CVDPrcvcntionand Conrrol(Z01Ui4, 189*191 \^/OALD h'EAIfT FEDFfr/TTIOru, ELSEVIER wwv/.e[ lccate/ nrecarr Shortcommunfcation PA$-{s/wHo p*f,€ey ffiegionaf, ffixp*rtffin**xp * Prsveratfng Steterxl#ne e&rd,f*v&seuflmn ei$s#&se ,fie-atmk* rr"lths &mlerfc&s by neduaetmg d{etary saf,& p&puf,atf mn-wids N. Carnpbell.,B. Legowski,B. Legetic,R,.Wi{ks, A.B. Pinto de Atmeidavasconcellos, 0n behatfof the pApfs/wplg R'egionalExpert.Groupon CardiovascularDiseasepr-everrticnthrough DietarySattReduction.1 Received16 December2009; accepted 16 December2009 Avai(abteonline 8 Februarv2010 Corresponding author. Tet.: +1 613737 9153, E-moil (N. Campbett). ,' Norm Campbett, Chair (Universityof Catgary _ Canada); Rainford Wi{ks, Co-chairfor the Caribbean{Tropical.Medicine Researchlnstitute - Jamaica);Ana Beatriz pinto de A,tmeida Vasconcetlos,Co-chair for Latin America (Ministry of Heatth - Brazit); 5im6n Barquera (Nationat lnstitute of pubtic - Mexico); Adriana Btanco-Me?ler (lnstitute for Researchand Education in Nutrition and Health (|NCIENSA) - Costa Rica): Ezzedine Boutrif (FAO - ltaty); FrancescoCappuccio (Warwick University * Engtand); Beatriz Champagne ilnterAmerican Heart Foundation * United States); Ricardo Correa-Rotter (Satvador Zubiran National Institute of Medicat Screncesanc Nutrition (INNSZ)- Mexico); Omar Dary (MZ project _ United States); Darwin Labarthe{CDC- United States); Mary L,Abbe (Universityof Toronto * Canada);Hubert Linders (Consumers International, Regionat Office for Latin America and the Caribbean- Chite); CarlosMonteiro (Universityof Sao paoto - Erazil.); Tito pizarro (Ministry of Heatth _ Chite); Jorge PoL6nia (University of Fernado pessoa - portugat); Marcelo Tavetla (Program for the prevention of Infarct in .Argentina (PROPIA)- Argentira); Ricardo Uauy {lnstitute for Nutririon and Food Technology {INTA) - Chite); Lianne Vardy (pubiic l{eatth Agency of Canada). Policy goal A gradualand sustaineddrop in dietary satt intake to reach national targets or the internationatiy rec_ ommended target of less than 5 g/daylperson by 7420. Audience Policy and decisionmakers in government, leaders in non-governmentalorganizations (representing consumers,health, scientificand health care professionats),civil society, the food industry (inctud_ ing food processorsand distributors), among food importers and exporters, and in pAHO. Rationale e lncreasedbtood pressurewortd-wide is the [eading risk factor for death and the secondteading risk for disabitity by causing hearc disease, stroke and kidney fafture. 1875-4570/5- see front matter o 2010wortd Heart Federation.Pubtished by EtsevierLtd. Att rights reserved. j 2.A03 doiil 0. 1016/ j. cv dpc.21A9 190 o In th€ Americas,between 1/5 and 1/3 of att adutts has hypertension and once age 80 is reached, over 90% can be expected to be hypertensive. ' ln 2001, the rnanagementof non-optimalbiood pressurei.e. systoticpressureover 115mm Hg consumed about 107oof the vrortd's overail heatthcareexpenditures. o As dietary satt consumption increases,so does btood pressure. Typical modern diets provide excessivearnountsof salt, from early chitdhood through adulthoodc The recommendedintake of satt is lessthan 5 g/ daylperson. In the Americas, intake can be over double the recommended tevet, Att age groups including chitdren are affected. r Addingsatt at the tabte is not the onty probtem. In most poputationsby far the largest amount of dietary salt comes from ready-mademeals and pre-preparedfoods, inctuding bread, processed meats, and even breakfast cereals. o Reducing satt consumption poputation-wide is one of the most cost-effective measures avaitabte to pubtic heatth. lt can tower the rates of a number of related chronic diseasesand conditions at an estimated cost of between 50.04and 50.32 US per person per year. Popul.ation-wide interventions can atso distribute the benefits of heatthy btood pressureequitabty. o Governmentsare justified in intervenfngdirectty to reduce poputation-wide satt consumption becausesalt additives in food are so common. Peopteareunawareofhow muchsatttheyareeating in different foodsand of the adverseeffects on their heatth- Chitdrenare especiattyvulnerabte. n Satt intake can be reduced without compromising micronutrient fortification efforts. Recommendationsfor policy and action The recommendationsbetow are consistentwith the WortdHeatthOrganization'sthree pittarsfor successful. dietary satt reduction: product reformu[ation; consumerawarenessand educationcampaigns;and environmentaIchangesto make heatthychoicesthe easiestand most affordabteoptionsfor atl peopte. To national governments o Seek endorsement of this poticy statement by ministries of hea(th, agricutture and trade, by food regutatory agencies, nationat pubtic heatth leaders, non-governrnentalorganizations (NGOs), academia, and retevant food industries. N. Campbetlet at. o Developsustainabte, funded,scientificallybased salt reductionprogramsthat are integratedjnto existing food, nutrition, heaith and education prograrns.The programsshoutdbe socia[{yinclusive and include major socioeconornic,racial, culturat, genderand age subgroupsand specificaily children. Componentsshoutdinciude: r Standardizedfood tabetingsuch that consumers can easityidentify high and tow salt foods. r Educatingpeople inctudingchi(drenabout the heatth risks of high dietary satt and how to reduce salt intake as part of a heatthy diet. r lnitiate cottaboration with retevant domestic food industries to set graduattydecreasingiargets, with timetines, for satt levets accortling to food categories,by regutationor througheconomic incentives or disincentiveswith government oversight. . Regutateor otherwise encouragedomestic and multinationa[ food enterprises to adopt the lowest of a) best in ctass (sa[t content to rnatch the lowest in the specific food category) and b) best in wortd for the national rrarket (match the lowest salt content of the specific food produced by the company etsewhere in the wortd). o Devetopa nationat surveittancesystemwith regutar reporting to identify dietary satt intake tevets and the major sources of dietary satt. Monitor progresstowards the nationat target{s) " for dietary satt intake or the internationail,yrecommendedtarget. " Review national satt fortification poticies and recommendations to be in concordance with the recornrnendedsalt intake. r Extendofficial support to the CodexAiimentarius committee on food labeling for salt/sodium to be inctuded as a mandatory component of nutrition tabels. e Developlegistativeor regutatory frameworks to imptement the Wortd Heatth Organization (WHO)recommendationson advertjsingof food products and beveragesto chitdren. To non-governmental organizations, health care organizations, associations of heatth professionals a Endorsethis poticy statement. r Educatemembershipson the heatth risksof high dietary satt and how to reduce satt intake. Encourage invotvement in advocacv. Monitor lAt-o_{Y|]*ojg gpI!! F"gg$ g ry:up PoIicy si ai emenr and promote presentationson dietary satt at nationaImeetingsand the pubticationof artictes on dietary salt. o Promote and advocate rnedia releaseson dieiary salt reduction to reach the pubtic, inctuding chitdren and particularty $/omen given their integrat rotes in famity heatth and food preparation. " Broadtydisseminateretevantliterature. s Educate poticy and decision makers on the heatth benefits of lowering btood pressure among normotensive and hypertensive people, regardtessof age. e Advocate poticfesand regutationsthat wiit contribute to poputation-widereductjonsin dietary satt. * Promote coatition building, increase organizational capacity for advocacyand devetop advocacy toots to promote civil scciety actions. To the food industry r Endorsethis poticy statement. ' Makecurrent best in ctassand best in wortd [ow satt products and practices universat across gl.obatmarketsas soonas possibte.Makesatt substitutes readityavailabteat affordabte prices. c Institute reformu(ationschedutesfor a gradual and sustainedreduction in the salt content of a[[ existing satt-containingfood products, restaurant and ready-mademeats to contribute to achievingthe internationalty recommendedtarget or nationat targets where applicabte. Make att new food product formutations inherenttv [ow in salt. r Use standardized,ctear and easy-to-understand food labets that inctude information on satt c0ntent. r Promote the heatth benefits of low satt diets to atl peoptesof the Americas. 191 To the Pan Annerican Heelth Srganization " fnsure good communicationsand informatron sharingbetween regionaland internationalinitiatives to foster best practices. e Developa temptatefor nationalreport cardsand report to Member States on comparative nationat basetinesand progressat pre specified time points (e.g. in 2010 the basetine,progress in 2015and 2020). e Work with MemberStatesto monitor dietary satt consumptionin the Americas. c Devetopand foster a network of endorsinggovernments,NGOs,and expert championson dietary satt in the Pan American region. ' Developa web based .toolbox' with educational materials and programs on dietary satt for the public, patients, heatth care professionals that are cutturattyappropriateto sub-regionsof the Americas. Developand advocateconflict of interest gr:.icie" lines to assistheatth organizationsand scientists in the PanAmericanregionin their interactions with the food industry. o Foster research on the economic and heatth impacts of high dietary satt in the couniries and sub-regionsof the pan Americanresion. o AssistMemberStatesto revisenationalind subregional fortification prograrnsto be consistent with efforts to reduce dietary satt. o Cottaboratewith the Foodand AgricuttureOrganization(FAO),UNICEF,the CcdexAtimentarius Commissionand other retevant UN bodies to achieve a consistent and coordinated approach to reducingdietary satt. r Educate poticy and decision makers on the health benefits of lowering btood pressure among normotensive and hypertensive people, regardlessof age. o Advocate policies and regutationsthat witt contribute to poputation-widereductionsin dietarv satt. Availableonlineat 'il-*l' S*enceDirect