第 27 卷 岩石力学与工程学报 Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 第8 期 2008 年 8 月 Vol.27 No.8 Aug.,2008 INFLUENCES OF HYDRAULIC UPLIFT PRESSURES ON STABILITY OF GRAVITY DAM UTILI Stefano1 2,YIN Zhenyu 2,JIANG Mingjing3 , (1. Department of Civil Engineering,Politecnico di Milano,Milan 20133,Italy; 2. Department of Civil Engineering,University of Strathclyde,Glasgow G4ONG,United Kingdom; 3. Department of Geotechnical Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China) Abstract:A study of the influences of the hydraulic uplift pressures underneath the base of a typical concrete gravity dam on its stability is presented. The dam is located at Cumbidanovu(Sardegna,Italy). The foundation of the dam is made of heavily fractured rock. Firstly,analytical calculations about the equilibrium of the dam as a free body have been employed to evaluate the maximum hydraulic pressure before collapsing and to assess the impact of an effective drainage system on the stability of the dam in a simple way. Secondly,numerical analyses by the distinct element method(DEM) using the code UDEC have been carried out to evaluate the hydraulic flow taking place within the fractured rock foundation,the uplift pressure distribution generated by the calculated flow,and its influence on the stability of the dam. For design purposes,it emerges that availability of reliable data on the hydraulic permeability of rock foundations and a computationally advanced distinct element modeling might lead to the acceptance of loads significantly higher than the more conservative estimations obtained from equilibrium analyses. Key words:hydraulic engineering;distinct element method(DEM);hydraulic uplift;dam stability;gravity dam CLC number:TV 642 Document code:A Article ID:1000–6915(2008)08–1554–15 坝底水浮力对重力坝稳定性的影响分析 UTILI Stefano1 2,尹振宇 2,蒋明镜 3 , (1. 米兰理工大学 土木工程系,意大利 米兰 20133;2. 斯特莱斯克莱德大学 土木工程系,英国 3. 同济大学 地下建筑与工程系,上海 格拉斯堡 G4ONG; 200092) 摘要:着重研究一个典型的混凝土重力坝的坝底水浮力对大坝稳定性的影响,此大坝位于意大利的 Cumbidanovu 岛。大坝的基础由含有高度开裂的岩石所构成。首先,通过把大坝视为自由体的平衡分析法来评价大坝破坏前的 最大水压力和有效排水系统对大坝稳定性的影响。然后,使用离散元方法来进一步评价开裂基岩中的水流状态, 得到该水流产生的浮托力的分布,最终得到此水浮力对大坝稳定性的影响。对设计而言,上述分析考虑了岩基渗 透,运用离散元方法进行模拟。研究结果表面,相比保守的平衡分析法,此模型可以得到更大的水浮力荷载。 关键词:水利工程;离散元法;水浮力;大坝稳定性;重力坝 Received date:2008–02–22;Revised date:2008–05–20 Foundation item:National Science Foundation Project(50679057);Pujiang Talents Project,Shanghai,China(06PJ14088) Corresponding author:UTILI Stefano(1976–),male,Ph. D.,graduated from Politecnico di Milano in 2000. He is now at Strathclyde University,and his main research interests are mainly covered in DEM,slope stability,and limit analysis. E-mail:mjjiang@excite.com 第 27 卷 第 8 期 UTILI Stefano, et al. Influences of Hydraulic Uplift Pressures on Stability of Gravity Dam • 1555 • INTRODUCTION stability since it may give rise to a significant vertical force making the dam overturning about its toe and The gravity dam investigated is located at decreasing its frictional resistance against sliding[3 4]. The following two methods will be used to evaluate Cumbidanovu,Sardegna,Italy;and it rests on a the influence of the uplift thrust on dam stability: heavily fractured rock foundation. The data related to the foundation have been taken from the results equilibrium analysis of the dam as a rigid free body(single wedge analysis) and the distinct element where a detailed collection of the geological and method(DEM). The former has been used to achieve geotechnical a first rough estimation of the maximum reservoir level and some insight on the influence of the 1 , [1] data for the site is available. Concerning with the dam body instead(see Fig.1), the geometry has been taken from the proposal A2 of the 1999 ICOLD(International Committee of Large Dams) held at Denver [2],USA,which is therefore slightly different from the real one. This assumption, however , has no influence on the final results obtained since the global size of the dam is the same and the uplift pressure distribution underneath the dam base is not affected by the shape of the dam body. The objective of the ICOLD proposal was to benchmark numerical and analytical methods for the evaluation of the maximum sustainable reservoir level before dam collapsing and the evaluation of the uplift pressure distributions acting along the dam base. effectiveness of drainage system on stability of the dam. The usefulness of this method for , stability calculations[4 5] for gravity dams is well known. From a theoretical viewpoint,an alternative formulation by the upper bound limit analysis method could be adopted. According to this method, instead of the cardinal equations of statics , the balance between external work and dissipated energy is imposed[6];but in this paper,the single wedge mechanism formulation has been preferred for sake of simplicity. The DEM has been used to perform a more refined analysis calculating the uplift thrust acting along the base of the dam;as a result of the actual hydraulic flow taking place into the fractured rock foundation for both cases of effective and ineffective drainage system. The use of the DEM for dam stability analyses[7] is not new , but its application to the study of seepage within the rock foundation as a coupled hydro-mechanical problem, is quite recent in the literature since seepage in the foundation is often calculated by finite element analyses[8] , which can not directly model the hydraulic flows within the joints in the foundation. For gravity dams,the most common drainage system is made by an inspection gallery running longitudinally above the dam base and located as close as technologically achievable to the foundation and several drainage holes drilled from the gallery floor into the rock foundation(for details of the , drainage system see USACE regulations[9 10]). Fig.1 Dam geometry 2 In the literature,it is known that hydraulic uplift thrust due to water percolating underneath the dam base is an important factor to be assessed for dam EQUILIBRIUM ANALYSES OF DAM In this section,Some calculations based on the • 1556 • 2008 年 岩石力学与工程学报 performed to determine the maximum sustainable But the assessment of the effectiveness of the drains after dam construction and reservoir impoundment is reservoir level. According to the method adopted,the a difficult task. Therefore,it is common practice to dam assumed to be rigid and static equilibrium has make assumptions on their effectiveness taking been imposed taking into account all the forces values recommended by regulations issued by acting on it:the pull of gravity upon the dam mass, designated engineering national bodies although the lateral thrust due to the water impounded in the rules are not,in general,strictly prescriptive,in reservoir and the pore water pressure distributed Europe and the US at least. equilibrium of the dam as a free rigid body will be along all or a portion of the boundaries of the dam body. According to the related Italian and USACE Regulations[11 ,12] The foundation has been considered impermeable whereas the joint between dam and foundation has the uplift pressure along the dam base may be assumed been assumed fully permeable. To work out the to vary linearly from the value of hydrostatic pressure following calculations,the upper right triangular part generated by the reservoir underneath the dam heel, of the dam crest(see Fig.2) has been neglected since which is µγw in our case,to the hydrostatic pressure it represents only 0.52% of the total area given by underneath the dam toe due to the water level in case of absent drainage system, where B and H are the width of dam base and dam downstream of the dam that is zero in our case. If a part of the dam base,adjacent to the upstream height respectively. face(marked as a in Fig.2),is not compressed against Atot = BH / 2 (1) the foundation because of a high overturning moment acting on the dam,the uplift pressure p under the non-compressed part must be assumed equal to the hydrostatic pressure corresponding to the reservoir water level(see Fig.2(a)): p = µγw (2) where µ and γw are the reservoir water level and the water unit weight respectively. In case of a properly working drainage system, the distribution recommended by the regulations is (a) Absent or ineffective drainage system bilinear:constant under the non-compressed part of the dam , a , and linearly decreasing in the compressed part. The uplift pressure variation along the compressed part of the dam is characterized by a steeper gradient upstream of the drains line and a flatter one downstream of it(see Fig.2(b)). This type of uplift distribution is also assumed in related results[13]. Underneath the drains line,the regulations of many countries recommend to assume a value of pressure ranging from 0.25 to 0.6 times the difference between the pressure underneath the (b) Effective drainage system Fig.2 Uplift water pressure distribution under the dam upstream face,p = µγw,in our case,and the pressure underneath the toe,p = 0 in the case. According to the Italian Regulations[11],this value must be 0.35 Drainage is the single most effective mean of times the aforementioned difference. Up taking this significantly reducing the amount of uplift thrust. recommendation in our calculations , the uplift 第 27 卷 第 8 期 UTILI Stefano, et al. Influences of Hydraulic Uplift Pressures on Stability of Gravity Dam • 1557 • pressure acting under the drains line results to be p = 0.35µγw. If the drains are not suitable to guarantee such a pressure reduction,stability analyses must be performed assuming no drainage system. When the non-compressed zone extends downstream of the drain line(a>d),thus,the recommended pressure distribution becomes constant along the noncompressed zone and linear in the compressed one, hence falling again into the case shown in Fig.2(a). In the following section,the stability of the dam will be examined with regard to two possible collapse mechanisms:overturning about the toe and sliding along the dam-foundation interface joint. Punching of the dam into the foundation or the development of a failure surface throughout the foundation has been disregarded since the rock constituting the foundation is highly resistant to crushing and shear failure. The two mechanisms, overturning and sliding,therefore will be considered separately. 2.1 Overturning mechanism Overturning of the dam about its toe occurs when the overturning moment due to the lateral thrust of the water impounded in the reservoir and to the uplift forces acting on its base overcomes the resistance of the stabilizing moment due to its dead-weight. Considering first a low reservoir level, the dam rests on the foundation lying with its entire base in contact with it. If the reservoir level is then continuously increased,the dam will be progressively uplifted with an increasingly smaller part of its base in contact with the foundation until the contact reduces to one point,its toe,and overturning effectively occurs. In this case,the vertical net reaction force exchanged between dam and foundation, N ′ ,passes through the only point of contact O(see Fig.3). In this case, the uplift pressure along the dam base is,according to the regulations,uniform and equal to µγw since a = B and therefore a>d. In order to determine the reservoir level responsible of overturning,µoverturning, it is enough to impose the equilibrium of moments around the point O: H H B 2 + S2 + U − WB = 0 (3) 3 2 2 3 where S1 and S 2 are the triangular and rectangular S1 Fig.3 Forces acting on the dam at incipient overturning (sliding is not considered) components of the lateral thrust respectively,U is the uplift thrust,and W is the dam dead-weight. After calculation of the forces and some passages (see Appendix),the reservoir level at incipient overturning is achieved: µ overturning ⎡ γ c ⎛ B ⎞2 ⎤ 2 H ⎢ ⎜ ⎟ + 1⎥ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ γ w ⎝ H ⎠ = = 80.21 m 2 ⎡⎛ B ⎞ ⎤ 3⎢⎜ ⎟ + 1⎥ ⎢⎣⎝ H ⎠ ⎥⎦ (4) where γ c is concrete unit weight, γ c = 24 kN/m3. Considering now a reservoir level µ<µoverturning but high enough to uplift a part of the dam base from the foundation(a>0),the position of N ′ is unknown and therefore the problem becomes statically indeterminate. To solve the problem,it is necessary to introduce a hypothesis on the distribution of the effective normal stresses along the compressed part of the dam against the foundation. First,if the dam is considered as a rigid body,and the reaction offered by the foundation by means of Winkler′s elastic springs with constant stiffness,the distribution of the normal stresses is triangular(see Fig.4(a)). But in reality,the more the dam is subjected to a higher overturning moment under an increasing reservoir level,the more its toe will be compressed against the foundation,and therefore the zone of the dam near the toe will be subjected to high compressive stresses • 1558 • (a) Triangular Fig.4 2008 年 岩石力学与工程学报 (b) Real (c) Uniform Stress distributions along the compressed zone of the dam base with x/3<c<x/2 leading to plastic stress redistribution. In fact,it is (a) Absent drainage system well known that concrete undergoing high compressive stresses exhibits a stress-strain relationship progressively drifting away from linearity until crushing occurs. This implies that along the dam zone in compression, x = B − a ,the normal stresses will vary nonlinearly as shown in the distribution in Fig.4(b). To find out Triangular stress distribution with effective drainage Uniform stress distribution with effective drainage the real stress distribution is a complex problem that would require nonlinear 3D finite element analyses. To bracket the real stress distribution,two distributions (b) Effective drainage system were assumed:a triangular and a uniform one. In the former case, N ′ is applied at x/3 from the dam toe, Fig.5 Reservoir level vs. non-compressed zone length whereas in the latter one at x/2 with the true line of action of N ′ lying somewhere in between x/3 and obtained in case of triangular stress distribution are x/2. distribution,since the destabilizing moment due to N ′ is smaller because of a shorter lever arm(x/3 To determine the extension of the uplifted part of the dam base,a,given a known reservoir level µ, it is necessary to impose the equilibrium of moments for the forces acting on the dam assuming point O, as the pole: ∑M overturning = ∑ M stabilising (5) In Appendix,the analytical calculations are higher than those obtained in case of uniform instead of x/2). Looking now at Fig.5(a),the gap between the two curves reduces with increasing a,until it becomes nil at a = B = 60 m,when overturning occurs. Since the dam is in contact with the foundation only in one point,its toe,and the location of N ′ becomes shown. Depending on the two distributions adopted, independent of the assumed stress distribution. two different polynomial expressions were found: In case of effective drainage system,the analytical expressions µ = µ (a) obtained for a<d give rise to µ triang = µ ( a) ⎫⎪ (6) higher µ values than the case of absent drains,since Since the real normal stress distribution has effective drainage allows a significant reduction of uplift pressures making the dam much more stable ⎬ µ uniform = µ1 ( a) ⎪⎭ been bracketed by the two distributions assumed, also the real relationship µreal = µ(a) will be bracketed by the two functions in Eq.(6). In Fig.5,the real function will lie in the region of space enclosed by the two lines,the gray one,corresponding to µtriang, and the black one corresponding to µuniform. In Fig.5(a) it is shown the case of ineffective or absent drainage system whereas in Fig.5(b) the case of effective drainage. In the graphs,the reservoir levels µtriang (compare Fig.5(a) with Fig.5(b) for a< d ) . But when the non-compressed zone goes beyond the drains line,the drains must be considered ineffective according to the regulations[11 ,12] and therefore uplift water pressures suddenly increase to the value they assume in case of absent drains(see Fig.6). This is due to the fact that when the dam is uplifted beyond the drains line an effective water interception by the drainage system is no longer possible. In Fig.5(b), 第 27 卷 第 8 期 Region 1 UTILI Stefano, et al. Influences of Hydraulic Uplift Pressures on Stability of Gravity Dam • 1559 • Region 2 Fig.6 Uplift pore pressure distributions in case of a1<d (region 1) and a2>d(regions 1 + 2) the dashed curves for a>d are the same curves as the solid ones plotted in Fig.5(a) for the case of absent drainage system. They are dashed to point out that they are only theoretical ones. In fact,considering the dam subjected to an increasing reservoir level,as soon as the uplifted zone goes beyond the drains line , a sudden increase of a occurs at constant reservoir level. In case of uniform distribution,the reservoir level may continue to be increased even after the uplifted zone has gone beyond the drains line until the dam overturns around its toe(a = B); whereas in case of triangular distribution , the reservoir level cannot be further increased since the reservoir level reached at a = d = 10 m is larger than µoverturning. Hence,in case of uniform distribution,the presence of drains increases the load bearing capacity of the dam only for values of a<17 m,whereas in case of triangular distribution,for any value of a. 2.2 Sliding mechanism Resistance against horizontal sliding is given by a frictional component proportional to the net vertical force exchanged between dam and foundation, N ′ , and a cohesive one. This force opposes the lateral thrust due to the water impounded in the reservoir(see Fig.7). If Tres is the resisting force,it is given by: Tres = N ′ tan ϕ + c′x calculation for the sliding mechanism From Eq.(8),two polynomial functions µ = µ(a) are obtained : one in case of absent drainage system(see Fig.8(a)) and the other in case of effective drains(see Fig.8(b)). In both cases , the reservoir level µ decreases with increasing a. This is because the higher the value of a , the less the cohesive part of the resisting force,and therefore the lower the value of µ . > > (a) Ineffective drains > > (7) where ϕ and c′ are the friction angle and the cohesion along the dam base with N′ calculated by imposing the vertical equilibrium of forces. The relationship between the reservoir level µ, and the extension of the non-compressed zone a,is found imposing the horizontal equilibrium(details of the calculations are given in Appendix): Tres = Tact Fig.7 Forces acting on the dam taken into account in the (8) (b) Effective drainage system Fig.8 Reservoir level vs. uplifted zone in case of ineffective drains and effective drainage system • 1560 • 2008 年 岩石力学与工程学报 2.3 Determination of the dam bearing capacity this condition does not lead to collapse since the To determine the bearing capacity of the dam, reservoir level can still be increased prior to the onset the two investigated mechanisms must be analyzed of sliding. In reality,the normal stress distribution together. In Fig.8,a graph is shown in terms of reservoir level versus length of the uplifted zone will be neither linear nor uniform but something in along the dam base,a. The curves related to the analyses performed if the attainment of the condition overturning mechanism are given by solid lines whereas the curves related to sliding are given by a = d leads to the collapse of the dam or there is still cross lines. The real collapse load is given by the system is presented,higher reservoir loads can be between, so it is not clear from the equilibrium a margin of safety. However,if an effective drainage minimum collapsing load determined for each mechanism taken separately. Therefore,considering sustained by the dam in so far as the drainage system remains efficient , i.e. the uplifted zone remains the dam under an initially low and then increasing upstream of the drains line,a<d. reservoir level,the more critical failure mechanism is overturning since it is associated with the lower 3 curve. This means that the dam will be gradually uplifted because of increasingly higher overturning moments(see curves with pointed arrows in the DISTINCT ELEMENT ANALYSES The specifications of the A2 proposal of the ICOLD Benchmark 99 do not provide data related to graphs). The dam uplift,in turn,will progressively the dam foundation. These have been taken from the decrease the resistance against sliding along the dam foundation interface(see the descending curves in foundation of Cumbidanovu′s dam[1]. Instead,the geometry of the dam and its mechanical properties Fig.8 related to the sliding mechanism). When the have been assumed according to the Benchmark curve related to the overturning mechanism and the curve related to sliding meet in point A for the case specifications that are consistent with the equilibrium analyses. These are given in Table 1. of triangular distribution and point B for the case of Concerning the joints,a Mohr-Coulomb shear- uniform distribution,the collapse of the dam occurs. In correspondence of those points,it happens that strength relation has been adopted. The dam-foundation Tres becomes smaller than Tact and the dam starts joint is characterized by a softening behavior as sliding downstream. The collapse load calculated by the performed prescribed by the ICOLD specifications(see Fig.9). The equilibrium varies within a precise range:from 76.5 mechanical parameters,also reported in Table 1,are given by:c′ = 0.7 MPa,ϕ ′ = 30°,ψ = 10°(dilation to 78 m in case of absent/ineffective drainage system (line AB in Fig.8(a));from 76.5 to 81.8 m in case of angle) , f t = 0(tensile resistance) , c′res = 0(residual ′ = 30°(residual friction angle). The joints cohesion),ϕ res effective drainage system(line AB in Fig.8(b)). In case of linear stress distribution,as soon as in the foundations are characterized by the following parameters[1]:c′ = 0 MPa,ϕ ′ = 30°,ψ = 0°, f t = 0 the uplifted zone goes beyond the drains line,sliding MPa. Water viscosity K j has been assumed equal to occurs whereas in case of uniform stress distribution, K j = 300 Pa·s 1. Table 1 Methods - Summary of the physico-mechanical parameters used in calculation Dam Foundation Dam-foundation joint γc/(kN·m 3) Ec/GPa νc γrock/(kN·m 3) Erock/GPa νrock ϕ/(° ) c′/MPa ψ/(° ) ft ϕres/(° ) c′res Equilibrium analysis 24 24.5 0.17 – – – 30 0.7 – 0 – – DEM 24 24.5 0.17 26 20 0.3 30 0.7 10 0 30 0 Methods - - Joints in foundation Kj/(Pa·s 1) ha0 /mm – – – – – – 0 300 1 0.5 5×104 5×102 ϕ/(° ) c′/MPa ψ/(° ) ft/MPa Equilibrium analysis – – – DEM 30 0 0 - hares /mm KN/(kN·m 1) - KS/(kN·m 1) - 第 27 卷 第 8 期 UTILI Stefano, et al. Influences of Hydraulic Uplift Pressures on Stability of Gravity Dam • 1561 • In order to perform a meaningful analysis the choice of the hydraulic conductivities along the joints is critical. To verify that the chosen values, ha0 = 1 mm and hares = ha0 / 2 ,are adequate for the problem;the simpler case of non-fractured foundation has been analyzed in order to check the agreement Tension σt Fig.9 with the equilibrium analyses performed in Section 2. o Shear strength of the dam-foundation joint according [2] to the Mohr-Coulomb criterion In Fig.11,it is shown the pressure distribution at incipient collapse with a,the length of the uplifted part of the dam base beyond the drains line. This tangential mechanical joint stiffnesses,K N and K S distribution is well in agreement with that taken from the referenced regulations and assumed in the respectively,and the joint hydraulic apertures, ha0 equilibrium analyses(see Fig.2(a),for the case a> Other parameters , such as the normal and and hares ,have been selected by the authors. The regulations taken as a reference for the d ). This match corroborates the goodness of the hydraulic apertures adopted in the UDEC analyses. equilibrium analyses only specify the reduction of uplift pressure operated by the drains without any indication in regard to the hydraulic flow along the drains. Therefore , the same hydraulic condition assumed in Section 2 has been implemented into the distinct element analyses by assigning a fixed pore pressure value , p = 0.35µγw , at the point of intersection between the drains line and the dam-foundation joint. Fig.11 Pore pressure distribution underneath the dam In Fig.10,it is shown the relationship between hydraulic aperture and normal stress adopted in the code UDEC[14 assuming intact foundation(reservoir level, µ = 80 m) ,15] :the maximum hydraulic aperture along a joint is reached when the compressive stress goes to zero, ha0 in the figure,then the hydraulic aperture varies linearly to a residual value,hares ,with m given by: K N and K S ,the mechanical stiffnesses of the joints,rule the amount of mechanical overlapping allowed between two adjacent blocks but they also greatly influence the time needed to run a simulation since the stability of the integration scheme used to m = −1 / K N (9) solve the equations of motion is explicit and the time step adopted by the code is inversely proportional to the square root of K. Here , there are two conflicting objectives which can be labeled as“fast computations” and“realistically deformable joints”. Tension σt After some preliminary analyses,K N = 5×104 kN/m 1 and K S = K N have been proven suitable for the 100 problem. 3.1 Analyses o Fig.10 Hydraulic aperture of joint,ha,vs. stress normal to joint,σn,within the rock foundation [14] The effect of the inclination and spacing of the joints has been studied assuming four different • 1562 • 岩石力学与工程学报 geometries. The total of the presented models is eight for each set of joints both cases of absent and effective drainage system have been considered(see Table 2). In the first configuration,the joints form a +45° angle with the horizon,the spacing between joints being:in model a,6 m for the first set and 12 m for the second set;in model b,12 m for the first set and 6 m for the second set. In model c,the first set of joint is +15° inclined over the horizon with 6 m spacing and the second set -69°with 12 m spacing; whereas in model d,the first set is +15°inclined over the horizon with 12 m spacing and the second is -69° with 6 m spacing. Table 2 Summary of the models analyzed Joint inclination Model Drains to the ) horizon/(° a b c d UDEC LE analysis Block analysis bearing bearing size /(m×m) capacity µ/m capacity µ/m a1 +45 No 12×6 87 76.5–78.5 a2 -45 Yes 12×6 91 76.5–81.8 b1 +45 No 6×12 85 76.5–78.5 b2 -45 Yes 6×12 87 76.5–81.8 c1 +15 No 12×6 77 76.5–78.5 c2 -69 Yes 12×6 80 76.5–81.8 d1 +15 No 6×12 75 76.5–78.5 d2 -69 Yes 6×12 80 76.5–81.8 2008 年 The loads(dam weight and reservoir level) were applied progressively in successive steps in order to achieve equilibrium conditions in a quasi-static way avoiding to introduce any inertial effects. First,the load of the dam was applied to the foundation increasing the dam dead-weight by steps;and then the reservoir load was assigned by steps until the dam collapsed. After each step,a number of cycles large enough for the system to reach static equilibrium was run. Some preliminary analyses were performed to determine the minimum number of steps for which the influence of the loading procedure on the final results is negligible. The reservoir level was increased by 5 m steps up to the collapse of the dam. Then,the analysis was resumed from the last step of loading before collapse and smaller increments of reservoir level were assigned to identify with better accuracy the reservoir level causing collapse. Collapse was detected looking at the displacement undergone by the dam. After the total displacement of the crest exceeded 0.5 m,the analysis was stopped. In all the simulations run,a small numerical damping was used. This damping is given by decreasing block accelerations and increasing block decelerations Each block of rock and the dam have been assumed linearly elastically deformable. To impose the elastic law,each rock block in the foundation has been subdivided into four regular triangles whereas the dam has been subdivided into non-regular triangular elements(see gray lines in Fig.12). Then,stresses and strains were calculated by UDEC in the nodes of each mesh every time-step. by a factor proportional to the unbalanced forces acting on each block. It was used only to shorten the computational time needed to run a simulation and therefore it has no particular meaning but its use is justified as long as it does not affect the global response of the assembly of blocks to the mechanical and hydraulic actions imposed. Some preliminary tests with zero damping were run to verify that the introduced damping had a negligible effect in terms of the analyzed global variables. 3.2 Results For all the joint configurations analyzed,the maximum hydraulic flow takes place along the dam-foundation joint and it has been noted that the greater the distance of a joint from the dam base is, the smaller the flow is. This is due to the fact that the hydraulic conductivity of the joints depends on the compressive stresses. For increasing depths, Fig.12 Domain of analysis(model c):black lines indicate compressive stresses increase and the hydraulic edges of blocks;gray lines indicate the mesh contour conductivity decreases as a result. 第 27 卷 第 8 期 UTILI Stefano, et al. Influences of Hydraulic Uplift Pressures on Stability of Gravity Dam • 1563 • In Fig.13 , it is shown the hydraulic flow monitored along the dam-foundation joint with the the dam,when a = 0 ,the distribution is quite in dam at incipient failure:each point in the graph In case of absent/ineffective drainages,it is linear indicates the flow along one hydraulic domain extending between two consecutive rock joints (see Fig.15(a));whereas in case of effective drains in operation,the distribution changes:it is still linear intersecting the dam-foundation joint. It can be noted upstream of the drains but becomes parabolic-like that in case of absent drainage system,the flow is almost constant. In case of effective drainage system instead,the flow along the upstream part of the joint is more than twice as high as the flow in the previous case,whereas the flow along the downstream part of the joint,from the drains line to the dam toe, remains lower than the previous case with a jump in correspondence of the drainage point. Moreover,the agreement with what prescribed by the regulations. downstream of them(see Fig.15(b)) slightly different from what prescribed by the regulations. After the dam starts uplifting,a>0,the obtained pressure distributions strongly depend on the geometry of the rock joints,drifting substantially from the prescriptions of the regulations. Dam base/m the hydraulic flow in a large area of the foundation. Depending on the inclination of the rock joints,it may also happen that the flow along the damfoundation interface goes upstream for a short length(see Fig.14,just before the drains line). Pore pressure/kPa presence of the drainage system greatly influences 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Model b Model d Regulations h = 85 mm(no drainage system) h = 87 mm(drainage system) 20 Dam base/m 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Dam-foundation joint/m Fig.13 Hydraulic flow along the dam-foundation interface at incipient collapse:black line in case of effective drainage system and gray one in case of absent drainage system Pore pressure/kPa - Hydraulic flow /(L·s 1) (a) No drainage 25 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Model b Model d Regulations (b) Active drainage Fig.15 Uplift pressures with the dam base all in contact against the foundation,a = 0,in case of models b and d with reservoir level µ = 70 m The load bearing capacity of the dam varies a lot,depending on the geometry of the joints in the foundation(see Table 2). Making a comparison with the equilibrium analyses of Section 2,it is possible to say that in case of joints inclined ± 45°on the horizontal line,the resulting bearing capacity is,on average,7 m higher than the equilibrium analysis Fig.14 Hydraulic flow directions underneath the dam with drainage system in operation With regard to the uplift pressure underneath predictions;whereas,in case of joints inclined +15°/ - 69 °on the horizontal line(cases c and d) , the bearing capacity is within the range predicted by equilibrium analyses. The physical explanation is as • 1564 • 2008 年 岩石力学与工程学报 follows:in models a and b,given a known reservoir level µ,a smaller length a and lower water pressures Fig.17 provides the horizontal displacements of the left edge of the dam crest during the reservoir underneath the dam were generated leading to a filling until the last step of loading before failure. larger resistance against sliding. On the contrary,in models c and d,given the same reservoir level µ,a The trend shown in Fig.17 is reasonable : at the beginning, the crest moves upstream,being the dam larger length a and higher uplift pressures were rotating counterclockwise,and then moves downstream generated leading to a smaller resistance against sliding. In fact,resistance against sliding depends, with the dam rotating clockwise. The horizontal asymptote in the figure indicates the onset of the for its cohesive term,on the extension of the zone in sliding of the dam along the foundation. contact with the foundation , B-a , and , for its frictional term,on the amount of N ′ (see Eq.(7)) that in turn depends on the uplift pressures. Using UDEC,it is also possible to investigate the displacements undergone by the dam,otherwise not achievable by the equilibrium analyses performed in Section 2. During its process of construction and until the reservoir level becomes half full(about 35 m), the dam tends to tilt towards the reservoir. Then, further increases of the reservoir level lead to a Fig.17 Horizontal displacements recorded at the dam crest vs. reservoir level change of direction , the dam tilting towards the opposite side(see Fig.16). 4 CONCLUSIONS By means of static equilibrium analyses,it has been possible to achieve analytical expressions for the bearing capacity of a typical Italian gravity dam resting on a rock foundation. To this end,the uplift thrust due to the hydraulic pressures underneath the dam and the beneficial effect of an effective drainage system were taken into account by assuming uplift (a) µ = 35 m pressure distributions recommended by the Italian and USACE regulations. Secondly,a more refined analysis was carried out by the DEM. The hydraulic flow taking place within the fractured foundation and the influence of different geometries of rock joints on the uplift thrust and,as a result,on the dam bearing capacity was investigated. With this numerical method,it was also possible to monitor the displacements undergone by the dam. Both methods are shown to be viable ways of (b) µ = 85 m Fig.16 investigating the influence of the hydraulic uplift Dam and rock foundation for model b with reservoir pressures on the stability of dams. Comparing the level(deformations magnified by 100 times) obtained results,equilibrium analyses give rise to 第 27 卷 第 8 期 UTILI Stefano, et al. Influences of Hydraulic Uplift Pressures on Stability of Gravity Dam more conservative predictions in terms of dam [6] 徐千军,李 • 1565 • 旭,陈祖煜 . 百色水利枢纽主坝坝基三维抗滑稳 bearing capacity , whereas the DEM is a more 定分析 [J]. 岩石力学与工程学报,2006 ,25(3):533 –538.(XU powerful numerical tool which can be relied on to Qianjun , LI Xu , CHEN Zuyu. 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The forces in Eq.(3) are given by: ⎫ H2 S1 = γ w ⎪ 2 ⎪ S 2 = γ w ( µ − H ) H ⎪⎪ (A1) ⎬ U = γ w µB ⎪ ⎪ BH ⎪ W =γc ⎪⎭ 2 Therefore,substituting them in Eq.(3),it can be obtained: H3 H2 B2 H γw + γ w (µ − H ) +γ wµ = γ c B2 (A2) 6 2 2 3 Then,it can be written: ⎛ B2 H 2 ⎞ H γ wH3 ⎫ ⎟⎟ = γ c B 2 + + µγ w ⎜⎜ ⎪ 2 ⎠ 3 3 ⎬ (A3) ⎝ 2 ⎪ µ 3γ w ( B 2 + H 2 ) = 2γ c B 2 H + 2γ w H 3 ⎭ (a) a<d And finally: ⎡ γ ⎛ B ⎞2 ⎤ 2 H ⎢ c ⎜ ⎟ + 1⎥ ⎢⎣ γ w ⎝ H ⎠ ⎥⎦ µ= 2 ⎡⎛ B ⎞ ⎤ 3⎢⎜ ⎟ + 1⎥ ⎢⎣⎝ H ⎠ ⎥⎦ (A4) Hereafter,it is shown the derivation of the analytical functions µ i = µ i (a) giving rise to the graphs plotted in Fig.5. Let′s start with the case of effective drainage system and a<d as shown in Fig.A1(a). In this case µ< H,the forces acting on the dam are: Imposing the equilibrium of moments about point O(see Fig.A1(a)),leads to: µ2 ⎫ ⎪ 2 ⎪ ⎪ f = 0.35 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ U 1 = γ w µa ⎪ ⎪ 1 U 2 = γ w µ (1 − f ) ( d − a )⎬ 2 ⎪ ⎪ U 3 = γ w µf ( d − a ) ⎪ ⎪ 1 U 4 = γ w µf ( B − d ) ⎪ 2 ⎪ ⎪ BH ⎪ W =γc 2 ⎭ S1 = γ w (b) a>d Fig.A1 Forces acting on the dam overturning mechanism S1 (A5) µ a⎞ ⎡2 ⎤ ⎛ + U 1 ⎜ B − ⎟ + U 2 ⎢ (d − a ) + B − d ⎥ + 3 2⎠ ⎣3 ⎦ ⎝ 2 ⎡1 ⎤ U 3 ⎢ (d − a ) + B − d ⎥ + U 4 ( B − d ) + 3 ⎣2 ⎦ 2 (A6) N' x − W B = 0 3 Imposing the vertical equilibrium , N ′ can be expressed by: N ′ = W − U1 − U 2 − U 3 − U 4 (A7) Let us consider first the case of uniform stress 第 27 卷 第 8 期 distribution, x = UTILI Stefano, et al. Influences of Hydraulic Uplift Pressures on Stability of Gravity Dam B−a . Substituting N ′ and x into 2 Eq.(A6): S1 µ 3 a⎞ d ⎛ ⎛ 2 ⎞ + U1 ⎜ B − ⎟ + U 2 ⎜ − a − + B ⎟ + 2 3 3 ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ • 1567 • The function f (a,µ) = 0 may be rewritten as a third degree polynomial function: A0 µ 3 + A1 µ 2 + A2 µ + A3 = 0 (A12) with the coefficients Ai depending on the parameter a: A0 = 1.67 ⎫ ⎪ A1 = 0 ⎪⎪ ⎬ A2 = 0.541 7a 2 + 164.2a + 2 033⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎭ A3 = −28 800a − 576 000 2 ⎞ ⎛ B a⎞ ⎛2 ⎞ ⎛ a d U 3 ⎜ − − + B⎟ + U 4 ⎜ B − d ⎟ +W ⎜ − ⎟ − 3 ⎠ ⎝ 2 2⎠ ⎝3 ⎠ ⎝ 2 2 ⎛ B a⎞ ⎛ B a⎞ ⎛ B a⎞ U1 ⎜ − ⎟ − U 2 ⎜ − ⎟ − U 3 ⎜ − ⎟ − ⎝ 2 2⎠ ⎝ 2 2⎠ ⎝ 2 2⎠ 2 ⎛ B a⎞ U4⎜ − ⎟ −W B = 0 3 ⎝ 2 2⎠ (A8) Then, (A13) A third degree function always presents three solutions,but in this case only one is real. So,using the available well known algebraic formulae,after µ a B a⎞ B a⎞ ⎛ ⎛ 2 d S1 +U1⎜ B − − + ⎟ +U 2 ⎜ − a − + B − + ⎟ + 3 2 2 2⎠ 2 2⎠ ⎝ ⎝ 3 3 some more calculations , the sought expression µ = µ (a) with B = −2 168.6 × 10 3 a − 43 373 × 10 3 and B a⎞ B a⎞ 2 ⎛2 ⎛ a d U3 ⎜ − − + B − + ⎟ + U4 ⎜ B − d − + ⎟ + 2 2⎠ 3 2 2⎠ ⎝3 ⎝ 2 2 C = 2.713 9a 2 + 822.44a + 10 186 can be obtained: ⎛B a 2 ⎞ W ⎜ − − B⎟ = 0 ⎝2 2 3 ⎠ (A9) µ= µ 3 +U1 B ⎛ a d B⎞ +U 2 ⎜− − + ⎟ + 2 ⎝ 6 3 2⎠ case of a>d the pore pressure distribution changes radically(see Fig.A1(b)). The forces involved in the equilibrium of moments are the same as before except (A10) for the pore water pressure. The forces due to the water pressure are(see Fig.5(b)): Now all the forces can be replaced by their analytical expressions obtaining: γw U 1 = γ w µa ⎫ ⎪ ⎬ 1 U 2 = γ w µ (B − a )⎪ 2 ⎭ µ3 B 1 + γ w µa + γ w µ (1 − f ) (d − a ) ⋅ 6 2 2 γ cB as illustrated above,another third degree polynomial function is achieved which again has only one real root; 1 ⎛a B 2 ⎞ ( B − d )⎜ + − d ⎟ + 2 ⎝2 6 3 ⎠ H ⎛ a B⎞ ⎜− − ⎟ = 0 2 ⎝ 2 2⎠ (A15) Then,following the same calculation procedure ⎛ d B⎞ ⎛ a d B⎞ ⎜ − − + ⎟ + γ w µf ( d − a)⎜ − + ⎟ + ⎝ 2 2⎠ ⎝ 6 3 3⎠ γ w µf ⎤ ⎥ − B + B 2 + 4C 3 ⎥⎦ 2 black solid curve in the right side(a<d) of Fig.5(b). In ⎛a B 2 ⎞ ⎛ d B⎞ U3⎜− + ⎟ + U4 ⎜ + − d ⎟ + ⎝2 6 3 ⎠ ⎝ 2 2⎠ ⎛ a B⎞ W⎜− − ⎟ = 0 ⎝ 2 6⎠ 3 (A14) The function achieved in Eq.(A14) is plotted as a And then, S1 1 ⎡⎢ − B + B 2 + 4C 3 −C 5⎢ 2 ⎣ then applying again the algebraic formulae with B = − 2 168.6 × 10 3 a − 43 373 × 10 3 and C = 2.713 9a 2 + (A11) Substituting the known parameters with their numerical values,an expression of the type f(a,µ)=0 can be obtained. This expression Eq.(A11) can be solved either in 822.44a + 10 186 : µ= 3 12 ⎛⎜ 6 ⎜⎜ ⎝ 3 − B + B 2 + 4C 3 −C 2 3 ⎞ ⎟ 2 3 ⎟ − B + B + 4C ⎟⎠ 2 (A16) The function µ = µ (a) achieved in Eq.(A16) is a or µ. In the following calculations , µ has been considered as a variable and a as a parameter so that a plotted as a black partly solid and partly dashed curve function of the type µ = µ (a) is obtained consistently drainage system,the forces acting on the dam are with Fig.5,where µ is plotted against a. in the left side(a>d) of Fig.5(b). In case of absent those shown in Fig.A1(b). Imposing the equilibrium of • 1568 • 2008 年 岩石力学与工程学报 moments leads to Eq.(A16) which,in this case,is valid γ w µa and U 2 = γ w µ ( B − a) / 2 . Therefore: for any value of a. The graphs obtained are visible in N ′ = W − U 1 − U 2 = γ c BH / 2 − Fig.5(a). In case of triangular stress distribution,the same calculations are performed. The only difference is the B−a value of x which becomes x = . In case of d<a, 3 it happens that µ>H and therefore the lateral thrust γ w µa − γ w µ ( B − a) / 2 It is now possible to get the two forces Tact and Tres : Tres γ w H / 2 and S2 = (µ − H )γ w H . The obtained functions 2 have been plotted as gray curves in Fig.5(a) and Fig.5(b). Let start with the case of effective drains. Two different expressions hold true depending on the extension of a,which can be larger or smaller than d. For the sake of space,here only one case will be shown:a>d,being this the case for which sliding effectively takes place(see Fig.8). The derivation shown hereafter is also valid for the case of absent/ ineffective drainages since the uplift forces acting on the dam are the same(see Fig.2(a)). Considering the case of µ> H , the horizontal forces due to the lateral thrust caused by the reservoir are S1 = γ w H 2 / 2 and S 2 = ( µ − H )γ w H . Defining the horizontal force causing sliding Tact ,and the one opposing sliding Tres ,it can be written: Tact = S1 + S 2 Tres ⎫⎪ ⎬ = N ′ tan ϕ + c ′( B − a) ⎪⎭ (A17) N ′ is achieved by the vertical equilibrium as shown for the overturning mechanism. The forces due to the water pressure,as shown in Fig.7,are U 1 = ⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪ BH = tan ϕγ c − tan ϕγ w µa − ⎬ 2 ⎪ ⎪ µ ( B − a) tan ϕγ w + c ′( B − a ) ⎪ ⎪⎭ 2 Tact = γ w µH − γ w is no longer expressed by one force but two: S 1 = A.2 Sliding mechanism (A18) H2 2 (A19) Imposing the horizontal equilibrium Tact = Tres leads to: γ w µH − γ w tan ϕγ w H2 B ⎛ = µ ⎜ − tan ϕγ w a − tan ϕγ w + 2 2 ⎝ a⎞ BH + c ′( B − a) ⎟ + tan ϕγ c 2⎠ 2 (A20) Rearranging with the objective of getting a function of the type µ = µ (a) : ⎛ ⎝ µ ⎜ γ w H + tan ϕγ w a + tan ϕγ w B a⎞ − tan ϕγ w ⎟ = 2 2⎠ H2 BH + tan ϕ + c′B − c′a 2 2 and then: γw µ= (A21) − 2c′a + 2c′B + γ w H 2 + tan ϕγ c BH = tan ϕγ w a + 2γ w H + tan ϕγ w B −1 400 a + 214 470 5.77a + 1 946 (A22) In case of µ<H,the same calculations hold true with the only difference due to Tact that becomes:Tact = µ2 γw . 2