International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 3 - November 2015 Improved Mutual Authentication with Key Agreement Scheme for Mobile Client-Server Environment Chaitanya Nadikatla1, Ramesh Kumar Behara2 1 Final M.Tech Student, Asst.professo2 1,2Dept of CSE, Sarada Institute of Science, Technology And Management(SISTAM), Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh,India Abstract. Now a day’s mobile networks are rapid development by performing the e-commerce transaction such as online shopping, internet banking and e- payment. To promise secure communication while doing transactions, mutual authentication along with key agreement schemes are inspiring and also turning to be important. These schemes can be constructed from normal passwords, traditional public key cryptography, and also using identity-based cryptography. In this context, an identity based mutual authentication mechanism with key agreement schemes based on powerful elliptic curve cryptography are preferable solutions. This paper proposes a secure and efficiency identity-based mutual authentication with key agreement scheme for mobile client-server environment. As aiming to provide secure communication, authentication and key agreement is important issue in the mobile networks. Hence, schemes for authentication and key agreement have been studied widely. So that to provide efficient and more secure techniques is necessary. In this paper we are proposed random prime order key agreement protocol proposed for authentication and key agreement. Another technique is used to provide security of transferred data using key xor data transpose technique. By using this technique, we provide more security and more efficiency for transferring data. Keywords: Key Agreement Scheme, Identity Based Authentication, and Mobile Security 1. Introduction During secure communication, authentication should be performed to protect users and a secret session key should be established for confidentiality. As the development of cryptography, schemes for authentication and key agreement develop accordingly. Early schemes are based on passwords. The first password authentication scheme to authenticate a remote user over an insecure channel was proposed by Lamport. Introducing public key cryptography into cryptography, Diffie and Hellman proposed the first ISSN: 2231-5381 key agreement scheme. Many authentication and key agreement schemes based on traditional public key cryptography were constructed. Since Diffie and Hellman’s scheme lacks authentication and it is vulnerable to Man-in-the middle attack, then authentication with key agreement is necessary and attractive in practical implementation. Despite the vulnerability and laciness’ of authentication, Diffie and Hellman’s key agreement scheme is the foundation for other schemes and most of key agreement schemes use Diffie and Hellman’s technique. Since the introduction of identity based cryptography by Shamir, many identity-base cryptosystems were presented in application. It is not until Boneh and Franklin defined an advanced identity-base encryption scheme with bilinear pairings on elliptic curves that identity-base cryptography develops rapidly. Various identity-based authentication and key agreement schemes are constructed and made into application. Some authentication schemes addressed in literature do not provide mutual authentication and key exchange between the client and the server, which is required in mobile client-server environment. 2. Related Work Mobile devices have low procedure power and fewer memory resources. principle associated Yangtze [8] projected an ID-based remote mutual authentication with key agreement protocol for mobile devices on elliptic curve cryptosystem. principle associated Chang’ theme is liable to an impersonation attack and doesn't offer excellent forward secrecy. Yoon and Yoo [9] conferred a strong mutual authentication with key agreement protocol. However, Yoon and Yoo’s theme al- thus fails to realize forward secrecy. Later, many mutual authentications with key agreement schemes were projected [10-19]. throughout these schemes, some schemes [11-15] area unit liable to some specific attacks. additive pairings on elliptic curves, that area unit time- intense, area unit employed in the development of schemes [10, 15]. Some schemes hash identities to elliptic curve group- s, that is a smaller amount se- Page 109 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 3 - November 2015 cure. Schemes with smart properties is found in [1619]. In those schemes, secure and economical schemes have several smart properties against several attacks. As specified in literature, key agreement schemes supported elliptic curve cryptosystems fitted to mobile environments were projected. the primary one is associate identity-based remote mutual authentication with key agreement theme. And associate other is an economical 3- party genuine key agreement theme for establishing a session key between any two users with the assistance of a trustworthy server. 3. Proposed Work The proposed system contains mainly two concepts for the authentication, key agreement and security of transferring data. By implementing those concept, we can perform mutual authentication of users and key agreement in both users. After completion of key agreement, the sender will encrypt the transferred message using key xor data transpose technique. After encrypting the sender will send the cipher message to receiver. The receiver will receive the cipher message and decrypt the cipher message we get the plain text message. The process of mutual authentication and key agreement as follows. 4. IMPLEMENTATION This system consists of the following modules. They are discussed here Sender: This module will send the encrypted content as well as sender’s key and will send it to the receiver. Receiver: This module will collect the encrypted content as well as receiver’s key and finally decrypt the content successfully. Key Generation: This module will be the core module that will implement the key agreement protocol and will be responsible for key generation and key agreement. Results: This module will be responsible in evaluating the generated keys and security against the keygeneration scheme with those generated keys. 4.1 Algorithm 2. The sender will generate private key randomly. Calculate public key using this formula pub=g private % P. ISSN: 2231-5381 4. 5. After calculating public key the sender randomly choose SR and SV values. Calculate Sa value by performing following steps. i. C=(message.hashCode)%200000; ii. C=C%200000; iii. C3=C-(privatekey*SR); iv. Sk=Gcd(C3) v. Int k1=Inverse(sk, p-1); vi. V=c3*k1; vii. Sa=V%P; Calculate SA by performing following steps. SA = for(int i=1;i<=Sa;i++) temp=(temp*SR)%P; 6. 7. 8. Send public key,SR and SA to Receiver. The receiver also perform the step 1 to 5. After that we can calculate RB value using following steps. RB = for(int i=1;i<=VB;i++) temp=(temp*SR)%P; 9. The Receiver will send RB value to Sender. 10. The sender will receive the RB value and calculate SA1 and acknowledgment. 11. After calculating the sender will send to receiver . 12. The receiver will retrieve the both values and perform the authentication status. 13. After that the sender will generate key by using following equation. Key = for (int i=1; i<=RV; i++) temp=(temp*RB) % P; 14. The receiver will generate key by using following equation. Key = for (int i=1; i<=CA1; i++) temp=(temp*RB) % P; After generating shared key, the sender will perform the encryption process as follows. Key xor data transpose technique: 1. 2. Random prime order key agreement protocol: 1. 3. 3. 4. 5. The transferring message can be converted into 32 X 32 matrix format. After generating matrix format we transpose into rows and columns. After transpose matrix that data can be converted into Ascii values. The transpose data and key can be xor again convert into binary format. After converting binary format that binary data shifted by using right shift operation. Page 110 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 3 - November 2015 6. 7. 8. After shifting that binary data can be converted into ascii format and that data can be sent to receiver. The receiver will retrieve that cipher data and perform the reverse process. After completion of reverse process, we can get original message. 5. COMPARATIVE STUDY This application demonstrates the advantage of identity based authentication scheme for mobile client/server systems with an enhanced key agreement process. Using this approach, the application offers the following advantages 1. Two-way Key Generation Policy Using the specified algorithm scheme, the key generation problem is resolved by proposed key issuing protocol, which is constructed with the help of secure two-party computation (2PC). 2. Advanced Key Generation Scheme As the specified scheme focuses more on improvised identity based key generation and key agreement scheme. 3. Efficient Encryption Scheme The proposed key agreement scheme modifies data privacy as well as confidentiality in the mobile client/server system against any inside system managers as well as outsider adversaries without corresponding credentials. 4. Best Security and Performance The security and performance analysis carried out at the end indicate that the proposed scheme is more efficient to securely organize the data in mobile client/server systems. CONCLUSION This paper proposes random prime order key protocol and key xor data transpose technique for mobile client server environment. Compared with known our scheme is more efficient and good properties against for various types of attacks. This paper also provides more security of transferring data. So that by implementing those techniques we can improve efficiency given project and also provide more security for transferring data. REFERENCES [1] D. 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