Weil-Deligne Representations Study Group Spring Term 2016 1 1.1 Weil Conjectures - David Loeffler Motivation Let Fq be a finite field, q = pn , X/Fq an irreducible, smooth, projective variety. We have two questions: • X(Fq ) is finite, but just how big is it? • For any r, we have an extension of Fq of degree r. How does #X(Fqr ) grow with r? We have two easy examples: • X = P1 , #X(Fqr ) = q r + 1, • X = PN , #X(Fqr ) = 1 + q r + ⋯ + q N r . 1.2 Elliptic Curves Theorem 1.1 (Hasse 1930s). i. We have #E(Fqr ) = 1 + q r +”small error term”. More precisely, if α, β are the roots of X 2 − (q + 1 − #E(Fq ))X + q, then #E(Fqr ) = q r + 1 − αr − β r . 1 ii. We have ∣α∣ = ∣β∣ = √ q (Hasse’s Inequality). Proof. i. Recall that Gal(Fq /Fq ) is topologically generated by the the Frobenius automorphism φ ∶ x ↦ xq . #E(Fq ) = #E(Fq )φ=1 = #ker(1 − φ ∶ E → E) = deg(1 − φ) as separable. The degree nap on End(E) is a quadratic form and every ψ ∈ End(E) has a dual ψ̂ such that ψ ψ̂ = deg(ψ) ∈ Z and ψ + ψ̂ = deg(1 + ψ) − 1 − deg(ψ) ∈ Z. Now we have φ2 − (φ + φ̂)φ + φφ̂ = 0 so φ satisfies the polynomial x2 − aq x + q form before. Now we can show by induction on r that φr + φ̂r = αr + β r for all r ≥ 0. Hence deg(1 − φr ) = 1 + deg(φr ) − (φr + φ̂r ) = 1 + q r − (αr + β r ). ii. deg(ψ) ≥ 0 for all ψ ∈ End(E) so for all m, n ∈ Z, deg(m + nφ) = m2 + mnaq + √ qn2 ≥ 0, so the discriminant a2q + 4q ≤ 0, i.e. ∣aq ∣ ≤ 2 q. ∎ 1.3 General Picture We expect #X(Fqr ) = ±λr1 ± λr2 ± ⋯ ± λrm , λi ∈ C. Definition 1.2. We define the zeta function of X/Fq as: ∞ tr Z(X/Fq , t) = exp(∑ #X(Fqr ) ). r r=1 Fact 1.3. Z(X/Fq , t) is a rational function if and only if a formula 1 holds. Example 1.4. ∞ tr Z(P1 /Fq , t) = exp(∑(1 + q r ) ) r r=0 = exp(− log(1 − t) − log(1 − qt)) 1 = . (1 − t)(1 − qt) 2 (1) 1.4 Weil Conjectures i. For any X/Fq as above, Z(X, t) ∈ Q(t). We have a functional equation for the Riemann zeta function ζ(1 − s) = (∗)ζ(s). We expect Z(X/Fq , q −s ) to satisfy a functional equation relating s and dim(X) − s. ii. Functional Equation Z (X, q1d t ) = (∗)Z(X, t), where d = dim(X). Generalisation of the Hasse Inequality: ±λr1 ± λr2 ± ⋯ ± λrm where the absolute values are half-integer powers of q. Definition 1.5. A q-Weil number of weight k is a number λ ∈ Q such that ∣λ∣ = q k/2 for every embedding Q ↪ C. iii. Riemann Hypothesis All zeroes and poles of Z(X/Fq ) are q-Weil numbers. More precisely, P1 (t)⋯P2d−1 (t) , Z(X/Fq ) = P0 (t)⋯P2d (t) where the odd subscripts are in the numerator, even subscripts in the denominator, and Pi has all zeroes of weight −i. If we put ζ(X, s) = Z(X, q −s ), this says something about the real parts of zeroes of ζ(X, s). In 1949, Weil formulated these conjectures and proved them when X is a curve or an abelian variety. 1.5 Dreaming of a Cohomology Theory We want to count fixed points of φr on X(Fq ). If X/C, ψ ∈ Aut(X), then we can count fixed points of ψ using cohomology. 2d #fixed points = ∑ (−1)i trace(ψ ∗ acting on H i (X(C), Q)). This is the Lefschetz trace i=0 formula. Weil observed that if there exists a cohomolgy theory for algebraic varieties over Fq with “reasonable” properties then i and ii of the Weil conjectures are automatic (a “Weil cohomology theory”). 3 Fact 1.6. For any prime l, there exists a Weil cohomology theory with coefficients in Ql . If l ≠ char Fq then we get étale cohomology (Grothendieck et al 1960s), whereas if l = char Fq , then we get crystalline cohomolgy (Besttelot-Ogus 1980ish, after Dwork). The Riemann Hypothesis part was proved by Deligne in 1972. 1.6 Addendum Let X/Fq be a smooth projective variety, with #X(Fqr ) = ±λr1 ± λr2 ± ⋯ ± λrm , λi ∈ Q. Claim 1. We can order the λi such that λi λm+1−i = q dim(X) . Claim 2. The multiset of the λi is preserved by the map x ↦ q dim(X) . x Note that (q d/2 , q d/2 , q d/2 , −q d/2 ), d = dim(X) shows that Claims 1 and 2 are not equivalent. In fact, Claim 1 is equivalent to Claims 2 and 3, where: Claim 3. q d/2 and −q d/2 do not both appear to odd multiplicity. Fact 1.7. Claim 2 holds for all varieties. Claim 1 holds for curves but not general varieties. 1.6.1 Claim 1 for curves Lemma 1.8. Let V be a vector space of even dimension 2g with an alternating, nondegenerate, bilinear form ⟨⋅, ⋅⟩. If A ∶ V → V satisfies ⟨Ax, Ay⟩ = λ⟨x, y⟩ then det(A) = λg and AT JA = λJ where J ∈ (Λ2 V )× (A acts as λ here) so J g ∈ (Λ2g V )× (A acts as λg here). Now take • V = Tl J(C), • ⟨⋅, ⋅⟩ to be the Weil pairing, • A to be Frobenius. Then the product of Frobenius eigenvalues is q g hence −q d/2 appears with even multiplicity. This does not work in even dimension. 4 1.6.2 Counterexample for Surfaces Take P2Fq and blow up some points (at most 7) in general position to get a del Pezzo surface X. H 2 (X, Ql ) ≅ Ql ⊗ N S(X) as Gal(Fq /Fq )-modules up to a twist, where N S(X) is the Néron-Severi group (finitely generated abelian group, defined as the group of divisors modulo algebraic equivalence). N S(X) ≅ Z ⊕ Zr where the second term are the exceptional divisors. Now take 1 point defined over Fq ⎛q ⎜ q nius action is given by ⎜ ⎜ 0 ⎝ q 2 and 2 conjugate points defined over Fq2 . The Frobe⎞ ⎟ ⎟, which has eigenvalues q, q, q, −q. q⎟ 0⎠ Representations of the Weil Group - Ariel Pacetti Our main goal is to understand GQ = Gal(Q/Q) and we first approach this by trying to understand its representations. Finite dimensional ones: ρ ∶ GQ → GLn (C) continuous. Exercise 2.1. All of them have finite image (open subgroups have finite index). Our second approach is to take ρl ∶ GQ → GLn (Ql ). Example 2.2. n = 1: Qab ≅ ∏ Z×p → Z×l p ρl ∶ GQ → Q×l abelian representation. where Qab = ⋃n Q(ζn ). Q 5 Q Qab We get the cyclotomic character Q ∏ Zp × → p Z×l , Id Z×l Ð→ Z×l , Z×p → 1. defined by σ ∈ GQ , σ(ζln ) = ζlan ∈ Z×l , a ∈ (Z/ln Z)× where σ(ζl ) = ζla1 and an ≡ an−1 mod ln−1 . Q(ζln ) Q Note Q(ζln ) is only ramified at l so if p ≠ l, then Frobp is well defined and χl (Frobp ) = p (exercise). 2.1 Tate Module of an Elliptic Curve Let E/Q be an elliptic curve, l prime, E[ln ] the Z/ln Z-module of ln torsion over Q. If σ ∈ Gal(Q/Q), P ∈ E[ln ] then σ(P ) ∈ E[ln ]. E[ln ] ≅ Z/ln Z × Z/ln Z and choosing a basis we get a mod l representation ρE,l ∶ GQ → GL2 (Z/ln Z) ⇢ GL2 (Zl ) ≅ Aut(Tl (E)). We take Vl (E) = Tl (E) ⊗Zl Ql . 6 E[ln+1 ] σ ×l E[ln ] E[ln+1 ] ×l σ E[ln ] Definition 2.3. If p is a prime, we say ρ is unramified at p if ρl (Ip ) = 1. Q ker(ρl ) Q p Q Theorem 2.4 (Néron-Ogg-Shafarevich). E/Q, ρE,l is unramified at the primes p ≠ l where E has good reduction. Recall Gal(Qp /Qp ) ⊂ Gal(Q/Q). Q Qp where the inclusion Q ↪ Qp is non-canonical. Q Qp Then we can restrict to studying representations of Gal(Qp /Qp ). 1 → Ip → Gal(Qp /Qp ) → Gal(Fp /Fp ) → 1, where Gal(Fp /Fp ) ≅ lim Z/nZ = Ẑ ≅ ∏ Zp . n p 7 Qp pro-p group tame Q ∏ Zq = ⟨τ ⟩ q≠p un Q Ẑ = ⟨σ⟩ Qp where σ is the Frobenius Frobp and Qp is the maximal tamely ramified extension. Note στ σ −1 = τ p . Definition 2.5. The Weil group WQp of Qp is (as an abstract group): 1 Ip WQp 1 Ip Gal(Qp /Qp ) r Z 1 Gal(Fp /Fp ) 1 where r(g) = σ n , n ∈ Z. The Weil group WQp = {σ n i ∣ n ∈ Z, i ∈ Ip } ≅ Ip ⋊ Z is the preimage of Z. We give the Weil group the locally finite topology where Ip gets the subgroup topology of Gal(Qp /Qp ) and we impose that it is open in the Weil group. Theorem 2.6. Let E/K be an elliptic curve over a local field K with good reduction Ẽ. Then χ(ρl (FrobE,p ))(t) = t2 − ap t + p ∈ Z[t] where ap = p + 1 − #Ẽ(Fp ). GK ρl GL2 (Ql ) ≀ where Ql ≅ C. GL2 (C) 8 ρl WK GL2 (Ql ) ≀ GL2 (C) If ρl (Ip ) is finite, then the same trick works. Theorem 2.7. If E is an elliptic curve, then ρl (Frobp ) is semisimple. 1 1 Remark 2.8. ρ ∶ WQp → GL2 (Ql ) is not semisimple: Ip → 0, σ ↦ ( ). 0 1 Theorem 2.9 (Classification). Let ρl ∶ WQp → GLn (Ql ), l ≠ p, ρ(Ip ) finite, Frobenius semisimple then ρl ≅ ⊕N i=1 (ρi ⊗ χi ) where ρi are Artin irreducible representations and χi are 1-dimensional characters. 3 Weil-Deligne Representations - Aurel Page GK = Gal(K/K). Fix p, l ≠ p. Recall GQp ⊂ GQ , charpol(Frobp ⟳ Tl E) is independent of l We aim to determine the structure of ρ ∶ GK → GLn (Ql ), K/Qp finite using Weil-Deligne representations. This has the advantage of being purely algebraic and we can make sense of the comparison between l-adic representations for GK . 3.1 Ramification and the Tame Character K/Qp finite. P ◁ I ◁ GK , where P is wild inertia, I is inertia. ⟨Frob⟩ = GK ≅ Ẑ ≅ Gal(Fq /Fq ) I K tame K un K 9 where I • K un = K = ⋃ K(ζn ), p∤n P • K tame = K = ⋃ K un (π 1/n ), p∤n • Frob(ζn ) = ζnq , q = #residue field, • π uniformiser in K. K un (π 1/n )/K un is a Kummer extension so Gal(K un (π 1/n )/K un ) ≅ Z/nZ. FurtherI more, = Gal(K tame /K un ) = ⟨τ ⟩ ≅ ∏ Zl . P l≠p τ π 1/n = ζn π 1/n . What is the action of conjugation by Frob? Choose Frob ∈ GK , and compute Frob τ Frob−1 . Frob τ Frob−1 (π 1/n ) = ζnq π 1/n , where Frob−1 (π 1/n ) = ωπ 1/n , for some ω ∈ µn (K un ) τ Frob−1 (π 1/n ) = ζn π 1/n . Hence Frob τ Frob−1 = τ q . Definition 3.1. The additive l-adic tame character tl is the map tl (σ)(π 3.2 1/lk tl ∶ I → Zl k t (σ) ) = ζlkl π 1/l . Weil-Deligne Representations 1 tl (σ) I → GL2 (Zl ), σ ↦ ( ). 0 1 Recall the Weil group WK = {Frobn σ ∶ n ∈ Z, σ ∈ I} = I ⋊ Z. Extend the representation 10 to sp(2): WK → GL2 (Zl ), 1 0 Frob ↦ ( ), 0 q −1 1 tl (σ) I ∋σ ↦ ( ). 0 1 We can generalise this to get a representation to sp(n): WK → GLn (Ql ), ⎛1 ⎞ ⎜ q −1 ⎟ ⎟ , is a diagonal matrix, Frob ↦ ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⋱ −n+1 ⎝ ⎠ q ⎛1 tl (σ) . . . ⎜ 1 ⋱ I ∋σ ↦ ⎜ ⎜ ⋱ ⎜ ⎝ N tl (σ)n−1 (n−1)! ⎞ ⋮ tl (σ) 1 ⎟ t (σ)N ⎟=el , is upper triangular, where ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎛0 1 ⎞ ⎜ ⋱ ⋱ ⎟ ⎟ is an upper triangular nilpotent matrix. = ⎜ ⎜ ⋱ 1⎟ ⎝ 0⎠ sp(n)(Frob) ⋅ N ⋅ sp(n)(Frob)−1 = qN . Theorem 3.2 (Grothendieck’s Monodromy Theorem). Let ρ ∶ WK → GLn (Ql ) be continuous. Then there is a finite extension K ′ /K such that ρ ∣IK ′ is unipotent, i.e. there exists N ∈ Mn (Ql ) nilpotent such that for all σ ∈ IK ′ , ρ(σ) = etl (σ)N . Definition 3.3. Let E be a field of characteristic 0. An E-valued Weil-Deligne representation of WK is a pair (ρ, N ) where ρ ∶ WK → GLn (E) with ρ(I) finite and N ∈ Mn (E) is nilpotent and ρ(Frob) ⋅ N ⋅ ρ(Frob)−1 = qN for all choices of Frob ∈ WK . Theorem 3.4 (Deligne). Choose Frob ∈ WK . The map ⎧ n n ⎪ ⎪Frob σ ↦ ρ(Frob σ)etl (σ)N (ρ, N ) ↦ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩WK → GL(V ) defines a bijection between isomorphism classes of Weil-Deligne representations of WK over Ql and isomorphism classes of continuous l-adic representations of WK . 11 We have a dictionary: (ρW D , N ) ρ det(ρ) det(ρW D ) ⊕ ⊕ WD WD ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 (ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 , N1 ⊗ Id + Id ⊗ N2 ) I I ρ = Vρ (fixed points) (ker(N ))I W Finite image N = 0 and ρ D (Frob) has finite order Irreducible N = 0 and ρW D is irreducible N = 0 and ρW D is semisimple Semisimple (direct sum of irreducibles) Unramified N = 0 and ρW D isunramified ρW D is at most tamely ramified At most tamely ramified Potentially unramified N =0 W D Semistable, i.e. ρ ∣I is unipotent ρ ∣I is trivial, i.e. ρW D is unramified Frobenius-semisimple, i.e. Frob acts semisimply ρW D is semisimple Theorem 3.5. Any Frobenius-semisimple continuous l-adic representation is a direct sum of ρ ⊗ sp(n), with ρ(I) finite and ρ irreducible. Example 3.6. Let E/K be an elliptic curve, ρE,l its l-adic representation. • E has potentially good reduction if and only if N = 0 if and only if ρE , l is irreducible or the direct sum of 2 characters. 0 1 • E has potentially multiplicative reduction if and only if N ∼ ( ) if and only 0 0 if ρE,l ≅ χ ⊗ sp(2). 4 Weil-Deligne Representations and Elliptic Curves - Samuele Anni Notation 4.1. • K/Qp finite, π uniformiser, vp valuation, • k residue field, ∣k∣ = q, • l ≠ p prime, • E/K elliptic curve, • Tl (E) = limE[ln ], Vl (E) = Ql ⊗Zl Tl (E), ←nÐ 12 • χl the l-adic cyclotomic character. Definition 4.2. A Weil-Deligne representation for the Weil group WK with values over F Ql is a pair (ρ, N ) such that • ρ ∶ WK → GLn (F ), • The image of inertia ρ(I) is finite, • N ∈ Mn (F ) is nilpotent, • ρ(Frob)N ρ(F rob)−1 = qN for all choices of Frob ∈ WK . If a Weil-Deligne representation is Frobenius semisimple and indecomposable then it is of the form τ ⊗ sp(n) where τ is irreducible and τ (I) is finite. TODAY: E/K, ρE/K,l ∶ Gal(K/K) → GL(Vl (E)) ⊂ GL2 (Ql ). We will look at the Weil-Deligne representation associated to ρE/K,l . For example, if you fix an embedding i ∶ Ql Ð → C, then you get a complex Weil-Deligne representation ρE/K,l,i . This is independent of the choice of embedding i and the prime l (Serre-Tate), so we shall instead just write ρE . Fact 4.3. i. Néron-Ogg-Shafarevich (NOS): Let E/K, l ≠ p, ρE be as above. Then E has good reduction if and only if ρE is unramified. ii. E/K has potentially good reduction if and only if v(jE ) ≥ 0, where we set v(π) = 1. iii. For p ≥ 5, if the reduction is potentially good, then it is good if and only if v(∆) is a multiple of 12. iv. Weil pairing: det ρE = χl . v. If the reduction is potentially multiplicative, then the quadratic twist by −c6 has split multiplicative reduction. vi. Euler Factors ←→ Reduction type, i.e. point counting L(E/K, s) = L(ρE , s) L(ρE , s) ∶= P (q −s )−1 , where P (x) = det(1 − ρE (Frob−1 )x ∣Vl (E)I ) ⎧ (1 − aq −s + q 1−2s )−1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ L(E/K, s) = ⎨(1 − αq −s )−1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩1 if good reduction, if multiplicative reduction, if additive reduction, 13 1 where a = q + 1 − #Ẽ(k), α = { −1 if split, if nonsplit. Proposition 4.4. E/K has potentially multiplicative reduction if and only if v(j) < 0, if and only if ρE ≅ χ ⋅ χl ⊗ sp(2), where χ is the quadratic character associated to √ K( −c6 )/K. Moreover, if χ is trivial (respectively unramified non-trivial, respectively ramified), then this corresponds to E having split multiplicative (respectively nonsplit multiplicative, respectively additive reduction). Idea of Proof. BY NOS, the image of inertia is infinite by the classification since ρE is Frobenius semi-simple and indecomposable so ρE ≅ ρ ⊗ sp(n), which implies that ρE ≅ (1-dim) ⊗sp(2). Now (1-dim)≅ χ ⋅ χl by the Weil pairing and det(ρE ) = χl . 2 So χl = det(ρE ) = χ2 ⋅ χ2l ⋅ χ−1 l so χ is trivial or quadratic. Looking at the Euler factor we see χ is trivial if E has split multiplicative reduction. If χ is quadratic, then it is the √ ∎ quadratic character associated to Gal(K( −c6 )/K) (exercise). If E/K has potentially multiplicative reduction, then there exists a quadratic character χ such that E χ has split multiplicative reduction. × E(K) ⊗ χ ≅ E χ (K) ≅ K as Gal(K/K)-modules. qZ × K Vl (E) ≅ Vl ( Z ) ⊗ χ, q ρE (g) = ρ(g)etl (i)N , g = Φm i ∈ WK , i ∈ I, 1 ∗ ρE (Φ) = ± ( ) 0 q Proposition 4.5. Suppose E/K has potentially good reduction. Set e as follows in the below table. v(∆) mod 12 e 0 1 6 2 4 or 8 3 or 9 2 or 10 3 4 6 Suppose p ≥ 5. Then ρE satisfies: Case 1: K does not contain the eth roots of unity. Then ρE ≅ IndL/K χ, where L is a quadratic extension of K. 14 Equivalently, ρE ≅ ρD2e ⊗ ψ where ρD2e is the faithful 2-dimensional representation of the dihedral group with 2e elements and ψ is a 1-dimensional unramified character such √ that ψ(Φ) = ± −q and D2e ≅ Gal(K(ζe , π 1/e )/K). Case 2: If K contains the eth roots of unity, then ρE ≅ ηψ ⊕ (ηψ)−1 χl , where η is the ramified character of Gal(K(π 1/e )/K) and ψ is unramified. Proof. By NOS, the image of inertia is finite and by the the Weil pairing det(ρE (i)) = 1 for all i ∈ I. Lemma 4.6. The characteristic polynomial of ρE (i) is independent of l for all i ∈ I, and hence is a polynomial over Z. In our case, this implies that ord(ρE (i)) ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 6}. E has potentially good reduction so since p ≥ 5, I = It (the tame inertia) so I ≅ Ce , where Ce ≅ C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 , C6 . By Fact iii, E has good reduction if and only if v(∆) is a multiple of 12, so we have a correspondence of v(∆) with e. The Galois action factors through K un (π 1/e ) and inertia has a generator acting with eigenvalues ζe , ζe−1 . Case 1: ζe ∈/ K F /K is nonabelian, L = K(ζe , π 1/e ) is a dihedral D2e extension. LEt ρD2e be the faithful 2-dimensional representation of D2e , then the Weil-Deligne representations are of the form ρD2e ⊗ ψ where ψ is unramified. √ By the Weil pairing, χl = det(ρD2e ) ⋅ ψ 2 = ψ 2 so ψ(Frob) = ± −q. Case 2: ζe ∈ K F /K is abelian, L = K(π 1/e ) is a cyclic totally ramified extension and the Weil-Deligne representation voer F /K is faithful on inertia. ∎ 5 What if l = p? - Marc Masdeu 15