International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012 Human Physical Activity Measuring System V.Jagadeesh#1, P.Padamaja*2, C.Archana#3 # Electronics and communication engineering, Assistant professor, MITS, Madanapalle-517625, Andhra Pradesh, India. * Assistant professor, SVEC, Tirupati-517102, Andhra Pradesh, India. 3. Zigbee Module Abstract The Embedded Based Human Physical activity Measuring System is proposed in the present project which analyses the body motions of a user to accurately determine the exercise intensity. Accelerometer is used to record the motions of the body in X Y and Z axis and senses the user’s body motions to give corresponding motion strength. It is used for measuring postural orientation as well as body movements. Implementation of project is done in two steps. Firstly, developing code in embedded ‘c’ for micro controller to interface with 3-Axis Accelerometer using MPLAB IDE. Secondly Software is developed to prepare the profile in the PC as per the data received from wearable module. Keywords 3-axis Accelerometer, Micro Controller, Zigbee, MPlab IDE. I. INTRODUCTION The Growth in the elderly population will pose great pressure on the healthcare system to treat common geriatric problem [1]. Preventive approaches like encouraging elderly people to perform physical exercises can decrease the risk of developing chronic diseases [2]. Excessive exercises performed by Sportsmen leads to severe problems. Lack of physical work or excessive physical exercise is undesirable [3],[4]. The present scenario of modern world demands balanced physical work which needs record on daily basis. II. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION Our project consists of the following hardware modules as shown in the fig. 1 and fig. 2. 1. 2. 16f873a PIC Microcontroller Accelerometer ISSN: 2231-5381 The Fig. 3 consists of 16f873a PIC Microcontroller, ADXL335 Accelerometer [5] and Zigbee Modules. PIC Micro Controller [6], [8], [9] is a 10 bit micro controller with 72 Kbytes of programming memory and has three ports namely PORT A, PORT B, PORT C. The three axis Accelerometer is connected to PORT A of the micro controller of pins P.1^2, P.1^3, P1.^4 respectively. The supply of 5V is used for the operation of circuit. The output is taken at the 17 pin of the micro controller. Zigbee [11] is a wireless communication used to transmit the data between the microcontroller and the pc. Zigbee module contains 20 pins and out of which we use only four pins. The pin used is first pin, second, third and tenth pins. A power Supply of 3.3 V is given to the first pin of Zigbee. Second pin DOUT acts as a transmitter and third pin DIN/ CONFIG acts as a receiver. The output from the 17 pin of the micro controller is given to the third pin of the Zigbee. Zigbee transmits the data received from the microcontroller. Page 457 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012 Fig. 3 Circuit Diagram III. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS In this project the program is written in Embedded ‘C’ and it is compiled with the help of MPlab compiler [7]. The obtained hex file is programmed into the microcontroller with the help of Microbrn [10]. 7. If not the process will continue, until the counter reaches the set value. A. FLOW CHART The following fig. 4 and fig. 5 shows flow chart for our program Software implementation is explained as follows 1. 2. 3. A Program is written in Embedded C. The Written Embedded C program is executed with the help of MPlab Compiler. The Obtained HEX file is programmed into the microcontroller with the help of Microbrn. Software Implementation can be explained as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Reading acceleration in X, Y and Z directions. Sending X, Y and Z values through Zigbee module. The process will repeat for a while. At the receiving side, the Zigbee module will receive the X, Y and Z values. Increment the counter As the counter reaches the set value, the profile will be created ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 458 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012 IV. RESULTS A. TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 1) Reading of X, Y and Z at Static Condition: Fig. 6 X Y and Z axes data at Static Condition Fig. 4 Flow Chart for Transmitting Data The above Fig. 6 shows the X, Y and Z axes data at Static Condition. As the device is in Static Mode, there will not be any deviation in all the axes. The readings will be a horizontal line without any deviation. 2) Reading of X, Y and Z while walking: Fig. 7 X Y and Z-axis data while walking The above fig. 7 shows the X, Y, Z axes data while walking there will be deviation because of the dynamic motion. There will be some deviation in X, Y and Z axes because of Walking. Fig. 5 Flow Chart for Receiving Data ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 459 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012 3) Reading of X, Y and Z while Jagging: 5) Reading of X, Y and Z while moving in bike: Fig. 8 X, Y and Z-axis data while Jagging Fig. 10 X, Y and Z-axis data while moving in bike The above fig. 8 shows the X, Y and Z axes data while Jagging. There will be more variation because of Jagging. In the above figures we can see the variations in X, Y and Z axes respectively. The above fig. 10 shows the readings of X, Y and Z axes respectively while moving in Bike. 4) Reading of X, Y and Z while Running: Fig. 11 Experimental Setup \ V. ADVANTAGES Fig. 9 X, Y and Z-axis data while running The above fig. 9 shows the readings of the X, Y and Z axes data respectively while running. There will be more variation because of running in all the axes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Portability Repeatability Works under different lightening conditions Reliable Easy to use VI. APPLICATIONS 1. The device has simple structure, high precision and efficiently to measure the exercise intensity of any Physical activity. ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 460 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume3Issue3- 2012 2. The device is suited for all the physical activities such as Walking, running and so on. 3. This device can be used any one and use any number of times. 4. This device can be used by the sportsmen, old people and anyone who wants to be fit. VII. CONCLUSIONS The Human Activity Measuring System has been developed using ADXL335 Accelerometer, 16f873 PIC Microcontroller and Zigbee Module. The motion Strength of the person is recorded and profile is created accurately. REFERENCES [1] C. J. Caspersen, K. E. Powell, and G. M. Christenson, “Physical activity, Exercise and physical fitness: Definitions and distinctions for health Related research,” Public Health Rep., vol. 110, pp. 126–131, 1985. [2] R. E. Laporte, H.J. Montoye, and C. J. 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