International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 Design of a Wearable System for Interactive Caption and Posture Recognition Using Wireless Sensor Networks K. Sreenivasa Ravi 1, G. Sowmya Bala 2, B. Venkataramanaiah 3, K. Prathyusha 4 1 2, 4 3 Professor, ECM Dept., KL University, Guntur Dist., INDIA Assistant Professor, ECM Dept., KL University, Guntur Dist., INDIA Research Scholar, ECM Dept., KL University, Guntur Dist., INDIA Abstract: This paper explains the designing of a novel wearable system with the interactive posture caption and recognition functions based on the Non-vision over the ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network. It is very difficult to have the posture information of patients those who are under coma; paralysis etc., is very difficult task. So, in this project a Non vision based different wearable type sensors (3-axis accelerometer, heartbeat, Body temperatures sensor) that are placed at patient body for collecting the postures information and activity are used and this will be directly monitored through a computer. For data transmission ZigBeeWSN technology is adopted. Around 28 kinds of hand postures and 13 kinds of leg postures can be distinguish by using this system. When the transmitting distance is less than 30 M and the package correct transmitted rate is more than 97.5%, the realtime body interactive postures of approximately 8 persons can be monitored simultaneously by the data-controlling center. Using this system the doctors can get the required information regarding the patients of that kind and can be able to give appropriate treatment to the patients in correct time. Keywords --- ZigBee, WSN, Heart beat sensor, Body temperature sensor, ARM Micro Controller I. LITERATURE SURVEY Because of medical mistakes every year at-least 98,000 people are losing their lives in United States as per the survey done by U.S. Institute of Medicine and treatment. According to an investigative report called “Dead By Mistake” released by the Hearst Corporation, an estimated 200,000 Americans will lose their lives in 2009 alone due to preventable medical errors and hospital infections [5]. There was a rapid growth of wireless networking in the past several years, which mainly focus on high-speed communications, and relatively long range applications such as the IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) standards [5]. The first well known standard focusing on Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPAN) was Bluetooth. However it has limited capacity for networking of many nodes. There are many wireless monitoring and control applications in industrial and home environments which require longer battery life, lower data rates and less complexity than those from existing standards. For such wireless applications, a new standard called IEEE 802.15.4 has been developed by IEEE. The new standard is also called ZigBee, when additional stack layers defined by the ZigBee Alliance are used [5]. ISSN: 2231-5381 One genuine effort towards the development of totally integrated textile based temperature sensor was carried out by Locher, et al., in 2005 at ETH, Zurich [2]. They developed a woven temperature sensor by integrating, insulated copper wires into warp and weft along with polyester yarn, and devising a special routine technique for making interconnection points. However in the accuracy analyses, errors associated with the effect of environmental parameters e.g. strain or moisture were not considered. Further the sensors were only tested in steady state conditions at some specific temperature points in laboratory. Finally developing interconnecting points in sensor patch is manual and cumbersome process which is itself a source of error towards the sensing characteristics [1]. The body temperature detecting sensor prototype belt was first used by the NICU of MMC hospitals. The prototype belt was tested on a premature infant, born after 30 weeks gestation in stable health condition. A neonatologist and an NICU nurse from MMC were present during the testing. After obtaining permission of the parents, the prototype belt was placed on the neonate’s body. The belt was tested for a period of 45 minutes on the baby to see whether the signals from the belt remained stable for a longer period when a baby wears the belt [3]. Early models consisted of a monitoring box with a set of electrode leads which attached to the chest. The first wireless EKG Heart rate monitor was invented in 1977 as a training aid for the Finnish National Cross Country Ski team and as 'intensity training' became a popular concept in athletic circles in the mid-80s, retail sales of wireless personal heart monitors started from 1983-Bui Cac [5]. First results of a fiber optic sensor for measurement of heart rate which is developed within the European research project and is supported by the EU 7th Framework Programme and develops an advanced personal protective equipment (PPE) system that will ensure active protection and information support for personnel operating in high risk and complex environments in fire fighting, chemical and mining rescue operations [1]. The core of the project is the development of advanced materials and sensors to be used for a multifunctional PPE. This includes real-time monitoring of risk factors (temperature, gas, oxygen level, etc.), user health status (body temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate). All prototypes will be tested in field tests. For monitoring of the user health status intelligent underwear based on fiber optic sensors and small portable monitoring units will be developed. The sensor development has a special focus on using POF, as fiber optic sensors based Page 1418 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 on POF take advantage of its high elasticity and high breakdown strain. Because of their outstanding elastic properties, POF are well suited for integration into medical textiles. Another highly important criterion for selecting POF as a medical sensor is its biocompatibility, especially in case of fiber breakage [4]. II. INTRODUCTION transmitter section, the accelerometer sensor, Temperature sensor, Heart beat sensor are been used. The accelerometer sensor is MMA 726Q which is a 3-axis accelerometer, which is used to measure the acceleration of an object in general the body movement of a patient is monitored and the body angle position is measured through which the timely information regarding the patient with respect to their body movement is detected and send to the main controller. The past several years have witnessed a hasty growth in the wireless network part. So far wireless networking has been paying attention on high-speed and long range purpose. On the other hand, there are many wireless monitoring and control applications for industrial and home environments which require longer battery life, lower data rates and less complexity than those from existing standards and must be a globally denned standard that meets the requirement for reliability, security, low power and low cost. For such wireless applications a new standard called ZigBee has been developed by the ZigBee Alliance based upon the IEEE 802.15.4 standard [13].The devices could include telephones, hand-held digital assistants, sensors and controls located within a few meters of each other and purge the use of physical data buses like USB and Ethernet cables [9, 10]. The data collected by this is of analog data which is transmitted to the microcontroller through the ADC as shown in the figure. The micro controller sends the same information through the transmitter to the receiver placed in the equipment present at the corresponding doctor. The target networks consist of a large range of devices with low data rates in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) radio bands, with building-automation controls like intruder/fire alarms, thermostats and remote (wireless) switches, video/audio remote controls. In this paper a novel wearable system is designed with the interactive posture caption and recognition functions based on the Non-vision over the ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network. Current progresses in sensor technologies and wireless communication technologies facilitate the establishment of a novel creation of healthcare monitoring systems with wearable electronics. In this project, the health status of the patient is monitored continuously by placing sensors i.e., sensor to detect the body temperature and heart beat detecting sensors, along with MEMS accelerometer according to the instructions given by the microcontroller inbuilt in the device. The sensor is small and can be placed anywhere on the body, which measures the temperature ranging from 0°C to 50°C. This results in fast response time and low power dissipation that makes it ideal for such medical application. a. Transmitter section consists of microcontroller to which MEMS, Temperature sensor LCD and ZigBee are interfaced. The power to this transmitter section is supplied from power supply circuit. The MMA7260Q is 3-axis accelerometer. Accelerometer measures acceleration i.e., change in speed of anything that it's mounted on. As gravity causes all objects to step up towards the earth, accelerometers are versatile for determining the orientation of an object relative to the earth. In order to determine how level an object, a two-axis accelerometer can be used. This would determine a body's angle from the X and Y accelerations on the body [9, 10]. The complete working principle is described in detail in the below sections. Section 3 consists of the hardware description and section 4 consists of the discussion and results projected in the form of a flow chart and finally the last sections conclude the paper. b. Receiver section consists of ZigBee receiver interfaced to PC through RS 232 the power to this Receiver section is supplied from mains. III. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION 3. The basic principal of operation is clearly explained in this section. The figure-1 represents the basic transmitter section, and the receiver section is represented in the figure-2. In the ISSN: 2231-5381 The transmitter section also consists of the temperature sensor and the heartbeat sensor, to get the updated information regarding the health condition of the patient. Within a narrow range of values the human body temperature will varies and can be measured from different parts of the body. There are various factors on which this temperature depends, for example level of activity, time of day, and psychological factors and also depends on whether the patient is ingestion. A normal temperature range of a human body is around 37°C [5]. A. Working Procedure: The main sections for the proposed systems are a. Transmitter section (figure 1a). b. Receiver section (figure 1b). Basic principle of operation is as follows: 1. 2. First switch ‘ON’ the power supply on both sections. The LED present on the board glows indicating that the proper power supply is being supplied to the ARM Microcontroller At first the title will be displayed on the LCD such as “Design of a wearable system for Interactive Caption and Recognition Postures”. Page 1419 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 4. The MEMS is put on a movable part of the patient’s body to know his position status whenever the patient has moved or even fallen down suddenly. Regulated Power Supply 3-axis accelerometer Sensor Temperature Sensor ADC Micro Controller ZigBee ADC RS232 Interfacing ARM Controller LPC2148 Heart Beat Sensor LCD Driver LCD The heart beat sensor as shown in the figure 2 is designed to give digital output of heat beat when a finger is placed inside it. When the heart detector is working, the top-most LED flashes in unison with each heart beat. This digital output can be connected to microcontroller directly to measure the ‘Beats Per Minute’ (BPM) rate. It works on the principle of light modulation by blood flow through finger at each pulse. The sensor consists of a super bright red LED and light detector. The LED needs to be super bright as the light must pass through finger and detected at other end. Now, when the heart pumps a pulse of blood through the blood vessels, the finger becomes slightly more opaque and so less light reached the detector. With each heart pulse the detector signal varies. This variation is converted to electrical pulse. This signal is amplified and triggered through an amplifier which outputs +5V logic level signal. The output signal is also indicated on top by a LED which blinks on each heart beat. Figure 2 show the circuit of Heart Beat Sensor. Crystal Oscillator LED Indicator Reset Button Figure 1(a): Block diagram of Transmitter section 5. 6. The temperature sensor is put to the finger of the patient to know the body temperature of the patient. These recorded details are transmitted to the receiver section through the ZigBee transmitter ZigBee The communication is done by means of the serial communication. RS232 is a recommended standard; it is a cable in which serial communications can be done. Information being transferred between data processing equipment and peripherals is in the form of digital data which is transferred in either a serial or parallel mode [9]. Parallel communications are used mainly for connections between test instruments or computers and printers, while serial is often used between computer and other peripherals [13]. Battery Power Supply RS232 Interface Figure 2: Heart Beat Sensor Computer 7. 8. Figure 1(b): Block diagram of Receiver section At the Receiver section, it receives the data through ZigBee receiver which is in turn interfaced to PC through RS 232. The concerned data that was already recorded gets displayed on the PC. The Temperature Sensor LM35 sensor series are precision integrated-circuit temperature sensors, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. ISSN: 2231-5381 The microcontroller used in proposed system is ARM LPC2148 which is a 64 pin Micro Controller that comes under processor core architecture ARM7TDMI-S ARM 7 version of ARM processors. It is a 32 bit Micro Controller, intended for high end applications involving complex computations that follow the enhanced RISC architecture with high performance and very low power consumption. It has serial communications interfaces ranging from a USB 2.0 Full Speed device, multiple UARTS, SPI, and I2Cs. Various 32-bit timers, dual 10-bit ADC(s), single 10-bit DAC, PWM channels and 45 fast GPIO lines with 9 interrupt pins [11]. The Crystal Oscillated is used to measure the frequency variations of all signals and Reset button is to reset the entire process to its initial state. Page 1420 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 The MMA7260Q is 3-axis accelerometer as shown in figure 3. An accelerometer measures acceleration (change in speed) of anything that it's mounted on. With a three-axis accelerometer, it is possible to measure an object's acceleration in every direction [10]. This three-axis accelerometer is essentially a carrier board or breakout board for free scale’s MMA7260QT MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) accelerometer. The MMA7260QT is a great IC, but is small, leadless package. The device also operates at 2.2 V to 3.6 V, which can make interfacing difficult for microcontrollers operating at 5 V. This carrier board addresses both issues while keeping the overall size as compact as possible [9, 11]. V. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES The following are the few advantages and disadvantages resulted out of the above specified proposal. Advantages: Real time monitoring of health status of a person (coma, paralysis persons). Wireless communication using ZigBee technology. Long life. Highly sensitive wireless interface. Easy to install. Low power Consumption. Disadvantages: Interfacing of sensors like flex sensor to microcontroller is highly sensitive Heart beat sensor takes delay time to get the heart rate of the patient instantly. VI. CONCLUSION Figure 3: MEMS sensor MMA7260Q [9] IV. FLOW CHART REPRESENTATION The flow chart in figure 4 below explains the basic events that occur in general while working with the above said prototype. The basic events are of three types these are related to the data processing values. The data here is the information collected from the patient (human body) through the devices incorporated in the prototype i.e., accelerometer, temperature sensor, and the heart beat sensor. Therefore MEMS, TEMP, HB are data receives, it receives data from patient (human body) and transmits the same using a connector to the main processing unit which is then acknowledged after checking the total data it received by sending a program command “Received data is complete (Yes)”, and the output terminal is given by the Address & final Data which is sent to the display counter. If the event fails to receive then it again send back to the initial state where it then repeats the entire process and starts rechecking. At the end of the process the data is finalized to be the right data, after which immediately the reset command is activated which is the end task. So at the end the command ‘yes’ sets the reset value. And if it is a ‘no’ command then the process set back to the program read mode. ISSN: 2231-5381 This paper mainly focus on designing a system that is aiding the helpless patients by monitoring their health condition time to time and updataing the same information so far collected using this proposed system for a doctor so that they response immediately and the patient will also get a fast recovery comparitively. A lot of research is still going on to develop a very cost effecive solution for such problems due to such patients. In this paper a wearable system for interactive capture and posture recognization system is proposed. The proposed system mainly consist of three important devices that are Heart Beat Sensor, Temperature Sensor, MMA7260Q is 3axis accelerometer helps in monitoring the health status of a patient based on various parameters. The complete working principle is described in details in the above sections. The transmitter and the receiver sections of the proposed system are defined clearly in the section 3. The working principle of the proposed system clearly explains the process through which a patient is to be monitored and the updating of the same near the doctor. This not only helps to get the patients health status but also using this system it is possible to give a better treatment to a patient by immediately responding to him. This makes possible for a patient to recover soon. This system is very cost effective solution. It is very efficient and is very accurate. VII. FUTURE SCOPE: Even though it provides the accurate readings, there is a problem with the delay incured to get the data at the reciever side. At the reciever side, instead of a computer, it is better to have a seperate device near the doctor so that it is possible to reduce this delay also. Page 1421 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 FLOW CHART REPRESENTATION Figure 4: Flow chart representation ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 1422 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank everyone, whoever remained a great source of help and inspirations in this humble presentation. The authors would like to thank K.L. University management for providing necessary facilities to carry out this work. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] “Development of Knitted Temperature Sensor (KTS)” by Muhammad Dawood Husain or Locher, T. Kirstein, and G. 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