A local-global principle for isogenies between elliptic curves over number fields Samuele Anni

Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
A local-global principle for isogenies
between elliptic curves over number
Samuele Anni
Universiteit Leiden - Université Bordeaux 1
Grenoble, 28th Journées Arithmétiques;
4th July 2013
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Preliminaries and introduction
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Local-global problems: from knowledge about local structures to
knowledge about global structures.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Local-global problems: from knowledge about local structures to
knowledge about global structures.
In this context: from p-adic information global information. For example:
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Local-global problems: from knowledge about local structures to
knowledge about global structures.
In this context: from p-adic information global information. For example:
Local-to-global principles for quadratic forms.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Local-global problems: from knowledge about local structures to
knowledge about global structures.
In this context: from p-adic information global information. For example:
Local-to-global principles for quadratic forms.
Theorem of Hasse-Minkowski
Two quadratic forms with coefficients in Q which are equivalent over Q p
for all prime numbers p and over R are equivalent over Q .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Let ` be a prime. Katz in 1981 studied the local-global principle for
`-torsion for elliptic curves.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Let ` be a prime. Katz in 1981 studied the local-global principle for
`-torsion for elliptic curves.
Theorem (Katz)
Let E be an elliptic curve over a number field K . If E has non-trivial
`-torsion locally at a set of primes with density one then E is
K -isogenous to an elliptic curve which has non-trivial `-torsion over K .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Let ` be a prime. Katz in 1981 studied the local-global principle for
`-torsion for elliptic curves.
Theorem (Katz)
Let E be an elliptic curve over a number field K . If E has non-trivial
`-torsion locally at a set of primes with density one then E is
K -isogenous to an elliptic curve which has non-trivial `-torsion over K .
He proved this by reducing the problem to a purely group-theoretic
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Let E be an elliptic curve defined on a number field K , and let ` be a
prime number. If p is a prime of K where E has good reduction, p not
dividing `, we say that E admits an `-isogeny locally at p if the Néron
model of E over the ring of integer of Kp admits an `-isogeny.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Let E be an elliptic curve defined on a number field K , and let ` be a
prime number. If p is a prime of K where E has good reduction, p not
dividing `, we say that E admits an `-isogeny locally at p if the Néron
model of E over the ring of integer of Kp admits an `-isogeny.
If E admits an `-isogeny over K , then E necessarily admits an `-isogeny
locally at every prime of good reduction. The converse statement has
been recently studied by Sutherland (arxiv, November 2011).
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a number field K , and let ` be a
prime number, if E admits an `-isogeny locally at a set of primes with
density one then does E admit an `-isogeny over K ?
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Local-to-global principles
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: TORSION
Local-to-global principle for elliptic curves: ISOGENIES
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a number field K , and let ` be a
prime number, if E admits an `-isogeny locally at a set of primes with
density one then does E admit an `-isogeny over K ?
Theorem (Sutherland)
Let E be an elliptic curve
over a number field K and let ` be a
prime number. Assume
/ K , and suppose E /K admits an
`-isogeny locally at a set of primes with density one.
Then E admits an `-isogeny over a quadratic extension of K .
Moreover, if ` ≡ 1 mod 4 or ` < 7, E admits an `-isogeny defined over K .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Let K be a number field, let E be an elliptic curve over K and ` a prime
number, a pair (`, j(E )) is said to be exceptional for K if E /K admits
an `-isogeny locally everywhere but not over K .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Let K be a number field, let E be an elliptic curve over K and ` a prime
number, a pair (`, j(E )) is said to be exceptional for K if E /K admits
an `-isogeny locally everywhere but not over K .
Sutherland proved the following result:
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Let K be a number field, let E be an elliptic curve over K and ` a prime
number, a pair (`, j(E )) is said to be exceptional for K if E /K admits
an `-isogeny locally everywhere but not over K .
Sutherland proved the following result:
Theorem (Sutherland)
The pair (7, 2268945/128) is the only exceptional pair for Q .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Theorem (Sutherland)
Let E be an elliptic curve
over a number field K and let ` be a
prime number. Assume
/ K , and suppose E /K admits an
`-isogeny locally at a set of primes with density one.
Then E admits an `-isogeny over a quadratic extension of K .
Moreover, if ` ≡ 1 mod 4 or ` < 7, E admits an `-isogeny defined over K .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a number field K , then on the
`-torsion points of E [`] (Q ) there is a Gal(Q /K )-action. Then there
exist a Galois representation ρE ,` :
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a number field K , then on the
`-torsion points of E [`] (Q ) there is a Gal(Q /K )-action. Then there
exist a Galois representation ρE ,` :
ρE ,`
Gal(Q /K ) −→ Aut(E [`]) ∼
= GL2 (F` ).
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a number field K , then on the
`-torsion points of E [`] (Q ) there is a Gal(Q /K )-action. Then there
exist a Galois representation ρE ,` :
ρE ,`
Gal(Q /K ) −→ Aut(E [`]) ∼
= GL2 (F` ).
Let (`, j(E )) be an exceptional pair for the number field K and let
G = ρE ,` (Gal(Q/K )). Then G is a subgroup of GL2 (F` ) such that
|P1 (F` )g | > 0 for all g ∈ G but |P1 (F` )G | = 0.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Given an elliptic curve E , defined over a number field K , the
compatibility between ρE ,` and the Weil pairing on E [`] implies that:
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Given an elliptic curve E , defined over a number field K , the
compatibility between ρE ,` and the Weil pairing on E [`] implies that:
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Given an elliptic curve E , defined over a number field K , the
compatibility between ρE ,` and the Weil pairing on E [`] implies that:
ζ` is in K if and only if G is contained in SL2 (F` );
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Given an elliptic curve E , defined over a number field K , the
compatibility between ρE ,` and the Weil pairing on E [`] implies that:
ζ` is in K if and only if G is contained in SL2 (F` );
H, the q
projective image of G , is contained in SL2 (F` )/ {±1} if and
only if
` is in K .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Given an elliptic curve E , defined over a number field K , the
compatibility between ρE ,` and the Weil pairing on E [`] implies that:
ζ` is in K if and only if G is contained in SL2 (F` );
H, the q
projective image of G , is contained in SL2 (F` )/ {±1} if and
only if
` is in K .
The solution q
to the local-global principle about `-isogenies over K
depends on
` belonging to K .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
First case
Second case
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
First case
Second case
Finiteness result
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Let us assume that
First case
Second case
/ K.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Let us assume that
First case
Second case
/ K.
Lemma (Sutherland)
Let G be a subgroup of GL2 (F` ) whose image H in PGL2 (F` ) is not
contained in SL2 (F` )/ {±1}. Suppose |P1 (F` )g | > 0 for all g ∈ G but
|P1 (F` )G | = 0.
Then ` ≡ 3 mod 4 and the following holds:
(1) H is dihedral of order 2n, where n > 1 is an odd divisor of (`−1)/2;
(2) G is properly contained in the normalizer of a split Cartan subgroup;
(3) P1 (F` )/G contains an orbit of size 2.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
First case
Second case
Proposition (A.)
Let (`, j(E )) be an exceptional pair for the number field K with
not belonging to K . Then E admits an `-isogeny over K ( −`) (and
actually, two such isogenies).
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
First case
Second case
Main Theorem (A.)
Let (`, j(E )) be an q
exceptional pair for the number field K of degree d
over Q , such that
/ K . Then
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
First case
Second case
Main Theorem (A.)
Let (`, j(E )) be an q
exceptional pair for the number field K of degree d
over Q , such that
/ K . Then ` ≡ 3 mod 4 and
7 ≤ ` ≤ 6d+1.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
First case
Second case
Main Theorem (A.)
Let (`, j(E )) be an q
exceptional pair for the number field K of degree d
over Q , such that
/ K . Then ` ≡ 3 mod 4 and
7 ≤ ` ≤ 6d+1.
This theorem implies the result obtained by Sutherland in the case
K = Q.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
First case
Second case
Main Theorem (A.)
Let (`, j(E )) be an q
exceptional pair for the number field K of degree d
over Q , such that
/ K . Then ` ≡ 3 mod 4 and
7 ≤ ` ≤ 6d+1.
This theorem implies the result obtained by Sutherland in the case
K = Q.
This theorem is proved studying the Galois representation ρE ,` .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Let us assume that
First case
Second case
` ∈ K.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Let us assume that
First case
Second case
` ∈ K.
Lemma (A.)
Let G be a subgroup of GL2 (F` ) whose image H in PGL2 (F` ) is
contained in SL2 (F` )/ {±1}. Suppose |P1 (F` )g | > 0 for all g ∈ G but
|P1 (F` )G | = 0. Then ` ≡ 1 mod 4 and one of the followings holds:
(1) H is dihedral of order 2n, where n ∈ Z >1 is a divisor of `−1;
(2) H is isomorphic to one of the following exceptional groups: A4 , S4 or
A5 .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
First case
Second case
Proposition (A.)
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a number q
field K of degree d over
` ∈ K . Suppose
Q and let ` be a prime number. Let us suppose
E /K admits an `-isogeny locally at a set of primes with density one.
(1) if `≡3 mod 4 the elliptic curve E admits a global `-isogeny over K ;
(2) if `≡1 mod 4 the elliptic curve E admits an `-isogeny over L, finite
extension of K , which can ramify only at primes dividing the
conductor of E and `.
Moreover, if `≡−1 mod 3 or if ` ≥ 60d+1, then E admits an
`-isogeny over a quadratic extension L of K .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
First case
Second case
Proposition (A.)
Let (`, j(E )) be an exceptional pair for the number field K of degree d
over Q and discriminant ∆. Then
` ≤ max {∆, 6d+1} .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Let K be a number field and let ` be a prime number, how many
exceptional pairs (`, j(E )) do exist over K ?
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Proposition (A.)
Given a number field K :
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Proposition (A.)
Given a number field K :
if ` = 2, 3 then there exists no exceptional pair;
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Proposition (A.)
Given a number field K :
if ` = 2, 3 then there exists no exceptional pair;
there exist infinitely many
√ exceptional pairs (5, j(E )) for the number
field K if and only if 5 belongs to K ;
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Proposition (A.)
Given a number field K :
if ` = 2, 3 then there exists no exceptional pair;
there exist infinitely many
√ exceptional pairs (5, j(E )) for the number
field K if and only if 5 belongs to K ;
if ` > 7, then the number of exceptional pairs (`, j(E )) is finite.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Sketch of the Proof
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Sketch of the Proof
If ` = 2, 3 then the result follows from the previous combinatorics.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Sketch of the Proof
If ` = 2, 3 then the result follows from the previous combinatorics.
For ` ≥ 5 the result follows from counting rational points on
modular curves.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Sketch of the Proof
If ` = 2, 3 then the result follows from the previous combinatorics.
For ` ≥ 5 the result follows from counting rational points on
modular curves.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Modular curves
Let ` ≥ 5 be a prime. The modular curve X (`) is the compactified fine
moduli space which classify, up to isomorphism, pairs (E , α), where E is
a generalized elliptic curve over a scheme S over Spec(Z [1/`, ζ` ]) and
α : (Z /`Z )2S → E [`] is an isomorphism of group schemes over S which is
a full level `-structure.
A full level `-structure on a generalized elliptic curve E over S is a pair of
points (P1 , P2 ), satisfying P1 , P2 ∈ E [`] and e` (P1 , P2 ) = ζ` where e` is
the Weil pairing on E [`].
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
In the case ` = 5 the modular curve considered is
XV4 (5) := G \X (5),
where G ⊂ GL2 (Z /`Z ) is the inverse image of V4 ⊂ PGL2 (Z /`Z ).
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
In the case ` = 5 the modular curve considered is
XV4 (5) := G \X (5),
where G ⊂ GL2 (Z /`Z ) is the inverse image of V4 ⊂ PGL2 (Z /`Z ).
Over Spec(Q ( 5)) the modular curve XV4 (5) is isomorphic to P1 .
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
For ` > 7 the result follows applying Faltings’ Theorem.
In this case, an exceptional pair essentially (we are not considering
exceptional subgroups) corresponds to a rational point of
Xsplit (`) := G \X (`),
where G is the normalizer of a split Cartan subgroup of GL2 (F` ). The
curve Xsplit (`) parametrizes elliptic curves endowed with a pair of
independent cyclic `-isogenies.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
The local-global principle for 7-isogenies leads us to a dichotomy between
a finite and an infinite number of counterexamples according to the rank
of a specific elliptic curve that we call the Elkies-Sutherland curve:
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
The local-global principle for 7-isogenies leads us to a dichotomy between
a finite and an infinite number of counterexamples according to the rank
of a specific elliptic curve that we call the Elkies-Sutherland curve:
Proposition (A.)
If ` = 7 then the number of exceptional pairs (7, j(E )) for a number field
K , is finite or infinite, depending on the rank of the elliptic curve
E 0 : y 2 = x 3 − 1715x + 33614
being respectively 0 or positive.
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Examples for 7-isogenies:
For Q ( −23) and Q (i) there are infinitely many counterexamples to
the local-global principle about 7-isogenies.
For any field in the following table there are finitely many
counterexamples to the local-global principle about 7-isogenies:
Q (√−14)
Q (√−21)
Q (√−35)
Q (√−42)
Q (√ −91)
Q ( −105)
Q (√−119)
Q (√−133)
Q (√−154)
Q (√−161)
Q (√−182)
Q ( −203)
Samuele Anni
Q (√−210)
Q (√−217)
Q (√−231)
Q (√−238)
Q (√−259)
Q ( −287)
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
Further directions
Generalization for simple abelian varieties of dimension d over Q
which are principally polarized i.e. study of the subgroups of
P GSp2d (F` )...
Generalization for abelian varieties of GL2 -type;
Generalization for isogenies of prime power degree;
Generalization for isogenies of degree given by products of primes;
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields
Preliminaries and introduction
Exceptional pairs
New results
Finiteness result
“Think Globally, Act Locally”
Patrick Geddes
Samuele Anni
Samuele Anni
A local-global principle for isogenies over number fields