International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013 Smart Heater N.BHAVANA #1,B.SURESH*2 # Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, K L University Vaddeswaram, Guntur, AP, India * Asst Professor Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, K L University Vaddeswaram, Guntur, AP, India Abstract—Defining the problem: Having power cuts of 7 to 8 hours in the villages showed me how server power shortage was. Saving power is equal to generating we wanted to save power which made me to take up this project. Problem statement: In the process of saving electricity we are controlling power consumption of heater.The heater will be on till the water temperature exceeds 60 degrees.when water attains 60 degrees the heater is made off. Now it remains off till the temperature reaches 40 degrees.As soon as the temperature attains 40 degrees the heater is made on. Approach: We will construct the circuit on the bread board and try to slove the problems.Since this circuit is used to control heating of water heaters in home it doesn't require much accuracy.Ideally if a heater is designed to maintain water at 60 degrees,after attaining 60 degrees water is maintained at that temperature with some requires heater to be on as soon as temperature falls below hysteresis voltage.this process consumes more is not a problem if heater temperature falls below some 10 degrees the required temperature for house hold purposes.Accordingly in our system since the heater still remains off though its temperature is 10 degrees below the required temperature.Like this power is saved. Keywords— Smart Heater, Instrumentation Amplifier,OperationalAmplifier,Transistor ,Difference Amplifier. I. INTRODUCTION Due to increase in the industrialization, increase in the population there is ever growing need to electricity.but there is large gap between production and consumption of electricity in India.So every industry every village is facing power cuts.this is causing lot of loss to both the industrialist and farmers. We initially wanted to make our home self sufficient. Saving electricity is ISSN: 2231-5381 equal to generating electricity. So we wanted to do modify some appliance in our home to save electricity among many appliance the first one is fan, where we are using resistive regulators to control its speed, It consumes the same power wheatear we operate in full speed or the slowest one. So we can modify this system an save some power, the next possibility is the tube light. We keep the light on though we are not in the room. So we can design a system to control the tube light based on whether the room is occupied or not. We can design a system which will control the intensity of tube light based on the ambient lightening in the room. The other one is to save the power by making the heater smart. I like the heaters very much. So we decide to make a smart heater, the normal heaters are designed to maintain water at a particular temperature. But due to noise if a particular temperature is fixed it will cause the heater to on and off rapidly so a hysteresis is introduced. Normally this hysteresis is of 1 or 2 degrees variations from the required temperature.For applications in home such accurate temperature measurement is not required.So we applied the hysteresis concept here to achieve our target. The previous system consumes more power since it has to maintain the water at the required temperature, it is not a problem if heater temperature falls below some10 degrees the required temperature Page 1109 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013 for house hold purposes.Accordingly in our system since the heater still remains off though its temperature is 10degrees below the required temperature.Like the power is saved. II. The circuit is WORKING given below fig.1. resistor is connected to 9 volts.Voltage across 1k ohm resistor is fed to a operational amplifier acting as a emitter follower.This output acts as a 1volt reference voltage.A 1.5k ohm resistance is obtained by adjusting the preset and 1k ohm resistor in series is connected to 9volts.Voltage across 1k ohm resistor is fed to a operational amplifier acting as a emitter follower.This output acts as a5.45volt reference voltage. Pt 100 is connected in a wheat stone bridge with other resistor values equal to 100ohms.This bridge is supplied with 1volt voltage. Two leads are taken out from the bridge as shown in the diagram.These two leads are taken out from the bridge as shown in the diagram.These two leads are fed to the instrumentation amplifier. The instrumentation amplifier 1st stage is the emitter follower.The emitter follower has ideally infinite input resistance and zero output resistance. This is used so that the latter stage resistances will not affect the wheat stone bridge resistance.The next stage is the difference amplifier. The difference amplifier amplifies the gain so that low voltage variations that occur at the bridge due to variation in the temperature can be measured.the resistance of pt100 follows the equation: R=R0*(1+AT+B(T^2)) basically it consists of temperature measuring block, a comparator, relay driving circuit.two reference voltage 1 volt and5.45volts are derived from resistor divider circuit from 9 volts. A 8k ohm resistor and 1k ohm ISSN: 2231-5381 A=3.9*(10^-3)PERDEGREES CENTIGRADE B=5.775*(10^-7)PERDEGREES CENTIGRADE R0 is the resistance of pt100 at 0 degrees which is 100 ohms The gain of the difference amplifier are so adjusted that the voltage at its output is one tenth of the room temperature in degrees. Page 1110 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013 This difference amplifier output is fed to a schmitt trigger. The hysteresis curve is shifted to positive x-axis by biasing it with5.45volts obtained from the operational amplifier acting as emitter follower.the upper and lower triggering points are 6 volts and 4 volts respectively. Initially when the temperature is less than the schmitt trigger output is high. When the temperature reaches 60 degrees the output goes low when the temperature now is decreasing if it were a normal comparator it would be on but since it is a schmitt trigger it will be again triggered when voltage falls to lower triggering point in this case it is achieved if the temperature falls to 40 degrees and then the voltage is now again temperature keeps on increasing and when it reaches 60 degrees the out again falls low and thus the cycle continues. If the output of the schmitt trigger is high it will on the transistor.this will make collector current to flow in the relay and the relay is energized. The energized relay connects the supply to the heater and switches on the heater.The base current is limited by base resistors.when the schmitt trigger output is low it will off the transistor and this will off the relay cutting away supply to the heater which will eventually turn off the heater.When the relay is off high voltage is produced at across the relay since inductor will oppose sudden changes in the current.This voltage may destroy the transistor.So a freewheeling diode is used to limit the voltage across relay to 0.7 volts and also discharges the relay. The transistor is operated in the saturation region. The base current is so choose that the transistor is well driven into saturation region .Since this is a demonstration circuit instead of a heater a light emitting diode and current limiting resistor are ISSN: 2231-5381 used to show the operation.. The LM 258 is a dual operational amplifier. It is given 9 volts to the positive supply terminal and the negative supply terminal is grounded .The saturation voltage is 5.8volts .The gain of BC 547 is 4 in the active region . III. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS HOW TO FIND R1 AND R2 We need to derive 1volt from 9volt so the relation between R1 and R2 should be R1 = 8*R2 CALCULATE THE RESISTANCE OF R7 AND R9 In order to get output voltage of difference amplifier proportional to temperature the gain of the resistor R7 and R9 should satisfy the relation R9=51.4*R7 TO CALCULATE R11,R12,R13 We have to shift the hysteresis so that the lower triggering point is 4 volts and upper triggering point is 6 volts so the resistor values R11,R12,R13 should be designed according to the following relations R13=2.75*R12 R12=0.733*R12 TO CALCULATE VALUES OF R16,R17 The gain of bc547 is about 5 so the values R16,R17 should be designed so that the transistor is driven into saturation.choose base current as 8.25ma.the emitter and base saturation voltage is 0.85 volts.from this R16=R17 and they can be calculated as R16=2*(5.8-0.85)/(8.25*10^_3) TO CALCULATE VALUE OF R18 The resistance of the 5 volts coil is 130 ohms.the collector emitter saturation voltage is from this R18 can be calculated as follow R18=(9-4.7-0.74)/4.3*8.25*10^-3) =100ohms Page 1111 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013 IV. CONCLUSION The wheat stone bridge output voltage is not stable it is varying with the variations of supply. So only wheat stone bridge is not giving faithful results.also the 100ohm resistors in the bridge should be very use 3 presets in bridge instead of the resistors and adjust them so that the node voltage are obtained as required. The hfe minimum of the BC547 as mentioned in data sheets as 110 is not practically obtainable the gain of the transistor was approximately 4.the circuit is very sensitive due to this the output of the difference amplifier which should be one tenth of temperature is not order to obtain this the bridge should me modified so that supply variations and sensitivity to noise should be reduced. Self heating of the sensor should be avoided by allowing only very less current to flow through the sensor. The freewheeling diode can be any diode whose forward voltage drop is 0.7volts.the reverse voltage rating is not of importance since the operation of diode here is used in forward biased mode. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] J.B.Gupta, Electronic Devices and Circuits, 3rd edition, Katson books, 2009 A.Anand Kumar, Pulse and Digital Circuits, 2nd edition, PHI Learning Private Ltd, 2008 Linear Integrated Circuits By Salivahanan ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 1112