International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume4Issue2- 2013 Characterization of Optical MISFET Gayatri Phade#1, Dr B K Mishra*2 #1 PhD Scholor, SNDT University Mumbai, India, *2 Principal, Thakur College of Engineering and Technologycollege, Mumbai, India Resent research shows the tremendous potential for the development of optical devices viz. photodetector, optical sources, connectors and applications etc. This is mainly because of the success of optical communication in the recent for gigabit transmission and is intended for terabits transmission in future. It needs the parallel advancement in optodetection with higher efficiency and reliability. In this paper, mathematical model for the optical dependence of I-V, C-V characteristics of MISFET structure (to be used as photodetector) is reported. Model is based on solution of current continuity equation. Proposed structure of MISFET includes, In0.53Ga0.47As used as substrate material and InP as insulator. Light is made to incident perpendicular to the surface. Drain current and gate capacitance can be controlled optically by means of varying light intensity of incident radiations. There is significant effect of intensity modulation on IV and CV characteristics of MISFET. To control these characteristics optically, optical power is varied from 0.25mW to 25mW. As a result of intensity modulation, drain current and transconductance increases significantly in presence of illumination mainly due to change in carrier concentration of channel results from photogenerated carriers. Simulation of mathematical model is carried out in MATLAB Abstract— operation. Schottky contact gate structure of GaAs MESFET produces large gate leakage current, when used on InP and InGaAs. MIS structures offers very low leakage currents and reduces gate capacitance. Ternary semiconductor compound InxGa1-x,As is a promising material for advanced optoelectronic devices. In 0.53Ga0.47As is a good substrate for such circuits. In0.53Ga0.47As lattice matched to semi-insulating InP has higher low field mobility, high drift mobility and peak electron velocity[3,4]. Therefore, InGaAs MISFETs have potential for better microwave performance. Primary goal of the model is to provide necessary information related to optical interaction in the device to reader. Basic MISFET model is based on charge control and change in charge concentration, due to effect of illumination, is incorporated in the model. Optical modelling gives focus on minority carrier concentration[7,8]. I. MODELLING OF OPTICAL INTERACTION IN MISFET Figure 1 shows device under consideration. Under illumination, due to optical absorption of incident radiations, photo generation of carriers takes place. Keywords— MISFET, modelling, Optical INTRODUCTION Insensitivity to the electromagnetic noise is the advantages of the classical optics. Miniaturization, better reliability and low cost are some of the advantages of integration. Optoelectronic and photonic integrated circuits brings both the advantages of classical optics and integration. Field effect transistors (FET) devices are sensitive to light, having high package density and are suitable for microwave applications. Lots of efforts are carried out in the development of microwave transistors from III-V compound semiconductor material systems[1]. Presently the GaAs Schottky-gate FET (MESFET) is the only such device commercially available. Irrespective of remarkable microwave gain and noise performance, this device suffers from the limitation of a restricted range of enhancement ISSN: 2231-5381 Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of MISFET Structure under Illumination Photo generation rate with space per unit volume is given by, G= ∅ ∝ ------1 where, ∅= photon flux density per unit area ∝ = photon absorption coefficient per unit length y = direction perpendicular to the surface. Page 170 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume4Issue2- 2013 The optically generated carriers are generated by the current continuity equation( , ) ( , ) = + ( , ) − − -----2a for electrons and for holes, ( , ) ( , ) = + − ( , ) − -----2b where is surface recombination velocities for electrons and holes respectively and , is the minority carrier life time of electron and hole. The current density equation consists of both drift and diffusion current and are given by( , ) ( , )= ( , )+ ----- 3a ( , )= ( , ) ( , )+ ----- 3b where - Drift velocity in y direction, which is constant and independent of the field. and are diffusion coefficient of electron and hole respectively. Incident flux density modulated by the signal frequency `ω’, = + ------ 4a = + ------ 4b = + ------ 4c Substituting eq. 4a in eq. 1, carrier generation becomes frequency dependent and is computed as, ) = ( + ------ 5 Carrier generation depends on flux density of incident radiation and frequency of the signal. In depletion region, the carriers flows due to the drift and recombination. In channel, the carriers moves due to the diffusion and recombination, hence electron moves to channel and holes towards substrate[9,10]. 2.1 Calculation of photo voltage Calculation in the section is based on the structure shown in figure 1. Putting 4b in 3b we get, ( , )= + + - 2.1.1 which results into ( , )= + + . - 2.1.2 Substituting 2.2.2 and 5 in eqn 2b results into, ( , ) = − . −− + + - 2.1.3 eqn 2.1.3 results into first order differential equation for dc and ac hole concentration. Where ‘0’ indicates the dc value and ‘1’ indicates ac value. Term Rs in eqn 2.1.3 is given by [9] = 0 + 1 The boundary condition for evaluating the constant is given as, at = , = + here is width of gate depletion region and - minority carrier concentration at dark i.e. dc condition and = i.e. ac condition. ISSN: 2231-5381 Solving equation 2.1.3 under ac and dc condition gives hole density as ( )= − + -- 2.1.4 is life time of minority carries under ac condition. Sidewalls of depletion region are assumed to be quarter arcs. Let be the radius of arc at source and drain side respectively, therefore = ( ) = 0 ), = ---- 2.1.5 ( ) = ( ( ) is the channel potential at that point. The number of hole crossing the junction at y = 0 is given by (0) = ( ) + ---- 2.1.6 Where = − = − ---- 2.1.7 Generated optical voltage [8, 9] is given as = ( ) From equation , ---- 2.1.8 ( ) = ---- 2.1.9 From 2.1.5, equation 2.1.8 becomes . = ---- 2.1.10 Optical voltage is a function of flux density of incident radiations , frequency of incident radiations and absorption coefficient. 3. CHARGE BASED MODEL FOR I-V CHARACTERISTICS OF MISFET To study the basic characteristics of the device, charge control model is used which is described as follows. Optically generated voltage increases the potential across the insulator. Let is the potential across the insulator considering optical effect is given by, = and = ----3.1 −Ψ where =( + ) Total induced charge in the semiconductor per unit area under illumination is given by=( . )= ----- 3.2 – Ψ , where, Ψ is the surface potential (∈ ∗∈ ) = , the gate capacitance per unit area ∈ ∈ : Permittivity of the air : Permittivity of the insulator material, InP : Thickness of insulator The charge within the surface depletion region is given by =− 2 ∈ (Ψ ) ----- 3.3 Total charge in the inversion layer is given by: ( ) = −( ( ) + ( )) ----- 3.4 From equation 3.2 and 3.3, equation 3.4 becomes ( ) − 2Ψ (x) = − + 2 ∈ Ψs ----- 3.5 − Let be the channel resistance of an elemental section ‘dx’ is given as Page 171 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume4Issue2- 2013 = ′ Voltage drop across this elemental section is given by = = ---- 3.7 ′ (x) Drain current at elemental section ‘dx’ is given by | ′( )| = ---- 3.8 Substitute equation 3.5 in equation 3.8 and integrating from the source (x = 0, V= 0) to the drain (x = L, V = )[5,6], we get, ′ ∫ = + 2 ∈ (Ψs ) -∫ – Ψs -- 3.9 Solving equation 3.7 with Tailor’s series, ′ = – Ψs − − + ∈ / --3.10 For smaller values of drain voltages, drain current is given as ′= ---- 3.11 − where is the threshold voltage. The drain voltage when increased to a point, such that the charge in the inversion layer Q(x) at x = L becomes zero, this point is called as pinch-off point. The drain voltage and drain current at this point designated as and respectively. Beyond the pinch-off point it is saturation region. ( ) = – 2Ψ ( ) +K ∈ ( where K = 1− 1+ ) 4. 2 ---3.12 K − CAPACITANCE MODELLING = Value 0.8 x10-6 W 20x10 -6 Unit Description m Channel length m 1−4 − ----- 4.3 Channel width 2 µ 0.800 εi 1.11x10-10 m /V s F/m εs 0.97x10-12 F/m ti 600 µm 17 Low field mobility Dielectric constant of InP Dielectric constant of InGaAs Insulator layer Thickness m-3 ni 2.47x10 Na 1 x1021 m3 Intrinsic doping concentration Channel doping level T 300 K Temperature Vt 0.5 V Threshold Voltage Vgs 1 V Gate Voltage Vds 1.5 V Drain Voltage TABLE 2 Optical Parameters --- 3.13 In linear region, gate to source and gate to drain capacitance are gibe by, = + 2/3 ---- 4.1 = ----- 4.2 where, Sym bol L and ∈ = TABLE 1 Design Parameters ---- 3.6 (x) Symbol α λ Value 106 1.65 Unit /cm µm P Ø 0.25 1015 mW Wb/m2 Description Absorption coefficient Wavelength of incident radiations Optical power Flux density f 1 GHz Operating frequency In saturation region, gate capacitance are given as, 2 x 10 -3 Id- Vd C hara cte ri s tics of a MISFET Vgs = 0.8 V = ( . + 2/3. + . 5. ) ( . ( ) )( . ( . ) ) ---- 4.4 ---- 4.5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. 5 D r ai n Id re n t,A = 1 Vgs = 0.7 V 0. 5 Vgs = 0.6 V Design Parameters of the device are given in Table 1. Table 2 gives optical parameters. Under dark condition Drain current vs. Drain Voltage characteristics is plotted with charge control model as shown in figure 2. With increase in gate voltage there is increase in Drain current. Under illumination there is increase in charge concentration in the inversion layer which increase drain current as compared to dark current. ISSN: 2231-5381 0 0 0.2 0.4 0. 6 0. 8 1 Vds , V Figure 2. Drain current Vs drain voltage plotted with charge control model. Page 172 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume4Issue2- 2013 2.5 x 10 -3 -4 x 10 photo current - Drain Voltage Characteristics of a MISFET I- V Ch ar ac teris tic s o f a MISFET w ith v op 6 Vgs-0.2 Vgs-0.3 5 2 Vgs-0.4 Vgs-0.5 Vgs-0.6 P hoto Current, A Dr ain Cur r ent, A Vgs = 0.8 V 1.5 1 Vgs = 0.7 V 0.5 4 Vgs-0.7 Vgs-0.8 3 2 1 Vgs = 0.6 V 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1 0 0.2 0.4 Vd s, V 0.6 0.8 1 Vds, V Figure 5. Photo Current Versus Vds with increasing gate bias. Figure 3. Effect of incident radiation on drain current of MISFET with varying Vgs.Optical power 0.25mW; λ = 1.65 μm -3 4 x 10 6 I-V Characteristics of a MISFET with vop Photo C urrent,A 3 Drain Current,A -4 Photo current Vs Gate Bias of a MISFET 5 3.5 2.5 4 3 2 2 1.5 1 Dark Pop1 Pop2 Pop3 1 0.5 0 x 10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Vgs V 0.6 0.7 0.8 Figure 6. Photo current Vs Gate Bias of MISFET 1 Vds, V Transconductance Vs Gate Voltage for MISFET Figure 4. I-V characteristics of InGaAs MISFETwith increasing optical power. Pop1 = 0.25mW; Pop2 = 2.5mW; Pop3 = 25mW 0.07 dark Pop1 0.06 Figure 4 shows effect of intensity modulation on the drain current at Vgs = 0.8 V where optical power is varied from 0.25 mW to 25 mW. Increase in optical power increases magnitude of drain current. Pop2 Transconductance Figure 3 shows increase in drain current due to incidence of optical power of 0.25 mW which is the interpretation of equation 3.9 and 3.11. Pop3 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.5 Generated photo current, due to optical illumination, increases with increase in gate bias as shown in figure 5. Increase in drain current due to illumination increases transconductance of MISFET as shown in figure 7. Figure 8 gives gate capacitance versus gate voltage characteristics for varying drain voltage under dark condition. For smaller values of gate voltage there is no effect of drain voltage on gate capacitances. For greater values of gate voltages, Cgd (gate to drain capacitance) decreases and Cgs (gate to source capacitance) increases. ISSN: 2231-5381 1.5 2 Figure 7. Transconductance of MISFET Gate Capacitances vs Vgs Wth varying Vds 1 Normalized Gate Capacitances C/Cix Figure 6 shows photo current versus gate bias characteristics which increases exponentially after threshold voltage. 1 Vgs [V] 0.9 0.8 Cgs 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Cgd 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Vgs [V] Page 173 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume4Issue2- 2013 Figure 8. Gate Capacitances Vs Vgs with increase in Drain Voltage Drain Voltage Vs. Gate Capacitances Under Dark Condition Normalized Gate Capacitances 0.7 Cgs 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Cgd 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Vds, [V] 2.5 3 3.5 4 Figure 9. Gate Capacitances Vs drain voltages with increase in Gate Voltage Normalized Gate capacitance CGS, CGD Normalized Gate Capacitances Vs Gate Voltage for different Optical Power 0.7 0.6 0.5 Cgs 0.4 0.3 0.2 Cgd 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Vgs, [V] 2 2.5 3 Figure 10. Gate Capacitances Vs Vgs with increase in optical power Pop1=0.25mW; Pop2=2.5mW Table 3 Effect of Different Parameters on Gate Capacitance Sr.No 1 2 3 Parameter Drain ( ) Voltage Gate ( ) Voltage Optical ( ) Power Cgs Increase Cgd Decrease Decrease Increase Decrease Increase Variations shown in figure (9), (10), are tabulated in table 3 for the increase in the gate and drain voltage along with the optical power[11,12]. 6. CONCLUSIONS Drain current and gate capacitance of MISFET can be controlled optically. Under illumination, inversion level in the channel increases which increases drain current. Transcoductance of the device increases due to increase in drain current. Increase in optical power decreases gate to source capacitance and increases drain to source capacitance. Current gain is the function of transcondutance and gate to ISSN: 2231-5381 source capacitance. Current gain of the MISFET can be increased due to optical effect. REFERENCES [1] J. Aiden Higgins,’III-V Technologies: A Growth Industry for 21st Century, GAAS99-Munich 1999, pp 485490 [2] B.K. Mishra ,’Computer Aided modelling of solid state photodetectors’, PhD thesis, Birla institute of technology, Mesra, Ranchi ,1995 [3] Y. Kim, M. Dahlstrom, S. Lee, InP/In0:53Ga0:47As/InP doubleheterojunction bipolar transistors on GaAs substrates using InP metamorphic buffer layer , Solid-State Electronics 46 (2002), pp 1541–1544 [4] M. S. Alam1, M. S. 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