Automation for Customer Care System Rajnish Kumar

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013
Automation for Customer Care System
Rajnish Kumar#1, Thakur Avinash Nagendra#2
1, 2#
Department of Computer Engineering
Sir Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Nasik
Abstract— This paper entitled Automation for Customer
Care System is total end to end solution for all types of
companies which provide support to customer. In effect,
we maintain a helpdesk database of all details like all
queries, problems and solutions. Also it will maintain all
the database of super user, corporate client and corporate
user. We are attempting to improve our existing system
that helps many end users when they know their problem
after communicating.
Customer Care System is very useful for the corporate
clients who want their business to extend worldwide i.e.,
by keeping contact and good relation with the corporate
users who buy their products. The corporate clients who
buy Customer Care System for their business can know
the various problems of their product which are coming
from their users so that they improve their products to the
user needs. Any user who knows a little about of the
computer can handle Customer Care System.
person who is responsible for creating categories, modules and
the support team.
Super user creates new categories only if HD problems don’t
belong to those categories present in Customer Care System
and similarly with the creation of modules. When the super
user creates new categories and modules he will label these
and modules
and appoint
administrator for each of them. When the super user gets the
HD problem as request he can modify the request or can
answer it by sending solution to the level3 or the support team
who is responsible for messaging the response or the solution
to the end-user (corporate user).
Corporate client is the one who buys Customer Care System
Keywords— HD, CCS, CCU, CU
Product for his business purpose. He can create corporate
Customer Care System is customer care management system.
users for his product. Corporate user is the one who has to
Customer Care System is called Help Desk System. It is so
HD problems to the super user and corporate user is the actual
called as Help Desk System because it tries to solve all the
end-user of the product or service.
HD (helpdesk) problems, which are coming from the users of
Corporate user will register to the corporate client and
Customer Care System. Customer Care System will take care
corporate client sends all the registration details to the super
of every request coming from their users and try to solve and
user, and after the registration the end-user will submit the HD
produce the solution of the particular request. Customer Care
problems to the super user. When the super user gets the HD
System also will store the responses for the future use.
problems he will check the details of the end-user and send the
Customer Care System contains six main members who play
responses to the support team who will message the responses
very important role in this Help Desk System. They include
to the corporate users.
register himself to the corporate client before he submits the
super user, level 1 administrator, level 2 administrator, level 3
administrator, corporate client user and corporate user (or enduser).
Super user is the chief head of the organization that assigns
first level, second level, and third level administrators. The
super user is responsible for all the three level administrators
including the corporate clients. The Super user is the sole
This project mainly deals with automating the task of the
Customer Care System (CCS) that helps many end-users to
know the solutions for their request within no time. Customer
Care System can be done manually but there may be problems
that have to be faced so to overcome such problems. We need
to automate the Help Desk System.
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If the system is maintaining the list of all the details of
A Corporate User (CU) is one who the one who registers
corporate users and corporate clients, manually it will take a
himself with the corporate client and who is the actual end-
lot of time to retrieve even single information such as
user of the product or service.
retrieving or deleting single information becomes very
4.2 Super User Module
difficult task.
The updates for the list such as creating a new creating new
In this module Super user is the chief head of the Organization
end-user details or creating new corporate client details and
who assigns 1st level and 3rd level administrators. The super
including the details of the categories and the modules that are
user is responsible for all the three levels administrators
created newly by the super user becomes very difficult
including the corporate clients. The super user is the sole
manually. Once all information is provided manually it
person who is responsible for creating categories, modules and
become quite difficult for updating the records with new
support team.
information manually, so we automate the system to overcome
Super User will take all the registration details of the
Corporate Users so as to check with the queries which in turn
consist of the query and also the user id.
Super user has the right to remove any level or add any level
and also responsible for creating modules and categories.
all such difficulties.
Proposed system are those that are automated, so that it is easy
to retrieve the responses from the system and updating the
details once the response or services are provided to the endusers upon their request without any difficulty and saves time.
4.3 Administration Module
Depending upon categories and modules created by super user
the three levels are allotted. They are three types of
Level 1 Administrator:
Customer Care System [help desk system] is a customer care
management system. The following are the modules related to
Customer Care System [help desk system] are as follows:
1. User Module
2. Super User Module
3. Administration Module
In this module user can register themselves to the Customer
Care System if they are new users, otherwise they can login
directly and can then post their queries to Customer Care
System. First user has to register with corporate client. In
order to send request the end-user has to login and the login
details are stored in the database maintained by Customer
Care System. Database checks the details of the user, if he is
valid then allows the user to access the help desk system.
Corporate Client User:
A Corporate Client User (CCU) is one who buys customer
care products. He can create corporate users for his product
and related field.
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Level 2 Administrator:
The second level administrator is the one who can add HD
problems to the modules.
4.1 User Module
Corporate User:
Level 1 Administrator: the first level administrator is the one
who can add HD problems to a category created by the super
Level 3 Administrator:
The third level administrator is a member of the support team
who provides services to the corporate clients and corporate
Following are the product features:
5.1 Create and maintain levels:
This feature enables super user to create and maintain the
level 1 administrator, level 2 administrator and level 3
5.2 Create and maintain categories:
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This feature can create the categories as well as maintain
the categories. There are so many categories such as queries,
problems, solutions so we can maintains such type of
categories by using this feature.
5.3 Create and maintain administrators:
By this feature, we can create and maintain administrators
such as updating information related to address, telephone
number and etc.
5.4 Create sub category:
If we needed then we can create sub category for our
problems and solution purpose.
It automatically check solutions in repository regarding
their problems so no need to interact customer with help
desk member.
This project having following functional requirements:
1. Providing username and password.
2. Accessing different categories.
3. Message menu.
4. Support team for providing support to customer.
5. From HD Problem list, we can explore the problem
and easily solutions can be given.
6. Profile menu for all modules such as super user
module, administration level user and corporate user.
7.1 Performance Requirements:
5.5 Create support team:
In the company, it is needed to a separate support team for
different product. Suppose in a computer manufacturer
company, it may be needed different support team for
service, product, warranty and exchange so this feature give
that type of facility.
The proposed system that we are going to develop will
be used as the major performance system for providing
help to the customer related to their problems.
Therefore, it is expected that the database would
perform functionally all the requirements that are
1. The system should be easy to handle.
2. System should give expected performance
3. The response time should be small.
5.6 Assign 1st level administrator to a category:
This feature assign the 1st level administrator to a category.
5.7 Assign 2nd level administrator to a sub category:
2nd level administrator can be assigned to a sub category.
Suppose there is service category and technical support,
data recovery are the sub categories then this feature can be
used to assign 2nd level administrator to their sub categories.
7.2 Security Requirements:
We are going to develop a secured database. There
are different categories of users namely
Administrator, Restricted users who will be viewing
either all or some specific information from the
Depending upon the category of user the access
rights are decided. It means if the user is an
administrator then he can be able to modify the data,
append etc. All other users only have the rights to
retrieve the information about database.
5.8 Assign 3rd level administrator to a support team:
And 3rd level administrator can be assigned to a support
team leading as their team.
5.9 Create corporate client:
This feature create the corporate clients.
5.10 Activate or deactivate all customer help desk
Sometimes we need to activate or deactivate the help desk
member because of public holiday or any reason. In that
case, this feature can be used.
5.11 Check for HD problem submissions:
As this project is automated so it automatically check the
helpdesk problem submitted or not.
5.12 Check solutions in repository:
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7.3 Safety Requirements:
The database may get crashed at any certain time due
to virus or operating system failure. Therefore, it is
required to take the database backup
7.4 Software Quality Attributes:
The application is easy to interact and
communicate with user.
This application provides better user interface for
ease of working.
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9.2 Change Password Page
8.1 User Interface:
Customer Care System is purely user friendly.
Following screens will be provided:
1. A login screen for entering the username and
password, so that the authorized user can have an
access without any problems.
2. There will be a screen which will be displaying the
major tasks that the system will be performing i.e.
categories, messages, support team, HD problem list.
3. Different categories are available to serve customer.
4. Customer can send their problem which will come
under HD Problem Desk.
5. Held Desk Member will see that problem and can
give response by composing a message hence view
problem and post problem is present for this purpose.
6. All the major tasks mentioned above will have their
separate forms and will perform the desired actions.
Fig. 9.2 Change Password Page
9.3 Query Form Page
8.2 Software Interface
Operating System : Windows XP or Higher Version
Programming Language: Java
Database: Oracle 10g
IDE: My Eclipse 8.0
Web Applications: Jdbc, Servlet and Jsp.
Server Deployment: Tomcat 5.x
8.3 Hardware Interface
Intel Pentium IV or Higher processor
1.80 GHz
1 GB of RAM
9.1 Login Page
Fig. 9.3 Query Form Page
9.4 HD Problem Desk Page
Fig. 9.1 Login Page
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Fig. 9.4 HD Problem Desk Page
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9.5 Composing Message Page
modules or adding new modules. One important development
that can be added to the project in future is automatic solution
providing to the customer related to their problem. Others are
adding the module Frequently Asked Questions, online
The result of the Customer Care System is that it supports
many corporate clients and the individual users or the endusers with unique interface, through which the HD problems
are solved within given time and it shows efficiency in the
internal messaging system and results in accurate task
scheduling system and this Customer Care System can be run
with the minimal administration.
Fig. 9.5 Composing Message Page
We would like to thank Prof. S. M. Rokade, Head of
Computer Engineering Department, Sir Visvesvaraya Institute
of Technology, Nasik and our project guide Mr. Venkatesh,
Software Engineer at 360digrii, Hyderabad,, for his valuable
guidance and support.
9.6 Message Confirmation Page
“PL/SQL Programming” by Scott Urman
“SQL- The Complete Reference” by Livion
“Java Script Programming” by Yehuda Shiran
“JAVA2 Networking” by Pistoria
“JAVA Security” by Scotl oaks
“J2EE Professional” by Shadab Siddiqui
“JAVA server pages” by Larne Pekowsley
“JAVA Server pages” by Nick Todd
Fig. 9.6 Message Confirmation Page
We don’t need to interact with customer.
Saves time.
Easy to Implement.
Can be easily maintain.
In Following Area, this project can be used:
1. In all types of companies.
2. In all colleges.
3. Mobile Sector.
The project has covered almost all the requirements. Further
requirements and improvements can easily be done since the
mainly structured
Improvements can be appended by changing the existing
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