International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013 GIS- Its Overview and Practical Implementation M. Kiran kumar^1, V.V.S.Bhavani Kumar#2, P.Vinodh#3 ^1 Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, KL University, Vaddeswaram, AP, India Final Year B. Tech, Dept. of EEE, KL University, Vaddeswaram, AP, India #3 Final Year B. Tech, Dept. of EEE, KL University, Vaddeswaram, AP, India #2 Abstract-Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system which is used to integrate both spatial (geographical picture) and nonspatial data (attribute data) together which helps in interlinking a geographical citation with its information. This feature of GIS makes its way forward into many applied services. This paper proposes an overall view of GIS and one of its present practical implementation of structuring ‘APDRP’ (Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme) an APEPDCL (Andhra Pradesh Eastern Power Distribution Company Limited) project. Restructuring implies Digitization of the entire power system distribution sector through IT based applications. Keywords-GIS, RAPDRP (Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme), Digitization, PGDB (Personal Geo Data Base) I. INTRODUCTION GIS (Geographical Information Systems) is one such famous IT application tool which can provide best decision support to bridge the gap between the requirements and the reality.A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts. A GIS helps you answer questions and solve problems by looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared.With the exponential growth in IT application and the Digital literacy all over the world, and GIS being the most advantageous visual dimension of data base, the potential for GIS application has increased over the years. A GIS is a virtual representation of the real world and its infrastructure. GIS cannot be defined in a single definition, but different authors define GIS in different ways as follows: The common ground between information processing and the many fields using spatial analysis techniques. (Tomlinson, 1972). A powerful set of tools for collecting, storing, retrieving, transforming, and displaying spatial data ISSN: 2231-5381 from the real world. (Burroughs, 1986). A computerized database management system for the capture, storage, retrieval, analysis and display of spatial (locationally defined) data. (NCGIA, 1987). A decision support system involving the integration of spatially referenced data in a problem solving environment. (Cowen, 1988). GIS=Cartography (study & making of maps) + Statistical Analysis + Database Technology. II. GIS:HISTORICAL BACKGROUND This technology has developed from: Digital cartography and CAD. Data Base Management Systems Prof. Ian McHarg first to set the theoretical foundation of GIS. His well known book “Design with Nature”(published in 1969).However, extensive commercial activity relatively recent starting late 1980’s/early 1990’s. 1965: “Canada GIS”; first nation-wide GIS 1967: “New York Land Use and Natural Resources Inventory System” 1969: “Minnesota Land Management Information System” III. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Various technologies that are available to collect the Geographical Information are: a) Global Positioning Systems (GPS): a system of earth-orbiting satellites which can provide precise (100 meter to sub-cm.) location on the earth’s surface (in lat/long coordinates or equiv.) b) Remote Sensing (RS): use of satellites or aircraft to capture information about the earth’s surface. Digital ortho images a key product (map accurate digital photos). c) Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Software systems with capability for input, storage, Page 1190 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013 manipulation/analysis and output/display of geographic (spatial) information d) A GIS provides for storing and manipulating GPS and RS data IV. GIS COMPONENTS There are 3 components of GIS: 1. Database 2. Layering 3. GIS analysis Geographic data for each type of feature (e.g. roads, rivers, towns, forests etc.) found in a specific area the geographic extent - are stored in individual layers. With GIS databases and layers, we can carry out GIS analysis. What GIS is all about today is the bringing together of spatial analysis techniques and digital spatial data combined with computer technology. 1. Database: In a GIS, as with a paper map, we can visualize on the computer (digitally) what is occurring at a location. More importantly though, we also have a whole database of data describing the attributes of the feature at that location. For example, on a map, a road is a road. Full stop. In a GIS, a road is a road PLUS a table full of road attributes - data describing that road. For example, the database may describe the road length, the route no., whether a particular road is a secondary vs. primary road or has a gravel vs. paved surface, etc. This database component gives us the ability to carry out queries based on given criteria in the database (i.e. show me all roads in the S. Island that have a paved surface and are also primary roads). Further, we can carry out some simple calculations such as: what is the total length of the roads meeting the above criteria. 2. Layering: This is the real source of power in a GIS. For a given area, we may have a streets layer/database, a soils layer/database, a land parcel layer/database, an administrative district layer/database, a land use layer/database. You get the idea. With layers, we can carry out a spatial overlay. Using layers in a GIS can give us new insights and information that can be used to make better decisions. A thematic plane of GIS features containing geographically and logically related data. Overlaying involves superimposing two or more map layers to produce a new map layer. 3. GIS Analysis: In the context of GIS, analysis is “Deriving new information from existing data”. It is also the manipulation of data to solve a problem. e.g. identify all areas within 500m of a lake. Increasing use is made of the analytical capabilities of GIS, But many GIS projects only use the software to store and manage geographical data. Yet analysis often relies on many simple basic GIS techniques. ISSN: 2231-5381 V. PROPERTIES OF GIS Properties of real world geographic information are: 1. Location: We can identify the location of the objects by simply looking at the map that is with the coordinate system that provides location of objects through its coordinates in space for example we can identify the location of different states in the map. 2. Attributes: Geographic information also includes attributes which provide information about the location for example California geographic object has a number of attributes associated with including population, number of farms and number of mobile homes. 3. Spatial relationship: Final property of real world geographic information is the spatial relationship associated with the object, spatial relationship includes such things as the shape of an object or the relation between the other objects as we see in the picture California is the long narrow state surrounded by other three states. VI. DATA STRUCTURE OF GIS Data Structure of GIS includes different types of formats in which the data is collected from the space with the help of Fig. 1. GIS Data Structure Data can be collected in two formats. They are: i. Spatial data. ii. Non-Spatial data (Attribute data) GIS Spatial Data Formats: There are two formats used by GIS systems to store and retrieve geographical data: Vector Raster Vector data: Page 1191 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013 Vector data allows you to precisely model geographic data such as point, lines and polygons. The key to the vector data is the ability to define the exact location of geographic feature you wish to map to do this we use the coordinate system which allows you to exactly specify the location of features an is key to understand how vector data works in GIS. All points have to have a set of coordinates that define the point occupies. Using the Cartesian coordinate system, a set of x & y coordinates defines this locate so the GIS software knows where to draw the point. All the vectors in a GIS must have unique identification number assigned to the geospatial feature. This unique ID allows the user to assign attribute into each feature. example the figure below describes ID assigned to the manholes. Lines are used to display data that is in linear format example streams, roads, water lines and transmission lines. Lines have length as spatial attribute. And every line has a unique ID as well. Polygons are used to display the data that covers specific areas of earth surface examples of polygons are: Parcels Municipal boundaries Police beats There are many sources of vector data for use in GIS. Government agencies at federal, states and many local level governments all produce vector data for their use. Raster data: There are three different types of raster images Aerial imagery Satellite imagery Scanned images Aerial imagery: As the name implies, aerial imagery is the imagery that is captured from the airplane using rather sophisticated cameras. Most aerial imagery used in GIS is orthorectifed imagery. In simple terms this means the image captured by the camera is processed by a photogrammetric to reduce horizontal distortions caused by elevations changes on the ground. Fig.2. Aerial image of town Satellite imagery: These types of images are mostly captured from the satellite that orbit the earth but they are not limited to the images collected from the satellite. The use of these images is also called remote sensing. ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig.3.Satellite image of town Raster’s are also called as grids. Raster data is organized in a grid format by rows and columns. Within a raster image the cells that make up the raster are each assigned a value. This value depends on what type of the data raster is representing. Cells are also called as pixels Fig.4. Raster image zoomed in step When you are zoomed into an aerial raster image the raster image may not make much sense but when you zoom out then you can see what the raster is representing as shown in the above image. Each cell in the raster image has a specific size that is specified when the raster image is created these sizes could range from one inch cells to 30 meter cells, the higher the resolution the more details that can be observed. VII. ENABLING GIS IN DISTRIBUTION UTILITY FOR ENERGY AUDIT AND LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS Introduction: In the nationwide implementation of IT reforms in state distribution utilities, under the prestigious R-APDRP project, Geographical Information System (GIS) has gained importance as an effective tool for improving customer services, enhancing operational and energy efficiency and optimizing costs. Lot of emphasis is given by the state utilities on the leveraging GIS for creating an energy balance sheet and take effective measures to plug the revenue leakages. The georeferenced electrical network overlaid on area base map is handy for the utility not only for managing assets and their maintenance, but also being used for mapping the electrical consumers to its source of supply for energy audit Page 1192 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013 applications. Moreover, by integrating electrical GIS with network analysis application, various analytical are possible for load flow analysis, short circuit analysis, efficiency calculations and load planning. This chapter describes how GIS is being leveraged in power utilities for energy audit and network analysis, and emerging as a powerful tool for load planning and management with the aim to improve the quality of electricity supply and related services.GIS helps in providing a transparency for the distribution sector of the power system using the IT-Application scenario. This use of GIS, make its beneficial in minimizing the Aggregate Technical and commercial (AT&C) losses in the distribution sector of the power system network. Out of the 1 MW of power generated , 50 percent of the power that is 0.5 MW of the power is getting wasted in the form of losses. Energy Audit and Load Flow Analysis are two vital objectives of the R-APDRP reforms under way in most of the State Electrical Distribution Utilities in India. This is in line with the requirements of reduction in ATC losses and total energy accounting. The reforms are envisaged to be brought about through IT-enablement of utility business processes, in which GIS plays a crucial role. The GIS application helps in maintaining indexed consumer database and electrical assets database. The indexed consumers are mapped to their respective source of supply. This is essential for performing energy accounting Distribution Transformerwise and Feeder-wise. GIS application integrated with Network Analysis module helps in various calculations like technical losses, load flow analysis, energy audit, network optimization and “what-if” analyses. VIII. PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION The data that is collected in both the formats that is spatial, attribute data formats is stored as a PGDB (Personal Geo Data Base) file. The PGDB is usually prepared for a particular town for which the Digitization has to be carried out. The Digitization is a process by which transparency in the power system distribution network can be created, by which the amount of power input/output to a substation/distribution transformer can be calculated and hence the losses can be calculated as a subtraction of the power input and power output. The PGDB file of a particular town consists of the entire details of the number of feeders, number of distribution transformers, number of poles for each distribution transformer existing in that particular town. The PGDB consists of the geographic images in the form of AUTO-CAD drawings and the Attribute data integrated to it. So, once we load the PGDB of a particular town the entire map of that particular town consisting of the Feeder details, Distribution transformer details, Pole details can be retrieved. The PGDB can be accessed by using software ARC-GIS version-9.3/10 and any other advanced version of ARC-GIS software. ISSN: 2231-5381 ARC-GIS-9.3/10: Arc-GIS is an integrated collection of GIS software products for building a complete GIS for your organization. The Arc-GIS framework enables you to deploy GIS functionality and business logic wherever it is needed in desktops, servers (including the Web), or mobile devices. The system provides an infrastructure for making maps and geographic information available throughout an organization, across a community, and openly on the Web. After loading the PGDB into the ARC-MAP file, the PGDB consisting of the Attribute data and the spatial data will be displayed in the form of a map as shown below: Fig.5.ARC-GIS software preview Distribution Transformer Sketch preparation: There exists a unique code for every DTR in the map known as DTR_STRUC code. After entering the unique code for each DTR, that DTR will be pointed and the necessary updations have to be done in order to prepare that particular sketch of an DTR. That particular sketch which we get after applying the necessary queries is known as ‘ARC-MAP’. The queries that are to be applied to obtain the DTR sketch are: Fig.6. Distribution Transformer Query table Page 1193 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013 The sequence of steps required for obtaining a substation sketch are listed below: Fig.7.Sample Distribution transformer sketch prepared in ARCGIS-9.3 Feeder sketch preparation: In order to get the feeder sketch of a particular feeder in a town, the particular query ‘feeder_id’ should be entered into the ARC-GIS software. The sequence of steps to be followed in order to obtain a feeder sketch are: Fig.10. Substation Query table Fig.11. Sample Substation sketch prepared in ARC-GIS-9.3 Fig.8. Sample DTR sketch prepared in ARC-GIS-9.3 The above mentioned sketches are to be saved in both .MXD format and .JPEG format. The .MXD format is useful to perform any updation to the file and after that the file can be exported in .JPEG format. CONCLUSION Fig.9. Sample Feeder sketch prepared in ARC-GIS-9.3 Substation sketch preparation: ISSN: 2231-5381 In Electricity Distribution Utility, it is a fundamental requirement to have a proper energy accounting and auditing system, aided by distribution network analysis on GIS platform. This can be achieved by automating the distribution value chain using open-standards architecture and appropriate technology. A high level of integration is required using enabling features and web services for timely and accurately recording, processing and mining of data for energy audit and analysis. The process integration envisages the solution to be designed in a multi-tier, web-based and service-oriented architecture (SOA) model. Enabled by GIS, Energy Audit and Network Analysis modules can be seamless integrated with meter data management, billing and collections, asset management, indexed consumer database and electrical network mapping on a middleware enterprise service bus. Page 1194 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013 FUTURE SCOPE Acquiring data for a new GIS is no longer a major problem.GPS has become a major source of new GIS data, and comes increasingly from integrated GPS/GIS systems. Digital map images such as scanned maps and air photos are often used as a background image for cross-layer registration and update. Remote sensing will become an important source of GIS data as the cost of data falls and new sorts of data arrive. Data exchange will become more common and has been facilitated by exchange standards Email ID: Pusuluri Vinodh was born in India in 1992. He is persuing B.Tech final year in K.L.University in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He developed interest on GIS while doing his Internship at Nanomindz Technologies Pvt Ltd. His area of interest are machines and power electronics. Email ID: REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] ARC-GIS Wikipedia ESRI-official website GIS @LINCOLN Website GIS fundamentals,4th edition by Paul Bolstad Components of GIS http:// GIS-Analysis GIS-Overview ARCGIS Overview ARCGIS- ESRI BIOGRAPHIES M. Kiran Kumar received B.Tech Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Gokula Krishna College of Engineering and Technology J N T University,Hyderabad, India, in 2007.,M.E. Degree in Power Electronics and Drives from Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology, Anna University, Chennai, India, in 2010 and Pursuing Ph.D in Electrical Engineering at K L University, Guntur, India. Currently he is Asst. Professor in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, at K L University, Guntur, India. His research interest includes Switched Reluctance Machines, Power Electronics and Control Systems. Email ID: Veerla Venkata Sai Bhavani Kumar was born in India in 1991. He is pursuing B. Tech final year in K.L. University in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He developed interest on GIS while doing his Internship at Nanomindz Technologies Pvt Ltd. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 1195