International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 Number 5- March 2016 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume X Issue Y- Month 2015 Malicious Node detection in Vehicle to Vehicle Communication J.Nethravathy#1, Dr.G. Maragatham*2 # ¹M.Tech Information Technology Student, #²Asst.Professor SRM University, Kattankulathur, Kancheepuram District, India, Chennai 603 203 2 Abstract In vehicular communications, specifically Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), is playing a vital role in the future safety and ease of our roads. VANETs will enhance driver safety and reduce traffic deaths and injuries by implementing collision avoidance and warning systems. In vehicular networks, broadcast communications are critically important, as many safety-related applications rely on single-hop beacon messages broadcast to neighbour vehicles. However, it becomes a challenging problem to design a broadcast authentication scheme for secure vehicle-to-vehicle communications. Especially when a large number of beacons arrive in a short time, vehicles are vulnerable to computation-based Denial of Service (DoS) attacks that excessive signature verification exhausts their computational resources. In the proposed system prediction based authentication (PBA)[1] is used in the sender side to detect DoS (Denial-of-Service)attacks before the signature verification. And, the Enhanced attacked packet detection algorithm [9] is used at the receiver side to detect malicious node. To further reduce the verification delay for some emergency applications, PBA is designed to exploit the sender vehicle’s ability to predict future beacons in advance. In addition, to prevent memory-based DoS attacks, PBA only stores shortened re-keyed Message Authentication Codes (MACs) of signatures without decreasing security. The simulation result demonstrates that PBA fast verifies almost 99% messages with low storage cost not only in highdensity traffic environments and also the secured stateless protocol gives a better performance in comparison to energy consumption and throughput of network. Keywords – Denial-of-service (DoS),Message authentication codes(MACs), Prediction based authentication(PBA),Enhanced Attacked packet detection(EAPD). I. Short-Range Communications (DSRC) technique, vehicles equipped with wireless On-Board Units (OBUs) can communicate with other vehicles and fixed infrastructure, e.g., Road-Side Units (RSUs), located at critical points of the road. Therefore, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-toInfrastructure (V2I) communications are regarded as two basic types of communications in VANETs. Once VANETs become available, numerous safe, commercial and convenient services can be deployed through a variety of vehicular applications. These applications mostly rely on vehicles’ OBUs to broadcast outgoing beacon messages and to validate incoming ones. The broadcast beacons often contain information about position, current time, speed, direction, driving status, etc. For example, by frequently broadcasting and receiving beacons, drivers are better aware of obstacles and collision scenarios. They may act early to avoid any possible damage, or to assign a new route in case of a traffic accident in the existing route. II. A. Existing System: In the existing system a one-time signature scheme named Fast Auth [1] is used to provide lightweight, timely and nonrepudiation authentication for vehicle-to-vehicle communications. In Fast Auth [1],the author have used chained Huffman hash trees to generate a common public key and minimize the signature size for beacons sent during one prediction interval. Hence, Fast Auth first exploits the predictability of future beacons to achieve the instant authentication in VANETs. Short comings: INTRODUCTION Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have recently attracted extensive attentions as a promising approach to enhance road safety, as well as to improve driving experience. By using a Dedicated ISSN: 2231-5381 SYSTEM DESIGN If the receiver misses a beacon, it cannot work in the rest of the current prediction interval. It cannot accurately collect the entire beacon message Also, it cannot increase the packet delivery ratio. Page Page248 1 International Journal of of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33XNumber March2015 2016 International Journal Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume Issue Y-5-Month B. Proposed system modules The following are the details in the sender side and receiver side details involved in the communication. PTi- prediction Table, Rik - random value, IiInterval, Mk-max message key Sender by hashing the concatenation of its two children. Then, the sender obtains Root1, which is the predication outcome of the message Mi based on the prediction table PTi. chained keys generation position prediction Merkle hash tree construction signature generation Signature Generation Receiver Attack packet detection algorithm Signature Verification 1) Sender Side Process: as Chained Key generation: At the beginning of a time frame, each vehicle generates n chained private keys for the next n beacons. It uses one interval worth of private key for authentications in TESLA scheme. In the following description, we call these private key as TESLA keys. Position Prediction: At each beacon interval, each vehicle predicts its position broadcast in the next beacon. To do so, vehicles model all the possible results of movements between two consecutive beacons based on information of the past trajectory. Where [1] (ai-ai-1,bi – bi-1)implies Pair of integers , prediction table-PTi, collects all the possible message as - Mi. Merkle hash tree construction (MHT): Given the prediction table, the vehicle needs to generate a single public key (or prediction outcome) for all the possible movements. It first generates private keys, which are associated with the results of movements in PTi. Then, a MHT structure is proposed to tie these keys together and generates a single public key or prediction outcome for all the movements. A MHT structure is a binary tree structure where each leaf is assigned a hash value and an inner node is assigned the hash value of its children. The entry Mk in PTi shows that the vehicle moves to the location [1] with a certain probability in the interval Ii, there is a leaf labelled as [1] in the MHT, where Rik is a random value to prevent signature forgery. The inner node is the hash of the two children. The root of the MHT is also computed ISSN: 2231-5381 After generating the commitment K0, constructing the prediction table with a local coordinate, and producing the MHT’s root Root1 for the next beacon B1, the sender broadcasts the first beacon in a time frame. It contains public keys, time stamp T0, and other important parameters (such as, its local coordinate system).Hence the first beacon is treated [1] where [1] is signed by ECDSA, and a Cert is issued by a CA. K0-key, T0-Time stamp, P0-position. 2) Receiver side process: Attack packet detection: It is based on the position changing requirements. Attacked packets are identified by the following parameters Frequency (f), Velocity (v), Į is Coefficient which is determined by the road characteristics and (VMax) is the maximum speed, f = Į * | v – VMax / 2|.. [9] Frequency (F) is the numbers of broadcast packets per Second, at attacked packets are identified by the following Conditions. F and V are high because the position will change quickly. F and V are low because the vehicle positions will not change much. It is based on the change in the Position and change frequency f, velocity v. Signature Verification: For the first beacon B0, ECDSA signature can provide the property of non-repudiation. It helps the receiver ensure that the sender is accountable for the parameters such as the initial position ~ P 0 and the commitment of hash chains K0, and thus prevents drivers from broadcasting malicious information. To verify the following signed Bi, the receiver verifies the validity of Ki-1 by following the one-way keychain back to K0 signed with ECDSA. It recomputes the root value Rooti’ of MHT given relevant values in the mi, and checks whether it matches Rooti stored in the memory. If not, the receiver will verify mi with the later TESLA key. Page Page249 2 International Journal of of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33XNumber March2015 2016 International Journal Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume Issue Y-5-Month III. SYSTEM OVERVIEW IV. System Flow: The RSU plays a vital role in identifying the malicious node packets and clears those packets with correct packets with respect to all the vehicles in the scenario. Fig.1 The Presence of RSU, malicious node and other vehicles in the Highway. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page Page250 3 International Journal of of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33XNumber March2015 2016 International Journal Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume Issue Y-5-Month V. IMPLEMENTATION RESULT In the existing system – PBA approach, the factors such as Security issues, end to end delay aspects and packet delivery time are accounted and the proposed approach has shown improved results which were encouraging. The experiment is carried out using NS2, fedora 8 with Hard Disk 40GB, Processor above 500MHZ, RAM 512MB .Following are the simple screen shots of the proposed work. Fig.5 Malicious node find Fig.2 Vanet communication Fig.6 Malicious node detected Fig.3 Chained key and position production Fig. 7 End to end delay Fig.4 Vanet communication sending information ISSN: 2231-5381 Page Page251 4 International Journal of Engineering Trends andand Technology (IJETT) – Volume 33 X Number March2015 2016 International Journal of Engineering Trends Technology (IJETT) – Volume Issue Y-5-Month improved methods to detect multiple malicious packets received by a node. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] Fig.8 Packet delivery and reliability VI. CONCLUSION [4] The enhanced Prediction-based Authentication protocol is secure and robust in the context of VANETs. The EAPDA algorithm [9] is used to improve the security of VANET system and to avoid the delay overhead in early time. 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