Westminster College Application for Admission Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Founded 1852…New Founded 1852…NewWilmington, Wilmington,Pa. Pa. Westminster College Application for Admission Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification Full Name_________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Maiden S.S.#___________ -_ ______ -__________ Male/Female_ _____ Birth Date:______ /______ /_________ Address:_ _________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________________ State:____________Zip:_ _____________ Home Phone:_ __________________________________ Cell Phone:__________________________ E-mail Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Have you previously attended Westminster?_____________________________________________ If yes, when:_ _________________________ Under what name?_____________________________ Employment Information Employer:_ ________________________________________________________________________ Business Phone:_ __________________________ Present Position: ___________________________ When do you want to begin at Westminster? o Fall______________ o Spring _ ____________ o Summer _____________ Yr. Yr. Yr. Desired area of certification: o Early Childhood PreK-4/Special Education PreK-8 o Secondary Education o Biology o Latin o Chemistry o Mathematics o English o Physics o French o Social Studies o General Science o Spanish o Music Education Education High School_ ______________________________________________________________________ College/University(s) Major Degree Yr Final QPA _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Procedure for admission: 1. Contact the Office of Adult and Graduate Studies to schedule an interview with Dr. Jamie G. McMinn, Interim Director of Adult and Graduate Studies and Dr. Amy Camardese, Coordinator of Elementary Education OR Dr. Darwin Huey, Coordinator of Secondary Education This interview is required. 2. Send the following information to the Office of Adult and Graduate Studies: • Completed application and application fee. • Essay explaining why you want to teach. • Official transcripts from all colleges attended: must have a 3.0 or higher GPA • Two letters of reference. Letters of reference should address the candidate’s potential as a teacher. The letters of reference should be returned directly to the Office of Adult and Graduate Studies. Please note: The application fee of thirty-five dollars ($35) must accompany this application (check payable to Westminster College). This fee is non-refundable and will not be applied toward the student’s account. Official transcript (s) of all undergraduate and graduate academic work must be submitted before a student can be approved as a candidate for post-baccalaureate certification. All materials should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the term. Signature of Applicant _ ___________________________________ Date ____________ Return all required materials to: Dr. Jamie G. McMinn, Interim Director Adult and Graduate Studies Westminster College 319 S. Market St. New Wilmington, PA 16172-0001 Contact Information: Office of Adult and Graduate Studies Dr. Jamie G. McMinn 724-946-7031 mcminnjg@westminster.edu Toll free: 1-888-378-2779 Elementary Education Dr. Amy Camardese 724-946-7183 camardah@westminster.edu Secondary Education Dr. Darwin Huey 724 946-7186 hueydw@westminster.edu Please use opposite side for your essay – or attach separate sheet. Thank you for your interest in Westminster College’s Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification program. We look forward to meeting you. Founded 1852…New Wilmington, Pa. Office of Adult and Graduate Studies Westminster College - 319 S. Market St. McKelvey Campus Center New Wilmington, PA 16172-0001 Phone: 724-946-7353 Fax: 724-946-6351 conted@westminster.edu