Honors Capstone Submission Form

Honors Capstone Submission Form
Please submit to the Office for Honors and Scholars Programs in Hughes 105.
Capstone Title:
Capstone Advisor(s):
Capstone Keywords:
(for sorting and search purposes)
Capstone is written in:
I plan to earn:*
Social Science
(general) University Honors
University Honors in
*If unsure, please meet with an Honors Counselor to determine your Honors Designation.
Graduation Semester and Year:
Granting Access to Honors Capstone Work
Honors capstone work is included in digital form in the American University Library Archives. It is made accessible to the American
University community and outside researchers. Each student retains copyright of the work.
With the author’s permission, each Honors capstone is added to the AU Digital Repository, which holds the scholarly works that are
produced by the AU community. This makes Honors capstone work, along with other unique AU content, more widely accessible.
All graduating Honors students are encouraged to grant permission for their capstone work to be included
in this publicly available, full-text searchable and downloadable database. Note: Once permission is granted, capstone work can be
removed at a later date, for any reason, at the author’s request.
Please read the following carefully and select one of the following options:
While I retain copyright of my Capstone work, I grant American University permission to have this work displayed, copied,
distributed (in print, electronic, and/or any digital medium, including in the AU Digital Repository) and incorporated in
whole or in part into derivative works for educational, research, archival, promotional, and other purposes consistent with
the mission of American University.
I do NOT authorize including my Honors Capstone work in the AU Archives. The University Honors Program
acknowledges there are cases where students and their capstone advisors decide it is not appropriate for capstone work to
be included in the AU Archives or the publicly accessible AU Digital Repository. For example, capstone work based on
research supported by external grants should not be included in the AU Digital Repository.
Student Signature:
Capstone Advisor Signature: