International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 9 - Apr 2014 Data Base Hacking: SQL Injection Method and its Prevention 1,2 Alla Chandra Sekhar Reddy1, S K.Riaz2 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, K L University, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Vaddeswaram Post, Andhra Pradesh, India-522502. ABSTRACT : As the services of internet rapidly increases people are dependent on internet for different purposes. The applications which are developing using web applications i.e.; online shopping, train reservation, paying bills. These web applications require database which is used to retrieve the relevant data supplied by the user, here data base acts as a backend and web application acts as front end. As there is increase of web applications there is also an increase in web security which is one of the most challenge parts of web applications and data base. There are number of techniques which are used for securing the web application. The most common one is authentication process in which the user gives the input in the form of username and password. The problem in authentication process is the input validation checking. Keywords –defences, SQL injection, security testing, I. INTRODUCTION The major threads in web application security are SQL injection, buffer over flow and denial of service (DOS).Structured query language (SQL) is a query language or textual language which is used to interact with relational database management system.SQL injection is much vulnerable that it can bypass many traditional firewalls and intrusion detection system.SQL injection attack represents a serious threat to any database driven site. These applications takes input from the user and use them in the form of SQL statements at runtime. The one of the most web application vulnerable is SQL injection and SQL injection is one of the easiest attacks where even a developer can easily do SQL injection. So, this is one of the disadvantages of SQL injection. II. III. DATABASE HACKING Hacking a database means altering or manipulating the contents of database i.e. manipulate database contents say CSS or Java scripts. The files of a particular site are stored on a computer somewhere called as a database or the server. Where the configuration is different compared to your home pc. The database stores large amount of data which is used to retrieve different information required for different clients at different places. You can view files (read) and you can also change them (write). Everyone has read access. They can view your files, but they are never, ever supposed to be able to change them, delete them, or add new ones. Hacking takes place when somebody gets through these security systems and obtains write access to the server or the database. Once they obtain that, they can change, add, or delete files however they want. IV. SQL INJECTION EXAMPLE Whenever a web site user enters data in to a form on a particular site a SQL query is generated and delivered to the database. In this case a simple logon form the user name and password is presented to the database and if valid, the database responds with an answer and user is allowed,it is a simple form or web process, where database access is required and a response is expected. But when using a SQL injection the attacker will try to enter a specifically crafted SQL commands into a form field instead of the expected information. The intent of a user to secure a response from the database that will help the hacker to understand the database construction. BACKGROUND A particular language is used to retrieve data from web application to database.SQL is used to retrieve the particular data according to user specification.sql injection attack mainly occurs due to insecure coding practices. The legitimate user uses SQL statement in such a way to execute data base which the malicious code is supplied by the attacker. ISSN: 2231-5381 These are the following things occur from SQL injection: 1. The user can easily log in to another users application, even as an administrator. Page 441 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 9 - Apr 2014 2. The user can view private information and secure information belonging to other users e.g. ATM pin number and transactions. 3. The user can change application configuration information like the system data of the other users. 4. The user can delete tables in the application database or modify the structure of the database. 5. The user can take control of the database server as like a hacking of the database and execute commands on it like a database administrator. V. TYPES OF ATTACKS The above screenshot shows the example of online banking where different users can access the facilities like opening new a\c,money transfer, viewing a/c balance, downloading bank statements etc are the different operations performed in online banking. Here security of the customer’s financial information is very important because as the technology increases the number of attacks also increases. Attacks on online banking used today are based on deceiving the user to steal login data Tautology attacks: The main goal of tautology based attacks is conditional statements that are always to true. Tautology attacks are successful when it retrieves the records of tables or at least one of the records. Eg. SELECT accounts FROM user WHERE login=”or1=1—AND pass=” AND pin= Logically incorrect query attacks: This attack is used to know the structure of the database and the type of backend database used. E.g. SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=” AND Pass=” AND pin=convert (int, (select top 1 ame from Sys objects where x type=’u’)) Union Attack: In union query the attacker uses the union operator. The attacker can query to retrieve the information from any desired location of the database. The result is returned in the form of dataset. Which is the combination of original query and the second query. E.g. SELECT accounts FROM users WHERE login=”UNION SELECT cardno from creditcards where AcctNO=100 -- AND pass=” AND pin= The above screenshot shows the example of bill payment through online banking where there is a possibility of SQL injection attack to take place .here in the bill payment details the attacker can introduce SQL injection attack by the description field where the user post his comments there, where the attacker can post SQL injection. VI. Piggybacked Query: In this type of attack the attacker injects extra query instead of original query named as piggybacked. TESTING Application testing plays an important role where an SQL injection attack takes place. Security testing is the process that determines the confidential data stays confidential and users can perform only those tasks that they are authorized to perform. Its tester responsibility to run SQL injection testcases.the whole testing team must take the responsibility to secure application against such attacks. VII. CONCLUSION Different firewalls and intrusion detection system provides a little defense against web attacks. Even though the Usage of web application has become very important now a day. The Security issues are not that much convincing, so the application developers must take care by patching the code thoroughly during the development stage only. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 442 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 9 - Apr 2014 Security testing should be done thoroughly so that the main SQL injection takes places in the text fields, input fields which made part of test plan depending type of data it is dealing with say crucial personnel information which is high importance to the organization. REFERENCES [1]Shubham Shrivastava,Rajeev Ranjan Kumar Tripathi, “Attacks Due to SQL injection & their Prevention Method for Web-Application”, International Journal of Computer Sciecne and information technologies, Vol 3 (2), pp.3615-3618, 2012. [2]W. Halfond, S. Anand, and A. Orso, “Precise Interface Identification to Improve Testing and Analysis of Web Applications,”Proc.18th Int’l Symp. Software Testing and Analysis, pp. 285-296, 2009. [3]Dhafer Thabe,” Toward Situational Secure Web Services Design Methods”, IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 2007. [4]Y. Huang, S. Huang, T. 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