The fuzzy FE approach to assess the uncertain static response of an industrial vehicle L. Farkas1 , D. Moens1 , S. Donders2 , D. Vandepitte1 , W. Desmet1 1 K.U.Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Celestijnenlaan 300 B, B-3001, Heverlee, Belgium 2 LMS International, CAE Division, Interleuvenlaan 68, 3001 Leuven, Belgium e-mail: Abstract In a virtual prototyping context the importance of physical uncertainty modelling has become more evident. The increased computational performance over the last years enlarges the potential in the use of large models (more DOF’s) and in the application of more advanced numerical methods. This results in more accurate models from the numerical point of view. Realistic numerical modelling however, besides flawless numerical modelling, requires high-fidelity from the physical point of view. The method of Fuzzy FEM is appropriate to deal with the different physical parameter uncertainties as dimensional tolerances, scatter in material properties, structural design parameters. Interval analysis applied with the α-cut strategy is the basis for a fuzzy analysis. Main concern in the proposed interval analysis methods is to obtain conservative interval results using reasonable computational time. The fuzzy framework is applicable in different mechanical disciplines as e.g. dynamic analysis, static analysis. In the fuzzy analysis, the focus is on the investigation of the influence of different uncertainty model parameters on important performance measures. This paper presents the application of the fuzzy principle on the static analysis of an industrial sized finite element model. The problem stated for the fuzzy frame is of black-box type, with inputs the uncertain parameters, and outputs the displacements and stresses. The proposed problem is used to compare and discuss different methods for interval analysis. On the one hand the classical implementations are considered: the vertex method and the global optimisation approach. On the other hand, two newly proposed techniques are used: the reduced optimisation, and the reduced response surface method. Furthermore the use of the fuzzy analysis technique is demontstrated as a large-scale design sensitivity tool. 1 Introduction In an engineering design process, design analysis is the process to verify the performance of the virtual product. Generally these verifications are performed using a numerical method which is a response prediction tool of the product subjected to certain physical conditions. As most product parameters are undetermined in the initial design phases, a range of uncertainties have to be taken into account. A clear distinction between different types of non-determinism has been introduced by Oberkampf [1]: • variability covers the variation which is inherent to the modelled physical system or the environment under consideration. Generally it is described by a distributed quantity defined over a range of possible values. Ideally, a probabilistic description of the quantity is available. For example: material impurities, production tolerances, temperature effects, etc., which vary from unit to unit or from time to time. • uncertainty is a property due to lack of knowledge (e.g. material damping, boundary conditions, etc.). Uncertainty is caused by incomplete information resulting from either vagueness, non-specificity or 4125 4126 P ROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2006 dissonance. Generally only the range of the values is known. The presence of open design decisions results in properties that can be considered as uncertainties. Through the design life-cycle of a virtual model, different analysis techniques are available to improve the design and to reduce the design-time, taking into account the non-determinism present in the design description. With the evolution of the design, as the available information on the uncertainties increases it is crucial to select the most suited analysis technique. Specific non-probabilistic techniques have been developed that enable the analysis of subjective uncertainty in the early stages of the design [2]. This paper presents a fuzzy approach to perform non-deterministic static finite element analysis in early design stages. The Fuzzy analysis technique, originally developed to be used for the mathematical representation of linguistic properties [3], proves to be suited for the design analyses performed in the conceptual and the preliminary design stage, complementing the probabilistic techniques [4] mostly used in the critical design stages. The Interval finite element method (IFEM), applied in the concept of non-deterministic mechanical modelling [5], is the basis for the implementation of the FFEM. The Fuzzy concept was successfully adopted in the analysis of mechanical structures by Rao in static analysis [6] and by Moens in dynamic analysis [7]. In this paper the focus is on the different solution strategies of IFEM for static structural analysis. The goal of the IFEM is to propagate the uncertainties on the input parameter space, represented by intervals, to the displacement and stress output field, in a conservative way. The most straightforward implementation of IFEM is the translation of the FE procedure to interval arithmetic. This approach however is practically of little use due to the large overestimation. Another simple approach is the vertex method [8], which requires monotonic input-output dependency in order to guarantee conservatism. A more advanced strategy adopting global optimisation results in the exact hypercubic output field. However it is computationally expensive and its performance is unpredictable in terms of time. This paper develops for the FFEM technique some enhanced approaches that significantly improve its performance. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the use of the FFEM technique for non-deterministic analysis purposes in the early design stages. In this context the efficiency and accuracy of the existing and newly proposed IFEM approaches are discussed. Section 2 describes the fuzzy analysis technique, which is based on interval analysis. Section 3 describes the relative degree of influence, which is useful to identify the significant uncertain parameters. Furthermore presents newly developed implementations of the interval finite element method, based on the parameter reduction scheme and the response surface method (RSM). Section 4 presents and discusses numerical results of the fuzzy analysis applied on an industrial finite element problem. 2 2.1 The Fuzzy FEM Basic concept In the fuzzy concept introduced by Zadeh [3], the fuzzy set can be considered as an extension of the classical set theory. While in a classical set, clear distinction is made between members and non-members, in a fuzzy set the degree of membership is expressed by the membership function. The membership function µx̃ (x) describes the degree of membership of the elements to the fuzzy set with a value in the interval [0, 1]. A fuzzy set x̃ with membership function defined as µx̃ (x) for all x that belong to the domain X is expressed as: x̃ = (x, µx̃ (x)) | (x ∈ X), (µx̃ (x) ∈ [0, 1]) (1) The most common procedure for the implementation of a fuzzy finite element analysis is the α–cut strategy (see fig.1). In this approach, an interval analysis is performed at a number of discrete membership levels. The intersections of the input membership functions at the considered α-level serve as interval inputs for the analysis. The corresponding interval results obtained at the considered α-levels are then reassembled to a fuzzy number as indicated in figure 1. It was proven that this procedure is equivalent to the well-known extension principle of Zadeh [9, 2]. U NCERTAINTIES IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS AND ACOUSTICS 4127 From this discussion, it is clear that the interval analysis forms the numerical core of the implementation of the fuzzy analysis. Section 2.2 gives a brief overview of the classical implementation strategies for this interval analysis. Section 3 then introduces the newly developed reduced optimisation strategy, the adaptive RSM and respectively the reduced RSM. deterministic analysis at the α4 -level µx˜1 (x1 ) α4 α3 µỹ (y) interval analysis at the α3 -level α2 α1 µx˜2 (x2 ) interval analysis at the α2 -level α4 fuzzy output α3 α2 interval analysis at the α1 -level α1 fuzzy input Figure 1: Fuzzy procedure 2.2 Classical Implementations Suppose we have a mechanical problem represented by a numerical model. The goal of the interval analysis is to calculate the intervals of the output entities of interest (displacements, stresses, resonance frequencies, modal vectors or other performance measures: {y}), given the intervals of the uncertain parameters ({xI }). I y = {y} | {y} = f ({x}), {x} ∈ {xI } (2) Ideally the bounds of the outputs are exactly calculated. However, the implicit relation between inputs and outputs in the numerical model of a mechanical system generally makes the calculation of the exact output intervals impossible. Therefore, approximate interval analysis techniques are commonly used. For these techniques an optimal trade–off between computational expense and conservatism on the results is pursued. The most commonly used interval analysis strategies are the vertex method and the global optimisation approach. These approaches consider the mechanical problem as a black box with input and output parameters. • In the vertex method, the calculation of the bounds of the output entities is done by selecting the minimum and the maximum of the output samples calculated at the vertices of the input parameter space (see figure 2). This approach requires 2nu function evaluations, where nu is the number of x2 x3 x2 x3 x1 x1 Figure 2: Vertices of a three-dimensional interval space in x1 , x2 and x3 4128 P ROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2006 uncertain parameters. The easy implementation and the limited computational cost if the number of uncertainties is not too high form the major advantages of this method. The important limitation of the vertex method is that the exact interval results can be obtained only if the variation of the outputs is monotonic with respect to a variation of the uncertain parameters. This is difficult to predict in case of a general mechanical problem. In case of a non-monotonic problem, the vertex method does not produce conservative results. This means that the real interval results are underestimated. Especially in design validation applications, this forms a severe drawback. A more efficient evolution of the vertex method exists: the short transformation method [10, 11] • The global optimisation approach computes the interval results using global optimisation with as objective functions the outputs of the considered problem. The objectives are minimised and maximised over the input parameter space: I yo = min (yo ({x})), max (yo ({x})) , o = 1 . . . no (3) {x}∈{xI } {x}∈{xI } with no the number of output entities. This approach is the most expensive and theoretically gives the exact results. 3 New strategies 3.1 Relative degree of influence Consider a general problem with output y = f ({x}), input set {x} with xi between xi and xi , i = 1 . . . nu and nu the number of uncertain parameters. In order to express sensitivity measures valid in the full design space, the relative degree of influence is introduced using the information at the vertices of the design space. The influence factor of the parameter xi is calculated based on the vertex evaluations in the subspaces of {x} with xi equal to respectively xi and xi : s s y xi − y xi (4) Ixi = mean s=1...2nu −1 xi − xi with yxs i and yxs i the output values y resulting from the function evaluations f ({x}) at the 2nu −1 vertex combinations in the subspaces where parameter xi is blocked at its lower respectively upper boundary value: s yxi , s = 1 . . . 2nu −1 = f ({x}) | (xi = xi ) xj = xj ∨ xj , ∀j 6= i (5) s nu −1 y xi , s = 1 . . . 2 = f ({x}) | (xi = xi ) xj = xj ∨ xj , ∀j 6= i (6) In this expression, the index s refers to the vertex combination in the respective subspaces of {x} for which theoutput ys is achieved. Therefore, there are 2nu −1 output values in each set. For each vertex combination s, yxs i , yxs i is the output pair. The difference between these output pairs gives the linearised variation of the output value y in this vertex point s, due to the change of parameter xi from xi to xi . The mean of these differences over all 2nu −1 vertex combinations finally gives the influence factor Ixi . The relative degree of influence of parameter xi is then defined as: RIxi = Ixi nu P Ixi i=1 (7) U NCERTAINTIES IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS AND ACOUSTICS 3.2 4129 The reduced global optimisation approach In order to improve the computational efficiency of the global optimisation applied in the interval analysis, the reduced optimisation approach is proposed. This new approach is based on the exclusion of parameters that have a monotonic effect on the output from the optimisation problem. These parameters will be referred to as blocked parameters. After blocking these parameters at their lower or upper bound value, the optimisation is performed on a subspace of the original input space. The aim is to reduce the dimension and consequently also the complexity of the optimisation problem. In the reduction strategy, the selection scheme step, used to identify the blocked parameters, is preceded by a parameter influence pattern analysis (variation scheme): 1. In the first step, the aim is to identify the global behaviour of an output yo with respect to each input parameter. For this purpose, typical variation patterns are identified based on a 3 level full factorial (3FF) sampling. In case of nu uncertain parameters, 3FF results in 3nu sample points (see figure 3(a)). Based on the 3FF samples, the output variation pattern is detected on 3nu −1 segments in each parameter direction. Figure 3(a) illustrates these segments for a simple two-dimensional case. The considered segments are denoted with continuous and dashed lines for respectively parameter x1 and x2 . Four types of variation patterns can be distinguished, based on the relative position of the output in the sample points: monotonic increasing (I), monotonic decreasing (II), quadratic convex (III) and quadratic concave (IV ) (see figure 3(b)). For each input parameter, the patterns corresponding to a total of 3nu −1 segments are identified and sorted in four groups conform the patterns presented in figure 3(b). 2. The decision whether or not a parameter can be blocked in the minimisation or maximisation of a specific output quantity yo is based on the patterns identified in the previous step. For this purpose, six selection rules have been defined, given in table 1. The selection rules define under which circumstances a specific parameter can be blocked during either the maximisation or minimisation of the output value. The numbers of detected patterns in the different groups corresponding to variation patterns I, II, III and IV , denoted respectively with nI , nII , nIII and nIV , form the basis for the selection rule of a specific parameter. For example, selection rule 1 states that if all patterns belonging to a specific parameter are detected to have a monotonically increasing effect on the output quantity, the parameter can be blocked at its lower or upper bound for respectively the minimisation or maximisation of this output (indicated with * in the table). Similar rules can be defined for other cases, as for instance in selection rule 4. In this case, the parameter presents exclusively variations of type I and type IV . It is clear that this parameter can be blocked only for the maximisation. In case of combinations of nI , nII , nIII and nIV that do not occur in the table, the considered parameter can not be blocked. For example if a parameter has variation patterns of type III and type IV , intuitively both the global minimum and global maximum will not be found at the lower nor the upper bound of this parameter. The parameter blocking is done at either the lower or upper bound of the parameter interval. The selection of the bound is done based on all the function evaluations available from the 3FF sampling, according to the following scheme: P s P s y xi < y xi = xi ⇒ xmin = xi , xmax i i s s P s P s (8) y xi > y xi ⇒ xmin = xi , xmax = xi i i s s with xmin and xmax the values of the blocked parameter for respectively minimisation and maximisation. i i In this case, yxs i and y s i represent the 3FF samples for which xi is located at respectively its lower or upper x bound. Therefore, s ranges from 1 to 3nu −1 . 4130 P ROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2006 I III yi yi x2 x x2 xC x x xC x C II IV yi yi x2 x1 C x1 x1 x (a) 3FF sampling with 2 parameters xC x x xC x (b) Variation patterns Figure 3: Variation scheme selection rule nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Table 1: Selection rules nr. of variation parameter blocked (*) patterns (fig. 3(b)) min max nI 6= 0, nII = 0 * * nIII = 0, nIV = 0 nI = 0, nII 6= 0 * * nIII = 0, nIV = 0 nI 6= 0, nII = 0 * nIII 6= 0, nIV = 0 nI 6= 0, nII = 0 * nIII = 0, nIV 6= 0 nI = 0, nII 6= 0 * nIII 6= 0, nIV = 0 nI = 0, nII 6= 0 * nIII = 0, nIV 6= 0 3.3 Adaptive Response Surface Method Optimisation can be accelerated using surrogate models, which replace the actual response of the analysis. The Response Surface Method (RSM) developed by Box and Wilson [12] use an approximate model of the expensive objective function based on a few computed values [13, 14]. The commonly used RSM methodology based on linear or quadratic polynomials, is inappropriate to approximate complex non-linear responses. A promising strategy in the context of IFEM proves to be the RSM based on radial basis functions (RBF) [15, 16] and full factorial design. The RBF functions are suited to model highly non-linear responses, but are inappropriate for linear and quadratic responses. In order to make the RBF approximation generally applicable, the approximation model is completed with quadratic polynomial terms ([17, 18]). The approximation model for output yo is expressed: yo0 ({x}) = φ(r) = P ({x}) = nrdp P cri φ k{x} − {xi }k + P ({x}) i=1 √ r2 + c2 , 0 < c ≤ 1 nu P cp0 + cpj xj + cpnu +j x2j j=1 (9) U NCERTAINTIES IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS AND ACOUSTICS 4131 with nrdp the number of design points used in the approximation model, φ the radial basis function, cr coefficients of the RBF’s, k · k Euclidean norm, P ({x}) the polynomial term, cp coefficients of the polynomial term, nu the number of uncertain parameters and c an arbitrary constant. The unknown coefficients of the approximation model cr and cp are computed based on the following two conditions: • the design point responses exactly satisfy the approximation function: yo0 ({xi }) = yo ({xi }), i = 1 . . . nrdp (10) • orthogonality condition makes the previous system of equations determined: nrdp X cri Pj {xi } , j = 1 . . . 2nu + 1 (11) i=1 Pj is the j-th term of the polynom P ({x}). Equations (10) and (11) define a system of equation of size nrdp + 2nu + 1 with the same number of unknowns. The flowchart of the adaptive RSM method is presented in figure 4. The first step is a design point (DP) sampling based on 3FF design. Each output is approximated by a RS, followed by a minimisation and maximisation of the surrogate model. The error is defined as the relative difference between the optimum found on the approximation model and the real output at that point. The acceptance criterion of the approximation model is this error. The approximation is repeated either until convergence or for a maximum of three iterations. In each iteration (denoted with r in the flowchart) a new design space sampling is the basis for a new approximation model. The design space in each dimension is reduced around the previous approximation optimum and design point optimum. If the error is still unacceptable after three reapproximations, global optimisation ensures the accuracy of the adaptive RSM process. Start DP sampling Loop over the desired outputs r=0 Resampling Approximation min/max search r=r+1 Reduce approximation space to 50% Global Optimisation Yes If r<3 Yes Error check Error>treshold No No Figure 4: Adaptive RSM - flowchart 3.4 Reduced RSM The reduced RSM approach combines the basic ideas from the reduced optimisation and the adaptive RSM strategies. First, the variation pattern analysis scheme is applied to detect the variation patterns (see figure 3(b). In order to identify the uncertain parameters with monotonic effect on the output of interest, the selection rules given in table 2 are used. 4132 P ROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2006 selection rule nr. 1 2 3 Table 2: Selection rules nr. of variation parameter patterns (fig. 3(b)) type nI 6= 0, nII = 0 monotonic nIII = 0, nIV = 0 nI = 0, nII 6= 0 monotonic nIII = 0, nIV = 0 any other non-monotonic combination In the next step, the RSM approach described in section 3.3 is applied with a difference in the design point sampling. The sample points are reduced based on the information in the previous step. The design space is sampled in the following way: • in the direction of the monotonic parameters only the two extremas are used - similar to 2FF design • in the direction of the non-monotonic parameters three values are used - similar to 3FF design 3.5 The reduced approaches in the fuzzy context In the fuzzy analysis applied in section 4 the reduced optimisation and the reduced RSM is considered. The following principles are used to improve the computational cost: • the function evaluations at each α-level are saved in a global data base and reused if needed If the reduction strategy (in reduced optimisation or reduced RSM) is applied in a full fuzzy analysis, the computational efficiency is further improved, based on the following principles: • in the 3FF factorial design performed prior to the reduction scheme, the theoretical sample points are only evaluated if within a tolerance-space around the design point no function evaluations are found in the global database • the variation check is done only at a selected number of α-cuts. The same variation scheme is used for levels between the selected α-cuts In a full fuzzy analysis based on the reduced RSM, the following principles apply: • the approximation model at a certain α-cut is based on the design point evaluations at the current and the previous α-cuts; this way, in the approximation, each function evaluation within the current design space is included, which results in a gradually improving surrogate model • reduced 3FF sampling is done at a limited number of α-cuts, which is combined with 2FF sampling at other α-cuts (in the application in section 4, 5 α-levels are sampled with both 3FF and 2FF design) • in the reduced 3FF or 2FF design performed prior to the development of the approximation model, the theoretical sample points are only evaluated if within a tolerance-space around the design point no function evaluations are found in the global data base The presented techniques based on the reduction scheme improve the computational efficiency of the global optimisation approach by making use of the monotonic dependencies. In the case that all parameters have monotonic effect on the output, these approaches perform similar to the short tranformation method [10, 11]. In addition, these approaches eliminate the problem of non-conservative results, which is a drawback of the vertex method. U NCERTAINTIES IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS AND ACOUSTICS 4 4.1 4133 Industrial application Model description The strategies discussed in section 3 are demonstrated on the industrial vehicle Body-in-White (BIW) model presented in figure 5. The finite element model consists of 274.338 nodes and 209.328 elements (see figure 5 left). The focus is on the study of the effect of the B-pillar uncertainties on different static outputs: stresses, displacements and the torsional stiffness. This model used for fuzzy performance assessments is subject to repeated analyses. In order to accelerate the total analysis time, the full FE model is substructured, based on static condensation in the B-pillar and the remainder of the car body. Guyan reduction [19] is used to compute a static superelement that contains stiffness relations between the end points of the joint (i.e. the beam center nodes). Guyan reduction involves partitioning the stiffness matrix into the connection DOFs and the internal DOFs, and applying a static reduction to the connection DOFs. The matrix equation can then be solved to find the displacements of the DOF subset of interest (i.e. the beam center node DOFs). Using the same transformation, also the mass matrix can then be reduced. The stiffness matrix representing the remainder of the car-body is constant during the fuzzy analyses, so that fast design iterations become possible. See elsewhere in these proceedings the paper [20] which deals with the same industrial case for dynamics. In particular, it uses (wave-based) substructuring to quickly assess the effect of b-pillar design modifications on the global vehicle dynamics. In the static analysis in this paper, the static response is investigated in three Figure 5: The FE vehicle model subcases: bending, torsion and side impact (intrusion). The subcases presented in figure 6 are described in table 3. The table shows the outputs of interest of the nominal design. The locations for the largest displacements are indicated with red dots, and the locations with the largest Von-Mises (V-M) stresses are indicated with ”Max SV −M ”. Subcase 1 2 3 Load F [kN ] 2 × 2.5 2 × 2.1 1 Table 3: Subcases Outputs of interest max V-M stress[MPa] max displ./torsional stiffness 84 TZ max = −1.1mm m 80 T S = 6.3 KN deg 72.4 TY max = 1.39mm The B-pillar is subject to six uncertainties. The uncertainties are visualised in figure 7 and are defined in table 4. The variations expressed in %, is relative to the nominal values. The thickness uncertainties t1 , t2 , defined with variation range of ±50% represent an open design, where these properties are not exactly known. The large subjective variation on the welding property (E1 ) represents the lack of knowledge in modeling this type of joint. The local variation of the material property E2 represents a non-unifomity 4134 P ROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2006 F Max SV-M F Tz-max Z X Y (a) Subcase 1: bending Max SV-M El.-769 F Z X Y F (b) Subcase 2: torsion Ty-max F Z X Y (c) Subcase 3: side impact Figure 6: Subcases Max SV-M U NCERTAINTIES IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS AND ACOUSTICS 4135 which may result from the metal-forming process. The variations on t3 , t4 represent an open design, where the reinforcement flanges and plates are considered to vary between two design states: reinforcements are missing (t = tnom · (1 − 0.99) and reinforcements are present (t = tnom ). Unc2- t2 Unc3- E1 Unc6- t4 Unc1- t1 Unc4- E2 Unc5- t3 Figure 7: The uncertainties in the model Nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Table 4: Uncertainty definitions in the B-pillar Description Not. Nominal thickness middle panels - left + right t1 0.706mm thickness reinforcement - left t2 1.275mm Young’s mod. welding - globally E1 2.1 · 1011 P a Young’s mod. locally - left E2 2.1 · 1011 P a thickness flanges - left + right t3 1.5mm thickness plates - left + right t4 2mm Variation [−50%; +50%] [−50%; +50%] [−65%; +65%] [−20%; +20%] [−99%; 0%] [−99%; 0%] 4.2 Preliminary analysis In the first analysis stage large scale sensitivities of the responses to the parameter changes are computed. In order to reduce the number of uncertain parameters, the relative degree of influence (see section 3.1) is used to identify the most significant and the insignificant sets. Figures 8(a) to 8(c) presents the relative degrees of influence of the uncertain parameters on the outputs of interests of the three subcases presented in table 3. The significant parameters (RI > 5%) are identified: t1 , t2 , E1 , t3 . In the following analyses, the insignificant parameters E2 , t4 with RI < 5% are disregarded. 4.3 Fuzzy results The objective of the fuzzy analysis is to study the impact of a change in the range of the input parameters on the range of the outputs of interest. For this purpose, fuzzy properties are associated to the significant parameters (figure 9). The associated membership functions express the subjective information a designer wants to attach to the occurence of specific values for each design parameter. The thickness parameters t1 , t2 are described with symmetrical triangular membership functions. The meaning of the fuzzy functions is 4136 P ROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2006 Mean Stress Max T3 t4: < 1% t4: < 1% t1: 21% t3: 29% t2: < 1% t1: 46% E1: 6% E2: < 1% E2: < 1% t3: 72% E1: 18% t2: 6% (a) RI - Subcase 1 Mean Stress Torsional Stiffness t4: 2% t4: 3% t : 21% t1: 25% t3: 11% 1 t3: 23% E2: < 1% E1: 5% E2: < 1% E1: 21% t2: 29% t2: 60% (b) RI - Subcase 2 Mean Stress Max T2 t4: < 1% t : < 1% 4 t3: 16% t3: 11% E2: < 1% E : 8% E : < 1% 1 2 E1: 12% t2: 7% t1: 57% t2: 15% t1: 74% (c) RI - Subcase 3 Figure 8: Relative degrees of influence interpreted in the following way: the value of t1 and t2 is most possibly the nominal value, and in extreme occurence, this value can vary up to ±50%. Parameter E1 is most possibly varying in a range of ±20% around its nominal value and in extreme case can vary up to ±65%. The last significant parameter representing the thickness of the reinforcing flanges, t3 , is most possibly 1.5mm. In extreme situations, it can take a value as low as 0.015mm. This suggests the design status where the flange reinforcements are missing. U NCERTAINTIES IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS AND ACOUSTICS 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0.353 0.706 t1 [mm] 1.059 0 0.6375 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 73.5 168 252 E [MPa] 1 346.5 0 4137 1.275 t2 [mm] 0.5 1 t [mm] 1.9125 1.5 3 Figure 9: Fuzzy membership functions of the uncertain parameters The fuzzy analysis techniques presented in section 3 are compared in terms of accuracy and computational cost to the classical approaches. The fuzzy outputs are the combination of interval results at 10 α-cuts. Figure 10 presents the fuzzy response of the first subcase. The fuzzy maximum Von-Mises stress (see figure 6(a)) is shown in figure 10(a). The global optimisation, reduced optimisation and the reduced RSM result in the same fuzzy output. The vertex approach overestimates the lower bounds, which is a result of non-linear effect of the parameters t2 , t3 . The reduced techniques detect the non-monotonic effects, resulting in the correct intervals. In terms of function evaluations, the vertex method is the least expensive with 146 evaluations. The global optimisation approach requires the largest amount of computational resources with a total of 630 function evaluations. The newly proposed strategies are positioned between the two classical implementations in terms of computational cost, with 238 and 254 function evaluations for the reduced optimisation respectively for the reduced RSM. The RSM-based approach becomes more efficient when more fuzzy outputs are computed (for example set of displacements). In such cases, at each design point evaluation, the full output set is available in order to perform approximation. When optimisation is involved, the ouputs need to be optimised individually, which requires a larger number of function evaluations. Figure 10(b) shows the fuzzy vertical displacement. This output behaves monotonically with respect to the uncertain parameters. For this output, the uncertain parameters have monotonic influence and the fuzzy membership function is computed correctly based on all four apporaches. The reduced techniques making use of the detected monotonic parameters in the reduction scheme require the lowest number of function evaluations: 101 (81 used for the reduction scheme and 20 used to evaluate the minimum and the maximum at each α-level). In this case these methods work similar to the short tranformation method [11]. The vertex and the global optimisation approach require 146, respectively 445 function evaluations. The fuzzy results of the second subcase are presented in figure 11. The uncertain parameters have a monotonic effect on both outputs of interest: on the maximum V-M stress (see figure 6(b)) and on the torsional stiffness. The fuzzy techniques result in the correct outputs. The computational costs: vertex 146, global optimisation 446, reduced optimisation and reduced RSM 101 function evaluations for both outputs. Figure 12 shows the fuzzy Von-Mises stress in element 769 (see figure 6(b))). This stress output behaves non-linearly with respect to parameters t1 , t4 , consequently the vertex method underestimates the upper interval bounds. The reduced techniques result in fuzzy outputs that are reasonably close to the reference global optimisation result. In terms of computational costs: vertex 146, global optimisation 591, reduced optimisation 228 and reduced RSM 252 function evaluations. 4138 P ROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2006 1 0.88 Global opt. Vertex Reduced opt. Reduced RSM membership level 0.77 0.66 0.55 0.44 0.33 0.22 0.11 0 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 Smax [MPa] (a) Maximum V-M stress 1 Global opt. Vertex Reduced opt. Reduced RSM 0.88 membership level 0.77 0.66 0.55 0.44 0.33 0.22 0.11 0 −1.17 −1.16 −1.15 −1.14 −1.13 −1.12 −1.11 −1.1 −1.09 −1.08 −1.07 Tz max [mm] (b) Largest vertical displacement Figure 10: Fuzzy results subcase 1 1 1 0.88 0.77 0.77 0.66 membership level membership level 0.88 Global opt. Vertex Reduced opt. reduced RSM 0.55 0.44 0.33 0.66 0.55 0.44 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.11 0 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 Global opt. Vertex Reduced opt. Reduced RSM 0 6.24 6.26 6.28 Smax [MPa] 6.3 6.32 6.34 TS [KNm/deg] (a) Maximum V-M stress Figure 11: Fuzzy results subcase 2 (b) Torsional stiffness 6.36 6.38 6.4 U NCERTAINTIES IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS AND ACOUSTICS 4139 1 Global opt. Vertex Reduced opt. Reduced RSM 0.88 membership level 0.77 0.66 0.55 0.44 0.33 0.22 0.11 0 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 S [MPa] Figure 12: V-M stress in element 769 Figure 13 presents the fuzzy results of the third subcase. The uncertain parameters have a monotonic effect on the outputs of interest. The accuracy and the performance of the fuzzy techniques in this subcase are similar to the accuracy and performance of the previous monotonic fuzzy responses. 1 0.88 Global opt. Vertex Reduced opt. Reduced RSM membership level 0.77 0.66 0.55 0.44 0.33 0.22 0.11 0 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Smax [MPa] (a) Maximum V-M stress 1 0.88 membership level 0.77 Global opt. Vertex Reduced opt. Reduced RSM 0.66 0.55 0.44 0.33 0.22 0.11 0 −1.7 −1.65 −1.6 −1.55 −1.5 −1.45 −1.4 −1.35 Ty max [mm] (b) Torsional stiffness Figure 13: Fuzzy results subcase 3 −1.3 −1.25 4140 P ROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2006 Table 5 summarises the computational performance in terms of function evaluations, of the different fuzzy approaches in the three subcases. In the case of reduced optimisation, each blocked parameter reduces the computational cost, with respect to the global optimisation, with approximately 35%. Table 6 indicates the performance of the different IFEM methods, for different type of uncertain parameters. subcase 1 Method Vertex Global opt. Reduced opt. Reduced RSM max SV −M 146 630 238 254 subcase 2 TZ max 146 445 101 101 max SV −M 146 446 101 101 TS 146 446 101 101 subcase 3 SV −M El. 769 146 591 228 252 max SV −M 146 445 101 101 TY max 146 445 101 101 Table 5: Number of function evaluations Method Vertex Global opt. Reduced opt. Reduced RSM monotonic parameter influence non-monotonic parameter influence Accuracy ++ ++ ++ ++ Accuracy -++ + + Cost -+ + Cost ++ -+ + Table 6: Comparison Figure 14 shows a fuzzy plot of V-M stresses of the third subcase. The elements, where the V-M stresses are considered, belong to the stress-zone which is indicated with orange circle in figure 6(c). The results interpreted as a large scale sensitivity measure, indicate how much a stress value is influenced by a change on the bound of the uncertain parameters. The elements with larger stresses (positions 12-17) are more sensitive to the parameter changes. In order to limit the stresses at the level of allowable maximum VM stresses, based on the fuzzy results, the uncertain parameters can be bounded to intervals such that the design is guaranteed to satisfy this criterion. For example in order to limit the V-M stresses to 90M P a, the parameters should be limited to intervals corresponding to a membership level µx̃ (x) = 0.33. Table 7 lists the corresponding intervals for each considered uncertain parameter. 1 90 0.9 80 0.8 0.6 60 0.5 0.4 50 0.3 40 0.2 30 0.1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Elements in stress zone Figure 14: Fuzzy plot 1, subcase 3 16 membership value V−M stress [MPa] 0.7 70 U NCERTAINTIES IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS AND ACOUSTICS 4141 In a second analysis case, different input membership functions are considered (see figure 15(a)). The trapezoidal membership functions on parameters t1 , t2 represent relaxed restrictions compared to the triangular functions. The fuzzy parameter E1 remains unchanged. The triangular membership function associated to the flange thickness parameter t3 is mirrored with respect to the function defined in figure 9. This represents a design where the reinforcing flange is most likely missing. The changes on fuzzy characteristics of the uncertain parameters alter the fuzzy outputs. Figure 15(b) shows the V-M stresses of the third subcase, based on the new set of input membership functions. The membership level which guarantees the design criterion ( SV −M 6 90M P a) is µx̃ (x) = 0.38. The corresponding uncertain parameter ranges are presented in table 7. 1 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0 0.353 0.2 0.6001 0.8119 t1 [mm] 1.059 0 0.6375 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 73.5 0.9 80 168 252 E1 [MPa] 346.5 0.8 0.7 1.0838 1.4662 t2 [mm] 0 1.9125 V−M stress [MPa] 0.2 1 90 70 0.6 60 0.5 0.4 50 membership value 1 0.8 0.3 40 0.2 30 0.5 1 t3 [mm] 1.5 0.1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Elements in stress zone (a) Membership functions 2 (b) Fuzzy plot 2 Figure 15: Analysis case 2, subcase 3 Parameter t1 t2 E1 t3 Mem. fct. 1 : µx̃ (x) = 0.33 xi 0.47 0.85 104 0.068 xi 0.94 1.7 315 1.5 Mem. fct. 2 : µx̃ (x) = 0.38 xi 0.44 0.8 110 0.015 xi 0.97 1.75 311 0.26 Unit [mm] [mm] [GP a] [mm] Table 7: Feasible parameter ranges These results are important input for industrial process control in terms of tolerance definition. From the fuzzy FE analysis one obtains a membership level; at this membership level, one can read the allowable ranges of the uncertain input parameters that still guarantee the design performance. At a later stage in the design process, when more information on the manufacturing and testing becomes available, engineers can then compare the process and design tolerances with these allowable ranges, and take measures to better control the process and tolerances if required. It should be stressed that although both cases result in different allowable ranges for the uncertain parameters, their corresponding range of design performance is equivalent. This clearly illustrates the fact that subjective information on uncertain inputs can be of great value in a design process, provided that results are always interpreted in the same context as in which the subjective information has been represented. 5 Conclusions The fuzzy non-probabilistic FEM suited to model physical uncertainties in the early design stages is based on the interval FEM. Newly proposed IFEM strategies were discussed and compared to the classical IFEM 4142 P ROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2006 approaches. The reduced techniques are more efficient than the global optimisation, and overcome the important drawback of the vertex method. The reduction scheme applied in the new techniques makes it possible to take advantage of the parameters with monotonic effect on the output. The reduced optimisation becomes more efficient by reducing the dimension of the optimisation space. The reduced RSM takes advantage of the meta-model based on a decreased number of design points. The concept of the relative degree of influence proves to be a valuable preliminary analysis tool. The identification of the insignificant parameters reduces the complexity of the problem. The application of the fuzzy analysis on the industrial model illustrates that the reduced techniques are a good trade-off between computational cost and accuracy. The fuzzy method is useful as large scale sensitivity analysis, that enables to consider the simultaneous effect of parameters with large uncertainties. Compared to the classical design optimisation, the FFEM is able to provide more information regarding the behaviour of the design with respect to the uncertain parameters. It allows to easily identify a set of feasible designs based on a well posed design criterion. Acknowledgements The presented work was funded by FWO Vlaanderen and the MADUSE project in the EC Marie-Curie training network. 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