Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Interfaces between Probability and Geometry (Prospects in Mathematics Durham, 15 December 2007) Wilfrid Kendall Department of Statistics, University of Warwick Conclusion References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Introduction Conclusion References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Brownian motion Conclusion References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Brownian motion (I) “Infinitesimal random walk” relates to numerical analysis: Courant, Friedrichs, and Lewy 1928. f (x) = 1 (f (x + n) + f (x + e) + f (x + s) + f (x + w)) 4 converging in the limit to ∆f = 0 f (x) = E [f (BT )|B0 = x] (martingales, stochastic calculus, . . . ) Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion Brownian motion (II) From random walk to Brownian motion and beyond: extends idea of Central Limit Theorem; stochastic modelling; complex analysis via Lévy’s Theorem; stochastic Itô calculus (finance!). Explicit representation f (x) = E [f (BT )|B0 = x] useful: in case of irregular boundaries; when generalizing to diffusions; as part of general approach to random processes on fractals. Significant generalizations: from stochastic differential equations (SDE) to stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE); measure-valued diffusions (let BM reproduce and die); nonlinear elliptic variational problems (need to generalize martingales, expectations). References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Brownian motion (III) Neumann heat kernel Reflecting Brownian motion: prevent all moves outside of the domain D; related to heat flow in insulated domain; probability (heat) kernel ptD (x, y ) is probability density of Bt at Y if B is begun at x. QUESTION: does ptD (x, y ) depend monotonely on D? yes at large times; not necessarily at very short times; yes for convex well-separated domains (WSK 1989); no for general convex domains (Bass and Burdzy 1993). (“fly in convex room” example) Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Brownian motion (IV) Stochastic Loewner Evolution (SLE) Consider H the upper half-plane, and the differential equation ∂ 2 √ gt (z) = ∂t gt (z) − κBt defined for Brownian motion B begun at 0, with g0 (z) = z ∈ H. This fails to be defined after time Tz = sup{t : |gs (z) − κBs | > 0 for s ≤ t}. Then Kt = {z ∈ H : Tz ≤ t} is (chordal) Stochastic Loewner Evolution SLEκ , closely linked to many stochastic boundaries, the study of which won a Fields medal for Wendelin Werner in 2006. Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Brownian motion: preparations and directions Preparations: measure theory, measure-theoretic probability, analysis; Øksendal (2003) (book on SDE); Revuz and Yor (1999) (book on martingales and Brownian motion). (Random) directions: What might be the statistical consequences of domain non-monotonicity of the Neumann heat kernel? How might the theory of SLE be used in applied probability to model interfaces? Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Percolation Conclusion References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Percolation (I) Consider bond percolation: pipe segments are independently open with probability p, closed with probability 1 − p. As p increases, when does an infinite open cluster first appear? History: Broadbent and Hammersley (1957) Clearly a critical pH should exist. Theorem (Kesten, 1980): pH = 1/2. Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Percolation (II) There are many other kinds of percolation site percolation; triangular lattice site percolation (Cardy’s formula in critical case, SLE6 ); Poisson-Voronoi site percolation (Bollobas and Riordan 2006, pH = 1/2); Percolation on Cayley graphs of groups . . . Conclusion References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Percolation (III) Percolation and non-amenability Grimmett and Newman (1990) study bond-percolation in T × Zd where T is a regular tree. (Hard to visualize!) Tree-bonds have different probabilities from space-bonds. They show there are at least two phase transitions: 0-to-many-infinite-clusters, then many-to-1-infinite-cluster. For Cayley graphs, existence of two phase transitions is related to whether the underlying group is non-amenable (cannot possess an invariant mean). Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Percolation (IV) For particular tree-like graphs arising in quad-tree-based image analysis, WSK and Wilson (2003) show two phase transitions using methods related to hyperbolicity. Conclusion References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Percolation: preparations and directions Preparations: first-year undergraduate probability(!) and plenty of mathematical analysis; Grimmett (1999) (book on percolation, mostly Euclidean); Benjamini and Schramm (1996) “Percolation beyond Zd , many questions and a few answers”. (Random) directions: Investigate whether the Bollobas and Riordan (2006) result has consequences for spatial epidemics. Can uniqueness-of-infinite-cluster transition be related to notions of metric-space hyperbolicity for graphs? Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry The Ising model Conclusion References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References The Ising model (I) Each node is spin-up (+, σ = +1) or spin-down (−, σ = −1); Probability of configuration proportional to: X X 1 exp − −J σi σj = exp β σi σj . kT ij ij Phase transition for infinite lattice: computable in dimension 2; Local specification versus model on infinite grid; Image analysis: superimpose a second fixed/conditioned lattice, linked by different β. Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry The Ising model (II) Image analysis with Ising models: “heat-bath” algorithm (MCMC); Coupling from the Past (CFTP); Good image reconstruction: low “temperature” plus strong influence of image; Recent theoretical evidence suggests fast convergence (of modified algorithm); More sophisticated approaches: use “quad-trees” (superimposed coarser grids). Issue: identify phase transitions; Use the Fortuin-Kastelyn inequalities to estimate using percolation! Conclusion References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Ising model: preparations and directions Preparations: once again, first-year undergraduate probability(!) and plenty of mathematical analysis; Kindermann and Snell (1980) (excellent introduction, freely available on web!); (Random) directions: The quad-tree work is now focussed on getting an understanding of when interfaces propagate. SLE is conjectured to be related to the behaviour of the Ising model at criticality. Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion Networks and stochastic geometry References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion Networks and stochastic geometry (I) What is the shortest network to connect up the red sites using the grid? The answer is the rectilinear Steiner Tree. In general, computation of this is an NP-complete algorithm! The Euclidean variant is also NP-complete of course. Steiner trees are good for minimal length connection, but bad for efficient connections. How much more expensive to do better? References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Networks and stochastic geometry (II) Aldous and WSK 2008: take √ the Euclidean Steiner tree for n locations in a rectangle [0, n]2 ; total Steiner tree network length is of order n; we can reduce average connection length to within about O(log n) of best possible, as follows: add a very small number of extra random lines to generate efficient long-range connections; add a small amount of extra connectivity to ensure one can move efficiently onto the lines using the Steiner tree; total extra network length is just o(n)! Random line: choose uniform random orientation θ, choose uniform random (signed) distance r from reference point. Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion Conclusion References Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Conclusion (continued) There is plenty to do in probability theory, whether you want: deep and difficult theories with powerful links to other areas of mathematics; stochastic techniques and concepts which underly the finance industry; or pretty and challenging applied problems with surprising results. Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Bibliography This is a rich hypertext bibliography. Journals are linked to their homepages, and stable or Project Euclid ) have been URL links (as provided for example by JSTOR added where known. Access to such URLs is not universal: in case of difficulty you should check whether you are registered (directly or indirectly) with the relevant provider. In the case of preprints, icons , , , linking to homepage locations are inserted where available: note that these are less stable than journal links!. Aldous, D. J. and WSK (2008). Short-length routes in low-cost networks via Poisson line patterns. Advances in Applied Probability 40(1), to appear, , and . Bass, R. F. and K. Burdzy (1993). On domain monotonicity of the Neumann heat kernel. J. Funct. Anal. 116(1), 215–224. Benjamini, I. and O. Schramm (1996). Percolation beyond Zd , many questions and a few answers. Electron. Comm. Probab. 1, no. 8, 71–82 (electronic). Bollobas, B. and O. Riordan (2006). The critical probability for random voronoi percolation in the plane is 1/2. Probability Theory and Related Fields 136, 417. Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Broadbent, S. R. and J. M. Hammersley (1957). Percolation processes. I. Crystals and mazes. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 53, 629–641. Courant, R., K. Friedrichs, and H. Lewy (1928). Über die partiellen Differenzengleichungen der mathematischen Physik. Math. Ann. 100(1), 32–74. Grimmett, G. (1999). Percolation (Second ed.), Volume 321 of Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences]. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Grimmett, G. R. and C. M. Newman (1990). Percolation in ∞ + 1 dimensions. In Disorder in physical systems, Oxford Sci. Publ., pp. 167–190. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. Kindermann, R. and J. L. Snell (1980). Markov random fields and their applications, Volume 1 of Contemporary Mathematics. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society. Introduction Brownian motion Percolation Ising model Stochastic geometry Conclusion References Øksendal, B. (2003). Stochastic differential equations (Sixth ed.). Universitext. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. An introduction with applications. Revuz, D. and M. Yor (1999). Continuous martingales and Brownian motion (Third ed.), Volume 293 of Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences]. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. WSK (1989). Coupled Brownian motions and partial domain monotonicity for the Neumann heat kernel. . Journal of Functional Analysis 86, 226–236, WSK and R. G. Wilson (2003, March). Ising models and multiresolution quad-trees. ; Also University of Warwick Advances in Applied Probability 35(1), 96–122, Department of Statistics Research Report 402 .