Westminster College Application for Admission Graduate Study Founded 1852…New Wilmington, Pa . www.westminster.edu/grad Westminster College Application for Admission Graduate Study Please print or type. Name of Applicant_________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name Permanent Address____________________________________ Telephone_____________________ Number and Street __________________________________________________________ County_______________ City State Zip Code Daytime Telephone____________________________ Cell Phone____________________________ E-mail______________________________________ Social Security #________________________ Date of Birth__________________________Sex________ M_______ FVeteran_____Y_____ N Month/Day/Year Purpose of enrollment in Graduate Studies: Master’s degree only Yes_____ No_____ Master’s degree plus certification Yes_____ No_____ Certification only (Prior Master’s degree required) Yes_____ No_____ Probable Graduate Curricula: (check) o Counselor Education Elem.* o Education o Counselor Education Sec.* o Special Education* (New for 2013-14) o Principal K-12* o Special Education/Reading Specialist* (New for 2013-14) o Reading Specialist K-12* o Other____________________________________ o Superintendent**Certification Programs Have you been a student at Westminster before?_________ Date last attended___________________ When do you wish to begin graduate study at Westminster?__________________________________ Major field of study in undergraduate work______________________________________________ Type of teaching/administrative certificates held________________________________ State_______ Type of administrative certificates held_______________________________________ State_______ Academic and professional training: Date Institution Place Degree When Received _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Work Experience (Teaching, other): Date Institution Place Degree Subjects and Position _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Assessments of Educational Potential Each applicant must submit two assessments of educational potential. Assessments for applicants who are current students or are not employed in a school should be completed by professors or other professionals. Assessments for school system employees should be completed by school administrators. The forms, which are included with this application, should be returned directly to the Graduate School office. Please list the names of those you have asked to submit the assessments. Name Title _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant ____________________________ Date of Application___________ An application fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) must accompany this application (check to be made payable to Westminster College). This fee is not refundable and will not be applied toward the student’s account. Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate academic work must be submitted before a student can be approved as a candidate for graduate study or for a master’s degree. In some cases an interview may be required. For practicum and internship experiences in the public school, appropriate security clearances are required. No student may register in any course for graduate credit until all admission requirements are met. Applications with official transcript and fee must be submitted at least two weeks prior to registration for the next term or summer session. Return this form to: Office of Graduate School Westminster College McKelvey Campus Center 319 S. Market Street New Wilmington, PA 16172-0001 www.westminster.edu/grad Westminster College is related to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) through the Synod of the Trinity. Westminster College does not discriminate, and will not tolerate discrimination, on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, or handicap or disability as those terms are defined under applicable law, in the administration of any of its educational programs, activities, or with respect to admissions and employment. In its employment practices, the College may consider the individual’s support of the philosophy and purposes of Westminster as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog. Otherwise, Westminster does not discriminate, and will not tolerate discrimination, on the basis of religion or creed. Inquiries may be directed to the Equal Opportunity Officer, Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA 16172-0001, (724) 946-8761. 9/13 REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL 1) Completed Application for Admission to Graduate School 2) $35.00 non-refundable fee made payable to Westminster College 3) Official transcripts - all undergraduate and graduate academic work 4) Undergraduate QPA of 3.000 or master’s degree 5) A copy of teaching certificate (if applicable) 6) Two Assessments of Educational Potential from faculty or administrators which include an assessment of academic potential and academic and professional competence. 7) A writing sample… please respond to one of the following items (200 words) a) Discuss a challenge or setback that you faced in your life and the manner in which you addressed it. b) Discuss a significant current educational issue and suggestion remedies to address it. Application Deadline Dates Fall Semester – July 26 Spring Semester – December 4 Summer Sessions – April 6 Revised 10-21-13 Graduate School in Education Assessment of Potential Candidate The above named individual is a candidate for admission to the graduate school at Westminster College. Your professional judgment of the candidate’s potential is sought for the criteria listed below. I have known this candidate for years. Top 5 Percent Superior Average Below Average Unable To Judge Leadership Qualities Decisiveness Judgment Leadership Intellectual Ability General Competencies Problem Analysis Organizational Oral Written Communication Ability Communication Personal Qualities Personal Motivation Educational Values Range of Interests Sensitivity Stress Tolerance Remarks: Signature Print or Type Please return to: Office of Adult and Graduate Studies Westminster College 319 S. Market Street New Wilmington, PA 16172-0001 Fax: 724-946-6351 *UDGXDWH6WXGLHV#:HVWPLQVWHUHGX Position Address Date I hereby waive Name do not waive my access to this data under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Candidate’s Signature