A Case Study on Fly Ash Based Geo-Polymer Concrete K. Sandeep Dutt

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 34 Number 2- April 2016
A Case Study on Fly Ash Based Geo-Polymer
K. Sandeep Dutt 1, K. Vinay Kumar 1, I. Siva Kishore 2, Ch. Mallika Chowdary2
Final year B.Tech Student, Department of Civil engineering, K L University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur.
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil engineering, K L University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur.
Abstract: - Cement is the world's most adaptable,
strong and solid development material. By water,
cement is the most utilized material, which required
expansive amounts of Portland cement. Conventional
Portland cement generation is the second just to the
vehicles as the significant generator of carbon di
oxide, which dirtied the air. Notwithstanding that
huge sum vitality was likewise devoured for the bond
creation. Subsequently, it is unavoidable to locate an
option material to the current most costly, most asset
expending Portland cement. Geopolymer cement is a
creative development material which might be
delivered by the compound activity of inorganic
particles. Fly Ash, a by-result of coal got from the
warm power plant is bounty accessible around the
world. Fly ash is rich in silica and alumina
responded with soluble arrangement delivered
aluminosilicate gel that gone about as the coupling
material for the solid. It is a brilliant option
development material to the current plain bond
concrete. Geopolymer cement should be delivered
without utilizing any measure of conventional
Portland bond. This paper quickly surveys the
constituents of geopolymer solid, its quality and
potential applications.
Keywords: - Fly fiery, Alkali Activators, GPC,
Curing, strength.
Utilization of cement and environmental impact
use of concrete as a noteworthy development material
is an overall marvel and the solid industry is the
biggest client of common assets on the planet (1).
This utilization of cement is driving the monstrous
worldwide creation of bond, assessed at more
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Than 2.8 billion tons as per late industry information
(2). Connected with this is the inescapable carbon
dioxide outflows assessed tobe in charge of 5 to 7%
of the aggregate worldwide creation of carbon
dioxide (3). Critical increments in bond creation have
been watched and were foreseen to increment
because of the huge increment in foundation and
industrialization in India, China and South America.
a) Fine aggregate:
Sand is a normally happening granular
material made out of finely isolated rock and mineral
particles. It is characterized by size, being better than
rock and coarser than residue. Sand can likewise
allude to a textural class of soil or soil sort; i.e. a dirt
containing more than 85% sand-sized particles. Set
up of sand we can likewise utilize base fiery remains
which can be a substitution of sand up to a level of
20% substitution of sand gives a decent compressive
b)Corse aggregate:Fundamentally course total assumes an
essential part in blend configuration of solid .Size of
the course total is 40mm, 20mm, 16mm, 12.5mm,
and 10mm. In this blend outline methods size
obviously total takes 20mm and 10mm. Coarse totals
utilized as a part of instance of bond cement can be
utilized as a part of instance of Geo-polymer concrete
(GPC) additionally where the coarse total ought to
adjust to IS-383-1970.
C) Alkaline activator:Basic initiation is a compound procedure in
which a fine aluminosilicate, for example, a fly
powder is blended with a soluble activator to deliver
a glue fit for setting and solidifying inside of a
sensibly brief timeframe . The utilization of this
activator is which ties the total. In this blend
configuration of Fly fiery debris based Geopolymer
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Concrete, sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide
(Na2SiO3+NaOH) is utilized as alkaline activator.
Geopolymer is a term used to characterize a
classification of manufactured alumino-silicate
materials with potential use, basically as substitution
of standard Portland concrete in concrete, for cutting
edge hello tech composites, earthenware application
or as a type of cast stone. Geopolymer as a name was
initially connected to these materials by Joseph
Davidovits in the year 1970s, albeit comparable
materials have been created in the previous Soviet
Union since the year 1950s, yet was called soil
cements. This name however was utilized to portray
soils which are solidified with a little measure of
Portland concrete to improve its quality and
Geopolymer cement is concrete which does
not use any Portland bond in its generation. Maybe,
the fastener is delivered by the response of a basic
fluid with a source material that is rich in silica and
alumina. Geopolymers were produced as a
consequence of exploration into warmth safe
materials after a progression of disastrous flames.
The exploration yielded non-combustible and nonignitable geo polymer saps and folios. The utilization
of fly ash remains has extra environment favourable
circumstances. The yearly creation of fly ash remains
in Australia in 2007 was around 14.5 million tons of
which just million tons were used in helpful courses;
essentially for the incomplete substitution of Portland
bond (8). Improvement of geopolymer innovation
and applications would see a further increment in the
helpful utilization of fly fiery debris, like what has
been seen in the most recent 14 years with the
utilization of fly fiery remains in concrete and other
building materials. It has been found that geopolymer
cement has great designing properties.
Development is one of the quickly
developing fields around the world. According to the
present world measurements, each year around
260,00,00,000 Tons of Cement is required. This
amount will be expanded by 25% inside a compass of
an additional 10 years. Since the Lime stone is the
fundamental source material for the common
Portland bond an intense lack of limestone may come
following 25 to 50 years. More over while delivering
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one ton of bond, around one ton of carbon di oxide
will be transmitted to the climate, which is a real risk
for nature. Notwithstanding the above immense
amount of vitality is additionally required for the
creation of concrete. Henceforth it is most key to
locate an option fastener. The waste water from the
Chemical Industries is released into the ground which
pollutes ground water. By creating Geopolymer
Concrete all the aforementioned issues should be
unravelled by reworking them.
The Following are the constituents of the
geopolymer concrete: - Source material and Alkali
a) Source material
These source materials could be regular
minerals, for example, kaolinite, dirts, and so forth.
By-items materials, for example, fly fiery remains,
silica smoke, slag, rice-husk fiery debris; red mud
thus on could likewise be utilized for the source
material relying upon its accessibility, expense, kind
of utilization and interest by the end client. As per
(Hardjito and Rangan 2005), any material that
contains for the most part silicon (Si) and aluminum
(Al) in nebulous structure is a conceivable source
material for the generation of geopolymer. Different
materials that can be utilized as source material
incorporate Metakaolinite or calcined kaolin
(Davidovits, 19999; Barbosa, et al., 2000; TeixeiraPinto, et al., 2002), low calcium fly fiery debris
(Palomo, et al., 1999a; Swanepoel and Strydom,
2002), regular Al-Si materials (Xu and Deventer,
2000) , a blend of calcined minerals and noncalcined
minerals (Xu and Deventer, 2002), a blend of fly
fiery debris and metakaolinite (Swanepoel and
Strydom, 2002; Jaarsveld, et al., 2002; Zuhua, et al.,
2009) furthermore a blend of granulated impact
heater slag and metakaolinite (Cheng and Chiu,
2003). Among these materials, metakaolinite is
favored by the geopolymer item engineers because of
its high disintegration rate, simplicity of control of
Si/Al proportion and its white shading (Gourley,
2003). Davidovits, (1999) calcined kaolinite dirt for
six hours at 750oC and termed it as KANDOXI
what's more, utilized it to make geopolymer. He
included that the molar proportion of Si-Al of the
material ought to be around 2.0. The high measure of
calcium in ASTM class C fly fiery debris meddles
with the polymerization process and modifies the
microstructure (Gourley, 2003). This make ASTM
Class F fly fiery debris which is otherwise called low
calcium fly fiery remains much ideal than the High
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 34 Number 2- April 2016
calcium (ASTM Class C) fly cinder. The significant
test is that the quantitative forecast of the suitability
of a particular mineral as a source is still yet to be
discovered in light of the perplexing way of the
response included (Xu and Deventer, 2000). Be that
as it may, normal Al-Si minerals have demonstrated
the possibilities to be the source materials for geopolymerization. Fly slag is considered to be more
worthwhile because of its high reactivity that comes
in appreciation of its better molecule size than slag.
As indicated by (Fernandes-Jimenez and Palomo,
2003) , low calcium fly fiery remains should have
LOI under 5%, Fe203 substance ought not surpass
10% and 80-90% of the particles ought to be littler
than 45micro meter to deliver ideal tying properties.
b) Alkali Activator Liquid:
Soluble Activator Liquid The geopolymerization is made conceivable by the utilization
of soluble fluids. Be that as it may, the most normally
utilized soluble fluids are either the mix of sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) or Potassium hydroxide (KOH)
and Sodium Silicate or potassium silicate
(Davidovits, 1999; (Palomo, et al., 1999b; Barbosa,
et al., 2000; Other specialists (Xu and Deventer,
2002) additionally affirmed that the expansion of
sodium silicate answer for the sodium hydroxide as
the antacid fluid improved the response between the
source material and the arrangement. Moreover, it
was seen after the investigation of geopolymerization of sixteen normal Al-Si minerals that
for the most part the sodium hydroxide created a
higher degree of disintegration of minerals than
potassium hydroxide.
Geopolymer are inorganic fasteners, which are
distinguished by the taking after fundamental
Compressive strength relies on upon curing time and
curing temperature. As the curing time and
temperature builds, the compressive quality
increments. Imperviousness to consumption, since no
limestone is utilized as a material, Geopolymer bond
has astounding properties inside both corrosive and
salt situations. It is particularly suitable for extreme
ecological conditions. Geopolymer examples are
having better sturdiness and warm steadiness
attributes. Geopolymer cement lessened CO2
discharges of geopolymer concretes make them a
decent distinct option for normal Portland bond. The
mechanical conduct of Geo-polymer concrete is
higher than ostensible solid blend. Toughness
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property of Geo-polymer cement is higher than the
ostensible solid blend. Geo-polymer Concrete is EcoFriendly. Water retention property is lesser than the
ostensible cement. Sets at room temperature nonlethal, drain free long working life before hardening
impermeable higher imperviousness to warmth and
oppose every inorganic dissolvable higher
compressive quality Compressive quality of
Geopolymer cement is high contrasted with the
standard Portland concrete. Geopolymer concrete
additionally indicated high early quality. The
compressive quality of Geopolymer cement is around
1.5 times more than that of the compressive quality
with the conventional Portland bond concrete, for the
same blend. Also the Geopolymer Concrete
demonstrated great workability as of the normal
Portland cement.
In the short term, there is vast potential for
geopolymer solid applications for scaffolds, for
example, precast auxiliary components and decks and
also basic retrofits utilizing geopolymer-fiber
composites. Geopolymer innovation is most
progressive in precast applications because of the
relative simplicity in taking care of touchy materials
(e.g., high-soluble base initiating arrangements) and
the requirement for a controlled high-temperature
curing environment required for some current
geopolymer. Other potential nearterm applications
are precast pavers and pieces for clearing, blocks and
precast funnels.
The followings are the restrictions
Bringing the base material fly fiery debris to the
required area. High cost for the soluble arrangement.
Safety danger connected with the high alkalinity of
the enacting arrangement. Practical challenges in
applying Steam curing/high temperature curing
procedure Impressive examination is continuous to
create geopolymer frameworks that address.
J.Liyana, A.M.Mustafa al bakri, H.Kamarudin,
C.M.Ruzaidi and A.R.Azura investigated about the
effect of ratio of fly ash to activator (1.0-3.0) and the
ratio of Na2SiO3/NaOH (1.0-3.0) on geopolymer
coating strength. Both ratios plays a major role of
determining the Flexural strength of geopolymer
coating material. Geopolymer coating material was
prepared by mixing alkaline activator and fly ash
powder. The ratio of fly ash to activator were
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 34 Number 2- April 2016
synthesized by 4 different ratios are 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5
with the ratio of Na2SiO3/Noah which is 1.0, 1.5,
2.0, 2.5. Concentration of NaOH is kept constant at
10M. Sodium silicate was added to enhance the
process of geopolymerization which can be obtain by
the Geopolymer concrete paste. Resultant mixtures
are carried out by flexural strength test and were
placed at room temperature for 24H before sintering
in the furnace at 1200c for 3H with heating and
cooling rates at 5c to evaluate the thermal
properties.From the experimental investigations after
testing which results highest strength of Geopolymer
concrete is 42MPa is to be obtained when the ratios
of fly ash to activator at 2.0 & Na2SiO3/NaOH at
2.5. They finally concluded that those ratios of
alkaline activator/fly ash have a great influence on
the flexural strength of geopolymer coating material.
Wan Ibrahim, Mohd.Mustafa al bakri, Andrei
victor sandu, Kamarudin Husain, Gabreil sandu,
Khairul nizar ismail, Aeslina Abdul kadir, Mohd
Binhussain described briefly about Characterization
and processing of fly ash based geopolymer bricks.
Ratios of alkaline activator/fly ash and
Na2SiO3/Noah were kept at 2.0 and 2.5 from
previous studies. Resultant samples are carried out by
Compressive strength -for 1 ,3 , 7 ,28 , 60 days at 70c
for 24H, Water absorption test-for 1, 3 , 7 , 28 ,
60days at room temperature for 24H, Density test for 1 ,3 , 7 ,28, 60 days at oven curing for 24H.
J.Amgalan discussed
about the fundamentals of geopolymer chemistry and
differences from conventional alkali activated
materials chemistry. For every one tonne of cement
emits 0.8-1 tonnes of co2 into the atmosphere
globally. Alternatively fly ash is used to form
geopolymer paste. Resultant samples were carried out
by compressive strength test. He finally concluded
that pond ash increases its strength by 7times for 7
days reaching higher strength. M.Talha Junaid,
Obada Kayali, Amar Khennane, Jarvis
Blackinvestigated on low calcium alkali activated fly
ash.The authors presented that proposed mix design
is developed for low calcium class-f fly ash is
activated using sodium silicates and sodium
hydroxide solutions M.A.Bhosle, N.N.Shinde carried
out studies on Geopolymer concrete by using fly ash
in construction. They described about the alkali
activation of waste materials and the chemical
process that allows the use of transforming the glassy
Development of low calcium fly ash based
geopolymer concrete have been presented by Kolli
ramujee, potharaju, IACSIT (6) .They discussed
about the developing the mix design for medium
grade and comparison has been done for both heat
ISSN: 2231-5381
S.Jayadeep, B.J.Chakravarathy (7) presented a
detailed explanation on study on Fly ash based
Geopolymer concrete using admixtures. The authors
explains about the combination of NaOH and
Na2SiO3 together to form a gel that binds the
aggregate .The resultant gel is mixed with fly ash to
form a geopolymer concrete.D.V.Reddy, M.ASCE,
investigated on Durability of fly ash based
in Marine
environment. Concentration of NaOH is kept at 8M,
14M were centrally reinforced with 13mm bars were
tested with artificial sea water and induced current.
S.Zullu, D.Allopi(9) documented on Influence of high
content fly ash on concrete durability. For preparing
Geopolymer concrete the common solution alkaline
activator is used which binds the aggregate resultant
samples were tested for Compressive strength test,
water absorption test, chloride conductivity test.
Alkali activated fly ash based geopolymer
concretehas been invested by A.Motorwala, Vineet
They involves the structural behaviour of GPC and
mix proportions of GPC. Alkaline liquid (sodium
hydroxide and sodium silicate) is used.
D.B.Raijiwala, H.S.Patil presented on Geopolymer
concrete: A concrete of next decade. They explained
about the geopolymer concrete using fly ash by
replacing cement. Alkaline solution is used to bind
the aggregate and added to fly ash to form the GPC.
Andi Arham Adam, Horianto(investigated the
effect of temperature and duration of curing on the
strength of fly ash based geopolymer concrete in
2014. They mainly discussed about the mix design
for every mix design of GPC there is an effect of
temperature and duration of curing which results the
higher strength.
Lohani T.K, S.Jena,
K.P.Dash, M.Padhy(investigated an experimental
approach on geopolymeric recycled concrete using
partial replacement of industrial by product. They
described about the GPC and advance technology by
replacement of cement which can reduce the
greenhouse gases alternatively fly ash is used.
From the above literature review the workability and
compressive quality of low calcium fly cinder
geopolymer cement is a component of the extent and
the properties of the constituent materials. It was too
watched that the curing state of a low calcium fly
powder geopolymer concrete additionally impacts the
compressive quality. Be that as it may, research
ought to be done with a specific end goal to
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 34 Number 2- April 2016
institutionalize these blend configuration to give
satisfactory blend plan strategy to every material to
decide the trademark quality of every blend extent. In
spite of the fact that a few scientists suggested
distinctive curing temperature, this was because of
the differing blend extent utilized by these scientists.
At long last, research ought to additionally be done
on to affirm the auxiliary sufficiency’s of the
trademark quality
Utilizing auxiliary individuals, for example, shafts,
pieces and section. Fly fiery remains based
geopolymer is superior to anything ordinary concrete
in numerous angles, for example, compressive
strength, exposure to forceful environment, and
workability and presentation to high temperature.
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of civil and structural engineering, vol=3, no.1
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