International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 4 - Apr 2014 A Novel Data Hiding Technique with Hybrid Approach U.V.Chandra Sekhar, N.Sai sunitha, M.Prasanna 1 1,2,3 Asst Professor,2,3Student Computer science and engineering, Raghu Engineering College, Visakhapatnam Abstract: Even though Various approaches available for transferring the data over networks, data confidentiality and data sensitivity are still important factors. In this paper we are proposing a novel hybrid mechanism for secure transmission of data through the images which are rotated by specific angles. Experimental results shoes efficient key can be generated by the Diffie Hellan key exchange protocol and data can be encrypted by the DES algorithm ,data can embed into the LSBs of the image and rotated by specific angles. I. INTRODUCTION Three different aspects in information-hiding systems contend with each other: capacity, security, and robustness. Capacity refers to the amount of information that can be hidden in the cover medium, security to an eavesdropper’s inability to detect hidden information, and robustness to the amount of modification the stego medium can withstand before an adversary can destroy hidden information. Information hiding generally relates to both watermarking and steganography. A watermarking system’s primary goal is to achieve a high level of robustness—that is, it should be impossible to remove a watermark without degrading the data object’s quality. Steganography, on the other hand, strives for high security and capacity, which often entails that the hidden information is fragile. Even trivial modifications to the stego medium can destroy it[1]. Internet users frequently need to store, send, or receive private information. The most common way to do this is to transform the data into a different form. The resulting data can be understood only by those who know how to return it to its original form. This method of protecting information is known as encryption. A major drawback to encryption is that the existence of data is not hidden. Data that has been encrypted, although unreadable, still exists as data. If given enough time, someone could eventually unencrypt the data. A solution to this problem is steganography. The ancient art of hiding messages so that they are not detectable. No substitution or permutation was used. The hidden message is plain, but unsuspecting to the reader. Steganography's intent is to hide the existence of the message, while cryptography scrambles a message so that it cannot be understood[2]. ISSN: 2231-5381 II. RELATED WORK Cryptography is the methods that allows information to be sent in a secure form in such a way that the only receiver is able to retrieve the information. Nowa-days, cryptography has many commercial applications. It provides high level of privacy for individuals and groups. However, the main purpose of the cryptography is not only to provide confidentiality but also provide solutions for other problems like: data integrity, authentication, nonrepudiation. Presently continuous researches on the new cryptographic algorithms are going on. However, it is very difficult to find out the specific algorithm they must consider various factors like: security, the features of algorithm, the time complexity and space complexity[1][2] . Visual Cryptography (VC) is a new technique of cryptographic scheme, which can decrypt encrypted images without any mathematical computations but with the help of Human Visual System (HVS). Visual cryptography scheme has many applications like secret sharing scheme, Copyright protection, Half-toning process and Watermarking. There are various schemes of Visual Cryptography. Visual Cryptography scheme can also be used for authentication and identification process (visual authentication and identification) III. PROPOSED APPROACH We are proposing a novel and empirical model of data hiding technique with image rotation,key exchange protocol and cryptographic technique.Intially a key an generated by the both the users using the diffie hellman key exchange protocol and data can be converted to cipher information and cipher data can be embedded into least significant bits of the cover image and image can be converted and forwarded to the receiver. Receiver Initially de-rotate the image which is received from the sender and extract the cipher information from the lease significant bit positions of the image and decode the cipher information using the DES algorithm and same key which is generated by diffie hellman protocol and plain text can be extracted . Page 205 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 4 - Apr 2014 Cover Image Stego Image Rotated Image Cipher Text Plain Text Diffie-Hellaman & DES A) Architecture DES: DES is the one of the simple and efficient cryptographic technique for secure transmission of data over network .This cryptographic technique is a symmetric key approach because sender and receiver uses the same later, puplic key cryptography provides a solution to this. Secret Key (K) key for encryption and decryption. This would have to be communicated over some secure channel which, unfortunately, is not that easy to achieve. As will be seen later, puplic key cryptography provides a solution to this. One of the main problems with secret key cryptography is key distribution. For this form of cryptography to work, both parties must have a copy of the secret key. This would have to be communicated over some secure channel which, unfortunately, is not that easy to achieve. As will be seen • Initially they are agree on two public prime numbers p and g from the both ends. gis also known as the generator • E {P,K} Plain Text (P) Alice selects a secret integer ‘a’ and calculates and calculates • and forwards the x to Bob Cipher Text (P) • D {C,K} Secret Key (K) x = ga mod p Similarly Bob selects a secret integer calculates • Plain Text (P) y = gb mod p and forwards the y to Alice B) Key Exchange protocol • Diffie-Hellman is the one of the most efficient key exchange algorithm is used where users are expecting data confidentiality and security during the transmission of the data .In this protocol of example we are considering two users Alice and Bob. Now alice calculates the below with the received Y from Bob to achieve final session key • • Ya mod p Bob calculates the below with the received X to achieve final session key at Bod end • ISSN: 2231-5381 ‘b’ and Xb mod q Page 206 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 4 - Apr 2014 Steganography and Cryptography are closely related constructs. The hidden or embedded image, audio or a video files act as carriers to send the private messages to the destination without any security breach. Steganography techniques can be implemented on various file formats such as audio („.mp3‟, „.wmv.‟, etc.), video(„.mpeg‟, „.dat‟, etc.) and images („.jpeg‟, „.bmp‟, etc.). However, the images are the most preferred file format for this technique. At present, there are a lot of algorithms that help in executing the steganography software. Data Replacement in LSB: To hide the data in cover image initially convert the data into binary and extract the least significant bit positions of the image and place the binary information(i.e bit by bit) in the LSBs. LSB (Least Significant Bit) substitution is the process of adjusting the least significant bit pixels of the cover image and it is a simple and efficient approach for embedding message and the image. The Least Significant Bit insertion varies according to number of bits in an image. For an 8 bit image, the least significant bit i.e., the 8 th bit of each byte of the image is changed with the bit of cipher text. For a 24 bit image, the colors of each component like RGB (red, green and blue) are changed. LSB is effective in using BMP images since the compression in BMP is lossless. four angles, noise will be added. It obviously leads to the incorrect extraction of values at the receiver end during the de-rotation of the image. Our experiental results shows the cover image (Fig 1),stego image(Fig 2) and rotated image(Fig 3) as follows Figure 1 (Cover Image) C) Image Rotation Analysis Stego image can be rotated with specific angle in clockwise direction from the sender end with specific angle for rotation of the image we considered the four angles (90,180,270 and 360) other than these angles noise can be added to the stego image. Receiver de-rotate the image in anti-clockwise direction with required angle and retrieve the de-rotated image and can easily extract the information in the image. Figure 2 (Stego Image) D) Experimental Analysis During the experimental investigation while embedding the data into the images , we tested on the ASCII set of characters(Alphabets,Numbers and special symbols),that leads to the successful transactions, but it does not work with other language set of characters,because while we are converting the characters ,We are converting the each character to respective ascii codes for binary conversion before embedding the data in to the least significant bits Figure 3 (Rotated Image) IV.CONCLUSION One more issue while Image rotation, In our proposed approach, we had shown the rotation of the image with specific four angles statically, we cannot rotate the image with user specified angle because ,if angle not in the list of ISSN: 2231-5381 We are concluding our research issue with efficient cryptography, steganography and image rotation analysis. Information can be efficiently encrypted by using DES Page 207 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 10 Number 4 - Apr 2014 algorithm by using the key which is generated from the diffie hellman key exchange protocol and image can be rotated with specific angles and forwards to the receiver and receiver de-rotate the image and extract the information from the stego image REFERENES [1] Hide and Seek: An Introduction to NIELS and provos and peter honeymman [2] Steganography- A Data Hiding Technique aravind kumar and pooja. [3] J Hoffstein., et al, " An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography ", First Edition. Springer Science & Business Media, (2008):, Germany. [4] H.Kenneth, " Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications " Third Edition. Addison-Wesley, (1992): Germany. [5] M.Lucas, " Thomas Jefferson wheel cipher ", Monticello Research Department, Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Charlottesville, (1995):, VA. [6] Steganography and steganalysis-Robert Krenn, Internet Publication, March 2004 ISSN: 2231-5381 [7] Steganographic Techniques and their use in an Open-Systems Environment-Bret Dunbar, The Information Security Reading Room, SANS Institute 2002. [8] Steganography Primer - Ruid, Computer Academic underground,2004 [9] Image Compression and Discrete Cosine Transform - Ken Cabeen and Peter Gent,Math 45 College of the Redwoods,1998 [10] Practical Data Hiding in TCP/IP - Kamran Ahsan and Deepa Kundur Multimedia and Security Workshop at ACM Multimedia,Juan-les-Pins, France, Friday, Dec 6th, 2002 BIOGRAPHIES U.V.Chandra Sekhar completed his MTech and currently pursuing ph.D and working as Assistant professor in the department of CSE, Raghu Engineering College Dakammari, Visakhapatnam,AP,India. His research interests are Network security,Data mining and image-processing Page 208