International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 6 - Apr 2014 Medical Application of RISC core on single FPGA Sonal S. Tayade1, S. B. Patil2 Department of Electronics, Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India Abstract— This paper presents the methodology for monitoring patient using very high speed hardware description language (VHDL) technique. Patient monitoring system consist of equipment, devices and supplies that measure, display and record human physiological characteristics including heart rate, and body temperature. A patient monitoring system includes continuous monitoring of patient including data acquisition and processing module receiving physiological data from the patient. The major reason for the development of this system is to reduce product size, power consumption and cost of the system. The design has been implemented in FPGA board and some typical monitoring and control system has been developed. Keywords—FPGA, microcontroller, heart rate, body temperature, beats per minute (bpm). I. INTRODUCTION This project aims at making the monitoring system by using PicoBlaze soft core processor connected the peripheral blocks. The main objective of this project is to design a system that continuously check the peripheral readings and control the system accordingly. The microprocessors used for executing instructions by fetching from memory. The processor interact with other peripherals, it requires additional circuitry. This makes system complexity, requires large area and high power consumption. We required microprocessor that itself capable to handle peripherals up to its limit. This feature comes in PicoBlaze microprocessor. PicoBlaze is a soft core microprocessor developed by Xilinx that can be synthesized in some FPGA families. The objective of this work is to design a non-intrusive, accurate, and low cost biomedical sensor interface for processing heart rate, and body temperature. The work deals with the signal conditioning of heart rate, and body temperature. A patient monitoring system is an instrument that collects and displays physiological data, often for the purpose of watching for, and warning against, very serious changes in physiological state. Patient monitoring systems can also help the patient, caregiver, and the provider make more informed decisions. Care delivery is improved with the use of patient monitoring systems as the data can trigger alarms or alert prompting provider intervention with the potential and then to improve health outcomes. ISSN: 2231-5381 II. RELATED STUDY Many works have been conducted to determine the types of vital signs such as blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate that are regularly measured. In our work, we propose the sensor interface design for only two vital signs that are heart rate and body temperature. A. Heart Rate Heart rate indicates the soundness of our heart and helps assessing the condition of cardiovascular system [3]. In clinical environment, heart rate is measured under controlled conditions like blood measurement, heart voice measurement, and Electrocardiogram (ECG) [4] but it can be measured in home environment also [5]. Our heart pounds to pump oxygen-rich blood to our muscles and to carry cell waste products away from our muscles. The more we use our muscles, the harder our heart works to perform these tasksmeans our heart must beat faster to deliver more blood. A heart rate monitor is simply a device that takes a sample of heartbeats and computes the Beats per Minute (bpm) so that the information can easily be used to track heart condition. There are two types of methods to develop heart monitorselectrical and optical methods. The electrical method has an average error of 1 percent. The optical method has an accuracy rating of 15 percent. The average resting human heart rate is about 70 bpm for adult males and 75 bpm for adult females. Heart rate varies significantly between individuals based on fitness, age and genetics. Heart rate can be measured by measuring one's pulse. Pulse measurement can be achieved by using specialized medical devices, or by merely pressing one's fingers against an artery (typically on the wrist or the neck). It is generally accepted that listening to heartbeats using a stethoscope, a process known as auscultation, is a more accurate method to measure the heart rate. There are many other methods to measure heart rates like Phonocardiogram (PCG), ECG, blood pressure wave form [6] and pulse meters [7] but these methods are clinical and expensive. There are other cost-effective methods that are implemented with sensors as proposed in [8] and [9] but they are susceptible to noise and movement of subject and artery. In this paper, the design and development of a low powered heart rate monitor device is presented that provides an accurate reading of the heart rate using optical technology. The device is economic, durable, and cost effective. We incorporated the optical technology using standard Light Emitting Diode (LED) and photo-sensor to measure the heart rate within seconds using index finger. Page 267 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 6 - Apr 2014 B. Body Temperature Body temperature means measurement of the body’s ability to generate and get rid of heat. It is one of chief indicators of normal functioning and health. The nature of human body is to keep its temperature within a narrow, safe range in spite of large variations in temperatures outside the body. The typical body temperature is 37.0 0.4 (98.6 0.7 ) .When one is too hot, the blood vessels in his/her skin expand (dilate) to carry the excess heat to his/her skin’s surface. One may begin to sweat, and as the sweat evaporates, it helps to cool his/her body. When one is too cold, his/her blood vessels narrow (contract) so that blood flow to his/her skin is reduced to conserve body heat. One may start shivering, which is an involuntary, rapid contraction of the muscles. This extra muscle activity helps generate more heat. Under normal conditions, this keeps one’s body temperature within a narrow, safe range. III. EXISTING APPROACHES There are some existing approaches for monitoring heart rate. The current technology for measuring heart rate consists of optical and electrical methods. The electrical method provides a bulky strap around one’s chest [12]. The optical method requires no such strap and can be used more conveniently than the electrical method. Low cost heart rate measurement device was developed using optical technology. In optical method, there is an approach using powerful LED and Light Dependent Register (LDR) to sense pulses [10]. Here, the pulses are amplified by an amplifier circuit and filtered by a band pass filter. After that the amplified and filtered pulse signals are sent to the microcontroller. The microcontroller receives the pulse signals as analog signals and uses a standard voltage to check if the pulse signals are valid or not. Then the heart rate is counted by that microcontroller and displayed the result in a LCD display. There is also an another approach using infrared Tx and Rx which also senses pulses, amplifies the pulses and filters pulses by a low pass filter. Then the pulse signal is sent to a microcontroller [13, 14]. The microcontroller receives the pulses as analog signals and checks the signals with a standard voltage and does the same thing as the above approach. Both the approach use analog signal to measure heart rate, but analog signal of pulse varies from person to person. These approaches cannot calibrate analog signal of pulses for each person and use a standard voltage to check each pulse signal. That why these approaches give inaccurate result in many cases. There is also an approach which uses infrared technology to measure heart rate and use analog temperature sensor to measure body temperature. This approach can calibrate analog signal of pulses for each person. The goal of our project is to design a remote heart rate and body temperature monitoring device which is inexpensive, accurate, durable, and affordable and user friendly using Infrared and VLSI technology. We have incorporated the infrared technology using a standard Infrared LED (IR Tx) and photo diode (Rx) and measured body temperature using LM35. The ISSN: 2231-5381 IR Tx and Rx have been used to measure the heart rate from any finger. A microcontroller has been programmed to count the pulse rate. The body parameter is digitally displayed on a FPGA display. IV. INTERFACE DESIGN Fig 1 Sensor interface block diagram The above fig 1 shows the block diagram of Low Cost Heart Rate and Temperature Interface. Fluctuation in the normal heart rate and body temperature of the patient will be sensed by the infrared sensor and temperature sensor respectively. The functioning of heart rate sensor module is based on the truth that the blood circulates for every heartbeat that can be sensed by LED. The body temperature will be directly sent to the microcontroller by the LM 35 temperature sensor. A. Infrared Transmitter and Receiver The haemoglobin molecules of blood absorb the infrared light [10]. Each time heart pumps, the volume of oxygen rich blood increases in the finger. As a result, the amount of oxyhaemoglobin molecules also increases in blood. Absorption of infrared light is also high and, reflection of infrared light is low. Then, each heart beat slightly alters the amount of reflected infrared light which can be detected by the IR Rx. The more infrared light is received the less the voltage of the input point from the sensor part is produced. The IR Rx picks an AC signal with some DC components. The DC components come up from non-pulsatile tissues. Direct crosstalk between the IR transmitter and receiver is avoided though they are placed closely. A Resistor is connected to the Infrared receiver (IR Rx) to reduce the current drawn by the detection system. If the intensity, of IR light is too high, then the reflected infrared light from the tissue will be sufficient enough to saturate the photo detecting diode all the time, and no signal will exist. So the value of the resistance connected in series with the Infrared transmitter (IR Tx) is chosen to limit the current and hence the intensity of the transmitted infrared light. The diagram in Fig. 2 shows the Page 268 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 6 - Apr 2014 configuration of the IR emitter and IR receiver in relation to the finger. They are placed in such a way that the infrared light reflects from the finger to the to the IR receiver [9]. V. ACTUAL HARDWARE TEST RESULT D. Heart Rate The microcontroller is programmed to count the number of B. Filtering and Amplification of Pulse Rate Signal pulse of the input signal in 15 seconds, and the result is further multiplied correspondingly by 4 to obtain the total number of A small movement of finger causes high frequency noise. pulses per minute and convert it into digital form then fed it to The pulse rate signal filtering is necessary to block any higher FPGA to display the result. It is also programmed to get the frequency noises present in the signal. The desired signal can analogue signal from the temperature sensor and measure the be extracted from the noisy signal using a low pass filter. The body temperature ( ).Then the heart rate and the body equation for cut off frequency of the low pass filter is given temperature are shown on the LCD display which is below. connected to FPGA. Cut off Frequency = 1/2π Rf Cf (1) The performance of Heart rate monitor device is tested with the output of Electrocardiogram (ECG) for 10 patients. The The cut off frequency of the filter designed is 2.34 Hz. If not error rate is calculated using (1) amplified, the signal found from the filter circuit is found having amplitude in mV level. The signal must be amplified E = [100 |A-M|] A (1) for understanding and counting pulse rate by the microcontroller. A two stage signal filter and amplifier circuit Here A = Actual heart rate using LM358 Op Amp can be designed for this. This Op Amp M=Measured heart rate is operated with 5 volts. The designed circuit is shown in Fig. E= Error rate 4. The equation for gain of each stage of the low pass filter is given below. The comparison shows that the heart rate monitor device has accuracy with a mean of 4.31 and standard deviation of 2.87. Gain of Each Stage = 1 + Rf /Cf (2) The comparison is shown in Table I. In the designed circuit, total gain is 10201. Values of Rf and Ri are 680 KΏ and 6.8 KΏ. The 1uF capacitors, which are connected in series to the inputs of each filter blocks the undesired DC components of the signal. The two 1µF capacitors must be able to stand some reverse bias, so they should be nonpolarized. C. Body Temperature The LM35 temperature sensor is proposed in this work for measuring the human body temperature. It is a precision integrated circuit Temperature Sensor which is small and can be placed anywhere on the body. The LM35 output voltage is linearly scalable to the measured temperature, which is 10 mV per 1 degree Celsius as shown in fig 2. So if Vout = 0.37V then the measured temperature is 37°C. It does not require external calibration and maintains an accuracy of ±0.4°C at room temperature and an accuracy ±0.8°C for a range of 0°C to +100°C TABLE I ACCURACY C OMPARISON WITH AN ECG Electrocardiogram ECG (bpm) 76 78 82 83 85 77 79 89 88 76 Heart rate (bpm) Error Rate (%) 78 78 84 84 90 84 84 96 90 72 2.56 0 2.38 1.19 5.56 8.33 5.95 7.29 2.22 5.56 However, this accuracy may defer depending on the circumference size of the finger of the user. We also measured the error rate depending on the finger size and found that HRM works well with medium-sized fingers. The result is shown in Table II TABLE II ACCURACY COMPARISON WITH DIFFERENT FINGER SIZE Fig 2 Temperature Sensor Circuit ISSN: 2231-5381 Finger Circumference Size Big Finger(3.0’’) Error Rate (%) Medium Finger(2.5’’) 4.31 Small Finger(2.125’’) 8.91 10.67 Page 269 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 6 - Apr 2014 The accuracy of the heart monitor is also tested manually as we selected 50 human subjects from different ranges of age from 3 years to 65 years, and measured their heartbeat manually from the pulse and with this device. From Fig.2 we see that the difference between actual heart rate and measured heart rate is small (e.g., error rate is low). VI. CONCLUSIONS We have described the application of RISC core i.e. Pico Blaze in medical field for the patient Monitoring system. The results obtained for the body parameter measurement using VLSI Technique proves better solution over existing patient monitoring system due to its advantages such as better accuracy, design security, productivity, speed and flexibility This work is our ongoing project into the use of embedded system in the healthcare. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to express thanks and gratitude to Prof S. B. Patil, SSGMCE, Shegaon (Maharashtra) for helpful discussions and valuable guidance. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] Fig. 3 Difference between Actual heart rate and measured heart rate [4] E. Body Temperature The accuracy of the body temperature is tested. Fig. 3 shows a dual curve where red curve shows the measured body temperature and blue curve shows the actual body temperature for some practical data. We see that there is a small difference between the two curves in the dual curve which mirrors that the error rate is low. 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