T GAR DEN 9 7 WALES ROAD 1 20 32 PRINCE OF BEACH ROAD JETT Y ST RE 25 York Me ws 19 18 32 57 Groy ne 29 Au nders Ka He House 35 ore Sycam El Sub Sta 6 14 12 20 22 24 28 26 28 yne Alfred Court 8 to 12 14 ALFRED ROAD 4 MACDONALD ROAD 13a 4 39.0m WESTCLIFF AVENUE Clevedon 2 16 MARRAMS AVENUE 22 34 L S W Gro Sand 28.37m Court 2 ROAD OVERSTRAND Sand 29 21 2 3 9 17 1 5 23 OFT 26 2 LANE ne 6 1 to 32 7 to 38 2 3 11 9 21 6 15 20 12 39 1 14 21 41 33 17 Groy Path 7 San 4 1 to 8 5 to 4 1 to LB 9 Pa Path m) n Hou 1a 5 to 24 3 1 Pa th 19 20 1 17 14 Court 3 L 30 Sutherland Cricket Ground 9 to 7 8770 Coach House Pavilion Grange Court 1 to 12 1 HIL Newhaven ARBOR House 1b 1c 21 Playing Field 7 8 rd Pat en 23 31.2m CROMER 23 1 Ward Bdy 19a rtya Cou 1 to Gre Hall Wood WB 25 23a 2 6 27.4m D 38 Cromer Hall OL Factory ngle h (u to 19 15 27 DRIVE T UR Shi Pat se Swinto d& th Pimpernel's 10 14 30 8 El ne RE W AR 24 1 26 2 9 29 8 20 7 17 11 7 a 1 13 9 b St 48 3 Su 2a 1 to 6 4a TH E 16 14 24 13 14 N CE NE PLA 4b 13 COL 1 2b 2 Court S CLO WARNE h (u m) 23 1 10 7 4 2a e Stony Hill 5875 Herne 17 AD RO Drain 2 yne 25 20 37 23 Drain 10 SE CO & Sh ingl 12a to 18 Gardeners Cottage 4 5 Gro 21 17 39 37 2c nd ) D ORCHAR 8 DRIVE e 50.0m 25.8m D ROA BANK 12 COURT & Sh Warren Woods (um Path ND Surgery PRIOR 2 BM 29.63m Sa 25 2 BM 31.54m Arbor Court 36.1m 2 th 32 TRA OVERS 15 UE 1 9 6 ck Tra nd Pa 31 AVEN 21a 1 to 25 ARBOR 29.4m 24 CLIFF 21 BM 26.70m AY W El Sub Sta LB Craigside Coal Yard Sand Sa 23 RT N COU K OO 'S ROAD 40.0m pe ingl House WARRE 2 LEBR ROAD WA 24.8m le Slo h Pat 12 16 Hall ST MARY'S ST MARY Y Camping and Caravan Site 15 MIDD MIDDLEBROOK Park tal hin g Groy ne 19 12 SE CLO 27 33 32 69 61 55 49 47 20 10 29 a 31 1to30 28 36 24 18 29 Sta 9 7 RREN 41 17 2 16 26 LB Business glewoo Tan &S WA 11 1 Garden 2a Cromer as d BM 25.90m nd Co h THE 2 Pat 39 6 3 10 St Mary's Court 32 Broom Hill Sa Carrow 25.1m 8 37 10 keel Hotel 48 3a Groy ST MARGARET'S 7 1a 21 19 16 4 1 41 Sub 28 33 THE CR 5 1 29 11 11 7 Court 8 3c Groy ne THE LOKE 17 5a El 10 9 33 15 12 31 RO AD Sand 19 Virginia VICARAGE ROAD VICARAGE ROAD 15 8a ngle 17 Cliff Lane LANE 45 28 41 Court CLIFF Shi Lookout 26.3m Sub Sta THE LOKE 11 Ambulance Station Wat d& Coastguard 43 LT 2 25 21 3 43 35 Weyland 11 HO A 149 19 39 50 24 6 52 San 31.5m 15 27.6m El Sub Sta gh er Marino Zilgor El LB BM 28.38m n Hi 51 12 28 North Ess 1 to 36 ROAD 14 BM 32.44m d Path 49 Court 11 1 BM 24.73m San BM DRIVE to MILL 8 4 45 Ashdown 2 4 5 COLNE El Sub Sta CLIFF Mea 21.5m Shipbourne 9 Glavon Golf Course Herne 21a Foulness d 7100 pe 36.18m 44 to 61 3 OW 16 Barker's LB 14 .0m le da 37 1 E Gardens AD ME LB Sunnyside Groyne San Slo 43 1 to 53 Richmond Court Sunnydale 24.2m tal 23 42 El Sub Sta as 19a DR IVE 8 10 37 5 US HO OSE Depot Co 35.1m 22.0m Rectory ER CL SANDY LANE The Old Pantiles 9 10 nd 17 CLIFF on Cregneish Lodge 3b 342000 Sa 28.1m 18 ac 9 Croft Ho 15 Cliff Ct 20 Surgery 3 MM 8 TCB ROAD 23 22.3m Br House 5 Magistrates' 22 10 12 16 2 4 ST MARGARET'S House Police 1 Colne 1 1 to 20 Crofters Orchard End 13 1 7 20.6m 13 BM 20.20m 19.9m 1 SHIPDEN AVENUE 22 44 4 AD BM 7 50 39 23 HEIGHTS ope 1 5 to 15 29 HALL RO 11 11 9 8 Playground 19 15 1 5 NELSON tal Sl 23.7m DRIVE CLIFF 11 9 5 3 1 Wr T 2 HIL 42 3 9 13 25 13 22 3 17 1 3 9 North Lodge Park 1 SU 20 30 32 1 BARCLAY CL 34 CHARLES CL Coas Cliff BM 22.05m Water th Putting Green FB 15 4 6 High Pa Cott 5 The Meadow 4 Court 2 Mean Sand Shelter 10 19 12 18 Play Area Chapel 3 GROVE Putting Greens 1 15 Def 16 3 21 SPs LAN E 2009 Pond Sta CROSS ST Police tion Sta ESS Cemetery MP 46.25 BLACKB ERRY 13 8 A 14 36 12 North Lodge PC Court Court Lodge 1 SANDY LANE Wr T North CROSS STREET 31.5m SP SP 1 to 9 UE SP Treatment Works Sand Doctor's Steps Merchants Court Cambridge Trollor Colne pe 2 2a 4 6 Slo FS El MOUNT STREET A 149 Water to 30 Sub 12 14 A 149 7 to 10 15 House Cottage 16 Norman Homecolne Ronan 17 19.0m 11 8 E 22.16m 3 to e Polic e Hous 8 ER AVEN FULCH a Forge House Forge BM Lawn 26.3m SL SB R AVENU Su b St Old 1 to The roft n Cromer Statio SL ET 1 Car Park s Glass Chase ay The House The nw 342000 Villa Hall ee NUE AVE A 14 FULCHE Park RO w do Mea w Vie 2 CHER FUL LB 58 El Meth Ch AD LT HO MOUNT STRE 2 Club Colne Park yc nn BM 30.39m TCB 52 h Su Cromer 22 30 34 Gr 36 Tel Ex ec tt 14 8 44 Treatment Works BM 23.24m Sub Sta PC Be Co 18 1 12 2 15 18 El 51 12 28 ET RE Low Shelter Ward Bdy 33 22.1m 13 42 ) 9 37-3 35 31 2 stal 16.6m 20 ET 6 ROAD Coa Bowling RE DEN Mean Sand E ST LOU PLAN AD Green 8 Ho ST CH Club 10 Go s ge 44 T ST 28 UR Co WES d Villas Chesterfiel PH 32 3 ow 13 1 81 Zoo Lodge LB d Chesterfiel Lodge 4 4a 5 9 29 20 Groy ne 4 9 Hall ages 18 3 tta Me 38 6 SUR REY 34 A 14 ES Watch House 22 Ivy Cott 22 3 38 6 26 ad 1 24 1 CH 7 Hall (u m 47 45 14 rdon Square Garage 32 El Sub Sta Ch1urc h Mews 24 A Cinema 1 PH 8 Golden 8a 6 A 149 8 19.9m Car Park 22a 24 49 ages ield Cott Chesterf MP 46 2 War Meml A 149 Hall 11 47 Fire Station Pa th 1 40.0m 7 71 to 73 36 30 5 to CABBELL ROAD 20.42m 29a 10 2 67 63 45 32 19.7m 51 61 35 25 13 1 46 BM 59 15 5 54 STREET 27 33 to 48 ROAD Ma rin e View 1 Hotel 6 58 CHURCH 18.3m Mus East Red Lion & St Paul's Church Cliff HO 4 ET CLOSE STRE 12 DS 9 to 48 5 73 4 TB 7 HIGH 14 10 52 64 9 41 ns St Ora es Cottag 45 CANADA 24.9m Flats House TUCKER STREET St Peter 10 Surgery Howard's Hill 76 56 A 14 6 Library 10 2 Builder's Yard STREET 6.5m East Cliff Peels 23 1 33.0m CENTRAL ROAD 35.4m 29.0m 31.6m 39.5m HILL HOWARD'S 15 to Hotel 60 6 16 18 24 TUCKER PC PO 13 House 54 to 2 4 to 45 47 20.6m 10 LB Court 1 to 11 TCB 8 43 41 26 LB Town Hall 10 30 40 48 58 68 18 1 2 78 88 Old RO AD Foulness De Vere Bank Bank Shipden Hall ON 27 35 to 35 39 Car Park 12 HA MILT Hotel Sub Sta 1 to 6 3 Station 6.4m Bath El 2 20 2 4 23 to 25 27 47 6 8 21 Bus Lodge 12 Lilas House Sand Sand & Shingle 10 e 17 Belmont House PC 27 31 33 ES 5 3 Ho us Ho 1 to 8 25 TCB LB BM 39.31m Sand & Shingle 28 13 Home 2 Shulas House TCB 7 13 11 9 7 9 13 to 19 9 to 12 ET 21 9 31 BERNARD ROAD 27 8 AR 5 to 7 to 12a 12c 1 STRE Ho De Paris 21 33 21 19 12 10 18 16 20 14 48 11 ER toria SM 36 1 to 3 14 to 21 9 13 17 22 24 43 PARK Vic Hotel PH 34 15 22 to 29 1 to 12 19 10 13 26 10 CADOGAN ROAD Shelter The 14 T IFF Shin CORN 20.0m Hazlewood 40 WES TT Y CL 17.0m gle 31.1m 55 LL JE 11 13 1 7 Garage 2 49 HI PH PH 30 41 DS 7.37m BM 4.57m STREET 5 20 Sta 31 NEW TCB Fn TCB Sub 32 1 1 15 15 28 32 59 AR CLIFTON BM 3 39 1 1 39 51 W 60 Sand & Shingle Cliff Brow Boating Lake El ALBANY CT 25 Def Nursery HO Hotel 1 21 Track R K Path (um) 20.5m 5 Hotel 1 to 16 17 to 32 & Shingle BM 7.29m F 1 87 53 51 37 1a Car PA LB le 6.5m pe CLIF Melbourne A 149 LB Park ON ES WEST 14a 75 63 61 25.3m Hotel FT 34 & Shing Sand Coas Posts El Sub Sta S Shelter ingle Pond 28.1m Court CLI Sand Path 30.3m Shipden & Sh 6.4m PC Drain LB 1 to 6 29 ED & Ward Bdy BM 32.24m Slope 14 PARK 73 CLIFTON RUNTON ROAD A 149 A 149 Sand wr T Coastal Putting Greens 36.9m Shelter RUNTON ROAD Sand Ppg Sta Green 38.54m 38.2m 34.5m 5.6m E 1 to 12 28.1m ESPLANAD PC e e Hous Oak Lodg White els ge Cotta The Laur Holly ey Sydn Weather 9 10 Reservoirs 20 CO 11 AC (covered) 11c Pond 16 15 21 29 H 12 13 14 8 18 17 78 East Wood 72 16 17 9 rland Halsey Suthe 22 20 19 21 CT 1 2 23 OLIVER 1 40 ope Gardens 2 8 Hampshire 4 14 tal Sl 1 AVEN A Coas 2 1 NEWH Shelter 5 6 1 to 8 k CROMWELL ROAD 9 Depot 27.6m 2 6 8 93 Hanover Court 46 38 1 CROMWELL CL 9 to 16 12 Court 40 El Sub Sta 95 32.3m 12 33 El Sub Sta 28.6m BM 27.91m Ppg Sta Benjamin 42 WAY Happy Valley CLO EN Trac STONEHILL 4 ns Midway SE NEWHAV CLOSE Def Happy Valley 3 Court rde Ga House FS 10 12 24 A 14 8 AD RO 5 to 2 BM 27.08m 1 to 30 Pat 29.60m 36 82 th Pa 34 24 2 2 1 NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL Local Development Framework Published September 2008 3 10 44 44 Cromer Lighthouse 6 Sta ROAD 10 Chalet Park (flashing white) El Sub 31.1m 92 Love Lane (Path) 99 Sta 97 HALL ROAD 8650 10 El Sub NORWICH Works Helipad h 50 31.5m BM 3 39 44a 96 BM 75.43m 4 10 7 73.9m 10 9 30 46 5 36.0m Y 48 Bd ard WA &W 4a AD 50 RO UG HTON RO FLETCHER The Belt 110 2 Benjamin Court El Sub Sta 11 ED 30.3m 43 4 Tennis Courts 35.8m 30 11 4 1 to 0 Pond 10 y Vicarage Council Offices Council Offices OVE RST 3 Pavilion 39.2m RAN D Country Club RO FLE AD TCHE R 2 WAY 8 11 45a 1 1 Cabell Park 47 30 11 Track (Football Ground) LB 59.4m k Trac 1 LB 2 2a 2 2b 18 64 2 38 1 4 CL 12 28 1 23 20 22 GREENFIELD 134 6 25 133 17 8 22 1 1 6 AD 12 IFF CL 2 30 38 60 5 10 10 1 1 62 44 22 54 40 76 6 37 1 13 7 74 97 76 43 82 TR AN D 2 8 2 ROAD 6 RO 7 LISB UR Y 31 O TI 16 18a 54 to 37 20 28 25 16 32 34 ROAD 8 2 3 1 2 15 SALISBURY m 49 .8 34 2 5 24 4 3 36 11 ROA D 36 AD 3 N O TI TO STA 1 NG 4a N RD 2 1 TI 59.0m 6 ) RO HAR m 12 (u 14 38 6 3 24 4 3 28 72 26 14 84 & Wa 20 17 .1m 3 38 to 44 ED 1 S ROAD h OOD ROAD Tk 4 1 26 5 42 13 13 y rd Bd The Warren QUEEN Pat 15 18b DIXON 6 19 74 3 8 LB 34a 2 BAILEY 2 14 MILL 4 CE E LINKS AVENU 36a 1 46 SA 20 52 Def 11 1 LYNEW 1 to 10 8 23 16 341000 Golf Practice Ground 62 41 St Martins 6 LANE Court 10 30 El Sub Sta (Track) 51 PLA 163b Shelter El Sub Sta Suffield ) m (u PARK LANE 21 REEVE 1 13 th Pa Greystones Fieldside 31 ijo 169 19 The Cottage (Track) 54 10 16 4 66 26 PARK Jo mav 35 163a 165 17 PARK Stile Wood 2888 7 to 12 4 AD 9 10 Bullfinch Cottage Providence House 65 163 HVIEW 9 BM 50.77m 12 Court Fieldside 38 92 92 2 6 19 2 12 6 Path 16 19 22 3 1 The Coach Cottage ROAD Rinaultrie Ainsdale 27 159 HIG A 14 Brown's Hill 1691 Little Skate's Hill Cuckoo Chaffinch E 153a 13 2 189 ROAD 3692 1192 Swacking OS CL 9 149 12 20 1 DRA 4 N'S .0m Home 43 43 39 53.9m Roydstone Nursing 153 Caravan Park XAN an Th 49 NORTHREPPS 3 A 149 11 195 191 197 1000 ALE Court et 141 51.2m 1000 8600 1 to 6 Glaven .75m 41 AR FE El Sub 5 10 133 9 BM Sta 8 14 Innisfree 24 ROAD 18 Court Rosecar .9m 40 59 19 ck Fearns 69 D ROA HARBORD Furze Hill 1 to 4 (um ) 20 89 49 HIL Ponds 40.9m 3 L E PARK ROAD 71 41.7m RZ FU Pond Playground 15 Brown's Hill 45.0m Golf Practice Ground LB 26 5 Church 1 Tra Ward Bdy 3 1 83 22 4 6 e rrac k Te 1 ST MARTIN'S CLOSE MP 12.50 7700 House 15a St Martin's Drain Caravan Park Fearns Park Yor 19 17 2 10 AD 14 AD 79 19a 18 7 Pond Pond Shelter Amy 125 House R 6 21 RO N RK YO 115 1 Track Home farm RO 78 Amber 52 2 D STA ROA VE 33 BLOGG 93 OAD Conifers HENRY 1 The RD O RS 1 2 House 11 TCB 39 Track Hall 40.1m 71 105 8 37 PO 11 Trac k CRAWFORD ROAD RD HE to 7 BLOGG 23 ELL TW AR 27 HENRY ROAD 11 1 25 5 Ponds Green 1 RY ROAD 1 63.5m Hall Farm Lodge EBE 47 Cromer Junior School FW Hall Farm ROS 61 103 2 N ROAD Bowling 101 7 40.1m NORTHREPPS 2 14 CARRINGTO 66 ROAD ON HT 11 UG 13 3 Presbytery 2a 24 59 Pond Drain 35.4m 99 k 49 .43m Club House 39.4m Trac 147 47.9m El Sub Sta 7m RO 21 BM BM 37.5 Infants School 1 CONNAUGHT ROAD 89 Suffield Park Lady of Refuge 46.9m 25 47 79 40.90m of Our St Anthony ROAD 40.4m BM CLOSE Catholic Church Troug h House 2 69 9 39 FRANCIS Ma RO 2 1 14 GROVE 2 6 143 0 St rgar 14 28 s et' 15 59 BM 35.79m 35 MILL ROAD 2 Cromer High School E 29 IV DR 36.9m Grove Pond Tank 117 Hillside D Ponds Pond 13 11 Sta IEL South Lodge 341000 House 141 Temerloh 51 YF Jacket De Hole Keepers Cottage Golf Club Club 45.6m The Stables 41 MA Royal Cromer 4 15 13 8 El Lighting Towers Brickfield Cottages BM 35.64m .07m 13 31 SUFFIELD PARK York House Sub 40.6m Ward Bdy 47 13 2 EAST GROVE 13 Brookside Woodside Osier Carr 129 11 11 1 21 LT HO PROPOSALS MAPS Mews BM House Lighting Towers Clement Scott Trent CLARE ROAD 5 15 37.3m b St a 41.4 10 13 1a 32.5m by AD RO 6 Su a 0a Grange Pump House El Hospital y- La 46.6m Issues Cromer and District Calday 0 BM 34.54m The 13 m Shelter 51 40.60m 15 67.3m ELLENHILL BM 41 7 2 58 31 69 Antonia Villa 12 2 70 13 16 e bile 1 Ju 1 49 10 67 55 SE CLO 24 22 Cromer House 3 L 13 Poppy 1 HIL MP 12.25 35 Plantation 44 9 Cromer 55.7m 45 6 Te rrac 2 14 63 LL 1 Sub Sta ay ilw ntled Ra Disma 3 70 68 66 1 101 60.80m Lincairn 19 40 96 15 Mi-Ki-Ki BM 9 SIDE El SE CLO OOD Embankment HI 8280 NE 44 LA 37 The 9 5 BROWNSHILL BROWNSHILL EW LYN E LE 2 1 e BI Plantation JU 1 51 Def 10 7 E ID LS 8 13 HIL 61 5 7 59 21 52 55 1 14 38 Cromer Def 15 4477 23 4 27 12 62.6m 22 27 W 10 TE HO Sh a 41 LB 7 19 El Su b St Works 28 9 31 HI LL SI DE BM 46.14m TE TA ES 8 Burnt Hills Wood 42 Sub Sta 20 Western Bungalow r elte 15 El E US 39 Burnt Hills Wood 20 HI 32 Inglenook 8777 PW dy y rd Bd 4 B ard ED W Roughton Road Station & Wa Oak Hill Wood 63 59 52 Pandora 47 2 36 BM 53.6m 11 7 RID GE WAY Gurney's Wood Grantley House RIDGE WAY Crim on d 24 20 2 31 n Rimingto 14 26 208 28 79 30 a 77 rest 1 75 23 1a 13 96 Oakwood Na Ma DES LA EG S Dolgoch RO neils EN Corner Doo 38 Briar Hill ST 1850 25 AD f De 6 39 RN t Croftnes 12 S LL T HI ra Dal TH 43 36 EV CF Great Gable Bdy net Tha ROAD 212 Sta 209 Ward Bdy 9056 Hilltop Sub 205 209a 52 llc El 14 32 Hurricane Wood West Hi 26 ) 2 206a El Sta 26b Path 1 nyridge View Sun Sub NORWICH BP BP ard rn a 30 Def W Cai E ROADSID HILLS Suncrof a- 27 PIT COM 9959 t m-N 28 2655 Woo ill Dru Sub Sta 44 201 84 Fernhill 221 Go-Kart Track d View eh 16 203 2 40 f t Poin Turning Capri El 203a De 199 LB 12 4 29 88 Pond North End ck n Ros Hirondelle Croft Tra se gill Hou Crow FINCH CLOSE 18 Sta (um S Mast Jahbru ve 29a Sub Woodlands s e Ha LL 216 57.1m El pp Th HI 3 20 T e re 18 RN de s 31 No BU Treetops 6663 ns The Law BU Th HILLS T RN 13 1 Figtree Cottage Woodend Gla 19 30 LB TCB Works 32 64 48.1m 33 NIGHTIN GALE 200 52.28m 9469 40 BM 47.39m AD RO Sunny Side 1 1 L HAL 68 Nursery 6 46.2m Great Skates BM 63.46m CLO SE MP 11.75 Lonicera Hill 22 Lodge Skate's Garage 22 Sylvan Great FB Thornybank Garage 67 BU 13 Blencathra ighs TCB Farle 53 BP 65 Malmar 65.3m Ward Bdy 219 Sta ntled 2 ROUG 27 HTON 61 El Sub Disma ROAD 207 13 115 114 25 D Kenvia 104 113 CF ws urro sB uck' B ick ay Railw RH RH 55 53 81 110 LB Fellside 2 93 5840 66.1m El Sub Sta 97 Path (um) 227 Dick TCB 87 55.8m 1642 CLOSE 67 © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. (disused) WAY 1 © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. HOL 227 101 a Buck's Def 228 © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. 226 105 1 Farm Pit Und This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Track (um) BM 67. 60m ROAD 1334 AV Pipe EN UE Sycamores Def 239 Track Pond Beckett's Larner's Plantation 6821 Plantation 3015 Please note:- The Proposals Maps are updated on adoption of each Development Plan Document, some ‘designations’ are liable to change and it is recommended that you check the latest position with the Council. Raptor House Track 2611 Dilkusha Grayswood 1.22m RH Sandymount in Based on the Ordnance Survey Map with permission of the Controller of HM Stationery Office. (C) Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. OS Licence No. 100018623 2108 Choseley N The Lodge GP th Pa Approximate Scale 1:5000 Littlehome Peacehaven Def No further copies may be made. Wing Peaceholme 6800 A 149 th Pa North 8800 Northrepps Hall Pond 340000 623300 This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. .03m 70 Leybourne 622000 This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. BM 69.6m Gerwyn Approximate Scale 1:5000 © For references purposes only. Jafeica This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Hall Wood Ring Pond Ostend B 1436 Triangular Kelvin Path N 66.5m UE Dra Rose Lea 2506 Track Maudville Pond E © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. 621000 Cromer - Cromer Town Map.indd 1 Middlemarch Little Blen EN B 1436 620500 340000 No further copies may be made. Chusan This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. This map should be read in conjunction with the North Norfolk Core Strategy. Further information can be found on the Council’s LDF website - www.northnorfolk.org/ldf. TH Controller of HM Stationery Office. (C) Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may © Fororreferences purposes only. lead to prosecution civil proceedings. OS Licence No. 100018623 Lodge Oakwood Park 61.7m Farm AV Smith's Rough Mustard Pot This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Pine Tree 1.22m RH North Norfolk District Council pursuant to Please note:- The Proposals Maps are updated on adoption section 47 of the Copyright Designs and of each Development Plan Document, some ‘designations’ (the Act). Unless Act are liable Patents to changeAct and1988 it is recommended that youthe check provides relevant exception to copyright, this the latest positionawith the Council. copy must not be copied without the prior permission thewith copyright owner. Based onwritten the Ordnance Survey of Map permission of the 1920 Def North Norfolk Core Strategy. Further information can be found onThis the Council’s website www.northnorfolk.org/ldf. copy is LDF made by or- with the authority of © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. © For references purposes only. No further copies may be made. 249 © For references purposes only. This map should read in copies conjunction with Nobe further may bethemade. Track 248 Summerlea The E TH Roughton 238 GVC METTON ROAD This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Path HALL 229 Burrows This copy is made by or with the authority of North Norfolk District Council pursuant to section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 (the Act). Unless the Act provides a relevant exception to copyright, this copy must not be copied without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL Local Development Framework Published September 2008 22/9/08 12:25:32