UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT for SLMS IT for SLMS: SLMS Sync & Share – Welcome pack for legacy equipment running Windows XP 1. Document Information Document Name IT-for-SLMS-Data-Storage-Welcome-Pack-LegacyWindowsXP.docx Service Sync & Share Author Kristina Drew Contributors Issue Date 11/09/2013 2. Document History Version Date Summary of change 1.0 15/10/2012 AISC version 1.1 11/09/2013 Rebranded for IT for SLMS 1.2 20/01/2014 Section 4: Use of ‘Desktop@UCL’ for remote working itforslms-syncshare-welcome-windowsxp.docx Confidential Page 1 of 6 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS Contents 1. Document Information ......................................................................................... 1 2. Document History ................................................................................................ 1 3 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3 4 About the Service ................................................................................................ 3 5 Logging on ........................................................................................................... 3 6 Individual, group and temporary data storage facilities ........................................ 4 6.1 Personal data storage: Home Drive .............................................................. 4 6.1.1 Increasing your quota ............................................................................. 5 6.2 Shared data storage: Group folders .............................................................. 5 6.3 Temporary data storage: ‘scratch1’ ............................................................... 5 7 How your data is backed up ................................................................................ 6 8 Limitations ........................................................................................................... 6 8.1 9 Person identifiable data ................................................................................. 6 Further assistance ............................................................................................... 6 9.1 On-going Support .......................................................................................... 6 9.2 On-line information ........................................................................................ 6 itforslms-syncshare-welcome-windowsxp.docx Confidential Page 2 of 6 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS 3 Introduction This guide highlights information needed to use SLMS Sync & Share. It provides information about how to log onto your computer and data storage facilities available to you; useful links to online guides are included. The file store service is designed to be used from connected Windows 7 machines. However, there may be instances where Windows XP must be used. 4 About the Service SLMS Sync & Share comprises 100 terabytes (TB) of backed up central storage resiliently distributed across the Information System Division’s (ISD) two data centres – so should one data centre encounter any issues, the other will seamlessly take over. The service is available to authorised Windows, Mac and Linux users from local desktops on the UCL network and offsite via Desktop@UCL Anywhere (https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/itforslms/services/remote-working). It provides you with your own data storage area for work-related use, shared data storage for groups/departments and temporary data storage. 5 Logging on Once your computer has started up you will need to hold down the Ctrl and Alt keys and then press the Delete key (Ctrl + Alt + Delete) to unlock the machine (See screenshot below). itforslms-syncshare-welcome-windowsxp.docx Confidential Page 3 of 6 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS Enter your UCL username and password. (Make sure that that ‘Log on to:’ has AD displayed, if not, select AD from the ‘log on to’ drop down menu.) Should you find the computer is locked by another user, you can use the Switch User button to logon without affecting the other user’s session 6 Individual, group and temporary data storage facilities Three types of remote data storage are available: Your own data storage : ‘Home Drive’ Shared data storage: ‘Group Folders’ Temporary data storage: ‘scratch1’ 6.1 Personal data storage: Home Drive As an authorised user of the service, you receive your own storage area. This is a network drive called the ‘Home Drive’ with the following features: For the storage of UCL generated work and related files – it should not be used for storage of excessive amounts of personal files (including photographs) or the storage of any commercial material (e.g. audio files (e.g. MP3s) or videos) Should not be used for storing identifiable patient data An initial allocation (‘quota’) of 50 gigabytes (GB) of storage Your Home Drive is automatically connected for you when you log on Displayed as the N: drive on your computer Your Home Drive is centrally backed up each night itforslms-syncshare-welcome-windowsxp.docx Confidential Page 4 of 6 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS 6.1.1 Increasing your quota You will receive an email message if your home directory reaches 90% of your initial quota. Should further home directory storage be required, this can be increased to 100GB (any increases beyond this are chargeable) on request via your usual point of contact for IT support. 6.2 Shared data storage: Group folders Departments/groups can request shared data storage. This is a network drive called ‘Group Folder’ with the following features: For the storage of live collaborative, UCL work related data Should not be used for storing patient identifiable data Provides 200GB of shared storage disk space Displayed as the S: drive on your computer Group folders are centrally backed up each night Requests for new group folders and requests for changes to existing group folders (e.g. adding or removing individuals from the shared folder, changes to a user’s access rights to a folder) should be made via your usual point of contact for IT support. 6.3 Temporary data storage: ‘scratch1’ For temporary storage of non-sensitive material Available to all authorised users who have logged onto the service Displayed as the P: drive on your computer Can be used for sharing and modifying files with other users outside your department Can be used as an alternative to email for moving large files (up to 100GB) between individuals and computers By default, everyone logged onto the service will be able to read and modify files stored in ‘scratch1’; only the creator/owner of the file will have rights to delete the file Is not backed up Files not modified for more than 30 days will be deleted from the scratch1 folder Should not be used for long term storage of files which should either be stored on your Home Drive or in Shared Folder, depending on the nature of the files (see above) itforslms-syncshare-welcome-windowsxp.docx Confidential Page 5 of 6 UCL INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION IT FOR SLMS 7 How your data is backed up Your Home Drive and any Group Folders are centrally backed up each night All data is backed up to industry best practice standards with file versions stored for 90 days Any data stored in the temporary area is not backed up If you need to request a restore of files, please use your usual point of contact for IT support 8 Limitations 8.1 Person identifiable data This service must not be used for the storage of person identifiable data. If you have a project handling this type of data, please contact the SLMS Information Governance Advisory Service at: slms.pid@ucl.ac.uk 9 Further assistance 9.1 On-going Support Please use you usual point of contact for IT support http://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/itforslms/about/contact 9.2 On-line information Visit the IT for SLMS website at https://www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/itforslms/services/accordian-files/sync-share itforslms-syncshare-welcome-windowsxp.docx Confidential Page 6 of 6