The Economic Impacts of the Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Natural

The Economic Impacts of the
Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Natural
Gas Play: An Update
Timothy J. Considine, Ph.D.
Robert Watson, Ph.D., P.E.
Seth Blumsack, Ph.D.
May 24, 2010
The Pennsylvania State University
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering
The authors of this study acknowledge that the Marcellus Shale Gas Coalition
provided the funding for this study.
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the Marcellus Shale
Coalition. Neither the Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering at Penn State nor
the Marcellus Shale Coalition, nor any person acting on behalf thereof, makes any
warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness
or usefulness of the information contained in the report nor that its use may not infringe
privately owned rights, or assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages
resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in this
report. This report was written and produced for the Marcellus Shale Coalition by the
Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Penn State University. The opinions,
findings, and conclusions expressed in the report are those of the authors and are not
necessarily those of The Pennsylvania State University or the Marcellus Shale Coalition.
To obtain additional copies of the report or with questions regarding the content, contact
Tim Considine at or (307) 760-8400, or Robert Watson at or (814) 865-0531.
Study Team
Timothy J. Considine, PhD – Dr. Considine is the School of Energy Resources
Professor of Energy Economics in the Department of Economics and Finance at the
University of Wyoming. Dr. Considine was formerly a Professor of Natural Resource
Economics at the Pennsylvania State University from 1986 to 2008.
Robert W. Watson, PhD PE – Dr. Watson is Emeritus Associate Professor of
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering and Environmental Systems Engineering in the
Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. Dr.
Watson is also the Chairman of the Technical Advisory Board to Oil and Gas
Management of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Seth Blumsack, Ph.D. – Dr. Blumsack is an Assistant Professor of Energy Policy
and Economics in the Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering at the
Pennsylvania State University.
Executive Summary
Fully developed, the Marcellus Shale has the potential to be the second largest
natural gas field in the world, behind only the South Pars/Asalouyeh field shared between
the nations of Iran and Qatar. Converted to British Thermal Units (BTUs), the natural gas
found in the Marcellus could be equivalent to the energy content of 87 billion barrels of
oil, enough to meet the demand of the entire world for nearly three years.
In Pennsylvania, the development of these historic resources, while still in its
infant stages, is credited with the creation of thousands of jobs and billions in annual
revenue for the state. Over the next two years, this growth is expected to increase rapidly
-- providing the Commonwealth with a steady supply of affordable, clean-burning
energy, and creating the potential for a wholesale transformation of the energy landscape
both across the state and throughout the nation.
Natural gas development stimulates the economy in two major ways: business-tobusiness spending and payments to land owners. Exploring, drilling, processing, and
transporting natural gas requires goods and services from many sectors of the economy,
such as construction, trucking, steelmaking, and engineering services. Gas companies
also pay lease and royalty payments to land owners, who also spend and pay taxes on this
income. Higher energy production stimulates employment, income, and tax revenues.
This study estimates these economic impacts using an input-output model developed by
the Minnesota IMPLAN Group, Inc., which is the same model used by the Pennsylvania
Department of Labor (2010) in their study of green jobs.
During 2009, Marcellus gas producers spent a total of $4.5 billion to develop
Marcellus shale gas resources. Using the IMPLAN modeling system, we estimate that
this spending generated $3.9 billion in value added, $389 million in state and local tax
revenues, and more than 44,000 jobs (see Table ES1). During 2009, natural gas output
averaged 327 million cubic feet per day of natural gas equivalents, which includes dry
natural gas and petroleum liquids. Output at year-end 2009 was over 500 million cubic
feet per day.
Table ES1: Summary of Actual, Planned, and Forecast Economic Impacts
Millions of 2010 Dollars
State &
Local Taxes Employment
* Bcfe is billion cubic feet of natural gas equivalents per day.
Bcfe / day*
Based upon our survey, Marcellus producers plan to spend significantly more this
year and next, generating more than $8 billion in value added in 2010 and another $10
billion during 2011 (see Table ES1). This higher economic activity generates almost $1.8
billion in additional state and local tax revenues during 2010 and 2011. Employment in
the state expands by more than 88,000 jobs during 2010 and over 111,000 jobs during
2011.1 This dramatic increase in Marcellus drilling activity has occurred during a period
of general economic recession and relatively low natural gas prices. Natural gas
production from the Pennsylvania Marcellus will likely average one billion cubic feet per
day during 2010 and approach 2.5 billion cubic feet per day during 2011.
The projected economic impact from Marcellus activity in this report is very
similar to the forecast made last year at a much earlier stage of Marcellus development.
The minor differences can be attributed to a significant decline in natural gas prices and
changes in the economy as a whole due to the current nationwide recession.
The Marcellus resource base is large and could support significant levels of
drilling in the future. This study estimates a dramatic expansion of Marcellus gas
production from slightly over 327 million cubic feet per day during 2009 to over 13
billion cubic feet per day by 2020. If this occurs, employment would expand by 200,000
jobs and annual gains in state and local taxes revenues would exceed $1 billion.
These benefits cannot simply be attributed to nature’s bounty. Instead, their
realization depends upon the Pennsylvania Marcellus maintaining its relative competitive
position. Currently, there are at least five other major shale gas plays competing with the
Marcellus, including the Barnett, Haynesville, Fayetteville, Woodford, and Eagle Ford
formations as well as several shale formations in Canada. As production from these plays
expands, prices for natural gas are likely to remain relatively low and pressures for cost
containment will be intense.
Higher gas development costs in Pennsylvania due to regulations, climate
conditions, topography, labor costs, and other structural factors are partially offset by city
gate prices higher than the national average and the absence of a severance tax in
Pennsylvania. The imposition of any significant severance tax on Marcellus natural gas
output could induce a redirection of investment flows to other shale plays. Any revenues
gained from a severance tax could be offset by losses in sales and income tax receipts
resulting from lower drilling activity and natural gas production as producers shift their
capital spending to other plays.
The development of the Pennsylvania Marcellus will have economic impacts on
Pennsylvania beyond those measured in this report. If the Marcellus is developed to the
extent envisioned in this report, the abundance of reliable, low cost natural gas could
attract gas intensive manufacturing industries to expand capacity in Pennsylvania. Low
cost natural gas also contributes to inexpensive electricity that enhances industrial
Our previous study forecasted over 107,000 jobs created in 2010. The smaller job gains found here reflect
new data in the IMPLAN model that reflects lower employment per unit of output due to the recession.
Moreover, the estimates for 2010 and 2011 presented above are based upon a survey that reflects slightly
lower spending from the projections last year, which were based upon higher natural gas prices.
development and economic growth. New industries would lead to additional gains in
employment, output, and tax revenues. Moreover, developing the Marcellus could
reduce the costs of the transition to an economy with lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Marcellus natural gas producers create jobs without direct government subsidies.
With rising levels of public debt, this ability to produce domestic energy while generating
income and wealth is valuable. In summary, the development of the Pennsylvania
Marcellus increases domestic energy production, creates jobs, reduces government
deficits, and on balance improves environmental quality.
Table of Contents
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... viii
List of Figures .................................................................................................................. viii
Introduction................................................................................................................ 1
Current Industry Activity........................................................................................... 3
Economic Impacts...................................................................................................... 8
IV. Planned Industry Spending and Economic Impacts for 2010 and 2011 .................. 13
Forecasts of Marcellus Industry Activity and Economic Impacts out to 2020........ 15
VI. Summary and Conclusions ...................................................................................... 18
References......................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix A: Survey Form................................................................................................ 21
List of Tables
Table ES1:
Table 1:
Table 2:
Table 3:
Table 4:
Table 5:
Table 6:
Table 7:
Table 8:
Table 9:
Summary of Actual, Planned, and Forecast Economic Impacts .................... iv
Spending in thousands of nominal dollars, 2008-2009 ................................... 5
Impacts on Gross Output by Sector during 2009 in millions of 2010 dollars10
Impacts on Value Added by Sector during 2009 in millions of 2010 dollars11
Employment Impacts during 2009 in number of Jobs .................................. 12
Tax Impacts during 2009 in millions of 2010 dollars ................................... 13
Planned Marcellus Spending in thousands of nominal dollars, 2010-2010 .. 14
Value Added and Employment Total Impacts from Planned Spending ....... 14
Forecast Economic Impacts........................................................................... 18
Summary of Estimated, Planned, and Forecast Economic Impacts .............. 19
List of Figures
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Figure 4:
Figure 5:
Figure 6:
Figure 7:
Figure 8:
Marcellus wells started during 2009 ................................................................. 4
Marcellus Rigs operating in Pennsylvania by quarter, 2008-2009 ................... 6
Marcellus Wells drilled to total depth during 2009 .......................................... 7
Marcellus wells producing in Pennsylvania ..................................................... 7
Quarterly production of natural gas equivalents............................................... 8
Marcellus Production Decline Curve.............................................................. 15
Forecast for Marcellus Natural Gas Drilling, 2009-2020 ............................... 16
Forecast for Marcellus Natural Gas Production, 2010-2020 .......................... 17!
I. Introduction
This study provides an update on the economic impacts of the Marcellus shale gas
industry in Pennsylvania (Considine, et al., 2009). This update discusses the results of
our latest survey of producers to estimate current and planned industry spending, analysis
of the economic impacts of this activity, and projections of future drilling, natural gas
production, and related economic impacts. The evidence and analysis presented below
indicates that the Pennsylvania Marcellus is rapidly emerging as a significant supplier of
natural gas to the nation and a major source of jobs, income, and tax revenue to the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
For this study, we conducted a survey of producers to estimate drilling activity,
spending levels, and production rates. The survey results clearly show a significant
ramp-up in activity, with total spending increasing from $3.2 billion during 2008 to over
$4.5 billion during 2009. Our survey also found that companies plan to increase their
investment spending to $8.8 billion for 2010 and to over $11 billion in 2011. This
evidence confirms that the Pennsylvania Marcellus industry is poised for a substantial
take-off in development.
The survey and the findings of this report do not include historical or projected
spending to upgrade interstate natural gas transmission pipelines, although it is
recognized that Marcellus Shale development will result in significant new construction
activity in that sector. Moreover, this report also does not consider development of
several other organic shale formations that exist above and beneath the Marcellus.
Capital investments for Marcellus development have significant impacts on the
economy of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Producing natural gas requires
exploration, leasing, drilling, and pipeline construction. These activities generate
additional business for other sectors of the economy. For example, leasing requires real
estate and legal services. Exploration crews purchase supplies, stay at hotels, and dine at
local restaurants. Site preparation requires engineering studies, heavy equipment and
aggregates. Drilling activity generates considerable business for trucking firms and wellsupport companies now based in Pennsylvania that in turn buy supplies, such as fuel,
pipe, drilling materials, and other goods and services. Likewise, construction of pipelines
requires steel, aggregates, and the services of engineering construction firms.
Collectively, these business-to-business transactions create successive rounds of spending
and re-spending throughout the economy. These higher sales generate greater sales tax
revenues. Moreover, as businesses experience greater sales they hire additional workers.
Greater employment increases income and generates higher income tax revenues.
Natural gas development also affects the economy through land payments. To
access land to drill for gas companies negotiate leases with landowners. These
agreements often provide an upfront payment or bonus after signing the lease and then
production royalty payments during the life of the agreement if production is established.
In 2008 alone, natural gas companies paid over $1.8 billion in these lease and bonus
payments to Pennsylvania landowners. What do landowners do with these payments?
Pennsylvania Marcellus – Page 2
After paying taxes, lease and bonus income recipients may save a portion or spend the
rest on goods and services from other sectors of the economy. For example, a farmer may
spend his lease and bonus income to hire a carpenter to remodel his barn, who then buys
lumber and supplies, and pays taxes on the net income he earns from the project.
Economists have long recognized these indirect and induced impacts from capital
investments and the development of new industries. Countless studies have been
conducted on these types of economic impacts arising from the construction of sports
stadiums, hospitals, highways, wind turbines, and other capital investments. Nearly all of
these studies have been conducted using input-output (IO) models of the economy. Inputoutput analysis accounts for the flow of funds between industries, households, and
governments. These models provide a snapshot of the structure of the economy at a point
in time and, thereby, an empirical basis for addressing a variety of questions surrounding
economic development. For example, how many jobs are required to support a new
industry or project?
These questions are asked so frequently that an economic research and consulting
firm called Minnesota IMPLAN Group, Inc. in association with the University of
Minnesota has been in business since 1993 providing detailed IO tables at the county and
state level. Indeed, a recent study conducted by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor
and Industry (2010) used the IMPLAN system to estimate the number of green jobs
created in the Pennsylvania. The analysis presented below also uses the same IMPLAN
model for Pennsylvania, finding that the $4.5 billion of spending by Marcellus producers
during 2009 generated $3.8 billion in value added, $389 million in state and local tax
revenue, and more than 44,000 jobs.
The prospects for future Marcellus development in Pennsylvania are promising.
For example, the spending planned by Marcellus producers in 2011 could generate more
than $10 billion in value added, nearly $1 billion in state and local tax revenues, and
more than 100,000 jobs. Our forecasting model of future Marcellus natural gas drilling
and production suggests that Pennsylvania could be producing more than 13 billion cubic
feet of natural gas per day by 2020, which could make the Commonwealth the second
largest producer of natural gas in the United States.
Unlike conventional oil and gas development expanding production from shale
resources requires continuous drilling activity. Substantial cutbacks in drilling
significantly reduce production after a few years because the gas output decline curve is
very steep for shale gas reservoirs. Nevertheless, the sheer geographical size of the
Marcellus supports significantly higher levels of drilling. Our forecast presented below
estimates that more than 3,500 wells could be drilled in 2020, which is about the same
level of drilling currently taking place in the Barnett shale play in Texas, which is the
largest natural gas producing field in the U.S. This forecast is conservative because the
Barnett is only one fourth the size of the Marcellus.
With higher natural gas production from the Marcellus royalty income increases
substantially, and combined with greater business activity from additional drilling,
significant flows of value added and income for the state are created. Our estimates
Economic Impacts – Page 3
suggest that in 2020 the Marcellus industry in Pennsylvania could be creating more than
$18 billion in value added, generating more than $1.8 billion in state and local tax
revenues, and supporting more than 200,000 jobs. Unlike renewable energy, clean coal,
and nuclear power, Marcellus natural gas producers create jobs without government
subsidies. With rising levels of public debt, this ability to independently generate income
and wealth is essential.
These benefits cannot simply be attributed to nature’s bounty. Instead, their
realization depends upon the Pennsylvania Marcellus maintaining its relative competitive
position. Currently, there are at least five other major shale gas plays competing with the
Marcellus, including the Barnett, Haynesville, Fayetteville, Woodford, and Eagle Ford
formations as well as several shale formations in Canada. As production from these plays
expands, prices for natural gas are likely to remain relatively low and the pressures for
cost containment will be intense. The absence of a severance tax in Pennsylvania along
with city gate prices higher than the national average offsets higher costs associated with
complex regulations, climate conditions, topography, higher labor costs, and other
structural factors.
The imposition of any significant tax or other regulation on Marcellus natural gas
output could induce a redirection of investment flows to other shale plays. Indeed,
investment and production are increasing rapidly in these other shale plays, especially the
Haynesville and Eagle Ford regions. Revenues gained from a severance tax could be
offset by losses in sales and income tax receipts resulting from lower drilling activity and
natural gas production as producers shift their capital spending to other plays. The
inefficiencies of severance taxes are well recognized in the economic literature, such as
the study by Deacon, Frech, and Johnson (1990), which finds that severance taxes reduce
drilling, production, and employment.
The next section of this report describes the results from our survey of Marcellus
producers operating in Pennsylvania. Section three discusses the economic modeling
methodology and the estimated impacts of Marcellus development on output,
employment, and tax revenues. The fourth section of this report discusses the projections
of the future level of development and related economic impacts. The study concludes
with a summary of our major findings and a brief discussion of the implications for
policies that affect the long-term health and vitality of the industry.
II. Current Industry Activity
This project conducted a survey of natural gas producers operating in the
Pennsylvania Marcellus. The survey form appears below in Appendix A and has three
parts. The first set of questions sought to establish a baseline of economic and drilling
activity with an estimate of total spending and wells drilled through year-end 2009. The
second section asks for actual spending for 2008 and 2009 and planned spending for
2010-2011 for the following categories:
Lease and bonus payments,
Pennsylvania Marcellus – Page 4
Upstream: drilling and completion,
Midstream: pipeline and processing, royalties; and
Other goods and services.
The third and final section requested data on the number of rigs operating, wells
drilled to total depth, and production of dry natural gas and petroleum liquids on a
quarterly basis for 2009.
To determine the proportion our sample represented of the industry, this project
conducted a careful analysis of the inventory of wells started or “spudded” during 2009.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) publishes a list of
well starts. To develop the well count for 2009 we first compiled the monthly spud report
issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) into one
data set. After this was completed we removed all wells that had duplicate API numbers
because this told us that a well had been reported twice as the API number is the unique
identifier issued to each well. This double reporting can occur if two separate drilling
rigs are used on the same well, which is not uncommon for horizontal wells. The final
steps in the process were to then sort the wells that were classified as Marcellus wells by
the spud report and check these against Marcellus permits from the PADEP. This process
was then repeated two more times to ensure that the same number was reached. The final
result was 710 wells drilled during 2009 in Pennsylvania that could be verified as
Marcellus Shale wells. A map of the wells drilled during 2009 appears below in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Marcellus wells started during 2009
Economic Impacts – Page 5
Of the 710 wells drilled, 508 were horizontal and 202 were vertical wells. There
was a noticeable increase in drilling activity in the northeastern counties of Susquehanna,
Bradford, and Tioga with 282 wells drilled during 2009 from approximately 63 wells
drilled during 2008. As Figure 1 above suggests, most of the wells drilled in these three
northeastern counties were horizontal. Our estimate of 710 wells drilled in the
Pennsylvania during 2009 should be considered conservative because the PADEP reports
763 wells started during 2009. The PADEP estimate was not used for this study because
53 wells could not be matched with a permit.
Our survey was distributed to members of the Marcellus Shale Coalition in early
February 2010. Responses from twelve firms were completed during mid-April 2010.
Based upon the well inventory analysis discussed above, these 12 firms drilled 528
during 2009, or more than 74 percent of the total wells started during 2009. Hence, to
estimate the industry aggregates reported below, we multiplied all values from our survey
by the ratio of 710 to 528. Clearly, using the 763 estimate of well starts reported by
PADEP would lead to an over-estimate of the size of the Marcellus industry and the
associated economic impacts.
The analysis now turns to the results of the survey on spending, drilling, and
production. The estimated spending by Marcellus producers in Pennsylvania during 2008
and 2009 appears below in Table 1. Total spending increased from $3.2 billion during
2008 to more than $4.5 billion during 2009. Most of the increase came from higher
expenditures on exploration, drilling, and pipeline and processing plant investments (see
Table 1). Lease and bonus payments, which were the largest category at over $1.8 billion
during 2008, declined slightly to $1.7 billion during 2009. The next largest expenditure
category is upstream drilling and completion of wells, which amounted to over $857
million during 2008 and then over $1.7 billion during 2009. Mid-stream expenditures on
pipelines and natural gas processing plants are the next largest category with over $329
million of spending during 2008 and approaching $700 million during 2009. The planned
expenditures for the upstream and mid-stream segments of the industry discussed below
will double yet again in 2010 and increase roughly 50 percent in 2011. As previously
mentioned, this report does not include expenditures for any “downstream” activities
such as expansion of interstate natural gas transmission, natural gas distribution or new
businesses that may be created in Pennsylvania due to an abundant supply of reasonably
priced natural gas.
Table 1: Spending in thousands of nominal dollars, 2008-2009
Total Spending
Lease & Bonus
Upstream: Drilling & Completion
Midstream: Pipeline & Processing
Pennsylvania Marcellus – Page 6
Not all of this spending occurred within Pennsylvania given that some supplies
are imported from other regions and land income recipients may spend money outside the
state. Our expenditure analysis from last year, however, indicated that 95 percent of this
spending occurred within Pennsylvania during 2008. This indicates that a sizable well
support industry has developed in Pennsylvania, particularly as corporations from the
world oil and gas service business establish local headquarters in the Commonwealth.
Our survey asked producers for the number of rigs they were operating at the end
2008 and at the end of each quarter during 2009. The survey results appear below in
Figure 2. At the end of 2008, 30 rigs were drilling in the Pennsylvania Marcellus (see
Figure 2). By the end of the third quarter of 2009, the rig count more than doubled to 67
(see Figure 2). The leveling of the rig count during the fourth quarter of 2009 probably
reflects seasonal factors, since operating during winter weather is more difficult.
Figure 2: Marcellus Rigs operating in Pennsylvania by quarter, 2008-2009
This increase in rig capacity translated to more wells drilled. Charted below in
Figure 3, are wells drilled to total depth. During 2009, 682 wells were drilled to total
depth, which is consistent with our finding of 710 wells started. At the beginning of 2009,
54 percent of wells drilled to total depth were horizontal wells and by the end of the year
Economic Impacts – Page 7
that percentage increased to 84% (see Figure 3). On average 3.5 wells were drilled per
operating rig, which implies that each rig took 25.5 days to drill a well to total depth.
Figure 3: Marcellus Wells drilled to total depth during 2009
This drilling effort led to a steady increase in the number of operating wells.
Figure 4 plots the number of producing wells. At the end of 2008, our sample suggests
280 wells were in production. One year later, 625 wells were operating (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Marcellus wells producing in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Marcellus – Page 8
As these wells went into production, total natural gas production increased
steadily. Figure 5 below reports quarterly average production of dry natural gas and
natural gas liquids. During the last quarter of 2008, the Marcellus industry produced
roughly 29 million cubic feet (mmcf) of natural gas equivalents per day. As Figure 5
illustrates, total production accelerated sharply, exceeding 200 mmcf per day by July and
surpassing 550 mmcf per day by the end of the fourth quarter of 2009. Average annual
production during 2009 was 327.7 million cubic feet per day.
Figure 5: Quarterly production of natural gas equivalents
III. Economic Impacts
While the drilling rig may be the most widely associated symbol of natural gas
development, there are many activities before and after drilling that generate significant
economic impacts. Many people are required to identify lease properties, write leases,
and conduct related legal and regulatory work. Seismic surveys also require manpower,
local business services, and other provisions. Once a prospective site is identified, site
preparation and drilling begins and with it the need for services, labor, and other locally
supplied activities. If natural gas is found in commercial quantities, infrastructure, such as
well production equipment and pipelines are installed, which again stimulates local
business activity. Finally, as production flows from the well, royalties are paid to
landowners and taxes paid to local governments. These expenditures stimulate the local
economy and provide additional resources for community services, such as health care,
education, and charities.
Economic Impacts – Page 9
Expenditures at all stages of production generate indirect economic impacts as the
initial stimulus from expenditures on natural gas development is spent and re-spent in
other business sectors of the economy. For example, in developing mineral leases natural
gas drilling companies employ the services of land management companies that in turn
purchase goods and services from other businesses. These impacts are known as indirect
economic impacts. The wages earned by these employees increase household incomes,
which then stimulates spending on local goods and services. These impacts associated
with household spending are called induced impacts. The total economic impacts are the
sum of the direct, indirect, and induced spending, set off from the expenditures by
Marcellus producers. These economic impacts are estimated by comparing gross output,
value added, tax revenues, and employment in the local economy with and without
Marcellus development.
Regional economic impact analysis using input-output (IO) tables and related IO
models provide a means for measuring these economic impacts. Input-output analysis
provides a quantitative model of the inter-industry transactions between various sectors
of the economy and, in so doing, provides a means for estimating how spending in one
sector affects other sectors of the economy. IO tables are available from Minnesota
IMPLAN Group, Inc. based upon data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis in the US
Department of Commerce.2 This project uses these tables to estimate the economic
impacts from the Marcellus industry outlays for natural gas exploration, development,
and production. This study also identifies the specific economic sectors affected by the
stimulus generated from natural gas development.
The Pennsylvania Marcellus is less than five years old and, therefore, is not
included in the last update of the IO accounts for Pennsylvania. Accordingly, this study
uses a technique proposed by Miller and Blair (2009) for introducing new industries into
an input-output model of a regional economy. This approach requires estimating the input
requirements of the new industry, which in our case are the purchases made by Marcellus
gas producers from other sectors of the economy. Our previous report collected detailed
accounting data from Marcellus producers to determine these inter-industry transactions.
The location of firms supplying inputs to Marcellus producers and their respective
industrial sector codes were determined from business database directors.
Like our previous report, the economic impacts reported below uses the IMPLAN
system. This update, however, will not involve collecting detailed accounting
information. Nevertheless, the detailed information collected last year is utilized for this
update to link the data for spending categories above with the more disaggregated
spending streams in the state level input-output system. In other words, our original study
serves as a benchmark for our subsequent economic impact estimates. This benchmark
approach is widely used by U.S. government agencies when they estimate economic
The first set of estimated economic impacts reported in Table 2 involves gross
output, which is equivalent to gross sales. The Marcellus gas industry provides a direct
Pennsylvania Marcellus – Page 10
economic stimulus of $3.77 billion dollars to the local economy. This spending then leads
to subsequent rounds of spending and re-spending by other firms on goods and services,
which adds another $1.56 billion to total state gross output. These direct and indirect
business activities generate additional income in the region, which then induces
households to purchase $1.84 billion in additional goods and services. The sum of these
direct, indirect, and induced impacts is more than $7.17 billion in 2009.
Table 2: Impacts on Gross Output by Sector during 2009 in millions of 2010 dollars
Ag, Forestry, Fish & Hunting
Wholesale Trade
Retail trade
Transportation & Warehousing
Finance & Insurance
Real estate & rental
Professional- scientific & tech services
Management of companies
Administrative & waste services
Educational services
Health & social services
Arts- entertainment & recreation
Hotel & food services
Other services
Government & Misc.
So for every $1 that the Marcellus industry spends in the state, $1.90 of total
economic output is generated. This estimate is considerably above the 1.34 multiplier
found by Baumann et. al (2002) in their study of the impacts of oil and gas activities on
the Louisiana economy. In a study of the economic impacts of the natural gas industry in
New Mexico, Walker and Sonora (2005) assume an output multiplier of 1.43. The study
by Snead (2002) finds an output multiplier of 1.55 for Oklahoma. This study’s higher
multiplier probably reflects our detailed expenditure analysis in our benchmark year 2008
based upon company accounting data, which provide a more accurate measurement of
inter-industry purchases.
A more meaningful estimate of economic impacts is value added, which subtracts
inter-industry purchases from gross output and measures the returns to labor and capital
(see Table 3). Using this measure, the Marcellus gas industry in Pennsylvania directly
added over $1.98 billion to the economy of Pennsylvania, which then generated indirect
and induced impacts that increased the total value added generated in the Commonwealth
by $3.87 billion. In other words, the total economic impact of the Marcellus industry
measured by valued added was $3.87 billion during calendar year 2009.
Economic Impacts – Page 11
Table 3: Impacts on Value Added by Sector during 2009 in millions of 2010 dollars
Ag, Forestry, Fish & Hunting
Wholesale Trade
Retail trade
Transportation & Warehousing
Finance & Insurance
Real estate & rental
Professional- scientific & tech services
Management of companies
Administrative & waste services
Educational services
Health & social services
Arts- entertainment & recreation
Hotel & food services
Other services
Government & Misc.
Like the impacts on gross output by sector, the increases in value added by sector
generated by the Marcellus industry are broad based. Value added generated in the
mining, real estate and rentals, and wholesale trade sectors are $514, $493, and $431
million dollars respectively (see Table 3). Marcellus development generates value added
in excess of $300 million in the construction, scientific and technical services, health and
social services. The retail trade and finance and insurance sectors are also stimulated
more than $200 million dollars of value added (see Table 3). Overall, the Marcellus gas
industry generates a rather widespread increase in value added across many sectors of the
Pennsylvania economy.
This broad based increase in value added stimulates employment in the region.
The Marcellus industry purchases of goods and services, their royalties to landowners,
and tax payments directly create more than 21,000 jobs in Pennsylvania. Indirect and
induced impacts create even more jobs so that total jobs created by the Marcellus industry
is estimated at 44,098 (see Table 4). An estimated 5,934 jobs are created in retail trade,
5,272 in construction, 4,943 in health and social services, 3,219 in professional services,
3,195 in wholesale trade, and 2,937 in mining. Like our estimated impacts on gross
output and value added, these diverse job gains reflect the widespread stimulus to the
Pennsylvania economy from the supply chain required to develop Marcellus Shale gas.
Pennsylvania Marcellus – Page 12
Table 4: Employment Impacts during 2009 in number of Jobs
Ag, Forestry, Fish & Hunting
Wholesale Trade
Retail trade
Transportation & Warehousing
Finance & Insurance
Real estate & rental
Professional- scientific & tech services
Management of companies
Administrative & waste services
Educational services
Health & social services
Arts- entertainment & recreation
Hotel & food services
Other services
Government & Misc.
These employment impacts are within the range reported in the literature. The
results of this study indicate that for every $1 million of output created by natural gas
production in the Pennsylvania Marcellus, 6.9 jobs are created. This metric is within the
range of employment multipliers of 3.0, 6.7, and 7.7 found by Walker and Sonora,
Baumann et. al, and Snead et. al. respectively but more than the estimates reported by
Perryman (2009).
The higher economic output and greater employment by the Marcellus gas
industry generate additional tax revenues for federal, state and local governments. These
impacts are reported below in Table 5. State and local tax revenues for Pennsylvania
increase slightly over $389 million with the bulk of that coming from indirect business
taxes of $289 million. Federal taxes paid by Pennsylvania increase by $1.05 billion from
Marcellus development with most of the increase coming from higher social security
taxes and personal income taxes paid as more people are working and receiving income.
The Allegheny Conference (2009) recently found that Pennsylvania’s preMarcellus oil and gas industry in total generated $7.1 billion in economic impacts. Oil
and gas producers drilled a total of 4,189 wells in Pennsylvania during 2007. Hence,
according to their estimates every well drilled generates $1.7 million in economic
impacts. In contrast, our study finds that each Marcellus well generates $6.2 million in
economic impacts. This difference reflects the higher cost of Marcellus wells and the
greater resource requirements for the supply chain.
Economic Impacts – Page 13
Table 5: Tax Impacts during 2009 in millions of 2010 dollars
Social Insurance
Employee Contr.
Employer Contr.
Indirect Business
Motor Vehicle Lic.
S/L Fees
Corporate Profits
Personal Income
Fines & Fees
Motor Vehicle Lic.
Other (Fish/Hunt)
Total State & Local
Social Insurance
Employee Contr.
Employer Contr.
Indirect Business
Custom Duty
Fed Fees
Corporate Profits
Personal Income
Total Federal
State and Local Taxes
Business Households
Federal Taxes
IV. Planned Industry Spending and Economic Impacts for 2010 and 2011
Our survey of Marcellus natural gas producers operating in Pennsylvania also
asked for estimates of planned industry spending for 2010 and 2011, which are reported
below in Table 6. Producers plan to spend more than $8.7 billion during 2010. While
lease and bonus payments decline slightly from 2009 levels, producers expect that they
will remain more than $1.5 billion for the next two years. The big increase over this year
and next are for the upstream and mid-stream segments of the industry, with spending
increasing from $2.4 billion during 2009 to $6.3 and $8.1 billion for 2010 and 2011
The economic impacts from this planned spending are likely to be significant. To
estimate these possible impacts, this study ran the IMPLAN model for Pennsylvania for
these two years, adjusting for the effects of inflation on real value added. Below is a
summary of the total economic impacts on value added and employment by sector. The
economic contribution of the Marcellus gas industry as measured by value added rises to
Pennsylvania Marcellus – Page 14
$8 billion in 2010 and to over $10 billion in 2011. In other words, the Marcellus industry
increases the gross state product of Pennsylvania.
Table 6: Planned Marcellus Spending in thousands of nominal dollars, 2010-2010
Total Spending
Lease & Bonus
Upstream: Drilling & Completion
Midstream: Pipeline & Processing
Higher gross state product implies greater employment. For example, our
estimates suggest that the level of employment in the state could increase over 88,000
due to Marcellus industry activity during 2010 and well over 100,000 during 2011. As a
result of higher real output and employment, state and local tax revenues could be $785
and $987 million higher during 2010 and 2011 respectively. In short, the Marcellus shale
gas industry adds true, real value to the economy and in the process creates jobs and
improves the fiscal health of the Commonwealth.
Table 7: Value Added and Employment Total Impacts from Planned Spending
Ag, Forestry, Fish & Hunting
Wholesale Trade
Retail trade
Transportation & Warehousing
Finance & Insurance
Real estate & rental
Professional- scientific & tech services
Management of companies
Administrative & waste services
Educational services
Health & social services
Arts- entertainment & recreation
Hotel & food services
Other services
Government & Misc.
Value Added in
Millions of 2010 Dollars
Employment Gains in
Number of Jobs
Economic Impacts – Page 15
V. Forecasts of Marcellus Industry Activity and Economic Impacts out to 2020
As the above analysis demonstrates, the economic impacts of the Marcellus gas
industry are driven by inter-industry spending to support drilling activity and payments to
land owners. As the Marcellus is developed, royalties will dominate payments to land
owners, eventually exceeding lease and bonus payments. Therefore, to project future
royalties a forecast of natural gas production is required.
Natural gas production in any period is the sum of production from current and all
previous vintages of producing wells. The production profile of typical shale wells entails
a rather sharp initial decline in the production rate and after a few years a much slower
rate of decline. Several Marcellus Shale operators have published typical decline curves
for horizontal wells based on their early drilling experience in Pennsylvania. Since the
play is so new, with very few wells having more than even a one year producing history,
companies estimate reserves on the basis of early life production results, reservoir
models, and comparisons with longer term well performance in more mature shale plays.
The production decline curve used in this study is displayed below in Figure 6,
which is the basis for the production forecast below. This curve is on the low end of
publicly released decline curve information released by five major Marcellus Shale
operators during the second half of 2009. The estimated production over the first 30 years
is 2.8 billion cubic feet, after 50 years the yields is 3.5 bcf. Given this decline curve,
average annual production from a Pennsylvania Marcellus horizontal well is over 500
mmcf during the first year, about 250 mmcf during the second, after 8 years about 100
mmcf, and roughly 30 mmcf per year after 30 years of production.
Figure 6: Marcellus Production Decline Curve
Pennsylvania Marcellus – Page 16
As the discussion above demonstrates, not all wells drilled in the Marcellus are
horizontal. Vertical wells have a similar decline curve but substantially lower output.
Accordingly, this study assumes that annual production from a vertical Marcellus well is
slightly less than 30 percent of the output from a horizontal well.
Bottlenecks in infrastructure development are another feature of the industry that
must be considered in projecting future production. There are widespread reports of
producers drilling wells to secure leases and then capping them until pipeline
infrastructure can be built to carry the gas to market. Given time lags in constructing
pipeline gathering systems and connections to major interstate pipeline networks, this
study assumes a one-year lag between the time a well is drilled and when it is producing
marketable gas.
The planned level of spending by Marcellus producers, suggests that over 1,700
wells could be drilled during 2010. This estimate is based upon an average expenditure
for exploration, upstream, and downstream production of over $3.8 million for wells
drilled to total depth observed during 2009. Similarly, spending plans suggest over 2,200
wells could be drilled during 2011. Between 2012 and 2020, this study uses the drilling
forecast equation developed by Considine, et. al. (2009) that predicts drilling activity
based upon natural gas prices. The prices used in this study are futures prices for natural
gas from the New York Mercantile Exchange reported on April 15, 2010 adjusted for
inflation. These real, inflation adjusted prices in 2010 dollars are $5.42 per thousand
cubic feet (mcf) in 2010 and gradually increase to over $6 per mcf by 2020 for an
average annual real rate of increase of two percent. Given these assumptions, our
projection of future Marcellus gas drilling is displayed below in Figure 7. Drilling
activity increases from 2,500 wells drilled during 2012 to over 3,500 wells drilled during
Figure 7: Forecast for Marcellus Natural Gas Drilling, 2009-2020
Economic Impacts – Page 17
Following recent trends, this study assumes that the share of vertical wells in total
well drilled will decline to 10 percent by 2020. Given this and previous assumptions, this
study projects a trajectory of natural gas production for the Pennsylvania Marcellus that
is displayed below in Figure 8. During 2010, average annual production could approach
one billion cubic feet per day. Given planned drilling during 2010, production could
exceed 2.5 bcf per day by 2011, exceeding Pennsylvania’s natural gas consumption and
making the Commonwealth a natural gas exporter. Pennsylvania could be producing over
7 billion cubic feet of gas per day by 2015, which is more than Wyoming’s production
during 2008. Production could reach 13 bcf per day by 2020, which would make
Pennsylvania the second largest producer of natural gas behind Texas.
Figure 8: Forecast for Marcellus Natural Gas Production, 2010-2020
Change in Pennsylvania’s regulatory and tax policies that would raise the relative
cost of Marcellus development could reduce the pace of drilling and, hence, future
natural gas production and other economic impacts discussed in this report. If the current
tax and regulatory policies remain in place, there are several reasons why the above
forecast could be conservative. First, the productive capacity for a typical Marcellus well
could be greater than indicated by the type curve used in these projections. Second, the
level of drilling could be substantially higher than the levels projected here. At 3,500
wells by 2020, drilling density would remain quite low compared to other shale gas plays.
If these projections are borne out, the Pennsylvania Marcellus could have a profound
effect on the U.S. natural gas market.
Pennsylvania Marcellus – Page 18
This level of future drilling and development activity will significantly stimulate
the Pennsylvania economy. Estimates of these future economic impacts are summarized
in Table 8. During 2015, the Marcellus gas industry could be generating more than $14
billion in value added, $1.4 billion in state and local tax revenues, and increasing state
employment by 160,000. In 2020, the impacts grow even larger with over $18 billion in
value added, over $1.8 billion in state and local tax revenue, and a workforce 200,000
Table 8: Forecast Economic Impacts
Millions of 2010 dollars
Value Added
State & Local Taxes
VI. Summary and Conclusions
This study provides an update of the impacts of the Marcellus gas industry on the
economy of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This update was accomplished by
conducting a survey of natural gas producing companies drilling the Marcellus play in
Pennsylvania. The companies responding to our survey accounted for more than 74
percent of the Marcellus wells drilled during 2009. Our survey results reveal that the
industry spent over $4.5 billion on Marcellus development during 2009. By the end of
2009, our estimates suggest that there were over 625 producing Marcellus wells in
Pennsylvania producing over 500 million cubic feet of natural gas equivalents per day.
Our estimated economic impacts for 2008 and 2009 are quite close to our
estimates from last year. The estimates for 2008 changed slightly since this update uses
revised and updated economic data for 2008. The estimated impacts for 2009 are also
very similar to the projections from last year’s report. During 2009, the Marcellus gas
industry increased Pennsylvania’s value added by $3.8 billion, generated $389 million in
state and local taxes, and created more than 44,000 jobs.
Our survey also asked Marcellus natural gas producers how much they planned to
spend for 2010 and 2011. Based upon the results from this survey, the near term outlook
for the Marcellus gas industry in Pennsylvania is even more robust than we anticipated
last year. Based on these spending plans, the Marcellus industry in Pennsylvania could
generate more than $8 billion in value added during 2010. This economic activity would
generate more than $785 million in state and local taxes and would cause job gains to
double yet again to over 88,000 (see Table 9). The rate of growth tapers somewhat in
2011. Nonetheless, the economic impacts are impressive with nearly $1 billion in
additional tax revenues for the state and 100,000 plus jobs.
Looking beyond the planning horizon and employing some conservative
assumptions about drilling and production profiles, the outlook for Marcellus production
is remarkable. By 2015, the Pennsylvania Marcellus could be producing over 7 billion
cubic feet per day, substantially exceeding all gas output from offshore federal waters.
Economic Impacts – Page 19
Marcellus natural gas production could nearly double again by 2020, with more than 13.5
billion cubic feet per day, which would make Pennsylvania second only to Texas in
natural gas production. The economic impacts of this level of production are very
significant, dramatically improving the fiscal position and job market in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Table 9: Summary of Estimated, Planned, and Forecast Economic Impacts
Millions of 2010 dollars
State &
Value Added
Large-scale development of the Marcellus is reshaping the economic landscape of
Pennsylvania. Strategies and policies that encourage growth of the Marcellus gas industry
will generate significant economic and environmental benefits for the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, transforming the Pennsylvania to a net natural gas exporter while creating
hundreds of thousands of jobs and generating billions of dollars in additional output,
income, and tax revenues.
There are additional economic impacts not estimated in this report. The
availability of low cost natural gas supplies could stimulate the expansion of
manufacturing capacity in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, such as steel, glass,
foundries, chemicals, fertilizers, and other natural gas intensive industries. Such an
expansion would further stimulate the supply chain and generate additional job and tax
revenues gains. Abundant gas supplies also could reduce the cost of achieving reductions
in greenhouse gas emissions as well as emissions of NOx, SO2, and other pollutants.
Thus, the additional natural gas produced from the Marcellus would propel
Pennsylvania’s economy forward while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Despite the enormous potential of the Marcellus, Pennsylvania policy makers
need to understand that the Marcellus competes for scarce investment capital with other
shale plays around North America. Policies that raise the costs of developing the
Marcellus relative to these other shale plays could reduce Marcellus production, job
creation, and tax revenue growth.
Many people believe clean, domestic energy production need not impinge upon
economic growth. Marcellus shale gas producers are transforming this belief into a new
Pennsylvania Marcellus – Page 20
Allegheny Conference (2009) “The Economic Impact of the Oil and Gas Industry in
Pennsylvania,” Allegheny Conference on Community Development, June.
Baumann, Robert H., D.E. Dismukes, D.V. Mesyanzhinov, and A.G. Pulsipher (2002)
“Analysis of the Economic Impact Associated with Oil and Gas Activities on
State Leases,” Louisiana State University Center for Energy Studies, Baton
Rouge, La. 11 pgs.
Considine, T.J., R. Watson, R. Entler, J. Sparks (2009) “An Emerging Giant: Prospects
and Economic Impacts of Developing the Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Play,” The
Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Energy and Mineral Engineering, August
5, 39 pages.
Deacon, R.E., H.E. Frech, and M.B. Johnson (1990) Taxing Energy: Oil Severance
Taxation and the Economy, The Independent Institute, 176 pages.
Engelder, T. (2009) “Marcellus 2008: Report card on the breakout year for gas
production in the Appalachian Basin,” Fort Worth Basin Oil and Gas Magazine
HIS Global Insight, (2009) “Measuring the Economic and Energy Impacts of Proposals
to Regulate Hydraulic Fracturing,” 17 pages.
Marcellus Shale Committee, (2009) “MSC Industry Progress Report Survey Results,”
May 18.
Miller, R.E. and P.D. Blair (1985) Input-output Analysis Foundations and Extensions,
Cambridge University Press, 464 pages.
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry (2010) “The Pennsylvania Green Jobs
Report: Part I,” January, 40 pages.
Snead, Mark C. (2002) “The Economic Impact of Oil and Gas production and Drilling on
the Oklahoma Economy.” Office of Business and Economic Research, College of
Business Administration, Oklahoma State University, 22 pgs.
United States Geological Survey (2002) “Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas
Resources of the Appalachian Province,” U.S. Department of Interior, Open-File
Report 2008–1287.
Walker, D. and N. Sonora (2005) “The Economic Impacts of the Natural Gas Industry in
La Plata County, 2003-2004.” School of Business Administration, Fort Lewis
College, Durango, CO. 18 pgs.
Economic Impacts – Page 21
Appendix A: Survey Form
Table A1: Survey Form for Measuring Marcellus Shale Activity
Confidential Survey: Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Gas Activity
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Note: All values should be for the Pennsylvania Marcellus on a calendar year basis
Data should pertain to wells operated by the company (Gross Operated Basis)
Cumulative as of year end 2009 (inception to date)
Total Spending 1,000$
Wells drilled to total depth, #
Total Spending
1,000 $
Lease & Bonus
1,000 $
1,000 $
Upstream: Drilling & Completion*
1,000 $
Midstream: Pipeline & Processing*
1,000 $
1,000 $
1,000 $
Rigs Operating
Wells producing
2009 end of quarter
Year End
Rig & Well Count
Drilling & Production
Wells Drilled to total Depth
Production that you operate
Gross Dry Natural Gas
Petroleum Liquids
An Emerging Giant: Prospects and
Economic Impacts of Developing
the Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Play
Timothy Considine, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Robert Watson, Ph.D., P.E.
Rebecca Entler
Jeffrey Sparks
The Pennsylvania State University
College of Earth & Mineral Sciences
Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering
July 24, 2009
Timothy Considine, Ph.D., M.B.A.
Phone (307) 760-8400, Email:
The authors are in order School of Energy Resources Professor of Energy Economics with the Department
of Economics and Finance at the University of Wyoming, Professor Emeritus of Petroleum and Natural
Gas Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University, Management Trainee at General Electric, Inc., and
graduate student at The Pennsylvania State University.
Executive Summary
Many Pennsylvanians are aware of the recent surge in natural gas leasing activity.
The vast majority of citizens, however, do not fully appreciate the scale of change such
development will unleash. This report educates the public on the current size, economic
impacts, and future prospects of the Marcellus shale gas industry in Pennsylvania.
The Marcellus shale is the largest unconventional natural gas reserve in the world.
While reserve estimates should be considered somewhat uncertain at this early stage, as
each new Marcellus well is completed, estimates of recoverable reserves of at least 489
trillion cubic feet seem increasingly reasonable. The market and strategic value of the
Marcellus Shale will no doubt grow as conventional natural gas reserves are depleted and
our economy adjusts to a path with lower greenhouse gas emissions. Natural gas has
considerably lower carbon content than petroleum and coal. The market share of natural
gas in electric power generation continues to expand and opportunities for switching from
petroleum to natural gas beckon in the transportation sector.
This study finds that the Marcellus gas industry in Pennsylvania generated $2.3
billion in total value added, more than 29,000 jobs, and $240 million in state and local
taxes during 2008. With a substantially higher pace of development during 2009,
economic output will top $3.8 billion, state and local tax revenues will be more than $400
million, and total job creation will exceed 48,000.
Advances in drilling technology and highly productive wells make the Marcellus
play very attractive. This study finds that activity in the Marcellus will continue to
expand. Natural gas production from the Pennsylvania Marcellus could rise to almost 4
billion cubic feet BCF per day by 2020. The direct spending by Marcellus producers to
support drilling operations and the royalty and other payments to land owners will
stimulate business activity throughout the economy and induce households and
businesses to spend earnings on additional goods and services. This study finds that the
Marcellus industry could be generating $13.5 billion in value added and almost 175,000
jobs in 2020. The present value of additional state and local taxes earned from Marcellus
development between now and 2020 is almost $12 billion.
Governor Rendell recently proposed a severance tax on natural gas production.
This study finds that this tax cannot be passed on to consumers and, therefore, drilling
activity would decline by more than 30 percent and result in an estimated $880 million
net loss in the present value of tax revenue between now and 2020. Severance tax
revenue gains are more than offset by declining state and local income taxes resulting
from lower drilling activity under the severance tax. The high level of drilling activity in
Pennsylvania is a function of relatively lower taxes. This competitive advantage should
be maintained as the Marcellus competes for capital and labor with other shale plays
around the nation. Imposing a severance tax at this early stage of development could
significantly inhibit the growth of the Marcellus gas industry in Pennsylvania. Proposals
to regulate hydraulic fracturing under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act pose yet
another serious threat to the development of the Marcellus Shale and other
unconventional gas sources.
Table of Contents
List of Tables .........................................................................................................................................................iv
List of Figures........................................................................................................................................................iv
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................1
The Marcellus Shale Play .......................................................................................................................4
Strategic Significance .............................................................................................................................7
Marcellus Shale Development..............................................................................................................12
Leasing .............................................................................................................................................................12
Exploration ......................................................................................................................................................12
Drilling and Well Completion ........................................................................................................................13
Transporting, Processing and Sales ..............................................................................................................16
Impacts on Local Economies................................................................................................................17
Emergence of the Pennsylvania Marcellus Gas Industry ...................................................................19
Economic Impacts .................................................................................................................................21
Future Development Prospects.............................................................................................................28
Conclusions and Policy Implications...................................................................................................32
List of Tables
Table 1:
Table 2:
Table 3:
Table 4:
Table 5:
Table 6:
Table 7:
Total Spending in millions of dollars ...........................................................................................22
Spending by Sector in Pennsylvania in millions of dollars.........................................................23
Impacts on Gross Output by Sector in millions of 2008 dollars.................................................24
Impacts on Value Added by Sector in millions of 2008 dollars.................................................25
Employment Impacts in number of Jobs......................................................................................26
Tax Impacts in millions of 2008 dollars.......................................................................................27
Current and Future Economic Impacts.........................................................................................30
List of Figures
Figure 1:
Figure 2:
Figure 3:
Figure 4:
Figure 5:
Figure 6:
Figure 7:
Figure 8:
Figure 9:
Figure 10:
Figure 11:
Figure 12:
Figure 13:
Figure 14:
Figure 15:
Figure 16:
Figure 17:
Figure 18:
Figure 19:
Extent of Marcellus Compared with Barnett Shale Formation.....................................................5
Natural Gas and Oil Prices in million BTUs, 1994-2009 .............................................................7
Composition of U.S. Natural Gas Consumption, 2001-2008 .......................................................8
Regional U.S. Natural Gas Production, 2001-2008.......................................................................9
Domestic Competition with the Marcellus ..................................................................................10
Current and Potential Markets for Marcellus Gas .......................................................................11
Comparison of City Gate Gas Prices, U.S. versus Pennsylvania ...............................................11
Seismic Vibrator Truck .................................................................................................................13
Well Site during Drilling...............................................................................................................13
Drilling Rig ....................................................................................................................................14
Completed Wellhead Site..............................................................................................................15
Well Site during Hydrofracturing .................................................................................................16
Completed Wellsite .......................................................................................................................16
Natural Gas Processing Facility....................................................................................................17
Natural Gas Development Activities and Local Beneficiaries ...................................................18
Marcellus Wells Drilled by Quarter, 2006-2009 .........................................................................19
Marcellus Wells by County in Pennsylvania as of March 2009.................................................20
Forecast for Marcellus Natural Gas Production, 2009-2020 ......................................................29
Comparison of Drilling Activity...................................................................................................31
Before modern science, natural gas posed somewhat of a mystery to man.
Lightning strikes would occasionally ignite natural gas seeping from the earth, creating
flames, which fostered superstition. On Mount Parnassus around 1000-BC such a flame
inspired the Greeks to build a temple that became home to a priestess known as the
Oracle of Delphi who believed her prophesies were inspired by the flame. Around the
same time, the Chinese devised a more practical application, moving natural gas in
bamboo pipelines and burning it as a fuel. Ironically, China is the world’s largest coal
user today in part because of its limited supplies of natural gas.
In 1821, William A. Hart drilled a 27-foot deep well in Fredonia, New York,
which is the first recorded instance of a well intentionally drilled to obtain natural gas.
The resulting limited supplies of natural gas were used primarily for street lighting. In
1885, Robert Bunsen invented a burner that mixed air with natural gas. This “Bunsen
Burner” demonstrated that natural gas could provide heat for cooking food and heating
buildings. By the 1890’s, cities began converting street lamps to electricity, which
induced natural gas producers to develop these new markets.
After the discovery of oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania in 1859, large quantities of
natural gas were produced in association with oil production. The iron and steel mills in
Pittsburgh mixed this natural gas with gas produced from their coke-ovens. Other
businesses and households also began to use this so-called “town” gas. The discovery of
massive natural gas fields in the southwestern United States compelled entrepreneurs to
develop pipeline technology to transport this gas to the large population and industrial
centers in the Mid-West and Northeast.
Advances in oxy-acetylene and later electric arc welding technology allowed the
joining of thin-walled, high strength, and large diameter steel pipe for long-distance gas
transmission. With advances in ditching technology and gas compressors, the long
distance gas transmission industry was born during the 1920s. Further technological
improvements spurred the growth of this industry during the 1950s and 1960s. Today, the
U.S. pipeline network, laid end-to-end, would stretch to the moon and back twice. This
extensive network and “smoke-control-ordinances,” such as those in Pittsburgh during
the 1940s, enabled natural gas to displace coal once used in thousands of household,
commercial, and industrial applications.
There was, however, recognition that optimization of pipeline operations would
require gas storage so that pipelines could be operated under the same-conditions year
round. Natural gas not consumed during the summer-season could be stored in
underground reservoirs and withdrawn during the winter to meet cold weather demand.
The United Natural Gas Company (National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation) developed the
first natural gas storage facility near Warren, Pennsylvania using a depleted natural gas
reservoir. As markets grew so did the demand for storage. Pennsylvania became a key
Marcellus Prospects – Page 2
provider of these storage services given its many reservoirs and its close proximity to
major consuming areas.
During the 1970s the demand for natural gas collapsed with the closure of many
integrated steel mills. Eventually, with society’s growing demands for cleaner air and
electricity, these lost markets were replaced with a growing use of natural gas in electric
power generation. As these demands grew, the price of gas began to rise and gas
producers began looking at new or unconventional supply sources. These unconventional
supplies include methane from coal beds, tight-gas reservoirs, reservoirs under deepwater in the Gulf of Mexico, and more recently organic shale formations.
Deep beneath the rolling hills and mountains of Pennsylvania lies a layer of shale
rock known as the Marcellus Shale. This geological formation was known for decades to
contain significant amounts of natural gas but was never considered worthwhile to
produce. Uneconomic resources, however, are often transformed into marketable assets
by technological progress. This time-honored principle is once again at work as
innovations in natural gas drilling have greatly enhanced the productivity and
profitability of producing natural gas from shale deposits.
Many Pennsylvanians, especially those in the rural western and northern counties
of the Commonwealth, are aware of the recent surge in leasing activity. The vast
majority of citizens and even those directly affected by gas leasing and production do not
fully appreciate the scale of change such development could unleash. The objective of
this report is to educate the public on the current size, economic impacts, and future
prospects of the Marcellus shale gas industry in Pennsylvania. The over-arching
conclusion of this study is that developing the Marcellus to its full potential could
significantly transform the Pennsylvania economy.
The Marcellus shale is the largest known shale deposit in the world and lies under
much of the Appalachian basin from upstate New York, as far south as Virginia, and as
far west as Ohio. While estimates of natural gas reserves should be considered imprecise
at this early stage, Engelder (2009) finds that recent production data suggest recoverable
reserves could be as large as 489 trillion cubic feet.
The discovery of the Marcellus Shale comes at a critical juncture for the
economic and strategic position of the United States. Natural gas is widely viewed as a
bridge between the age of oil and the next energy paradigm, perhaps based upon some
combination of nuclear, solar, wind, and biomass resources. Just 10 years ago, many
believed that imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) would be a pillar in this bridge. By
developing domestic natural gas resources here in the United States, greater energy
import dependency and higher trade deficits could be avoided. Liquid fuel imports also
could be displaced if these new natural gas resources could be utilized in transportation.
Natural gas also will play a pivotal role in the transformation of our economy to
achieve lower levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Compared with coal and oil,
Economic Impacts – Page 3
natural gas has roughly 60 and 30 percent lower carbon emissions respectively. While a
federal system for pricing GHG emissions does not yet exist, many states have enacted
carbon permit trading and renewable energy portfolio standards. Given the intermittent
nature of wind and solar energy electricity generation, spinning reserves would be
required to balance system load and natural gas is often viewed as the most likely fuel to
service these requirements. Moreover, natural gas could be co-fired in coal-fired power
plants to reduce carbon dioxide emissions thereby enabling the continued use of coal for
electricity generation.
The development of the Marcellus Shale will have significant economic impacts
for the economy of Pennsylvania. Leasing, exploring, drilling, and developing these
natural gas reserves will directly generate thousands of high-paying jobs and indirectly
create many others as employment is stimulated in support industries and as workers
spend these wages and households spend royalty income. The economic stimulus from
natural gas development and production will increase gross state product, income, and tax
receipts. Longer term, the analysis below suggests that the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania could become a significant net exporter of natural gas, which would
provide additional economic stimulus by keeping money once spent on imported fuels
within the state.
Natural gas development, however, is a very competitive business prone to sharp
contractions in drilling activity from adverse swings in costs, prices and taxes. As a
result, many states have adopted policies that promote development. As the Pennsylvania
Marcellus shale industry develops, policy makers should keep in mind the trade-offs
between any short-term gains from taxation or regulation with the long-term effects on
industry development. A larger industry in the long run will be a far greater generator of
government tax revenues than an industry stunted by high taxes or costly regulations.
The next section of this report provides a brief introduction to the Marcellus
natural gas play, discussing the history of the play, experience from other shale gas plays,
and a geographical overview of the extent of the formation. Section three of the report
discusses the strategic significance of the Marcellus shale play, its potential contribution
to east coast energy markets, and the potential market for Marcellus gas. The fourth
section of this report then provides a primer on the natural gas development process,
hopefully dispelling some of the myths and misconceptions of the environmental impacts
of natural gas development. How gas development affects local economies is the focus of
section five with an overview of the supply chain for natural gas development and how
the functioning of these industries affects local economies.
The following sections estimate the economic impacts of the industry during 2008
and for the next decade. The emergence of the Marcellus gas industry in Pennsylvania is
discussed in section six along with summary statistics on leasing, drilling, and
development activity. The estimated economic impacts of the current Marcellus industry
are presented in section seven. Based upon this assessment, projections of the future level
of development and related economic impacts are presented in section eight. Possible
Marcellus Prospects – Page 4
impacts of taxation and regulatory policies are also evaluated. The report concludes with
a summary of our major findings, an analysis of the net revenue impacts of a proposed
severance tax, and a discussion of policies that affect the long-term health and vitality of
the industry.
The Marcellus Shale Play
The Marcellus Shale is the source rock for much of the natural gas and oil
produced throughout the region. In many instances, puffs of natural gas emanating from
the Marcellus were observed during the drilling of the wells into the deeper Oriskany
sandstones. While small-scale production of gas from shale in Pennsylvania is not new
production from shale at levels that rival production from conventional sources is a recent
As recently as 2002 the United States Geological Survey in its “Assessment of
Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Appalachian Basin Province,” calculated
that the Marcellus Shale contained an estimated undiscovered resource of about 1.9
trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas. Just five years later, Engelder (2009) estimates 2,445
trillion cubic feet of reserves in place with recoverable reserves amounting to 489 trillion
cubic feet. This remarkable, almost unbelievable, increase in estimated reserves is due to
technological advancements in horizontal drilling technology and techniques, multidimensional seismology, and the implementation of hydrofracturing.
Horizontal and deviated wellbore drilling, originally developed for offshore
locations, allow the development of multiple wells from a single platform. These
extended-reach wells, commonly referred to as horizontal wells, allow access to hundreds
of feet of shale from a common wellbore.
Modern seismology also known as “reflective seismology” sends sound energy
waves into the Earth, where the different layers within the Earth's crust reflect back this
energy, which are then recorded over a predetermined time period (called the record
length). The reflected signals are stored on magnetic tape, analogous to recording voice
data using a microphone onto a tape recorder for a set period of time. Once the data are
recorded onto tape, it then can be processed using specialized software from which
seismic profiles can be produced. These profiles or data sets then can be interpreted for
possible hydrocarbon reserves. Contemporary seismology uses the computational power
of the modern computers to construct 3-dimensional images of subsurface structures.
This technology was first applied to field development in the Gulf of Mexico and
subsequently was used in New York for the development of gas from the Trenton-Black
River Formation. Natural gas producers use this technology throughout the Appalachian
basin to delineate the Marcellus shale formation.
Hydraulic fracturing developed in the 1940s is another key technology and has
been used in thousands of oil and gas wells worldwide. The objective of hydraulic
fracturing is to increase the exposure a well-bore has to the surrounding formation and to
provide a conductive/highly permeable channel through which fluid and gas can flow
Economic Impacts – Page 5
easily to the well. After drilling and casing the well, the casing is perforated and a
mixture of fluids is pumped down the well under high pressure. The pressure then causes
the formation to crack, which allows the fluid to enter and extend the fracture. To keep
these fractures open, a solid proppant is added to the fracture fluid. The proppant, which
is typically silica sand, is transported into the fracture. The hydraulic fracture then
becomes a high permeability conduit through which the gas that was locked in place in
the reservoir is now able to flow into the well and to the surface. The use of these
technologies is key in the development of the Marcellus gas shale play.
Natural gas production from shale deposits began during the 1980s with the
development of the Barnett Shale play in the Fort Worth, Texas region. During 2008 this
field alone produced 3.8 BCF per day. Just five years prior in 2003, it produced 0.8 BCF
per day. This success sparked the development of several other shale plays, including
Antrim in Michigan, Fayetteville in Arkansas, Haynesville in Louisiana, New Albany in
Indiana, and the Woodford in Oklahoma among others. There are also significant shale
deposits in British Columbia.
The Marcellus in the Appalachian region, however, is by far and away the largest
and potentially the biggest prize. Even though the shale deposit in the Marcellus
formation is about half as thick as the Barnett, the areal extent of the Marcellus is
significantly larger (see Figure 1). The isobars in the following diagram indicate the
thickest gas bearing layers within the shale.
Figure 1: Extent of Marcellus Compared with Barnett Shale Formation
Based upon the extensive spending on lease and bonus payments since 2005,
there is demonstrated commercial interest in the Marcellus Shale. The first Marcellus
well went into production in 2005. Currently, the Marcellus industry appears to be in the
transition from testing and evaluation to ramping up to large-scale commercial
Marcellus Prospects – Page 6
The Marcellus Shale is a Middle Devonian-age black, low density, organically
rich shale. Within Pennsylvania the average depth is about a mile with the southwestern
and northeastern areas closer to the surface. Given these depths drilling costs are
relatively high, so significant amounts of gas are required to financially break-even.
Horizontal wells with hydraulic fracturing produce more gas than traditional vertical
wells. Some horizontal wells employing “frac-jobs” have produced over 8 million cubic
feet per day during early production.
After a few months to a year, production is considerably lower but can extend
several decades. Producers drilled shallow shale-gas wells in upstate New York back in
the 1920s that are still producing. Currently there is a mix of vertical and horizontal wells
drilled in the Marcellus. There appears to be a growing consensus that the share of
horizontal wells with frac-jobs will increase in the years ahead. If this does occur, water
availability for fracing and most importantly disposal of the used water could be
important factors affecting the growth of the Marcellus industry.
Another key factor affecting development is infrastructure. While most attention
is drawn to the adventure of exploring and drilling for natural gas, the real yeoman’s
work occurs in the development of a network of thousands of miles of gathering lines and
pipelines to carry this gas to consumers. Another important cog in this system is natural
gas processing facilities. The Marcellus gas in southwestern Pennsylvania is “wet,” with
dissolved hydrocarbons such as propane, ethane, butane, and other heavier gases. These
products must be removed so that “dry” gas or methane can be sold to gas transmission or
distribution companies. While these by-products of dry gas production can be quite
valuable, building a processing facility takes considerable time and incurs significant
costs. Moreover, large volume production of these natural gas liquids, which appears
likely, would require separate pipelines, rail facilities, or truck terminal facilities.
Developing these transportation and processing networks takes time, in some cases,
While many citizens may view natural gas as yet another extractive industry that
employs only roughnecks and drillers, the construction of supporting infrastructure is a
very significant undertaking that requires thousands of suppliers of steel, machines, and
equipment. These suppliers would have to ramp-up to meet this new demand by hiring
thousands of workers, often in relatively high paying manufacturing and construction
jobs. Pennsylvania experienced such an industrial boom during the last half of the 19th
century, leaving behind vast wealth that underpins great institutions, such as Carnegie
Mellon University, which generate benefits for citizens today. Having a sizeable, home
grown natural gas industry will once again allow Pennsylvania to revive its economy,
create new jobs, and generate income and wealth for future generations. The Marcellus
Shale also has significant strategic implications as the U.S. economy seeks domestic
energy resources and attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the future.
Economic Impacts – Page 7
Strategic Significance
Local, national, and global market forces will affect the development of the
Marcellus Shale. The main factor affecting development is the market price for natural
gas. Natural gas prices are very volatile and, as a result, most producers lock in a price
using futures contracts. Historically, natural gas prices have always been below oil prices
measured in heat equivalent units, known as British Thermal Units (BTUs). For example,
from 1922 to 1992, the year when natural gas markets were largely deregulated, oil prices
averaged three times the price of natural gas. In contrast, the ratio dropped to 1.5 from
1994 to 2008.
The relationship between natural gas and oil prices from 1994 to 2009 is
displayed in Figure 2. During the 1990s real natural gas prices averaged about $3 per
million BTUs (MMBTU). Since then average prices are more than $7 per MMBTU.
Notice that both oil and natural gas prices trended upward until the summer of 2008.
Since then oil prices are below $10 per MMBTU. Recently oil prices have been
recovering during the spring of 2009. Real natural gas prices, however, have not yet
recovered and are currently at levels last seen during 2002. One temporary factor is the
sharp reduction in industrial gas consumption due to the recession. This pattern has been
repeated in the past. Oil prices during 2006 and 2007 generally tracked upward and
natural gas prices finally spiked during the summer of 2008 with the historic rise in oil
prices. Nevertheless, apart from the oil price shock during the summer of 2008, natural
gas prices have been drifting lower since 2005.
Figure 2: Natural Gas and Oil Prices in million BTUs, 1994-2009
Marcellus Prospects – Page 8
Such a divergence between oil and natural gas prices has occurred in the past.
Moreover, there are several factors contributing to a tenuous relationship. During the
1960s through 1980s natural gas competed with residual fuel in the boiler fuel and
petrochemical markets. Residual fuel oil use in power generation is substantially lower
today. Instead, natural gas competes with coal-fired electric power generation in many
regions of the country. Since deregulation in the early 1990s, most new electric power
generation capacity has been based upon natural gas. Lower capital costs and strategic
environmental considerations have contributed to this increased reliance on natural gas in
power generation. Indeed, most of the growth in natural gas consumption has come from
the electric utility sector (see Figure 3). Another emerging competitor with natural gas is
wind power. During 2008, wind captured 42 percent of new power generation capacity
added in the U.S.
Figure 3: Composition of U.S. Natural Gas Consumption, 2001-2008
Another factor affecting market prices and the development of the Marcellus
Shale is competition from other sources of natural gas. After reaching a peak in 1973 at
22.6 trillion cubic feet (TCF) U.S. natural gas production fell precipitously during the era
of price controls in the 1970s, reaching a low of 16.8 TCF in 1983. Production then
staged a steady recovery, reaching 20.6 TCF in 2001. Between then and 2005, however,
U.S. natural gas production declined to 18.9 TCF. Expanding use of gas in power
generation and declining production, contributed to rising prices during this period (see
Figure 3). Since 2005 U.S. natural gas production has been on somewhat of a tear, rising
to over 21.6 TCF in 2008, an increase of 8 percent from 2007.
Economic Impacts – Page 9
Where is all this additional gas coming from? Wyoming and shale gas are the two
primary sources of new supply. As Figure 4 below illustrates, Wyoming production
increased almost 2 BCF per day between 2005 and 2008. Production from the Barnett
Shale in Texas increased by 2.5 BCF per day over the same period. An additional BCF
per day came from three other shale plays, including the Antrim in Michigan, Fayetteville
in Arkansas, and Woodford in Oklahoma. Collectively these shale plays and Wyoming
constituted almost 75 percent of the growth in U.S. domestic natural gas production from
2005 to 2008. This is an encouraging development for the future of natural gas in our
nation’s energy supply portfolio because it demonstrates the potential of unconventional
sources of natural gas, such as tight sands and shale gas. These supplies will be critical as
production from old, shallow conventional gas fields continue its inexorable decline.
Figure 4: Regional U.S. Natural Gas Production, 2001-2008
Another implication of this supply picture is that several new sources of natural
gas supply are emerging and likely will be in competition with the Marcellus play (see
Figure 5). This suggests that small margins in relative costs may be important in
determining the growth and vitality of these various sources of supply.
Marcellus Prospects – Page 10
Figure 5: Domestic Competition with the Marcellus
Despite this supply-side competition, the Marcellus has some important
advantages. The first competitive advantage is its proximity to a large regional natural
gas market. Including Pennsylvania and its five bordering states, current natural gas
consumption is 9.2 BCF per day (See Figure 6). There is also a considerable amount of
coal-fired electric power generation in this region. In the unlikely event that all of this
capacity was converted to natural gas, an additional 9 BCF per day of natural gas would
be required. So within a 200-mile radius of the Marcellus, there is an existing and
potential market of over 18 BCF per day. As we shall see below, Marcellus will likely
become a significant supply source in future years, allowing plenty of room for market
Another important potential market for Marcellus gas is the transportation sector.
Currently, there are about 130,000 vehicles running on primarily compressed natural gas,
consuming only 2.7 BCF, which is slightly more than one-tenth of one percent of total
natural gas delivered to consumers in the U.S. The most likely market niche for natural
gas to make significant inroads is fleet vehicles, including buses, delivery trucks, taxis,
and government vehicles. Given the delivery networks required to support these fleets
with natural gas, high-density urban areas are the most likely candidates for market
penetration. Here again is where the Marcellus has a unique advantage given its
proximity to the Northeast corridor from Boston to Washington, D.C. with a population
of over 55 million people. As these regions enforce regional or potentially federal
Economic Impacts – Page 11
greenhouse gas (GHG) emission controls policies, substituting natural gas for diesel or
gasoline in these fleet vehicles may be a cost-effective solution to meet these tougher
emission standards.
Figure 6: Current and Potential Markets for Marcellus Gas
This close access to a large market for natural gas translates into higher prices at
the city gate. On average from 2003 to 2008, Pennsylvania city gate prices are almost 15
percent higher than the national average (See Figure 7).
Figure 7: Comparison of City Gate Gas Prices, U.S. versus Pennsylvania
Marcellus Prospects – Page 12
Marcellus Shale Development
Developing natural gas from the Marcellus formation involves a sequence of
activities from leasing land, exploring for suitable well sites, and drilling and completing
wells, to constructing gathering pipelines and processing facilities. The time to complete
each step differs. Leasing specific parcels can take several weeks and leasing operations
occur continuously. Exploration also occurs regularly often during the warm summer
months. Drilling can vary with market conditions and a typical drilling rig crew may take
anywhere from 6 to 10 weeks to complete their work and to move on to the next drill site.
Construction of gathering systems and processing facilities can take up to two years,
depending upon a multitude of logistic, economic, and engineering considerations. This
section describes these activities, illustrating how people with a wide variety of skills and
expertise employ machines, supplies, and services from local economies to extract
natural gas and deliver it to consumers.
Once a natural gas production company decides to get involved in a particular gas
field, access is established by leasing land from a landowner. In the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, owning surface land does not automatically mean that you own the rights
to the minerals below the surface. If one party owns the mineral rights below ground, but
another owns the surface rights, by law, the surface landowner cannot prevent the other
party from developing the subsurface property. As a result, natural gas companies must
negotiate a combination of subsurface leases and surface right-of-ways in order to drill a
well. Leases typically include an upfront bonus for leasing the property, and a share, or
royalty of the gas that a well will produce. While the bonus may at times seem like a
large sum of money, royalty payments have the potential to be the major income from
leased land. Often times a well will produce millions of units of gas per day, and produce
gas over a span of fifty years, so royalties can reach significant levels over time.
Conventional oil and natural gas is produced from sandstone and limestone
formations that have relatively high permeability, which is the rate at which fluids can
move through rock. Sandstone is comprised of individual grains of sand cemented
together. Voids are present between the grains and are interconnected throughout the
formation, which allow fluids to pass with relative ease. Limestone possesses few voids
between sediment grains but are often highly fractured contributing to high permeability.
The Marcellus shale and all other shale formations have very low permeability compared
with most conventional gas-producing rocks. Hence, they are considered unconventional
sources for gas.
The Marcellus shale has been known for many years, and maps have been created
that detail the location and thickness of the shale. All parts of the shale are not equal in
terms of natural gas potential, so a company must do careful research before they spend
millions of dollars on one well that may, or may not be a productive well. The Marcellus
shale is a highly cracked, or fractured rock, and the interaction of a well and these
Economic Impacts – Page 13
fractures are paramount to the productivity of the well. Prior to developing a lease,
companies perform a seismic survey to find areas with higher densities of these fractures.
During a seismic survey, specially equipped trucks vibrate the ground, generating
sound waves that travel through the ground. Figure 8 shows a seismic vibrator truck used
to generate the sound waves. Different rock types and features below the surface reflect
these sound waves differently, and the reflected waves are detected at the surface by
geophones and then processed by a computer to create a map of the subsurface. These
maps are used to define areas where producers are most likely to drill a productive well.
Figure 8: Seismic Vibrator Truck
Drilling and Well Completion
The first step to drilling a well is to prepare a well pad for a drilling rig. Land is
cleared, an area for the well is leveled off, and gravel roads are constructed. Landowners
are compensated for any timber or farmland that is disrupted in the preparation process.
After a well is completed, all surrounding land is returned back to its original state.
Figure 9 shows a well site during drilling.
Figure 9: Well Site during Drilling
Marcellus Prospects – Page 14
To drill the well, a large drilling rig rotates a steel pipe with a drill bit on the end,
or in the case of a horizontal well, fluid is displaced through the stationary drill pipe
through a drilling motor, which then causes the bit to rotate. In either case, as rock is
crushed, a new length of pipe is connected to the one already in use and is pushed deeper
into the hole. Currently, both vertical and horizontal wells are being drilled in the
Marcellus shale. Vertical wells are drilled to a pre-determined depth. Horizontal wells
also are drilled to a pre-determined vertical depth but then turned at an angle and drilled
sideways for several thousand feet. While horizontal wells connect to more of the gasbearing rock and are more productive wells, they cost 3-4 times the amount of money a
vertical well costs. In both cases, a heavy-duty rig is required to support the weight of the
steel pipe required in drilling a well that will be a mile or deeper in length. Figure 10
shows a typical drilling rig used for Marcellus shale wells.
Figure 10: Drilling Rig
Several measures are taken to ensure that the environment is protected during
drilling. A well will penetrate the water table and continue downward for several
thousand feet. As the well is drilled, steel pipe called casing is cemented in place to
Economic Impacts – Page 15
isolate the well from the surrounding area. In doing so, ground water supplies are
protected and any contamination of sub-surface drinking water supplies is avoided. In
addition to ground water, well drillers also make sure any fluids or chemicals used or
produced during the drilling process do not contaminate lakes or streams on the surface.
Every fluid on a well site is contained in a plastic lined pit or steel tanks so it can be
recycled or properly disposed at sites with permits from the Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP).
After the well is drilled to its final depth, another steel pipe is installed inside of
larger ones above it and cemented in place. The drilling rig then leaves the site and a
wellhead is installed on the surface (see Figure 11). This is a collection of valves that
control the flow of the gas and allows it to be turned off completely if needed. It also
allows equipment to enter the well safely to perform maintenance. Shaped-explosive
charges are next used to perforate the bottom section of the steel pipe. This allows fluid
to be pumped in and then gas to flow out of the pipe casing and to the wellhead at the
Figure 11: Completed Wellhead Site
Once a well is drilled, the next step is to stimulate the well to produce more gas,
which is accomplished with hydrofracturing (see Figure 12). The purpose of fracing a
shale well is to try to intersect and connect as many of the natural fractures to the well as
possible. Well designers exercise extreme care in well design to isolate any fluids used in
the hydrofracturing process from any potable-sub-surface drinking water. Of the total
volume of water used in the hydrofracturing process, approximately 1/3 of this water that
is pumped down a well for fracing eventually comes back to the surface through the well.
This water is collected in a plastic lined pit or large water tanks, and then is recycled or
treated for disposal at a designated facility. No untreated water used in hydraulic
fracturing is ever disposed to a stream or river. All water that is used in the stimulation
process and collected at the surface is disposed of in DEP-regulated/permitted disposal
sites that are located in the Commonwealth.
Marcellus Prospects – Page 16
Figure 12: Well Site during Hydrofracturing
After the well is stimulated, water-holding tanks are installed onsite, the well is
connected to a pipeline and the well site is then restored to its original condition. Figure
13 shows a finished well site with the well in the foreground to the right and a tank
battery surrounded by a dike to protect against any spills should the tanks leak.
Figure 13: Completed Wellsite
Transporting, Processing and Sales
After the well is in production, the gas enters a pipeline and eventually arrives at
its final destination for consumption. Sometimes the process is this simple but more often
than not the gas must go through several additional steps before it can be sold. Gas that
Economic Impacts – Page 17
comes out of the well contains water vapor and other gases. Water vapor will condense to
a liquid, reduce the operating efficiency of the pipeline, and reduce the marketability of
the produced natural gas. The other gases will turn into petroleum liquids that will reduce
the capacity of the pipeline so it carries less gas. For these reasons, wellhead gases are
often processed onsite to remove water vapor or depending on the composition of the gas,
is transported to a large facility that heats and cools the gas until nothing remains within
the gas; but mostly methane (see Figure 14). The natural gas is then sold to a pipeline
company, who in turn sells the gas to the consumer. Any liquid hydrocarbons that are
separated are sold as feedstock to petrochemical plants and refineries, and in the case of
the propane, marketed for domestic purposes such as space heating and cooking.
Figure 14: Natural Gas Processing Facility
Impacts on Local Economies
While the drilling rig may be the most widely associated symbol of natural gas
development, there are many activities before and after drilling that generate significant
economic impacts. Many people are required to identify lease properties, write leases,
and conduct related legal and regulatory work. Seismic surveys also require manpower,
Marcellus Prospects – Page 18
local business services, and other provisions. Once a prospective site is identified, drilling
begins and with it the need for services, labor, and other locally supplied activities. If
natural gas is found in commercial quantities, infrastructure, such as well production
equipment and pipelines are installed, which again stimulates local business activity.
Finally, as production flows from the well, royalties are paid to landowners and taxes
paid to local governments. These expenditures stimulate the local economy and provide
additional resources for community services, such as health care, education, and charities
(see Figure 15).
Figure 15: Natural Gas Development Activities and Local Beneficiaries
Expenditures at all stages of production generate indirect economic impacts as the
initial stimulus from expenditures on natural gas development is spent and re-spent in
other business sectors of the economy. For example, in developing mineral leases natural
gas drilling companies employ the services of land management companies that in turn
purchase goods and services from other businesses. These impacts are known as indirect
economic impacts. The wages earned by these employees increase household incomes,
which then stimulates spending on local goods and services. These impacts associated
with household spending are called induced impacts. The total economic impacts are the
sum of the direct, indirect, and induced spending, set off from the expenditures by
Marcellus producers. These economic impacts are estimated by comparing gross output,
Economic Impacts – Page 19
value added, tax revenues, and employment in the local economy with and without
Marcellus development.
Regional economic impact analysis using input-output (IO) tables and related IO
models provide a convenient framework for measuring these economic impacts. Inputoutput analysis provides a quantitative model of the inter-industry transactions between
various sectors of the economy and, in so doing, provides a means for estimating how
spending in one sector affects other sectors of the economy and household disposable
income. IO tables are available from Minnesota IMPLAN Group, Inc. based upon data
from the Bureau of Economic Analysis in the US Department of Commerce.1 This
project uses these tables to estimate the economic impacts from the Marcellus industry
outlays for natural gas exploration, development, and production. This study also
identifies the specific economic sectors affected by the stimulus generated from natural
gas development.
Emergence of the Pennsylvania Marcellus Gas Industry
The Marcellus gas industry appears to have entered the ramping-up phase of
development. After relatively low levels of activity during 2006 and 2007 well
completions jumped to a considerably higher level during 2008 with 308 wells drilled
based upon statistics collected by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
(see Figure 16).
Figure 16: Marcellus Wells Drilled by Quarter, 2006-2009
During the first five months of 2009, drilling appears to be running about 22
percent above the same period in 2008. In contrast, gas drilling during the first quarter of
2009 for the entire U.S. is down 21 percent from year ago levels and 41 percent below the
recent peak reached during the third quarter of 2008. So clearly Marcellus drilling
Marcellus Prospects – Page 20
activity is defying national trends. This dichotomy is often typical of natural gas plays in
the early phases of development but more fundamentally reflects the high productivity
and profitability of Marcellus wells.
Most of the Marcellus wells are in southwestern and northeastern Pennsylvania
(see Figure 17). Forty-five firms have drilled at least one well in the Marcellus but the top
ten have completed more than 78 percent of all wells. During 2007, 24 percent of all
Marcellus wells were horizontal. The share of horizontal wells rose to 36 percent during
2008 and so far this year, 39 percent of all Marcellus wells are horizontal. This trend is
expected to continue and will no doubt create additional demands for water and water
disposal services.
Figure 17: Marcellus Wells by County in Pennsylvania as of March 2009
To measure the level and composition of spending in the Marcellus gas industry,
we conducted a survey. The seven firms that submitted data drilled 214 Marcellus wells
during 2008.2 Data from the DEP, however, indicate these same firms drilled 181 wells.
After discussions with the survey participants and analysis of some of the differences
between our survey and the DEP data, this study concludes that there is a reasonably
good likelihood that current DEP data under-report Marcellus industry drilling activity.
This finding is understandable given the dynamic growth in this industry with a rising
number of new entrants. Consequently, the following analysis adjusts drilling activity
upward by 18.2 percent, which is the difference between our sample of drilling activity
and the well count reported by DEP for the firms responding to our survey. This approach
yields an estimated 364 Marcellus industry wells drilled during 2008.
According to the Marcellus Shale Committee (2009), 36 firms are drilling in the Pennsylvania
Economic Impacts – Page 21
Economic Impacts
The level of drilling activity will stimulate the Pennsylvania economy, creating
additional income earned from workers in the Marcellus industry and those supporting it
and generating yet more income from royalties and taxes. As discussed above, the
economic impacts from this spending can be estimated using the IMPLAN input-output
table for the economy of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Marcellus gas
industry, however, is less than five years old, and is not included in the last update of the
IO accounts for Pennsylvania. Accordingly, this study uses a technique proposed by
Miller and Blair (2009) for introducing new industries into an input-output model of a
regional economy.
This approach requires the direct estimation of purchases by the new industry
from other businesses in the region. Our survey asked firms to report the location, dollar
amount, and a description of purchases from all suppliers. The survey also requested data
on payrolls and payments to land owners including lease and bonus payments and
royalties as well as taxes paid to governments. The locations of all these suppliers and
income recipients were determined using the company profile databases Reference
U.S.A. and Manta, which also provided the economic sector for each purchase.
Economic impact analysis requires that the spending introduced into the model be
specified by economic sector to efficiently determine the direct, indirect, and induced
impacts on all economic sectors in the region. For this reason, this study uses the North
American Industry Classification System (NAICS), formerly known as the United States
Standard Industrial Classification system. The NAICS numbering system is a six-digit
code that classifies economic activities. Those codes were then bridged to the IMPLAN
data sector scheme to run the impact analysis.
The data are classified into four categories: vendor purchases, state/local noneducation spending, land-owner payments (i.e. royalties, lease bonuses, etc.), and payroll.
The actual monetary amount that companies paid to land-owners was not entered into the
economic model. Instead, that number was converted from household income to
disposable income by calculating the disposable income to household income ratio for the
study region. This ratio is determined by the sum of locally produced commodities,
domestic imports, and foreign imports, divided by the total household income. For this
study, the ratio was calculated using regional average household disposable income. The
disposable income to household income ratio efficiently nets out taxes paid by
households and savings and, therefore, reflects the amount of land payments or royalty
payments recipients actually spend in Pennsylvania.
Industry wide, this study estimates total spending by Marcellus producers of over
$3.09 billion during 2008. Not all of this spending occurred within Pennsylvania given
that some supplies are imported from other regions and land income recipients may spend
money outside the state. Our expenditure analysis, however, indicates that most of this
spending or $2.95 billion occurred within Pennsylvania during 2008. Of this amount,
Marcellus Prospects – Page 22
over $855 million was spent on supplies, $2.0 billion in payments to landowners, $66
million on payrolls, and $2.3 million on taxes (See Table 1).
Table 1: Total Spending in millions of dollars
Amount Payments to Suppliers
Payments to Landowners
Total Spending in Pennsylvania
These estimates are consistent with a recent survey by the Marcellus Shale
Committee (2009) indicating that the Marcellus producers spent $4.7 billion from the
beginning of the industry in 2005 through the end of the first quarter of 2009 with $2.5
billion on lease and bonus and other land payments and the remaining $2.2 billion on
equipment and supplies. Our analysis of lease acquisition activity indicates that most of
the leasing activity occurred during 2008 after producers reported data on production
reflecting significant reserves.
The expenditures paid by Marcellus producers to companies during 2008 were
researched to determine their respective locations. Identifying the location of firms in the
Commonwealth allowed the determination of whether the Marcellus industry’s direct
spending was indeed within the local economy. The firms that were located within the
Commonwealth were then organized by NAICS economic sectors. The Marcellus
industry’s regional “business-to-business” spending is displayed below in Table 2.
More than a third or $334.1 million was spent in the mining sector, which
includes oil and gas well service companies and related suppliers. The next largest
category of spending at $259 million is in the construction industry, which has been
badly hurt by the downturn in the housing market during this recession. Ranked number
three is wholesale trade at $141.1 million, which includes the buying and selling of the
multitude of equipment, fuels, parts, and other supplies needed to supply drilling rigs,
build pipelines, and construct processing plants. The Marcellus industry spent $48.5
million on scientific and technical professional services and administrative services.
Developing natural gas is a knowledge intensive business that requires a high degree of
skilled professional, legal, and business services. Spending in the transportation and retail
trade sectors amounted to another $47.6 million. Acquisition of supplies from the
agriculture, utilities, and manufacturing sectors amounted to $25.6 million. Apart from
wholesale trade, the bulk of spending by Marcellus producers is in above average wage
industries, such as mining, construction, and professional and administrative services.
Economic Impacts – Page 23
Table 2: Spending by Sector in Pennsylvania in millions of dollars
Ag, Forestry, Fish & Hunting
Wholesale Trade
Transportation & Warehousing
Retail Trade
Finance & Insurance
Real Estate & Rental
Professional Services - Scientific & Technical
Administrative & Waste Services
Educational Services
Health & Social Services
Arts - Entertainment & Recreation
Accommodation & Food Services
Other Services
Total Purchasing
The first set of estimated impacts reported in Table 3 involves gross output, which
is equivalent to gross sales. The Marcellus gas industry provides a direct economic
stimulus of $2.18 billion dollars to the local economy. This spending then leads to
subsequent rounds of spending and re-spending by other firms on goods and services,
which adds another $868 million to total state gross output. These direct and indirect
business activities generate additional income in the region, which then induces
households to purchase $1.177 billion in additional goods and services. The sum of these
direct, indirect, and induced impacts is more than $4.2 billion.
So for every $1 that the Marcellus industry spends in the state, $1.94 of total
economic output is generated. This estimate is considerably above the 1.34 multiplier
found by Baumann et. al (2002) in their study of the impacts of oil and gas activities on
the Louisiana economy. In a study of the economic impacts of the natural gas industry in
New Mexico, Walker and Sonora (2005) assume an output multiplier of 1.43. The study
by Snead (2002) finds an output multiplier of 1.55 for Oklahoma, which reflects the more
developed oil service sector in that region. This study’s higher multiplier probably
reflects our detailed expenditure analysis based upon company accounting data, which
provide a more accurate measurement of inter-industry purchases.
Marcellus Prospects – Page 24
Table 3: Impacts on Gross Output by Sector in millions of 2008 dollars
Ag, Forestry, Fish & Hunting
Mining (oil, gas, and minerals)
Wholesale Trade
Transportation & Warehousing
Retail Trade
Finance & Insurance
Real Estate & Rental
Professional Services - Scientific & Technical
Management of Companies
Administrative & Waste Services
Educational Services
Health & Social Services
Arts - Entertainment & Recreation
Accommodation & Food Services
Other Services
Government & Other
A more meaningful estimate of economic impacts is value added, which subtracts
inter-industry purchases from gross output and measures the returns to labor and capital.
Using this measure, the Marcellus gas industry in Pennsylvania directly added $1.1
billion to the economy of Pennsylvania, which then generated indirect and induced
impacts that increased the total value added generated in the Commonwealth by $2.3
billion. In other words, the total economic impact of the Marcellus industry measured by
valued added was $2.3 billion during calendar year 2008.
Like the impacts on gross output by sector, the increases in value added by sector
generated by the Marcellus industry are broad based. Value added generated in the
mining, construction, wholesale trade, real estate, and professional service sectors all
exceed $200 million. Health and social services, transportation and warehousing, finance
and insurance, each generate more than $100 million in value added in response to the
creation of the Marcellus gas industry. Likewise, utilities, manufacturing, retail trade,
administrative, and accommodation and food services generate more than $50 million in
value added. Overall, the Marcellus gas industry generates a rather widespread increase
in value added across many sectors of the Pennsylvania economy.
Economic Impacts – Page 25
Table 4: Impacts on Value Added by Sector in millions of 2008 dollars
Ag, Forestry, Fish & Hunting
Mining (oil, gas, and minerals)
Wholesale Trade
Transportation & Warehousing
Retail Trade
Finance & Insurance
Real Estate & Rental
Professional Services - Scientific & Technical
Management of Companies
Administrative & Waste Services
Educational Services
Health & Social Services
Arts - Entertainment & Recreation
Accommodation & Food Services
Other Services
Government & Other
This broad based increase in value added stimulates employment in the region.
The Marcellus industry purchases of goods and services, their royalties to landowners,
and tax payments directly create more than 14,000 jobs in Pennsylvania. Indirect and
induced impacts create even more jobs so that total jobs created by the Marcellus industry
is estimated at 29,284 (see Table 5). An estimated 3,998 jobs are created in transportation
and warehousing, 3,795 in construction, 3,577 in health and social services, 2,154 in
professional services, and 2,148 in mining. More than 800 jobs are created each in the
manufacturing, retail, finance and insurance, and real estate sectors. Like our estimated
impacts on gross output and value added, these diverse job gains reflect the widespread
stimulus to the Pennsylvania economy from the supply chain required to develop
Marcellus Shale gas.
These employment impacts are within the range reported in the literature. The
results of this study indicate that for every $1 million of output created by natural gas
production in the Pennsylvania Marcellus, 6.9 jobs are created. This metric is within the
range of employment multipliers of 3.0, 6.7, and 7.7 found by Walker and Sonora,
Baumann et. al, and Snead et. al. respectively but more than the estimates reported by
Perryman (2009).
Marcellus Prospects – Page 26
Table 5: Employment Impacts in number of Jobs
Ag, Forestry, Fish & Hunting
Mining (oil, gas, and minerals)
Wholesale Trade
Transportation & Warehousing
Retail Trade
Finance & Insurance
Real Estate & Rental
Professional Services - Scientific & Technical
Management of Companies
Administrative & Waste Services
Educational Services
Health & Social Services
Arts - Entertainment & Recreation
Accommodation & Food Services
Other Services
Government & Other
The higher economic output and greater employment by the Marcellus gas
industry generate additional tax revenues for federal, state and local governments. These
impacts are reported below in Table 6. Total tax revenues increase more than $590
million with the largest component coming from taxes on employee wages and
households. Total state and local taxes increase more than $238 million. Taxes generated
from indirect business taxes, such as excise taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes also
constitute a significant part of the overall tax impacts.
The Allegheny Conference (2009) recently found that Pennsylvania’s oil and gas
industry in total generates $7.1 billion in economic impacts. Oil and gas producers drilled
a total of 4,189 wells in Pennsylvania during 2008. Hence, according to their estimates
every well drilled generates $1.7 million in economic impacts. In contrast, our study finds
that each Marcellus well generates $6.2 million in economic impacts. This difference
reflects the higher cost of Marcellus wells and the greater resource requirements for the
supply chain.
Economic Impacts – Page 27
Table 6: Tax Impacts in millions of 2008 dollars
Enterprises Transfers
Federal Non-Defense
Corporate Profits Tax
Indirect Business Taxes
Custom Duty
Excise Taxes
Fed Non-Taxes
Personal taxes
Income Tax
Non-Taxes (Fines-Fees)
Social Ins Tax - Employee
Social Ins Tax- Employer
State/Local Government
Corporate Profits Tax
Indirect Business Taxes
Motor Vehicle
Other Taxes
Property Tax
S/L NonTaxes
Sales Tax
Personal taxes
Estate and Gift Tax
Income Tax
Motor Vehicle License
Non-Taxes (Fines- Fees)
Other Tax (Fish/Hunt)
Property Taxes
Social Ins Tax- Employee
Social Ins Tax- Employer
Employee Proprietary Household Enterprises Business
23.0 354.0
172.8 238.5
195.9 591.5
Marcellus Prospects – Page 28
VIII. Future Development Prospects
The economic impacts of the Marcellus industry are largely a function of drilling
activity. In a competitive market, drilling activity depends upon profitability, often
measured as the difference between revenues and costs. Given limited information of
output and costs, a suitability proxy for profitability is the market price. Given only four
annual observations on Marcellus drilling, this study uses times series data for the period
1993 to 2008 from the Barnett Shale. While Barnett and Marcellus have many
geophysical and infrastructure differences, the relationship between drilling is largely an
economic one, which in principle should be almost the same, especially since they are
both shale plays with similar revenue and cost profiles.
Accordingly, this study estimates the following simple regression with ordinary
least squares between drilling activity in the Barnett and the Henry Hub Price, which
serves as a proxy for the rate of return from drilling.3 This formulation is consistent with
the organizational structure of the industry in which any individual producer is a pricetaker. This means that producers cannot simply pass on their costs to consumers. The
estimation results are as follows.
ln(Drillingt ) = 1.61+ 2.70 ln(Henry Hub Pr icet ) + errort ,
(7.84 )
R = 0.825, DW = 1.79
The error term reflects random variation in factors affecting drilling other than the Henry
Hub price. Since the variables are transformed into natural logarithms, the price
coefficient is an elasticity. Our estimates indicate that for a one percent change in price,
drilling increases 2.7 percent. The figures in parenthesis are ratios of the estimated
coefficients divided by their standard errors. If the ratios are greater than two, the
estimated coefficients are statistically significant from zero. The t-ratio on the Henry Hub
price indicates that prices significantly affect drilling in the Barnett. The R2 metric
measures the degree to which the relationship explains the variation in drilling. The
estimates above indicate that more than 82 percent of the variation in drilling is
associated with variations in the Henry Hub price. The final metric is the Durbin-Watson
statistic, which is a measure of the any time dependent patterns in the error terms. The
estimated value of 1.8 suggests the absence of any temporal patterns in the estimated
error term. Overall the estimated equation is surprisingly robust.
To project future drilling activity for the Marcellus, the above equation must be
calibrated with Marcellus drilling activity levels. This is accomplished by taking the
difference between the prediction from the above equation and Marcellus drilling activity
estimated for 2009. A recent survey conducted by the Marcellus Shale Committee (2009)
of drillers’ expectations for 2009 indicates that 621 wells will be drilled during 2009. The
Accurate data on the costs of drilling in the Barnett are not available.
Economic Impacts – Page 29
difference between the projection from the above equation and this estimate is then added
to the above equation to project future Marcellus drilling given a forecast of the Henry
Hub price.
Natural gas producers use the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) futures
price to hedge future production. Hence, this study uses the futures prices from the
NYMEX to forecast future drilling activity. Given proximity to eastern markets,
Marcellus producers earn on average a $0.9 per MCF premium over what the Barnett
producers receive, which is discounted relative to the NYMEX or Henry Hub price.
Given these two assumptions, this forecast envisions prices averaging $5.4 per MCF
during 2009 after a 2008 average of $8.9 per MCF during 2008, then rising to $6.7 per
MCF in 2010, and gradually rising thereafter, reaching $7.5 per MCF by 2020.
Our simple model projects that over 1,000 Marcellus wells will be drilled during
2010 with a steady increase during the following ten years, reaching over 2,800 during
2020. Any sharp spikes in prices could increase drilling activity substantially. Likewise, a
prolonged slump in prices could dampen activity substantially from these projected
levels. While there are many reasons to be optimistic about future Marcellus activity, this
projection has a methodological foundation and appears to be a reasonable middle
ground, perhaps even conservative.
Natural gas production in any period is the sum of production from current and all
previous vintages of producing wells. The production profile of typical shale wells entails
a rather sharp initial decline in the production rate and after a few years a much slower
rate of decline in production. This study uses a typical production decline curve from the
Barnett Formation. Based upon our forecast of drilling activity, the projected natural gas
production is plotted below in Figure 18.
Figure 18: Forecast for Marcellus Natural Gas Production, 2009-2020
Marcellus Prospects – Page 30
Our estimates suggest that production from Marcellus wells during 2008 averaged
around 40 million cubic feet of gas equivalents per day. Based upon our drilling
projection for 2009, output should rise to about 170 million cubic feet per day and reach
more than 550 MMCF per day during 2010. In 2012, the Marcellus alone will produce
current natural gas consumption in Pennsylvania, which is current around 1,800 MMCF
per day. By the year 2015, the Pennsylvania Marcellus could be producing upwards of
2,900 MMCF per day and almost 4,000 MMCF per day in 2020. In addition to the
vagaries of drilling activity, production will be affected by the aforementioned factors,
including regulatory policies, water issues, and infrastructure challenges.
This level of future drilling and development activity will significantly stimulate
the Pennsylvania economy. Estimates of these future economic impacts are summarized
in Table 7. During 2009, the ramp-up in industry activity will generate more than 48
thousand jobs and more than $395 million in state and local taxes. In 2010 the total
number of jobs created by the Marcellus industry could exceed 100,000. Valued added
would exceed $8 billion in 2010. In 2015, gross output generated from the Marcellus
industry could exceed $12 billion with employment of over 160,000 and over $1.3 billion
in additional state and local taxes. In 2020, state and local taxes could exceed $1.4 billion
and employment could exceed 174,000. In summary, if regulatory and tax policies
remain supportive, the Marcellus gas industry could become a major employer and
significant generator of tax revenue for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Table 7: Current and Future Economic Impacts
Million 2008 dollars
Value Added
State & Local Taxes
Governor Rendell recently proposed the imposition of a severance tax on natural
gas production. West Virginia has always been a high cost state in terms of business
taxes. They have a corporate net income (CNI) tax of 8.9 percent, severance tax of 5
percent + 4.7 cents/mcf, and property tax that represents an effective tax of about 5
percent of oil and gas sales. In 2005, they added the 4.7 cent/mcf surcharge on the
severance tax. Pennsylvania has no severance or property tax, so wellhead revenue is
about 11 percent higher. Pennsylvania’s 9.9 percent CNI is not paid by many companies
and limited liability corporations (LLC)’s only pay at the 3.07 percent individual tax rate.
Additionally, many companies have sufficient deductions that they pay no CNI tax.
Natural gas prices began to increase in 2000 after 20 years in the doldrums; Pennsylvania
drilling increased much more than West Virginia, presumably due to business climate,
since West Virginia actually has more productive oil and gas properties and as much or
more producing area. In 2005, there was another departure between drilling levels in
Economic Impacts – Page 31
Pennsylvania and West Virginia, this one possibly due to West Virginia increasing the
severance tax. As Figure 20 illustrates, drilling activity in Pennsylvania exploded after
2000 while the gains in West Virginia were modest.
Figure 19: Comparison of Drilling Activity
The implication of this comparison is that the high level of drilling in
Pennsylvania is in part due to its low tax and favorable business climate. Imposing a
West Virginia style severance tax would result in substantially fewer wells drilled. For
example, our calculations show that under such a tax the internal rate of return on
Marcellus wells would decline at least 11 percent and result in more than a 30 percent
reduction in wells drilled. This reduction in drilling activity suppresses state and local tax
revenues from the baseline forecast. The revenue gains from severance taxes are offset by
these losses in other state and local tax revenue. As a result, the imposition of a severance
tax on oil and gas production in Pennsylvania leads to an overall net reduction in tax
revenues in the state. In present value terms the net reduction is $880 million from 2009
to 2020.
Gas producers cannot pass on this tax increase to consumers because they operate
in a highly competitive market place. If they did try to demand higher prices for their gas
to compensate for a severance tax, their customers would stop buying from them and buy
less expensive gas from another supplier. As other suppliers recognize this dynamic, they
drive prices down to the competitive level, which is equal to the incremental costs of the
last unit supplied to the market.
Other proposed taxes on oil and gas production would have similar effects. There
is a pending bill in the Pennsylvania State House that would authorize county assessors to
assess the value of oil and gas leases as real estate for local taxation. While there are no
guidelines provided in the legislation as to how the assessment will be performed, a
Marcellus Prospects – Page 32
number of other states where property taxes are imposed take reported annual production
and apply a formula to make a crude estimate of the NPV of remaining reserves. Property
taxes applied to oil and gas properties in other states range from about 1 percent to 6
percent of gross production revenue. New York and West Virginia have property taxes
that are equivalent to 4 percent and 5 percent of gross revenue. Once again, imposition of
such taxes will reduce drilling activity, employment, and state and local tax revenues
elsewhere. A low tax, pro-growth policy environment in the long-run, however, will
generate more tax revenues for the state.
Imposing severance or property taxes on the Marcellus gas industry just as it is
getting established will lead to tax losses for the state and could seriously undermine the
future growth of the industry, especially given the possibility that producers could shift
operations to developing promising shale formations elsewhere. The simple fact is that if
you tax something you get less. In this case, you get less drilling and gas development.
The argument for using severance taxes to compensate for environmental and
other external effects from natural gas development also ignores the unintended
consequences on development activity. As our discussion above demonstrates, the
environmental disruptions from natural gas production are minimal. Some have argued
that large-scale development of the Marcellus will strain state and local services. Such
problems have occurred out west, specifically in Wyoming. One significant difference is
that Wyoming is very lightly populated with little infrastructure while Pennsylvania has a
well-developed infrastructure and unemployed workers. Once again, the gains from
development in terms of jobs and local tax revenues will likely exceed any adjustment
costs or any transitory windfalls from taxing an infant industry, such as the Marcellus. IX.
Conclusions and Policy Implications
The birth of the Marcellus gas industry is an opportunity to create jobs and attract
investment capital to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This study finds that the
Marcellus gas industry in Pennsylvania is in the take-off phase of development. Our
measurements for 2008 indicate that the Pennsylvania Marcellus gas industry generates a
total economic impact of $2.3 billion, 29,000 jobs, and $240 million in state and local tax
The future of the Pennsylvania Marcellus gas shale industry is bright. During
2009, our estimates indicate that the Marcellus industry will generate $3.8 billion in value
added, over 48,000 jobs, and $400 million in state and local tax revenues. Over the next
five years, the Marcellus industry will likely transform Pennsylvania into a net exporter
of natural gas. In slightly more than 10 years, the Marcellus industry could be generating
nearly 175,000 jobs annually and more than $13 billion in value added. Also, over this
time frame, the present value of state and local tax revenues earned from Marcellus
development is almost $12 billion.
Another finding of this study is that after the ramp-up phase of development,
shale gas drilling activity is quite sensitive to rates of return. Governor Rendell recently
Economic Impacts – Page 33
proposed a 5 percent severance tax plus 4.7 cents for each thousand cubic feet of natural
gas produced. Such a tax, however, would have unintended consequences.
Based upon the model developed in this study, this tax would reduce drilling
activity by more than 30 percent. This would actually lead to an $880 million reduction
in state and local taxes in present value terms from 2009 to 2020. Hence, a severance tax
imposed on the Marcellus industry would result in a net loss in tax revenue to the state.
Marcellus gas producers cannot simply pass this severance tax on to consumers. The
Marcellus in one among several shale plays under development. Higher taxes or greater
regulatory costs would induce producers to shift drilling activity to plays with more
favorable terms. Over time, drilling accelerates as pipeline and gathering system
infrastructure is better developed. Choking off the industry with a severance tax at this
critical time would stunt this infrastructure development and limit future drilling activity.
State policy makers would be wise to encourage the growth of this industry because it
generates significant job creation, income, and tax revenue collections to the state.
An even more ominous proposal to the development of the Marcellus Shale and
for that matter the domestic oil and gas industry is the proposal that hydraulic fracturing
be regulated under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. A study by HIS Global Insight,
found that this policy would reduce gas production by 4.4 TCF, or 22 percent, and reduce
oil production by 400,000-b/d, or 8 percent, by 2014. There is little question that this type
of legislation would accomplish little in terms of protecting potable freshwater but would
be disastrous in terms of the domestic oil and gas industry, raise prices for gasoline and
natural gas, and ultimately derail any efforts to address the need to reduce carbon
Strategies and policies that encourage growth of the Marcellus gas industry will
generate significant economic and environmental benefits for the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. The potential of the Marcellus is enormous. Large-scale development
would reshape the economic landscape of the state, transforming the Commonwealth to a
net natural gas exporter while creating hundreds of thousands of jobs and generating
billions of dollars in additional output, income, and tax revenues. The additional natural
gas produced from the Marcellus would propel the economy forward while reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. The Marcellus could very well turn out to be Pennsylvania’s
ace in the hole if pro-growth policies are pursued that unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of
producers to develop this vital national treasure.
Marcellus Prospects – Page 34
Allegheny Conference (2009) “The Economic Impact of the Oil and Gas Industry in
Pennsylvania,” Allegheny Conference on Community Development, June.
Baumann, Robert H., D.E. Dismukes, D.V. Mesyanzhinov, and A.G. Pulsipher (2002)
“Analysis of the Economic Impact Associated with Oil and Gas Activities on
State Leases,” Louisiana State University Center for Energy Studies, Baton
Rouge, La. 11 pgs.
Engelder, T. (2009) “Marcellus 2008: Report card on the breakout year for gas
production in the Appalachian Basin,” Fort Worth Basin Oil and Gas Magazine
HIS Global Insight, (2009) “Measuring the Economic and Energy Impacts of Proposals
to Regulate Hydraulic Fracturing,” 17 pages.
Marcellus Shale Committee, (2009) “MSC Industry Progress Report Survey Results,”
May 18.
Miller, R.E. and P.D. Blair (2009) Input-output Analysis Foundations and Extensions
Cambridge University Press in 2009 , 2nd Revised edition
Snead, Mark C. (2002) “The Economic Impact of Oil and Gas production and Drilling on
the Oklahoma Economy.” Office of Business and Economic Research, College of
Business Administration, Oklahoma State University, 22 pgs.
United States Geological Survey (2002) “Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas
Resources of the Appalachian Province,” U.S. Department of Interior, Open-File
Report 2008–1287.
Walker, D. and N. Sonora (2005) “The Economic Impacts of the Natural Gas Industry in
La Plata County, 2003-2004.” School of Business Administration, Fort Lewis
College, Durango, CO. 18 pgs.
Dr. Graham Spanier
President, Pennsylvania State University
0201 Old Main
University Park, PA
June 4, 2010
Dear President Spanier,
The Responsible Drilling Alliance calls on Pennsylvania State University to publicly
disavow the two papers funded by the Marcellus Shale Coalition, An Emerging Giant
published last July and its newer version The Economic Impacts of the Pennsylvania
Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Play: An Update published May 25, 2010.
On two separate occasions, the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center counseled law
makers to disregard the conclusions of these two “Penn State studies” because of their
funding and bias. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry produced a
parallel study on employment, Marcellus Shale Industry Overview, which estimated only
a small fraction of the touted jobs. Neither Pennsylvania College of Technologyʼs
Marcellus Shale Workforce Needs Assessment nor Penn State Cooperative Extensionʼs
Potential Economic Impacts of Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania supports the
exaggerated claims of these two industry funded papers.
It is completely inappropriate, Dr. Spanier, that Pennsylvaniaʼs flagship university would
allow its reputation to be used to support the gas industryʼs positions by dressing them
up as independent research. These completely biased works greatly exaggerate the
economic potential of gas exploration and are distorting the legislative process.
The “Penn State Reports” are being used to dissuade the legislature and the governor
from enacting a severance tax and to argue against regulations which would protect the
health of Pennsylvaniaʼs citizens and its environment. Penn Stateʼs compliance with
this deception is costing the citizens of Pennsylvania dearly.
It is difficult to understand why Penn Stateʼs name and shield would be on the cover of a
document that carries this disclaimer: “Neither the Department of Energy and Mineral
Engineering at Penn State nor the Marcellus Shale Coalition, nor any person acting on
behalf thereof, makes any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect
to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information contained in the report”
Nevertheless, the Marcellus Shale Coalition used Penn State in this press release dated
May 25th: “Visitors to the new website can also access the updated Penn State report
detailing the enormous economic impact that responsible shale gas exploration is
having on Pennsylvania.”
This is dirty business, Dr. Spanier, and it is time for Pennsylvania State University to
cleanse itself.
Drake Saxton
President of the Board
Responsible Drilling Alliance
P.O Box 502
Williamsport, PA
CC. Pennsylvania State University, Board of Trustees
CCI. Open Letter
Dean Easterling
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
116 Deike Building
University Park, PA 16803-2710
June 25, 2010
Dear Dean Easterling:
Thank you for your response to the Responsible Drilling Alliance’s open letter to President
Spanier calling on Penn State to publicly disavow the papers sponsored by Marcellus Shale
Coalition. Your letter offers a first step in resolving this important issue. You recognized in your
letter that the authors had crossed the line from scholarship into advocacy of the gas industry’s
positions. They did so not only on taxes, as you noted, but also on environmental issues, as
illustrated below:
“An even more ominous proposal to the development of the Marcellus Shale… is the
proposal that hydraulic fracturing be regulated under the federal Safe Drinking Water
… There is little question that this type of legislation would accomplish little in terms of
protecting potable freshwater. (“An Emerging Giant” p.33)
These failings have enormous consequences. The gas exploration industry quickly used its
international public relations network to take the original study worldwide and to rebrand it into
“The Penn State Report.” I doubt if another paper issued by faculty has ever received the amount
of distribution that this paper received or been used as insidiously to silence public debate.
What gas industry public relations refers to as the “Penn State Report” is actually three versions
of the same work. The original, published last July 24th, has no acknowledgement of industry
sponsorship nor does it have a disclaimer. The second version published on August 5th has a
disclaimer, discloses sponsorship, and carries a prominent Penn State Shield on its cover. The
recent version An Update, released on June 24th, , is also emblazoned with the Penn State Shield.
It lowers economic claims for the present but raises them for the future.
While the “Update” softens its advocacy tone, it still contains clear misstatements that benefit the
industry’s interests. The most blatant of these is the assertion that gas exploration in the
Marcellus shale is particularly difficult and expensive when, in fact, the industry’s statements to
its investors ranks Marcellus exploration as the least expensive of all the shale plays. Below, the
authors use this misstatement to strongly imply that imposing a severance tax would make
exploration and production costs prohibitive:
“Higher gas development costs in Pennsylvania due to regulations, climate
conditions, topography, labor costs, and other structural factors are partially offset by city
gate prices higher than the national average and the absence of a severance tax in
Pennsylvania.” ( “Update” Executive Summary )
In your letter you asserted that the original version had been retracted. I can find no evidence of a
retraction. The August 5th version was quietly released and went largely unnoticed. Most web
sites, including those of the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the
National Energy and Technology Laboratory, continue to refer to the original version.
“The Penn State Report,” in any version, promises great economic benefits, taxes, and jobs from
gas drilling. These claims appear indefensible when put alongside parallel studies by the
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry or the US Bureau of Labor Statistics or even
when compared to other economic works on the subject from within the university. In this case,
the University has been used to give credence to the incredible and in doing so is serving a clear
gas industry strategy to overstate its economic impact.
From the moment it was first published last July “The Penn State Report” has caused enormous
harm. First it was used, without attribution of industry sponsorship, to influence the severance
tax debate in Harrisburg. It continues to be an industry weapon in a number of environmental
and tax debates.
As a Pennsylvania citizen and retired professor I have noted with some pride the growing
number of world-class scholars Penn State has on campus. I would think protecting the
University’s hard won reputation would be of foremost concern. Penn State violated the trust of
Pennsylvania’s citizens by allowing its reputation as a public tax funded research institution to be
hijacked by narrow industry interest. The University must now move forcefully to remediate this
damage by publicly disavowing these papers
As in the letter to President Spanier, we reiterate, this is dirty business and the university needs to
cleanse itself.
Jon Bogle
Responsible Drilling Alliance
Box 502 Williamsport, PA 17703
CC: G. Spanier, H. Foley, A. Scaroni, Y. Yeboah
Open Letter