International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 9 - October 2015 Optimization and Performance Evaluation of Electrically Operated Popcorn Making Machine Ugwu K. C., Osuoha J. C. And Omoruyi A. Department of Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering Department of Agricultural Engineering Technology Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria National Business and Technical Examination Board, Enugu, Nigeria Edo State College of Agriculture, Iguoriakhi, Edo, Nigeria ABSTRACT An electrically operated popcorn making machine was optimized and its performance was evaluated. The machine consists of three chambers (electrical unit, heating/popping unit and discharging unit) vertically assembled together as a single machine. The whole unit is mounted on an adjustable stand to take care of differences in height of the operator. The machine works on the principle of mechanically agitated and electrically heated. An electric motor of 0.5hp supply power via electric motor spindle through gear to the stirring shaft which stirs the corn on popping. Also, electricity supply power to the heating element for heat generation on the popping pot. The performance evaluation was done using three different moisture contents which include 12.66%, 13.66% and 14.66% at six different feed rates of corn. The average popping efficiency of the machine was 77.71%. The results showed that popping efficiency of the machine increases as the moisture content of the corn decreases. Also, the increase in the feed rate decreases the efficiency of the machine. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for the effect of moisture content and feed rates confirmed that these factors are significant parameters that affect the efficiency of the machine. Keywords: Optimization, Performance, Evaluation, popcorn, Machine . 1.0 INTRODUCTION Maize (also known as corn) and botanically called Zeamays is a family name of this cereal grain, of which about 50 species exist. There are now about 50 species of maize grown around the world, wherever suitable growing conditions allow for its cultivation. Maize species are differentiated by kernel shape, number, colour and size [4]. Maize requires a lot of light and low but long night temperature higher than 100C, maize requires a fairly high temperature in order to germinate. It also requires enough water and humid air in order to flower and fertilize. The effect on yield of water is most critical during the period of flowering (from male flowering to female flowering.) And the requirements for water are closely related to climate and also to the length of the growth circle. Maize is particularly sensitive to wind damage because of the size of the plant and the width of its leaves. Like all other plants, maize requires minerals for its growth [6]. Depending on need, the ears may be harvested when they are still green, i.e. before they are mature or when they are fully mature. Harvesting of maize can ISSN: 2231-5381 either be done manually or mechanically, that is either by hand and hand tools or by machines, which depending on the type may harvest just the ears, or harvest the grains directly. Once the ears have been harvested they are dehusked and dried, either naturally (by using the heat from the sun or solar energy) or artificially in ovens or hot air blowers. Drying may also take place in traditional granaries or in special open sheds known as cribs. After drying, the ears are shelled; the dried maize grain is stored in bulk in sacks or silos. The grains are dried to safe storage moisture content of between 13.5 and 14% ww [3] Popcorn is a zeamays variety known as everta. It has a kernel type that pops and turns into puffs when it is exposed to heat. It pops because its kernels have a hard moisture-seal hull and a dense starchy interior. This allows pressure to build inside the kernel until an explosive pop result. A damage to the exterior of the kernels will allow steam to escape causing the popcorn not to pop. There must be a concentration of approximately 13.5% moisture in the kernel. With too much water the kernel will pop as denser pop corn. Prior to popping, they are processed by removing them from the cob, drying them to safe Page 447 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 9 - October 2015 storage moisture content – the stage at which they are popped. Popcorn growers and distributors dry the kernel until they reach the moisture level at which they expand the most. This differs by varieties and conditions but is generally in the range of 14.15% moisture by weight [7]. Popcorn can be made by using dry or wet corn. Dry popping also known as hot air popping does not make use of oil during the popping process. The unpopped grain is put in a basket or wire cage and agitated over a heat source like camp fire or coal stove and allowing the corn to pop and seasoning it with butter or salt. Another form of dry popping is the hot air popping which transfers convective heat to the cooler kernels and when enough hot air heats the kernels they pop. The blown hot air also serves as the agitator. In the wet popping method, corn is placed in a container with a solid base. Oil is added (either before the corn or poured on top) and the oil helps to distribute the heat and cause more even and complete popping. Commercial popping machines use wetpop method and coconut oil (or other vegetable oils) for its aroma and lightness. Microwave popcorn also uses the wet pop method, although the moisture is present in a solidified form of oil, flavouring and salt that melts when microwaving process begins [7]. Popcorn is a popular snack especially among students and other youths and even among some of the elderly group of people in the society. As a result of this emerging popularity of popcorn, its preparation is now generating a lot of interest among some graduates and other school leavers who are unemployed and want to take up the job as a means of livelihood [1]. On the other side of the emerging trend, it is not too popular and user friendly in its preparation techniques which employ manually operated and gasfired machines, that is, where kerosene stoves and firewood for popping is not used. In the case of gasfired technique there is risk of gas explosion and the heat received by the operator in the process of turning the kernel during popping. In the case of kerosene stove and firewood, the cleanliness of the operating environment is always a serious issue considering the smoke and sooth coming from the heat sources. All these factors put together brought to the fore the need to develop an electrically operated machine that uses electricity for heat generation. It is intended for use by small to medium scale businesses, and can be further developed for industrial/large scale productions. The main objective of the research work is to optimize and construct a popcorn making machine ISSN: 2231-5381 that can reduce the arduous task involved in making popcorn by local means [1]. 2.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS The popcorn making machine was developed by using the following materials which include clinch device, hack saw, tape, welding machine and electrodes, an electric filling machine and Lathe machine. An electrically popcorn making machine, efficient and economically viable was optimized and fabricated with readily available and cheap materials (suitable engineering materials that could give optimum performance in service). Materials for fabricating the machine were chosen on the basis of their availability, suitability, economic consideration, viability in service etc. 2.1 Methods and Optimization of popcorn making Machine The shaft was designed on the basis of strength; and was subjected to axial loads in addition to combine torsion and bending loads. . Consideration was given to the axial load (F) which comprises the spike that stirs the corn and the weight of the corn to be popped. To determine the shaft diameter, we adopt the formula; d3 = ..[5].....................1 Where; d = diameter of shaft (mm) Kb = combined shock and fatigue factor for bending moment. Kt = combined shock and fatigue factor for torsional moment. Mb = Resultant bending moment (Nm) Mt = Resultant torsional moment (Nm) δsy = Allowable shear stress (MN/m2) π = constant, 3.142 The optimization of the already existing machine which is kerosene stoves, fire wood and gas fired to adjustable electrically operated popcorn making machine that have an easy mechanical assistance that will enhance the hazardous and arduous way of producing popcorn at reduced energy and time. The optimization include reducing the boredom to the operator, time wasted, energy and increasing neatness of the popcorn produced and as well to free the operator from the smoke and sooth coming out from the heat source of the former. It will save the operator from the risk of gas explosion and the heat received in the process of turning the kernel during popping. Page 448 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 9 - October 2015 2.2 Principle of Operation of the Machine The popcorn making machine comprises of the electrical, the heating/popping, and the discharge units. The electrical unit houses all the electrical accessories and supplies the electrical energy which is utilized by the machine in generating heat. The heating/popping unit comprises the heater-pot arrangement which heats and pops the corn which is received by the discharge unit and from where the popped corn is collected for consumption. The three units are mounted on an adjustable stand to take care of differences in height of the operator of the machine. The machine works on the principle of mechanically agitated and electrically heated. This means that the machine operates on the principle of conversion of energy from electrical to heat by the use of a high resistant heat generating element which converts electrical energy to heat energy. An electric motor of 0.5hp supply power via electric motor spindle through gear to the stirring shaft which stirs the corn on popping. The heat generated by the heating element is transferred to the content of the pot (oil and popcorn) by heat conduction process through the bottom of the pot. It was shown in table 2 that the machine performed highest (90%) at 50g, 100g, and 150g feed rates and lowest (66.7%) at 300g feed rate using 13.66% moisture content. The average percentages of the corn popped at that moisture content was 83.62% and the un-popped was 16.38% respectively. The results obtained using 14.66% moisture content at six different feed rates were shown in table 3.The highest percentage of popped corn at that moisture content was 67.5%, which was obtained at 50g feed rate of corn. The lowest percentage of popped corn was obtained at 300g feed rate which was 60%. The average percentage of recovered popped corn was 65.02% and the average percentage of un-popped corn recovered was 34.98%. These results showed that the higher the moisture content and the feed rates the lower the percentage of corn popped. Table 4 showed the analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the results obtained which signified that the moisture contents and feed rates are important parameters that affect the efficiency and the performance of the optimized popcorn making machine. 2.3 Evaluation of the electrically operated popcorn making machine. The machine was tested with three difference moisture contents at six difference feed rates. The effect of these difference moisture contents on machine parameters such as popping efficiency, duration of popping, neatness of the popcorn after popping and the un-popped corn were determined. The weight of popped corn, weight of un-popped corn, percentages of un-popped corn and percentages of popped corn were taken during the test. The performance test was conducted for each moisture content at six different feed rates using those parameters for the fabricated machine. The results obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The performance of the electrically operated popcorn making machine was determined using three different moisture contents and six different feed rates. The efficiency of the machine was also obtained using these moisture contents and the feed rates. It was observed in table 1 that the highest percentage performance of the machine was 90% at 50g and 100g feed rates and the lowest percentage performance of the machine was 75% at 300g feed rates using 12.66% moisture content. The average percentages of the corn popped was 84.5% and the un-popped corn was 15.5% respectively. ISSN: 2231-5381 The electrically operated popcorn making machine was optimized and its performance evaluated. The results obtained showed that the highest average percentage of corn popped was 84.5% which was at 12.66% moisture content. The results deduced that the higher the moisture content and feed rate, the lower the percentage of corn popped by the optimized machine. The machine reduces the drudgery and improves neatness as a result of mechanized nature of agitating (stirring) the corn and a better source of heat, that is electricity. The machine was incorporated with adjustable stand to take care of differences in height of operators, which the former did not consider. The machine is recommended to the commercial popcorn makers, because of its time limitation, ease of operation and hygienic way of popping corn. REFERENCE [1] Jesc C.S., Davin S. R., Xiaodong J., Richard A. W., and David S. J., (2014): Effect of flake shape on packing characteristics of popped popcorn, Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 127, Pp 75 -79 [2] Miller, I. and Freund, J.E. (1985) Probability and Statistics for Engineers. 3rd Edition pg 332 - 354 [3] Rouanet, G. (1987) Maize. The Tropical Agriculturist Series. (Rene Coste, Editor):Macmillan Education Publication Ltd. London and Oxford, Pp 201 – 344 Page 449 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 9 - October 2015 [4] Russel, S.P. (1970) Peanuts, Popcorn, Ice Cream, Candy and Soda Pop and How They Began. Abingdon Press, New York, Pp 29 - 67 [5] Shigley, J.E. (2011) Mechanical Engineering Design (9 th Edition) (pp 58 – 59, 504 -511) [6] Woodside, D. (1980) : What makes Popcorn Pop? New York Atheneum Pp 78 -100. [7];( Table 1: Machine performance at 12.66% moisture content on six different feed rates of corn Feed Quantity Popping Wt. of popped Percentage of Wt of un- Percentage of Diff in wt Time lag rate (g) of oil (ml) Time corn (g) popped corn popped un-popped corn before and after (mins) (mins) corn(g) popping 50 8 2.75 45 90% 5 10% Nil 2 100 16 3.00 90 90% 10 10% Nil - 150 24 3.25 130.5 87% 19.5 13% Nil - 200 32 4.0 170 85% 30 15% Nil - 250 40 4.5 200 80% 50 20% Nil - 300 48 5.0 225 75% 75 25% Nil - 1050 168 22.5 860.5 507 189.5 93 Total 175 28 3.75 143.42 84.5 31.58 15.5 Average Table 2: Machine performance at 13.66% moisture content on six different feed rates of corn Feed rate Quantity Popping Wt. of Percentage of Wt of un- Percentage of Diff in wt Time lag (g) of oil (ml) Time popped corn popped corn popped un-popped corn before and (mins) (mins) (g) corn(g) after popping 50 8 2.3 45 90% 5 10% Nil 2 100 16 2.5 90 90% 10 10% Nil - 150 24 2.75 135 90% 15 10% Nil - 200 32 3.66 170 85% 30 15% Nil - 250 40 5.3 200 80% 50 20% Nil - 300 48 5.5 200 66.7 100 33.3% Nil - 1050 168 22.01 840 501.72 210 98.28 Total 175 28 3.67 140 83.62 35 16.38 Average ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 450 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 9 - October 2015 Table 3: Machine performance at 14.66% moisture content on six different feed rates of corn Feed Quantity Popping Wt. of popped Percentage of Wt of un- Percentage of Diff in wt Time lag rate (g) of oil (ml) Time corn (g) popped corn popped un-popped corn before and (mins) (mins) corn(g) after popping 50 8 3.0 27 67.5% 13 32.5% 10 2 100 16 5.0 50 66.7% 25 33.3% 25 - 150 24 5.5 80 66.7% 40 33.3% 30 - 200 32 6.0 100 66.7% 50 33.3% 50 - 250 40 6.3 125 62.5% 75 37.5% 50 - 300 48 8.0 150 60% 100 40% 50 - 1050 168 33.8 532 390.12 303 209.88 215 Total 175 28 5.63 88.67 65.02 50.50 34.98 35.83 Average Table 4: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for The Effect of Moisture Content (Mc) and Feed rate on the Popping Efficiency of Popcorn making machine. Source of variation Degrees of Sum of squares Mean square Computed F freedom Moisture (A) 2 11288.70 5644.35 31.50 Feedrate (B) 5 51711.07 10342.21 57.70 Error 10 1792.47 179.25 Total 17 64792.24 Content ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 451 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 9 - October 2015 Fig 1: Isometric View of Labeled Electrically Operated Popcorn Making Machine Fig 2: Isometric View of Electrically Operated Popcorn Making Machine with Dimensions ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 452