International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 6- March 2016 Effect of Calcium Sulphate on Durability parameters of Fly ash Blended Cement G.Narasimhulu#1, C.Sashidhar*2, G.Reddy Babu#3and B.Madhusudhana Reddy*4 1 Civil Engineering Dept., JNTUA, Anantapuaramu, Andhra Pradesh, India(Presently working at Kasturba Institute of Technology, Civil(PHEE)Dept., Govt. of Delhi,Pitampura,Delhi-88) 2 Professor, Civil Engineering Dept., JNTUA, Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India 3 Prof& HOD (Civil Engg. Dept.) Narasaraopeta Engineering college, Narasaraopeta, A.P, India. 4 Senior Environmental Engineers, Delhi Pollution Control Committee, Govt. of Delhi, Delhi, India ABSTRACT: The effect of Calcium Sulphate(CaSO4) chemical added in deionised water on Fly ash based Blended Cement(FBC) on various properties such as setting time, compressive strength, chloride ion permeability were studied apart from XRD analysis. The FBC cubes of size 70.6x70.6x70.6mm are prepared with different dosages of 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500 and 4000mg/l of calcium sulphate in mixing water for compressive strength analysis. Control specimens were prepared with deionised water for comparison purpose. The setting times were found out and compressive strength of FBC were evaluated for 7days, 28days, 90days and 180days apart from studying rapid chloride ion permeability on 28 days aged specimens. The results showed that, as Calcium sulphate concentration increases, there is increase in initial and final setting of FBC. The percentage increase of initial setting time (IST) of FBC with calcium sulphate chemical is 21.08% to 58.82% and final setting time (FST) is 7.69% to 24.43%. Compressive strength of FBC cubes, when tested on compressive strength testing machine has shown that loss or gain is marginal compared to control specimens. It was also observed that chloride ion permeability trend followed more or less same when compared with control samples. In addition, XRD analysis was carried out for finding out new compounds at Calcium Sulphate concentration of 2.5g/l of 28 days aged specimens along with control sample. sulphate attack have not been thoroughly investigated. Sulphate ions present in mixing water, soils, and ground water in more than permissible limit cause deterioration of mortar. In hardened cement C3A reacts with sulphate ions in the presence of calcium hydroxide to form ettringite and gypsum, leading to degradation of concrete into a non cohesive granular mass and disruptive expansion given by Rasheeduzzafar et al,1994, Al-Amoudi OSB et al,1995 [1,2]. Sulphate attack on concrete is a complex process as reported by MD Cohen et al,1991[3]. Many factors, such as cement type, sulphate cat ion type, sulphate concentration exposure period and water are essential ingredients which may affect the sulphate resistance. The permissible limits of sulphate in mixing water for ordinary Portland cement were given by various codes, such as IS:456-2000 has given 400mg/l[8], AS 1379 has given 1000 mg/l[9], BS EN 1008-2002 has given 2000mg/l[10] and ASTM C94– 1992 has given 3000mg/l [7]. Generally, the sulphate encountered in mixing water, soils, and ground water are combined with different cat ions such as, calcium, magnesium, sodium etc. In nature, sulphates may present in surface water, soils and ground water more than or equal to two compounds. Despite the above codes had given broad limits on sulphates in mixing water for ordinary Portland cement, but they did not give permissible limit of a particular sulphate in a particular combination in mixing water for blended cement mortar. For this reason, a guideline based on careful scrutiny on tolerable limit of a particular sulphate in a particular combination in mixing water for blended cement is needed. Key Words: CaSO4, FBC, IST&FST, Compressive Strength, Rapid Chloride Ion Permeability, XRD. 2. Research significance: 1. INTRODUCTION: Mortar deterioration due to sulphate attack is the second major durability problem, after reinforcement corrosion in concrete structures. This type of deterioration is noted in the structures exposed to sulphate bearing soils, ground water and waste waters. Though, deterioration due to sulphate attack is reported from many countries, the mechanisms of This research examines the maximum permissible limit of a calcium sulphate in a particular combination in mixing water, when the sulphate attack is from exterior surface of blended cement mortar. External sulphate attack is caused by sulphates from ground water, soils, solid industrial waste and fertilizers, atmospheric SO2 or liquid industrial wastes. Torres et al,2003 [4], Senhadji et al,2005 [5] reported that ready ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 300 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 6- March 2016 availability of these sulphates causes damage to concrete, depending on its concentration. Many studies had shown that the ingress of sulphates into a concrete structure by ground water containing soluble sulphates or soils laden with sulphates led to several expansive reactions and the alteration of the microstructure[6] (Crammond and Halliwell,1995). Ettringite is a common mineral formed during this process and may lead to the volume expansion and microcracking of mortar. Besides Ettringite, Gypsum is also formed in the system, which is depending upon the type of cement. As per literature and practical observations, sulphate degrades quality of strength of ordinary portland cement mortar, but strength degradation severity is less in blended cement mortar compared to that of ordinary Portland cement mortar. Formation of gypsum softens the cement paste and therefore leads to the deterioration of the cement microstructure. Even though, considerable work was done on the external attack of sulphates on blended cement mortar, but a little or negligible work was carried out on maximum permissible limit of a particular sulphate and sulphates in a particular combination in mixing water for blended cement mortar when a sulphate and no sulphate present in mixing water. Hence, this investigation will be carried out to precise permissible limit of a Calcium sulphate in the above conditions. 3. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY: 3.1 Fly ash Blended Cement(FBC) Portland Fly ash based blended Pozzolana Cement containing fly ash was used in this investigation. The compositions of major compounds present in the cements are presented in Table 1. 3.2 Fine Aggregate The fine aggregate (sand) used throughout the experimental work was obtained from the river Pandameru near Anantapuramu (Andhra Pradesh). According to IS 650-1996, the sand used in cement mortar should confirm to the following specifications. Sand shall be of quartz, light grey or whitish variety and free from silt. The grains shall be angular. The shape of grains shall approximate to spherical form, enlarged and flattened grains shall be present only in negligible quantities. 3.3 Grading of Aggregate Passing through 2mm I.S. Sieve Retained on 90 I.S. Sieve Particle size greater than 1mm ISSN: 2231-5381 100% 100% 33.33% Particle size smaller than 1mm and greater than 500 Particle size smaller than 500 33.33% 33.33% Sand shall be free from organic impurities. Loss of weight on interaction with hot hydrochloric acid (specific gravity 1.15) shall not exceed 0.25%. The specific particle size composition of the sand was prepared as per the I.S.Code 650-1966 and I.S. Code 383-1970. Sand was thoroughly washed with tap water to remove impurities like decayed vegetable matter, humus, organic matter and deleterious materials like clay, fine silt, and fine dust was oven dried for 42 hours and cooled to room temperature. 3.4 Water Deionised water spiked with Calcium sulphates (CaSO4) at different concentrations i.e. 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500 and 4000 mg/l. Control sample is prepared without adding any sulphate chemical for comparison purpose. 4. Experimental programme The influence of Calcium sulphate mentioned above at different concentrations was studied when the calcium sulphate are spiked with deionised water and test samples are compared with the control samples. This comparison may not be possible in case of control samples made with locally available potable water since it varies in chemical composition from place to place. This is the reason for mixing of calcium sulphate with the deionised water as per the dosage mentioned above. This water is used for preparation of samples for setting times of FBC. For determining the initial and final setting times of blended cement, Vicat’s apparatus is used and to assess the compressive strength, 96 Blended cement mortar cubes of size 70.6x70.6x70.6mm were cast and tested on compressive strength testing Machine. To determine the chloride ion permeability, RCPT apparatus was used, for which 24 specimens were cast and tested. Table 1: Chemical composition of blended cement (Fly ash based) Sl . N o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Composition Lime (CaO) Silica (SiO2) Alumina (Al2O3) Iron oxide (Fe2O3) Magnesium oxide (MgO) Soda (Na2O) Potash (K2O) Sulphur trioxide (SO3) Loss on Ignition (% by mass) Result (%) 17.25 36.83 30.14 4.15 3.64 0.95 1.09 2.40 3.55 Page 301 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 6- March 2016 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 2. Setting times of Fly ash Blended Cement (FBC) corresponding to CaSO4 concentrations. 5.1 EFFECT OF CALCIUM SULPPHATE The effect of presence of chemical calcium sulphate (CaSO4) on various properties such as setting time, compressive strength and chloride ion permeability were discussed in the following sub sections in addition to XRD analysis. Setting time in minutes, Percentage change in setting times & Difference of setting time in minutes Sl.No Water sample Initial % change Diffe rence Final % cha nge Diffe rence 1 Deionised water(control) 85 0 0 260 0 0 The effect of presence of Calcium sulphate (CaSO4,) in mixing water on setting times, compressive strengths of fly ash Blended Cement (FBC) for 7days, 28days, 90days & 180days and chloride ion permeability of 28 days aged specimens were presented in the following sub sections. 2 1.0 g/l 103 21.18 18 280 7.6 9 20 3 1.5g/l 110 29.41 25 285 9.6 2 25 4 2.0g/l 114 34.12 29 288 10. 77 28 Effect of Calcium sulphate on setting times of Fly ash Blended Cement(FBC) 5 2.5 g/l* 122 43.53 37 300 15. 38 40 6 3.0 g/l 130 52.94 45 313 20. 38 53 7 3.5 g/l 133 56.47 48 318 22. 31 58 8 4.0g/l 135 58.82 50 323 24. 23 63 The effect of Calcium sulphate on initial and final setting times of Fly ash Blended Cement (FBC) is presented in Table 2, Fig.1 and Fig 2. From the table and figure, it is observed that both the initial and final setting times have increased with the increase in concentration of Calcium sulphate in deionised water. The range of increase in percentage change of Initial setting times was 21.18% to 58.82% and final setting time was 7.69% to 24.43% for different concentrations of Calcium sulphate in the range of 1 to 4g/l with an increment of 0.5g/l.The Initial setting times and final setting times at and above 2.5 g/l of Calcium sulphate concentration in mixing water used for casting the test specimens, differed significantly when compared with the experimental results obtained with deionised water. When the concentration of the Calcium sulphate is 2.5g/l, the difference in the initial and final setting times is 37 minutes and 40 minutes (which is more than 30 minutes & considered to be significant as per IS 456 code) respectively when compared with control sample. It was also observed that, When the concentration of the Calcium sulphate is 2.5 g/l , the percentage increase in the initial setting time and final setting is 43.53% and 15.38% respectively when compared with control mix. So, from the present experimentation study it is concluded that the setting times will get increased as Calcium sulphate concentrations increases. Laure et al,2011[12] also reported that due to calcium sulphate, setting times are increased. ISSN: 2231-5381 *- Significant 320 300 280 Setting Time (Minutes) 5.1.1 Effect of Calcium sulphate (CaSO4,) 260 240 INITIAL FINAL 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 CaSO4 Concentration (g/l) Fig.1Setting times (Initial and Final) of Fly ash Blended Cement (FBC) vs CaSO4, concentrations Page 302 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 6- March 2016 Table 3. Compressive strength of FBCM corresponding to CaSO4 concentrations. 65 60 PIIST DIST PIFST DFST 55 Setting time(%and Diff,) 50 45 Fly ash Blended Cement Mortar (FBCM) Compressive Strength(MPa) 40 35 Water Sample Sl.No 30 25 20 7 days 28 da ys 90 da ys 180d ays 7 da ys 28 days 90 da ys 180d ays 15 i Deionise d water (Control) 25. 60 40. 42 46. 84 50. 31 0 0 0 0 ii 1.0 g/l 25. 72 40. 71 46. 98 50. 85 0. 47 0.72 0. 30 1.07 iii 1.5 g/l 25. 90 40. 53 46. 88 51. 12 1. 17 0.27 0.0 9 1.61 iv 2.0 g/l 25. 80 41. 14 47. 50 51. 53 0. 78 1.78 1. 41 2.42 v 2.5 g/l* 26. 10 41. 40 47. 80 51. 70 1. 95 2.42 2. 05 2.76 vi 3.0 g/l 26. 08 41. 84 47. 83 51. 71 1. 87 3.51 2. 11 2.78 vii 3.5 g/l 26. 00 41. 83 47. 55 51. 70 1. 56 3.49 1. 52 2.76 viii 4.0 g/l 25. 99 41. 82 47. 35 51. 69 1. 52 3.46 1. 09 2.74 3.5 4.0 10 5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 CaSO4 Concentration (g/l) PIIST: Percentage Increase in Initial Setting Time DIST: Difference in Increase in Initial Setting Time PIFST: Percentage Increase in Final Setting Time DFST: Difference in Increase in Final Setting Time Fig.2 Percentage variation and difference in Setting times of Fly ash Blended cement (FBC) vs CaSO4, concentrations Effect of Calcium Sulphate on Compressive Strength of Fly ash Blended Cement (FBC) The effect of Calcium sulphate concentrations on the compressive strength of fly ash blended cement (FBC) is presented in Table.3 and Fig.3. The degree of percentage variation in compressive strength is also presented in Fig.4. The results indicate that there is a slight fluctuation in loss or gain of compressive strength of the FBC irrespective of CaSO4 concentration for 7days, 28days, 90days and 180days. Compressive strength for FBC with CaSO4 concentration from 0 to 2.5 g/l, has increased from 25.72 to 26.10MPa for 7days, 40.71 to 41.40MPa for 28days, 46.98 to 47.80MPa for 90days and 50.85 to 51.70MPa for 180days aged specimens respectively. When CaSO4 concentration is 2.5 g/l the percentage increase in compressive strength is 1.95% for 7days, 2.42% for 28days, 2.05% for 90days and 2.76% for 180days aged specimens when compared with that of cubes prepared with the deionised water(control test sample). Ettringite and Gypsum formation causes volume increase or expansion, thereby causing damage and cracking of concrete leading to strength loss as given by Roziere E et al,(2009)[14].The said enhancement in compressive strength may be due to residue of anhydrous fly ash in the mix and its reaction with CaSO4 which is affecting the hydration process in turn giving increased compressive strengths. ISSN: 2231-5381 *- Significant 55 50 Compressive strength (MPa) 0.0 % variation 45 40 7 days 28 days 90 days 180 days 35 30 25 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 CaSO4 Concentration (g/l) Fig.3 Compressive strength of Fly ash Blended Cement Mortar (FBCM) vs CaSO4concentrations Page 303 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 6- March 2016 Table4.Chloride ion Permeability of sulphate concentration (28 days) 4.0 calcium % variation in Comp. Strength 3.5 7 days 28 days 90 days 180 days 3.0 2.5 Flyash Blended Cement Mortar (FBCM) Sl.No Water Sample Coulombs passed for 28 days % variation Calcium Sulphate Calcium Sulphate 2.0 1.5 1.0 i Deionised water(Control) 2295 0 0.5 ii 1.0 g/l 2294 -0.04 iii 1.5 g/l 2292 -0.13 iv 2.0 g/l 2293 -0.09 v 2.5 g/l 2290 -0.22 vi 3.0 g/l 2293 -0.09 vii 3.5 g/l 2291 -0.17 viii 4.0 g/l 2292 -0.13 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 CaSO4 Concentration (g/l) Fig.4 Percentage variation in compressive strength of Fly ash Blended Cement Mortar (FBCM) vs CaSO4 concentrations Effect of Calcium sulphate (CaSO4,) concentration on Chloride ion Permeability test. 2296 ISSN: 2231-5381 2295 caso4 Coulumbs passed The rapid chloride permeability levels in terms of coulombs passed through Fly ash Blended cement mortars are observed for 28 days aged specimens were tabulated and listed in the Table.4. By comparing the coulombs passed, which gives a measure of chloride ion permeability, it was observed that the chloride ion permeability has shown marginally more or less same with reference samples as the concentration of calcium sulphate increases. Quantum of coulombs passed and percentage of variation in the charge passed were depicted in Fig.5 and Fig.6 below. The pozzolanic reactions formed with different sulphate solutions consume CH and generate additional C-S-H, which promotes densification and lowers the permeability of paste as suggested by K K Veiga et al, 2012 [11] 2294 2293 2292 2291 2290 2289 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Calcium sulphate concentration of 28 days(g/l) Fig.5 Couloumbs passed vs Calcium sulphate concentration Page 304 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 6- March 2016 -0.25 % variation in couloumbs passed CaSO4 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Calcium sulphate concentration of 28 days(g/l) CH: Calcium Hydroxide, C3A:TricalciumAluminate, C3S:TricalciumSilicate, C2S:DicalciumSilicate, C-S-H:Calcium Silicate Hydrate, E:Ettringite G:gypsum Fig.6 Percentage variation in Couloumbs passed vs calcium sulphate concentration Powdered X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis with calcium Sulphate The Powder X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out to know the behaviour and probable chemical reaction(s) showing the new compounds formed at different angles. Fig.7 depicts the Powder X-ray Diffraction patterns for FBC prepared with deionised water(control sample) and mixing water containing CaSO4 concentration of 2.5g/l are presented after a curing period of 28 days. Calcium sulphate(CaSO4.2H2O) reacts with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) forming Gypsum(G) as shown in eq.(i), which in turn reacts with Tri calcium Aluminate(3CaOAl2O3) forming Tricalciumsulphoaluminate, known as Ettringite(E) (3CaO.Al2O3.3CaSO4.32H2O) as given in eq.(ii). Formation of this Ettringite shall cause sulphate attack causing strength loss, volume expansion, cracking on surface of mortars. After sulphate ions enters in to the mortar pores, they react with hydrated cement compounds and ions in the cement pore solution on cement pore surfaces. The reaction led to formation of Tricalciumsulphoaluminate Hydrate causing volume increase and responsible for expansive forces and microcracking as given by Bonakdar A et al.(2010)[13].The typical chemical reactions are shown below . Fig.7 Comparison of XRD pattern of Fly ash Blended Cement Mortar (FBCM) spiked with CaSO4 Concentration (2.5g/l) and control sample prepared in Deionised water (28 days) The bottom portion of the said graph at Fig.7 indicates the XRD pattern of the control sample prepared with deionised water. Perusal of the said graph establishes that the compounds such as, Calcium Hydroxide(CH) at 18.240 and 27.040, C3A at 29.580, C2S at 32.900, C3S at 34.440, and C-S-H at 50.280 are found respectively. On Comparing with test sample, the new compounds 3CaO.Al2O3.3CaSO4.32H2O (Ettringite) was formed at 33.660, 44.780 & 51.640 along with Gypsum forming at 40.700 & 48.720. Compressive strength has shown slight fluctuations in strength loss or gain due to formation of Ettringite(E) and Gypsum(G) at different locations as shown in the XRD pattern. The XRD pattern indicate that the high peaks of CH, C3A, C2S, C3S and C-S-H are consumed and new sulphate attacking compounds such as E and G are developed due to chemical reactions. 6.CONCLUSIONS CaSO4.2H2O+Ca(OH)2→CaSO4.2H2O+2Ca(OH)2 (i) CaSO4.2H2O+CaOAl2O3+26H2O→3CaO.Al2O3.3CaSO4.32H2O (ii) Based on the results obtained in the present investigation the following conclusions can be drawn. The permissible limit of Calcium sulphate (CaSO4) concentration in water increase the initial and final setting times of FBC. The percentage increase of Initial setting time of FBC with calcium sulphate chemical is 21.18% ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 305 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 6- March 2016 to 58.82% and final setting time is 7.69% to 24.43%. The compressive strength variation has shown a little increase in strength at a concentration of 2.5 g/l. Compressive strength of FBC cubes, has shown slight fluctuations in strength loss/gain. [12] Laure Pelletier-Chaignat, Frank Winnefeld, Barbara Lothenbach, Gwenn Le Saout Christian Jörg Müller, Charlotte Famy, Influence of the calcium sulphate source on the hydration mechanism of Portland cement–calcium sulphoaluminate clinker–calcium sulphate binders, Cement & Concrete Composites 33 (2011) 551–561 [13] A.Bonakdar, B.Mobasher, Multi-parameter study of external sulfate attack in blended cement materials, Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 61– 70 [14] E. 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