The University Honors Program encourages all students who are planning a capstone project to submit their
capstone form, proposal and work plan well in advance of the deadline to allow the Capstone Advisor(s) and Honors
Department Coordinators sufficient time to review the proposals. Students should contact their individual Honors
Department Coordinator to confirm how much lead time he/she requires to review a capstone proposal and about
any preference for submitting a proposal electronically.
University Honors in American Studies:
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in American Studies): 9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3 credits
The American Studies Senior Capstone consists of a senior thesis. Students do original, interdisciplinary
research culminating in a 30-40 page thesis. They meet individually during the research period with the
Honors Coordinator and with a second faculty reader. They also meet several times as a group with the
other students doing Honors research. Students take the Honors thesis as an Honors supplement to AMST410 Senior Thesis and submit the thesis to an annual American Studies conference.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Tristan Cabello, Hamilton 302, x1837, cabello@american.edu
University Honors in Anthropology
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Anthropology): 9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3 credits
The Senior Honors Thesis is supervised by a faculty member in the Anthropology Department. Students
register for ANTH-498 Senior Thesis in Anthropology (3 credits); "Honors Capstone" should appear in the
project title line on the course registration form.
All Anthropology majors take ANTH-450 Senior Seminar. This seminar is NOT part of the Honors
Capstone Requirement.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Brett Williams, Battelle-Tompkins T-59, x1836,
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University Honors in Art – Studio/Fine Art
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Art/Studio Art/Fine Arts): 6-9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3-6 credits
The student completes their Honors capstone in conjunction with the Studio Art major capstone, Senior
Seminar, through coordination with the instructor on the work expected for the Honors distinction. If this
option is not possible due to special circumstances, students should register for ARTS-490 Independent
Study Project in Studio Art for 3-6 credits. "Honors Capstone" should appear in the project title line on the
course registration form. If students choose to complete a 6-credit capstone, the independent study should
be completed over the course of two semesters. The Honors Thesis or Independent Study Capstone
explores an area of concentration involving the development of a body of paintings or sculpture, supported
by a written paper.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Andrew Holtin, Katzen Arts Center 218, x3928,
University Honors in Art History
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Art/Studio Art/Fine Arts): 6 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 6 credits
The student registers for ARTH-500 Approaches to Art History (3 credits - fall semester) and ARTH-520
Seminar in Art History (3 credits - spring semester) and completes the course with a Capstone Supplement
that links a major research paper to the course material. ARTH-500 and ARTH-520 are Departmental
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Joanne Allen, Katzen Arts Center 218, x6822,
University Honors in Audio Technology/Audio Production
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Audio Technology/Audio Production): 6 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 6 credits
The student registers for ATEC-490 Independent Study in Audio Technology/Audio Production or ATEC450 Audio Technology Capstone for two successive semesters; "Honors Capstone" should appear in the
project title line on the course registration form. The capstone should be supervised by a faculty member
approved by the Audio Technology Honors Coordinator.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. William Brent, Kreeger T08, x1488, brent@american.edu
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University Honors in Biology
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Biology): 6 credits
Biology majors may take a maximum of 6 credit hours of biology-approved Honors colloquia toward their
17 credit hours of upper-level biology courses. The Honors colloquia effectively replace the independent
study, internship, and/or biochemistry course options. Honors students completing a biology Honors
capstone may also use 3 of their 6 capstone credit hours towards their biology course requirements.
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 6 credits
Students register for BIO-497 Senior Honors Thesis I (3 credits in either the fall or spring semester) and
BIO-498 Senior Honors Thesis II (3 credits in the following semester).
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Kathryn Walters-Conte, Hurst 10a, x3978, kwalt@american.edu
University Honors in Chemistry/Biochemistry
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Chemistry): 6 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 6 credits
The student registers for any 6 credit combination of CHEM-398 Honors - Junior Year (3 credits in the fall
semester), CHEM-399 Honors - Junior Year (3 credits in the spring semester), CHEM-498 Honors - Senior
Year (3 credits in the fall semester), CHEM-499 Honors - Senior Year (3 credits in the spring semester), or
CHEM-490 Independent Study Project in Chemistry (3 credits) for either successive or concurrent
The goal of the capstone is to produce an acceptable write-up by the time the student wishes to graduate
from the Honors Program. An acceptable write-up is often a formal thesis, but it could also be a manuscript
submitted for publication in a peer reviewed journal with the student as a co-author, or a presentation of the
student's work at a national or regional Chemistry meeting (the CAS student research conference does not
count) with at least an abstract of the work appearing in the conference proceedings.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. James E. Girard, Beeghly 104, x1791 jgirard@american.edu
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University Honors in Computer Science
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Computer Science): 6-9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3-6 credits
Students register for CSC-490 Independent Study Project in Computer Science for one semester (3 credits)
or for two successive semesters (3 credits each semester);"Honors Capstone" should appear in the project
title line on the course registration form, and the capstone should be supervised by a faculty member in the
Computer Science Department.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Michael Black, McKinley 103, x2011, mblack@american.edu
University Honors in Economics
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Economics): 9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3 credits
The student registers for ECON-480 Senior Research Seminar (3 credits) and completes the course with a
capstone supplement. This course is currently only offered during the fall semester.
Under exceptional circumstances, the student may petition the Honors Coordinator to register for ECON490 Independent Study Project in Economics (3 credits);"Honors Capstone" should appear in the project
title line on the course registration form, and the capstone should be supervised by a faculty member in the
Economics Department.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Walter Park, Kreeger 106, x3774, wgp@american.edu
University Honors in Education (Elementary/Secondary Education):
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Education): 6 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 6 credits
The student registers for EDU-499 Student Teaching and completes 6 credits with a capstone supplement.
The capstone consists of a teaching portfolio which includes an action research project based on their
student teaching as the Honors supplement.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Stephen Vassallo, Gray 220, x3048, vassallo@american.edu
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University Honors in Environmental Science/Studies
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Environmental Studies): 6-9 credits
Students must complete a minimum of 6 credits of Honors supplements for any upper level courses that
counts toward the Environmental Studies major.
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3-6 credits
Option A: The student registers for ENVS-490 Independent Study Project in Environmental
Studies for one semester (3 credits) or for two successive semesters (3 credits each semester);
"Honors Capstone" should appear in the project title line on the course registration form, and the
capstone should be supervised by a faculty member in the ENVS Department.
Option B: Students complete an Honors supplement for ENVS-492 Senior Capstone in
Environmental Studies.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Kiho Kim, Beeghly 104, x2181, kiho@american.edu
University Honors in Graphic Design
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Graphic Design): 6-9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 6 credits
The student registers for GDES-490 Independent Study Project in Graphic Design (3 credits) for two successive
semesters; "Honors Capstone" should appear in the project title line on the course registration form, and the
Capstone should be supervised by a full-time faculty member in the Graphic Design Program. The Capstone is to be
determined by the faculty supervisor in accordance with the nature of the student's course of study (e.g. creative
work, a combination of creative work supported by a written research component, an exhibition, etc.).
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Chemi Montes, Katzen Arts Center 101B, x1697,
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University Honors in Health and Fitness: Health Promotion
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Health and Fitness): 9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3 credits
Option A: The student registers for HFIT-488 Senior Seminar (3 credits) and completes the course
with a capstone supplement.
Option B: The student registers for HFIT-490 Independent Study in Health and Fitness (3 credits);
"Honors Capstone" should appear in the project title line on the course registration form, and the
capstone should be supervised by a faculty member in the Health & Fitness Department.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Elizabeth Cotter, Mary Graydon 330J, x3703, cotter@american.edu
University Honors in History
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in History): 6 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 6 credits
The student registers for HIST-480 Major Seminar I (3 credits - fall semester) and HIST-481 Major
Seminar II (3 credits - spring semester) and completes both courses with a capstone supplement.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. April Shelford, Batelle Tompkins 125, x2613, shelfor@american.edu
University Honors in Jewish Studies
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Jewish Studies): 6 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 6 credits
The student registers for JWST-481 Senior Thesis I (3 credits - fall semester) and JWST-482 Senior Thesis
II (3 credits - spring semester) and completes both courses with a capstone supplement. The capstone
supplement involves creating a larger thesis project with greater length and depth of research.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Pamela Nadell, Battelle-Tompkins 139, x2425,
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University Honors in Literature
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Literature): 6 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 6 credits
The student registers for LIT-498 The Value of Literature (3 credits-fall semester only) and LIT-480
(senior project in Literature - spring semester only). Both classes must be supplemented. For LIT-498,
Honors students are required not only to write a proposal for their thesis, but also to write a 15-20 page
essay on the critical and theoretical background to the thesis they propose to write in LIT-480. In the
spring, Honors students complete a senior project of a minimum of 50 pages, showing more breadth, depth
and ambition than a senior project.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Jeffrey Middents, Battelle-Tompkins 221, x2979,
University Honors in Mathematics/Applied Mathematics
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Mathematics): 9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3 credits
The student registers for MATH-490 Independent Study in Mathematics (3 credits); "Honors Capstone"
should appear in the project title line on the course registration form, and the capstone should be supervised
by a faculty member in the Math Department.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Michael Baron, Gray 216, x3130, baron@american.edu
University Honors in Mathematics and Economics
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Mathematics and Economics): 6-9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3-6 credits
The student registers for ECON-480 or ECON-524 in the fall semester with a supplement. Students
wishing to continue to work on the capstone into the spring semester are encouraged to do so. If continuing
the capstone for credit in the spring, the student registers for ECON-490 or MATH-490 (depending on the
department of the Capstone Advisor who will be working with the student). Include “Honors Capstone” in
the title of the independent study course.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Mary Hansen, Kreeger 127, x3793, mhansen@american.edu.
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University Honors in Music
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Music): 6-9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3-6 credits
Option A: The student registers for PERF-498 Department Honors - Senior Year (3 credits - fall
semester) and/or PERF-499 Department Honors - Senior Year (3 credits - spring semester).
Option B: The student registers for MUS-434 Private Instrument/Vocal Study (4 credits) and
completes the course with a capstone supplement.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Karl Kippola, Katzen Arts Center 227, x3464,
University Honors in Performing Arts: Theatre/Music Theatre
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Theatre/Music Theatre): 6-9 credits
Honors Independent Study at Level II is limited to 6 credits for students choosing a 3-credit capstone. For students
choosing a 6-credit Capstone, Independent Study is limited to 3 credits.
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3-6 credits
Option A: The student registers for an advanced interdisciplinary colloquium or Theatre course (3
credits) and completes the course with a capstone supplement that links a major paper or project to
the course material.
Option B: The student registers for PERF-490 Independent Study in Performing Arts for one
semester (3 credits) or for two successive semesters (3 credits each semester); "Honors Capstone"
should appear in the project title line on the course registration form, and the capstone should be
supervised by a faculty member in the Performing Arts Department.
Option C: The student combines Options A & B and completes the capstone supplemented course
(3 credits) with a related independent study (3 credits).
Option D: The student registers for PERF-445 Senior Capstone (3 credits) and completes the
course with a capstone supplement.
Capstone possibilities include the writing and performing of a one person show, the direction of a one act
play, the design of a one act play (set, lights, and/or costumes) or the design of a mainstage production (set,
lights, and/or costumes). Credits are allocated according to the depth, breadth and scope of the artistic
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Karl Kippola, Katzen Arts Center 227, x3464,
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University Honors Philosophy & Religious Studies
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in RELG or PHIL): 6-9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3-6 credits
The student registers for either PHIL-498 Honors Project in Philosophy or RELG-498 Honors Project in
Religion for one semester (3 credits) or for two successive semesters (3 credits each semester). The
capstone is supervised by a faculty member of the Philosophy & Religion Department.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Amy Oliver, Battelle-Tompkins 118, x2140, aoliver@american.edu
University Honors in Physics
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Physics): 6 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 6 credits
Students are required to take 6 credits of independent study research in physics. Typically, the student
obtains 3 credits by registering for PHYS-480 Physics Capstone Seminar where they conduct a research
project supervised by a Physics Department approved mentor. The student obtains the other 3 credits by
registering for PHYS-490 Independent Study Project in Physics (3 credits) in either the semester following
or preceding PHYS-480, generally working on the same project and with the same mentor. “Honors
Capstone” should appear in the PHYS-490 project title line on the course registration form.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Gregory Harry, Sports Center Annex 104, x3566,
University Honors in Psychology
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Psychology): 6 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 6 credits
The student registers for PSYC-498 Senior Thesis Seminar in Psychology (3 credits) for two successive
semesters. "Honors Capstone" should appear in the project title line on the course registration form. During
the semester, the student meets individually with the Capstone Advisor and sometimes also with the
Department Honors Coordinator in a group with other students doing Honors research in Psychology.
Capstone advisors are selected by the student and approved by the department chair. A Psychology
research course (PSYC-301 or PSYC-433 or PSYC-480) is a prerequisite for the Senior Thesis Seminar
(PSYC-498) and should be taken during the junior year. The Psychology Department Honors Coordinator
recommends that students start their research as early as possible, for example during the summer between
junior and senior years.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. James Gray, Asbury 317, x1716, jgray@american.edu.
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University Honors in Public Health
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Public Health): 6-9 credits
Public Health majors may take Honors classes in other departments that are designated as electives in
Public Health. The honors classes may be in any of the four electives clusters.
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3-6 credits
Students register for PUBH 497 Senior Honors Thesis I (3 credits in the fall or spring semester) and
may also register for PUBH 498 Senior Honors Thesis II (3 credits) in the spring semester. Honors
students should complete a project in the field of public health with a faculty member.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Jolynn Gardner, Mary Graydon 328, x3943, jgardner@american.edu
University Honors in Sociology
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in Sociology): 9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3 credits
Option A: The student registers for SOCY-490 Independent Study Project in Sociology for one
semester (3 credits); "Honors Capstone" should appear in the project title line on the course
registration form, and the Capstone should be supervised by a faculty member in the Sociology
Department. The Capstone involves the creation and execution of a Senior Thesis. The thesis, or a
shortened version, is required to be submitted to the annual Robyn Rafferty Mathias Student
Research Conference at American University or to another approved conference in the spring of
the student’s Junior or Senior year.
Option B: The student registers for SOCY-492 Major Seminar in Sociology (3 credits) and
completes the course with a Capstone Supplement. As part of the course, he/she completes a paper
or project that must be presented at the annual Robyn Rafferty Mathias Student Research
Conference at American University or to another approved conference in the spring of the
student’s Junior or Senior year.
Students are required to meet with the Department Honors Coordinator each fall to determine which courses will
best aid their mastery of sociological concepts.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Brenner, Battelle-Tompkins T-37, x2478,
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University Honors in Statistics
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in STAT): 9 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 4 credits
The student registers for STAT-490 Independent Study in Statistics (4 credits); "Honors Capstone" should
appear in the project title line on the course registration form, and the capstone should be supervised by a
faculty member in the Statistics Department.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Michael Baron, Gray 216, x3130, baron@american.edu
University Honors in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in WGSS): 3-6 credits
III. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3-6 credits
The student registers for WGSS-500 Current Issues and Research in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (3
credits - fall semester) and completes the course with a Capstone Supplement. As part of the course, the student
completes a paper that must be presented at the annual Robyn Rafferty Mathias Student Research Conference at
American University in the spring. Students may also choose to register for WGSS-498 Honors Project in Women's,
Gender, and Sexuality Studies (3 credits - spring semester). The capstone supplement for WGSS-500 provides the
basis for an independent research project to be completed during WGSS-498.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Lauren Weis, Battelle-Tompkins 112, x2926, weis@american.edu
University Honors in World Languages and Cultures
I. Level I Options (100-200-level Honors classes): no minimum
II. Level II Options (300- or above level Honors classes in WLC): 9 credits
II. Level III Options (Honors Senior Capstone): 3 credits
The student registers for an Advanced WLC course (3 credits) and completes the course with a capstone supplement
that links a major paper or project to the course material. Most, if not all, of the readings for the capstone
supplement should be done in the target language.
Department Honors Coordinator: Prof. Juliana Martinez, McCabe 222, x2586, jmartinez@american.edu
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