Document 12915605

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 6 - October 2015
A Novel Message Authentication and Key Generation Model
for Secure transmission of Data
Pudota Krishna Divya1, Sindhe Swetha2
Final Student1, Assistant Professor2
Dept of CSE, Dadi Institute of Eng. and Technology (jntuk), AP, India,
security property of universal hash functions is their
probabilities of message collisions.
In present networks the data integrity is very
complex in sending the messages. There are many
security issues such as data leakage, corruption of
data while data transfer. In transferring the data the
message sender and receiver verification is also a
hard task to users. So we proposed a method that
consists of key generation and key transferring
method transfer securely over secure channel. Our
proposed approach improves the efficiency and
more security of transferring the message.
Data privacy is the main privilege to every
user who are using the network services. In this data
leakage is very big problem to users to secure their
data in the transfer of the network. For this user
authentication plays main role the to achieve the
security of the data in the network. For this
researchers introduced text authentication, image
authentication, video authentication and the voice
authentication. But in any type of the authentication
method converts the data to binary level data. [1]
So many data verification and the
authentication methods are based on the binary level
methods. In any of the authentication and the
verification methods the data and authentication
code is manipulated to bits. In this paper we
proposed the methods based on the bit level only.
There are many symmetric methods and asymmetric
methods which are many operations based on the bit
level data. For this researches suggested the hash
Note that the key need not to be as long as
the message, otherwise, such constructions will be
impractical. That is, there are standard techniques so
that the same key can be used to hash messages of
arbitrary lengths [5, 9, 10]. The security of
universal hash-function families based MACs
depends on the probability of message collision.
That is, if two distinct messages m and m0 hash to
the same image (i.e., h(m) = h(m0)), then they will
have the same authentication tag. Consequently, for
a message-tag pair, if an adversary can come up
with a different message that hashes to the same
value, successful forgery can be accomplished with
high probabilities. Therefore, the most important
ISSN: 2231-5381
the security of the construction restricts the
computations to be performed over an integer field.
What we will describe here is a generalization of the
construction appeared in [2], in which we allow
operations to be performed over a finite integer ring
instead of a field [3, 1]. As in the computationally
secure constructions the codes in demand that
operations must be performed over the integer field
Zp; no previous work has studied the probability of
deception of such codes when computations are
performed over arbitrary finite integer rings. Other
codes with secrecy include, but are not limited to
In previous works, there are many methods
in data security issues. We have two types of attacks
are based on human identity and the method based
attacks. In human identity attacks corrupted users or
un-authorized users entered in the network and
changes the original data. There is also another way
of this attack intruder changes the data and resend
the data to authorized user. In another type of
network attacks data corruption methods are used to
attack the user authentication and the data. [8]
For this attacks the researches introduced
symmetric cryptography methods and asymmetric
methods. The symmetric methods consists of the
arithmetical methods, hash based methods. The data
is sending using the cryptographic methods. The
data is sending through secure channel using
encoded methods by generating encryption of the
data. Then the data verification used by the
signature methods such as digital signature methods
and the curve cryptographic methods.
In addition to research on encryption and
signing in the presence of key-dependent messages,
leakage resilience is of interest for the context of our
paper [1, 2]. Leakage functions are used to model
leaked information as occurring during a sidechannel attack, which may include information
about the secret key. Unlike in the case of typical
leakage functions, the functions f that we allow the
adversary to query may leak a complete secret state.
However, in our setting an adversary does not obtain
output values of f directly, but rather the result of
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 6 - October 2015
the tag generation algorithm when being applied to
images under f, thus our discussion seems more
adequate for dealing with \structural" than with sidechannel attacks.[6,7]
providing security for secret key the KGC will
generate a message and send to all users. The KGC
will now generation of message and its value is
calculated by using following formula.
Informally, a MAC is KD-EUF (keydependent existentially unforgeable) secure if it is
secure despite a forger's ability to obtain tags on
arbitrary (efficiently computable) functions g of the
state K. We begin by making this intuition more
precise and then show how to achieve this security
requirement in the random oracle model. While one
may be tempted to think that the use of a random
oracle makes the construction of a MAC trivial, the
presence of key-dependent queries changes the
situation significantly even with a random oracle
there is no stateless KD-EUF-secure MAC.
Message=(P1 ® S1) * (P2 ® S2) * ……..* (Pn ®
Sn) + secret key.
After generating message the KGC will sent the
message to all group members. The group member
will retrieve the message get secret key from the
message. Upon receiving the message M, the each
member in the groups will generate the key in the
following manner.
Secret key = M mod (Pi ® Si) for all i.
After completion of secret key each user will
encrypt the message by using following algorithm.
In this section we are mainly proposed message
authentication approach that is faster than the
existing approach. Before performing message
authentication the key generation center will
generate secret key and sent to public channel
members for message encryption and decryption.
After generating secret key the channel member or
group member will send message to specified
member of the group. Before sending message the
group member will encrypt message and generate
signature for that message. After completion of
encryption and signature generation the group
member will send message and signature to
specified member of the group. The specified group
member will retrieve the cipher message and
signature. After retrieving the group member again
generate signature and compare both signature are
equal the message is authenticated or not equal it
will block the message. The following concepts are
specifying generation of secret key, encryption and
decryption of message and generate signature for
encrypted message.
Reverse Binary xor Encryption Algorithm:
Users Registration:
The previous complement data convert into
ascii format.
This module explains the process computation of
key and users registration. After registering users
the KGC will generate id for individual users Ui and
sent to users. During registration process each user
will choose a random secret value Si and send to
KGC. Once userregistration process is completed,
KGC assigns a permanent secret id, denoted by Pi
for each Member Ui in the group.
Key generation and distribution to group member:
In this module each user will request for
group key, the KGC will randomly generate secret.
After generating secret key the KGC will send that
key to each user with in secure manner. By
ISSN: 2231-5381
We will be presenting the steps of the encryption
algorithm of the reverse binary xor Algorithm. The
following steps are as shown below:
Input secret key and transferring message
to encryption process.
Get each character from the message and
convert into ASCii values.
After converting ascii values each value
xor with key until the length of message is
The completion of xor operation each ascii
value can converted into binary format.
Reverse previous binary
completion length of message.
After reversing binary data that data can be
perform once complement.
Divide each ascii value by secret key and
get remainder and coefficient until completion of
length of message.
Each character of remainder and coefficient
become one point and those points send to specified
group member.
Before sending the cipher data to specified
group member the user will generate signature for
encrypted message by using MD5 algorithm. After
generating signature the user will send cipher
message and signature to specified group member.
The specified group member will retrieve the cipher
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 6 - October 2015
message and signature and again will generate
signature for cipher message. The group member
will compare both signatures are equal the message
is authenticated otherwise the message will corrupt
and block the message. If the message is
authenticated then specified group member will
retrieve cipher message and get the original message
by performing decryption process of reverse binary
xor encryption algorithm. The Decryption process of
Reverse binary xor encryption algorithm as follows.
Retrieve the point from the sender group
Get the single ascii value from the point by
using following formula.
Asciival= quotient *secretkey + remainder.
The previous asciival will be convert into
binary format.
The previous binary data can be perform
the once complement.
After performing once complement that
binary data will be reverse until the completion
message length.
After reversing that binary data will
convert into ascii format.
The previous ascii values will be xor with
secret key until completion of message length.
After performing xor operation that ascii
values can be converted characters get the original
[1] L. Carter and M. Wegman, “Universal Hash Functions,”J.
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PudotakrishnaDivya is studying M.Tech in dadi
In this paper we proposed secure authentication and
secure data transfer in network channel. We
implemented simple message conversions and
authentication methods. In this bit level secure
method of encoding is implemented and
authentication method is also generates strong
signature to break. It reduces maximum data attacks
and secure the data transfer. Before performing
authentication of encrypted message the KGC will
generate secret key and send to all group member.
Each user will use the secret key for encryption and
decryption process. . By implementing these
concepts we can improve efficiency and security of
transferring message.
ISSN: 2231-5381
anakapalli, in department of cse.
SindheSwetha , she is working as
Assistant Professor , Department of
CSE, DIET (Dadi Institute of
Engineering & Technology) college,
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